Community In Partnership
For the residents of Filwood, and parts of Knowle and Windmill Hill ISSUE 50 december 2011 - February 2012
A Winter Wonderland Light up our area this Christmas! INSIDE: Knowle West Regeneration Plan p.2 • 15 years of Filwood Hope p. 2 • Advent calendar - back cover
Community In Partnership The Knowledge turns 50! rachel clarke, Editor
elebrations will begin a little earlier for the Knowledge team this festive season, as the newsletter marks its 50th issue! Read through the archive of newsletters on the Knowle West community website at www. and see how the ‘look’, the layout and the editorial team have changed over the years. What all of the newsletters have in common, however, is their commitment to being a top-quality resource for our community. We’re always keen to hear from you. Contact your editor: e-mail or call 0117 903 0444.
Knowle West Regeneration Plan
Latest news on making a better Broadway The City Design Group, Bristol City Council
ou may know that the Council’s City Design Group is working with residents, businesses and developers to bring big change at Filwood Broadway: to make it a successful place for local people. During October a number of initial ideas and principles that came from local residents were worked up and displayed in Filwood library. Feedback from this showed local people wanted a better Broadway. Overall they wanted: • it to be easier to get about.
Next Issue
Copy Deadline: 27th January Delivery from: 23rd February
Making a Better Broadway. Photo supplied by Bristol City Council.
• key sites to be developed for a mix of uses, such as a supermarket, shops, housing and jobs. • community facilities to be refocused at Filwood Community Centre. • to make the public space more attractive, safe and able to be maintained in the future. In November, Council Officers and resident representatives met with key transport officers and developers to test these ideas. Following this a draft “regeneration framework” document for the Broadway will be produced for comment. Following input from all views, a final document will be presented to councillors and the Knowle West Project Board for sign off in the New Year. Thank you for sharing all your views and ideas to help make a better Broadway. For more information:
15 years of Hope in Filwood David redshaw ecember 2011 sees the 15th anniversary of the opening of the Filwood Hope Advice Centre in Filwood Broadway. The vision for the Centre goes back 20 years, when Knowle West Churches Together looked at ways it could help the community. Filwood Hope has built up an excellent reputation, both locally and city-wide, for its service to local people. It is staffed by a loyal team of volunteers and staff, some of whom were here at the start. ‘The Hope’ offers a drop-in service, which is open every weekday,
Thanks and congratulations to June McNeil and the walkers who trekked to Weston Super Mare to raise money for a new roof for FIlwood Community Centre.
offering help, support, advice, counselling and information to anyone needing it. Each person is valued and given the time they need to talk and explain their problems. Professional agencies help people with issues such as benefits and debt; Age UK provide specific services for older folk. The Centre helps with employment issues, is a Self Service Point for Bristol City Council Housing, and, if needed, can assist with letter writing and telephone calls etc. Contact Filwood Hope Advice Centre, 11 & 13 Filwood Broadway / 0117 963 4566. for more news and info
Proposed plan for Filwood Park Exciting times lie ahead for Knowle West - look what could be coming our way... The map below shows the outcome of the Filwood Park Design event (12th-16th November 2011). It is a work in progress. For more information contact Kurt James, Area Coordinator, on 0117 908 4350.
News & Events Local News Christmas lights competition
Community in Partnership will be taking to the streets again the house with the winning light display will receive gift vouchers and feature on the cover of next year’s festive issue.
Knowle Customer Service Point closes
The Knowle cash desk will close on 16 December and the Knowle Customer Service Point on Salcombe Road will close on 3 February 2012. Surgeries will be provided in local libraries: • Monday - Bedminster library • Tuesday - Knowle (Broadwalk) • Wednesday - Filwood library • Thursday - Knowle (Broadwalk) • Friday - Bedminster library
Local events
Thanks to all who supported the Halloween party. To get involved in community events contact June: 0117 903 8052.
#kwnews Your Twitter messages
Posted on www.knowlewest. and tagged #kwnews. For Twitter training contact Knowle West Media Centre: 0117 903 0444 @CarbonMakeover Just been for my daily jog around KW and 5 people shouted encouraging things at me. I love how friendly people are #kwnews @knowlewestmedia The Wikipedia article on Knowle West has passed ‘Featured Article’. #kwnews (Read it at http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Knowle_West) for more news and info
Local voices Your Views: “What kind of events would you like to see in our area for young people?”
Declan (9
) & Terry
“We seem to be quite well provided for in this area already… The worst thing was losing the swimming pool. It would be good to have swings and slides in the local park as there’s only football pitches.”
oth 13)
Jo & Harry (b Toni (14)
“I’d like more clubs and more sport like netball. Also more art and musical activities and skateboarding.”
“We’d like to do more street art and music related things...We’d also like more sport in organised teams and sports days where you can try out different sports. Most of the organised stuff is for younger kids rather than teens.”
Home Office visit to Positive Futures Ali dale, positive futures
50 issues of your local newsletter!
Photo supplied by Ali Dale.
his October Permanent Secretary of the Home Office, Dame Helen Ghosh, met young people who have turned their lives around during a visit to Bristol Knowle West Positive Futures. Positive Futures is the national youth crime prevention programme managed on behalf of the Home Office by the young people’s charity Catch22. Bristol Knowle West Positive Futures is one of three Positive Futures projects operating in Bristol. During the visit, which took place at The Park Local Opportunity Centre, Dame Helen Ghosh met project staff, partners such as the local Police PSCO’s and young people to hear firsthand how the project is preventing young people from being drawn into crime, drug and alcohol misuse and helping them move forward.
his issue we’re celebrating the 50th issue of your local newsletter. Formerly the long and slim Knowle West newsletter and now the A4-size Knowledge, it’s changed over the years - take a look at these covers from our archive and you’ll see what we mean! Left to right: 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Thanks to everyone who’s contributed - here’s to another 50 issues! Access the archive online at www.
4 for more news and info
Taking action
Community Priorities
he priorities below were agreed by residents at the last Filwood Neighbourhood Forum: 1. Marshall Walk Adults street drinking, littering, urinating and causing Anti Social Behaviour (ASB). Youths causing ASB and Criminal Damage. Actions: • Regular police patrols • Liaise with local shops • Liaise with The Mede • Use CCTV • Target persistent offenders – ASB letters • Issue street drinkers with a direction to leave the area for a period of time (Section 27 Violent Crime Reduction Act) • Make enquiries with Licensing regarding the sale of alcohol to the street drinkers. 2. Filwood Broadway, including Coral Bookmakers/Community Centre and Barnstaple Court Youths congregating at Coral Bookmakers, the Community Centre and Barnstaple Court causing Anti Social Behaviour and Criminal
Damage to the surrounding area. Actions: • Regular police patrols • Liaise with district focus team • Liaise with caretaker at Barnstaple Court • Letters to persistent offenders – ASB letters • Youths not living at location to be removed (Barnstaple Court) • Regular visits to the Bookmakers to provide reassurance • Visits to the Community Centre • Contact youth services • Utilise CCTV to target offenders. 3. Eagle House Community Centre Young Adults causing damage to the building and surrounding area, Anti Social Behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse. Actions: • Regular police patrols • Liaise with Eagle House Community Centre and youth scheme • Utilise their CCTV • Liaise with Street wise coordinator regarding alcohol and drug misuse • Liaise with Bristol Drug Squad.
Small Grants Update Anita Pearce
uring this financial year, Community in Partnership (CIP) received 42 applications for small grants from local groups and organisations. There was £20,000 to award and, between April and September 2011, small grants up to £500 were given to a variety of groups for a range of things including events, training, equipment, computers and transportation. The small grants have allowed groups to put on fun days, parties for children and older people, outings, cookery courses, and self-defence training. They have supported fishing trips for young people, football training during half term, fruit-tree grafting, after-school sessions, and intervention work. For information contact Anita on 0117 908 4248.
Next Filwood Neighbourhood Forum meeting - 8th February 2012, Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road, 7pm. Follow @NForumFilwood on Twitter for updates. 8dbbjc^in >c EVgicZgh]^e
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26/11/09 09:52:37
Our community Dates for your diary
‘Dates for your Diary’ has temporarily moved from the back cover but it will be back there next issue!
Hearts & Stars Awards
Classes for 2012 include: Diabetes & Weight Control (11th Jan - 8th Feb), Great food on a budget (12th Jan 9th Feb), After School Cooking (Wednesdays & Thursdays from 11th Jan), Holiday Cooking Club (15th & 16th Feb). Contact Knowle West Health Association: 0117 963 9569.
Over 50s Bingo
Come along to Filwood Community Centre for a game of bingo, cup of tea and a chat every Tuesday morning, 10.30am-12noon. Contact Knowle West Health Association: 0117 963 9569.
Local Zumba classes
Alina Lamb teaches Zumba for all and for mums and babies. She runs a variety of classes at The Park, The Urban Gym and South Bristol Sports Centre (£4-£5 per class). Call 07807 422972 or e-mail beans_ Filwood Community Centre holds Zumba classes on Mondays and Thursdays (£4 per class). Contact June: 0117 903 8052.
Family fun before winter set in... pete millward
hank you to all who helped out and came to the free Family Fun Day on the 25th September hosted by Elim Kidz. It was a great success with over 150 people coming and enjoying face painting, a barbecue, bouncy castle, hair braiding, football skills and, of course, the first annual Knowle West Kerby championship (won by Lewis Long). Thanks as well go to elim@bristol city church who generously paid for the event and the fire and police services both coming along and supporting it with sirens blaring out. The whole day was great fun with everyone mucking in to make sure the kids all had a fab time. The
free sweet raffle was one example, where people who came along to the event were buying bags of sweets and then giving them as prizes for the free raffle. Thank you to Mark the sweet man for his generosity too. Elim Kidz runs every Sunday afternoon 3.30-4.30pm in the main hall at Filwood Community Centre and is a chance for children (aged 4-12) to come along and have fun, playing games, winning prizes, listening to stories, making friends and learning life lessons. For more details contact Pete Millward on 07854 906038 or
What Am I? Use your smart phone to download a free ‘QR barcode reader’ app and scan me!
beauty & the beast pantomime
Performed by professional actors on Wednesday 21st December, 1.30pm. Tickets £1.50 from KWHA, Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Rd. Booking essential.
Food & Cooking
Family fun day. Photos supplied by Pete Millward.
The postponed Hearts & Stars awards have been rescheduled for 11th February 2012. for more news and info
The Park
An opportunity for the community priority needs. These will include education, training and employment towards the top of the list. Activities for young people, families and people with additional needs will remain on offer. It also recognises its responsibility to create some FUN. It may well be that there are new possibilities to explore. The challenge is to find out how to use the fantastic resource to give maximum local benefit. To do that we will need input from stakeholders and all sections of the community. This is especially true of the membership of the board which will be responsible for the charity. A process is now beginning to find additional members who will give us a broad balance of skills and perspective. Amongst these we must have local residents. Therefore, we would like to meet people who are interested in finding out more about what is involved in being a trustee and how to become one. The staff and current trustees would be delighted to welcome you to YOUR centre which will now be locally managed for local good.
on 0117 903 9770 or e-mail joy. or please visit at any time and ask at reception: Monday to Friday (8am - 9pm), Saturday and Sunday (9am - 1pm).
An information meeting will be held at The Park on 8th December at 6pm for anyone living in the Knowle, Filwood and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership area who might be interested in becoming a trustee.
If you are interested but unable to come, you can find out more by phoning Joy Pollard for more news and info
he Park Local Opportunity Centre is about to become independent of Bristol City Council. The expected transfer date is the 1st December 2011. From then on it will be run by a new charity which has been especially set up for the purpose. The centre will still be called “The Park” and offer an enormous variety of activities with something for everyone. For the first time in its 11 year history The Park will now have a secure future. The charity has been given a 35 year lease on the whole site. With this in mind, and wanting to give local people the best possible facilities, a refurbishment programme will begin immediately: work is already underway to transform the café into a high quality “diner” and cookery school. The aim is to give the community a local place to enjoy eating out. Plans are also in place to improve sport and performing arts education areas in the near future. The charity understands that they will need to raise considerable sums of money and have already been successful with several bids. The City Council have also given some funding to help start the works. The Park will continue to pitch its services towards local
Knowle West Media Centre
Knowle West Media Centre Leinster Avenue, Knowle West
HRH The Earl of Wessex meets young musicians DA and Legacy in the recording studio at KWMC. Photo by Lauren Hunt.
From Wessex to West Knowledge, a project that aims to celebrate the talents and skills that exist within our community and has produced over 900 short films of people sharing their knowledge. HRH also met young people from our after-school youth groups and artists involved in 4NINE Records, the urban music label based at KWMC. Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us!
University of Local Knowledge
Young people’s film success! Two animations made by young people have been selected for an online advent calendar at www. Play our festive game online Decorate your house with Christmas lights before time runs out: www. content/17/present.htm
HRH meeting local residents. Photos by George Gallop.
o far 900 short films have been collected about the knowledge and skills that exist within our community for University of Local Knowledge (ULK). Look out for screenings at various locations in Knowle West in January. The next phase of the project has begun with support from University of Bristol to develop an interactive
3-E Houses Project If you’re a Bristol City Council tenant and live in Knowle West, you can receive a free energy monitor as part of this EUfunded project. Contact Sue.
website to showcase the films, which will ‘go live’ next year. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. Now the ULK team would particularly like to speak to people who have worked on Bristol’s railways - no matter how long ago and anyone whose spouse or partner was a railway worker. Please contact KWMC on 0117 903 0444.
Who are we? KWMC is a media arts charity. We’ve been based here for over 15 years, supporting people to get the most out of digital technology, photography, film, music and the arts. Contact us: 0117 903 0444 Find knowlewestmedia on Facebook and Twitter. for more news and info
e were delighted to welcome His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex to KWMC this October. HRH has a keen interest in the arts and work involving young people – two areas that are central to many of the projects we run. On Thursday 20th October HRH met residents who have contributed to University of Local
What’s happening? XLR 2012 - Music Event In February 2012 we’ll be hosting a week of workshops, performances and events celebrating hip-hop culture.
Knowle West Health Park Daily activities at various times Call 0117 377 02255 for more info: Active Lifestyles Assessments: support to find the activities for you (free). Smoking cessation: it’s easier with support! (free). Pathways to Health, support to help you change your lifestyle and be happier (free). Counselling for men and women who are struggling with life and want support (free). Call Garth on 0117 377 2256 for more info).
10-11am: Armchair Exercise, gentle exercise for people with limited mobility (£2). 11am-12pm: One Heart Walking Group, meets in the café for a guided walk of one or two miles (free), also provides information on joining the Two & Three Heart Groups.
9.30-10.30am: Bootcamp with Jason Hodge (www.hodgehealthandfitnesss. 9.30am: Three Hearts Walking Group, see brochure for more info. 10am-12.00pm: Art on Referral – speak to Sue Partridge to find out more (0117 377 2252). 6pm & 7pm: Hips, bums & tums, fat burning exercise to help all become trimmer (£3). 7-8pm: Bootcamp with Jason Hodge (
Young People’s Activities Tuesdays
1-5pm: Play Therapy (free). 4.15pm: Play Rangers in the Park (free). 4.30-5.30pm: Boxing, for 8-14yrs (80p).
9am-1pm: Young People’s Counselling, part of Focus on Families (free). 9.30-10am: Stretch-n-Grow - stories,
9-5.30pm: Family Counselling. 9.30am: Two Hearts Walking Group, see brochure for more info. 10.30-11.45am: Tai Chi for Wellbeing, simple movements to help with balance, relaxation and flexibility (£3.50). 1-2.30pm: Lunch Club, in the café followed by an activity. 6.30-8.30pm: Slimming World in the café . 7.45-8.45pm: Zumba with Tracy Bedford.
9.30am-12pm: Fit and Fab, a drop-in group with the fun approach to getting healthy (80p). 9.30-10.30am: Bootcamp with Jason Hodge (www.hodgehealthandfitnesss. 6-7pm: Step Aerobics, improve strength, stamina and flexibility (£3). 6-7pm: Beginners Bootcamp with Jason Hodge (www. 7-8pm: Absolute beginners, exercise class, a good place to start getting active (£2).
10am-12pm: Lipreading class, for people who are beginning to lose their hearing (£1).
9-10am: Bootcamp with Jason Hodge ( songs and games for 2-5 year olds (80p). 5-6pm: Hip Hop Starz, dance fun for 8-12yrs (80p).
4-5pm: Afterschool club, for 4-10yrs, fun, active play (80p). Family, Food and Fun: helping all the family get more active (free). Call 0117 922 3656 for info. for more news and info
elcome to the café at Knowle West Health Park Enjoy fresh, seasonal and delicious food and drink 7 days a week. Open from 8am for brilliant breakfasts, lovely lunches, tasty treats and great coffee. The café is great place for you to meet, chat and relax over homemade cakes, pots of tea and proper coffee. If you’re in a rush just grab something good-to-go like a freshly cut sandwich, tasty soup or a sensational salad box. If you want to take some time over a good lunch then try something from our daily changing menu with friends, family or colleagues.
Office lunches and refreshments Need the good stuff delivered? The café can provide everything you need to cater for your meetings, training courses, seminars and conferences. For hot and cold drinks, homemade cakes and biscuits, classic sandwiches on real bread, delicious buffets, hot lunches and seasonal spreads delivered to your office just call 0117 377 2576 or email For menus please have a look at www. Whisk! The café is operated by Bristol caterers Whisk Food Experiences Ltd. If you have any queries or wish to discuss your catering requirements then please do get in touch by email at
Adult Activities and Services
Quayley’s Box-a-cise
oxercise is an excellent way for people of all ages to keep fit while having fun. Quayley’s Box-a-cise is run by Alan Quayle who has over 20 years experience as a boxercise and fitness instructor. The classes are held at Broad Plain Club and are part of the plan to rejuvenate this venue by introducing various sports and activities, with special emphasis on local youth.
Kids’ classes Mondays, 6-6.45pm (any age) Wednesdays, 6-6.45pm (age 10-14) Adults’ classes Mondays, 7-8pm Wednesdays, 7-8pm Fridays, 6-7pm Ladies’ class ‘Box-a-fit’ Thursdays, 7-8pm
T-shirts and hoodies for the younger children have been supplied free by APC Workwear: Clothing for the older children has been supplied by ASM Scaffolding Services: 10 for more news and info
Broad Plain Club, Broadbury Road Contact Alan: 07976 966616
Advertisements advertise here! community rates from only £25 per box - Contact Rachel on 0117 903 0444 WANT TO SING IN A CHOIR? DO YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? Knowing someone you care about is using drugs and alcohol to cope can be devastating to loved ones. Concerned others often display psychological and physical stress symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, poor concentration, anger, teeth clenching, back pain, stomach cramps and many more. These symptoms often impact other family members and give rise to a general feeling of powerlessness for all concerned. If you or someone you know is in crisis and affected by someone’s drug and/or alcohol misuse, whether it’s your partner, good friend, sibling, parent or child you are worried about, we can provide a range of support for you. Call Kwads on 0117 953 3870 or email or visit
A trip you don’t want to A&E
Bristol South Music Workshop & Choir A friendly group which welcomes singers or players of all standards, including those who have never sung in a choir before.
Sadly many people over 65 have tripped or fallen in their own home and needed hospital care – many of these visits could have been avoided.
Wednesdays, October to May Knowle DGE Learning Centre, Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NN 7.30pm: Self-help instrumental groups (some guidance given) 8.50pm: Choir
We can help you, or someone you know, miss this trip. Come and have a cuppa and find out more about how a few easy steps could avoid unnecessary trips and falls.
Music - mainly ‘classical’ - from various styles/periods. Choir – vocal and aural exercises. Singing from music and memory and learning by ear. Occasional concerts for an audience of members only!
Where: Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Rd. When: 9th February 2012 at 1pm. Contact Knowle West Health Association for information: 0117 963 9569.
Contact John Featherstone (0117) 974 1937 for more news and info
The Knowledge Advent Calendar What’s happening in your area this christmas? Carols, Comedy and Magic
Friday 9th December, 7.30pm - Filwood Community Centre (Barnstaple Road) Get into the Christmas mood with carols and Christmas classics. Special guest John Archer is a world renowned magician and an established stand-up comedian. Free event, “Bring Your Own” drinks. Food will be sold to raise money for the Community Centre. Contact Pete Millward: 07854 906038 or Hosted by elim@bristol Knowle West
Carol bus
Thursday 15th December, from 5.30pm Don’t miss the annual carol bus when it makes its rounds in Knowle West! The route and estimated times of arrival: Filwood Broadway (5.30pm); Hartcliffe Road; Broadbury Road; Creswicke Road; The Mede (5.40pm, with a 10 minute stop); Leinster Avenue; Jarman’s shops (6pm, with a 10 minute stop); Melvin Square (6.15pm, with a 10 minute stop); Newquay Road shops and Eagle House (6.30pm, with a 5 minute stop at each); Throgmorton Road (6.40pm); Filwood Broadway (6.50pm). Contact Denise and June at Filwood Community Centre: 0117 903 8052
children’s christmas party
Friday 16th December, 5.30-8.30pm - Filwood Community Centre (Barnstaple Road) If you’re under 14, come along to your Community Centre and join in the fun of the annual Christmas party - finish the school term with a bang! Contact June: 0117 903 8052
Christmas fete & carol concert
Friday 16th December, from 2pm - The Mede, 1 Marshall Walk, Inns Court The annual Christmas Fete will take place between 2-5.30pm, followed by a Carol Concert from 6.30-8pm. Meet Santa in his Grotto, take part in the raffle and tombola, and browse local stalls. Contact Sian Lewis: 0117 904 1220
beauty & the beast pantomime
Wednesday 21st December, 1.30pm - Filwood Community Centre (Barnstaple Road) £1.50 per person, recommended age group: 3 years upwards Contact Knowle West Health Association: 0117 963 9569
16th 21st
Merry Christmas! Thanks to: the Newsletter Steering Group (Ann Smith, Ken Jones, Denise Britt), Neighbourhood Management (Anita Pearce, Kurt James), Knowle West Media Centre, who facilitate the production (Rachel Clarke - Editor), KWMC Design for the design. All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Management, Steering Group or KWMC.
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks