ISSUE 7 July 2003
YOUR NEWSLETTER This is the seventh edition of the Knowle West Newsletter SS uu m mm m ee rrtt ii m m ee ii ss hh ee rree aa gg aa ii nn ,, w whh ee nn pp ee oo pp ll ee ee m m ee rrgg ee ii nn tt oo tthh ee ss uu nn ss hh ii nn ee aa nn dd gg ee tt bb uu ss yy .. TT hh ii ss ee ddii tt ii oo nn ii ss pp aa cckk ee dd ff uu ll ll ooff ll oo ccaa ll nn ee w wss ,, pp rroo jj ee cc ttss aa nn dd ee vvee nn ttss ff rr oom m tt hh ee pp aa ss tt ff ee w w w ee ee kk ss ,, aa ss w w wee ll ll aa ss ii nn ff oo rr m maa tt ii oo nn aa bb oouu tt wh w h aa tt ’’ ss ss o oo on n tt o o h h aa pp pp ee nn .. There may be articles, which offer a different point of view from your own and we would be very pleased to hear your opinions about any of the items in this issue. All ideas for contributions and offers of help with the production of the newsletter welcomed by the editorial team, please contact:
Barbara Benson Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster House, Knowle West BS4 1NL tel: 903 0444 If you wish to make comments about any aspect of Neighbourhood Renewal, please contact: Anita Pearce, Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group, Filwood Community Centre, Filwood Broadway, Knowle West tel: 908 4248 You can also email:
CARNIVAL CANCELLATION The Knowle West Carnival has been cancelled for the first time in nearly 10 years. Over 50 organisations were contacted to take part and only four entries were received despite numerous phone calls and reminders. This is a great shame for the people of Knowle West, who have always enjoyed the Carnival and for the Carnival Committee, which has worked hard over the years towards its success; it may have been small but brought a great deal of enjoyment to many people and will be sadly missed. If anyone has any thoughts on how we can get more people interested, I would be very grateful. Julie Maunder, on behalf on the Knowle West Carnival Committee Tel: 9084234 email:
HEARTS & STARS AWARDS No N om m ii n n aa tt ii oo nn FFoo rr m m2 20 00 03 3 This is the nomination form for the Hearts & Stars Awards. This is the first of what’s to be an annual event to celebrate the work done by the local volunteers on the estate and to offer them some recognition for all the hard work they do each year.
Please say why (in no more than 30 words):
If you would like to nominate someone for the People’s Choice Award and Good Neighbourhood Award, please enter the details below and return by 12th September 2003:
II w w oouu ll dd ll ii kkee tt oo nn oom m ii nn aa tt ee
………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
……….……………………………………. for People’s Choice Award
A nn dd A ………………………………..……………… for Good Neighbour Award
Nomination forms can be placed in one of our Drop-off points or emailed to Julie Maunder at: Drop-off points: Health Park, Eagle House, The Mede, The Park, KWDT & Knowle Area Housing Office
ART OF WELL-BEING FESTIVAL These photos came in as we went to press. Next edition we’ll include an article about the Art of Wellbeing and Children’s Fund event held on the 12th July at the Health Park. We would like to invite people who attended this event to let us know what they thought of the day. Contact Barbara Benson: 903 0444
MEDIA CENTRE OPEN DAY The Knowle West Media Centre at Leinster House, Leinster Avenue is throwing open its doors and welcoming everybody in between 11am and 3pm, on Thursday 24th July, the first day of the school holidays! Have you ever been there? “Come along and have a look at all the work we do with local people of all ages – for example, making films and videos, photography, creating digital images, designing leaflets and of course, producing this outstanding newsletter!” said Carolyn Hassan, Project Manager of KWMC.
One of the main features of the Open Day will be the chance to have your photo put into a picture postcard of a surreal (underwater, desert, space etc) Knowle West and sent to your home address. Plus: the Zodiac Twirlers, face painting, hair braiding, the Ashton Angels, taster workshops and the Sky Guy. Carolyn added, “It’s a chance to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported the Media Centre, and to offer more local residents the opportunity to get involved by becoming members”. There will be an AGM at 4.30pm on 24th July.
NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL PARTNERSHIP LAUNCH Th T he e K Kn no ow w ll e e W We es st t N Ne e ii g gh hb bo ou ur rh ho oo od d R Re en ne ew wa a ll P Pa ar rt tn ne er rs sh h ii p p ii s s ii n n b bu us s ii n ne es ss s a at t ll a as st t! !
The residents and service providers met together for the first time at the launch on Wednesday 30th April at the Health Park. 11 residents and 11 service providers decided to take the Partnership forward, meeting 4 times a year. Everyone agreed that a minimum of 8 residents should be there at meetings to take decisions. Wh W ha at t d do oe es s t th he e P Pa ar rt tn ne er rs sh h ii p p d do o? ?
The Partnership brings together residents and service providers to take an overview of how Neighbourhood Renewal is happening in Knowle West. Its main job is to make sure that
the Action Plan stays on course. In Knowle West the priorities have been identified as Anti-Social Behaviour, Achievement, including improving the way truancy and exclusion is managed, Health & Wellbeing, including better, faster access to help for drug users and their families and Family Support. The Partnership is also responsible for making sure that the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund in Knowle West is spent on projects which will make a real difference in the above areas, changing the way mainstream services deliver for local people.
NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL FUND Knowle West has £369,863 this year to spend. £99, 623 has already been agreed in carry-over from last year’s projects. These include the Wardens Scheme; IRIS (Involving Residents In Solutions); a small contribution to the salary of the Knowle Safe manager; the Knowle West newsletter and website and Community Clean Up Trial (see community Clean up article on page 11), working with young offenders to clean up the estate as part of their community service.
Decisions about the NR Fund spend will be made by residents working on the Funding Sub-Group. All spend proposals are being developed by Action Groups, which are where residents and service providers work together to improve services.
This leaves £270,240. In reality this amounts to about £60,000 for each of the four areas set out above, plus an amount for developing resident involvement, running our bus tours around the estate.
NR SNIPPETS Achievement Action Group is developing proposals to fund a Family and School Link Worker attached to Hengrove school; and a Co-ordinator to be based at the Park as a link for people in the community to all the various services working with young people and families around school achievement
A Family Support Action Group is about to be set to agree spend plans.
Anti-Social Behaviour Task Force is still considering how they want to use NR money to extend the work of the Taskforce.
Health & Wellbeing want to fund an extra GP Liaison Worker to help drug users get faster access to treatment and support and develop new ways of encouraging men to improve their health.
If you are interested in the work of any of these groups contact Anita Pearce, NR Facilitator on 908 4248 or e-mail: Keith Houghton, NR Manager Tel: 9084350 e-mail:
T hh ee N T N RR TTee aa m m nn oo tt oo nnll yy ll ii sstt ee nn bb uutt aa ll ss oo AA C C TT oo nn w w hh aa tt yy oo uu ssaa yy !! Filwood wards. Of these, 276 used ground floor windows and doors, made of metal or wood to gain access. Ilminster Ave (15 burglaries) came out top of the list with Cossington Rd (14 burglaries), coming a close second. (Figures taken from Avon & Somerset Constabulary Crime Recording System) Since the last issue several meetings have taken place with Bristol City Council Area Housing Office, Police Crime Reduction, Street Wardens and Area Housing Committee where Knowle West residents went along to put forward their case. Statistics produced by Andy Boulton (Crime Reduction Officer based at Broadbury Rd Police Station) confirmed what the residents of Ilminster Ave were saying with regard to being easier targets for burglary and feeling more vulnerable in their homes. Between April 2002 and March 2003 - 536 house burglaries were recorded for Knowle and
The Knowle Area Housing Office has now agreed to invest the additional allocated budget to improve security of the homes in the roads agreed with the Area Housing Committee and the Tenants group. This will be starting with Ilminster Avenue. It will not be enough to get them all done but at least some of Ilminster Ave will have safer homes before Christmas. We will continue to highlight this problem and search for a source of funding for ALL houses in Knowle to become more secure. Watch this space! Anita Pearce NR Facilitator
GLAD RAGS KK nn oo w w ll ee W W ee sstt sscc oo rree ss aa nnoo tt hhee rr ff ii rr ss tt bb yy hh oo ss tt ii nn gg aa bb rr aa nn dd nn ee w w ee vv ee nntt ,, (C C ee ll ee b b rr aa tt ii n n gg D D ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy FF uu nn D Daa yy The Racial Association Gathering Support (RAGS) group will be running the day in support of all black, other minority ethnic and dual heritage people, their families, friends and supporters living or working in the area, aided by Neighbourhood Renewal and the Street Wardens service. The event will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 30th August at the Healthy Living Centre, Downton Road, between 3.00pm and 7.00 in the evening. It will include music, great food from cultures around the world, face painting, a bouncy castle, stalls, nail art, hair braiding, massage and other complementary therapy ‘tasters’, a crèche and activities for all the family!
Ann Howell, one of RAGS’s founder members said: “We want to build support for black or other minority ethnic families, including families with dual heritage children, by bringing everyone together.” RAGS is Knowle West’s own support organisation to help black and minority ethnic people experiencing racial harassment and discrimination. Since it’s set-up by three local people in 1998 it has worked with nearly 300 residents experiencing harassment and mistreatment, including a number of lesbian and gay people. The day will also give people the chance to share their experiences of life in Knowle West – good and bad – and how services including RAGS can do a better job of supporting them. If you’d like to find out more or want to help plan the afternoon contact: Ann Howell tel: 07759 596537 or Carol Bowen tel: 923 1930
OPEN 4 BUSINESS Wee ll cc o W om m ee tt oo JJ uuss tt ii nn RR ii cc kk ss ,, nnee w w ll yy aa p pp po o ii n ntt ee d d BB uu ss ii nn ee ss ss AAdd vvii ss oo rr ff oo rr KKnn oo w w ll ee W Wee ss tt .. “If you’re considering becoming selfemployed, starting your own business or are already running a business, I can provide free expert business
support and guidance. Give me a call.” Justin is based at the Knowle West Development Trust in Filwood Community Centre but he will also be regularly visiting The Park and The Mead Centre. The service is FREE, confidential and independent. To find out more about this service contact Justin at Filwood Community Centre tel: 908 4232.
On O ncc ee aa gg aa ii nn,, tt hh ee rr ee ii ss ss oo m m uu cc h h ggoo ii nn gg oo nn ff oo rr yy oo uu nngg pp ee oo ppll ee ii nn KK nnoo w w ll ee W Wee sstt oo vv ee rr tt hh ee ssuu m mm m ee rr hh oo ll ii dd aa yy .. C C hhee cc kk oo uu tt tt hh ii ss pp rr oo gg rr aa m mm m ee .. … …
POSITIVE FUTURES & THE PARK Multi-sports club at The Park - 3 weeks of fun and games organised by qualified coaches. Try your hand at hockey, basketball, rounders, football, frisbee, netball, softball, kwik cricket, athletics, tennis, races, water fights and much more! For ages 8-13 years old. 1st, 3rd and 4th weeks in August, 12.30-4.30pm At The Park. £1 per day per child. Please bring a drink and/or money for a snack Start any day you choose – come for a day or for all 3 weeks of fun.
FOOTBALL TRAINING For a new Knowle West Under 12’s team, every Tuesday evening at The Park from 6-7pm – Under 12s training 7-8pm 12-16 years old (£1 per person) plus Positive Futures trip to Derby
THE PARK NETBALL TEAM Training 7-8pm every Wednesday at The Park The team are currently looking for new players to join their rapidly growing club, and will be entering an Under 12’s and Under 16’s team into the league next season.
FOOTBALL FESTIVAL For young people aged 8–12 years. 12.302.30pm, 12 -16 years old 2.30-4.30pm Monday July 28th – Friday 1st August 12.304.30pm £1 per day Week long football programme at The Park on the field. Training sessions, mini-competitions and the opportunity to join a team. The project will also be running taster sessions of canoeing, climbing, abseiling, mountain biking etc as part of its on-going programme as well as a residential to North Devon. Please call Alistair Dale 903 9766 or 07736 640936 for further details.
BRISTOL CITY FC’S ‘FOOTBALL IN THE COMMUNITY’ Week long coaching camp for young people aged 8-16 years old. Monday- Friday 11th 15th August – 12-4pm. £1 per day field behind Broadplain Youth Club
INNS COURT YOUTH CLUB The Youth Club will be running a number of activities including DJ workshops, caving, surfing, quad-biking, IT sessions etc. Ages 10-19 years old - £1-10 per activity depending on the session. For more information call in at the club or ring Mark or Adam on 953 2049.
BROADPLAIN YOUTH CLUB Girls football coaching at the club every Tuesday 4.30-6pm Friendly fixtures against other teams in preparation for entering the league next season, and day trips to bowling etc Open to girls aged 8-14 years old. For more information please pop in to the club or call Alistair Dale on 903 9766
FILWOOD POOL Inflatable sessions at The Pool; Tuesday 4.30-5.30pm Wednesday & Friday 10.00-11.30am Thursday 1.45-2.45pm & 3-4pm Saturday 2-3pm Fun Activity Day: Thursday 28th August - Bouncy castles, inflatable sessions - It’s a Knockout fun session - Black Thunders, 5-a-side football For more information go to the Pool or call 966 2823
YOUTH FORUM Young people aged 10+ call in to see Dave, Jenny or H. on Monday/ Wednesdays 6.308.30pm The group will be running a number of day trips, and hope to go on a residential. All these sessions to be planned by the young people. For more information call in at The Greenhouse on Filwood Broadway or call 907 8683.
EAGLE HOUSE CIRCOMEDIA Circus skills sessions at The Park. 1-5pm Tues 26th August –Fri 29th August. Ages 12+ yrs For more information please call Kate Webb on 960 2911
Youth club sessions as usual Monday to Thursday evening 7-9.30pm. Additional sessions may be run throughout the summer. For further information please drop in or call 977 7795.
with Knowle West Media Centre at Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road, Knowle West Thursday 7th August 1.30-3.30pm Tuesdays 12th, 19th, 26th August 10-12pm Bring along any small objects of interest
A ll ll w A w oorr kkss hh oo ppss aa rree ffrr eeee !! Book places on: 903 0444
CHEERLEADING CAMP Ever wanted to be a cheerleader like those on ‘Bring It On’? – if so this is the course for you!! Come along and try your hand at cheerleading and have a fantastic time. Hopefully you’ll end up cheering on Bristol City at Ashton Gate or the Bristol Shoguns rugby team! For girls aged 12-19 years old. Running for 2 weeks at The Park from Mon 4th – Fri 15th August 2-6 pm For more details call The Park on 903 9770 and ask for Tracey Bedford.
THORPE PARK TRIP Lots of the above groups will be orgainsing a trip to Thorpe Park on Friday 8th August £10 per person – please look out for posters, for more information call Julie at the Knowle West Play Centre 963 1737
EQUAL IMAGE For young people aged 11+ years old, who are interested in singing and performing. Come along for fun and games, vocal training, singing along to all your favourite songs and with the chance to record and listen to your performances – great for all you budding Pop Idols out there!! Mon 4th - Thurs 7th August 6-9pm at The Park
KNOWLE WEST PLAY CENTRE Activities for young people aged 5-14 yrs. Variety of activities run every day of the 5 weeks holiday, with a trip every Friday. Open from 8.30am – 5.30pm (£6.50 per day), you will need to book your child’s place – for more information please call 963 1737.
HENGROVE SCHOOL ARTS FESTIVAL Hengrove School, Bristol’s only Specialist Visual Arts College hosted its Expressive Arts Festival from July 7th to July 9th. Over 550 participants, had the opportunity to work with a variety of practising artists and arts organisations. The festival offered visual, crafts, performing and multi media art workshops jewellery making, wire sculptures, prints, batik, digital arts, animation, carnival costumes, ceramics, puppetry, textile designs, wood carving and stone sculptures. The work produced during the Festival was then exhibited at the Watershed Media Centre. Ffi contact: Annalisa Solla, Hengrove School tel: 377 2800 ext. 214
Three brilliant short films have recently been completed by film makers/artists working with young people from Knowle West. The project, called Way Out Knowle West, was funded through the Film Council’s First Light Awards scheme. Joe Magee worked with Detached Youth Team on “Gearhead”, Anna Lucas with young people from Inns Court Youth Centre and Eagle House on“Lurchers and Lamplight”, and Penny Evans with the Zodiacs on “The Rehearsal” which conveys the hard work and dedication of a troupe of local “Twirlers”. The films were recently shown at the Watershed Media Centre. Gearhead has been accepted for the presigious Edinburgh Film Festival. Look out for local showings. If you’d like to get involved with making films or have some good ideas contact KWMC. Ffi contact Carolyn Hassan, KWMC tel: 903 0444
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND POLICE RESPONSE WHEELS ON FIRE BB rr oo aa dd bb uu rryy PP oo ll ii cc ee & & SS tt rree ee tt W W aa rr dd ee nnss wo w o rrkk ii nngg tt oo ggee tt hhee rr tt oo rr ee m m oo vv ee bb uu rr nntt oo uu tt aa nndd aa bb aa nndd oo nnee dd cc aarr ss oo nn tt hhee ee sstt aatt ee We regularly receive complaints about abandoned and burnt out vehicles. Stolen cars and old bangers are dumped on your doorsteps, with few clues as to the identity of the offenders. While complying with legal restrictions covering tow aways, we try to remove offending vehicles as quickly as possible. If a car or bike is likely to be burnt out and in a dangerous condition or position, we will get it removed within the hour by the Police Fire Scheme. If it is merely abandoned with no known owner, the Council on behalf of the Police will remove it within 24 hours. If there is evidence that it is an illegal vehicle involved in crime, again I can get rid of it within the hour.
pics: Royston Smith
GOOD NEWS Between January 2002 and May this year over 1150 burnt out or abandoned cars were removed by the Police in South Bristol. The Street Wardens have worked hard to support the Police in this and will continueto do so. Between April 2002 and March 2003 we reduced actual vehicle arsons by 20%. This means that 161 fewer cars have been burnt out by criminals in South Bristol. This is a real achievement. We need your help to track down the criminals that cause your community to become a dumping ground and scrap yard for abandoned vehicles. This information can be passed directly to the Street Wardens at The Kabin or to the Police (anonymously if you wish) via Crimestoppers tel: 0800 555 111. Matt Ayres Broadbury Road Sector Inspector
CRACK THE CRACK DEALING In the last issue I wrote an article (Targeting Dealers & Handlers) about local police targeting and successfully arresting many drug dealers across South Bristol, in particular those who deal with the highly addictive and dangerous drug crack .We can only continue to do so with your help and information. I am fortunate to speak to many community groups around Knowle West, and I often get told that locals won’t tell the Police about drug dealers. The reasons given are: l fear of reprisals l being seen as a “grass” l the criminals and dealers use scanners and can find out who passed the information. The fear of reprisals is a worry to all, but very rarely comes about if we are careful to preserve the confidentiality of the information. If you are worried about being labelled a “grass” then I ask you this question: Do you want to make your community safer to live in and free of drug dealing activity that pollutes today’s society? You can only start to make a difference by talking to the Police and by becoming involved in local
community groups that support such victims. If you are worried about scanners or confidentiality, then you have my word that all calls made on the Crimestoppers freephone hotline 0800 555 111 will be treated in utmost confidence. If you want to remain anonymous you can. For really good information that leads to a court conviction, there are also financial rewards to be had from Crimestoppers. Help rid your community of the drugs menace tel: 0800 555 111 or be a good neighbour and become more involved in local drugs support projects. Matt Ayres Broadbury Road Sector Inspector
II nn tt hh ee nnee xxtt ii ss ssuu ee w w ee w w ii ll ll ll oo oo kk m m oo rr ee cc ll oo ss ee ll yy aa tt ii ll ll ee gg aa ll dd rr uugg ss :: tt hhee ii rr ee ff ff ee cc tt ss oo nn uu ssee rr ss aa nndd tt hhee ii rr ii m m pp aa cc tt oo nn tt hhee cc oo m mm m uu nn ii tt yy .. oo uu tt aa nn dd aa bb aa nndd oo nnee dd cc aa rrss oo nn tt hh ee ee sstt aa ttee
Hello, my name is Mil Lusk and I work at Buried Treasure Ltd. I am writing to let you know about all the exciting things that have been happening. For those that don’t know about the Northern Slopes here’s some background. Local people had aspirations to improve the natural environment called the Northern Slopes, making it friendly, safe and accessible for local people. A bid was submitted to Doorstep Green to develop part of the Northern Slopes identified as Cloverdown: the piece of land behind Glyn Vale, Kenmare Rd, Donegal Rd and Cavan Walk. The bid was successful and in the autumn the landscape enhancement programme will begin.
The plan for this site is a direct response to a community consultation carried out last year. An art bid is proposed and a lead artist has been appointed to devise the overall vision for the arts programme and public artworks via project research and consultation with local people. We envisage a workshop led and community focused programme that could involve creative writing and visual and performance arts over the summer and autumn. Although this seems like a long time it is a process that allows local people to have a voice and a sense of ownership of their local space. We aim to submit an art bid to enable realisation of the arts programme this winter, so watch this space! If anyone wants further information please contact Mil Lusk Tel: 903 9782 email:
BUILDING COMMUNITIES - FILWOOD BROADWAY UPDATE An Expression of Interest to develop Filwood Broadway has recently been approved by the Regional Development Agency: one of only 4 approvals out of 19 applications from across the South West. The approval means that the initial ideas - building a new neighbourhood centre, improving the look of the Broadway, and clearing derelict sites for redevelopment can now be reviewed and developed in more
detail and will include extensive consultation and community involvement. Work is likely to start later in the summer and will last a number of months. There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved in planning and designing what happens on the Broadway and more information will follow shortly. If you wish to find out more in the meantime please contact Paul Drew, Project Manager, BCC tel: 922 3901
OLD KNOWLE WEST Do you recognise yourself in this picture taken in Knowle West in 1962? We will be starting a regular feature in the next issue called Old Knowle West, a trip down Memory Lane.
If you have any pictures and old memories you would like to contribute, or would be willing to be interviewed, please contact the editor, Barbara Benson on 903 0444
Pic: Bristol Record Office
FAMILY SUPPORT FAMILY SUPPORT WORKSHOP LOOKS TO FUTURE A workshop was held at Filwood Community Centre on 19th May to explore ways in which Family Support Service providers could work together. Surestart, alongside Knowle West Development Trust Family Support Service and other local voluntary groups aimed to find out what services are already being delivered in the area and where there are gaps. Particularly inspiring was the presentation by Sue, a local resident who now works for Surestart as a crèche worker, explaining the highs and lows of getting involved with the local parent group. A new Family Support working group was formed, which will concentrate on:
l l l
More affordable sustainable childcare Family group conferences Local people mentoring
Further input from residents will be sought on the next bus tour and visits to local parents groups. Ffi contact Heather Barham Tel: 953 1329
CARING FOR THE CARERS set up in 1991 in recognition of the fact that Carers required a support group of their own which would work on behalf of the millions of individuals who look after people in need and in doing so save the taxpayer millions of pounds.
AA cc aa rree rr ss ’’ ss uupp pp oo rrtt ggrr oo uu pp Anyone can be a Carer - carers are found in all communities and all age groups. There must be hundreds in Knowle West alone. Many people who care do not identify themselves as carers, and therefore carry on unaware of the support available to them. The Princess Royal Trust (PRT) for Carers was
Locally PRT has been in existence for 7 years headed up by Carol Watson who employs a staff of 22 people working from bases in Thornbury, Hartcliffe, and Avonmouth. Local support groups allow Carers to meet together regularly to discuss issues and to provide home visits. If you want to find out more about our work please contact us: CARERSLINE Tel: 965 2200 Mon-Sat 10am-1pm. The line is available in Chinese on Tuesdays and in Urdu and Punjabi on Wednesdays. Website:
FILWOOD LIBRARY - JUST THE TICKET! If you haven’t been to Filwood library for a while come in and see the new, improved version for yourself. It re-opened on Monday 7th April and now boasts an exhibition space, created for both local community art and city wide exhibitions. The children’s library now looks particularly attractive, with children’s furniture, rugs and playmates, and a much improved stock of books, story tapes and videos for the under 4s thanks to the generosity of Sure Start. There is an under 5s storytime starting at 2.15 every Monday in term time. No booking is needed please come along with your child. Sure Start have just started a fun group on Friday mornings 9.30 to 11.00 am especially for two-year olds and their parents/carers Grandparents and Dads are very welcome. Lil Bowers, Project Manager of Surestart is enthusiastic about the sessions, “It is a chance for parents to talk to other parents about the kind of
activities that two year olds enjoy and to support each other over problems. It is great to see children and parents joining the library, listening to stories and using all the new toys in the childrens area.” Remember libraries are free to join!
ENVIRONMENT IS KNOWLE WEST A LOAD OF RUBBISH? AAnn dd yy BB ee ll ll aa m m yy ,, AA cc tt ii oo nn oo nn W Waa ss tt ee cc oo m mm m uu nnii tt yy rr ee cc yy cc ll ii nn gg w w oo rr kk ee rr ff oo rr KKnn oo w w ll ee W W ee ss tt tt aa ll kk ss o o ff hh ii ss m m ii ssss ii oo nn tt oo ii m mp p rro o vvee tt h h ee ll o o cc aa ll ee n n vv ii rroo nn m m ee nntt “Did you know that around 130 tonnes of rubbish comes out of Knowle West every week? The Recycling Consortium has been working here since September to try and tackle this problem. I am part of a project called Action on Waste and you may have come across me, knocking on over 1,000 doors, holding stalls at events, arranging trips for youth clubs and giving talks to local people. The whole purpose of all this activity has been to encourage people to use their weekly black box collection service more.
“It’s still the easiest way to recycle newspaper, glass, clothes, cans and tins – you just leave it outside your door. We have had a few hiccups in the service recently, but it should get better from now on with the introduction of new, smaller rounds. Thanks to everyone who recycles regularly, and if you don’t, why not give it a go!” pic: A group from the Greenhouse Youth Club on a visit to the Create Centre making new paper from old.
COMMUNITIES CLEAN UP THEIR ACT In May, two community cleanups took place: in Newquay Road and at Inns Court. Neighbourhood Renewal staff, street wardens and local residents all got together with shovels, bin liners, wheelbarrows and a lot of elbow grease to make these particularly unappealing sites areas to be proud of. As part of another initiative, Young environmentalists from the Knowle West Play Centre after school club joined forces with a team of staff from Macdonalds in Hengrove to tackle litter in Filwood Broadway. If you know of any areas near you that are need of a makeover, contact Anita Pearce on Tel: 908 4248. She and her team will help residents to organise a cleanup similar to Newquay Road and Inns Court.
NEW FACES From Top left:
II aaii nn O Oss b b oorr nn ee KWHA Finance Advisor M aa xx ii n M n ee W W ii ll ll ii aam m ss Tenant Support Officer Ch C h rr ii ss tt ii n n ee JJ oonn ee ss Young Mothers Support Officer
JJ oonn aa tt hh aann D D ii dd ll ii cc kk Tenant Support Officer JJ oohh nn BB aa rr tt ll ee tt tt Community Safety Manager PP aa uu ll C Co oyy nn ee Positive Futures Support Worker D ee b D bb b ii ee JJ oo hh nn ss oo nn One Stop Job shop
AA nn dd rr ee w w H H aa rr rr ii ss oonn Assistant Community Sports Development Worker
NOTICEBOARD KWADS The Board of Trustees of KWADs is currently wishing to recruit new members to the Board. Full Board meetings take place every 6-8 weeks and last approximately one and a half hours. If you are interested in becoming a Board member please contact Joanna Brennan for more information Tel: 966 4854 or KWADs Tel: 953 3870 WWW.KNOWLEWEST.CO.UK
SBCCC SBCCC is also currently wishing to recruit new members to the Board! Please contact Doug Steeds for further information Tel: 903 9775
CONGRATULATIONS! Don’t forget, all issues of the newsletter and much, much more o uu rr website: can be found on yy o
Kerry Jones from Knowle West has won the Learning and Skills Council’s National Trainee Award for hard work and excellence in her painting and decorating modern apprenticeship. The Media Centre also worked with Kerry on the On-Site video.
All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group. The Bristol Objective 2 programme is part financed by European Community (ERDF)
THANKS TO.................... The Neighbourhood Renewal Participation Group: Anita Pearce, Sister Joanna, Ann Howell, Margaret Jordan, Denise Britt, Sue Baldock, Rene Gough. New Manager Keith Houghton. Jo Hansford for photos including front cover. All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter
Editor: Barbara Benson email: Design: Rowena Dugdale email: