Knowledge newsletter - Issue 35 Dec 2008

Page 1

For the residents of Filwood, and parts of Knowle and Windmill Hill ISSUE 35 DEC 08

fre eg if s gar ecret t kno dens w o cal le we f end st ar

Neighbourhood Partnership Launch. SEE PAGE 2

A fun day on the Broadway Page 2

Glamorous gardens get recognition. Page 5

Project X - Horse Course Page 7

from the editor Welcome to the Christmas edition of the Knowledge, and I hope everyone has a happy festive season. The next edition is due out on Feb 25th, and the copy deadline is Jan 21st noon. To send in articles, pictures, letters, or to arrange advertising please contact me. email: tel: 0117 353 2895

Cover Photo teaser 1: provided by Anita Pearce, Lord Mayor and local young people by the stage

fun on broadway cynthia goldstein, CIP

All ages came out to enjoy a free fun day in Filwood Broadway. Activities included: Shadow Angles show, gospel choir, free manicures, face painting, dressing up, drumming circle, bouncy castle, spiritual tent, and health checks. “It was a lot of work, but we’d really like to see more happening here. Our next event will be a carol service with and Christmas market in December,” said Vicky from Re:work. We would like to thank the following organisations for their help: Re:work/ The Bristol Joshua Trust / Carmel Cafe / the many people that gave cakes, their time and resources.



Neighbourhood Partnership Launch

On 1st October 2008 the Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) was launched. Bristol’s Neighbourhood Partnership boundaries are based on clusters of two or three wards. Eventually there will be a total of 14 NP’s covering every part of the city. The Neighbourhood Partnership will develop an Action Plan that will reflect the priorities identified at the launch meeting and through other prioritisation exercises. The NP will provide regular opportunities for local people to meet with councillors and service providers.

Changes Afoot for Knowle West

Knowle West has been identified by the Council as a key priority for investment and regeneration over the next 20 years. The Council proposes to produce, in conjunction with local residents, a Knowle West Regeneration Framework (KWRF) which will plan new developments in the area. These developments are likely to include new housing, new employment opportunities, new shops and community facilities, a new primary school, and better public transport. The Council is appointing consultants to work with residents, and others with an interest in the area, to develop the KWRF. It’s hoped planning work will start early next year, with a view to producing an agreed KWRF by the end of 2009. The Council is even considering establishing a new type of company, a Local Housing Company, to build new commercial and community facilities as well as new housing – guided by KWRF. For NP and KWRF t: 0117 908 4350 e:

Save our football field

Young footballers in Knowle West have started a campaign to stop their pitches being sold off. They use the open space in Newquay Road every week to train with former professional footballer Colston Gwyther, but are worried that the Council wants to sell the site as part of a scheme to build a £6-million primary school. They voiced their views at a recent council meeting.To join the petition go to: have your say with CIP: •CIP, 6-8pm: Dec 1st Jan 12th The Park (Daventry Rd), Feb 2nd Mede Centre (Marshall Walk), March 2nd The Park. • Health 12-2pm (inc lunch) at Healthy Living Centre, The Health Park: Dec 10th, Jan 14th, Feb 11th, March 11th. • Planning:Dec 10th 12.30 at HLC, Jan-March 2-4pm. Dates as Health •Liveability 10-12noon at FCC: Dec 19th, Jan 30th, Feb 27th, March 27th. For more info on the above tel: 0117 908 4248 for more news and info

my space photography exhibition Photo: by Stevie Woodland from Nlarge photography: Girl on a swing

nlarge photography

Knowledge takes a look at two local food related organisations, serving the community:

Nlarge Photography, a group of young photographers at Knowle West Media Centre, had their first large scale exhibition preview at Knowle West Media Centre on Tuesday November 25th. ‘My Space’ explores the young people’s spaces, at home, at school or with their friends. Come and visit this exciting new photography exhibition, open weekdays until the end of January 2009, free admission.The exhibition will also see the launch of their exciting new website tel: 0117 353 2745 email:

filwood playing fields annE white, FPF Trustee

A priority for Filwood Playing Fields Trust in the coming months is to provide local clubs with financial and developmental support that will help grow the game, create better players and raise standards by tackling poor behaviour. We are all committed to try and discover the next Kelly Smith or David Beckham. James Edwards the new Football Development Officer based at Filwood Playing Fields will be offering funding guidance to clubs who are committed to working towards Charter Standard status. To find out more tel: 01761 410 287. for more news and info

Local Cafe with a Heart In the heart of Filwood Broadway, Cafe Carmel serves great breakfasts with a friendly service. Carmel Christian Centre provides the After School Club for working parents, “Peachy”, at Connaught Primary, and Sat “Kids Klub” free for 6-11yr olds in Filwood Social Centre. Carmel also supports the campaign for restoration of Filwood Park, with an Adventure Playground. The Community Kitchen The Kitchen is now running a variety of free courses, including a school cookery club, healthy eating course, cooking for a family as well as some festive sessions. All courses are healthy and low cost.Tel: 0117 963 9569 or go to events at :

Are you interested in

having a say about the way local health and social care services are run and developed by joining Bristol Local Involvement Network (LINk). You can participate in the LINk as much or as little as you wish. For more info tel: 0117 958 9325 email: carolinemcaleese@


Photo: Pastor Mick Fletcher and team always offer a warm welcome!

serves us right


carbon makeover savings with solar dave wherrett / misty tunks: residents/cm

As you might remember one of our Carbon Makeover families has solar panels installed. Dad, Dave would like to tell you how successful it’s been in the hope that he inspires others to find out about this alternative source of energy….

christmas gardening

“Last year I reported our solar panel installation gave a 55% (£245.00p) gas bill saving in the first year. What would happen after this year’s disastrous summer? Would the solar reductions still work?

lesley belgium: resident

If you haven’t planted your spring bulbs yet, you should put them in this month. There are so many colourful and scented flowers you can grow, not just traditional daffodils and tulips – pink narcissi and freesias (too expensive to buy, so grow your own!).

You might also like to think about crops to sow in January for flowers, fruit or vegetables with long growing seasons – tomatoes, for example, or carnations. A Merry Gardening Christmas to all (hoe, hoe, hoe!)


So, with a bad summer & extended billing times, the results still show usage reductions between 56 - 60% (summer), 32% (winter). Tempted?!” Advertorial

You can sow winter salads until March; including the radish, China Rose, mizuna, rocket and Autumn King carrots. Don’t forget – you can sprout seeds too and grow trays of baby leaves indoors – try chard, radish or beetroot. December is a good time to sow over-wintering peas (Onward), broad beans (Aquadulce) and all-year-round cauliflower, in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse, to get growing as soon as the weather warms up.

Due to circumstances beyond my control direct comparisons became impossible. Thus I decided to change my reporting system focusing on summer/winter periods. Indicating gas usage directly in units used (according to my bills). Summer 06 (March - Sept, before solar) = 200 units.(100%) Summer 07 (March - Sept, After Solar installation) = 78 units.(39%) Summer 08 (March - Nov) = 91 units.(45.5%) (Note billing period Summer 08 extended by supplier/almost 10 months). Winter 06/07 (Sept - March, during installation) = 527 units (100%) Winter 07/08 (Sept - March) = 354 units (67.2%)

For more info about Knowle West Carbon Makeover call 0117 903 0444 and ask for Misty or Maddie

green scene: green christmas glenn vowles: resident

Ideas to save money and go green! * Make cards and decorations from old magazines and scrap materials or send e-cards * Buy a UK-grown tree with roots so that you can plant it in the garden and use again and again (or make sure it’s recycled to make mulch) * Use string, ribbon or wool for wrapping gifts (not tape) as they can be reused or biodegrade (the paper too will be reusable as it won’t be messed up by tape) for more news and info

front gardens that make a difference

Photos of gardens provided by Tana Holmes, BCC

tana holmes, neighbourhood arts BCC

The content of this page is the editorial control of Neighbourhood Arts. Supported by:

This summer residents nominated gardens that they felt improved the area and were making a positive difference. Mil Lusk (Buried Treasure) and Tana Holmes (Neighbourhood Arts) went on a walk around Knowle West in September to look for these front gardens, take a photo of the garden and congratulate the gardener. This page shows the photos of the ten gardens chosen for this year’s awards. (including the front cover teaser image). Congratulations to all the gardeners who spent so much time in their gardens this year and who’ve made Knowle West a better place to live and work. If you know a garden you would like to see nominated for next years Front Gardens That Make a Difference Awards please contact: Mil Lusk, Buried Treasure on 07810474558 Anita Pearce, Neighbourhood Management on 9084248 Tana Holmes, Neighbourhood Arts on 07500120336 for more news and info


young people’s news

WE NEED YOU Here at Mouth of the South we’re in a new phase. We are about to make some BIG changes to our newsletter and website but we can’t do it without YOU!!! We are a group of young people who meet on a weekly basis to do all journalism types of stuff like interviews, reviews of cool places and then we put it all in the newsletter and on the website! It’s a good way to get your opinions and voice heard! We are looking for new young people to join and bring fresh ideas to our group. So if you are interested in becoming a young journalist, using cameras, macs, photoshop, and making new friends then get in touch to sign up! 0117 903 0444 view our work at:


The new Merchants’ Academy opened its doors to parents and children on Monday 22nd September 2008. Nlarge photography documented the building of the new school and their work was displayed at the opening. To see more of their work please click on Also on display were photographs taken in induction week by a group of young people from the Merchants’ Academy.‘Celebrating Young People’ is the title of the exhibition and the photos can be seen on display at the new academy.

The content of this page is the editorial control of Mouth of the South. Comic Strip and Debbie cartoon page 12 by Michael Smith, local young person. Photos : top left- young people from KWMC at the launch, bottom right, Merchants Academy by Nlarge photography.

The launch of the Urban 2 book “In our Opinion” took place this september. The publication was produced by young people from Knowle West Media Centre and was an evaluation of all projects funded by and through South Bristol Urban 2. If you would like more information about this or any other young peoples projects at Knowle West Media Centre, please contact Sandra Manson for more news and info

Project X works with young people and their families to provide support during difficult times

Thanks to everyone who came along to our Celebration Evening (120 turn-out!). It was amazing to see the range of activities that young people have been involved in, and to have the support from their families, recognising their development and achievements, such as animal care, Fireskills, parenting courses, mechanics, or individual awards for personal achievements.

trips & activities

The content of this page is the editorial control of Project X. Photos provided by Project X, including horse feeding ‘teaser’ image on cover.

Photos : top left- young people from KWMC at the launch, bottom right, Merchants Academy by Nlarge photography.



Eight young people aged between 12-15 (a mixture of boys and girls) have just completed a ten week Fireskills course at Bedminster Fire Station. The course is centred around team building skills and learning how to use a wide range of fire equipment in different situations. Each week the young people, wearing fire fighting kit, were put in teams and then were presented with a different fire disaster scenario requiring an emergency response and as a team they had to work out and then deploy the best possible solution.


Twelve young people aged between 9-15 years old (a mixture of boys and girls) are about to complete an eight week Horse Care course at Horseworld in Whitchurch. The young people are looking forward to getting to ride the horses on the last week of the course and have learned about all aspects of equine care including stable management, handling, grooming and feeding.

Contact us

Can we also wish everyone out there a fantastic festive period. However, as we all know life is not always that simple and any number of things can come along, causing stress and issues for you or your family. Project X could be the place to get some support. For more info/ to arrange a visit tel: 0117 377 2641 or come to The Park. for more news and info

During the holidays we ran activities, including art, cooking and climbing. We also went to the Balloon and Kite Fiestas. To make it fair we ran several trips for the whole family (@Bristol, Noah’s Ark and Avon Valley) . The aim of the trips were for families to work together on our problem solving tasks, to find out more about each other with our family quizzes and to have fun together. The trips were a great success and we hope to run more.

COMMUNITY SPACE This summer Project X worked alongside Bristol City Council departments on two community clean ups. Over fifty young people took part, showing goodwill and proving to all that they had respect for their area. I wish that others would follow their example. Following on from this is a project I wish to get off the ground. Bin Art is a way to brighten up the street by personalising your own rubbish bin. Knowle could become Bin Art Heaven!!


The Park • Daventry Road Bristol • BS4 1QD

Knowle West Children’s Centre has been working with Knowle West Media Centre on a project to promote the benefits of walking as a family. Film makers came into the Centre filming children exploring paint, balancing and discovering, all while walking. Children and families were joined by some local walkers on 22 October and enjoyed a walk around the area, this was filmed and the resulting film will be shown at KWMC.

advice & guidance services Rachel Allsop is the Advice and Guidance Worker for the South Bristol area. Rachel can assist parents/carers in: - Identifying appropriate registered childcare options. - Helping to source funding to pay for childcare. - Calculating entitlements to welfare benefits and tax credits including a better-off in work calculation. And more information. Rachel is at Knowle West Children’s Centre on 3rd December 9.30am-11.30am and 17th December 9.30am11.30am. Rachel will also be at Footprints Children’s Centre on 11rd December 9.30am11.30am

rainbow group

A drop-in group for families who have a child with additional needs

We provide opportunities for families with a child who has additional needs from birth to pre-school age, to meet and share information and also help promote the child’s development through play. Each week we have lunch together and parents are able to form friendships with each other and chat. The group is held at the PAL House, Footprints Children’s Centre, term time only 122.15pm and during the holidays families join us on outings to other locations. This group is run by Jo Crook who works at Knowle West Children’s Centre and Tyndalls Park Children’s Centre and Teresa Crossley who works at Compass Point Children’s Centre and Tyndalls Park Children’s Centre. Knowle West Children’s Centre tel: 0117 903 0214

Job Centre Plus

Job Centre Plus is here at Knowle West Children’s Centre from Tuesday 18 November ‘08. A Job Centre Plus advisor (Sue Cowley) is here at the Centre every Tuesday from 9.30am - 4.30pm. Sue will have appointments in the morning and will then be available to provide advice on finding jobs, benefit entitlement, etc in the afternoon. Please come in on a Tuesday afternoon after 18 November or ring the Centre if you are interested.

WELCOME to new staff at footprints

Footprints welcome Mandy Cheesley as their new Day Care Manager. Mandy is bringing with her, experience from 3 other Children’s Centres in Bristol and will be responsible for the day to day running of the nursery. If you would like to find out more about the day care offered at Footprints, please contact Mandy on 0117 9039781 or pop in and see us. tel: 0117 903 9781 / 377 3610

8 for more news and info

The content of these two pages is the editorial control of (and all photos provided by) Knowle West Children’s Centre and Footprints Children’s Centre

local walking project for more news and info


Childminder Play and Stay at the PAL House Footprints Children’s Centre 9.30 – 11.30am An opportunity to meet with other childminders to discuss ideas and problems. Children learn to play and socialise in a friendly atmosphere. Group supported by a fully qualified member of Footprints Team.

Bumps to Babes William Budd Health Centre 1.30 – 3.00pm First three Wednesdays of the month. Antenatal group which welcomes all pregnant mums and dads who are 28 weeks plus. Qualified midwife to offer all pregnancy advice including how your baby is developing, labour and pain relief.


Rainbow Group at the PAL HOUSE Footprints Children’s Centre 12.00 – 2.15pm This group is a play group specifically for children with delayed development or learning disabilities. Mums and Dads can chat over coffee whilst children play.

PEEP 3’s at Knowle West Children’s Centre 1.15 – 2.45pm A group for 3 years olds.

Chill Out at the PAL House, Footprints Children’s Centre 9.30 – 11.00 am Families can relax whilst the children take part in the activities

Creche at Healthy Living Centre 9.30 – 11.25 am Talk to Sue Partridge and Vicky Morris at the Healthy Living Centre for information Tel no 0117 3772254

South 2gether Children's Centres wish everyone a very Happy Christmas

Nursery PEEP at the PAL House at Footprints Children’s Centre 3.30 - 5.00pm This structured group is for all children under 5 years. Children enjoy singing, activities and story time. Parents are given allocated time to talk to together with a qualified member of staff.

Childminder Play and Stay at Knowle West Children’s Centre 9.30- 11.30 am An opportunity to meet with other childminders to discuss ideas and problems. Children learn to play and socialise in a friendly atmosphere.

PEEP 2’s at Knowle West Children’s Centre 1.15 – 2.45 pm A group for 2 year olds. We follow a set curriculum covering a wide range of topics throughout the year. Families can share tips about parenting the terrific two’s whilst having fun.

Wednesday BIB Club at Healthy Living Centre 9.30 – 11.30 am This breast feeding support group is friendly and fun, run by breast feeding mother supporters as well as Footprints staff.


Baby PEEP at Healthy Living Centre 10.00 -12 noon A group especially for babies under 1. Help your baby get a flying start and give yourself a chance to meet other parents to share information.


Gym Tots at Connaught Sports Hall 9.30 – 10.15 am Let your child use up some of their energy with physical activity, including moving to music, balancing, jumping and rolling. Teenage Parent Group at the PAL House at Footprints Children’s Centre 11.30 – 1.30 pm Join other young parents and their babies for a healthy lunch. Have fun with your baby. Make a scrap book and share news about how you and your baby are doing.

Children’s Centre Family timetable winter 2009 ALL GROUPS FREE TO JOIN. GROUPS START January 12th to March 30th Term breaks for 1 week on February 16th Friday

Baby Massage at Knowle West Children’s Centre 9.30 – 10.45am Lucy is qualified to teach you how to massage your baby. Please ring Knowle West Children’s Centre.

Childminders PEEP at the PAL House, Footprints Children’s Centre 9.30 – 11.30am A group especially for childminders, following a fantastic curriculum which has proved to encourage all areas of children’s development especially language and literacy and is fun for carers too.

PEEP 1’s at Knowle West Children’s Centre 9.30 – 11.00am A group especially for 1 year olds, we sing, play with toys, look at books but most importantly have lots of fun.

help plan your neighbourhood

local artists exhibit work TANA holmes, neighbourhood arts, BCC

If you know of a derelict building or unused piece of land in your area, Bristol City Council wants to hear from you. We are asking communities to take a fresh look at how land is used in local neighbourhoods. The council wants ideas for new and better uses of land or buildings across the city. If you would like the council to consider a site, download the form and guidance notes from the Bristol Development Framework website at Completed forms should be submitted by:Friday, 19 December 2008 email: or post: Strategic & Citywide Policy (CD/BH), Freepost BS6529, BRISTOL BS1 5BR.

mend - fitter, healthier, happier

stART-up is a scheme allowing South Bristol artists to exhibit work in local venues. Small bursary’s are available to help artists present work for exhibition. ffi contact Tana Holmes, Neighbourhood Arts Officer 07500 120336 This issue’s featured artist is photographer Tanya Hazell. Tanya’s photo’s are showing at Knowle West Health Park Cafe until 5th January 2009.

camilla briggs, sports services, BCc

MEND - free 10-week programme for children (7 to 13), above their ideal weight, & their families. If your child prefers watching TV to being active, always snacks, wears clothes for older children & isn’t confident then MEND can provide fun activities, healthy eating information, & improve confidence. MEND will be running in Knowle West in January. To find out more visit tel: 0117 922 3656

10 for more news and info

The content of this page is the editorial control of Bristol City Council. Photo of Clifton Suspension Bridge and Northern Slopes by Tanya Hazell

sarah quick, BCC



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wednesdays thursdays


Get creative with words, Free Sessions at Drop-in Service Salsa in the Studio stories, images and Knowle West Media Hawks are offering Knowle West Health singing. If everyday strains Centre. Every advice and suppport Park. 2.30-3.30pm are getting you down come Wednesday from for parents with drugs/ Costs £2 per session. to the KW Health Park 10.00am to 11.30am alcohol problems. For a for the new Free creative You can learn about: confidential chat or info group, •The Internet on substance misuse. South Bristol Tues 12.45-2.45pm in the •How to use a Digital Every Thurs 1.30-3.00pm Digital studio. Camera Knowle West Health Neighbourhoods Tel Sue 3772255, or •Using Free Email Park Walk-in Centre Programme Launch Tana 07500 120 336 •Scanning Photos Keith/ Robbie tel 0117 Jan 13th 6-9pm. •Anything you want to 964 2895 Find out about: learn. Age concern has joined • What we’re doing to Filwood Hope offering help There won’t be any The Newsletter Drop-in try and make South to older people with their exams, tests or scary Club Thursdays Bristol a state of the art stuff. concerns and problems. 10-11.30am, for 4 weeks digital city A Drop-in Session is open leading up to copy • What’s in it for you every Tues 9.30-11.30am To book contact:Katie deadline of each issue. • How you can help at Filwood Broadway Hope Taylor tel: 0117 9030444 Learn new skills, make RSVP: 0117 3532895 Centre. Home visits can be email: new friends, and find out uk. Knowle West Media how it all comes together arranged for Centre, Leinster Avenue, More info in advert on Tues afternoons. Knowle West BS4 1NL page 11 tel: 0117 9634566

Thanks to The Newsletter Steering Group: Ann Smith, Ken Jones, The Resident Production team: Michael Smith - Artist/Cartoonist, Debra Johnson - Debbie’s Dates, Lesley Belgium - Gardening Collumn. Neighbourhood Management: Anita Pearce & Kurt James. Knowle West Media Centre who facilitate the production: Makala Cheung - Editor (, Design by KWMC Design. All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the NM Steering Group or KWMC

Digital Neighbourhoods

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks

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