W H A T W E ’ v e L ea r n e d
Over the last five years, I’ve learned that
we’re at the beginning of something very powerful—powerful because the cause of ensuring educational opportunity for all
attracts amazing people from all over the world, because diverse cultures and new
contexts inspire innovation, and because
the problem we’re addressing is universal
and its solutions, sharable. It is hard to believe that Teach For All was just an idea five years ago – an idea riddled with serious questions. Would the mission and model that now brings us together work across such diverse contexts? Would the entrepreneurial souls who start national movements make the commitment to be part of a global network? Would an organization structured as a loose network add any real value? The pages that follow answer these questions and more. We asked
the chief executives of each Teach For All partner to share one thing, big or small, that they’ve learned from the global network. Their words say it all. They also reveal that the hearts, souls and minds of the people in and around our network are our greatest strength. Thank you for all you’ve done to shape Teach For All into a force that has the potential to fuel transformational change for children, communities, countries, and our collective welfare.
— Wendy Kopp,
CEO & Co -Founder, T each For All
“I can sum up my learning from the network with something Tomás of Chile told me when I first asked him the secret to building a local movement. He said it was just ‘vision, mission, core values and hard work.’ I was sorely disappointed when I first heard this, as we had just joined the network and I had no experience running an organization. On top of that, as a trained engineer, I had considered this to be ‘fluff’! It took me one year of going through the pains and joys of starting a movement before I started sharing that ‘fluff’ advice a lot more!” — Dzameer Dzulkifli, Co -Founder & M anaging Dir ector, T each For M a l aysi a
“I learned that education is both a personal and a global challenge that requires facing our fears and insecurities in a firm and determined way because there is not a single child who cannot learn. Only by acting with passion, sense of possibility, (mutual) responsibility and constant learning are we aimed to achieve larger goals. I also learned to live sharing a common vision that promotes a revolution of the minds and hearts of those who most need it, transforming their lives forever.”
— Oscar Ghillione, CEO, Enseña por Argen t ina
“What has impressed us is that, without exception, all of the members of the Teach For All team truly embody the core values of Transformational Change, Constant Learning, Mutual Responsibility, and Sense of Possibility. At Teach For the Philippines we have embraced these values simply because every single individual who has held our
hands and walked with us through this journey of network partnership showed us that it is possible to build a national movement that will transform communities and our nation. And this movement can be built with the highest standards of professionalism, with urgency, humility, mutual respect and honesty, generosity and courage.”
— Margarita Delgado, ceo, T each For t he Philippin es
“I have learned the importance and power of collective action—of like-minded people coordinating and working relentlessly to realize a shared vision. I have learned that our shared humanity is greater and more important than our real or perceived differences, and that educational inequity is a problem that must be addressed globally if we want to see real, lasting national solutions within our lifetimes.” — Andrea Pasinetti, CEO, T each For CHINA 4
“The one thing that I’ve learned to deeply appreciate and never overlook is this: there is no end to the sense of urgency we have and should have about doing all we can to help a child embark on a different and better life trajectory. For the children in need whom we can touch and impact every single moment is precious and potentially conducive to an eternity of new opportunities. Every single moment in which they do not get the best support we can offer for their growth as individuals, as learners, as citizens and as future
professionals is a huge waste of their and of our time and energy. From Shaheen and from our teachers, I also learned that this realization can result in such a tremendous sense of urgency and responsibility that has the potential to destroy rather than to help us build motivation and capacity to succeed. Finding the right balance between acting with high a sense of urgency but also being gentle on ourselves is a really tough but essential task for the leaders of our movements to accomplish.”
— Evgenia Peeva, CEO, T each For Bu lgar i a
“I have learned so much. I’ve learned from watching what we do, and don’t do, as leaders. I’ve learned that a vision bigger than all of us can drive us to do incredible things. I’ve learned that whatever we do needs to be firmly grounded in what is right for every child. I’ve learned from countless examples of excellence. And I continue to learn how much there is to learn.” — Shaheen Mistri, CEO, T each For Indi a 7
“I have learned of the great value in being inspired by others wanting to make a difference in our world. Being inspired by others working in increasingly globalized yet unique contexts, while working towards a shared vision of educational equity for all. Being inspired by success stories, and spurred on by challenges that others have overcome.” — Shaun Sutton , CEO, T each F ir st new zea l a nd
“There is the one thing that I cherish so much from the network; I heard Wendy once define it as ‘generosity of spirit.’ It’s the will and the action of sharing all the knowledge and best practices from all over the globe. And what is even more inspiring is that organizations from all over the world are sharing their mistakes as generously as they share their successes.”
— Asaf Banner, CEO, T each F ir st Isr a el
“First, I learned about setting the bar much higher than I would have put it (the power of the Teach For All model). Then, I learned that the higher we raised the bar the higher kids would perform and that everything is possible if amazing people believe in and work hard for it (sense of possibility). After, I learned that one may go very fast, but many will go much further and that there are so many things we can learn from each other (the power of the network)...and I can’t wait to learn more things!”
— Javier Rogla, CEO,
Em piez a por Educar (spa in)
“In a globalizing world it is somewhat ludicrous that we have been solving educational issues on a state or national basis. Just imagine if every state in the U.S. or each valley in Europe had its own currency or produced its own car. By being supra-national, Teach For All brings the best ideas from around the world to reduce educational inequity to the local needs of each of the member programs. With this, it is possible to develop a good idea into a movement. It takes demand, committed people, supporters, a portion of luck, and hard work.”
— Walter Emberger, CEO, T each For Aust r i a
“The most important thing I have come to realize as I work in Teach For All is the importance and depth of the Theory of Change. In other words, the need, the potential and the power of people. In an era where we make everything automatic, technology is almost everywhere and there are techniques for everything, people in the end are and always will be irreplaceable! I understood this entering Teach For All, but just hearing and sharing testimonies all over the world this is much more powerful and deeper than I initially thought. Rooted in this is the importance of values, mindsets, beliefs and
expectations. This will inevitably guide your actions, either for good or bad. I used to think values were things you put in your annual review and just left them there. Your principles and values are what keep you going when things get tough, where there are no easy answers. We always talk about the importance of the why we do things. When you go inside the classroom perhaps reflecting on this is the most important thing. I was amazed by these two things, but I didn’t realize what could happen if we put many people together with a common Theory of Change and some common beliefs.
One of the things I most treasure about Teach For All is something I heard in London in 2010. It was a description of what I, and many, are experiencing in this journey. We were in a marvelous dinner over the Thames River and, almost unnoticed, a senior executive from a bank, went in front to say some words. He said something like this: Over my years I have come to realize that there is nothing more powerful than to seek a mission collaboratively. These words have stayed with me and will stay with me forever. Imagine adding the power and the urgency of the mission we have. Truly amazing.”
“One important lesson for me so far is recognizing the value of constant learning and reflection for long-term sustained growth and impact. I have been very impressed by partners as old as Teach for America who to come to new organizations and seek ways to improve their own programs.” — Shisir Khanal, Ceo, T each For nepa l 11
— Tomás Recart, CEO, Enseña Chile
“I have learned that the issue we are trying to tackle is not a domestic issue but a global issue, and how powerful it is to solve this through a global network. Committed leaders, staff members, and teachers who have a strong sense of possibility will constantly learn and expand learning opportunities for all children. Although all of our countries have different cultural backgrounds, we can learn much from our partners to hasten and maximize impact. I have learned that all is possible.”
“I have learned about the importance and value of thought partnership in developing ideas and improving our work. In order for us to reach the highest possible impact as organizations, we have to become highly skilled in a wide range of specialized areas —recruitment, selection, brand building, fundraising, training, organizational development and so on. Teach For All is an invaluable resource to help us build robust, quality systems in each of these areas, thus extending our reach much further than we could have gone alone.” — Zane Olina ¯ ja mA ¯ M isija (LAT V IA) , CEO, IespE
— Yusuke Matsuda, CEO, T each For Ja pan
“I have learned the power of personal trust and common values. I have learned that it is possible to change the life path of kids, where there was no hope. I have learned that it is possible to work collaboratively in a mission, while the majority work competitively at their own tasks. I have learned that it is possible to progress persistently towards a common vision, taking advantage of/valuing—and not despite—our differences. I have learned that our main, deep and structural challenge—education— needs primarily our top talent. I have learned that all is about love, courage, faith and perseverance.”
— Alvaro Henzler, CEO, Enseña Perú
“Engaging with Teach For All proved to me that diversity, openness and collaborative efforts help hasten the pace to reaching excellence in education.”
— Salyne EL Samarany, CEO, T each For Leba non 15
“I’ve learned that there are many, many ways to approach our work—all aspects of it really—and that there is so much power to seeing how other brilliant and committed people work to solve similar problems and then borrowing from their creative and innovative approaches.” — Matt Kramer , Pr esiden t, T each For Amer ica
“Noored Kooli has been fortunate to be part in Teach For All from the very beginning. Through numerous and different encounters with people brought together by Teach For All, my faith in the sense of possibility has really grown much deeper. Seeing what progress has been made by Teach For All partner organizations around the globe, and listening to how the leaders of those organizations speak about their future visions for transformative change, has pushed my own thinking about what is really possible in my own country. If people in the US, India or China work towards the vision that one day, all children in their nations are able to receive an excellent education, then there is no excuse for us not to be confident that this
vision is realistic in Estonia—in a country with only 1.3 million people! Noored Kooli has also learned so much as an organization in different functional areas, from program buildup to recruitment strategies, and I think there is a huge advantage for a small organization to be part of such a network. Also, in a country where social enterprises are not yet very well developed and there is a lack of examples of excellence, Teach For All has given us the bar to strive towards. But most of all, I have been amazed by the fact that even though the challenges of the disadvantaged children are so different around the globe, the solutions, to a large extent, are surprisingly very similar. Personally, I’ve grown as individual and as young professional and I am very grateful for that opportunity.”
— Kaire Kroos, ceo,
Noor ed Kooli (ESTONIA)
“Over the last years I’ve visited classrooms not only in Berlin, Hamburg or Cologne. I’ve been to schools in Washington, New York City, Durham, Mumbai, London and Santiago. And so have our Fellows and staff members. We have shared ideas, impressions and doubts. And we have come up with better solutions. Thanks to Teach For All we are not only addressing a German problem in education. We are addressing a global problem that also appears in Germany.” — Ulf Matysiak , CEO, T each F ir st Deu tschl a nd
“From engaging with the Teach For All network I learned: whether a classroom in the Yunnan Province in China, in Santiago Chile, in Bogota Colombia or in London UK—it is always a classroom full of kids eager to learn. I learned that it is possible to dream of a country and a world where all the kids have the same opportunities to receive an excellent education. Joining the movement has been an amazing opportunity to be inspired and to inspire, to work with others as friends and to dream together!”
— Veronica Puech, CEO, Enseña por Colombi a
“Meeting the CEOs from the network and the team from Teach For All have challenged me to end the status quo of the current educational system in my country. However, to start reforming it, I had first to shift my thinking and share the common vision of the network about the urgency that kids cannot wait any more to receive an education that will change their future.
I never knew that that a thousand people would say ‘No’ to this idea or ‘Not now,’ and still, with that challenge, I remained positive, and never gave up, always keeping in mind that sense of urgency. Finally today, after two years, and several tons of inspirations, we are launching a global vision to change for the better the future of millions of Mexican kids.”
— Erik Ramirez-Ruiz, CEO, Enseña por m é x ico
“Various experiences from the network really help us reflect on the strengths of our program and areas to improve, and encourage us to push ourselves to do even more and even better so that children in Lithuania can have an excellent education.” — Marina Vildžiu ¯ niene �, CEO, Renkuosi mok y t i! (li t hua n i a) 20
“As part of my work with Teach For All, I have been lucky enough to witness extraordinary leadership in more than a dozen countries on five continents that is helping to ensure that more and more children globally receive the education they need. The greatest thing I have learned is that similarities between even the most diverse cultures can far outweigh any differences. Leadership is truly an international skill and children in challenging circumstances in all countries need more of it.” — Brett Wigdortz , CEO, T each F ir st (UK)
“The network is a testament to the idea that as a global community the things that unite us are far more compelling than the things that make us different from one another. The pursuit of social justice and equal opportunity for every human being is just as important, and as challenging, in the US or China or Lebanon as it is in Pakistan. It is so heartening to know that across the world there are friends, allies, comrades who share the vision!” — Khadija Bakhtiar, CEO,
teach for pak ista n
Dzameer Dzulkifli
Oscar Ghillione
Margarita Delgado
Andrea Pasinetti
Evgenia Peeva
Shaheen Mistri
Shaun Sutton
Javier Rogla
Asaf Banner
Walter Emberger
Tomás Recart
Shisir Khanal
Yusuke Matsuda
Zane Olina
Alvaro Henzler
Salyne EL Samarany
Matt Kramer
Kaire Kroos
Ulf Matysiak
Veronica Puech
Erik Ramirez-Ruiz
Marina Vildžiu ¯ niene �
Brett Wigdortz
Khadija Bakhtiar
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