For the residents of Filwood, and parts of
Knowle & Windmill Hill
KNOWL DGE ISSUE 54 october - December 2012
Reach for the stars!
A new school project is encouraging pupils to think positively about their futures.
Going for Gold
cover photo by Rachel Clarke
Local resident Bob Fisher presented medals at the London 2012 Paralympic Games this summer.
Summer is almost upon us: a time of year
when – usually! – flowers are in bloom and we enjoy eating outdoors. The gardens and green spaces of Knowle West are producing food to shout about. Read more in our special feature.
p.5 There’s change on the horizon
Mayoral elections, Council Tax consultations, the Knowle West Regeneration Framework… Lots of things are changing in our area this Autumn: make sure you share your views and have your vote counted!
illustration by Michael Smith
Thanks to: the Newsletter Steering Group (Ann Smith, Ken Jones, Denise Britt), Neighbourhood Management (Anita Pearce, Kurt James) and Knowle West Media Centre, who facilitate the production and design (Rachel Clarke - Editor, Bart Blazejewski - Designer). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Management, Steering Group or KWMC.
Are you a news hound?
If you’d like to: • learn some journalism skills • write for your local newsletter • get more involved in your community then contact Sue about becoming a Community Reporter: 0117 903 0444 or
A word from your Editor rachel clarke, Editor The next few months will bring big changes for our city – and
Knowle West in particular. If you
haven’t already, have a go at the interactive ‘Mayor for the Day’ game (online at
mayor) and find out what kind of leader you’d be. Apparently I’d
be a ‘charitable Mayor focused
on improving education, creating
more cycle routes and developing organised sport’. I encourage you to try it yourself – then vote for
the mayoral candidate that you
feel best represents you and your community. You can contact me with your articles and letters on
Crime rates plummet in Partnership area
Free shed alarms and other tips for home security
The last year has seen a significant reduction in levels of recorded crime for the Neighbourhood Partnership area. Over the three months to 31st August 2012, the number of burglaries in Knowle fell by 38% in comparison to the last year, with all types of crime falling by 25.2%. Windmill Hill has seen dwelling burglaries fall 27% and all crime types fall by 16.4%. In Filwood, the fall in recorded crime has been even greater, with the number of dwelling burglaries falling by 60%, theft of motor vehicles falling by 54.5% and all types of crime falling by 30.3%. Windmill Hill Councillor Mark Bailey said: “We want to thank the Police and everyone else for doing a great job in the area, but we all need to do more work to reassure residents, as they will not believe the good news until they can feel it for themselves.”
- Keep your shed secure with a good lock and consider using a shed alarm. Safer Bristol has 30 shed alarms to give away for free. To claim a free alarm, cut out this article and present it to Anita Pearce at the Neighbourhood Partnership Office, 37 Filwood Broadway (while stocks last, available on a first come first served basis). - Invest in good locks for all external doors and ensure they’re up to BS 3621 standard. - Consider fitting security lights at the front and rear of your home. - Make sure the front door is secure if you’re at the rear of your home or in the garden. - Close and lock the rear door before answering the front door, as some burglars work in pairs. - If you live in a multi-occupancy flat, make sure you know who is at the door before you let them in. If in doubt, keep them out! - If you see anything suspicious report it to the Police: call 999 for an emergency or 101 for a non-emergency.
Is twenty plenty? The Council has agreed to roll out 20mph speed limits across the whole of Bristol, divided into six phases. Our area is in Phase 2 and consultation about the changes will start in the New Year. If you think any roads in our area should remain at 30mph, let your Neighbourhood Partnership know by calling 0117 908 4247.
New homes and school for Knowle West? House-builder Lovells and the Housing Association CURO have shown plans for 26 new affordable homes on the Cloverdown old nursing home site in Filwood. The development proposals, which include 17 two-bed homes, will bring more properties for rent to the area. As part of the implementation of the Knowle West Regeneration Framework, the Council is proposing to open a new primary school in 2014 on the site of the former Marksbury Road College. There will be local consultation on the detailed plans before final decisions can be made. Look out for announcements.
Streets and services update The Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) has funded a bus shelter on Melvin Square, following requests from residents. The NP has been informed by the Council that scaffolding inside the Old Cinema building on Filwood Broadway was for an asbestos check and not a sign of demolition. The check was conducted in order to let potential developers know the condition of the site when it is put on the market to allow for a proposed supermarket to be built. The NP has agreed 24 grants valued at £10,490 which will go to local organisations doing good work in the area. All NP grant funding for Filwood has been allocated for this year. Residents can now get advice and help on Housing Benefit, Home Choice,Travel Cards, and Blue Badge applications at Filwood Library on Filwood Broadway (Wednesdays, 9.30am-4.30pm) and Knowle Library (Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am-4.30pm).
0117 903 0444 or
Visit for more news and info
Council cabinet signs off Knowle West Regeneration Framework
he cabinet of Bristol City Council has signed off the Knowle West Regeneration Framework, which is the 20-year plan for the redevelopment of Knowle West. This plan proposes the building of hundreds of new homes, improvements to existing homes, parks and green spaces, better facilities for young people, opportunities for more local employment, improvements to shops, roads and local transport, the installation of new public art, and measures to tackle problems that exist in the area. The approval of the Knowle West Regeneration Framework will allow for detailed plans to be developed beyond the agreements already reached on Filwood Broadway, Filwood Park and Kingswear and Torpoint. More information will follow in the next issue.
£11 million eco business park proposed for Knowle West Plans for a new £11 million green business park at Hengrove Way have been put before the City Council’s Cabinet. The site, formerly used to accommodate an aircraft hanger, is currently owned by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), who have agreed to provide the site to Bristol City Council to secure the business park development. The new facility will be marketed at enterprises focused on environmental technologies and green goods and services. It is expected that around 120 businesses will be supported at the new park, potentially creating 180 new jobs and safeguarding a further 170 jobs. The Filwood Green Business Park proposal is essential to the overall vision for the area as set out in the Knowle West Regeneration Framework.
Less dog mess in Knowle West! If dog fouling is a problem in your street, there are several things you can do about it. You could put a Safer Bristol poster in your window asking dog owners to clear up after their pet. Lloyd Allen can get a poster to you, just call 0117 914 2205 / 07825 315628. You can report dog fouling to the Council by contacting the Dog Warden on 0117 922 2500 or emailing dog.warden@bristol. with the details of the owner, location and breed of dog. Free dog poo bags are available from Knowle West Health Park, the Neighbourhood Partnership Office on Filwood Broadway, Filwood Library and Filwood Community Centre.
Cat burglars caught Last month officers at Broadbury Road found intruders in the Police Station – when three new born kittens and their mother were discovered in a storeroom. The mother escaped through the car park and the three kittens have been taken in by staff at the station.
Community Priorities The following priorities were agreed at the Filwood Neighbourhood Forum meeting on 1st August 2012: 1. Drug dealing (at all times) Melvin Square/Daventry Road 2. Anti-social behaviour (school holidays and evenings) - Dakin Close 3. Street drinking and associated anti-social behaviour (daytime) Leinster Avenue shops The next Filwood Neighbourhood Forum meeting is on Wednesday 7th November 2012 at Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road (7-9pm). If you’re concerned about something in your area please come along. Officers from your local Police and Council will be there. Contact Anita Pearce on 0117 908 4248 or see
Street Reps wanted! If you regularly see issues that need attention on your street, you could become a Street Rep. It’s easy and doesn’t take up much time, but is a big help to the community: as you walk around your local area, take note of any issues that you think need to be dealt with, such as graffiti, dumped rubbish, abandoned vehicles, and broken pavements. Then report it online, by phone or by using your smartphone, at a time that suits you. To sign up, or receive new Street Rep materials if you have been a Street Rep in the past, contact Lloyd Allen (Community Safety Officer, Safer Bristol) on 0117 914 2205 / 07825 315628 or e-mail For more information visit
Filwood Park update In the last edition of The Knowledge you will have read about the planned transformation of Filwood Park by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), to bring new homes, jobs and improved open space to the area. Subject to approval of the legal agreement by Bristol City Council, works are due to start on the first phase of construction at the beginning of December. There will be more details about the works in the next edition. If you want to contact HCA in the meantime please phone John Boutwood on 0117 937 7230.
Read on for Twitter messages, posted on, tagged #kwnews. For training contact KWMC on 0117 903 0444
n Thursday 15th November Bristol will choose its first elected Mayor: the person who will lead the city Council and represent the interests of Bristol residents from Whitchurch Park to Avonmouth – and everywhere in between. Last issue, we reported that Filwood saw a turn-out of only 9.9% at the mayoral referendum in May – when we were asked whether or not we wanted an elected Mayor. Fortunately, the future looks brighter: as of 3rd October, 94.55% of all households in Filwood had responded to the election canvas and are on the electoral register and able to vote. As we went to print, this figure was higher than the city average. There’s still time to make sure you’re on the electoral register: late registrations can be made until 31st October by calling the Council on 0117 922 3400.
New voting system explained
illustration by Michael Smith
The voting system used in this election will be different to systems used in recent Council and General elections. Rather than making one choice, under the new Supplementary Vote System you can choose two candidates: a first preference and a second preference. If a candidate receives more than 50% of the first preference votes they’ll be elected outright. If no one gets more than 50%, the two candidates with the most first choice votes will remain in the race – the rest will be eliminated. Any second preference votes for the remaining candidates will be added
to the totals and the candidate with the most votes will be declared the winner.
Who’s running for Mayor?
At least 12 people have declared they intend to run for the office of elected Mayor so far – and more could come forward. The list of candidates will be officially declared on 24th October and the Council will send every voter a booklet containing information about the candidates. If you haven’t received your copy by 6th November call 0117 922 3400. For more details visit
Police & Crime Commissioner Election
On the day of the Mayoral Election, you’ll also be asked to vote for Avon and Somerset’s first Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC). The PCC will set local policing priorities and decide how council tax is spent on crime and policing issues in their police force areas. The role of the PCC is to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account. More information can be found at or ordered by calling 0800 1070708.
15th November: Bristol Mayoral Election Police & Crime Commissioner Election Polling stations open 7am – 10pm 19th November: Swearing in of new elected Mayor 22nd November: Swearing in of new Police & Crime Commissioner
What kind of mayor would you be? ‘Mayor for the Day’ is a fun and interactive way to consider what’s important to you and your community. Try out the game at mayor and generate your own mayoral crest. Do it on a different day and see if you’d be a different kind of mayor. Bristol’s Mayor will be in office for four years, not one day, so make sure you vote in the election and ensure your voice is heard! ‘Mayor for the Day’ is an arts project developed by Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) and lead artist Dane Watkins. Interact on Facebook and Twitter:
Important Dates 16th October: Mayoral Election Question Time, South Bristol Skills Academy (see ‘Dates for your diary’) 31st October: Last day for applications to be included on the register of electors
Feature Re: Mayoral Referendum (Low Turnout) With regard to the above, I believe I can shed some light on this issue. I received my voting card for the mayoral referendum, and waited for some information about the procedure. Before I voted I would have liked to have known what I was voting for or against, and what kind of powers the mayor would have. As the date for the referendum approached I had no information; I then telephoned the Council to ask if any was available and was told that a booklet had been sent to voters by post. I explained that I had not received one, and none of my near neighbours had either. The Council officer said he would send me a booklet, also to the residents of the street. I did receive my booklet but, to my knowledge, no one else did. How could anyone make an informed decision with no information? … At previous elections, Council or General, voting apathy is rife in Filwood. People do not vote as they believe this is a forgotten area, and nothing will change. No decent shops, supermarket, the swimming baths demolished: most of
Your Views
“What questions would you ask the mayoral candidates? What do you think could be improved in this area?”
the shop units in the Broadway are Council-operated, not much private investment. So where do they think the money will come from for the “grand regeneration” of Knowle West? The Council are talking about 20 years, assuming private investment is forthcoming. On past record I would say it will take much longer. We have heard much talk about these grandiose plans, but most people don’t think it will happen. I hope the mayor, whoever he or she may be, will come to Filwood and make the area the utmost priority. Yours faithfully, D. K. MacAllistor
The Knowledge contacted the Council and they let us know that information about the candidates standing in the mayoral election will be sent to every voter at the end of October.
For information about the Knowle West Regeneration Framework see pages 2 and 3. Share your views by e-mailing the Editor:
“I would like to ask the new mayor what they’ll do to improve safety around this area, because I certainly think more police are needed.” (Allen Douglas, 69)
“What would they do to improve the public transport in this area because buses here are dreadful? Number 36 is bad and number 51 is just appalling… I rely on public transport because I don’t own a car.” (Janet Catterall, 46)
“I want to ask the new mayor what they’re planning to deal with the drug and alcohol problem in Knowle West.” (Rachel Sherratt, 25)
“What will the new mayor do to encourage young people to get involved in community activities? I think there’s not enough advertising about the existing facilities.” (Scott Taylor, 19)
Who will be elected as Mayor of our city? On your ma rk, get set, vote!
@WhiskUK: “Bread Cafe on Saturday such fun, great to see new faces & regular bakers. Shall we run a weekly pop-up community bakery?”
@NForumFilwood: “Visits to Council House and Mansion House today for Christ the King primary school as part of their democracy project”
illustration by Michael Smith
Bristol Mayoral Election: on your mark, get set, vote!
Aiming high - children and young people explore new opportunities
Can’t cook, will cook! Community Reporter Oliver Wu
elebrity TV presenter Ben Shephard came to Knowle West to host a special cookery class at The Park in Daventry Road last month. The event took place at the Square Food Foundation cookery school and was attended by a group of 16 to 25-year-olds from The Prince’s Trust Fairbridge Programme. It was part of a national campaign – ‘5by25’ which aims to help young people master at least five simple dishes by the age of 25. During the 45-minute lesson, the presenter demonstrated his signature dish ‘Ben’s Shepherd’s Pie’, and the students then attempted the dish themselves. Ben admitted that working with the students reminded him of when he first left home and went to university. He told the Knowledge: ‘I was hopeless in the kitchen, a bit lazy and a bit concerned about making a mess or cooking something that might kill someone!’ Recent research revealed that nearly 60 per cent of 16-25 yearolds in Britain are lacking the skills to cook even the simplest dish by the time they leave home. Ben stressed the importance of young people pursuing a healthy lifestyle, saying: ‘I think it is really important
to get young people to start cooking because we’ve got an awful situation in which obesity rates in young people are exploding… It’s important they realise that whatever they put into their bodies has a long term effect on their health. We don’t want people just to heat and eat!’ For more photos visit
Autumn elections and consultations Council Tax: The Government is abolishing the current national Council Tax Benefit Scheme. Each council needs to develop its own local council tax support scheme. To share your views on the options visit Local Crisis and Prevention Fund: Crisis loans and all community care grants will be abolished and the budget will be delegated to local authorities from the Department of Work and Pensions with effect from April 2013. This consultation aims to refine the definition of ‘household goods’, ‘emergency support’ and
3. Catching a swarm of bees for The Park. Photo: Misty Tunks 4. A parade of homemade Olympic torches made during a sports day event at Redcatch Park, run by the staff of local Children’s Centres (Ilminster Avenue Specialist, Hengrove and Whitchurch). Photo supplied by Lil Bowers, Ilminister Avenue Specialist Children’s Centre (0117 903 9781)
new project is underway at a local school that will encourage children to think positively about their futures and learn more about the government and decisionmaking. Endeavour: the Raising Aspirations Project is named after the final US space shuttle to be built, and will give pupils at Christ the King Primary School the chance meet and learn from creators and professionals, and visit organisations and companies around Bristol. The year-long project will also introduce the concepts of state and democracy to pupils in years 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Lord Mayor, councillors, MPs and Police Inspectors will go into the school, and pupils will head to the Lord Mayor’s Mansion House and the Houses of Parliament later in the year. The children will also learn about the forthcoming mayoral election and it’s hoped that the children and their families will be encouraged take part in the voting process. Anne Peachey, head teacher at Christ the King Primary School, said: “We are excited about working on the new project Endeavour. The project is designed to develop children’s aspirational thinking and encourage them to think about the possibilities for their future lives.” The project is a joint initiative between the Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership, Bristol City Council and the education charity Ablaze.
2. Enjoying the Broadwalk FC Fun Day this summer Photos: Charlotte Munford
2 4
“In the stadium I constantly found myself sitting next to famous people, such as Eddie Izzard and Tony Blair.”
Local resident presents medals at the Paralympics
Community Reporter Oliver Wu
A Knowle West resident has described how he was ‘honoured’ to be asked to present medals at the London 2012 Paralympics this September. Bob Fisher, 65, presented six sets of medals in the Olympic Stadium in the largest Paralympic games in the event’s history where 4,294 athletes from 164 countries and regions took part. As a recipient of the Paralympic Order, Bob was invited to award medals to the winning athletes in the Men’s Long Jump and the Women’s 4x100m Relay on 5th September. He says:
“As a guy from Knowle West, it was an honour and privilege to present medals in front of 18,000 people. In the stadium I constantly found myself sitting next to famous people, such as Eddie Izzard and Tony Blair.”
who is in ‘greatest need’. Visit www. consult_view
@TESEarlyYears: “Spent BRILLIANT morning at Knowle West CC, Bristol yesterday, exploring new U3s garden”
Bob has been involved in the Paralympics for the past 24 years. He was the former chairperson of the Football 7-a-Side Committee of the Cerebral Palsy International Sports and Recreation Association (CPISRA).
1. Young people with the football mural they painted at the Pavilion, Creswicke Road, this summer. Photo supplied by Anita Pearce
@WhiskUK: “South of the river? Get hold of paper @BristolPound from our cafe at Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road”
KnowleWest Media Centre
University of Local Knowledge Freshers’ Fayre
iscover the hidden talents and knowledge of Knowle West at a university-style Freshers’ Fayre on Thursday 29th November, 3-7pm. The fayre will launch the University of Local Knowledge (ULK) website, which contains over 900 short films, made over a two-year period, of local people sharing their skills and stories. We’re planning outdoor activities, hands-on workshops, music, and demonstrations, and there’ll be stalls for local groups and organisations. We can help you set up your own log-in for the website so you can browse the films, which range from community activism to dancing, and reorganise them to create your own courses. You can add your own knowledge too! More details coming soon. Contact Georgina on 0117 903 0444.
Getting under the skin of local tattoo culture
Knock, knock. Whose data?
Local artists open stage at Bris Fest!
We’re exploring the art of tattooing and are keen to find out why some of us choose to make the mark... We’d love to hear from residents and local tattoo artists and learn about the stories behind your tattoos. Working together, we’ll come up with ideas for an exhibition – ‘Scratching the Surface’ – to be held in 2013. If you’re interested in sharing your story, give Carole or Bart a call on 0117 903 0444 or visit
What can numbers tell us about the area we live in and the people we are? A new photography exhibition at KWMC invites you to look more closely at Knowle West – and you may spot your home in the process! ‘Dataography’ features images taken in our streets and green open spaces, and has been developed by artist Richard Layzell. Richard first came to Knowle West in 2011 and he worked with pupils from Greenfield Primary School earlier this year to take some of the photos that are in the exhibition. Richard photographed almost 200 house numbers across the area. Will your number be on our wall? Exhibition open Monday – Friday, until 6th November. For more details call 0117 903 0444.
KWMC brought the sounds of South Bristol to Ashton Court last month, when four artists from our record label 4NINE Records performed at the Bris Fest music festival. Accompanied by a full band of musicians, Mos Deep, Makala Cheung, Deep and Legacy Taylor opened the BBC Introducing Bristol stage on the first day of the festival. The festival coincided with the record label’s first release: ‘Breathe’ by Le Rinse, Makala Cheung and Deep is available to buy online now! Visit or
You don’t need an appointment: just drop in!
Young People’s Activities ffi: 0117 377 2255
happier (free). Parenting Courses for parents or carers who would like support and advice on parenting issues (free). Call Lisa/ Katrina on 0117 978 2441 for more info. Self-development courses providing skills and information for improving mental and emotional health (free) Call Garth on 0117 377 2256 for more info. Counselling for men and women who are struggling with life and want support (free). Call Garth on 0117 377 2256 for more info. Bootcamp: the way to get fit is now on daily at various times, with Jason Hodge. ffi: or 07855 465872. Mondays 10-11am: Armchair Exercise, gentle exercise for people with limited mobility (£2). 11am-12pm: One Heart Walking Group, meets in the café for a guided walk of one or two miles (free), also provides information on joining the Two and Three Heart Groups. 9.30-10.30am and 4-5pm: Waist Watchers, support to lose weight. 6.30pm: Diabetes UK, meet the last Monday of the month.
Mondays 4-5pm: Junior Boot Camp: Contact Jason Hodge on 07855 465872. Tuesdays 10-10.30am: Stretch-n-Grow, stories, songs and games for 2-5 year olds (80p). 1-5pm: Play Therapy, counselling for children (free). 4.30-5.30pm: Boxing, for 8-14 year olds (80p). 4.15pm: Play Rangers in the Park (free).
Thursdays 1-5.50pm: Play Therapy, counselling for children (free), call 0117 377 2256. 4-5pm: Afterschool club for 4-12 year olds: fun, active play (80p).
Who are we? We’ve been based here for over 15 years, supporting people to get the most out of digital technologies and the arts. Contact us: 0117 903 0444 Find knowlewestmedia on Facebook and Twitter.
Knowle West Young People’s Sexual Health Clinic
re you wondering where you can go to discuss things to do with relationships and sex? Do you need information about the right contraception for you? Are you worried about STIs and not sure where to go? Knowle West Young People’s Clinic is a confidential service for men and women who are under 25 (including teenagers). You can bring a friend, your partner or Mum with you, or you can come alone. Young parents especially welcome.
Wednesdays 9am-1pm: Family counselling for children and families (free), call 0117 377 2256. 9am-1pm: Young People’s Counselling, part of Focus on Families (free), call 0117 377 2256.
Knowle West Media Centre getting under the skin of local tattoo culture
KnowleWest Health Park
Adult Activities and Services Daily Activities at various times, call 0117 377 2255 for more info: Smoking cessation: it’s easier with support! (free). Pathways to Health: support to help you change your lifestyle and be
Every Tuesday 3.30-5.30pm We offer: • Chatting about relationships, especially things like “Am I ready to have sex yet?” • Help and advice about things like peer pressure: “Is it really true that my friends are all having sex?” • Information about STIs and sexual health screening (including
Tuesdays 9.30am-12pm: Smoking Cessation, contact Bonnie on 0117 984 1650. 10am-12pm: Art on Referral, contact Sue Cooke on 0117 377 2254. 6pm & 7pm: Hips, Bums & Tums: fat burning exercise to help all become trimmer (£3). Wednesdays 9.30am-12.30pm: Health Matters: the fun and informative way to learn more
Chlamydia tests) and treatment. • Condoms and other contraception including implants and injections. • Pregnancy tests, advice and referral. • Information and advice about other issues that can affect young people like alcohol, drugs and bullying. Call 0117 342 6900 for more information.
about good health (free). Call Sally on 0117 903 0024 for more info. 10.30-11.45am: Tai Chi for Wellbeing with Andrea Bailey (£4 per week or £9 for a four-week block). 6.15-7.30pm: Run fit running club with Jason Hodge (£4), call 07855 465872. Thursdays 10am-12pm: Fit and Fab, a support group for those wanting to make a change (free). 6-7pm: Step Aerobics, improve strength, stamina and flexibility (£3). 7-8pm: Absolute beginners exercise class, a good place to start getting active (£2). Fridays 10am-12pm: Lipreading class for people who are beginning to lose their hearing (£1). Term time only. 11am-12.30pm: Ear Acupuncture, benefits include relaxation, de-stress and better sleep (£4 per session). 11am-12.30pm: Thyroid Support Group, first Friday of the month (free).
Find out more about the full range of Health Park activities at our website
Volunteer vacancies: we are currently looking for Volunteer Walk Leaders and a Treasurer for our Board. Call 0117 377 2255 for more information.
Youth Moves Welcome to new Youth Worker Youth Moves are pleased to welcome Joe Dorsett to the team as our new Youth Worker, who will be leading and developing our music department. Joe is a DJ and producer with over 10 years experience within the music industry. Originally from the West Midlands, he relocated to Bristol in 2003 and has been performing on the Bristol club circuit as well as various clubs and venues around the country and further afield. Performing alongside a selection of acts from around the world, he has gained a huge amount of experience in DJing and live performance. He will be running free music workshops from our music department offering young people the chance to develop and gain skills in all areas of live and studio-based music. With Youth Moves’ onsite fullyequipped music studio and up-todate DJ equipment we guarantee there is something for all young people. Please feel free to pop down, meet Joe and take a look at what we have to offer.
Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for local young person area or building. Whilst engaging all ages in these projects, we have helped forge stronger community spirit, had a positive impact on barriers that may exist, and we hope to have a lasting effect on community cohesion. For example, Youth Moves have supported a wide range of local young and older volunteers to: • Develop Springfield allotment willow domes, raised beds, a mud oven, planting vegetables and flowers. • Spray graffiti and mural projects, where the themes have ranged from football, free running and nature to the Olympics. • Engage in a week of environmental hands-on activities and the BIG Saturday Celebration at Wild Fest on the Northern Slopes - check out pictures at events/423405467720726 If you have any ideas for future CSC projects or would like to volunteer in any of our upcoming initiatives, such as the Melvin Square planting project or Springfield allotment flower growing social enterprise project, please don’t hesitate to contact Ben Carpenter on 0117 903 9796, 07787 502232 or email him on
If you can answer yes to the following questions then we need you:
Community Space Challenge (CSC)
• Are you aged 13 – 18? • Do you think young people should be listened to? • Do you think young people should be involved in decision-making?
The aim of CSC All Ages is to bring young people and adults together within environmental projects that will physically improve a community
Youth Moves are committed to listening to young people and value young people’s views. We are currently looking for young people to be part of some exciting new groups.
Advertise here! Community rates from only £25 per box Contact Rachel on 0117 903 0444 TREATS HAIR AND BEAUTY INDULGENCE CENTRE
ayaf Miah, aged 16 from Hengrove and also known as S Dot M Rapper, was recently selected to perform at the Olympic Village, out of thousands of applicants throughout the UK. On 2nd September Sayaf managed to secure a slot and perform at the venue in Stratford, London. He discovered this once-in-a- lifetime opportunity via a Facebook photo and followed the instructions online and was quick to apply. A couple of weeks later, the organisation got in contact with him and offered him a performance slot. Denise Clifford from Youth Moves supported Sayaf with the travel arrangements to ensure he did not miss this amazing opportunity. S Dot M received lots of positive feedback from the audience after performing tracks from his latest mixtape. Music is just a hobby for Sayaf but he has achieved so much in such short time with the support of SoundDimension Studio run by Youth Moves at the Park Opportunities Centre. Download the free mixtape via
Training adults to listen to young people We are looking for young people to be part of a group who will go out to agencies and run workshops for staff around engaging young people, listening to young people and giving young people a voice within their organisations. Young people will receive training for this role and an accreditation for the work they do.
We are a small and friendly club founded 85 years ago at Redcatch Park, Knowle. NEW MEMBERS We are currently looking for new members to join our friendly and relaxed club. We have 2 league teams with home matches at Merchants Academy, Withywood on a Saturday morning and skills training/fitness on a Monday evening. For more information please contact Jan Duggan (Club Secretary) on 0117 960 7288 or 07873 7533407 or see our website
Introduces Janette Allan
Janette has 21 years experience in the beauty business. Past clients include soap stars, footballers and boxers. Come and be treated like a celebrity at Treats!!!
Pop/Urban music from Knowle West musician Makala Cheung
20% off hair and beauty services with this advert until 30th November 2012
Listen for free at
Voucher to be used once
and not with any other offer.
Buy ‘Who I Am’ now online including iTunes & Amazon
Contact 0117 914 9623, 188 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1JL
Like on Facebook
Young people to monitor and inspect services There are a lot of agencies that run services for young people. We want to set up a young people’s group to go to various agencies and projects to inspect the services on offer to young people and feed back to the agencies with any recommendations for improving their services. Young people will receive training for this role and an accreditation.
If you’re interested in joining either or both of the groups please contact Denise: 0117 903 9796 or
Boys Group (13+ years)
Restarted on Monday 8th October, held every week at The Mede, Marshall Walk, 6.30-9pm.
New Slimming World group begins The group had their first get-together at Filwood Community Centre on 8th October. Sessions are held on Mondays (9.30am and 7.30pm). Contact Kim for more details on 07920 023170.
Apple Day
Sunday 21st October, 12-7pm, Windmill Hill City Farm, Philip Street. Activities include farmers’ market, food stalls, Punch and Judy, storytelling (£3.50 for adults, £1.50 children).
Autumn Cookery & Clubs
Two new courses begin this Autumn: ‘Family Favourites & Freezer Fillers’ (Wednesdays, beginning 7th November) and ‘Festive Celebration’ ‘The Magic Castle’: (Thursdays, beginning Christmas 8th November). Weekly cooking sessions for 12-17 Pantomime year olds (beginning 7th Filwood Community November, 4.30-6pm) and Centre, Wednesday 19th children (beginning 8th December, 5pm. To book November, 4-5.30pm). tickets (£2 per person) Contact Knowle West contact Knowle West Health Association on 0117 Health Association on 0117 963 9569. 963 9569.
No Public Drinking Zone for Filwood ward Street drinking and related anti-social behaviour (ASB) has been reported as a local priority by residents of the Filwood ward in different parts of the area over the last few years, and most recently at the August Neighbourhood Forum. As part of efforts to tackle these issues Bristol City Council has proposed to set up a No Public Drinking Zone to cover the affected areas. What is a No Public Drinking Zone? Bristol City Council is proposing to make an Order that will designate parts of the Filwood ward as a No Public Drinking Zone. This will mean that the Police will have the power to stop people consuming alcohol and the power to confiscate opened drinks cans or bottles containing alcohol 24 hours a day. This will help reduce problems caused by street drinking in the area such as littering, urinating in the street and unacceptable behaviour. It should also help reduce some of the feelings of intimidation that have been reported by members of the community where groups associated with this behaviour gather.
Dates for your diary
Carols and celebrations
The carol bus will return to the streets of Knowle West this year, as well as the popular Carol Service and Christmas Fayre. Look out for more details and keep the week beginning 10th December free! Contact Filwood Community Centre on 0117 903 8052.
Crest Family Practice Open Day
Wednesday 17th October, 10am-1pm. The practice, based in the William Budd Health Centre at Knowle West Health Park, will be offering flu jabs to eligible patients and weight, height and blood pressure checks. Call 0117 944 9700.
Mayoral Elections Hustings – hear from the candidates
Candidates standing in the Bristol Mayoral election will take part in a public Question Time debate on Tuesday 16th October, 6.30-8.30pm at the South Bristol Skills Academy, Hengrove Park, BS14 0DB. Book your place online: southbristolqt or call Voscur on 0117 909 9949. Transport will be available to take local residents there and back (The Mede Sprint bus). Contact the Neighbourhood Partnership Office on Monday 15th October for times, call 0117 908 4247.
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks
t i v i t ie s c A n m u t u A me o s e Aw
What area will the No Public Drinking Zone cover? The No Public Drinking Zone will cover a large part of the Filwood ward, including Melvin Square, Inns Court, Filwood Park, Leinster Avenue and Newquay Road. Signs will be displayed to show where the Order can be enforced. There will be zero tolerance in areas within this zone where street drinking is associated with ASB. See map. Have your say: Have you been affected by street drinking? We want to hear your views whether you live, work or use services within the proposed area. Between now and Wednesday 14th November 2012 you can contact us: • In person: visit the Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership office, 37 Filwood Broadway, Bristol, BS4 1JL • By phone: Valerie Talbot on 0117 908 4247 • Online: Advert