Community Community In In Partnership Partnership
For the residents of Filwood, and parts of Knowle and Windmill Hill ISSUE 39 Oct - DEC 09
Filwood funday -page 9 co-founder meets local resident planners Pg: 2+3
Summer success special Pg: 7-9
Things to do this autumn Pg: 10
get involved from the editor
what is the future of knowle west?
have a say with the residents planning group
Plus, Community In Partnership are still looking for more Street Reps, I’m one and now have a free line to report problems such as the dead rabbit in our road the other week!
from CIP
Community In Partnership and the Newsletter Residents Steering Group would like to congratulate the Knowledge Editor, Makala Campbell, on her recent marriage. Please send in your announcements (e.g. births, anniversaries, weddings) to the contacts above.
The Knowle West Residents Planning Group (KWRPG) is working closely with consultants Urban Initiatives (Pg: 6), to plan the KW Regeneration Framework; the next 20 yrs for Knowle West inc housing, parks, facilities, transport, shops, schools, training and employment.
Our vision and objectives were adapted with other residents, organisations, UI, the council, and stakeholders at a conference and were on display for more feedback at the Filwood Funday in September. We hope you had a chance to stop by and give your input! If not, why not contact us and get your voice heard. T: Anita 0117 908 4248
KWRPG is made up of local residents, Community In Partnership, Northern Slopes Initiative and Marksbury Area Community Association, and we want your involvement.
KWRPG: A vehicle for resident involvement, access to network of groups, neighbourhood opinion surveys, working for 10 months, member of Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network.
Photo: Makala & Lewis Campbell, by Tanya Hazell
KWMC are going to be relaunching the Knowle West website shortly with lots of regeneration planning info on it.
c0uncillor focus
Photo right and cover: Martha Lane Fox meets local people, by KWMC Photography
Next Issue: Copy deadline Nov 4th noon Delivery from Dec 7th
by rachel clarke
I’ve just moved to the city for a new job, I’m new to the area, and Bristol as a whole. How do I go about meeting people, or do you have any suggestions to make the change easier?
Martha Lane Fox, the Government’s newly-appointed Champion for Digital Inclusion, visited Knowle West on Friday 31st July. The co-founder of toured Bristol to meet local people and organisations that are working to improve access, support and opportunities for people excluded from digital activity. At Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC), Ms Lane Fox met participants in KWMC, South Bristol Digital Neighbourhoods (SBDN) and members of the Residents Planning Group. Topics of discussion included: digital media in regeneration planning; community content production; how to increase access; and ways of supporting new businesses. Mil Lusk, resident who met Ms Lane Fox, said: ‘If you’d told me 5 years ago that I’d be an advocate for digital media, I wouldn’t have believed you, but digital media is such a delicious can just take your phone out and video what you’re doing and put it online.’
how the internet can change your life
Mark Bailey - Contact to arrange a visit T: 0117 377 3524 / E: Filwood ward
CHRIS AND JEFF NOW HOLD SURGERIES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE WARD (STREET SURGERIES) AND CAN ALSO BE CONTACTED BY E-MAIL OR PHONE Chris - T: 0117 353 3163 E: Jeff - T:0117 353 3377 E: Info is based on councillor response to email for more news and info
Think about the things you enjoy for example join a dance class if you like dancing, and then you’ll meet new people who like similar stuff to you, so you’ll already have one thing in common. See our Debbie’s Dates on the back for some ideas. Make an effort with people at your work, maybe set up a night out, or invite people to yours. Also keep in touch with friends and relatives from where you lived before. It’s important not to forget them, and they could always come and visit you and you can show them around, and maybe meet new people in a group, if you find talking to new people difficult on your own.
by rachel clarke
Windmill Hill ward
help me auntie Annie, i’m... new in the city enquiries T: 0117 353 2895
Tel: 0117 908 4229 co-founder meets locals Photo left: Streets of Knowle West, by Nlarge Photography
Hello all. There’s new columns and features this issue. We would welcome word searches, quizes, poems and more. Send articles, photos, and anything else to
Barbara Janke, leader of Bristol City Council, visited Knowle West Media Centre on 21st July to meet people benefitting from local digital projects. Barbara Janke said: ‘We are very keen to support initiatives which push the boundaries of the digital revolution. We realise it can empower people by helping them to get jobs by working at home or setting up their own businesses or simply by staying in touch with people more easily. We also realise that digital access can help to attract firms to areas such as south Bristol, which can help stimulate the local economy by providing jobs.’ for more news and info
Write to Auntie Annie for advice. She can’t promise to reply to all letters. Sorry. Post: Auntie Annie, Community In Partnership, Filwood Broadway, BS4 1JL Email:
feelings on fashion
autumn gardening
by makala campbell
BY lesley belgium,resident
knowle west harvest celebration day
As you gather in your crops, remember to prepare for next year: wash and disinfect seed trays and pots, clean greenhouses thoroughly and dig your plot over to let the frost into it. Happy Harvesting!
private footcare for a fiver Can you afford to pay £30 for private foot care sessions? Are you over 50? Why don’t you come to Filwood Community Centre to be seen by a registered Foot Health Practitioner for £5! If you are interested, please phone Ruth Hamlin 07763 128 298
Photos of Summer Food Festival by Tanya Hazell
Advertorial - Image: Active Travel Handbook design KWMC Design
31st October 2009, Knowle West Media Centre, 12-3pm
It is also the best time to plant apple, pear or cherry trees and soft fruit bushes (e.g. currants). November is a good month to check you have bought and planted all your spring bulbs, like Hyacinths for Christmas, and traditional favorites like daffodils and tulips - but don’t overlook smaller things like crocus and snowdrops: flowering shrubs, like forsythia and dematis.
by misty tunks, knowle west media centre
After a successful flavourful fest in July, we can’t wait a year for another one! So we hope you’ll be able to come on October 31st, 12-3pm at Knowle West Media Centre to celebrate the gathering of the harvest.
Now that Active Travel is running we hope that you’re interested in being involved. We have handbooks that local people have created with tips on how to be more active. We also want to help you spread the word to everyone and can provide you with handbooks to give out….
We hope to have cider making from local apples we’ve picked and all sorts of other fun with apples. After digging up our spuds from the July fest, we will be baking them in our clay oven and thinking up tasty toppings. One of the comments from the last food fest was ‘There should be more of them, a chance for local people to show others what they’re doing.’ With that in mind come and help us to make the 31st another success! Contact Misty on T: 0117 903 0444 or E:
green scene: water
by glenn vowles, knowle. Ideas for being green, efficient and thrifty!
Turn off taps when not using the water eg. when brushing teeth Use a bowl rather than running water for washing up, peeling spuds…save up to 9 litres/minute Even if you have a dishwasher wash up occasionally by hand…save up to 30 litres/day Look for energy and water efficient washing machines and dishwashers Always use your dishwasher or washing machine only with a full load Put a water-filled plastic bottle in your toilet cistern, thus use less water per flush for more news and info
Is your garden full of edible goodies for you to enjoy? It’s now the time to prepare overwintering crops which you will harvest next spring, including broad beans ‘Aquadulce’, peas such as ‘Foremost’ and mooli and winter radish ‘China Rose’.
active travel
If you need an extra incentive to sign other people up, here’s a great one… We’ve been invited to be part of a project with three other countries sharing ideas / information about where we live. We’ll have the opportunity to visit these countries on paid-for trips over the next year; that’s an incentive to sign up if ever we saw one! Please contact Misty at KWMC T: 0117 353 4606 or E:
gardening job vacancy
Busy Bee’s gardening services has a job vacancy 8 hours per week on a casual basis to start. Must be fit and able to use petrol tools and have general knowledge / interest in gardening.
Please call Akilah T: 0117 907 6317 M: 07980 530715
Technician posts for 18-24yr olds Knowle West Media Centre is looking for 3 talented, enthusiastic young people to work at KWMC for 6 months. These posts have been created through the Future Job Fund, for those unemployed or living in unemployment hotspots Please see for more news and info
I never really thought about the way people dressed in my area until the day I went to a pub in Brislington and someone asked if I came from Knowle West. I said: “ Is it from the way I speak?” ( I had just ordered my drink at the bar, but with my posher ordering rather than bantering accent ). “No,” he replied “you’re wearing those huge hooped earings that they all wear down there.” It was the way in which he spoke and the way he seemed to look at me, like I was less than, because my earings were more than; because I was a “wester”. I seemed to amuse him, and I felt like a Jester at a poetry reading. It was 10 years ago, but I’ll never forget the way it changed me, I didn’t feel differently about myself, only about ‘others’ and how they thought of ‘westers’. Two things haven’t changed since then, my big earings and postcode status. I did learn a valuable lesson on the flipside in recent years. I advised a man ( who always wore suits ) to try jeans and a t-shirt when meeting local people so they would warm to him more. His response: “ I’m not going to change what I wear, I’m going to change the perception of people in suits.” I had spoken like a true ‘judgemental-ist’! So apparently we all need to change the way we put people in boxes based on their fashion choices...myself included!
Silverscreener’s on tour!
by SARAH PAYNE, resident
On Thursday 17th September a coach load of Silverscreener’s went on a jolly outing to the ‘Curzon Community Cinema’ in Clevedon to watch a screening of The Time Travellers Wife. Feeling full from a 2-course lunch at the Squirrels Community Centre , the Silversceener’s settled down to watch Erica Bana at his best! Much fun and laughter was had by all.
The content of this page is the editorial control of Urban Initiatives and Bristol City Council
Silverscreen is a film club for the over 50’s on the estate, we hold monthly screenings of a wide range of films, highlights of this year have included; The Notebook, Walk the Line and The Searchers. The next film screening will be ‘Now Voyager’ held at Novers Lane Social Club on Tuesday 6th October from 1.30pm. All screenings are FREE with tea, coffee and biscuits provided in the interval. Transport can be arranged in association with the Mede Sprint.
Photo of Mary with family by Eliza Gillett age 9
For further information, including a full programme of events, please contact Katie Taylor on T: 0117 903 0444
6 for more news and info
gold givers by mary smith, local resident and collection organiser
The mid-morning over-50’s bingo club have enjoyed two terrific trips this year. Both were immense fun in the sun! The group - organised by Ann - have visited; the scenic model village of Bourton on the Water, Moreton in Marsh market and Weymouth. The club, which has been running for twenty years and has 47 members, has seen some fantastic day trips. The Nover’s Friday Bingo club also enjoyed a visit to Paignton, which boasts charming shops. Another outing, saw the lively Friday group befriend a café owner with whom they shared cheeky laughs with. This autumn promises the opportunity to travel to St.Fagans, Cardiff. Breathtaking sights can be expected, as it’s titled one of Europe’s leading open-air museums. If you’d like to get involved with a trip or bingo, contact The Health Association before it’s a full house! T: 0117 963 9569
To improve disabled access at St Barnabas and Holy Cross Churches, local church users decided to fund raise collecting scrap gold. The odd earings, broken chains even old gold teeth have been weighed in and raised £375. Thanks to those who donated including Anne, Dawn,Edna, Emily, Glenys, John, Rachael and Maureen. for more news and info
Photo of trip provided by Ann Smith
Silverscreeners at the Curzon Cinema, Clevedon. Photo by Katie Taylor
by katie taylor, local resident / kwmc
The project works with 8-19 year olds offering sports sessions, leadership training, and work around sexual health, drugs, alcohol, and challenging anti-social behaviour. We work as part of Youth Moves to help run youth work sessions and holiday programmes, as well as delivering programmes in schools. For more information call in to see us at The Park or phone T: 0117 903 9766.
Girls Get Active
Over 50 young women and girls enjoyed the end of the summer by getting involved with the Positive Futures national girls get active day held at The Park. Activities included parkour, dance and boxercise, information sessions, photography and smoothie-making. Everyone enjoyed the experiences and a number went away looking to join new groups. We look forward to developing this idea further when our new Girls and Young Womens Worker joins Positive Futures.
Throughout the school summer holidays there was Football Coaching at Filwood Fields. Thirty girls & boys joined in daily and a lot of parents came along and helped out with the drinks and breaks. One parent said: “It’s brilliant! My kids would have been sat at home playing computer games all day, they’ve really enjoyed coming every day.” Another parent said: “As a single parent of three, it’s been fantastic. I don’t have enough money to pay for some other activities so I’m very pleased this is here. It’s a safe place, the coaches are good and parents feel welcome.” The coaches are ex-pro footballers and coach for BC youth. Trevor Challis (one of the coaches) said: “The boys & girls have been fantastic, the success and demand means we are continuing weekly after-school sessions.” Safer Bristol said it’s been quieter this year for Anti Social Behaviour reports. Well done to all involved (coaches, parents & children) especially Janet & Vernon who cut the grass & look after the Pavillion!
knowle west playday BY nicky jones, play rangers
Knowle West was lucky to have its own Playday this summer held at the Broadplain field on 19th August. Bristol Play Rangers based at CSV Out2Play organised the day to include wacky races, an inflatable bungee, puppet making, fairground games, soft play for under 5’s as well as face painting and a BBQ. There was fun to be had for all ages as Conner, aged 12, explained: “I loved the bungee as it pulled me back so hard but my little sister had fun throwing the wet sponges at Maggie and playing hook a duck”. See more on page 10. for more news and info
by samantha payne
by vicky Beckwith, Denise britt, and ann smith
by anita pearce, local resident
The second annual Filwood funday was a fantastic day. We would like to thank the 600 people that came to the fabulous funday this September. It was a great event and the weather was good to us.
Photo left and cover: Filwood funday by Tanya Hazell
Our Positive Futures project is delighted that in the recent national evaluation of the 117 projects around the country our project was one of only 18 to be given the highest gold rating. This is a great accolade for the project and one which reflects the hard work of everyone who has been involved with the project, from the work of the young people, the staff and the partner agencies we work with, thank you all for your support.
summer sensation
filwood funday
summer holidays football coaching Photo left and cover: Coaches and local young people by Anita Pearce
Gold Rating for local project
All activities and stalls were well used including: the talent contest (winners pictured above), crafts, pampering, and circus skills & races organised by Carbon Makeover to launch the Active Travel project. Thank you to all the organisations who took part including; The Media Centre, CIP, Carmel, Local Churches, The Health Park, re:work and Urban Initiatives. Funds were donated by Schools Together and Bristol City Council, so we now have Gazebos and Marquees to use in the future and Horse World donated free passes to the raffle. Special thanks go to all the local residents and people from re:work who donated their time and energy to plan, set up and put away. Next year will be bigger and better.
Local dancers filmed for british street dance film by sally clements The Dark Angels from Angels Dance Academy at The Park competed in London at The O2 this August in a british street dance competition. There were some really good teams competing and unfortunately our local team didn’t win, but the Angels were really tight and looked fantastic on stage. The show was filmed and footage will be used in a new british street dance film to be released next year, so hopefully the angels will feature. Well done to all who took part. for more news and info
“Above and beyond expectation” is how Youth Worker Sandra Manson sums up the fortnight of fun. It’s been an exciting two weeks at the Knowle West Media Centre. From the 3rd to the 14th of August it held the Summer Programme, it was awash with creative and enthusiastic youths. The excitement was contagious, as around forty young people sped daily from workshop to workshop eager to learn and have fun. Workshops involved creating the envirofriendly ‘Digi’ Den and the release of artistic nature with the aid of a Manga illustrator. The centre also hosted Animation, Kite, Video Diary and M-Scape GPS Mapping along with the fantastic Mini Beast Hunt with The Avon Wildlife Trust. This event, provided the opportunity for the summer holiday youngsters to express themselves in a variety of ways. It has been a thrilling time, rounded off with the remarkable celebratory Friday, where the Performing Arts Class put on quite the show! To find out about the new autumn programme at KWMC go to
meal makeover healthy bolognese kate roberts, community health worker
talent show by andrea rea
The next Talent Show will take place on December 10th, along with a carol service and christmas market. To take part contact us. T: 07967 808442
hearts and stars by rose manning
The Hearts and Stars Awards is an annual event celebrating the work done by local volunteers on the estate. The event is taking place at Filwood Community Centre on Oct 17th at 7pm, so come and join in the celebrations. We are also looking for donations for our raffle and auction. For more info or to buy tickets contact: Kylie T: 0117 953 0689 or Denise T:0117 923 1842
Play Rangers BY nicky jones
Free after-school play sessions open to all ages and abilities. On Tuesdays we are at the Health Park on Downton Rd, Wednesdays we are back at the old swimming pool site on Filwood Broadway and Thursdays we are at Eagle House playing field on Newquay Rd. All sessions run from 3.15- 5.45pm in all weathers… come play with us!
Get Online Day at Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Ave, 23rd October 10-4:30. New to computers or the Internet? Pop in and try something new! Our trainers will help you: from basic use to Digital Photography, E-democracy & Social Networking. Wii & Tea 5-a-side team games from sport to quizzes, plus a cuppa to recharge your batteries. Touring venues in South Bristol soon.
Photo of Knowle West Media Centre Drop-in Club by Martin Hanstead
any aspect easy with south bristol digital neighbourhoods
Mobile Internet Workshops We come to you! Improve your computer skills, learn about the Internet, and discover how to influence decision-making in the city by using e-petitions and online debating. Mobile laptop suite Laptop suites with 42” screen and Internet access for hire (with a technician) at very reasonable rates. Includes text reading and speech recognition software. Computer Drop-in Wednesdays 10-11:30am Learn about the basics of using a computer and the Internet.
Play Me I’m Yours
Ingredients - Serves 4 • 1 tbsp olive oil • 200g lean steak mince or Quorn mince if vegetarian • 1 onion, finely chopped • 4 large mushrooms, sliced • 1 carrot, grated • 1 400g tin chopped tomatoes • 230ml vegetable stock • 2 tbsp tomato puree • 1 tsp black pepper • 300g wholemeal spaghetti • 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley Method 1. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the mince and the onion and fry for five minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mince is browned and the onions softened. 2. Add mushrooms and carrot, cook for around one minute, then add tinned tomatoes, vegetable stock, tomato puree and black pepper. Stir well and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to simmer for 15-20 minutes, until the sauce has thickened. 3. Place the wholemeal spaghetti in a deep saucepan full of boiling water and cook according to the packet instructions, then drain. 4. To serve, divide the cooked spaghetti between four dishes, spoon equal portions of Bolognese sauce over each and sprinkle with parsley.
Themed Workshops Wednesdays 1.30-3pm. Sessions include: Digital photos / Listening & watching online / Shopping & saving money / Word processing / Keeping in touch / Managing your computer.
Chris Copeland ran the Bristol Half Marathon this summer and raised £1,800 for the Children’s Hospital. Chris said: “I would like to thank all the people that donated. I went to Asda with a bucket and lots of the customers gave very kindly.”
Knowle West Web We are currently testing a wireless Internet service which we hope to roll-out across Knowle West. We may be able to help you with connection, computers and training. For more info on South Bristol Digital Neighbourhoods activities contact Makala. T: 0117 353 2895 or go to
Try this version of Spaghetti Bolognese which has a reduced amount of saturated fats compared to the traditional recipe thanks to lower fat mince and the addition of vegetables to the sauce. for more news and info
Can you help? West of England Nighstop are seeking volunteers known as ‘hosts’ in Bristol and North Somerset to provide overnight accommodation on a night by night basis for between 1-3 nights to young people, aged 16-25, at risk of becoming homeless maybe after a family breakdown or while waiting for accommodation. Hosts are assessed. trained and supported. For more info contact Claire/Bev T: 0117 924 4444.
Play Me I’m Yours is an exciting project that has taken place as far a field as Brazil and Australia. Now it reaches Bristol. Fifteen pianos will be placed around the city for all to play. Broadwalk Shopping Centre is hosting a piano for Knowle for four weeks from 3 September. It leaves the centre just after the newsletter delivery, so get down to have a go while you can. E: T: 0117 922 3699 vegan food fair Delicious free food samples, cookery demonstrations, films, free nutrition surgery, ethical merchandise and much more... You don’t have to be vegan to eat vegan food! Saturday 31st October 2009 12 – 4pm Broadmead Baptist Church, BS1 3HY Sponsored by Animal Aid and the Vegan Society
For the last few years Knowledge has reported on Chris doing the run and raising money for various charities, and we would like to say well done and keep up it up! If you would like to donate to a charity go to or give good quality items to local charities such as Restore and Salvation Army on Filwood Broadway. for more news and info
Photo: Recent vegan food fair in London. Supplied by Vegan Campaigns
computers don’t have to be confusing
Photo right: some winners of the last Talent Show and cover photo by KWMC Photography
bristol wide
Knowle West Children’s Centre provides childcare for children aged 3 months - 4 years, and we are open 8am-6pm Monday to Friday.
There are 6 paying places for under 2’s, up to 16 places per session for supported Early Years, plus 8 paying places for 2-3 year olds.
Over the summer EY2 has been revamped and is now spread across three bright and spacious rooms, and a large garden.
Early Years 3 provides statutory nursery provision for 3-4 year olds. From September 2009 there will be option to extend the nursery sessions by buying wraparound care, starting at 8am until 6pm.
Please pop in to see us or telephone the Knowle West
Children’s Centre on 0117 903 0214
Please see the children’s centre family timetable on the following page for lots of fun groups and activities happenning at Knowle West Children’s Centre and Footprints Children’s Centre.
12 news from footprints children’s centre
Welcome to New Staff We have some exciting news regarding our recent recruitment drive. We have appointed two male Early Years Practitioners, Tim Hudson and Ian Holder, onto our staff team. They both have degrees and we look forward to the skills, knowledge, and diversity they wil bring.
Room Changes Rainbow Room has been divided into two rooms: Raindrops room for children aged 2-3 and Rainbow Room for children aged 3-5. This was following staff observing the children and their responses to the environment, their interests and their explorations. The parents expressed their views on dividing the rooms and firmly agreed this was the best outcome. We have now set up the two new environments providing the same learning experiences for all age ranges. The children have been very busy exploring their new rooms and are very settled.
Picnics and Day Trips Footprints Children’s Centre have enjoyed another fabulous summer. We would like to thank all of the families (and there were lots of you!) who turned up and had fun at our picnics, stay and play sessions and the two trips, one to Avon Valley Country Park and Noah’s Ark Zoo Park.
BBQ The sun made a special appearance for our BBQ annual celebration in July, as did a magician and animals from animal outreach, Not only did we have lots of fun we managed to raise a grand total of £45 which will help towards more activities.
Footprints Children’s Centre T: 0117 903 9781 / 0117 377 3610 for more news and info 3.30 - 5.00 pm This structured group is for all children under 5 years. Children enjoy singing, activities and story time. Parents are given allocated time to talk to together with a qualified member of staff.
PAL House PEEP at Footprints Children’s Centre
11.30 - 1.30 pm Join other young parents and their babies for a healthy lunch. Have fun with your baby. Make a scrap book and share news about how you and your baby are doing.
PAL Group (Play & Learn) at the PAL House, Footprints Children’s Centre for more news and info
1.30 – 3.00pm This group is for anyone caring for a relative’s child full time. We get together to talk help and support each other with benefits/official procedures. Friendly, supportive, confidential group.
Grandparents/Kinship Carer Group at the PAL House Footprints Children’s Centre.
1.15 - 2.45 pm A group for 2 year olds. We follow a set curriculum covering a wide range of topics throughout the year.
PEEP 2’s at Knowle West Children’s Centre
12.45 – 2.45 pm Run by breast feeding mother supporters as well as Footprints staff.
BIB Club at Healthy Living Centre
9.30 - 11.30 am An opportunity to meet with other childminders to discuss ideas and problems
Childminder Play PEEP at the PAL House Footprints Children’s Centre
10.00 – 11.30am A group especially for babies from birth to one.
9.30 - 10.15 am Let your child use up some of their energy with physical activity, including moving to music, balancing, jumping and rolling.
Tuesday Baby PEEP at Healthy Living Centre
Gym Tots at Connaught Sports Hall
01179 030214
Knowle West Children’s Centre Leinster Avenue Knowle West Bristol BS4 1NN
Footprints Children’s Centre The Park, Daventry Road Knowle Bristol BS4 1DQ
9.30 - 11.30 am An opportunity to meet with other childminders to discuss ideas and problems. Children learn to play and socialise in a friendly atmosphere.
Childminder Play and Stay at Knowle West Children’s Centre
Friday 9.30 - 11.00 am A group especially for 1 year olds, we sing, play with toys, look at books but most importantly have lots of fun.
PEEP 1’s at Knowle West Children’s Centre
12.00 - 2.15 pm This group is a play group specifically for children with delayed development or learning disabilities. Mums and Dads can chat over coffee whilst children play.
Rainbow Group at the PAL HOUSE Footprints Children’s Centre
9.30 - 11.00 am Families can relax whilst the children take part in fun activities.
1.15 – 2.45 pm A group for 3 years olds. We follow a set curriculum covering a wide range of topics.
PEEP 3’s at Knowle West Children’s Centre
9.30 - 10.45 am Lucy is qualified to teach you how to massage your baby. Please ring Knowle West Children’s Centre.
Baby Massage at Knowle West Children’s Centre
9.30 - 11.30 am A group especially for childminders, following a fantastic curriculum which has proved to encourage all areas of children’s development especially language and literacy and is fun for carers too.
Chill Out at the PAL House, Childminders PEEP at the Footprints Children’s PAL House, Footprints Centre Children’s Centre
9.30 - 11.25 am Talk to Sue Partridge and Vicky Morris at the Healthy Living Centre for information. Tel no 0117 3772254.
Creche at Healthy Living Centre
Children’s Centre Family Timetable Autumn 2009 ALL GROUPS FREE TO JOIN GROUPS START on September 7 to December 18, Term breaks for 1 week on October 26th
Photos left: Footprints Barbeque
Knowle West Children’s Centre
The content of these two pages is the editorial control of Footprints & Knowle West Children’s Centres, images provided by F & KW Children’s Centres
The Park • Daventry Road Bristol • BS4 1QD
MOS still have places available. If you are interested please email: or tel: 0117 903 0444
STARTING SCHOOL? IMPORTANT----If you have a child starting school next September 2010 you need to apply for a school before October 23rd THIS year 2009!!
The content of this page is the editorial control of Mouth of the South.
Photos of Summer Programme by by Nlarge photography
Top tips to choosing a school that will suit your family and your child:
14 for more news and info
Are you a single parent? … on Income Support? … with a youngest child aged between 9 and 12? If so you may be able to help us! We are looking to ‘recruit’ a team of single parents from The Knowle West/Hartcliffe area from January 2010 to take part in a Research project; we want to ask single parents about the support they get to help them find training/work as they are moved on to Job Seekers Allowance. Want to find out more? Please call Helen on T: 0117 9514231 (Single Parent Action Network) E: for more news and info
1] Start thinking about schools early 2] Decide what you want from a school e.g. a. Consider your child and his wants, interests and needs b. Consider practicalities e.g. travel c. Do you need before and after school care? 3] Find out all you can about the schools you are interested in a. Get a school prospectus or look at the schools website b. Talk to friends or people that go to the school c. VISIT THE SCHOOL 4] Decide which school best suits your child 5] Make your 3 choices 6] For PRIMARY, complete an application form (available from school admissions) for the county in which the desired school is. For SECONDARY, complete an application form (online from September 2009 or in the information booklet your child will be given on starting year for the county you live in (regardless of where the school is). 7] Apply ON TIME i.e. BEFORE 5pm on the 23rd October 2009 For advice and support on choosing a Secondary school contact Denise, Choice Adviser, at Family Information Service T: 0845 129 7217 E:
wednesdays thursdays
10-12noon (Term-time only) Foster Carers Support Group in the Restaurant at Filwood Community Centre. For more information, please ring Rebekka Jarvis / Beth Crowe at Knowle West Health Association
Computer Drop-in 10-11:30am. Learn computer & Internet basics.
on T: 0117 963 9569
Themed Workshops 1.30-3pm. Sessions include: Digital photos / Listening & watching online / Shopping & saving money / Keeping in touch. Both at Knowle West Media
10 – 11am Keep-Fit sessions for £1 only in Filwood Community Centre gym 11-12 Healthy Eating sessions in Filwood Community Centre restaurant. T: 0117 963 9569 After School Activity Club at the Health Park studio. 4-5 pm: age 4-7; 5-6pm: age 8-12. £4 for five weeks. To book T: 07809 483191 Toddler group (term time) 10-12noon 50p Toast fruit & drink provided at William Budd Health Centre T: 0117 944 9770
10.30-12noon Over 50s Centre, Leinster Ave. Call Bingo sessions in the Hall at Katie/Martin T: 0117 903 0444 Baby group (term time) Filwood Community Centre. 2 -3:30pm 0-18 months at William Budd Health For more information, please Baby massage Centre T: 0117 944 9770 ring Rebekka Jarvis / Beth 10-11:30am 6wks to 9 Crowe at Knowle West months at William Budd Health Association on Health Centre. Knowledge advert.qxp 02/09/2009 10:27 Page 1
T: 0117 963 9569
T: 0117 944 9770
Brunel Heights Phase 2 Available from November 2009 A brand new development of 24 homes, including 16 available to first-time buyers. Following the success of Phase 1 (located off Connaught Road), we are pleased to announce the following properties will be available on Phase 2. • •
Due to the credit crunch households are finding it hard to obtain a mortgage, so we may be able to offer some of these homes on the NEW Rent to HomeBuy scheme – you rent the property for up to five years, during which time you can purchase the home on a HomeBuy basis. The rent you pay is approx 20% less than private rents in the area. If you would like to be one of the first to receive the sales details for these homes, contact Natalie or Sarah on 01225 366307 or email Sample elevation
9 x two-bed houses from £41,285 plus £224pcm rent (for a 40% share). 7 x three-bed houses from £43,500 plus £233pcm rent (for a 40% share).
New Build HomeBuy (part-rent, part-buy) – you purchase a share in the home, normally by getting a mortgage. You pay rent on the remainder and later you can purchase part or all of the share you do not own.
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Thanks to The Newsletter Steering Group: Ann Smith, Kylie Manning, Denise Britt, The Resident Production team: Michael Smith - Artist/ Cartoonist, Debra Johnson - Debbie’s Dates, Lesley Belgium - Gardening Column: Glen Vowles, Green Scene column. Neighbourhood Management: Anita Pearce, Val Talbot & Kurt James. Knowle West Media Centre who facilitate the production: Makala Campbell - Editor (, Design by KWMC Design. All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the NM Steering Group or KWMC
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks