CIP Knowledge newsletter - Issue 45 Dec – Feb 2010

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Community In Partnership

For the residents of Filwood, and parts of Knowle and Windmill Hill ISSUE 45 DECEMBER 2010 - FEBRUARY 2011

Merry Christmas!

Festive events & ideas pages 6-7 INSIDE: Hearts & Stars Awards p.2 Football p.3 • Knowle West Regeneration Framework p.5

CIP Merry Christmas! From rachel clarke, deputy editor


his is my third issue as deputy editor of The Knowledge and already we’re on the edge of 2011; it’s amazing how quickly time flies! We hope you have a brilliant Christmas and New Year. This issue’s Debbie’s Dates is dedicated to January and February 2011. When the Christmas season has passed you can cut the back page off and recycle the rest of the newsletter. We’ve received great feedback about the ‘Your Views’ feature and are really pleased to be able to bring it back for a second issue. Please contact your editors if you would like to submit a question and find out what your neighbours think. For all enquiries, including how to get a copy of a photograph, contact us: / or call us on 0117 903 0444.

Next Issue: Copy Deadline Mon 7th Feb, 9am. Delivery from Fri 4th March.

Calling all you lovely, generous roofers!

Filwood Community Centre desperately needs a new roof. All donations of labour, materials, money and time are very gratefully received. For more information please contact June on 0117 903 8052. Details of other community initiatives you could help with in 2011 can be found in the Knowle Pledge (pages 11-12). If your organisation has a potential pledge contact the editors.


Hearts & Stars Awards. Photo by KWMC Photography.

Hearts & Stars Awards


he Hearts & Stars awards took place at Filwood Community Centre on Saturday 23rd October. 48 people were nominated, with 10 winners in the categories. Thanks to

everyone who came and all those who helped to make it a success. For more photographs and a list of the winners visit the community website:

Families celebrate opening of new children’s service


lIlminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School & Children’s Centre held their launch on Friday 26th November. Officially opened by Dawn Primarolo MP, the launch was well attended by parents. The nursery school received an outstanding Ofsted report, which praised the leadership skills of Headteacher Pat Rogers. The new centre is the merger of Footprints Children’s Centre and Ilminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School and provides support for families of children from 0-5. The Nursery School has a Resourced Base for children aged up to 7 with severe and complex learning difficulties. Contact: 0117 903 0255 /

Priorities for the Neighbourhood Forum November 2010 - February 2011

These are the 4 top priorities as voted for by residents at the Neighbourhood Forum which took place on 10th November: 1. Melvin Square - street drinking and associated anti-social behaviour. 2. Suspected selling of alcohol to under-age persons at identified locations within the Filwood ward. 3. Langhill Avenue - anti-social behaviour, drugs, noise, nuisance youths drinking alcohol and shouting. 4. Park at rear of Creswicke Road - drug use in the bushes and youths drinking causing anti-social behaviour. More priority updates available from Avon & Somerset police website ‘in your area’ for more news and info

News & Events What’s On? Lucky Winner! Emma Pollard was the lucky draw winner of a £50 supermarket voucher for participating in the Knowle West Regeneration Framework door to door survey. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. Opening of the pavilion at Filwood Playing Fields. Photo by KWMC Photography.

Farewell to Emma!

Football Pavilion opens at Filwood Playing Fields

We are sad to say goodbye to Emma Hollingshead, Community Development Worker at The Mede. Thanks for the work you’ve done and your help as part of the Events Committee. Good luck!

words by james edwards, somerset F.A.


n August 29th we were proud to announce the grand opening of Filwood Fields Pavilion. Although the Pavilion was built a couple of years ago we have only just appointed local trustees to manage the site. These trustees have fantastic plans for the site and understand the needs and demands of the local residents. Filwood Fields has been the ground of thousands of players over the years and this facility was much needed. The Right Hon. Dawn Primarolo MP and Bristol’s Lord Mayor Colin Smith (Cllr) announced the opening by cutting the ribbon. The day was a festival of football, with

football coaching, specialist goal keeping sessions, Broadwalk’s New Ability FC team, the young leaders from the Great Grass Eden Project, Bristol City FC and a wealth of young people. For the last two years the site has held free school holiday football sessions for the local young people and its popularity has been immense. The plan for the Pavilion is for it to be the central venue for football activity for all, regardless of age or ability. The new management team are keen to get this wonderful community asset up and running to its full potential. Contact Anita: 0117 908 4248.

Look out for news of an Inter-School Football Cup competition in the next issue.

Knowle DGE Learning Centre Bristol City Council have provided a new facility in our area. See p.11.

Halloween Events Success Thanks to all who helped to make the Halloween events that took place in the area so successful. Thanks also to June & Alison.

New music resource at The Park words by denise clifford


outh Moves have been working with The Park to revamp its music wing. Young people raised £18,000 to buy new music equipment which will be available for use by local young people. The rooms in the music wing are being upgraded and decorated by Lloyds Business in the Community and the recording studio is also being upgraded. This new, valuable resource will

form part of the new planned art and media project, which will offer dance, drama, music workshops, recording sessions, vocational courses, individual and small group work music sessions, training and so much more to young people in the area. There are also plans to put on music events for young people. The space will be available for hire as a practice space for musicians, for more news and info

bands, groups and individuals looking for a music venue. This is an exciting project in partnership with Youth Moves, The Park, Rathbones, BPAC and individuals who have specialist skills in creative arts and music. For more information e-mail


Green & Gardening Your Christmas Garden words by lesley belgium, columnist


The Knowle West veg bag. Photos by Andy Mosely.

Edible Landscapes Movement (ELM) words by misty, kwmc environmental team


nowle West’s Edible Landscapes Movement (ELM) reached its ultimate goal this season, supplying all the produce for the local veg bag scheme for 12 weeks during Harvest. All the fruit and veg is grown in disused Knowle West gardens by volunteers who have had limited opportunities and have been trained in urban agriculture. They’re supported by re:work and Buried Treasure. With additional support from Knowle West Media Centre, the volunteers have been plotting their journey using digital media so that

they end up with a record of their work and new skills. In addition to the veg bag success, two of the volunteers have found work in related fields, one in technology and one in gardening. All profits go back into the project. One veg bag user said “Getting the veg bag has made me try new recipes; it’s good to know that there isn’t even a mile in my food miles and that volunteers grow it. Its encouraged me to grown my own.” To order your £5 mixed veg bag call Mil on 07810 474558. For more information visit www.

The Green Scene: Christmas Consumption Words by Glenn vowles


t’s a huge task to change consumerist culture. In the meantime here are some ideas to: be nicer to turkeys; save resources and cut waste; and do good through tree purchase. Ten million or more turkeys are eaten during the festive season in the UK. Millions of these birds are reared intensively in huge windowless buildings containing crowds of thousands. Selectively bred and anti-biotic treated for



maximum growth, these birds cannot express natural behaviours and cannot mate without human intervention. I’m just not hungry for this kind of food at all and its ecological footprint is very high. If you don’t want to avoid turkey altogether, it is well worth paying more for one reared to much higher animal welfare standards. Make your own Christmas cards and decorations from old newspapers/magazines and scrap


materials and/or send e-cards. Buy a UK-grown Christmas tree with roots so that you can plant it in the garden and use it again and again. If your tree has no roots make sure it is recycled, e.g. to make park and garden mulch. Use string, ribbon or scraps of wool for wrapping gifts instead of plastic tape as they can be reused again or will biodegrade. The paper will be reusable too as it won’t be messed up by tape.

* * for more news and info


t this time of year it is fairly quiet in the garden. December is probably the latest month you can plant your spring-flowering bulbs. It is also a good time to sort out any seeds left over from the summer: use open packets as soon as possible and sealed packets in 2011 (discarding any seed over four years old). It is important to give your next crops a healthy start. Clean and disinfect any seed trays or pots you’re re-using next year and give any greenhouses, cloches or cold frames a good wash. Any crops that will be standing over winter, unless very hardy, will benefit greatly from being covered with horticultural fleece (a cheaper alternative is old net curtaining). Lastly, don’t forget, as soon as the days start to lengthen again (around mid-June) you can begin to sow tomatoes, broad beans and carnations - under-cover. Merry Christmas (hoe, hoe, hoe!)

Your Views Question: “The Knowle West regeneration plans show new and improved parks in the area. What do you think should be in the plans? “A café would be really good for the community. We also need something for the under 10s. Water play would be good, like at Hengrove Park. Also some of the bigger, more challenging play equipment to make it more of a family place. They need a skate park or bike park for the teenagers or basketball hoops. I’ve also seen trampolines set in the ground at Blaise Castle – they would do for all age groups.” Amanda Osbourne, childminder and mum of two, Knowle West.

“We need something for the kids in the parks to stop them hanging about. Lots of kids go to Hengrove because of the skatepark… We need something to keep the older children from 8 to 16 occupied. A youth centre would also be good to keep them off the streets.” Tammy Barry (37), shop manager of Tammy’s Bakery, Filwood.

“A café would be nice in the summer so people could sit in the park. We need more equipment for children instead of just swings. Some more comfortable benches would be nice and wardens so we don’t get vandals.” June Payne (60), supermarket worker, and husband Mike (61), pensioner, Filwood.

“A cafe would be good and play equipment for older children - like a tree house or ropes that they could use. At Hengrove they have park wardens which is really good and water play. I’d also like to see more flowers and a community allotment that kids could get involved with.” Emily Poole (27), mum of two, Windmill Hill.

FROM THE RESIDENTS’ PLANNING GROUP Commenting on the Regeneration Framework, the Knowle West Residents’ Planning Group said: “we are pleased to be in conversation with the Council to work on the residents’ planning group

option - which was the plan preferred by local people - with a view to seeing it approved and delivered for the benefit of the community.” regeneration for more news and info

84% Want Big Change for Knowle West words by bristol city council


ollowing the major public consultation on five options for the redevelopment of the area, the responses show that 84 per cent support big change for Knowle West, with option 2 being the single option most favoured by residents. With options that ranged from do nothing to significant redevelopment, there was support for the high investment/significant redevelopment options 4 and 5, but support was not so strong as to justify taking them forward at this stage. The council has consistently argued that a high level of redevelopment is necessary to drive the significant change it feels that the area needs. Local Councillors have made it clear that such high levels of change can only happen with strong community support. The council will now work with residents to test whether the principles supported by most respondents, such as low demolition, infill housing at Inns Court, and the retention and revival of a shopping centre at Filwood Broadway, are financially viable. We will need to find out if a supermarket operator can be found for Filwood Broadway, if developers would be interested in building infill housing at Inns Court, and whether this and more can all be made to work financially. It is going to take us a little longer to do this work, but we are as determined as you are to make sure that we can unlock the investment that is needed to make big change happen in Knowle West over the next 20 years. The consultation report and results can be viewed at


Christmas Special

Celebrate the festive season in No Words by rachel clarke, deputy editor There’s plenty to do in Knowle West and the surrounding area this Christmas. Whether you fancy carolling on the green, tucking into good food or spending time with your family, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The England flags proudly strung across the streets this summer proved that our community knows how to decorate its houses; why not join in the Christmas lights competition this year? Whatever you do, have a very merry Christmas!

Look out for the carol bus

Enjoy some festive music and meet Mother Christmas on a street near you! She’s touring Knowle West on a carol bus on Thursday 16th December. The bus will depart from Filwood Community Centre at 5.30pm and will take the route shown on the map. It will stop at the numbered locations below: Filwood Community Centre Creswicke Road The Mede 1 Leinster Avenue Jarman’s shops / Knowle West 2 Media Centre Melvin Square The Park 3 Newquay Road Eagle House 4 Throgmorton Road Filwood Community Centre



carol service

The carol service at Filwood Community Centre will take place on Thursday 16th December at 7pm.

6 for more news and info

ThingstodothisDecember Support your local shops

oel West

There are plenty of great bargains to be had at the shops on Filwood Broadway and elsewhere in the area.

Enjoy the party season On Saturday 18th December Filwood Community Centre is holding a family disco, from 5.30pm-late. Tickets cost £2 per child with a goody bag (free entry for adults with a child). There will be children’s bingo, hot dogs, burgers, a tuck shop and a bar for adults. Contact June or Alison on 0117 903 8052.


Light up your street CIP representatives will be out and about looking for the most imaginative Christmas lights display. If your house is chosen as the best you’ll receive a certificate, a mention in the next newsletter and a photograph on the cover of next year’s Christmas edition! Last year’s winner - 54 Cossington Road - is on the cover.


Enjoy the mischief and magic of the pantomime Come and enjoy this fun-filled fantasy where children will be transported to the Magic Wood and meet Little Red Riding Hood and all her friends. It will be performed by a cast of top performers from the world of pantomime! Wednesday 22nd December, 1.30pm, Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road. Cost: 50p per person. To book, pop in to Knowle West Health Association, Filwood Community Centre or call 0117 963 9569.

Treat yourself to some good food

Knowle West Green Map by Michael Smith Courtesy of KWMC. Visit for more news and info

Come and join us for our Christmas café on Wednesday 15th December at Knowle West Health Association, Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road. Meals cost £5. Booking is essential on 0117 963 9569. Don’t miss out!


Making a change Tips for having a safe Christmas Words by Kate O’Connor, Community Safety Officer, Safer Bristol When out Christmas shopping always put shopping in the boot of your car; never leave it on view in the car. Presents look nice under a Christmas tree but they also look nice to burglars; why not put your presents out early Christmas morning or keep the tree out of view of the window? Register expensive gifts on Don’t advertise to burglars what you’ve bought this Christmas – don’t leave empty boxes, like game console boxes, outside your house.

Personal safety • • • •

If you often walk home in the dark, consider getting a personal safety alarm. Be careful where you park your car, especially if you will be returning to it after dark. At parties, never leave drinks unattended. Look out for your friends. Try to book a taxi home in advance. Never accept lifts from a stranger.

Burglary and robbery is down by a third in Bristol this year, let’s keep it that way! Wishing you a happy and SAFE Christmas!

Kate O’Connor, Community Safety Officer.


• • • •

Is New Year your time to quit? Join a Stop Smoking Programme At: Knowle West Walk In Centre On: Tuesday 11th January 2011

For more info or to book a place: Call: 0117 9841650 Text: Knowle and Your Name to 07800001335 Email:

8 for more news and info


Time: 5:30pm

KnowleWestHealthPark New Developments Café Update

The café at the Health Park is now being converted into a new multipurpose space. A meeting/ training room is being installed in the part of the café meaning that the café will be able to reopen but as a slightly smaller space. The tender process to find new café providers will start in November 2010 and we hope to reopen the café in February or March of 2011.

Fit & Fab Group.

Regular Activities Mondays

10-11am: Armchair Exercise, gentle exercise for people with limited mobility, £2. 11am-12pm: One Heart Walking Group, meets in the café for a guided walk of 1 or 2 miles. 11.45am-1.15pm: Stretch, Move and Relax, suitable for people of 50+ or those just starting to exercise, £2. 4.30-5.30pm: Dance club, for 8-11 year olds, 80p.


9am-4.30pm: Pathways to Health, support to help you change your lifestyle and be happier. 9am-4pm: Young Women’s Counselling, if you are struggling with life and want support. 12.45-2.45pm: Breast Is Best Group, breastfeeding support group. 4.30-5.30pm: Boxing for 8-14yrs, 80p. 6pm & 7pm: Hips, bums & tums, fat burning exercise to help us all become trimmer, £3.



9.45am-1pm: Counselling for people aged 12+. 9.45-10.15am: Stretch-n-Grow, using stories, songs and games for 2-5 year olds, 80p. 9.30am-3.30pm: Massage, for residents of Knowle West who need time to relax. Call 0117 903 0024 to book, £5.

For further information call us on 0117 377 2255 1-2.30pm: Lunch Club, bring lunch while the Cafe is closed and we provide an activity. 6.30-8.30pm: Slimming World in the café.


9.30am-12pm: Fit & Fab, a drop-in group with the fun approach to getting healthy, 80p. 9.30am-6pm: Men’s Counselling, if you are struggling with life and want support. 4-5pm: After school clubs for 4-10 years. 6-7pm: Aerobics, improve strength, stamina and flexibility, £3. 7-8pm: Absolute beginners, exercise class, a good place to start getting active, £3.


10am-12pm: Lipreading class, for people who are beginning to lose their hearing, 80p. 9am-4.30pm: Women’s Counselling, if you are struggling with life and want support. 9.30am-1pm: Parenting classes, support with parenting skills. 9.30am-4.30pm: Family counselling, for children and families.


10am-12pm: Saturday Performance Club, for 4-12 year olds, 80p. 9.30am-12.30pm: Play Therapy, counselling for children. for more news and info

Anxiety Management Course

A 6 week Anxiety Management course will be running on the Knowle West Health Park from January 2011, as part of the Focus on Families project. The course is for people (aged 18+) who have had a panic attack or who are struggling with ongoing feelings of anxiety. The course starts on Wednesday 12th January 2011 from 10am-11.30am, is free and open to people living in south Bristol (although residents of Knowle West take priority). There is a free crèche available. Contact Garth Naude on 0117 377 2256.

Men’s Counselling at the Health Park The Focus on Families project offers free and confidential counselling for men aged 16+ who live in Knowle West. The counselling sessions are with a male counsellor. Counselling is talking to someone who is trained to listen and help you with problems and difficulties you might be having. You can talk about anything that is getting you down: like having a hard time as a father with your children or a partner or ex-partner; whether you’re in work or unemployed; if you’re feeling depressed, stressed, or anxious about something. To find out more call Garth on 0117 377 2256.


Activities & Opportunities

Members of the Dark Angels.


Do you have to be a certain weight, height or build to be in your group? No, it doesn’t matter what size, what colour, what shape you are. It really does not matter how you look, it all depends on you. If you’re going to show up every week and work hard you are more than welcome to join. Have you ever won any dance competitions and, if so, where? We won the world dance championship in 2008, we came 2nd in 2009 and we also came 4th in 2010. We also won 5 international dance championships in the UK. How would you describe working with young teenagers? Amazing, challenging and exciting! [...] It’s so exciting to just get a teenager with so much talent and potential; it’s just so amazing to work with kids like that. Would you ever think about doing anything else later in life? Even when I’m 60 I’ll still be busting the moves I think!


Lisa-Marie Carter interviews Charlie Bedford of the Dark Angels dance group. Do you love working in a big group? I absolutely love [it]. I love working with the community as well; I loved working in Knowle when I used to work there. I also love working in Hengrove.

Members of Youth Opinions with their award. Photo supplied by Denise Clifford.

Local group win regional award words by denise clifford


outh Opinions were hard within the community and presented with an award have raised £1,050 for new curtains in the Avon and Somerset at Filwood community Centre, Children and Young People’s raised money and organized a awards. The group received a glass community festival during the star award, a certificate and £200 of summer holidays, and supported Amazon vouchers various community for the work they We believe that we are events including have been doing in The Park’s 10 year making a real difference anniversary. the community. for young people in the In the last 18 One Youth months Youth Opinions member community. Opinions have said: “we believe consulted with that we are making over 800 young a real difference for people in the local area on youth young people in the community.” provision and have been working Youth Opinions meets on a closely with Youth Moves Board of Tuesday evening at The Park Directors to improve the provision and would welcome any of services for young people. young people to get involved. As well as taking the voice of Contact 0117 903 9697, e-mail young people forward, Youth, or Opinions have also been working find them on Facebook.

Job Opportunity: Census 2011 words by bill clark


n preparation for the 2011 Census on Sunday 27th March 2011, ONS are looking to recruit about 200 staff in the Bristol area to collect Census forms and help people

complete them if they need assistance. The staff need to know the area of Bristol and come from the local communities. The census counts everyone in the UK, but the

results are also used by central government as the basis for allocating about £100,000,000,000 to local authorities every year. Visit and for more news and info

Advertisements footcare for over 65s If you are over 65 (or diabetic and over 50) and live in Knowle West, a Foot Health Practitioner can see to your footcare needs for only £5/session! Booking is essential on 07763 128298. Sessions are held at Knowle West Health Association (KWHA), Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road.

play for over 2s Tuesday 10am-12noon or Wednesday 12.30-2.30pm. Fun, educational play sessions held in the Crèche at KWHA. Booking is essential on 07765 669984.

FOSTER CARERS If you are a foster carer and would like to join a support group, please contact KWHA on 0117 963 9569. Sessions are held during term-time Mondays 10am-12noon. An Ofsted registered on-site crèche is provided.

We provide local, professional expertise in PC computer repair and maintenance, fault diagnosis, virus and spy-ware removal and other computer support services to home users and small businesses. Think of us as your own personal IT department.

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le p

knowle dge learning centre Did you know that Bristol City Council have provided a new multi-million, state of the art Leisure and Learning facility in your area? Knowle DGE Learning Centre!

As well as serving students, the Learning Centre wishes to be a hub for the entire community. A new building gives the opportunity to include valuable community facilities. The aim is for local residents to be able to access family activities, evening courses opportunities, a learning resource centre, sports facilities and out-of-hours youth activities. Some of the facilities available are:

• Motor Vehicle Workshop • Sports Hall • Fully equipped professional Music/Recording Studio • Latest Generation, Astroturf 5-a-side Pitch (Floodlit) • ICT Suite • Drama/Dance Studio • Technology/Art Studio • Performance Hall complete with stage and bleacher seating These facilities are available to be used by others in the evenings, weekends and during school breaks. They will be in high demand, so please book early. If you and a group of friends wish to learn something please contact us - maybe we can help each other to make it happen! For a detailed price list and more information, please contact: Karen Baker - Business Manager on 0117 353 2011 ext 2004 or e-mail

advertise here! Community rates start at only £25 per box To discuss advertising options please contact Rachel

0117 903 0444

Mother Earth Crystals Crystal Therapies & Chakra Balancing

Lesley Belgium Crystal Healer

0117 953 0624

Why not pledge to do something to help your neighbours and improve your community in 2011?

Filwood Community Centre would like some help replacing their roof, be it labour, materials, money or time.

Knowle West Media Centre need people to support older people in using computers at their Wednesday drop-in club (10-11.30am & 1.30-3pm).

Team FAB are looking for new members to join their sewing group. They’re aiming to make our area plastic bag free!

The Mede would like volunteers to help in their charity shop, sorting and pricing donations.

The Salvation Army are looking for volunteers to spend a few hours helping in their charity shop on Filwood Broadway.

• The Health Park are looking for leaders and helpers on their Monday morning walks. You don’t need to be fit! •

re:store and the Edible Landscapes Movement (ELM) would like pledges to support community fruit and veg.

Please turn over to make your pledge. Alternatively, you can pledge online at Click on ‘Knowle Pledge’ under the ‘What’s Happening’ section.

JAN & Feb 2011 anyhow, anywhere

Showing until 31st January, Knowle West Media Centre. This exhibition combines timelines of local and national history with iconic photographs to explore the transition from being a teenager to an adult. Call 0117 903 0444.

family, food & fun

From January, Knowle West Health Park. Free family programme for 5-14 year olds whose parents feel they could be a healthier weight. 1 session a week for 10 weeks. Call 0117 922 3656 or e-mail familyfoodfun@

future events university of local knowledge

Over 250 local people have now been filmed showing and sharing their knowledge and skills. These ‘classes’ range from vintage cars to planting fruit trees. Add to the knowledge; call us on 0117 903 0444 or Also, if you’d like to share and reflect on any aspect of the history of Knowle West please get in touch.

pop up cafe 2011

Keep an eye on the community noticeboards for details of Community Kitchen events in 2011.

Have your say

Regular events


storytime & crafts

Wednesday 2nd February, Knowle West Health Park, 7-9pm. The Filwood Neighbourhood Forum is a meeting for residents to attend if they have any burning issues in the community that need addressing: report fly-tipping, antisocial behaviour, street lighting, nuisance motor bikes, waste management, community safety or similar issues. The relevant agencies will be made aware, work to resolve them and then report back.

Filwood Library holds a storytime and craft activity on Fridays at 10.15am in term time. Suitable for children aged 2-4 years. 50p. For further information phone 0117 903 8581.

COMPUTER drop in

Wednesdays, 10am3pm (tutor support from 10-11.30am and 1.30-3pm), Knowle West Media Centre. Learn about computers, the Internet and more. Contact Makala or Martin on 0117 903 0444 or drop in!

Is there an issue you’d like to see addressed in the newsletter?

If you have a suggestion for an article or feature, or you would like to submit something for the next issue, please contact your Editors, Rachel and Makala, on 0117 903 0444 or e-mail us: Thanks to: the Newsletter Steering Group (Ann Smith, Ken Jones, Denise Britt), Neighbourhood Management (Anita Pearce, Kurt James), Knowle West Media Centre, who facilitate the production (Makala Campbell - Editor, Rachel Clarke - Deputy Editor), KWMC Design for the design. All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the NM, Steering Group or KWMC.

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks


le p I would like to:

r r r r r r

help with the community centre re-roofing help teach older people to use computers help to sew recycled cloth bags spend some time working in The Mede charity shop help in the Salvation Army charity shop help with Monday morning walks

Organisations across the estate would be very grateful for your help! If you’d like to help with a local project please tick the activity you’re most interested in or pledge online.


pledge to support community fruit and veg by: 1. making part of my garden available for the Edible Landscapes Movement (ELM) to grow fruit and veg 2. allowing my fruit trees to be harvested

Name: Telephone: Email:

If you’re not pledging online at (see p.11) please tear off this form and return it to Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NL, by February 2011. Clearly mark your envelope ‘Knowle Pledge’.

Thank you!

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