Community In Partnership For the residents of Filwood, and parts of Knowle and Windmill Hill ISSUE 41 feb - may 2010
Opening the gate to new powers for the community. Page 2
Christmas lights competition winners. Page 3
Free computers for families. Page 7
makala campbell
Thank you to everyone that’s given us such great feedback about the newsletter over the last year. The steering group will soon be meeting to decide the next financial year’s timetable for the newsletter. As a guide the deadline will be early April, delivered early May. All enquries to me, the Editor E: T: 0117 353 2895
dress from the dap This Christmas local organisations took part in a ‘dress from the dap’ competition, buying outfits from Filwood Broadway’s Sally Army shop. Pictured below are a few examples of what some of us bought from the charity shop (bangle, hat, dress, necklace).
Photo right provided by Misty Tunks
The Salvation Army shop is open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm (Weds 9.30am) & Sats 10am-3pm. T: 0117 966 1369
New Powers for Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Residents by kurt james The seat (pictured) and gate (cover) at the Malago, funded from the NM Liveability fund. Denise Britt (chair CIP) Mike Whereatt (elected CIP resident for Marksbury Rd area) and a local resident with dog, enjoy the bench. Radical changes to the way Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill wards are governed will come into force from March this year, following Bristol’s agreement to devolve over £13 million to its 14 Neighbourhood Partnerships. The Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership will be given a significant say in managing and spending its allocation of just over £1 million of public funds 2010-2011, which will be used to improve the quality of some of the services that impact on your lives and the environment that you live in. The membership of the Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership, which includes the ward councillors and nine local residents, will be involved in making decisions on how the funding will be used.
Photos provided by Anita Pearce
from the editor
Making the Neighbourhood Partnership work depends upon residents letting it know what problems need to be solved to improve the quality of life for themselves and the others that live in the area. Regular Neighbourhood Forum meetings will be held in each ward, to give residents the opportunity to share the issues that need to be resolved so that the Neighbourhood Partnership can fix them. The dates for these meetings will be publicised locally later in the year. The Neighbourhood Partnership will meet 6-8 pm on Tuesday 9th March at Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL. Paperwork for this meeting will be available on the Bristol City Council website. neighbourhoodpartnerships E:neighbourhood.partnerships@bristol. T: 0117 903 6825. for more news and info
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS WINners Denise Britt (Chair CIP) Ann Smith (CIP resident)
Christmas market and carols
Photo: Christmas Market by KWMC Photography
by Ann Smith and Denise Britt, local residents
This Christmas we drove around the estate looking and taking photos of the Christmas lights that people had put up this year.
Lots of people turned up even though the weather wasn’t great and the Carol Service was held indoors instead of out. Despite this there was a great atmosphere and the mince pies, pizza and mulled juice went down a treat.
As we went around we thought what a great amount of time and effort people had put into their displays - well done to all of you. Unfortunately we could not give everybody a prize but we nominated 6 people for an ASDA voucher. The winner will be on the front cover of the Christmas edition 2010.
We would like to thank everyone who volunteered, made donations and gave their time free, and the residents who turned up and made it the great success that it was. We are already planning the year’s events. Look out for special dates in The Knowledge. For any queries about local events involving Community In Partnership contact Cynthia Goldstein T: 0117 908 4229
volunteers needed
Thanks to everyone who made the effort, we had a really good time taking the photos (although blue with the cold)!
for restorative approach
Restorative Approach
? for more news and info
1st 54 Cossington Rd (cover) Runners up 94 Barnstaple Rd (above) 7 Erin Walk (lower above) 43 Donegal Rd 115 Ilminster Avenue 125 Marksbury Rd
Cover Photo and above taken by Ann Smith and Denise Britt, local residents and CIP
The Christmas Market and Carol Service at Filwood Community Centre on 15th December was a great success. Lots of stalls, Father Christmas and Knowle West Arts Promotion put on an excellent show.
spring garden
However bad the weather, you can always use a warm windowsill to start off seeds like tomato leaf salads and peppers. Even mustard and cress can add interest to everyday soups and sandwiches.
gardening or digital skills?
environmental and media by misty tunks
Knowle West Media Centre welcomes new Environmental Media Worker, Sue Mackinnon. Sue will be helping to support local community campaigners and other environmental media work on the estate. Sue replaces Adele, who we are sorry to say good-bye to. Adele leaves us to become a mummy! Sue’s first few days came with a green mapping workshop, where we worked with local group, ‘Fit and Fab’. The Fit and Fabbers are looking at ways of mapping Knowle West using different media resources. The group will have the opportunity to travel for free to 1 of 4 Euro cities to meet other people participating in the Green Mapping Project. The group isn’t exclusive, there are places available. Contact Misty on 0117 903 0444. Other news we are excited about is our partnership with Re:work and Buried Treasure to run Edible Landscapes Movement. Volunteers will be coming to KWMC to learn all sorts of exciting media and arts skills. More info in ‘GARDENING OR DIGITAL SKILLS ?’
by Vicky Beckwith, RE:work
The Edible Landscape Movement* are looking for volunteers. We exchange garden maintenance for a plot to grow fruit and vegetables on. We need volunteers to help us with gardening and to document our achievements with photography, film and website. Full training given. Help make Knowle West more self sufficient T: 0117 963 2521 or pop into our office on Filwood Broadway.
Photo: Green mapping session with the Fit and Fab women by Misty Tunks
Hello gardeners and Happy New Year. You may think that all the snow we had recently will have made gardening almost impossible, but that’s not so. The main growing season starts in March; so if you couldn’t sow early crops like tomatoes, broad beans and flowering sweet peas don’t despair - just ignore the calendar and begin in March. By the same token, don’t panic if you haven’t bought or chitted your seed potatoes yet. It’s fine to start in March with your First Earlies, it’s not even necessary to chit them, put them straight into your plot or pot Second Earlies at the end of March and maincrops in April. Shop around, there is a wide variety available at good (or some notso-good) prices.
green scene: technology Ideas for being green, efficient and thrifty! by glenn vowles, knowle
if away from your computer for over an hour switch it to sleep mode or turn it off, a computer monitor left on overnight wastes enough energy to print hundreds of A4 pages get your old computers and phones reused or recycled, various charities are available, 7 litres of crude oil are used just to make the plastic in one computer system look for the energy rating system when buying electrical equipment and buy more efficient models for more news and info
*The Edible Landscape Movement is an affiliation of local groups: Buried Treasure, the Media Centre and re:work.
by lesley belgium, resident
services at knowle west health park
The content of this page is the editorial control of Knowle West Health Park
Focus on Families aims to support people living in Knowle West, by providing the following services: Counselling for individuals and families Drama-based and play therapy Parenting courses Stress, anger and depression management sessions Support network for parents All of the services are free and run in partnership with Womankind, Barnardos, Butterfly and other qualified practitioners. Please contact your GP, key worker or support worker if you would like to be referred into these services. Alternatively call the Focus on Families Co-ordinator on T: 0117 377 2256 for information about the services on offer and how to become involved.
Photo: Fit and Fab Group enjoy a session on the park by T.Hazell
Focus on Families
Services for Adults
Want to get fit and healthy for the summer..? There are plenty of services for you and your friends/ family: One-to-One Services include Pathways to Health, Welcome Counselling, Complimentary Therapies and Focus on Families services. Wellbeing groups, make new friends whilst getting fitter and having fun including Fit and Fab, Slimming World, Art on Tuesdays, Support to stop Smoking, and the lunch club. Activities sessions include, Walking Groups, Armchair Exercise, Step Aerobics, Hips Bums and Tums, Absolute Beginners Exercise Class and Tai Chi. café Update
We are sorry that the Café is temporarily closed. We are working hard to find new caterers who can reopen the Café in Spring 2010. The new services will be better than ever. for more news and info
children and young people We have an exciting range of services for Children and Young People at Knowle West Health Park, including:
Dance Club for 8-11year olds Mondays 4.30-5.30pm / 80p Family Fitness, fun sessions for the whole family Wednesdays 4.15-5.15pm / 80p Saturday Performance Club for 5-9 year olds, Saturday 10-12noon / 80p Breast Is Best Group, breastfeeding support group Tuesdays 12.45-2.45pm / (free) Boxing for 8-14 year olds Tuesdays 4.30-5.30pm / 80p Stretch-n-Grow for 2-5 year olds Wednesdays 9.45-10.15pm / 80p After School Activity Club for 4-10 year olds Thursdays 4.00-5.00pm / 80p Crèche for 0-5 year-olds, FREE sessions for those attending one of our activities or if booked through a health professional.
For more information about our services or to book a place call us on T: 0117 377 2255 or see our website W:
meal makeover: mushroom & spinach pancakes Serves 4
by Kate Roberts Community Health Worker
fashion show in knowle west by Rachel Clarke
1| To make pancake batter, mix together the flour, eggs, milk and a pinch of salt till smooth. Cover and leave for 30 mins. 2| Pour stock over dried mushrooms, if using, and leave to soak for 30 minutes
4| Cook spinach in a pan for a couple of minutes. When cool, squeeze out excess water and chop. Mix in soft cheese and add pepper and salt to taste. 5| Heat 1 tbs of vegetable oil in a pan and add chopped fresh mushrooms and spring onions. Cook until lightly brown. Add the soaked dried mushrooms with the leftover stock and bring to the boil, simmering for 15 minutes or until the mixture is syrupy. Season. 6| Place half the spinach mixture in a lightly oiled 1 litre shallow oven proof dish. Using about six pancakes layer with the mushroom mixture and spinach mixture. Cook at 200oC or gas mark 6 for 30 minutes until browned. Serve with some parsley sprinkled on top. (Left over mixture can be frozen interleaved with greaseproof paper and wrapped in cling film.
3| Lightly oil a frying pan and add enough batter to coat the pan thinly. Cook on both sides until golden brown. Makes 1012 pancakes. A group of young women from South Bristol are looking for new members to join them in organizing and promoting a fashion show to take place on Friday April 16th at Knowle West Media Centre. The Youth Events Team – Leah, Emma, Bianca, Shelby and Jazmine – meet on Mondays at 5.30pm at Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC). They are learning marketing, event planning and technical skills through workshops and visits. “We are very excited about the fashion show and really want everyone to get involved!” Find out about our free workshops in half term 15th – 20th February, and production week between the 5th – 9th April. The team would love to hear from anyone interested in helping or getting involved. Contact Nicky or Tamsin at KWMC: T: 0117 903 0444 / W:
ingredients For pancakes: 50g plain white flour / 50g plain wholemeal flour / 1 egg / 350ml skimmed milk / Salt & pepper / Vegetable oil Filling: 300ml vegetable stock / 25g dried mushrooms (use extra fresh mushrooms if you can’t find) / 450g fresh spinach, washed or 350g frozen spinach, thawed / 225g reduced fat soft cheese / 450g mushrooms –chestnut if available / 1 bunch spring onions, trimmed and chopped / Parsley to garnish / Vegetable oil for more news and info
help me aUNTIE aNnIE... i need help managing my money
Cover Photo: The Grant family learning how to use computers, by Misty Tunks
Q| Over Christmas, to cover the cost, I borrowed some money from a doorstep lender but have since realised that I am paying back a lot more. Is there anything I can do as the banks won’t lend me any money and I can’t afford the payments? A| Have you heard of Bristol Credit Union? They offer affordable loans which are tailored to your individual needs, as well as other banking services like current accounts. They could possibly lend you the money to payoff your loan at a far more reasonable rate, and help you save towards next Christmas, and maybe offer you a loan at that time as well.
free computers for families 1st come 1st serve !
Bristol City Council announced last week that up to 5,000 families in Bristol could benefit from free computers and broadband web access to help with learning at home. The Home Access project is a £300 million government scheme to provide computer and internet access for low income families with children aged 7 to 14. To apply for a Home Access grant, call the Becta national helpline on 0333 200 1004. Grants will be made on a first come, first served basis. If Bristol families need help with filling in the form they can call 0117 352 6000. Knowle West Media Centre runs a free computer training on Weds T: 903 0444 for more news and info
They are ethical and not-forprofit so they really do have your best interests at heart. Visit them on Friday mornings, 9.30-11am at Re:Work, Filwood Broadway or give them a call on T: 0117 924 7309.
Write to Auntie Annie for advice. She can’t reply to all letters, sorry. Post: Auntie Annie, Community In Partnership, Filwood Broadway, BS4 1JL E:
Young People told us what they want, we listened and have delivered: introducing the new youth moves provision Youth Moves have been talking and listening to young people across the area to find out what they want from youth services. From this some new and exciting projects have been set up and some of the old projects have had programme revamps, so we are now able to offer more of what young people are saying they want.
S2 SoundWaves: Wednesday evenings 7.30 – 9.30. A weekly disco in Filwood community centre has lowered the age to include 12 year olds. On alternate weeks there is a mixture of music provided by young people including MC’ing and regular themed nights, where fancy dress is optional. Broad Plain House: Young People said there was nothing to do on a Friday response to this Youth Moves have launched a new Friday night session at Broad Plain House. 6.30 – 9pm. This session will start off with take away and film nights, but is looking for input from Young People. Come along and give us your ideas. For more information T: 0117 377 2641. Broad Plain House is re-open on a Tuesday evening, with new staff and a new programme consisting of sports, arts, crafts, cooking, and music and lots more. We are running Junior Sports Leadership Awards, a great first step to a career in sports or just for fun. 7 – 9.30pm for 13 – 19 year olds NotforBoyz: Every Thursday 7 - 9pm Newry Walk Centre - Newry Walk - off Daventry Road. Mixed programme of activities - come along, have your say and help shape this girls only space if you are aged 13 to 17 years. T: Sarah 07980 167797 Eagle House, Newquay Road: Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 7 – 9.30pm for 13 – 19 year olds. Eagle House have just raised money to buy new sports and gym equipment. The programme has expanded in response to what young people have said they want. Detached Youth Work: There will be detached workers out and about in the area on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturday evenings. Young People have said they want something on a weekend, so look out for Barry, Laura and Rich and they can help you turn your ideas into action. To find out more contact the detached team on T: 07825 979493 REVVS: Monday’s 4 – 7pm Motorcycle maintenance for 12 – 16 year olds now have places available. Sound Bwoyz: Tuesdays 7 – 9.30pm. The group has decks, music, MC’ing, graffiti art. It gives boys and young men aged 13 - 19 the space to learn or improve music and art skills, in a safe space. No experience required and run by specialist art and music workers. The opportunity to gain an accredited arts award is also on offer. Tel or Text 0782 597 9493.
8 for more news and info
New projects on the horizon: Open air cinema: We are in the planning stage and looking at setting up a weekly Saturday evening open air cinema in parks and open spaces. This idea has come directly from young people, but to make it happen we need young people to part of setting this up. If you are interested in gaining new skills and accredited qualifications and want to have some fun at the same time then contact us and be part of a new venture for young people in the area. Bicycle Maintenance: We are planning on setting up a bicycle maintenance workshop in Victoria Park on Tuesday evenings 6 – 9pm. Youth Project monitoring: Youth Opinions have set up a monitoring group to ensure the youth provision is providing a quality service to Young People. They need more young people to get involved in this, to make the services young people receive relevant and to ensure it is what young people want. This shows Young People CAN make a difference. If you want to be one of the young people that can make a difference and make things better for Young People or get more involved contact: Email: Telephone: Youth Moves office 0117 903 9796 Or text your name and contact details to: 0782 597 9493
Youth Opinions a busy 2009 Youth Opinions have had a busy 2009. Some things we have done: • Consultation - we interviewed almost 500 young people to find out what they thought • Attended national weekend training events. • Runners up in the Inspire Bristol awards. • Have Deputy Member of Youth Parliament and Bristol Select Committee. • We have a Youth office at The Park available for groups to book for meetings. We are looking forward to 2010 to do even more. We want more 13- 19 years old involved to give us a bigger voice. E: T: 0117 903 9796 for more news and info
Wordsearch where we live Confidence: The key to success
made by the young people from Youth Opinions [see p9]
by maddie martinez, local young person
In the 21st century, feeling confident about yourself is difficult. Everyone - from secondary school students to celebrities - has their moment of doubt.
First things first: Smile! Smiling not only makes you look inviting, but also confident and happy about being yourself. Next, surround yourself with people who support you and make you feel good. Meet up with friends who will give you honest advice when you need it, and not throw false compliments at you - friends you can trust!
Lastly, have some “me” time a couple of times a week. Sometimes being alone with yourself has its advantages - you can do exactly what you want to do; whether its reading, listening to music or simply taking a walk in the park.
new cooking courses for the new year
by Maxine Golbourne, community kitchen
2010 starts with the first of a series of 5-week courses for young adults from Project X. This new course, that we’re really excited about, not only gives attendees with the opportunity to gain confidence and experience in the kitchen, they also get to show off their achievements by cooking a meal for their parents. All our courses are jam packed with quick easy recipes, meal planning and shopping tips and of course, how to cook more healthily. Don’t forget, all our courses are free for Knowle West residents. Contact T: 0117 963 9569 to book. for more news and info
Cover Image: Young adults from Project X at Community Kitchen by KWMC Photography
The good news is that there are many easy tips and tricks, which can help you to become a confident and happy person!
what a winter we’ve had at knowle west children’s centre
exciting plans for kw children’s centre
The content of this page is the editorial control of Knowle West Children’s Centre, images provided by KW Children’s Centre.
This term we will be celebrating Chinese New Year by inviting families in for a Chinese Lunch and introducing the children to Dragon Dancing and other Chinese traditions.
Well...what a start to the New Year we have had! The snow arrived at the beginning of term and sent everything into chaos! However at Knowle West Children’s Centre we battled on and managed to stay open every snowy day except one. Well done and thank you to all the parents who were able to bring their children in. We had great fun exploring the snow and spent lots of time digging, sliding and building (pictured above). The end of last term was busy as ever, with lots of families joining us for a Winter Celebration that involved singing, games and a Christmas lunch. Thank you to the parents involved in the Craft Group and Tombola. TIMETABLE OF GROUPS AT KNOWLE WEST CHILDREN’S CENTRE
The visits to Leigh woods in the autumn will be followed up with more visits planned for this term. We will be asking families to join us for a walk to look for signs of spring. This year there are also exciting plans for our outside area, with a new climbing frame planned for the younger children and some new features in the larger space to make it even more exciting. We encourage and welcome families ideas and thoughts. Also as the new allotment is developed, we will be looking for volunteers to help make it an enjoyable and fruitful experience for all. Please see Mrs Morris if you are able to help.
There is lots more going on at the Centre so please give us a call on T: 0117 903 0214, or pop in - we will be glad to talk to you. KNOWLE WEST CHILDREN’S CENTRE provides early learning and family services for children aged 3 months-5 years, and is open Monday to Friday 8am until 6pm. for more news and info
Girls Football - (school years 3 to 8) Tuesdays at Bridge Learning Campus, Hartcliffe. 6–7pm. All coaches FA Level 1 Coaching Badges
Cook, Chat and Chomp - don’t miss out on this fun, sociable cooking session. You’ll make quick, easy lunches and dinners to take home. Wednesday 24 Feb for 4 weeks 12:30-2:30
Age Concern Crime & Safety event 2nd March, 10am—3pm The Withywood Centre. Share concerns with police, councillors and neighbourhood watch. Tea & cakes, singing, lunch, theatre.
Silver Surfers Day Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NL May 21st - time to be confirmed. For more info call Makala Campbell
T: Chris Watts 07703 067773
Breast feeding support group - Tuesdays 12:45 - 2:45 pm at the Healthy Living Centre (crèche availiable for older siblings) New dates for After School Club - Wednesday 24 PAL Group for young parents and their babies Feb 4:30 - 6:30 - Mondays (term time) in For both Contact the PAL HOUSE at The T: 0117 963 9569 to book Park 11:30 - 1:30 (light lunch included)
T: 0117 929 7537
PACT (Pizza And Cordial Together) event - by local police for Knowle West young people. March 12th 6pm Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road.
T: 0117 353 2895
Comunity In Partnership are orgainising a variety of events in the area, throughout the year. If you’d like to get Sport Relief charity fun run involved in helping at The Park Centre 21st March organise these events 1pm. Run 1, 3 or 6 miles. T: 0117 908 4229 T: Ally Bigwood 0117 903 9764
To receive the newsletter via email instead please contact the Editor. Thanks to The Newsletter Steering Group: Ann Smith, Ken Jones,Denise Britt, Neighbourhood Management: Anita Pearce & Kurt James, Knowle West Media Centre who facilitate the production. All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Steering Group, CIP or KWMC.
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks