This Month WELCOME ALL Hello fellow Knowle West residents, this is your new editor Makala Cheung. You may remember seeing me in issue 24 as the new Press and Communications officer. It feels great to be a part of this brilliant newsletter. I’d like to thank all the people before me, and the current editorial team for making the newsletter what it is today. So, welcome to the new look newsletter for 2007 and beyond. This great new design means we have more room for more in depth coverage and the black and white inside will save money for a longer life of our newsletter production. In this issue you’ll find information and nomination forms for the community representative elections from Neighbourhood Management, Hearts and Stars celebrations and winners, and the xmas lights winners. We’ve also got a focus on what Knowle West is doing to help the environment, new columns such as ‘Get Real’ on debates in Knowle West, and loads more…I hope you enjoy it!
Makala Cheung, Editor
A newsletter drop-in club for all residents of Knowle West and staff of local organisations is starting in March. You’ll get to make editorial decisions on how the newsletter is put together, either learn skills or share your knowledge in writing, editing, photography and design. It’s also a great way to have a voice in your community and meet new people! So come along to Filwood Community Centre in the Restaurant (next to Community Kitchen), 6.30 – 8.30 pm. on the 2nd and 4th Monday of
every month, (except April will be 3rd and 5th Monday due to the Easter Bank holiday). If you can’t make it don’t worry, you can always send in your stories, photo’s, letters, poems, or comments. To join the newsletter drop in club or submit articles, email or tel (0117) 3532895. Don’t forget you can also still contact me for any press or communication needs including getting info and events on the local website, listed at the bottom of this page.
Knowle West was in the Guardian Newspaper in the new year. For full article, go to and click on ‘press clippings.’ Newsletter Editor Makala Cheung
Community news GIVE RESPECT, GET RESPECT! WORDS Rose Manning, Local Resident
On Monday 2nd January, Knowle West became part of a national campaign for the government's Respect Agenda. The launch started at Eagle House Youth Club and was attended by residents, council officers, police, councillors and other guests.
“Thanks to all who helped organise the event and all who took part.” The main speaker was the government minister for Police and Security Tony McNaulty. After the main speaker there was a walkabout where all the guests inspected an area, with coverage by TV and other media. One part of Respect is the Neighbourhood Patch Inspection.
This was carried out in an area from Eagle House to the Mede Centre at Inns Court. Another aspect is "Face the People”. This meeting enables residents to raise any concerns and ask questions about crime, anti-social behaviour and community safety.
These meetings will be attended by councillors and police and anyone concerned with keeping our community safe. Everyone can be part of the "Respect Agenda". Do not let crime go unreported. Help keep your street tidy. Keep your own garden tidy. Report graffiti. Support police and council when they are trying to stop anti-social behaviour.
After serving the Knowle West community for ten years we have to say a warm good bye to Richard Pearce. Richard has worked in the area since 1995 when Filwood Hope first opened to the public. Richard gave a lot of time and love to the people he served and was always involved in local committees and Churches Together.
To find out more about Respect Agenda you can log on to or contact your local Neighbourhood and Housing Office or Neighbourhood Renewal on 0117 9084350.
HOT TOPIC WORDS Terri Ann Mckenny Are you sick and tired of the queues at the post office when you need to renew your tax disc, and everyone in Bristol seems to have had the same idea on that day? Well instead of standing outside the PO in the blustery weather there is now a faster, easier, more convenient way of completing your tax disc application, using your computer. The DVLA are increasing the ways customers can pay for a 6 or 12-month car
tax disc. You do not have to be a whiz at computers either, all you need to do is go to
WORDS Terri Ann Mckenny
Filwood Hope is a welcoming place to have an informal chat about services available, with specialist expertise and support as well as a professional counselling service. David Redshaw, acting Manager at the Hope said: “We are making a big effort here at Filwood Hope to emphasise our main purpose, which is to give advice. There have been a few changes which will better serve the community and that is why we are here. And if we cannot help you directly then we will find someone who can.” Thank you to Richard for his great service and dedication to the area. Filwood Hope is open Tues-Fri 9:30-1:00pm.
Green is the new Black WELCOME TO GARDENING 2007
WORDS Lesley Belgium, local resident
REPORT Emily Nicholson environmental programmes KW Media centre
Spring should be well-and-truly sprung by now, but don’t despair – if you haven’t started work on your veg garden yet, there’s still time to get going. Have a look through seed catalogues – this is best done on a cold, wet, dark evening, when you can stay indoors and enjoy a hot drink (or a glass of last year’s home-brew, perfick!). Decide what you want to grow, what you and your family actually like to eat and remember, you will get better value-for-money by growing fruits and vegetables which are expensive to buy in the shops. Don’t forget, if you think you will never manage to grow 3kg of pre-packed seed potatoes, why not share the pack with a friend or neighbour? Better still, buy your seed potatoes and peas, etc. loose, some hardware shops still do this. Plan where to sow: If your garden faces South or West this shouldn’t be a problem; but if your garden is very shaded it could be. Arrange your crops so the taller plants (e.g. beans) are at the ‘back’ and smaller salads and suchlike are nearer the ‘front’ (facing South). Harvest rainwater, and use it carefully – or empty your bath water onto the garden. I once lost a whole sowing of root vegs to a young spaniel who loved to dig. If, like me, you have pets – why not consider growing your edibles in containers? I’m going for tumbling tomatoes in hanging-baskets this year. OK, that’s your veg garden started. Put in your seed potatoes, onion sets and broad beans now; then think about cabbages, root vegetables and salads. Water when it’s dry and weed when it’s warm, and you can’t go wrong. My Top Tip for April – Start your Runner Beans off in the greenhouse (or a warm window-sill) mid-month and plant out as soon as the danger of frost is over, play crafty, get a head-start over seeds going straight into cold soil in May. I volunteer for the Mede gardening group, to get involved ring me at the Mede on 9041220 Happy Gardening!
and March (dates and places to be advertised) so that people who live in different parts of Knowle West will be
Lesley Belgium, Emily Nicholson and Sandra Manson from the Knowle West Media Centre went walkabout on the 15th December to start off a Green Mapping process of Knowle West. Green Mapping comes originally from New York City in 1992
able to add their knowledge and information to the map. The idea is then to have the map published as a guide for everyone to have and to enjoy all the great green spaces, cultural places and environmental projects that we have on our doorstep. A digital version will also be put on the
It’s a way of getting a visual picture of what green spaces, cultural places and environmental projects are going on in a community. If we tried to do it ourselves it would take a long time, so we will be asking other people to help us out along the way. As part of the process we will also be setting up mapping stations on streets at various points around Knowle West in February
Knowle West website that people can access, update and edit it themselves. If anyone wants to get in touch to join in with this process then either phone Emily on 07989113008 or e-mail
Environment news NO MORE BOMBS ON THE BOMBY! WORDS Tim Large, Local Resident
(L to R) Tim Large, who initiated the project, Paul Garland from Timber Routes, and Barry Smith from Spark Plug. Photo Simon Turner
A local project has received a £4000 boost to clean up the area known as ‘The Bomby’, which lies between Daventry Road, Wedmore Vale, Stockwood Crescent and Beckington Road. The grant was awarded under the Home Office Spark Plug initiative and the work is being carried out in conjunction with the Safer Bristol Team of Bristol City Council, as part of Northern Slopes initiative. The aim is to improve the area for the benefit and enjoyment of the community, by clearing rubbish and footpaths, erecting a bridge and putting up signs regarding motorbikes, fly-tipping and vandalism. Plans also include: setting up a Park Watch, where local residents can report on incidents of anti-social
behaviour to the Police and relevant council departments; liaising with the Northern Slopes Initiative (of which The Bomby is part of ) regarding conservation projects to enhance the area; and liaising with Bristol parks Department for help with conservation projects and rubbish removal. We have a beautiful open space of fields and woodland with lots of plants, flowers and wildlife on our doorstep. A haven in the heart of Bristol for our community to enjoy. All help would be welcome. Contact Tim via Buried Treasure at The Park | Tel 0117 903 9782. DID YOU KNOW? The bomby gets its knick name from World War 2 when bombs were dropped in the area, craters still exist today!
Our beautiful haven! Photo Terri-ann McKenny
MARKET AT THE PARK WORDS Mil Lusk, Buried Treasure
You can now get paper bag liners for your brown kitchen caddy for 16p from Buried Treasure at The Park, Daventry Road. To purchase ring 07810474558 or pop into the Park Market at the far end of the cafe every Wednesday and Friday morning. The Market also sells whole grain foods, environmentally friendly products and home made jewellry. And soon you’ll be able to buy the big brown food bin liners also. Buried Treasure also runs a Community Garden Scheme. Learn how to get your garden tidy. Learn and work along side us. For £10 an hour you’ll get a nice new look garden plus new skills to keep it that way! Ring the number above, or you can email
KNOWLE WEST MEDIA CENTRE ECO BUILD FOR THE FUTURE The Knowle West Media Centre is soon to be knocked down and replaced with an eco friendly building. The exciting changes to the current site at Leinster House will start taking place in February. The new building will be made of straw panels - lime rendered to make it fire and weatherproof and draw in carbon dioxide. Other plans include a solar thermal water heating system, a boiler that uses scrap wood instead of gas, kitchen worktops made of recycled plastics, such as mobile phones, wellies, and toothpaste tubes, recycled denim jeans for insulation and rooms made of materials that suck heat out during hot weather, and reflect heat back in during the cold. The design will save energy, and reduce carbon emissions helping to slow down climate change, helping Knowle West to be a leader in communities going green. pic above: Artists impression by White Design.
SPONSOR OR HELP BUILD A PANEL! (no experience necessary as its simple DIY). Contact KWMC 01179030444 or email:
Do YOU you DO
have a community spirit?
the partnership do?
Do YOU you DO like talking with people?
There is so much the community partnership can do. Meeting each month, residents will meet directly with local services like the Police, Primary Care Trust, Education, Local Authority Council Departments and community and voluntary groups, as well as local councillors.
like to influence decision the area? We are looking for residents to join the governing board of the local community partnership. If you want to make a positive difference to your community YOU can if you stand as a community rep. Reps will get full support and guidance and you certainly don’t need to be a professional or have previous experience to help your community. The partnership board will be made up of residents with support from workers in the area to guide and support the board. Knowle West has some great residents who currently work and help us for the benefit of all residents, we would like to involve more of you in the decision making. We can work together to make the area even better and create a cleaner, safer and more prosperous neighbourhood to live in.
The most important part of being a Board Member is that you have real influence in decisions that affect Knowle West You will represent the views of the people in your area and make sure their voice is heard. Reps will be elected for two years. Benefits include: training, gaining new skills, expenses paid, making a difference.
To stand as member you must
1 2 3 4
Be sixteen or over Live in the community partnership area Attend monthly board meetings (usually 2-3 hrs long, held in the evening) Attend occasional training sessions
If you are interested in standing for election as a Community Representative to the Local Community Partnership, please complete and return the form on the opposite page by 30th March 2007. You can tear out the opposite page and post it to us FREE to Neighbourhood Management (MS/FilwB) FREEPOST (SWB 535) ! Bristol ! BS1 5BR Fax to 0117 9084248 or bring it to the Neighbourhood Renewal Office on 37 Filwood Broadway. You will need to include an ELECTION STATEMENT (max 150 words) to say why you would like to stand, along with a photograph. Please also sign and date the statement.
candidates details (to be completed by candidate)
POSTCODE Please circle what zone you are standing for (You must live in the zone for which you are standing)
onsent to Nomination Co I, the above named candidate, consent to my nomination and agree to stand for election. I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided on and with this form are accurate.
To be completed by TWO supporters. These must not live at your address or be close relatives. They must also be over 16years old.
How was your Christmas? DAZZLING LIGHTS
Knowle West was the talk of the town this Christmas with a stunning display of xmas lights. Go to for details of this year’s competition winners.
Above: Rounds of applause for the award winners, and the after show party which went on until well after midnight. Photo Tanya Hazell
WORDS Terri-Ann Mckenny & Makala Cheung
The 2006 Hearts and Stars Award Ceremony at Filwood Community Centre, had more than 200 people in attendance, double than the year before!
The Wednesday Club for the over 50's had mince pies & wine with a Christmas sing-along. Above: Glenyis, Pat & Eunice receiving flowers as a thank you for running the club throughout the year.
Everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet, followed by a very huge auction and raffle that raised lots of money for charity. A special thank you to all who volunteered and made the event such a huge success. We value all of the contributions volunteers and individuals produce on the estate. Well done to all those who were nominated and especially the winners:
Lifetime Achievement Pat Filer Young Person Award David Shoare & Kacey Purnell Senior Citizen Award Barry Maddocks Best Group KWHA over 50s Churches Award Ann Grinell Outstanding Achievement Lesley Belgium Best Neighbour Wendy Radford & Janet Henderson People's Choice Tim Rogers Best All Rounder Margaret Rawlings Newcomer Sharon Salvage Worker from outside KW Graham Blacker
NATIVITY THANKS by Karron Chaplin The Eagle House Youth Centre’s Annual Christmas Lunch. The young people served the meals themselves.
Above: Over 60 people came to the Healthy Walking Group’s Christmas Lunch. Well done to Lucy and her team for the 5 star food and service!
It was one of my proudest moments when I saw everyone dressed for their parts. Everyone - both cast and audience had a great time. I’m really looking forward to this years production…watch this space! Everyone made their costumes and helped give a hand to others. Thank you to all the cast and helpers of the Walking Groups Nativity Play and Directors of the Knowle West Health Park, my sister Kay who came down from Sussex to help with the scenery, also for the flowers I was given, they were lovely!”
above: after the Walking Groups Christmas dinner, the entertainment was a big success. Photo by Cheryl Martin
CAROLS AT THE PARK WORDS Rita Ashman Knowle West Churches Together
The 2006 Churches Together Celebration of Carols, at The Park, was the best yet! A packed auditorium sang their hearts out to the brilliant accompaniment of the Salvation Army Band. All ages came to enjoy themselves. The full and varied programme, included a Nativity tableaux presented by the children of the Baptist Church, beautiful solo and group singing by members of Senior Crusaders and the choir of The Church of God of Prophesy; plus dramatic readings of the story of Christmas from the
Children at the Park Carol Concert. Photo Terri-Ann McKenny
viewpoint of Mary, the Innkeeper, the Innkeeper’s wife and a Shepherd boy. Everyone stayed behind afterwards to enjoy seasonal refreshments. A collection raised £126.00 for the Salvation Army’s Bridge Programme, which is a drug rehabilitation and refuge centre for homeless men in Bristol. Thank you, to everyone who came and for contributing to a very worthy cause. We hope to see you all again next year! Have a very Happy and Peaceful 2007. To get involved in Churches Together contact Rita Ashman 9537377
It all started for me back in August 2006. Flicking through the Knowle West newsletter I saw just what I’d been looking for. A panto was going to be staged in my area. Being interested in films and plays I knew I wanted to be a part of this production. So I rang the number and went to a meeting. There were lots were other people who felt the same as me so I was made to feel right at home. I decided I wanted the challenge of making the props so I took on the job of making the Bears house. Three sets of beds, Christmas puddings and chairs, a large papermache tree plus mushrooms and plants for the Filwood forest. I was also very happy to be asked to undertake the lighting on the day. I came away from the meeting feeling great at last I was going to be involved in something I wanted to do and all I had to do was volunteer. We met weekly to rehearse and iron out any problems, everybody was so helpful. I was even given a budget that would allow me to make my designs a reality. This is great I thought, being taken seriously, trusted to do a good job by people
who were relying on me. I had great fun sourcing all my materials from local suppliers and my props started to take shape, giving me a great feeling of achievement.
The encouragement I received from other members of the production was tremendous and the response I received made it all the hard work very worthwhile. At last the big day arrived and we had two performances. The first show was for local playgroups and nursery children. Trying to teach positive values and character building values to the youngsters. It was lovely to see their little faces and hear their little voices. The performance went really well no one forgot their lines and we had no technical problems.
Then came the evening performance, 400 in the audience, and raucous it was with Betty Bad really going for it and winding up the audience for all she was worth - in particular singling out our labour Councillor Chris Jackson and making fun out of his shirt much to the enjoyment of the audience. The final curtain fell to fantastic applause, Chris jumped up on stage thanking everyone who took part. The panto worked in two ways, a message was sent out to the kids about being good and trying to do the right thing in their area and how a group of people with all kinds of problems can come together make friends and overcome difficulties. The £97 raised was donated to Salvation Army at Padstow rd. The cast and crew would like to say a big thank you to the following without their help none of this would have been possible; the Scarman Trust who kindly donated the money for the production, Neighbourhood Renewal, and the local Police Force. THANK YOU from everyone concerned. Performed by Knowle West Breastfeeding group. For more information contact Rachael on 0117 9031788
Help and Advice ARE YOU A PARENT? NEED TO TALK? WORDS Safiyyah Cooper Parentline Plus
Parents everywhere need to talk things over sometimes. We offer free, friendly support. We’re all parents ourselves and believe asking for help is a sign of strength. Our services include, a 24-hour free confidential helpline 0808 800 2222, Free textphone 0800 783 6783, email helplineparentsupport@, a helpful website and Individual Support session to talk about anything to do with parenting, We are based at The Park, Daventry rd, Knowle West. Tel 0117 953 5525, but we can also offer these sessions from The Mede centre.
GETTING CLEAN-MY STORY WORDS Simon Dodge HAWKS Drugs and alcohol services in South Bristol
Darren*, 30, has lived South Bristol all his life. Here he talks about his experiences of drugs – and how his life has moved on with support from the HAWKS Family Service. “I first used on my 18th. I’ve now been clean for 2 years. There wasn’t one particular thing that made me stop, it was everything, I’d had enough. I’d been in prison I don’t know how many times, I was a prolific offender. I was using flat out, I knew I was going to prison and I decided ‘this time I’m going to do it’. I did a whole lot of courses in prison, did a 6-week course on drugs about why you use. I had to break ties with people really close to me who use drugs. It was difficult at first. It’s ok now I’ve made different friends. All the things in the house now I’ve paid for.
What I’ve got now means more to me. When I came out I went to see Keith at HAWKS, he [Keith] doesn’t have all the answers but [it helps] just to hear yourself saying it to someone else. All I know is what I’ve done with him and I’ve stayed clean for a year. The hardest thing is realising and accepting you need help. You realise you’ve got a drug problem but you think ‘I’ll sort it out’.” HAWKS Family Service works with the parents or carers to address their alcohol or drug misuse. The family service offers home visits. Tel (0117) 964 2859 for info drop into their office at The Gatehouse Centre. *Name has been changed. Above pic shows Family Service Team (Keith Purnell, Simon Dodge and Edward Morgenstern)
CAN I STEER MY CHILD AWAY FROM THE HARMFUL USE OF DRUGS? How to Drug proof your Kids! Coming Soon Near You! To find out more contact Annette Booth The Salvation Army Padstow Road Knowle 01179 9661369
Do you need a safe space to talk? Stressed out? Everything getting on top of you? YWCA Bristol Young Women’s Centre is now offering free, confidential counselling for young mums aged up to 26 at Knowle West Health Park, with free crèche. Counselling is also available at The Park, Daventry Road, Knowle for young women aged 16-17 who are not attending school/college, and young women who are lesbian, bisexual or questioning their identity, aged up to 21. For further information, to book an appointment, or to have a chat about any of these services, please ring Viv or Amy on 0117 971 6770 or for young mums counselling call Viv on 07879 033065 Our New Address | The Park Local Opportunities Centre Daventry Road | Knowle | Bristol | BS4 1QD
Valentines Day has been and gone. If you received an insult instead of flowers or felt a fist instead of receiving chocolates, there is somewhere you can go to talk about your options, and get some information and support. The Knowle West Domestic Abuse Project have workers have been trained to understand the impact of domestic abuse; the physical, emotional and mental harm. It’s not our job to tell you to walk away or to make any judgements, we are here to support you to make your own choices. We can offer a listening ear, recommend a solicitor, accompany you to the police or to court, help you to think about a safety plan, get you help to secure your home, accompany you to housing,
be there for you if you do leave and just need support to build a new life for you and your children. We run a individual drop-Inns every Monday 9.30am – 12.30 at Filwood Community Centre. We also run a support group for women on a Tuesday morning. On Wednesdays we run the women only Freedom Programme, it is a 12 week rolling programme (you can start it at anytime), sessions are 1.5 hours long - it’s free with a free crèche. It helps us understand abusive tactics, looks at the affects of the abusive behaviour on us and our children, and warning signs for future relationships. For info tel Karen or Emma on 0117 9639569 in office hours or
GIVE UP SMOKING! WORDS Knowle West Health Association
Every Thursday 12noon – 2pm in Filwood Community Centre there is drop in smoking cessation clinic which is staffed by a stop smoking advisor from the Primary Care Trust and two NHS trained volunteers Replacement Products (NRT) available and advisors will help you decide which product will suit you best and give you tips for living life without cigarettes. Take your form to the local Chemist who will be able to dispense your NRT product there and then. (If you have children there are play workers available to keep your children entertained!) For info Tel 0117 9639569 No Smoking Day’s (14th March 2007) top tips for quitting: A 20-a-day smoker stopping on No
WORDS Tanya Hazell and Terri-Ann Mckenny
Has anyone realised that there seems to be a distinct lack of cash machines on the Knowle West estate. It is really irritating when you want to draw out £10 and have to pay a 10% charge for the privilege. Finally enough was enough and we decided to find out if we could get around this problem. There are three places that you can draw out money for free, Somerfield 24hr garage on the Airport Road, Broadwalk and surprisingly Melvin Square and Inns Court Post Office. Sadly for Terri, they don’t except Halifax cards so that leaves her walking. If you have any other issues about things on the estate you could take over our column and gas about it or let us know, email:
Remember the law changes on 1st July 2007: you will no longer be able to smoke in Public Places! So why not give up now?
Smoking Day will save nearly £550 by the time England goes smokefree on July 1. By stopping on No Smoking Day you can be totally smokefree well in advance of the ban. Smoking can create hormonal imbalances which decrease libido – giving up smoking will improve your sex life! Feel fitter within two weeks of stopping: finally run for the bus without a coughing fit! Using an NHS stop smoking service is four times more likely to work than going cold turkey. Go to: for more info. Plus - Coming to a Social Club near you! ‘It’s A Man Thing!’ visiting the social clubs in the area they will be able to check carbon monoxide levels (for smokers) and take blood pressure readings.
Do you care about someone who uses drugs? Are you struggling to cope? Not sure if you are doing the right thing? Would you like some support? A Carer’s Group starts in Knowle on 13th March and will run for 10 weeks, Tuesday evening. The group is a way to gain support from other carers in a relaxed environment and it provides a safe place to talk. Ring or pop in to KWADS for more information and to talk about joining the group. We look forward to seeing you! KWADS 49-51 Filwood Broadway Tel 9533870
What's going on in Knowle West DROP IN SESSIONS FOR CHILDMINDING INFORMATION WORDS Denise Tovey Childminding Support Worker
Every Thursday 1pm-4pm at Footprints Children’s Centre, The Park. Parents: Talk about childcare and the benefits of using a childminder. Get help sifting through the list of childminders in your area. Prospective childminders: Find out the process of registration and the benefits of being a childminder. Childminders: Your questions answered, book training courses and get support. Tel 0845 129 7217 for further information on registered childcare.
GET INVOLVED IN COMMUNITY RADIO Community radio is coming soon to Bristol. To get involved locally contact Makala at the Knowle West Media Centre: email: or tel: 0117 3532895
Printed on recycled paper
NEW VETERINARY SERVICE The Park, Daventry Road, Knowle, Nature’s Veterinary Clinic Mobile Surgery Free: Thursday consultation clinics for OAP pet owners, nutritional advice health checks and more discount schemes available For info tel 01225 837 219, 0778 696 25 95 or visit our website email:
NEW FACES AT SURESTART From L to R : Hayley Carnevale, Natalie Brown, Lianne Green, Kerrianne Farrell, Laura Lewis and Christie Chang Early Years Practitioners. In Front from (L to R)Lindsey Fuller- Lead Teacher, Angie Willis- Early Years Support Worker. Photo Terri-Ann McKenny
At the Park Wednesdays 7-9 pm, learn just how simple it is to maintain your own computer in our warm and friendly atmosphere. The course is practically based. The next time you have a problem, the chances are that you’ll be able to deal with it yourself. You don’t need previous experience, you will be learning at your own speed with others who share your abilities. Topics include installing new hardware and software, how to set up operating systems, fault finding, and maintenance. If you can follow a recipe or drive a car you’ll be able to manage a computer. Tel: 0845 0090329 (local rate)
FUN AT FILWOOD LIBRARY All welcome to our story time and simple craft sessions. For ages 4 and under Mondays 2.15 to 2.45 term time only. Want to look up your family history? Taster session at Filwood Library Monday 5th March 10.30 to 1
KWHA COMMUNITY KITCHEN Filwood Community Centre Healthy Eating | Cooking on a budget | Youth Community Groups | Healthy Lunchboxes Cooking for beginners For further information on how to access the community kitchen please contact the kitchen coordinator on 01179639569 or email:
NEW MEMBERS OF THE TEAM from left to right, Terri, Tanya and Chad
Thanks to The Neighbourhood Newsletter group: Anita Pearce, Marguerite Jordan, Denise Britt, Ann Smith and Rose Manning. NR Manager Mandy Shute. All at KWMC who facilitate the production of the Newsletter Editor, Design Tanya Hayzell & Rowena Dugdale
All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.