For the residents of Filwood, and parts of
Knowle & Windmill Hill
Winter warmers and festive fun
A new play space for Inns Court?
Dear Knowle West‌
Find out how to have your say about the plans
The Park writes an open letter to the community
THANKS TO: the Newsletter Steering Group (Ann Smith, Ken Jones, Denise Britt), Neighbourhood Partnership (Anita Pearce, Kurt James) and Knowle West Media Centre (Rachel Clarke - Editor, Bart Blazejewski Designer, Sue Mackinnon - Community Journalism). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Management, Steering Group or KWMC.
A new chapter for Bristol’s libraries? In November Bristol City Council launched a city-wide consultation about the city’s libraries, so you can have your say about their future.
Greener, safer and happier Rachel Clarke By the time you read this 2014 will be drawing to a close. It’s been a busy year: we’ve bid farewell to familiar faces (p.5), welcomed new people into our area and local organisations (p.3), and had plenty to celebrate. 2015 will be no less busy and will include the opening of the Filwood Green Business Park (p.4) and, hopefully, a repeat of the successful Filwood Gets Fit festival this summer. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the development of new Neighbourhood Plan (p.2), the plans for a children’s play area in Inns Court (p.4), and the work of the Neighbourhood Forum (p.4) - perfect if your New Year’s Resolution is to do something new or fix something that’s bothering you! In 2015 Bristol is poised to become European Green Capital, an award that recognises our city as an environmentally-friendly place to be. I hope we can all be part of making Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill greener, safer and happier - not just in 2015 but beyond. Merry Christmas to you all! Send your articles and letters to me by e-mail ( uk) or give me a call on 0117 903 0444. Contact Sue Mackinnon if you’re interested in becoming a community reporter and writing about stories and issues in the area (
Next issue Copy deadline: Monday 26th January 2015 Newsletter delivered from Monday 16th February 2015
Mayor George Ferguson launched the consultation website www.bristol and said: “This is not a closed consultation but an open conversation. We need to look at how we can reach more people with a better service in a time of limited resources. It will be the first stage of a city-wide effort to collect ideas and suggestions on how to develop an improved flexible, modern space for communities to learn and socialise in – one that serves the vast majority of citizens, not just 10% or so.” The website will allow people to express their views on the current library service, as well as what they would like to see in the future. There will also be meetings held at libraries and Neighbourhood Partnerships throughout the city. The Filwood meeting is taking place on Thursday 11th December, 2-4pm, at Filwood Library, Filwood Broadway. For details visit www.bristolfuture or pick up a survey in your local library.
What’s your #1 priority for Knowle West? By Andrew McLean What’s your dream for your area? If there were only one or two things we could make happen, what would they be? Over the next few months your Neighbourhood Partnership – Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill – will be writing a new Neighbourhood Plan for Knowle West and the wider Partnership area. The current plan includes a list of different issues and some of the priorities are: • Improving parks and green spaces • Reducing anti-social behaviour • Improving educational achievement • Improving employment opportunities If you would like to be involved in shaping the new Neighbourhood Partnership Plan you can get involved in the following ways: • Share your views at the Knowle West Liveability meeting on Friday
12th December at Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road. • Come along to the Filwood Neighbourhood Forum: Wednesday 4th February 2015 at 7pm at Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road. • Talk directly to Andrew McLean, your Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator. Call 0117 908 4350, e-mail or pop into the Neighbourhood Partnership Office on Filwood Broadway. For information about the Neighbourhood Partnership and the current Neighbourhood Plan visit www.
Children’s Centre teaches ‘old dog new tricks’! By Matt Caldwell Knowle West Children’s Centre now has its very own therapy dog. Jake is a two-year-old Cocker Spaniel and was trained as a hearing dog for the deaf. He failed his final assessment because he liked chasing pigeons too much and Hearing Dogs for the Deaf were looking for a place to rehome him. They knew that he was a calm and social dog and a Children’s Centre would be the perfect place. Jake has been socialised so he is used to children of all ages as well as other pets and strangers. We have created a risk assessment for him and asked practitioners to be particularly aware of children who are wary of dogs or allergic to them. Jake is used to working with nervous children and is very patient and still when around them. Jake already has a timetable and works with children who need one to one support and goes for walks with children. He has been booked in to visit the Inn’s Court Centre, as well as other Children’s Centres and nurseries. Contact Matt if your organisation would like to make use of a therapy dog or you’d like to find out more: 0117 903 0214.
Jake the therapy dog. Photo by Knowle West Children’s Centre.
Visit for more news and info
Getting to know our new area coordinator By Community Reporter Ria Newman
News in Brief • Over the next few weeks E5 Church will be knocking on doors as part of a survey to gather local people’s thoughts about the local area and the church in Knowle West. If you would like to contribute, contact Pete Millward on • Filwood Community Centre hosted a Halloween party for children this autumn where everyone enjoyed an evening of spooky fun, face-painting and food. They would like to thank Jody Chambers for all of her hard work. • You may have seen Filwood Community Centre looking much tidier in recent months: the Community Payback team have been cleaning, decorating, gardening and clearing up flytipping as part of their community service. The Community Centre would like to thank them for everything they’ve done. • Knowle West Health Association is currently seeking individuals to join their Board of Directors. Knowledge of the voluntary sector is desirable for this voluntary role and Board members will be required to attend, at minimum, monthly Board Meetings. For details contact Carol Casey on 0117 963 9569. • Bristol City Council are looking for expressions of interest for the future use of the former youth centre at Eagle House on Newquay Road, which is currently being used as a temporary Pop Up Furniture Factory (see p.6). If you are interested in developing the space to benefit the local community, rather than activities aimed at generating a commercial profit, visit uk/property for more information. The deadline for expressions of interest is 9am on Friday 2nd January 2015. • The Filwood Green Business Park, currently under construction at Hengrove Way, is due to open early next year and will be one of the most environmentally friendly buildings in the South West. The new building includes a sustainable, living ‘green’ roof, which was completed in November.
The ‘green roof’ on Filwood Green Business Park. Photo by Bristol City Council.
Andrew McLean, new Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator. Photo by Knowle West Media Centre.
As the new Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator for Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill, as well as Greater Bedminster - Andrew McLean is a busy man. Since taking on the role in September, he has been spreading his time between two offices (Filwood Broadway and Brunel House near City Hall) and the Southville Centre depending on the areas’ needs. He explains: “My job involves supporting local people in the two partnership areas, local organisations and elected ward members in helping to realise the vision and ambitions for their area…There are processes I need to do - like supporting the smooth management of the Neighbourhood Partnership and its meetings … but also making them accessible. I think it can be quite intimidating to come along to a meeting... But part of my job is to remove those barriers so everybody can get involved, including young people and older people.” As former Co-Manager of Equality and Diversity at the University of the West of England and Equality Officer at Bristol City Council, Andrew says his skills and background have ‘massively helped to prepare me for this role’. And what he enjoys most about his post so far is ‘the contact’ with local people – whether it’s helping them set up a residents’ association, campaign for a school crossing or to tackle litter in the area. His ambition is to help residents achieve some of the actions in the Neighbourhood Plan - from resolving transport issues to helping to develop the parks and open spaces. He says: “I enjoy the enthusiasm, the desire and the passion (the people have) to improve their local area…My hope is the area becomes a strong advocate for the people that live here, and truly reflects what local people want.”
Timothy cycles with the Tour of Britain A Knowle West boy had a dream come true when he cycled with the final leg of the Tour of Britain on the Downs in Bristol this September. Timothy Perks (9) from New Fosseway School in Hartcliffe was one of five pupils picked to take part and was lucky enough to meet Sir Bradley Wiggins. He was accompanied by five staff and met by the Bike Ability volunteers who take the children for weekly rides using specially adapted cycles. Timothy said: “My best part was getting a medal and I had to go fast on my bike.” Mum Sally said: “He loved taking part in the Tour and they said he could be in the team next year!”
Timothy with his medal. Photo by Knowle West Media Centre
Read on for Twitter messages, posted on, tagged #kwnews. For training contact KWMC on 0117 903 0444
Women in Property visit Green Business Park
Your community
Knowle West Area Development Forum: Your Voice, Your Choice By Amanda Ramsay The Knowle West Area Development Forum (KWADF) has now appointed Feria Urbanism to develop proposals for a Neighbourhood Plan for the area. They had a tour of the estate in November and afterwards attended a question and answer session with forum members. Following various consultation events over the summer, the top five priorities expressed by local residents were: • protecting green spaces • improving the appearance of streets • better shops • more facilities for children and teenagers • problems with anti-social behaviour KWADF, also known as Knowle West Future, has looked at the potential of various local centres - Jarmans, Filwood, Melvin Square, Novers, Inns Court - to see where the most positive difference could be made. The focus for the first phase of the Neighbourhood Plan will be developing ideas for the Melvin Square area, though other centres may be looked at in the future. KWADF will also be looking at ideas for creating a green circuit - a ring of green spaces for people and wildlife around the edge of the estate, amongst the areas earmarked for development and with a link across the estate to complete the circuit. KWADF meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 6.30pm, usually at Filwood Community Centre. Call 0117 966 8761 or email for more information. Details will be posted on regeneration/kwandf/ and Twitter: @KWestFuture and Facebook: www.
Photo supplied by Amanda Ramsay
By Iwona Tempowski
The first business networking event to be held at Filwood Green Business Park was (nearly) all female – when the Association of Women in Property local branch came to visit. Women in Property is a forum representing women working within the construction and property industry, and aims to raise the profile of women in the sector. During their visit they heard from Bristol City Council about the regeneration objectives of the Filwood Green Business Park, and from architects Stride Treglown about the environmental features of the building. On Site Bristol has reported that the proportion of young women taking up construction apprenticeships in the city is higher than UK average, but it is far from 50%. An analysis of businesses in the local area shows that construction trades are the biggest single sector – and there will be opportunities for local construction contractors in 2015 with the start of the MetroBus South Bristol Link. With up to 160 people now working on site at the Filwood Green Business Park, Midas report that the building is well on course for completion by February 2015. For more information visit
Photo supplied by Midas
A new play space for Inns Court? By Lloyd Allen There is a great opportunity for Bristol City Council to build a brand new play area within Inns Court next year. We need your views to ensure that something suitable could be built. It would be great for Inns Court to make use of this funding! Heard about this before? The Council have been working with local residents in recent years to develop regeneration plans for the Knowle West area. During 2012 extensive consultation was carried out within the area on these ‘Knowle West Regeneration Framework’ proposals, including the location of new employment opportunities, homes, shops, and children’s play spaces. 81% of respondents agreed with providing additional children’s play spaces at a number of locations within the area, including Inns Court. Other new parks in the area You might be aware than new play areas have been installed recently on Newquay Road and Filwood Broadway. These were put in with the help of local residents, including
children who now use the play area. Have your say and get in touch Designs will be drawn so that local residents and schools can see what the play area might look like and see what they prefer. There are a number of ways to have your say: • Fill out the survey online: www. • Talk to the officers who plan to go door-to-door around Inns Court in December. • See the plans on show at the Inns Court Centre in December. • The Inns Court Residents Association (ICRA) will be helping us with the design of park and managing local concerns. If you’d like to get involved or contact ICRA call in at the Inns Court Centre, Marshall Walk and ask to be put in touch. • Get in touch with councillors Chris Jackson and Jeff Lovell, who can bring your concerns to us. Visit • Get in touch with your Neighbourhood Officer Lloyd Allen on 0117 922 4320 07825 315628 lloyd.allen@
@pennyjevans: First screening of KNOWLE WEST TV for 30 years! Where Bist?
Local stories
Local people get ‘happy and active’ An event in October to encourage older people in Knowle West to become more active and involved in their community attracted people from across the area.‘Happy and Active in Knowle West’ was organised by Knowle West Health Park and Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC). It was one of 200 events across the city for the Celebrating Age Festival, which ran until October 11. Around 70 people came to Knowle West Health Park to find out more about what was on offer in the area – from dance classes, art and armchair exercise to cookery, acupuncture and digital skills. They also had a chance to talk to stallholders from local groups and organisations including Filwood Chase History Society, the University of the Third Age (U3A) and Volunteer Bristol. Attendees were also treated to a bread-making workshop, a local film and free afternoon tea. Transport was provided to ensure the event was accessible to all. Pensioner Brenda Dix came with a group from St Barnabas Close Sheltered Housing. She said of the event: “I liked all of it, it was lovely. Especially the acupuncture.”
Photo by Knowle West Media Centre
Farewell to family services coordinator Knowle West Health Park has said farewell to one of their longestserving staff members, who has spent more than a decade serving the Knowle West community. Garth Naude worked at Knowle West Health Park Company for 12 years: first as an Administrator, then a Finance Worker. He spent his last five years as the Focus on Families Co-ordinator, overseeing a programme of family support
Bringing some sparkle to Inns Court By Hannah Sharp
November 5th saw the Inns Court community coming together for a fantastic evening of fire and fireworks. During the day local residents helped dig up the turf and pile up the wood ready for the evening show. People enjoyed cheesy jacket potatoes, Jade’s amazing scotch eggs, hot tomato soup made by the Friends of Knowle West Children’s Centre, healthy fillings from young chefs led by Steen from Knowle West Health Association and bread fresh from the baking group at Knowle West Health Park. The local police cadets were on hand to pass out sparklers and some children even brought a guy along for the fire. A small but beautiful firework display brought the evening to a satisfying end. The atmosphere sparkled! The Inns Court Centre, Knightstone Housing, Knowle West Children’s Centre and Knowle West Health Park teamed up to organise the event and couldn’t have done it without a group of amazing volunteers. Huge thanks also to the Bristol Wood Recycling Project who donated all the wood to burn.
Photos by Hannah Sharp
services, and has now set up his own business in east Bristol. Vicki Morris, Chief Executive of Knowle West Health Park Company, said: “Garth was the quiet man of the Health Park Company, a calm and reassuring presence, who never needed asking twice to get a job done. He did everything to the highest standards and took great pride in doing his very best no matter what was entailed. “Originally from South Africa, Garth loved working in Knowle West and the humour of the people. He was a good sport and took part in many different activities and events, including the day he was pressganged into the Knowle West Ping Pong launch. Everyone at the Health Park is missing Garth.” The Health Park look forward to welcoming Garth’s replacement, Pippa Dove, in January 2015.
A harvest of awards for local Health Association Knowle West Health Association celebrated their recent success at a national award ceremony this Halloween, with an afternoon of wintry delights. The Springfield Allotments marked the change of season with bread and lantern making workshops, a wildlife walk and a ‘winter warmers’ cooking session. The Lord Mayor of Bristol opened the event and presented the awards to representatives from Knowle West Health Association. The organisation, set up in 1989, was awarded a ‘Level 5 – Outstanding’ award from the Royal Horticultural Society in the ‘It’s Your Neighborhood’ category. They also took home the Gordon Ford Trophy in the ‘Best Neighbourhood’ category as part of the Britain in Bloom South West competition.
Garth playing ping pong. Photo by Knowle West Health Park
Left to right, Gemma Hunt (Allotment Coordinator), the Lady Mayoress, the Lord Mayor, Nina Jones (Volunteer), Chris Lewis (KWHA Assistant Gardener), Steve Griffiths (KWHA Gardener), and Ken Jones.
@AgeUKBristol: Need help with benefits advice? Over 55? We hold outreaches in various locations of the city including Fishponds, Stockwood and Knowle west
5 6
2 1 1. Halloween was a hit at Inns Court! The highlight of the week was the children’s Halloween disco – a massive turn out meant that the ‘Let’s Make Art’ craft table was packed all afternoon, as was the amazing face-painting corner. There were ghoulishly slimy smoothies, a disco and a fancy dress competition too. Words and images: Hannah Sharp
7 8
2. The mornings are getting misty at the Springfield allotment! Photo: KWHATheGardener, posted to local social network 3. Autumn vegetables at the Halloween event on Springfield allotments. Photo: Jack Harrington posted to 4. The Youth Moves roundhouse on the allotment site is making great progress. Photo: KWHATheGardener, posted to 5. The empty Eagle House youth centre has been transformed into a Pop Up Furniture Factory by Knowle West Media Centre and other local organisations. Three local residents have been taken on as trainees. It won’t be long before the factory is producing furniture…Photo: JakeKWMC, posted to 6. Wildfest 2014 saw hundreds of people once again heading to the Northern Slopes for a day of free creative and environmental activities. Organised by Youth Moves and Urban Escape, there was food, music from acts including the Ambling Band, and activities including cooking, making and photography. Photo: KWMC-Jen, posted to 7. The Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson, held a public question time event in Knowle West in October. He addressed questions about support for disabled people in the city, tackling hate crime, and measures to minimise the risk of flooding. The event took place at Knowle West Media Centre. Photo: Jake-KWMC, posted to
3 6
8. This imaginative display could be seen on Filwood Broadway on Halloween; with the KWL Fruit & Veg logo carved into pumpkins! Photo: Vicky@Rework, posted to
@BrizzleBuff: 1938 The Venture Inn, Knowle West BS4
Dear Community, We are writing this letter in a plea for your support and help. We have been experiencing an epidemic of young people causing trouble across The Park Community site. They are breaking into The Park at night and weekends and vandalising the site. They are accessing The Park and climbing on the roofs, which is extremely dangerous. During dark evenings they are hanging around in the car park intimidating vulnerable people as they are leaving, as well as vandalising cars including disability vehicles. The Park has been working hard on preventative measures, alongside working with partner organisations to engage with the young
people and the police. However, the intimidation, dangerous activity and vandalism keep happening. The Park is a hub providing services and activities for yourselves and all the community. It is there for the benefit of such a wide range of people from babies and young children, and learners to vulnerable adults, those needing support, and elderly people. It is essential that The Park remains able to provide all services allowing people to feel that it is a safe place to be.
or witness any incidents, or see people breaking into site during closures, please contact the police immediately. If this type of activity continues it will be a serious threat to the future of The Park itself. We ask you as parents/carers and members of this community to support and help and we welcome any ideas in resolving this. Yours faithfully, The Park Community Centre
We urgently need your help in a number of ways to ensure that you can all continue to use this essential facility. If you have children who may be part of this activity please ensure they see the effect this is having on all the community, and stop them from being part of it. If they continue it could lead to serious injury or police involvement. If you see
Your community
Slimming World Join a warm and friendly group near you today‌
Monday Knowle Filwood Community Centre Barnstaple Road 9.30am, 11.30am & 7.30pm **NEW 5.30pm session launching 5th January 2015** Tel Kim: 07920 023170 0844 897 8000 @bristollordmayor: Apple pressing at Knowle West allotments. Juice tastes terrific. @kwhealthassoc @nationaltrust
Earn up to £12 per week just for attending! Call for details 0117 978 8968 Start now !!!
Youth Courses at the Gatehouse Are you 16 to 24 years old? Or do you know someone who is? Do you need help gaining new qualifications, skills and getting prepared for emploment? We offer Functional Skills Qualifications in Maths, English & ICT along with the Step-Up Diploma.
Step-Up Diploma including tasters in: Painting/Decorating/Carpentry ‘HWV Hartcliffe’ Horticulture/ Childcare / Sports Drama / ICT
Pick up & Drop off to Knowle area
Supporting you in trying New Career Opportunities 8
‘Knowle West TV’ comes to life
KnowleWest Media Centre
Tattoos transformed into ‘objects of desire’ Next year we’ll be unveiling a range of objects made by artists and inspired by local tattoo culture. The “objects of desire” are based on designs and memories collected this summer, when our mobile tattoo parlour toured Knowle West and gathered over 200 tattoos and the stories behind them. Now, five artists have transformed the tattoos into jewellery, wallpapers, handbags and other products, using manufacturing techniques including 3D printing, laser cutting and digital embroidery. Contact Melissa for more information on 0117 903 0444.
Knowle West TV has returned to our screens after nearly forty years! Originally broadcast on cable on the Bristol Channel, Knowle West TV was filmed around the community in the 1970s and the tapes are currently held by the National Film Archives just outside London. 23 hours of footage have been converted from film reel to digital format - and we’ve uncovered some fascinating films. They show the Fighting Cocks pub, a 1974 Knowle West Art Festival, a women’s liberation movement, and more. If you remember Knowle West TV or lived here in the 1970s we’d love to
hear from you. You could come along to a future workshop and see if you can recognise anyone in the footage – or even see yourself! Home Movie Day Back in October we worked with a team from University of Bristol to stage Home Movie Day - a celebration of amateur films and filmmaking that is held annually at venues worldwide. People visited the Know You Bristol bus to digitise their home videos and share their stories. For more information or if you’d like to get involved contact Penny or Gail on 0117 903 0444.
Pop Up Furniture Factory opens its doors Last month a new community making space on Newquay Road opened its doors for the first time – and hundreds of people came in! The empty Eagle House Youth Centre has been transformed into the Eagle House Pop Up Furniture Factory, and on 19th November we held an Open Day for people to come and find out more. We’ve been working with re:work, local residents and organisations to make these exciting changes, and we’re about to start producing furniture to kit out the new Filwood Green Business Park. The Sew Clever sewing group is based there and we recently took on three local people as trainees too. There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved in manufacturing and making workshops in the future. For more information contact Justin or Hazel on 0117 903 0444.
Regular events Control-Alt-Delete Mondays, 5-6.30pm, term time Code and fun all rolled into one! Learn the basics of coding in a fun and exciting environment. For young people aged 9+ at beginner and intermediate level. Contact James on 0117 903 0444 if you’re interested in joining the group. Creative Hub Wednesdays, 5-7pm, term time A space for young people aged 1019 to be creative, work on their own projects and create their own media masterpiece. Contact James on 0117 903 0444. Digital Hub Wednesdays, 5-7pm, term time After exploring coding and gamebuilding last term, this session will become a space for young people to meet and play with new technologies. Contact James on 0117 903 0444.
Night Walks With Teenagers 13th, 14th, 15th February 2015 Take a city tour with a difference and see a new side to Knowle West: discover the area’s lively present and possible future through the eyes of local teenagers. Award-winning Canadian arts company Mammalian Diving Reflex will work with local young people to create a unique journey. You may be surprised what you find… For more information contact Melissa on 0117 903 0444 or visit for details of how to book. A reducedprice ticket (£4 plus booking fee) is available for Knowle West residents. Proof of address will be required.
Who are we? We’ve been based here since 1996, supporting people to get the most out of digital technologies and the arts. Contact us: 0117 903 0444 or come to Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NL. Visit and find knowlewestmedia on Facebook and Twitter.
KnowleWest Health Park
New Year – New You!
Parenting Support – tips to make life easier For further information call your local Children’s Centre on 0117 903 0214 or 0117 903 0255. One to One Parenting Support Can be delivered in your home, providing a focus on what is going well and supporting you to identify goals and improve parenting skills.
understand their baby’s non-verbal communications. CAN Parenting A five-week programme supporting parents to manage their children’s behaviour and understand how children develop.
New Year – New You! Got a New Year’s Resolution? Want to stop smoking, lose weight, get fit? We can help you make that change. Smoking Cessation group starts Thursday 15th January at 5.30pm. Waist Watchers starts Monday 5th January at 9.30am, fitness groups start week beginning 5th January at various times of the week. Call us on 0117 377 2255 to book your place.
Rock a Bye Baby Play Sessions A ten-week group for parents with babies under one who are feeling unsure about their parenting to help them
Young People’s Activities Tel: 0117 377 2255 Mondays 4 - 5.30pm: Afterschool club - fun, active play for 4-11 year olds (free). Tuesdays 10 - 10.30am: Stretch-n-Grow - stories, songs and games for 2-5 year olds (free). 4.30 - 5.30pm: Boxing for 7-11 year olds (free). Wednesdays 9am - 1pm: Young People’s Counselling - part of Focus on Families (free). 5.30 - 6.15pm: Beatz Street Dance for 6-10 year olds - brilliant and fun dance class (£3.50 per session). 6.30 - 7.30pm: Fresh Beatz Street Dance for 11-17 year olds - dance class for the older ones! (£4 per session). Thursdays 4 - 5pm: Afterschool club - fun, active play for 4-12 year olds (free). 4.30pm: Play Rangers in the Park – free. SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN DAYS for 4-11 year olds, every Wednesday and Friday in school holidays. £5 for the day. Call Barry 07809 483191.
Adult Activities and Services Tel: 0117 377 2255 Daily Activities Smoking cessation - it’s easier with support (free). Pathways to Health - support to help you change your lifestyle and be happier (free). Day to day living - courses providing
skills and information for improving mental and emotional health (free). Counseling for men and women who are struggling with life and want support (free). Parenting Courses for parents with at least one child under 5 years old. For information call Ilminster Avenue Nursery on 0117 903 0255 or Knowle West Children’s Centre on 0117 903 0214. Part of Focus on Families project (free). Bootcamp - the way to get fit is now on daily at various times with Jason Hodge. Ffi: or 07855 465872. Family Therapy/Play Therapy for children and families. Call 0117 377 2255 to book an appointment (free). Mondays 10 - 11am: Armchair Exercise - gentle exercise for people with limited mobility and learning disabilities (£2). 11am – 12noon: One Heart Walking Group - meets in the café for a guided walk of one or two miles (free). Also provides information on joining the Two & Three Heart Groups. 9.30 - 10.30am and 4 -5pm: Waist Watchers - support to lose weight (free). 6.30pm: Diabetes UK - meet the last Monday of the month. Tuesdays 9.30am: Three Heart Walking Group call 0117 377 2257 for info. 9.45 - 11.45am: Art-ease - art group for people with mild to moderate mental health issues, e.g. stress, mild depression, recent bereavement, low self-esteem, long term health condition (free). Call 0117 377 2255. 6pm & 7pm: Hips, bums & tums - fat burning exercise for people who want to be to trimmer (£3).
Wednesdays 10.30 -11.45am: Tai Chi for Wellbeing - simple Tai Chi based movement and mindfulness. Call Andrea on 07891 034987 (£2). 9.45 - 11.45am: Art-ease - art group for people with mild to moderate mental health issues, e.g. stress, mild depression, recent bereavement, low self-esteem, long term health condition (free). Call 0117 377 2255. Thursdays 9.30am: Two Heart Walking Group call 0117 377 2257 for info. 10am – 12noon: Fit and Fab - a support group for women wanting to make a change (free). Call 0117 377 2255 to book a place. 12.30 – 2.30pm: Confidence Building for Women – call 07944 926705 for more details or to book. 11am – 2pm: Bread Café - come and watch the bread making and see how you can get involved. 6 - 7pm: Step Aerobics - improve strength, stamina and flexibility (£3). Fridays 9.30 -10.30am: Gentle Exercise class - mild exercise for people with limited mobility and/ or health problems to slowly build fitness and stay fit. Feel free to sit or stand (£2). 10am - 12noon: Lipreading class for people who are beginning to lose their hearing, term time only (£1). 11am - 12.30pm: Ear Acupuncture benefits include relaxation, de-stress, and better sleep (£2). 11am - 12.30pm: Thyroid Support Group - first Friday of the month (free).
The Park & Youth Moves
Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ 0117 903 9770
Carol Service: 15th December
The Churches Together Carol and Nativity Service will be held at 6pm in the Main Hall. Please join us for tea and mince pies afterwards. Everyone is very welcome. For further information on these or any other events at The Park please contact us on 0117 903 9770 or check our web site:
Pensioners’ Party: 11th December
Our popular annual pensioners’ Christmas Party will be held on 11th December starting at 1pm and finishing at 3pm. If you would like to book a place please contact Karen or Sue on 0117 903 8770. We would be very grateful to receive any prizes for our raffle.
Event hire/Parties
CYQ level 3 personal training course starting in December. The course is part time and aimed at people who want to make the step from Fitness Instructor to Personal Training. Delivered by experienced tutors in a manageable timescale with quality teaching and learning and full support in all aspects. Excellent learning environment with practical sessions delivered in a large fully-equipped gym. Access to the gym at any time whilst you are training is free.
Best for the West! A vision for a new youth space at The Park Youth Moves believes that young people from this community deserve the very best facilities and access to high quality youth workers in a safe, young people friendly environment. With this in mind young people and staff from Youth Moves have been working to design a new youth space and we aim to put in for planning permission in early 2015. We then hope to raise funding from a range of sources. The new youth space would be able to offer a range of activities including somewhere to chill out with friends, access to computers, arts, a music studio, confidential spaces, areas to watch films and play sports, and would aim to be open at times when young people want to access it. It would also be for young people only and designed by young people to meet the needs of modern day youth work. What we want to do now is to gain more input and thoughts from you as community members and especially young people aged 8-19 years old (the target age range for the new facility)
A market is held fortnightly at The Park. Please come along on Tuesday from 10am-2pm. Stalls are held by local people with a wide range of products for sale from organically grown veg to jewellery and hand crafted wooden items. If you are interested in being a stall-holder (at no cost) please contact Joy at reception.
We’re giving away an iPad each month! We want to make sure you hear about new offers and services at The Park. Write down your mobile telephone number and your email at reception and we will enter you into our monthly prize draw.
Are you looking for a venue to hold a conference, a meeting or party for a special occasion? The Park has a variety of rooms and spaces to hire at reasonable prices. Please contact reception or look at the website for more information.
Are you still looking for a Christmas present? How about buying a sixmonth pass to the Park Gym, no direct debit involved. Please speak to one of the instructors for further information.
on our design to date. In order to gain your views young people from Youth Moves will be holding a number of community consultations and events around the area in the coming weeks so please look out for us at The Park, Broadwalk shopping centre, local schools and other community venues. If you have any questions then please feel free to get in touch on 0117 903 9796 or email
We would love to hear your thoughts and views as it will be your space! For more news or to leave a comment at present please go to: udht836gkvbe/#comment-7
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY There’s lots of great stuff happening in our community, including many regular groups and activities. Your community website has an events calendar: To add your organisation or event contact Rachel, Knowledge Editor, on 0117 903 0444.
ADULTS Dance Group
A weekly dance group for older residents at Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road. From 1.45pm onwards and suitable for beginners. Call 0117 903 8052.
Bingo at Eagle House
Every Sunday and Wednesday, 8-9pm at Eagle House Social Club, Newquay Road. Doors open at 7pm.
Dad’s Group
Stay and play sessions for dads and kids – and a chance to develop more activities together as a group. Last Saturday of the month at Knowle West Children’s Centre: 31st Jan, 28th Feb, 28th March. 10am-11.30am. Contact Harry Wright on 0117 903 0214.
Dad’s Big Breakfast
Wednesdays, 11am, starting 26th November at the Inns Court Centre. Cook your breakfast, use the play equipment to entertain the kids and get some work advice if you want it. Call 0117 904 2202.
The Friendship Club
Bingo, refreshments and company for over 40s at Filwood Community Centre. Tuesdays, 10am. Call 0117 903 8052.
Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting
Tuesday 13th January, 6-8pm, Windmill Hill Community Association.
CHILDREN Baby Bounce & Rhyme
Bring your young children for a sing-along of nursery rhymes and action songs. Pick up a collectors’ card and collect stamps for a free book. Wednesday mornings, 11am (term time only) at Filwood Library, Filwood Broadway. Free.
Storytime & Craft
Stories and crafts every Friday at Filwood Library during term time. 10.30am, 50p per child. Pick up a collectors’ card and collect stamps for a free book.
YOUNG PEOPLE Support from Learning Partnership West
Based at The Park, LPW support young people aged 16 – 19 who are NEET (not in education, training and employment). For information about services and activities contact Nicola Garrett on 07717 892708.
Arts & Media with Knowle West Media Centre Free activities for ages 1025, including music, animation, photography, design, coding and photography. Use KWMC’s space to work on your own projects or try a free creative course. Call 0117 903 0444.
Have your say about local issues. Wednesday 4th February, 7pm, Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road.
Pensioners’ Christmas Party
Christmas Carol Concert
The Park’s annual party returns for another year on Thursday 11th December, 1-3pm. To book a place call Karen or Sue on 0117 903 8770. Raffle prizes welcome!
Carol Service
A Carol and Nativity Service from Churches Together, Monday 15th December, 6pm, in the Main Hall at The Park, Daventry Road. Tea and mince pies afterwards. Call 0117 903 9770
‘Spectactular Christmas Variety’
Filwood Community Centre is hosting a variety performance by local children and young people. Tuesday 16th December, doors open 6pm, show starts 6.30pm. Tickets £2. Call Gloria on 07513 588416.
Tuesday 9th December, 6pm–7pm, at the Inns Court Centre. Carols, mince pies and Christmas cheer. In partnership with the Inns Court residents’ association, the Church of God of Prophecy and Greenfield School.
New Year’s Eve Adult Disco Eagle House Social Club, Newquay Road. Tickets £3 for members, £5 for nonmembers. 8pm till late.
New Year’s Day Family Night
Saturday 1st January at Eagle House Social Club, Newquay Road. Doors open at 7pm.
Carol Bus
The festive bus will be making its rounds again this year. Thursday 18th December, beginning at 5pm. Concludes at 8pm with a carol concert at Filwood Community Centre. Call 0117 903 8052 for information about the route.
Christmas drop in at Filwood Library
Crafts, puzzles and Christmas activities. Drop in any time the library is open from Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th December. Free. Under 8’s must be accompanied by a parent or carer.
Woodland Workshops for Men A five-week programme
of woodland workshops in Filwood Neighbourhood Forum Leigh Woods. Tuesdays
Family Film Night
9am-1pm, transport provided. Contact James Newman at Knowle West Health Park on 07824806836.
Monday 15th December, 5pm–7pm, at the Inns Court Centre. Free festive film with hot chocolate and popcorn. Film to be announced nearer the time. Call 0117 904 2202. Photos by Knowle West Media Centre
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