This Month
Community news
Hello fellow Knowle West residents, this is your editor Makala Cheung. I would like to thank the new newsletter team, the current editorial group, and the new members of the newsletter drop-in club, who have all worked really hard to get you another fab issue.
In this issue you’ll find handy info, controversial issues and what’s been happening over the past 3 months. We’ve also got a focus on Health and Well-being and loads more. We constantly welcome new ideas, feedback and stories so please feel free to contact me or Tel: 0117 3532895. If you would like to join a new local mail-out system that allows you to get news out to local people via email then email me with the subject “send to local contacts”, or to receive emails on events and news on the estate, please email “Join Local Contacts” to me on the email address above.
Do you feel you’re not getting heard? Do you feel strongly about something? Would you like to make a point? Want to get something off your chest? Or maybe you would just like to get in touch with people like yourself? Do you have an interest in something and would like to reach out to others?
Come along to Filwood Community Centre in the Restaurant (next to Community Kitchen) 6.30–8.30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, (except Bank holidays). Don’t think you’ve missed the boat - we run on a drop-in basis, so anyone can pop in aged 13+ If you can’t make it don’t worry, you can always send in your stories, photos, letters, poems, jokes or comments… even a cross word, wordsearch or comic strip! To join the club or send in your stuff email: or tel: 0117 3532895.
KW DANCERS AT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS! Dance Academy I would have never had this fantastic opportunity.” Natalie Tuck, from KW, 24, said: “Not only did we exceed our expectations, we got to meet so many different people from different was great!”
I hope you find this issue both informative and interesting! Cover photo by Royston Smith, story on page 8 Newsletter Editor Makala Cheung
This is your chance! Get into journalism, photography, design and meet people. Develop and learn new skills.
A group of young Hip Hop Dancers from the Dance Academy at the Park, came 5th at the Hip Hop World Championships in Florida this April. The Dark Angels won the UK Championships in July, after beating off stiff competition. Wendy Tyrell, from KW, 23, said:“Without being part of the
Members of the Knowle West Newsletter Steering Group and Mouth of the South magazine went to the Bristol Community Newsletter Forum awards this March. Anne and Marguerite enjoyed meeting Rob Stokes Deputy Editor of the Evening Post and Richard Wyatt ITV West news. Mouth of the South won Best Youth Content.
WORDS Mark le Leivre local resident Our local library is run by four friendly ladies. There are many services including books, audio books, large print, photocopying, magazines, memory sticks, photo scanning and printing from 10p, and kids posters about History, Animals, numbers and letters, £1 each! With PCs and Internet access, sell items such as kids clothes and toys on e-bay. It’s quick, easy and free. Staff can help you set up an e-bay account and an email address. Contact relatives that don’t live close to home! Pay your bills and save money on bills and insurance! Booking recommended. There is a game facility for 8-14 yr olds, surf the net for free game downloads or bring your own in. You can download mp3 tracks to your ipod or wallpapers for mobiles.
For more info on the dance classes, or to sponsor the group, ring Michelle on 07788 640957.
Our YMCA young women’s centre in Bristol supports and helps young women to take advantage of education and employment opportunities and offers counselling and informal education services.
(L-R Top, Rob Stokes, Marguerite Jordan, Anne Smith, Richard Wyatt, L-R bottom Sam Mckenzie, Leia Mckenny, Chelsea Mckenzie)
To join these groups contact Makala on 0117 3532895
Tracey Bedford, KW Development Officer, said: “Our goal was to get through the prelims. We went as the underdogs and never in our wildest dreams did we imagine we would get so far!”
Cover Photo by Royston Smith, story on page 8.
WORDS Makala Cheung Editor
photos by Terri-Ann McKenny
I am very grateful for all the wonderful feedback from so many on the estate. Both good and critical comments all help us continue and improve on the work of this new style newsletter.
Mark le Leivre local resident
It’s a place to meet, and tea and coffee is available and there are several group activities happening for all ages including Story-time, History Group and special events such as FREE computer taster sessions in May. You can return your borrowed items to any Bristol Library. Open Mon- Fri 9.30am – 5.00pm Saturday 9.30am-1.00pm CLOSED THURSDAYS AND FOR LUNCH 1-2pm. To join bring proof of address. Ramp access and automatic doors. Renew loans by phone 08450020777 and online. Filwood Library Tel:01179038581 For other computer needs such as refurbished bargains, training and maintenance contact KWWeb at the Park, tel: 0845 0090329 (local rates).
CHARITY HELPS CHARITY WORDS WORDS Dave Redshaw Acting Manager of the Filwood Hope Advice Centre
Steve Davidson, Project Co-ordinator of Re-Store in Filwood Broadway, couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw useful timber, going to waste, in a skip! When he asked for it, and explained that Re-Store could make it into something useful, he was told to take all that he needed. I approached Steve to ask if he had two coffee tables for sale. There were no suitable items in Re-Store at the time, but then he remembered the ‘skip timber’. He offered to make two coffee tables for Filwood Hope, entirely out of recycled wood, using the router donated to Re-Store last year by Makita. With the assistance of students working with Re-Store, the new tables were fashioned out of reclaimed wood, acquired from around Bristol. Built from scratch, under Steve’s watchful eye the new tables were finished in March as the final coat of varnish dried. An example of two local Charities working together, and making the best possible use of timber that would otherwise have been burned or buried. Restore: 0117 923 1970 Filwood Hope: 0117 963 4566
YMCA NEWS At the project we work with: young mums and pregnant young women, lesbian, bisexual and questioning young women, women from ethnic minorities, young women on a low income, young women in schools.
For info on the various groups and counselling we offer tel: 0117 9664856 or email: We are in room J41: The Park, Daventry Road.
Environment news
WORDS Mark Le Leivre local resident
Spring should now be in full swing - weather permitting! If, like me, you are not the most organised gardener, you will be catching-up in the greenhouse. You can buy established seedlings, instead of growing from seed. Seeds to plant now include saladcrops e.g. radish, lettuce, beetroot, and beans. You can buy young tomato plant and cucumbers to go in your greenhouse – or straight into the garden with hardy varieties. It’s also time to sow your brassicas - cabbage, cauliflowers, sprouts, broccoli and kale. Harvest rainwater – or empty your bathwater and dishwater into your water butts! One good soak a week, come rain or shine, is much better for your crops than little and often: it encourages a good root system to form. Don’t forget to hoe and weed. For summer colour, now is the time to sow seeds for annual flowers and vegetable-friendly herbs and flowers that keep the bugs off your beans. Poached eggplant, pot marigold are especially good in the greenhouse to keep your tomatoes bug-free and sweet peas and climbing nasturtiums amongst your runner beans are good to keep the blackfly at bay. Any summer flowers will attract friendly pollinators to your veg garden; rosemary and lavender are particularly liked by bees. A nice home grown hanging-basket can go in the greenhouse, or a hanging herb-garden above the kitchen window or patio.
MY TOP TIP FOR MAY Parsnips I love parsnips, but they can be tricky to grow. Start your seeds off in 2” pots in the greenhouse or warm window-sill this month and plant out as seedlings when the danger of frost is over. Lots of seeds just rot in the ground, too cold and wet to germinate: this technique should solve the problem.
Emily Nicholson environmental programmes, KW Media Centre
As I travel around Knowle West I see rubbish marring our lovely estate - a deep rooted problem that never seems to go away. Where does it come from and who is putting it there?
We are still in the process of doing a Green Map for Knowle West.
It does appear that a few people are making everybody else pay, as the majority of Knowle West has embraced the new recycling program.
To test your eco footprint go to and click on download documents.
Children should not have to grow up in an environment strewn with rubbish. It is not right for them to think that this sort of thing is everyday life.
If anyone wants to join in then tel: 07989113008 or email
COMMUNITY CLEAN UP - WEEK OF ACTION WORDS Lesley Belgium, Mark Le Leivre & Anita Pearce local residents
It was the Knowle West Week of Action from the 16th to the 22nd of April, aiming to make Knowle West a cleaner and safer place.
Skips arrived at 7.30 and residents started filling skips, helping older neighbours and there was great community spirit! SITA crews and Contract Services helped take away white goods. Area Housing Officers were on hand and Street Reps and young people joined in the litter picking. Rubbish cleared included cycle frames, burnt out motorbikes, supermarket trolleys, PCs, clothes, toys, and beds.
NEW GARDEN FOR CHRIST THE KING Junior street rep packs, T-shirts, and PCSO info packs were given out and the Environment Agency took samples from Brislington Brook and Project X held a football tournament at Eagle House Courts. For more info Tel: Anita Pearce on 01179084248. To report any of the following; Drug dealing, Anti social behaviour, Graffiti, Nuisance neighbours Rubbish and Flytipping, Crime, Domestic violence, Nuisance motor bikes - contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. For a free home safety visit call 0800 1693999.
Happy Gardening!
The people also who think they can fly tip the area should be ashamed of themselves. Builders rubble, car tyres, metal fencing! You are making life worse for children who have absolutely no control over the situation as well as damaging their outlook on life. We look in horror at children in underdeveloped countries sifting through rubbish so why make our children play areas the same?
There was a community clean-up on 21st April at Willington and Alard Rd & the Brook area as part of Week of Action. It was a multi agency/partnership day with Environmental Agency, Area Housing, Tenant Participation, PCSO’s, Street Scene, Clean & Green, and local young people.
Unicef says that Britain has the worst environment for kids to grow up in. So if by chance you were going to dump some rubbish tonight, don’t do it !
photo by Mark Le Leivre
WORDS Lesley Belgium local resident
WORDS Lucy Dicks Bevan Brittan LLP
If you have large bulky items and are receiving benefits you can have one large collection every six months free or as many as you like for a charge of £15. Contact 0117 9223838. Take good quality items to SOFA Project (tel: 0117 9543567) and Restore on Filwood Broadway (tel: 0117 9632521) which could be collected free.
V4 AND GARDEN HELP! Many people in Knowle West may qualify for the V4 Young People volunteering scheme. V4 can help with building repairs, painting & decorating, fencing or gardening. Any materials have to be paid for but labour is free.
Eight colleagues from Bristol law firm branch Bevan Brittan recently spent a day at the School of Christ The King, renovating a garden in the playground. They provided all of the equipment, labour, plants and bark chippings to complete a fantastic area for the children at the school. If you would like any further information about the project tel: 0870 194 1278
ECO BUILD FOR THE FUTURE Work on the new Knowle West Media Centre has started! The straw bale panels will soon be built, so any local people who would like to help build them should contact Miles Ford or Sandra Manson on 0117 377 3161.
RECYCLE FASHION SHOW WORDS Katie Taylor local resident The Recycled Fashion Show, held recently at the Health Park, was a roaring success. With over 40 local people attending the afternoon, a great array of eye-catching outfits were produced.
Old clothes were transformed into stunning creations. The catwalk finale topped it off. With a rapture of applause the young people strutted their stuff. Annie Beardsley, Neighbourhood Arts Manager, chose Ellie, age 4, Cherise, 5 and Keeley, age 13 as the winners. Many thanks to all the volunteers. Everyone agreed it was a huge success. To get involved in future Knowle West Going Green events please contact Katie 0117 9030444.
If you live in Knowle West and your garden needs sorting out, you may be in luck. Physically challenged, elderly people, lone parents can benefit from our scheme! You can have work done in your garden worth up to £250! .... and you pay just 10% of that! To see if you are eligible for help or get a quote call Iris or Wayne on 0117 953 0689
photo by Terri-Ann McKenny
Green is the new Black
Neighbourhood Management
Worthy Women
Mandy Shute Neighbourhood Management
Well done to Karron Chaplin and Cheryl Martin, (pictured above) who were nominated and invited to the Women Who Make a Difference Awards ceremony on Monday 12th March at the Council House.
We are hiring a bus to go to all locations to collect the votes. There will also be a collection box, at the Health Park, The Park, and the Mede and also at our office on the Broadway. THE REPS WHO HAVE COME FORWARD ARE: Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6
We were invited with other people across the country, who are involved in the delivery of ‘front line’ services.
The ballot papers went out to all housholds, week of the 23rd April, so remember to make yours count! (All the ballot papers will have a list of all the roads of Knowle West and what Zone they are in) The Community Partnership is now supported by the following organisations: (And all of them have nominated a resident rep for the new partnership). Filwood Hope Footprints The Health Park Inns Court Residents’ Association KW Development Trust KW Health Association Knowle West Media Centre The Mede Centre Nover’s Over 60’s Club The Park Project X Re: Work Youth Moves
Anita Pearce NR
Michele Bane (N&HS Area Housing Manager) and myself had ‘Breakfast with the Prime Minister’ in London this March.
Ann Smith Margaret Rawlings Denise Britt Rose Manning and Denise Buchan No nominations, (elections will be held later on in the year) Maguerite Jordan
We are hoping to have our first Partnership meeting on 4th June. If you would like to attend or if you would like anymore information about the partnership or if there any boards out there that would like to put forward a rep and would like more information please contact Mandy Shute at 37 Filwood Broadway or phone
0117 9084350.
We then attended a conference
(public service reform) with some members of our group involved in the on stage discussion with PM Tony Blair & Home Secretary John Reid. In the afternoon Chancellor Gordon Brown gave a speech. We attended a reception after the conference and met Hilary Armstrong (minister.) It was an exciting and exhausting day.
The Women Who Make a Difference Award is in recognition of the invaluable contributions women are making to improving and sustaining the communities in which they live and work.
Footprints Children’s Centre
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Terri-Ann McKenny local resident
Ann Peachey, Head Teacher of the School of Christ the King RC primary school, has been nominated by her staff for one of the Teacher of the Year awards. Anne is entered into the head teacher category and has already reached the regional finals. Judges visited the school recently and interviewed colleagues and Anne herself.
The Knowle West Media Centre’s Carolyn Hassan and Penny Evans made a recent trip to Tamil Nadu in India to make links between Knowle West and SCAD (Social Change and Development) an organisation which has worked in the region with marginalised communities for over 20 years. A short film is being produced that will be shown in the community. Tel: KWMC on 0117 9030444
The regional results will be announced in June and then, if successful, Anne will go forward to the national finals. For more info contact The Park, Daventry Road , 0117 3772667
How was your Easter? EASTER EGG HUNT cover story: WORDS
Mya Campbell & Charlie Perrett local residents (aged 6)
Makala Cheung Editor
For the last few Months I have been taking part in The Digital Challenge, a national competition for a city to win 3 million pounds for digital innovation. Knowle West was one of 3 case study areas for the Bristol Bid “Connecting Bristol”. Our city was a regional winner and national finalist. I went to London with the Connecting Bristol team for a presentation. A short film about myself, my job, and Knowle West was played to the judges. I got to speak and answer questions. In March I went with the bid team to the “winners lunch” for the ten finalists. The winner was Sunderland City Council, but the judges noted the innovation and creativity of Bristol’s bid. The Minister announced a ‘Runnersup Fund’ of £2 million for the DC10 (Digital Challenge 10 finalists). We can still take forward ideas in the bid. Thanks to all in Knowle West for all their hard work and support, who helped put together the bid and took part in interviews for Connecting Bristol. To read the bid, and read blogs go to To watch “Makala’s Story” go 4BMxw0y_Ao
There was an Easter hat competition and we walked around and everyone clapped. We all got an Easter egg because all the hats were good. After, a lady talked about recycling your bottles, turning off your TV and there are stacks of nappies in the rubbish for hundreds of years because they don’t rot quickly. We all had little chocolate eggs and plastic coloured eggs with toys and sweets and a chick inside. I thought it was fun. WORDS Karron Chaplin local resident
I would like to thank all those who helped and came to the Easter Egg Hunt. Vicki Morris,
Chief Executive of the Heath Park, and Rose Manning, Chair of the Board of Directors. Thank you for judging our Easter hat competition. It was a big success and I would like to mention Cheryl Martin, without her help there would not have been such professional clue sheets and laminated pictures. So thank you from the group for the photos you took, your time and effort was much appreciated. The event was organised by the Knowle West Going Green Group. For more info on this local environmental group call Karron on 07969095965.
BIRD BONANZA WORDS Mil Lusk local resident
Recently an event was held for local people to make bird habitats for the Northern Slopes. Children made bird boxes and the fire brigade put them up on site. My children had a great time making a bird feeder which we hung up at home. Everyone was happy to see Cloverdown being used for a community event rather than a dumping ground for rubbish. l will remember the event for some time, especially watching adults trying to do the bird trail on wet, slippery slopes!
WORDS photo by Cheryl Martin
On Tuesday 10th April we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at the Health Park. We had clues and we were looking for Easter pictures all around the park. We finished first and gave the sheet of answers to a lady and she put all the sheets in a hat and picked out the winners. WORDS
Bird Bonanza was organised by Buried Treasure. You can now get garden waste sacks from Buried Treasure at the Park market, on Wednesday and Friday mornings, for £1. For more info on Buried Treasure tel: 0117 9039782 or email
Ann Smith local resident
The Easter parade at the Health Association’s Over 50’s club was a lot of fun. The two judges were Ian Borland and Ray Vowels.
The winners: 1st Joan Molton (centre) 2nd Vera Nicholas (left) 3rd Joyce Taylor (right). For more info on the club tel: 0117 9639569.
In Paradise Found, young people are mysteriously disappearing through portals. Mother Nature is getting cross. Follow their magical adventures in this urban fairytale with its environmental twist. Written and produced with a group of local young people. Mitchell Purnell, age 12, who was involved in making Paradise Found said: “It makes me feel proud… I’ve achieved something. The film was hard work but it was definitely worth it! I recommend anybody who’s interested in media in the Knowle West area to come to the media groups at KWMC as it helped me a lot with my skills, acting and confidence.”
Imagine is about a boy who is mocked at school for being different, he realises that he has a very special imagination.
Media Mayhem took place on the 11th April in the Walk-in Centre at the Health Park Studio, held by Knowle West Media Centre. People from 10 to 16 were doing various workshops such as creating animations from plastercine and making their own music on Garageband and Ableton Live. There was also a photography workshop, Mouth of the South, and a TV to watch films made by Knowle West people and KWMC, such as Think or Swim, about Bristol flooding. Media Mayhem I thought was a fun yet educational experience where people got together and made music, animations and stories. Tel: KWMC 0117 9030444
WORDS Makala Cheung Editor
Two films Paradise Found and Imagine made by KW young people and the Knowle West Media Centre were screened at the Jana International Film Festival For Children & Youth, April 16th-21st, 2007 in Beirut - Lebanon.
Jack Perrett local resident (aged 14)
photo by Terri-Ann McKenny
He creates a fairy angel to grant wishes and those who sneered and jeered at him, laugh no more.
Paradise Found and another film made by young people and KWMC - Defeat the Heat, have been selected for the Green Film Festival in Seoul, Korea 17th-23rd May 2007. In Defeat the Heat, Eco-warriors Connor and Mitch (local youngsters) attempt to help save our planet by challenging friends and family to change their habits in a week! Written, produced, directed and shot by these two young filmmakers. To join Film Club call Lynsey on 0117 3772828 Paradise Found: L-R Young Film makers Mitchell Purnell, Connor Henning, SallyAnn Poole, Jessie Hunt. Photo by Amanda Brook
PET LAWS WORDS Terri-Ann McKenny
local resident A new law started in April which affects all pet owners and those of us thinking of buying a pet. You will have a legal responsibility to meet their welfare needs. The new law states all pets must have: A proper diet (including water) Somewhere suitable to live With companions as appropriate Allowing animals to express normal behaviour Protection from pain, suffering, injury and disease. The penalty for failing to care properly for a pet could be a fine, or even a prison sentence. To find out more go to or call: 0870 33 35 999
Health and well-being 5 WEEK COURSE AT HLC WORDS KW Healthy Living Centre
FREE Health Package for Knowle West Residents. Pathways to Health Programme offer entitles you to five weekly meetings with a qualified therapist. Each week you will look at your current lifestyle to see where and how changes can be made. During some of the sessions there will be an opportunity to receive some bodywork/massage. Sessions will be in the Therapy Room (Knowle West Health Park Co). To book a place or to find out more contact: Knowle West Health Park on 377 2255 or email
Neil Burwell Safer Bristol Communities Team
Despite massive reductions in domestic burglaries over the last few years, a few people always fall victim to opportunist burglars at this time of year – here are some simple tips to reduce the risks: When you go out, make sure that all your doors and windows are closed and secure. If you are sunbathing in the back garden, make sure that the front windows and door are closed. If you’re going away, let somebody you trust know so they can keep an eye on your home. Cancel your papers. If you buy any new garden equipment or furniture, keep them secure. Buy a decent lock for the shed. For more info and advice tel: 077 954 464 29
WORDS Ian Borland Community Kitchen
Life Cycle
Have you ever wanted to take up cycling? It’s a great way to keep fit, lose weight and have some fun and it’s often the quickest way to get around. Local cycling organisation Life Cycle UK will teach you how to ride with skill and confidence. One-to-one lessons for just £5 or free of charge to jobseekers or people on invalidity benefit. They’ll send a cycle trainer to meet you at your home, and your lesson will be tailored to meet your exact needs. If there is a particular route you want
to practise, such as your trip to work, they’ll do that too. Life Cycle runs special bike maintenance courses. The fourstage course will teach you how to maintain your bike and to fix simple problems such as punctures and dodgy brakes or gears. Places normally cost £79 but for people in the Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal area the cost is just £10.
The chairman of Bart Spices, Edward Shaw, handed out certificates to young people from Project X and local women at a celebration buffet on Friday March 23rd.
For more information or to make a booking contact Life Cycle UK on 0117 929 0440 or go to
All the cookery and the buffet took place at KW Health Association’s training kitchen at Filwood Community Centre and was based on The Balance of Good Health, with reps from BCC, PCT, FSA, Bart Spices (who supply herbs, spices and aprons for courses), KWHA and people who took the cookery courses. Project X kindly personalised the menus.
HOSPITAL GO-AHEAD Terri-Ann McKenny local WORDS resident
Further funding for the long awaited South Bristol Community Hospital was finalised in the city this April. The State of the Art hospital will include, a walk-in minor injuries clinic, operating theatres for day surgery, in-patient beds, a range of clinics for out-patients, facilities for scans, X-rays, endoscopies and dental facilities.
The Hengrove Park regeneration project will also include a Leisure Centre incorporating an eight-lane 50-metre pool suitable for family use and competitions. There will also be a Skills Academy run by Bristol City College, as well as affordable housing and new business and employment opportunities. If you have any comments on the new development you wish to share contact: tel: 0117 3532745
ARTISTS: WANT THE CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR WORK EXHIBITED AT THE MALL GALLERY IN LONDON? Take part in Sue Ryder Care’s competition Art liberating lives Sue Ryder Care (Reg. Charity 1052076) is a leading healthcare charity providing specialist care services for people with complex conditions including Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Strokeand Parkinson’s Disease.
FUSSES ABOUT BUSES WORDS Jack Perrett local resident
(aged 14)
From Scratch’ course: “Learning to cook and prepare fresh food is crucial to good health and this course does it in a fun and informative way, well done [food consultant] Francine Russell, and thanks to Ian our Community Kitchen Development Worker for all his support on this project”. For info on cookery courses at Filwood Community Centre contact Ian Borland 9639569 or look on the Knowle West web site.
Liz Fox (PCT) said of the ‘Cooking
Picture: Tracy Manley receiving her certificate from Edward Shaw chairman of Bart Spices
WORDS Karron Chaplin local resident
I know, you’re thinking another boring article about Diets and weight loss, but please read on and I will explain. I am 52yrs, old, overweight with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and I now know its never too late to learn or change bad eating habits. When I was a child, food was basic and quick to cook. Then I had children young and money was short, so I still followed those habits.
For more information please phone us on 0117 9721479 or email
The buffet was the finale to a series of taster sessions and short cookery courses funded by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), which was led by Grace Davies from the Bristol City Council (BCC) Food Safety Team in partnership with Liz Fox from the Primary Care Trust (PCT).
“Get The Balance Right” is a 12 week course (2 hours a week) run by two lovely women. It’s a new approach to understanding food and food groups, and a re-education into what we eat and why. Now me and my daughter Sam are on this course, I am re-educating myself. My daughter is learning and passing it on to my grandchildren so they will learn a healthy way of eating,
which breaks the bad food habits I passed on to my children. If you are overweight, underweight, or eat unhealthily, then this course gives you a good understanding of food; it’s fun and you’re not embarrassed or frightened to ask the simplest of questions. So come down to the Healthy Living Centre at Downton Road for details, or tel: 0117 3772256. We also use the Community Kitchen at Filwood Community Centre to cook healthy foods. Tel: 0117 9639569
People like me catch a bus to go to school to learn, but we have to pay to do it - £10 a week to get to school and back. We should be walking but if its bad weather, or haven’t got a bike and you can’t get a lift, the only other means of transport is the bus. In the 5 years kids spend at school they spend about £1600 to get to school and back again, if they made the bus fare 50p return it will cost £100 a year - a massive difference. My school does not have a school bus, we have to catch a public bus. This means not everyone will get a seat and have to catch the next bus, making you late. If you catch a bus at 8 o’clock you would think you will get to school on time. But because of the long route we take, the bus is likely to get stuck in traffic, so I was thinking if everybody going to school meets up in a place like Melvin Square and Broadwalk the bus could go a different route and miss the traffic. My ideas for sortin’ this problem are: £2.50 a week bus fare, contact a small company like the Mede Sprint or big company like Turners, First Bus to do a different route for schools. So what shall I do? Email: Subject: Jack Buses
What's going on in Knowle West THE NO-ONES SHOW
Parentline Plus offer free, friendly support, a 24- hour free confidential helpline 0808 800 222 and a helpful website with an interactive parent to parent chat room. We also run free courses and workshops for parents on topics from helping children learn to coping with teenage issues. For more info Tel: 9535525 or or go to www.knowle and click on events.
PEEP is a free group about learning, playing and having fun. We have groups for babies, up to four year olds. There is singing, stories, and a time for parents to talk. It encourages self-esteem, confidence, talking, listening, words and numbers. For more info go to www.knowle and click on events or Tel: 0117 9039781
BECOME UNHOOKED ON SMOKING The No-ones, six ordinary women who enter a talent contest with a dream of finding fame & fortune … but what will it cost them? Don’t miss acta ’s latest hilarious show to come to Knowle West, as part of it’s tour of Bristol. Friday 25th May, 8.00pm at The Park, Daventry Road, Box Office tel. 953 2448. Tickets £3 / £2 (concs.)
START YOUR OWN BUSINESS BRAVE Enterprise Agency, free or lowcost help, support for your business, and New Entrepreneur Scholarship scheme.You could get: One-to-one training, help to produce a business plan, support to achieve an NVQ qualification and a grant of £1,500. Tel Justin Ricks on 0117 9445330
The Health Association’s group It’s a Man Thing! is starting quit smoking sessions in May. It runs on Tuesday evenings, 5.45-7.15pm at the KWHA Office in Filwood Community Centre. Women and young people also welcome. For more info tel: 0117 9639569
HAWKS Do you live in South Bristol? Are you aged 14 – 19? We can train you to become a PEER EDUCATOR (telling other people about stuff, in this case drug and alcohol awareness). Contact Paul, Tracy or Carly at HAWKS, Unit 7, The Gatehouse Centre, Hareclive Rd, Hartcliffe. Tel: 0117 935 9321 or 964 2859 email: We offer lots of incentives, including accreditation, creative activities, transport, and social events.
CHANGE 4 CHILDREN AND THE EXTENDED SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP IN KNOWLE & HENGROVE School and family link workers asked all the 8-13 year olds in local schools about after school activities. Actions include sports, crafts and a careers fair. There is now a weekly panel for anyone who has a concern about a child and has family’s consent. For more info go to www.knowle and click on downloads or Tel: 0117 3772667 or email
EVENING COOKERY CLUB AT FILWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE. Free to residents of Knowle West. Thursdays 6.15pm – 8.15pm. Try new recipes, learn the balance of good health and healthy eating. For more info Tel 0117 9639569 or email:
DIGITAL FISH is KWMC’s new film club for 13-19 year olds, including watching, talking and making films. To join or for info Tel: Lynsey on 0117 377 2828 or email
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FOR MORE EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES PLEASE VISIT WWW.KNOWLEWEST.CO.UK AND CLICK ON EVENTS Thanks to The Neighbourhood Newsletter group: Anita Pearce, Marguerite Jordan, Denise Britt, Ann Smith and Rose Manning. The Evening Post for page 7 & 8 article. Thanks to the Newsletter Drop-in club team: Ivor Fearnely - Sub-editor, Mark Le Leivre - Current Affairs/Hot Topic Columnist/editorial assistant, Jack Perrett - Youth Reporter/ Get Real Columnist, Lesley Belgium - Environmental Issues/Gardening Columnist, Karron Chaplin - Health and Local Issues Reporter, Chad Downs - Design Assistant and columnist. Terri-Ann McKenny Photography and News. NR Manager Mandy Shute. All at KWMC who facilitate the production of the Newsletter Editor, Design Tanya Hayzell & Rowena Dugdale
All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.