Knowle West newsletter - Issue 8 Nov 2003

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Knowle West Newsletter

Issue 8 Your Newsletter This is the eighth edition of the Knowle West Newsletter en ask for comments at the end of articles, and it might seem a little disappointing that we get very few responses. But as someone pointed out, “People usually only comment when they want to complain!” One piece of feedback we did receive from the Newsletter 7 concerned the item about crack cocaine. “A lot of people wouldn’t understand the vocabulary or issues to do with drugs” so we asked KWADS to write an information article for us (see page 11). If you have any comments about these, or any other articles in this edition, please contact: Anita Pearce Neighbourhood Renewal Participation Group Filwood Community Centre Filwood Broadway Knowle West Tel: 908 4248 You can also email:

Hearts & Stars Awards Ceremony Nominations for the Hearts & Stars Awards for volunteers on the estate are now all in. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Tickets are now on sale for the Awards Ceremony. The event is being held in Filwood Community Centre on Saturday 15th November at 7.00pm with entertainment from Phillip Charles and awards are being handed out by Peter Rowell, HTV News presenter. Tickets cost £5 each, including a buffet, and are available from Denise Britt or Julie Maunder Tel: 0117 9084234 or by email: The event is 'Black Tie' so get your party dresses on and join us!

Celebrating Diversity This fun event was held at the Knowle West Health Park on Saturday 30th August for all black and minority ethnic and dual heritage people, their families, friends and supporters living or working in Knowle West. The event organised by RAGS (Racial Association Gathering Support) was supported by Neighbourhood Renewal, Knowle Safe Street Wardens and Bristol City Council. Claire Channing, winner of the £50 ASDA gift voucher said “The kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves!” Other comments included: “the food was excellent” “a lovely event – you ought to do another” and “things like this bring the community together!”

Knowle West Media Centre Open Day Knowle West Media Centre Open Day on 17th July was a great success with hundreds of local people coming to see what we do. 90 young people and 86 adults signed up to support the centre. Videos, films, photographs and media projects were exhibited and activities and taster workshops were busy with tattooing, digital postcards, banner making and DJ-ing. Congratulations to all who won raffle prizes, but especially Jaide Ridler, who gave the Teddy a lovely home! Thank you for all the support.

Street Poetry The future of national Street Wardens was in the news this summer. Our very own team in Knowle West penned this poem in response:

WARDEN Policing on the cheap most people said Of the Street Wardens Who dress in Navy Blue and Red When we first started we met some abuse Bottles and beer cans were missiles in use But we had to take the Good with the Bad The majority was good I hasten to add We all approach our job both with Zeal and with Zest And thoroughly enjoy working in “The West” Any misconceptions about “The West”, well it didn’t take long For the Young people and Residents, to prove them all wrong The Residents are friendly and full of cheer “Good morning, doing a great job” we often hear So to the minority still out there, we have to say Better get used to us, ‘cos we’re here to STAY. Fish n Chips In July residents from Southmead came to meet Knowle West residents. As they enjoyed a fish ‘n’ chips lunch, everyone remarked on the similarity between the two areas and Southmead wanted to find out more how Neighbourhood Renewal here works with the Knowle West Development Trust. To finish off their visit, Southmead residents were given a tour of Knowle West by the Street Wardens. The meeting was really enjoyable and both groups are keen to link up in the future, to tackle the communities’ shared issues together. NR facilitators will be planning a return visit to Southmead for the KW residents and are also looking at a combined away-day to Plymouth.

Noticeboard ST BARNABAS CHURCH NEWS Christian Aid 2003-09-29 Following a house to house collection in Knowle West during Christian Aid Week, £570 was collected. Thank you to all collectors and everyone who contributed to this magnificent effort. DEAN LANE FAMILY PRACTICE Many Knowle West residents use this doctor’s surgery in Bedminster. It will be relocating in just over a year to a brand new building complex sited next to Asda. As well as a new surgery, the building will include offices and a brand new library. You are invited to take part in a creative workshop in November to help design the new surgery. Ffi: Dean Lane Family Practice Tel: 966 3149 NEW JUDO CLUB The Ryu Genki Judo Club would love to have more members. Based at The Mede Community Centre we will welcome anyone – from 4 year olds to the over-50s! Don’t worry about the embarrassment of Mum or Dad doing it alongside you though; there are different groups for different ages: Monday and Tuesday evenings 6 – 7pm under 8s 7 – 8pm all juniors 8 – 9pm squad and seniors The club is run by the West of England Boys Coach, no less! Contact: Des Hall Tel: 983 1805 Thanks to.................... The Neighbourhood Renewal Participation Group: Anita Pearce, Sister Joanna, Ann Howell, Margaret Jordan, Denise Britt, Sue Baldock. NR Manager Keith Houghton.

Jo Hansford for photos including front cover. All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Barbara Benson Design: Rowena Dugdale All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.

Achievement Back to School Ilminster Avenue Primary School children have started the term positively with the Reception class and other year groups settling very well. During the Summer five classrooms were decorated brightening the school still further. A room has been created specifically for music lessons and another for library research activities. Links continue with Dancevoice, GWR, Bristol City Football Club and children from other local schools working to improve friendships and relationships and to be more positive and successful. Hengrove Community Arts College & Post-16 Centre is our secondary school’s new name. New Year 7s, looking smart in a new look uniform, chosen by the school council, arrived to see many improvements and new facilities: two new computer suites, a newly re-furbished sports hall and swimming pool. Our Art Gym is a fantastic, world-class exhibition and conference space, open to bookings from the community and we are proud and excited to have won a £95k bid to extend services and opening hours for community and family use, starting in 2004. Connaught Primary School welcomes four new members of staff and 85 new children. Much excitement this term with the building of our new Sports Hall starting. Funded through our successful bid to 'Sport England' and the 'Seed Challenge' it means we will have a sports hall with changing facilities, a crêche and meeting room. The project will be completed in late Spring; it will make a real difference to the teaching of sport and PE in the school, and our school hall can be used more easily for drama lessons and productions. Watch this space! Novers Lane Junior School has a new Head teacher! She is Mrs Julia Skinner (see New Faces, back page),who was previously Head at Tyning Hengrove Junior School. Mrs Skinner has listed among her goals to increase the standards in all subjects and to continue with the excellent inclusion work that the school is known for. “Novers Lane Junior School has a super team of teachers, support staff, parents and children. I am delighted to join them at this exciting time. The increase in the number of children wearing our uniform shows how proud we are of our school and how deter mined we are to become really successful”. Long Hot Summer With Positive Futures

North Devon Residential The Royal Marine base at Chivenor, North Devon was invaded for three days in August by 14 of Knowle West’s finest young people involved with the positive futures project based at The Park! An active marine base has helicopters coming and going, and is a fantastic place to stay. The camp offered lots of freedom, with no TV, computer games, or hanging around in the streets with nothing to do !! There were lots of challenging and team building activities. Surfing on Croyde Bay, being towed behind a power-boat on a water chariot, and sharing tents with people they had not met before. Our group mixed well, made the best of their evenings with sports like cricket and volleyball, and played a football game against the Barnstable Positive Futures Project. Thanks to all the young people, the youth workers that assisted and the Marines for hosting us for making it such a successful trip – we look forward to returning again soon.

Outdoor Pursuits On various days over the holidays, children in groups of between 8 and 15 took part in the sessions with fully qualified instructors. This children did sporting activities such as rock climbing, abseiling and surfing which they had never tried before. The look of joy and excitement was a pleasure to see and the rise of self esteem was tangible.

Positive Feedback The Head of Hengrove school reports that this summer saw the best attendance from the new Year 7 in a long while. The manager of Filwood pool also says this was the best summer’s activities ever with the support he had this year from Positive Futures staff. There were no incidents and no one was banned. Brilliant!

Football Festival The summer kicked off with a fantastic take up for football, despite the torrential rain! Over the week 50 – 60 children, both boys and girls took part in fun, games and matches. Let’s make it even bigger next summer! Alistair Dale – Positive Futures

Filmic Feast First Light Films Update: Gearhead goes international – The film Gearhead made by Joe Magee with local young people and the Detached Youth Team has been accepted and shown at several more Film Festivals: Edinburgh International Film Festival, August 03 17th Leeds International Film Festival 2 -12 Oct 03 Brief Encounters Film Festival, Bristol, Nov 03 7th International Short Film Festival, Winterthur (Switzerland) 13 - 19 Nov 03. Look out for its local screening at the Watershed during Brief Encounters Short Film Festival during November. 2 more films with local young people: “Fruit Loop” and “Clot “ are currently being made.

Make An Exhibition Of Yourself There's absolutely no doubt that Knowle West is filled with many talented and creative people. In the past couple of years alone, young and old alike have participated in courses, workshops and exhibitions. Although we mentioned this in the last newsletter, it is worth shouting about - it could perhaps inspire more of you to let your inner flower blossom! Filwood Library has a permanent exhibition space so for all you budding artists out there, whether you like creating art yourself and would love to have the opportunity to exhibit it, or if you simply enjoy the artistic flair of other people, make sure that Filwood Library is put onto your list of 'places to visit'. Ffi: contact Kate Davenport Tel: 903 7236

Antisocial Behaviour and Police Response Drugs - How much do you know about them? These days we hear so much about illegal drugs, and the problems they cause for individuals, families and communities, it’s easy to think that everybody is personally affected and knows all about them. The truth is that there are huge numbers of people in Knowle West, as well as elsewhere, who know very little about heroin, cocaine, crack or cannabis. Privately, they ask: what do these drugs look like? Where do they come from? What happens when people take them? If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use, please contact KWADs for advice, information, counselling, drop-ins and other services: 0117 953 3 870 49-51 Filwood Broadway Knowle West, Bristol BS4 1JL Heroin Heroin is a powder made from opium poppy sap and can be injected, smoked, or snorted. It is a powerful painkiller that can make users feel warm and untroubled – but can also numb their real emotions, so when they stop using it can be very difficult to get used to genuine feelings again. Users can experience drowsiness and incoherent speech. Heroin is physically addictive so withdrawal can be extremely unpleasant and painful. Overdosing is a big risk, and injecting heroin brings health risks – abscesses,

infected injecting sites, and blood-borne viruses such as Hepatitis C and HIV. Cannabis Cannabis comes from a relative of the hop plant. The main forms are: resin, a light/dark brown substance; ‘grass’ - dried leaves and/or flowers that look like dried herbs (this includes the highly potent ‘Skunk’); and cannabis oil, a treacle-like liquid. All three forms are usually smoked, and can vary greatly in their strength. Common effects: users feel relaxed, content, giggly, and hungry (‘the munchies’). It can cause short term loss of memory or concentration. Excessive intake can damage lungs and give rise to anxiety and panic attacks and there is on-going debate as to whether or not some mental health conditions can be brought on by cannabis use. Despite recent media reports, cannabis is still an illegal substance, but using it or possessing it for personal use will be punished less severely than previously. Cocaine Cocaine is a white powder made of coca leaves and a chemical mix. Most users snort it, although some dissolve and inject it. Effects include: increased confidence & alertness, pupil dilation, risk of heart attack, suppressed appetite and desire to sleep. Users experience a ‘high’ for about 30 minutes. The ‘come down’ can bring on periods of exhaustion and excessive sleeping, and also mental health problems such as depression and suicidal feelings. When used with alcohol it can be fatal. Crack Crack is created by treating cocaine with a further chemical process called “freebasing”, which makes the drug highly toxic. It comes as small off-white rocks or lumps, and is usually smoked but can be injected. Crack brings an instant rush of immense pleasure followed by an intense ‘high’. It increases breathing and raises blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. Common effects are irritability, anxiousness, and panic attacks. People using crack can experience very distressing mental health problems. As with heroin, crack purity can vary a great deal, and overdose is a risk.

I've Just Seen A Terrible Thing .............. But What Can I Do? How can you ‘do your bit’ to reduce antisocial behaviour or crime? Many people witness antisocial acts, but turn away. No one wants to be singled out as the person reporting these things – because of fear of harassment by the perpetrators. The Antisocial Behaviour Task Force has come up with a self-reporting form, to be filled in anonymously or as someone willing to be contacted. These can be found in leaflets - pick up a few from shops and community centres and keep them at home. The Task Force is also providing an Antisocial Behaviour Hotline on (0117) 908 4228. Any information you give will be treated in the strictest confidence and the first priority will be to protect the innocent from the guilty. This is a whole new approach to the problem and will give local residents the power to stand up to the antisocial and criminal minority without fear of reprisals.

Crime Figures A viewpoint from Inspector Matt Ayres “I was speaking to a group of local residents last week who told me some vital information that led to the arrest of two burglars. During this conversation the group asked me the following question: Is crime going up in our area? My answer is no! Far from it. Comparing the first quarter of last year with this year’s crime statistics: Dwelling burglaries are down so far this year by 34%. That means 40 fewer families have been the victims of this callous crime Theft of motor vehicles are down by 28%. That means 16 fewer vehicles have been stolen Total crime is significantly down across the Sector and by 40% across the District Robberies and theft from motor vehicles are also significantly lower than last year. So crime is actually GOING DOWN!”.

Do these figures represent how you feel about crime in our area? Write to this Newsletter with your views.

Neverending Stories We have reported on various projects from South Bristol Community Construction Company – but what has become of them? Here are some updates: SBCCC has moved to new premises at 8, Filwood Broadway, Bristol BS4 1JN Contact Lana Moore Tel: 953 0689 The expanding Buddy Service continues to do excellent work; assisting with benefits, temporary accommodation, personal development issues and alcohol abuse. Buddy hopes to provide services exclusively for female clients soon. Contact: Ray Devonshire

Eagle Future Meetings about the Eagle House Youth Club in Newquay Road are continuing, to try and work out the best solution for its survival in a building that’s in a bad way. The recent threat of closure came as a bolt out of the blue – with regular inspections, building delapidation should be spotted well in advance and more warning given that improvements are needed. Why was Eagle House neglected and allowed to deteriorate so terribly over time? Next door neighbours Eagle House Community Association are working closely with the Youth Service and local community, with a long term plan for a brand new, multi-purpose community centre for the Newquay Rd area, often over- looked when Regeneration money has come into Knowle.

Employment and Training Imperial Park Funding Success The Development Trust Job Shop's application (see page 4, last Knowle News) was successful. Pat White has been taken on for 20 hours a week to specialise in all employment opportunities at Imperial Park. She'll be based in the Job Shop, 43 Filwood Broadway. Some of the money we have secured will be used for training, childcare and other back to work support ( e.g. travel costs in the first few weeks) Pat will be pleased to give people all the assistance they need to get and keep jobs at Imperial Park, so, if you are thinking of going there to work, read on and then get in touch with Pat.

Just The Job! Hello! My name is Pat and I work at the One Stop Job Shop (See back page). I am writing to let you know all that’s going on at the moment at Imperial Park, previously the old Wills site. After years of neglect the site was recently purchased by THE JUNCTION to redevelop for local people. B & Q were the first on site, quickly followed by SCS and Carpetright. Over the summer they have been joined by the new Argos Superstore and Pilkington Glass. We now eagerly await the opening of the JJB Sports Superstore and Fitness Centre due in October with plenty of opportunity for permanent employment. The site is still only a third completed, so there will be plenty more opportunity for jobs in the future, so watch this space! In the coming weeks, if you are looking for extra cash for Christmas, Argos could be the answer. They are recruiting now for temporary Christmas staff. For more information about these jobs and many more, call into the One Stop Job Shop. Opening hours are 8.30 to 4. We visit The Mede on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and The Park on Monday afternoons and Friday mornings. If you would like to see us there please phone 9231101 to arrange an appointment.

Media Centre Update

We have just been awarded funding from URBAN 2 and the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund to appoint 2 new workers for an exciting new project. A building Development Project Manager and a Youth Media Worker will form the Archimedia team. This new project aims to involve local young people and the community in the planning and design of a new high tech, purpose-built Media Centre on the site of crumbling Leinster House. If you’d like to get involved or have ideas please get in contact with us (contact details below). Search for a Trainee Are you interested in learning a lot more about photography, video and multimedia? KWMC will be looking for a new trainee for up to 2 years of hands-on training alongside our project workers. The trainee receives a wage and participates in many varied and interesting projects, plus has the opportunity to gain qualifications whilst working. If you’d like to know more either ring and ask to speak to our current trainees (they can give you the real lowdown) or any of the Project Development Workers. We’re looking for enthusiastic, imaginative young people whose only qualification is that they want to learn. Contact Details: KWMC tel: 903044 or email:

Health and Wellbeing

Breast in the West The William Budd Health Centre, jointly with the Health Park Walk-In Centre, has received a prestigious UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospitals Certificate, for a project supporting breastfeeding. Health & Knowle West Sure Start collaborated on the project to promote the message that breastfeeding reduces the risk of babies developing many illnesses as well as protecting the mother’s health. Only two thirds of UK babies are breastfed at birth and just 27% are still breastfeeding at four months, despite Government and medical advice that babies need no other food or drink for the first 4-6 months of their life. “Breast milk is easy to give at any time -anywhere and it saves you money,” said Knowle West mother, Anna Taylor. “It is also easy to digest, never too rich and never too watery. In the middle of the night the baby doesn’t have to wait and I don’t have to prepare milk or wash a bottle. It also gives me a sense of pride and achievement.” “We are very pleased to have been awarded the Certificate,” said Louise Condon, Health Visitor at the William Budd Health Centre. “And it is with special thanks to Sure Start Knowle West who have supported us with this work. We think it is very important that mothers are given high quality support to help them continue with breastfeeding.

DY-NA-MI-TE There are many single parent families in Knowle West and there are support groups available, both locally and nationally. One of these, the Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) is a charity backed by Miss Dynamite. She says, “SPAN offers the kind of information and support I know helps single parents”. For information about anything from childcare and benefits to concerns about your children, meeting other single parents or someone to talk to phone Single Parent Action Network on 0845 4500399.

Veggie Boxes Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day for good health. We all know it makes good sense, but how many of us manage that? Will our children be persuaded to try vegetables at all? How easy is it to buy good quality, fresh, locally produced, organic vegetable at a reasonable price? Now, exclusively for Knowle West Residents, a new Vegetable Box Scheme has been introduced at the KW Health Park. Mixed boxes of vegetables for £3, £5 or £7 can be picked up from the Health Park Café on Wednesdays 12 noon till 4pm. A few vegetable recipes and hints on cooking will be included in the box, especially if there are some unfamiliar items there! If you would like to join this scheme, or simply find out more, contact Mark Baker at the Health Park. Delivery in case of disability or other difficulties can be arranged. Contact Mark Baker Tel: 377 2253

Pulling Bristol's Health Service out of the Red In recent years, the grand plan for health services in Bristol has been to reduce hospital health care and increase local health care services. But Avon NHS has built up huge debts and a new five-year plan is to be drawn up to try and reduce these. A sample few of the current talking points which will directly affect you include: deciding the future of the BRI, Frenchay and Southmead hospitals establishing community facilities in South Bristol bringing all specialist children’s services to one site saving money in areas such as repeat prescriptions and unnecessary hospital admissions attracting more trained nurses back into the NHS If you are interested enough to want to find out more about this contact Vicky O’Loughlin, Head of Communications, PCT Tel: 900 2681

Local Community

Potholes and Pinholes This summer Off The Streets worked with KWMC on a project combining media training with outdoor activities. ie. young people going down caves and up waterfalls with cameras and tripods! The media centre darkroom in Filwood was buzzing with young people taking part in pinholes and photo-grams workshops. Participants learned how to make a pinhole photos with aluminium cans, and photograms with objects placed on photographic paper. All photos exhibited at the Health Park from 1st Oct. Jo Hansford

Landscape, Art and Blackberry Jam Changes on the Cloverdown Slopes are on their way and the landscape enhancement programme will begin later this autumn. Artist Kathrin Boehm has been appointed to devise a public artworks programme for the Cloverdown Slopes. Fun and unusual public workshops and events took place during September and early October: Cloverdown bursts with brambles and a blackberry picking and outdoor jam making session took place Kathrin collected recipes in the neighbour- hood which use local berries A painting workshop highlighted the amazing views over Bristol A community BBQ with karaoke and straw bale constructions A proposal for a permanent public art programme will be presented to the Cloverdown Action Group in early November, and will be the basis for further fundraising to improve the Cloverdown Slopes. For more information call Mil at Buried Treasure on 9039782 or Kathrin on 07941 696515

Art of Wellbeing As promised, a sample of comments about the Art of Wellbeing Festival in the summer: “The event appealed to a wide age range - everyone really enjoyed themselves. We’re looking forward to next year.” "One of the most popular events from the kids’ point of view was the 'Big Brother Room.” ”…the weather was too hot – where was the ice-cream van?” “Nearly all the people left half way through the day, so the last acts didn’t have much of an audience.” “It was great!”

Neighbourhood Renewal Neighbourhood Renewal Tour Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal (NR) Tour took place in the week beginning 14th July. Anita and Heather were

accompanied by Street Wardens, area housing officers, Cheryl Martin (Healthy walks) and Stella Tracy and AnneMarie from IRIS. On this tour NR was targeting older people to get their views and comments on: How services around Health, Housing/ Environment and Police are delivered in Knowle West If they were satisfied and happy with them If things could be improved How they thought this could be done. Places visited included, Butterworth Court, Trewint Gardens, Cloverdown, St Barnabas Close, Filwood over 50s club and Eagle House Wednesday Club

Fastrack for Knowle West Project Pathfinder was introduced in Knowle West two years ago to provide a new way of delivering cleansing services - refuse collection, street cleaning, bulky collections etc. It was not entirely successful. Knowle West was too large an area for the funded refuse and street cleaning crews to tackle and there were no additional funds. Bulky collections however, were made more promptly here than in any other part of the city! So, the Pathfinder scheme is to be relaunched under the banner Project Fastrack, which aims to offer greater flexibility, more accessibility and quicker response to needs. Residents will be asked what their cleansing problems are and whether they think existing services need to be improved. A bid for NR funding will be submitted for additional funding. It was decided at the KW Partnership 15th September to launch the Environment and Housing Group to monitor Fastrack. The first meeting is on 17th October. If there are any residents interested in joining this group please contact me: Anita Pearce Tel: 9084248

Windows Update

Good news & Bad news The bad news is that due to staff shortages, it will be impossible to get a contractor to start work before Christmas, as first planned. The good news is that work can start in January 2004, and even better - prices are good which means MORE properties can be done. There is even a possibility they may all be done. More updates to follow.

Pots of Money As part of Knowle West NR Equalities Fund, there is a pot of money (up to maximum £1,000 grant) available for local groups to apply for. It sits under the ‘equalities heading’ for: Older people The disabled Women Gay and lesbian Ethnic minorities Youth and any other disadvantaged or hard-to-reach groups. I have an easy application form available now for groups to complete and get back in to me. The NR funding group (mainly residents) sit on the panel and make the decisions. Contact: Anita Pearce, NR Facilitator Tel: 908 4248

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