Community In Partnership
Community In Partnership
For the residents of Filwood, and parts of Knowle and Windmill Hill ISSUE 40 DEC 09 - FEB 10
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Chrismas market and carol service pg 6
Award winning volunteers Page 3
Things to do this winter Page 6+7
Young people’s news Page 8+9
seasons greetings Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all readers. We’ve got a great “Things to do this winter” section on the centre pages, as well as a bigger than usual ‘Debbie’s Dates’ on the back page, so there’s no excuse for saying you’re bored this season!
Cover photo : CIP Christmas Carol Service 2008 by kwmc Photography 0117 353 2745.
Xmas Lights Competition Also, the Newsletter Steering group has been out and about judging the house with the best xmas light display. Winners will be announced in the next issue, and on The luminous homes will receive some vouchers as a thanks for making the streets of Knowle West bright and colourful. Your Free Gift: Knowle West Secret Places Calendar 2010 Building on the success of last year’s Secret Gardens calendar, the local Neighbourhood Arts Officer & Knowle West Media Centre worked with residents to produce a 2010 wall planner. The images were taken by local people, many from the Health Park’s Creativity Group. The photos represent people’s lives and memories in the neighbourhood; all the things that we pass everyday without a second glance but would be missed if they were gone. Next Issue Copy deadline Jan 20th noon. Delivery from Feb 22nd.Send articles to T: 0117 353 2895. More info pg 7, anything relating to CIP issues (article right) contact them first to see how it is being dealt with.
About community in partnership (CIP) by denise britt, resident, chair of cip & elected rep
CIP is a local group based at Filwood Broadway, involved with community work. E.g. the Liveability group that deals with environmental issues, and this newsletter, which gets delivered to all households on the estate, keeping people up to date with events and issues. what we’ve done this year:
Knowle West Regeneration Framework. The residents planning group work hard keeping up with meetings about the future development of our community. A huge amount of time and commitment is needed. It is very important and affects our future. Give us your ideas before its too late! T: 0117 908 4248
Urban Initiatives have been consulting local people: the Knowle West Conversations are now live on the redesigned community website. Voice your opinions and see the latest news and photos at: Call Russell at KWMC: 0117 353 4612
Taking over the running of Filwood Community Centre. A receptionist is there to welcome visitors and a big thank you to Joy Pollard from The Park who has taken over the bookings and more. To book the hall T: 0117 903 9770
Restorative Approach is dealing with low-level anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood
disputes. Funding gained to continue next year. Street Reps report issues such as fly tipping and street lighting problems. 33 members so far; we’d like a rep for all roads! T: 0117 908 4229
Community events - see article right for more info. 49 small grants given to local groups across the estate. A small sample are: •KWHP –massage couch for people with disabilities, Lunch Club sing along CD •Various groups Xmas meals. •Various sports activities including youth, adults, women’s football and girls netball teams. •Buried Treasure-environmental work in the community •Eagle House -30 children trip to theatre to watch pantomime. A big thank you to the Board and especially the dedicated staff of CIP at the Filwood Broadway office, none of this would have been possible without you all.
knowle west is changing... see insert for more news and info
Photo: Andy Williams, Secretary of Broadwalk Football Club Broadwalk FC, with new football kit funded from small grants, provided by Anita Pearce.
from the editor
Photo: Hearts & Stars Winners by KWMC Photography.
bless their hearts & STARS by rose manning, local resident and volunteer
help me auntie annie, i... want to be healthy!
The Hearts and Stars event this autumn acknowledged the work done by volunteers. Funded by CIP small grants and organised by volunteers, it was a huge success: 60 people were nominated and everyone received a certificate in recognition of their work. The winners: • Lifetime Achievement Ken Jones • Outstanding Achievement Lyn Capel • Quality of Life Debbi Jackson • Youth Tarn Martlew-Pickering • Older Person Gloria Tucker • Best Group Team Fab • Newcomer Heather Pickford • Outside Area Marion Davis and Betty Butler • People’s Choice June McNeil • Good Neighbour Bob Whatley • Churches Jane Grinonneau There was also a raffle, auction, buffet, bouquet presentation to the winners and main organisers...and dancing through the night. Thanks to award sponsors, friends, supporters, and especially everyone who gives their time to their community. Other Successful CIP funded events included Filwood Funday and The Park’s OAP Xmas party. Want to help with the Hearts & Stars event next year? T: 0117 908 4248
happy 10th birthday re:work by Vicky Beckwith, re:work
Re:work was set up as The South Bristol Community Construction Company by a group of splendid Knowle West residents. Since then we have grown, changed, developed and renamed ourselves. Our furniture reuse shop on Filwood Broadway- re:store- revamps and re-imagines donated furniture. A lot of this work is done by young people, referred to us by their school. Students and volunteers also help out our building and gardening teams: re:build and (you guessed it) re:grow. Re:store T: 0117 963 2521 for more news and info
“I know you’re supposed to be more healthy, eat your 5 a day, not smoke, not eat too much junk food, and excercise at least 30 mins a day or something like that. It’s all well and good knowing it, but now I know, I just can’t seem to get the drive to excercise or the will to make the food changes. I don’t want to suffer from health problems when I’m older, or set a bad example for the’s just hard when I’ve got into habits that are hard to break. But I feel frumpy and lazy and I want to change.” Well done on recognising the need to change, that’s often the hardest thing.Sometimes making changes to our lives is daunting and very challenging. Being healthy is a lot easier if you know that there is plenty of support available. For help with acheiveing your health and fitness goals, support to stop smoking and more contact: Shaun Hawkins, community health Trainer at the Walk-in Centre, Knowle West Health Park or E:
There are also loads of fun ways to be active, and get support with the Fit and Fab group (Debbie’s Dates pg12). Write to Auntie Annie for advice. She can’t reply to all letters, sorry. Post: Auntie Annie, Community In Partnership, Filwood Broadway, BS4 1JL E:
Advertorial. Photo: making apple juice at the Food Fest, provided by Misty at kwmc.
by misty tunks,KWMC
On Halloween, KWMC welcomed people to experience the foods and flavours of the autumn season at the Knowle West Harvest Food Fest. Outside, the hand-made clay oven warmed jacket potatoes and the old-fashioned press churned out tangy apple juice. Mil dug up the potatoes planted during the summer food fest and pumpkin soup made by Heather and co went down a treat! Rachel put unrecyclable materials to good use by transforming them into ghoulish masks and Halloween models. There was also a ‘diary pod’, where people recorded their hopes and predictions for the next 25 years. To receive texts alerts, emails or postal invites on similar events contact Katie or Misty T: 0117 903 0444 E: /
mapping the west by misty tunks, carbon makeover
At the end of October KWMC had 20 Europeans visiting from Germany, Romania and Hungary to work on a shared mapping project. The highlight of the trip was when locals, Jan, Becky, Slyvie, Michelle, Mil, Lesley and Nandia got to explore the area with the visitors. We used different media tools and documented Knowle West. All the content gathered was uploaded to the KW Green Map, a community resource that was originally put together by local people. The visitors also enjoyed film screenings with workshops from local environmental campaigners. The project is called the 4 B Hives as each cities’ name starts with B and the idea is we all work as a colony. So the visit wouldn’t have been complete without a trip to see some bee hives! Lawrence Western Community Farm very kindly hosted a visit for us, giving us a taster bee keeping session with honey treats to boot!
green scene: at work by glenn vowles Ideas for being green, efficient and thrifty!
Put a spider plant on your desk – they are natural air conditioners and pollution removers Use mugs, cups or glasses instead of disposable plastic throwaway ones Get a system going for reuse of equipment and materials, possibly via a charity Encourage your employer to transform by doing an environmental & social audit and reporting on progress towards agreed goals annually
4 for more news and info
Advertorial. Photo: Members of the 4 B Hives project, provided by Misty at kwmc.
Delicious food and digital fun!
Ways2work in knowle west Photo: Sue at the One Stop Jobshop, provided by HWV.
by Brian McInally, Hartcliffe & Withywood Ventures
Ways2Work is a new project aimed at helping young people (19 plus) who want support and advice with finding training, employment or simply planning their next steps. The project worker, Sue Kollar says “If I can’t help then I’ll find someone who can!” Contact Sue on T: 07812 945 912 or 0117 978 1708 or through the One Stop Jobshop in Filwood Broadway on T: 0117 908 4220
The content of this page is the editorial control of HWV
e2e Entry 2 Employment @ The Park e2e is now at The Park! If you are aged 16-19 and need help with training, gaining qualifications or finding a job then e2e may be the course for you. At e2e you can learn in a relaxed and friendly environment and develop the skills you will need to get the job you want or move into further education. To find out more about e2e just drop in @ The Park, Daventry Rd, or call Deb on T: 0117 978 8968 You will receive £30 per week EMA on e2e for more news and info
Ways2Work Job Vacancy
We are looking for a committed, enthusiastic person with local knowledge for outreach work on this project which is funded until August 2010. The ideal person will be good at making contact with people in public and social venues and organising events and activities (e.g. music sport etc) to attract Contact them. Interested? Brian McInally by 22nd January on T: 0117 978 1708 for further info
Childcare Bursaries
Funding is now available to Knowle residents who need help with childcare costs to get into training to prepare for work. The application process is simple, quick and local. Sue is also the contact for this scheme which is managed by HWV on behalf of Bristol City Council. (See left for contact details.)
Thinking of Starting Your Own Business?
Hartcliffe and Withywood Ventures are launching a new training course that will allow people to work towards achieving an NVQ related to Starting a New Business Venture. Free to attend but you must have a business idea that you would like to start-up. For more info and to register your interest call Justin Ricks on T: 0117 978 1708
Come and buy from our xmas stalls, lots of gifts and food available...and come and see Santa! Anyone who wants a stall call Cynthia T: 0117 908 4229
2. sing your heart out Christmas Carols on Filwood Broadway green 5.30pm Tues 15th Dec inc free mulled wine and mince pies for adults and free chocolates for the kids.
3. get advice
Filwood Hope Advice Centre in Filwood Broadway has a Drop-In Centre with Citizens Advice and is open Mon-Fri 9.30am-1pm. They cover general advice plus Benefit, Debt, Housing, Employment, Age Concern, Counselling and support. T: 0117 963 4566
4. a meal makeover with Fruit Kebabs
These kebabs went down well at the Knowle West Food Fest in October and would make a nice healthy dessert. To make the kebabs - use a mixture of fruit (grapes, tinned pineapple cubes, melon, strawberries, apple, banana, tangerine segments, pear etc.) and thread onto wooden skewers. To make the dip - mix together, 500g low fat vanilla yoghurt, 75ml honey, the rind of one lemon and a tablespoon each of lemon and lime juice. Call Kate Roberts T: 07795 052226 if you have ideas on how to improve the health of your community or would like to suggest a healthy recipe for the newsletter. SEE BACK PAGE FOR MORE EVENTS AND ACTIVITES INCluding COOKING courses
5. keep in touch with family & friends tues 8th december 2-4pm, knowle west media centre
Talk to your family and friends who live far away: A free afternoon of activities, with free tea, coffee and mince pies! Find out how the internet can improve your social life and keep you in touch with friends and family at this free event: Social Networking for Older People. Receive computer training in a friendly environment and sign-up for our free computer tutorials. Contact Makala Campbell or Rachel Clarke T: 0117 903 0444 E: / for more news and info
Photo supplied by Kate Roberts, Community Health Worker.
Filwood’s annual Christmas Market is coming soon: Tues 15th Dec in Filwood Community Centre 3.30-5pm.
Photo left: The Management Team at Filwood Hope thank Wates Building and Construction after they had completed a Community Day – refurbishing Filwood Hope, provided by D. Redshaw.
Small cover photo: WOW (Women of Worth) group having fun at their christmas meal 2008, which was funded from CIP small grants, provided by Anita Pearce.
1. buy local gifts
8. burgle proof your home 6. go smokefree for the new year
by Kate O’Connor, Community Safety Officer
DON’T leave doors and windows open or unlocked at night or when you are out of the house. Many burglars are opportunists and thrive on people being careless. MAKE sure your house looks like it is occupied when you go out. Install timers on lights, radios and TVs. KEEP valuable possessions out of sight and draw curtains if you are out for a long time. DON’T put out packaging from expensive items like computers for recycling until collection day. ALWAYS keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Working together with neighbours can be a strong defence against crime.
7. send stories to the newsletter
E: T: 0117 353 2895
Community rate
Business rate
Word count
1 page
Main box
150 words
+ main + small landscape
Total space mm w 181 h237.5 w118 h165
120 words
w54.5 h237.5
Small box
80 words
w118 h65
1 sheet
6,500 copies
Back cover (a)
180 words
w180 h110
Back cover (B)
120 words
w180 h110 for more news and info
LOCK garden sheds and keep power tools secure and out of sight. REGISTER valuable items on It makes it easier for police to return it. For more advice about reducing opportunities for burglary call 0845 456 7000 and ask to speak to the crime reduction unit.
new Generation Takeover By Toni Gray, local young person
I went to Colston Hall on Saturday 19 September with a group from Knowle West Media Centre to see the re-opening events: the New Generation Takeover. I went inside the new foyer and was shocked by the size and beauty of the space.
Photo of colston hall by nlarge photography / / contact nicky williams 0117 353 2745.
Whilst I was there I asked many questions to performing artists, staff and members of the public. Some of our group were filming, some asked questions and others took photographs of the building to document the day. I enjoyed it all. Also I want to do more of it. I’d never done anything like that before. I learnt how to film an interview. I was quite shy but I got used to it, plus I felt confident after I’d done it for a few hours. People were really polite and I said ‘thank you’ after I’d spoken to each person.
Project X Celebration Event and support with the transition to secondary school
Project X held it’s 2nd celebration event this October at Filwood Community Centre. The event celebrates young people’s achievements over the last year, with certificate presentations, prizes and a very tasty buffet. Families and local agencies were invited to share the young peoples successes. Project X and Oasis Academy ran a transition project for Year 6’s from Iliminster Ave and Connaught Primary, to improve the transiton to secondary school. The focus was making friends, improving confidence and learning about Academy life.
8 for more news and info
The changes will include building seating, planting trees and building a BBQ pit. Future Proof was busy over the summer planting trees, removing graffiti, cleaning up sites and maintaining the Secret Garden. We want more young people to get involved so please contact Paul or Sarah on T: 0117 377 2647 if you want to join.
New Learning Centre coming to the area by Head Teacher, Mr Peter Evans
“Knowle DGE” is replacing “Florence Brown School” and will include a Vocational Wing, with workshops for “Motor Vehicle”, “Construction and Building” courses “Horticulture/Land Bases Studies”. The centre will meet the needs of children aged 7-19 years and open to adults in the evenings! A vocational kitchen will service a community café at the entrance to the centre. Wide range of facilities on offer. T: Mrs Karen Baker, Business Manager: 0117 353 2011
HORSE COURSE Another 13 young people are on the current Level 1 Horse Course run by Project X, Positive Futures and Horseworld. This means over 36 young people have been on the Course. Now 6 young people have also been on the Level 2 Course, which gives them in-depth work experience in a horse welfare yard. Callie Andrews, age 16, said: “The Level 1 Course gave me confidence to be around horses. I am looking forward to the Level 2 Course as this will help me get a career with horses in the police force”. Alistair Dale at Positive Futures T: 0117 903 9805
up to £100 for young volunteers
Vtalent, volunteering scheme for 16-25 year-olds. Ideal for those not currently in education, employment or training. Gain a Level 2 qualification in Community Volunteering and claim a subsistence allowance of up to £100 per week. T: 0117 312 2801 E: for more news and info
Photo left: Getting into their stride on the Level 2 Horse Course, provided by Xanthe Burbidge.
Sita awarded £10,000 to a group of young people to make improvements to the area behind Newry Walk Baptist Church. The group, called Futureproof, will redevelop the area for the benefit of the local community.
Photo left: Some of the Future Proof group, provided by Xanthe Burbidge. Cover image: Graffiti art on residents’ bins & schools’ bins.
hoodies are goodies: young people’s group Improves Community Areas
The content of these two pages is the editorial control of Footprints & Knowle West Children’s Centres, images provided by F & KW Children’s Centres
Maths week at Footprints At footprints we share responsibility for every area of learning within smaller teams. The team overseeing mathematical development planned a maths week to support children’s learning. Activities included going on a number hunt in the wildlife garden, creating patterns, singing and estimating how many corks we could fit into our shoes. Maths week also spread across the community with our outreach team planning activities to share with parents and children including walking on number steps at gym tots and matching number balls at Peeps and we also had support from the peal team creating maths resources for everyone to use. The week was a great success with both children and adults exploring maths in a broad range of contexts. Footprints Children’s Centre T: 0117 903 9781 / 0117 377 3610
The PEEP groups continue to be popular as ever with new families joining us all the time, please see the timetable on the next page for groups and times and come and join us too.
knowle west children’s centre news
Knowle west Children’s Centre provides childcare for children aged from 3months – 4 years and is open Monday to Friday 8am until 6pm. We welcome Robin Taylor who is the new learning co-ordinator and will be leading learning experiences planned for families and children across the centre. The newly revamped Early Years 2 space is proving a great success and this is shown in the way that the children happily spend their time playing, exploring and interacting with each other. The space has also proved popular with the under twos who enjoy spending time with their older peers at circle times and meal times. In Early Years 3 the children are now settled after joining the centre in September and during the autumn term have been imagining a world full of magic and elves…and rockets! There are plans for visits to Leigh woods to see autumn in full colour, and Mrs Morris has worked with parents and carers planting bulbs in our own garden ready to bloom next spring. There is lots more going on so if you would like any more information on the services we offer or would like to come and look around please telephone us on T: 0117 903 0214 or pop in we will be happy to talk you. for more news and info
Main photo: Learning through play in Early Years 2. Insert photos left to right: Helping each other Early Years 1 and 2, Singing time in Early Years 2, Building rocket in Early Years 3.
The Park • Daventry Road Bristol • BS4 1QD for more news and info
Put on your dancing shoes and join us at Filwood Social Centre every Monday for a teadance, 2-4pm, cost £1.50. Sequence dancing with good music and friendly company. (By Marie Jones resident)
Chrismas Market and Healthy Cooking on a Carol Service 15th Dec. Budget Make Low cost healthy meals, make a More info page 6. little go a long way Thurs Free event - Social from 28th Jan, 6 wks. Networking for older people Tues 8th Dec Tasty Take-aways 2-4pm. More info page 6. course Healthy options T: 0117 353 2895 to classics like Tikka
After school activity club The Health Park, Studio, Thurs, last 2009 session 10th Dec, starts again Jan 2010. £4 for five sessions (or 80p per session).
Frame Rate Workshop for aspiring animators Weds 9th Dec, 9.30am 5pm. Make an animation in one day. 8 places available T: 0117 903 0444. For age 16+.
Call Barry on T: 07809 483191
Free film screening Animated Shorts Thurs 17th Dec, 7.30pm
Valentine Dance TBC T: 0117 908 4229
After School Club Fun cookery sesions - make pizza, fresh sausages & BBQ sauce, burgers and bun, chocolate muffins and more. 4 Masala, Chow Mein, and wk course startsThurs Pizza. Starts Weds Jan Feb 25th 4.30-6.30pm. 27th, 1.30-3.30pm. Cooking for One can be Fun! Cookery Cooking for Beginners sessions 3rd Fri of Plan meals, produce each month, Jan quick, easy and healthy April, 10am - 2pm. meals. 6 Wk Course Meet people and starts weds 27th Jan share food in a relaxed 10-12. environment. All at Filwood Community Centre. Bookings T: 0117 963 9569
Free event:Technology & Community Feb 23rd. For community organisations and residents T: 0117 353 2895 Advertorial: Photo of fashionate event by nlarge photography Contact Nicky 0117 353 2745 / .
Fit and Fab Thurs 9.30-12, 80p Knowle West Health Park, FREE EXHIBITION Activity room. If you’re Fri 11 - Weds 23 Dec, looking to make a change 11-6pm. New work from or already trying, i.e. weight 4 filmmaker/animators loss, stop smoking, gain based in the South West. All courses above at Filwood confidence, make friends. All at Knowle West Media Community Centre. To book All welcome, free crèche. Centre, Leinster Ave, BS4 1JJ call KWHA T: 0117 963 9569
Do you have a passion for fashion? then why not produce your own 2010 FASHION SHOW! Beginning this month: Fashionate, an exciting fashion project for young women living in South Bristol. Exploring jobs for women in the fashion industry, particularly technical roles that are generally held by men, such as music, lighting and photography. Knowle West Media Centre will be running free workshops and trips to help you produce and promote your own fashion show in 2010! T: Nicky or Katie 0117 903 0444 Or E: / To receive the newsletter via email instead please contact the Editor. Thanks to The Newsletter Steering Group:
Ann Smith, Ken Jones,Denise Britt, The Resident Production team: Michael Smith - Artist, Glenn Vowles, Green Scene tips, Lesley Belgium - Gardening Column. Neighbourhood Management: Anita Pearce & Kurt James. Knowle West Media Centre who facilitate the production: Makala Campbell - Editor, Design by KWMC Design. All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the NM Steering Group or KWMC
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks