Verbal TSI 2.0

1. The TSI Assessment (TSIA) 2.0 launched in January 2021.
2. The test is referred to as the ___________ Test, which stands for College Readiness Classification Test.
3. To be considered “college ready” (= ready to take college-level courses), you must receive at least the following scores on the CRC and Essay Tests:
• ELAR CRC of _________________________ PLUS A minimum of ________ on the Essay Test OR
• ELAR CRC _________________________ 945 PLUS An ELAR Diagnostic Test Score of ________ or ________ PLUS A minimum of ________ on the Essay Test
4. If you do not earn a college ready score, then you ____________________ be automatically routed to the ELAR Diagnostic Test.
5. The ELAR CRC has __________ total questions from two content categories:
• __________ Writing-focused questions:
• Essay revision and editing = __________ questions.
• Sentence Revision, editing, and completion = __________ questions.
• __________ Reading-focused questions:
• Literary text analysis = __________ questions.
• Informational text analysis and synthesis = __________ questions.
Other Notes on the TSIA:
1. Timing: The TSI is _________________________.
2. The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is computer adaptive.
• A Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) adapts to your performance, giving you questions based on how you are performing.
• You start the test with an average score, and the first question is an averagelevel question.
• Here’s how the test responds to your performance:
Get this question . . . The next question is . . . Your score . . .
3. How should taking a CAT affect your test-taking strategy?
• Questions at the beginning of the test count ________________ than those at the end.
• At the beginning of the test, the computer makes ____________________ adjustments to try to hone in on your skill level.
• After every question, the computer is better able to calculate your score.
1. Your goal is to set your score as ___________________ as possible.
2. Spend all the ___________________ you need on all the questions.
3. Don’t ___________________ through the first questions.
4. Double and even triple check to make sure you are setting your score as high as possible.
5. Avoid ________________________ mistakes (they will tank your score).
• Don’t let the CAT psych you out!
1. ___________________ say, “This is an easier question. I must have missed the last one.” That sets you up to miss the current question.
2. Don’t ___________________ on past questions.
3. Focus on the ___________________ question.
4. Think of each new question as an opportunity to ___________________ your score.
1. The 15 Writing-focused questions come in 2 formats:
• _________ Discrete questions = straightforward multiple-choice questions that are not connected to each other or to a passage.
• All or part of a sentence is underlined and you have to select which of the choices is best for the underlined portion.
• Choice A is always the _______________ as the original.
• Choices B, C, and D offer 3 alternatives to A (= the original).
• _________ Passage-based questions
• Start with a draft version of an essay. What does “draft” suggest?
• The draft is about 250 words long.
• Each sentence in the draft is numbered.
• The 4 questions that follow the passage ask you to revise the content, including:
• Combining sentences
• Inserting new sentences
• Inserting transition words
2. The TSIA Writing tests 5 content areas:
• Essay Revision
1. All questions are based on a draft of a 250-word essay.
2. Topics tested include:
• Coherence
• Organization
• Word choice
• Rhetorical effectiveness
• Use of evidence
• Agreement
1. Subject-verb agreement
2. Pronoun agreement
3. Verb tense
4. Tested in discrete questions (= not passage based)
• Sentence Structure
1. Comma splices
2. Run-on sentences
3. Improper punctuation
4. Fragments
5. Parallelism
6. Subordination
7. Coordination
8. Tested in discrete questions (= not passage based)
• Sentence Logic
1. Correct placement of modifying phrases and clauses
2. The use of logical transitions
3. Tested in discrete questions (= not passage based)
• The Essay = a separate piece scored on a scale of __________________.
1. Identify the ________________________________________ of the sentence.
2. Verify that the _______________________ matches that subject.
1. Separating subjects from verbs
2. Using collective nouns
Subjects can be separated from verbs by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, and appositives.
1. Prepositional phrases
• A prepositional phrase starts with a ___________________________________ and ends with a ___________________ called the ________________ of the preposition.
• Some common prepositions are:
about, above, across, after, among, as, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, by, concerning, down, during, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, out, over, regarding, since, through, to, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, within, without (This list is NOT complete . . . .)
So you should ________________ prepositional phrases when looking for subjects and verbs!
Rule: The object of a preposition can ___________________ be the subject of a sentence.
• A relative clause is a clause that starts with a word like whose, who, which, or that.
That book that is on the table is my favorite.
The man who put the book on the table is my teacher.
The book, which is the focus of today’s discussion, is very interesting.
The critic whose article I read praised the book as ground breaking.
• A relative clause relates to ___________________ in the sentence.
• Note: who is used for _________________; that is used for _________________.
Rule: The nouns inside a relative clause can ___________________ be the subject of a sentence.
So you should ________________ relative clauses when looking for subjects and verbs!
• An appositive phrase is a word or phrase appearing next to a noun or pronoun or group of words acting as a noun that explains or identifies it and is equivalent to it.
Danny, the person I stayed with last week, lives in Toronto.
Natalie Portman, one of my long-time favorite actresses, is staring in a new movie this year.
My alma mater, Georgetown University, is located in Washington, D.C., and is famous for its program in international relations.
Rule: The nouns inside an appositive phrase can ___________________ be the subject of a sentence.
So you should ________________ appositive phrases when looking for subjects and verbs!
Directions: Answer the questions below. For specific directions on the question types, see Lesson 1.
1. Recent scholarship has suggested that the aspects of early New England culture that seem to be the most distinctly Puritan was largely confined to the colonies of Connecticut and Massachusetts.
A. was
B. were
C. have been
D. being
2. With the notable exception of The Hunger Games series, recent forays into the young adult genre at the box office have primarily underperformed expectations.
A. have
B. has
C. had
D. will have
3. Joss Whedon, director of the Avengers and writer and producer of the new supernatural romance In Your Eyes, plan to release the film digitally and make it available for immediate download.
A. plan
B. plans
C. planned
D. planning
4. In was not Shakespeare’s innovative use of language, but rather his in-depth and insightful exploration of the human condition, that made his works so timeless.
Rewrite, beginning with
Shakespeare’s in-depth and insightful exploration of the human condition
The next words will be
A. were what
B. was what
C. were why
D. was that
5. While some wealthy individuals make use of extremely complicated estate planning tools to try to minimize the tax liabilities their heirs will encounter, most people do not need such measures.
Rewrite, beginning with
The use of extremely complicated estate planning tools by some wealthy individuals
The next words will be
A. attempt
B. attempts
C. trying
D. are trying
Collective nouns name _________________________ but have a singular form.
• Some common collective nouns are: army, audience, board, cabinet, class, committee, company, corporation, council, department, faculty, family, firm, group, jury, majority, minority, navy, public, school, senate, society, team, troupe (This list is NOT complete . . . .)
• When the group as a unit is in view, collective nouns take ______________________ verbs.
• If the sentence includes the word members, use a ______________________ verb.
6. Because they were unable to come to a unanimous decision, the members of the jury have returned to their deliberations.
Rewrite, beginning with
Because it was unable to come to a unanimous decision, the jury . . .
The next words will be
A. return
B. has returned
C. have returned
D. having returned
7. Since they have so many items to consider during the meeting, the members of the committee have decided to table the controversial issue.
Rewrite, beginning with
Since it has so many items to consider during the meeting, the committee . . .
The next words will be
A. has decided
B. have decided
C. having decided
D. decide
8. Recent research has found that heart contraction rates are increased for at least an hour after the consumption of an energy drink.
Rewrite, beginning with According to recent research, consuming energy drinks . . .
The next words will be
A. increase
B. increases
C. have increased
D. is increasing
9. Apart from the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest of the ancient wonders, the other six Wonders of the Ancient World do not remain intact.
Rewrite, beginning with
Of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest of the ancient wonders,
10. When lightning struck her barn, the farmer lost her supply of hay and feed for the animals.
Rewrite, beginning with
All of the farmer’s supply of hay and feed for the animals . . .
The next words will be
A. is lost
B. were lost
C. was lost
D. has been lost
11. The Nye Committee, which was officially known as the Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry, was a significant factor in support of American neutrality early in World War II.
Rewrite, beginning with
The findings of the Nye Committee, which was officially known as the Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry,
The next words will be
A. have remained
B. is remaining
C. remains
D. remain
The next words will be
A. signify
B. signified
C. was significant
D. were significant
12. When the family was making plans for its annual vacation this year, it was debating whether everyone would enjoy a trip to the Grand Canyon.
Rewrite, beginning with
When making plans for their annual vacation this year, the members of the family . . .
The next words will be
A. was debating
B. were debating
C. debating
D. debate
13. The result of the students’ experiment combining several chemicals were interesting.
A. were
B. are
C. was
D. is
14. The many unanswered questions posed by the members of the committee are designed to make others pause to consider the ramifications of making a decision with insufficient information.
15. A secret admirer had a specialty bouquet that includes an array of roses, lilies, and sunflowers delivered to my office today.
Rewrite, beginning with
A speciality bouquet that includes an array of roses, lilies, and sunflowers
The next words will be
A. delivered
B. being delivered
C. were delivered
D. was delivered
16. Recent studies report a rise in temperatures across the world has resulted in shifting precipitation patterns and changes in animal migration.
Rewrite, beginning with
According to recent studies, shifting precipitation patterns and changes in animal migration
The next words will be
A. occurs
B. occurred
C. is occurring
D. are occurring
A. are
B. is
C. has been
D. was
1. The passages are about 250 words long.
2. The passages are a “draft,” which means they are ______________________ well written.
3. The 3 primary question types are:
• Revising: how to combine sentences, add or replace transition words, etc.
• Inserting: which sentence to insert for clarity or where to insert a certain sentence for clarity
• Deleting: identifying irrelevant information and getting rid of it
1. Read the entire passage ____________________ to get a feel for the topic and overall flow of thought.
2. Whenever possible, ____________________ before looking at the choices.
3. On Revising questions:
• ____________________ choices with 1st person pronouns, 2nd person pronouns, random “this” and “it”, and pronouns in general.
• Lean toward _____________________ person pronouns and __________________.
• When you have to combine two sentences, ask yourself, “Are the ideas from ___________________ sentences included in the combined sentence?”
4. On Inserting questions:
• Ask yourself, “Does the potential addition or change _________________ to the original meaning?” If not, why bother adding it?
5. On Deleting questions:
• Ask yourself, “Does this sentence lead to the next sentence or is it out of place?”
Passage 1
(1) Today, lots of people seem to discuss and then complain about over-testing in schools. (2) The research of Roediger and Karpicke published in 2006 in Perspectives on Psychological Science suggests that testing itself is a powerful method of improving a person’s memory for material. (3) Roediger and Karpicke teach and research at Washington University in St. Louis. (4) This surprising phenomenon is called the testing effect. (5) It says that tests enhance later retention more than additional study of the material, even if the student taking the test does not perform well and no feedback is provided on the information that is missed.
(6) So, the very act of taking the test itself enhances memory.
(7) Cognitive psychologists have studied the testing effect for years. (8) Roediger and Karpicke call for a systematic and extensive investigation of the testing effect and its application in educational settings.
(9) They conclude that frequent testing in the classroom may boost educational achievement at all levels. (10) Testing, they advocate, should be seen not only as an assessment device to measure what a student knows as well as a tool that teachers use to enhance retention of tested knowledge.
(11) Why would anyone complain about that?
(12) Educators confronted with these results often object that increased testing deprives students of beneficial activities such as creative use of materials and group discussions. (13) To that objection, Roediger and Karpicke respond that students have to master basic knowledge before they can think critically and creatively about it. (14) They believe that studies show that testing can help students acquire such knowledge.
1. Which of the following is the best way to revise sentence 1 (reproduced below)?
Today, lots of people seem to discuss and then complain about over-testing in schools.
A. Today, lots of people discuss and complain about over-testing in schools.
B. Today, many people in schools discuss and complain about overtesting.
C. Today, there seem to be many people who discuss over-testing in schools and complain about it.
D. Today, there seems to be a great deal of discussion and complaining about over-testing in schools
2. Which of the following is the best replacement for the words “It says that” at the beginning of sentence 5 (reproduced below)?
It says that tests enhance later retention more than additional study of the material, even if the student taking the test does not perform well and no feedback is provided on the information that is missed.
A. The effect is that
B. Researchers say that
C. According to research on the testing effect,
D. The research on the testing effect seeks to prove that
3. Which sentence provides unnecessary information and should be deleted from paragraph 1?
A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 3
C. Sentence 4
D. Sentence 6
4. Which of the following is best to insert after sentence 9?
A. Plus, more frequent testing actually reduces test anxiety by making test taking routine.
B. Yet, there is no proof of this assertion.
C. Based on their actual classroom experience, educators dispute the validity of this assertion.
D. This claim is not yet proven, however, and needs to be considered more a hope than a research finding.
5. Which piece of evidence, if added to the second paragraph, would best support the writer’s argument?
A. A discussion of why educators resist the findings of the research of Roediger and Karpicke.
B. A statement from a teacher asserting her belief, based on her own empirical observations in the classroom, that testing is an effective assessment device.
C. Information about observations made by Francis Bacon in the 1600s that periodic testing enhances recall well beyond mere repetition of the same material.
D. A quote from a school administrator that discusses the logistical difficulties of increasing systematic testing in the schools.
6. Which of the following is the best way to revise the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below)?
Testing, they conclude, should be seen not only as an assessment device to measure what a student knows as well as a tool that teachers use to enhance retention of tested knowledge.
A. and a teacher’s tool to enhance
B. and additionally as a teaching tool that will enhance
C. but as a teaching tool that enhances
D. but also as a teaching tool to enhance
7. What is the best way to combine sentences 13 and 14 at the underlined part (reproduced below)?
To that objection, Roediger and Karpicke respond that students have to master basic knowledge before they can think critically and creatively about it. They believe that studies show that testing can help students acquire such knowledge.
A. so
B. about it and
C. about it, and
D. about them; studies show
8. Which choice would create the most effective concluding sentence?
A. Acquiring knowledge is, of course, the most important goal of education and must be supported in any way possible.
B. Roediger and Karpicke also argue that frequent testing eliminates the bad habit students have of cramming for sporadic exams.
C. It is going to take more work for Roediger and Karpicke to overturn the prejudice in educational circles against frequent testing.
D. Since continuous testing requires student to continuously engage the tested materials, the findings of Roediger and Karpicke support encouraging more, not less, testing in schools.
9. Where in the passage should the following sentence be inserted?
They believe the testing effect is not known or appreciated by educators, as is obvious from all the complaints about too much testing.
A. Immediately after sentence 6
B. Immediately after sentence 7
C. Immediately after sentence 8
D. Immediately after sentence 9
10. Which sentence does not fit the tone of the passage?
A. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 6
C. Sentence 11
D. Sentence 12
11. Where in the passage should the following sentence be inserted?
Other studies show the benefits of providing feedback soon after taking tests, so best practices suggest testing followed by feedback is even better than testing without feedback.
A. Immediately after sentence 2
B. Immediately after sentence 4
C. Immediately after sentence 5
D. Immediately after sentence 7
1. The TSI Assessment (TSIA 2) contains _________ Reading-focused questions (out of 30 total).
• Literary Text Analysis
• Informational Text Analysis and Synthesis
2. All questions are based on ________________________.
• Social sciences
• Humanities
• Natural Sciences
• In other words, ______________________ topic is fair game. But the good news:
• _____________ specialized knowledge of any topic is required to answer the questions correctly.
• Everything you need to know is _____________ the passage.
3. Literary Text Analysis = _______% (_____ out of 15 questions)
1. Passages are fiction or literary nonfiction.
2. Passages are about 400 words long.
3. Questions focus on identifying and analyzing ideas in and elements of literary texts.
4. Informational Text Analysis and Synthesis = _______% (_____ out of 15 questions)
• Questions are based on informational/expository passages.
• In an expository (= explanatory or informational) text, the author explains without trying to prove something.
• This style is appropriate for forums such as:
• The tone is usually:
• ________________________________ or some other synonym.
• Main Idea and Supporting Details
• These questions focus on identifying the main idea and understanding details.
• Inferences in a Text or Texts
1. There may be one or two passages.
2. If there is a single passage, then these questions ask for inferences.
3. If there are two passages, students must synthesize ideas by making a comparison or connection between the two passages.
• Author’s Use of Language
• These questions focus on identifying:
• purpose
• tone
• organization
• rhetorical strategies
• use of evidence
• the meaning of words in context
• Since the TSI Reading test is ________________________________, you will not need any strategies for reading quickly and efficiently.
• Make the most of the time you have. When you read a passage, do the following:
• Read through the passage ____________________ to make sure you understand not only _________________________ is being said but also ________________________ and ________________________ it is being said.
• Before tackling the questions, ask and answer these 3 questions:
1. What is the author’s purpose?
2. What is the main idea of the passage?
3. What is the author’s tone?
• You should be confident you know the answers to these 3 questions _____________________ you try to tackle the questions.
• If you don’t know the answers to these 3 questions, _______________________ the passage until you do.
The most powerful tool in your tool box is prediction.
Whenever possible, __________________________ the answer before looking at the choices. Use your hand to __________________________ the choices so you aren’t tempted to peek.
Prediction Rules:
1. ________________________ try to predict.
2. Any prediction is better than ________________________ prediction.
3. The more ________________________ the prediction, the better.
• Some reading comp questions have typical and recognizable wrong answers.
• Let’s take a look at a few.
1. Ask about the main idea of the _______________________ passage.
2. The correct answer must apply to the _______________________ passage.
3. Strategy: Avoid answers that are
• True, but not the main idea
• Overly specific (like a supporting detail)
• The wrong purpose (= the wrong verb)
• Beyond the scope of the passage
1. Ask about the meaning of the _______________________.
2. Strategy: _______________________ double check with the passage. Do not work from memory.
3. Avoid answers that are
• Opposites
• Distortions
4. On the TSIA, some of the detail questions come in the format of “All of the following are true EXCEPT” questions.
• These are tricky because it is easy to find a TRUE answer and incorrectly mark it as the right answer.
• Remind yourself that there will be 3 TRUE answers.
• Eliminate the TRUE answers.
1. Ask about things you can logically _______________________ based on the passage.
2. That means there must be _______________________ support for any answer you pick.
3. You should be able to _______________________ the answer you select based on something specific in the passage.
4. If you cannot find textual support for an answer choice, _____________________________________ it.
1. Ask about words that look easy and obvious.
Examples: steep, brilliant, verified, expanding, functioning, secure, associated with, natural
2. The key to these questions is the _______________________ of the passage.
3. Each of these words has _______________________ meanings.
4. You should avoid the most _______________________ meaning of the word and look, instead, at how the word is used in the passage.
5. Be sure to _______________________ the meaning of the word.
6. Read your answer choice back into the sentence to verify that it makes sense in context.
1. These questions ask you to identify the rhetorical strategy the author uses
2. Even if you are not sure about one in a list of choices, you should be able to ____________________________ the other 3, leaving only the right answer.
3. The rhetorical devices are tested include:
• understatement: when you present a situation in a weak or restrained way
Example: Winning the lottery would make my day.
• hyperbole: an obvious and intentional overstatement that is not meant to be taken literally
Example: I had to wait an eternity at the doctor’s office today.
• personification: the act of attributing human qualities to an animal, object, or abstraction
Example: Lightning danced across the sky.
• figurative language: language used to describe using a comparison or using descriptive words that do not have a literal meaning.
Example: The singer’s voice sounded like angels singing.
• direct address: the use of a name or a term for the person spoken to in order to secure the attention of that person
Example: If I were you, Jonathon, I’d be worried about my own job.
• oxymoron: a combination of contradictory words
Example: When asked whether I would attend the party, I responded, “It’s a definite maybe.”
• paradox: a statement that seems self-contradictory or absurd but expresses a possible truth
Example: The leaders asserted that they were willing to fight for peace.
• pun: a joke making a play on words
Example: A boiled egg every morning is hard to beat.
• anecdote: a short entertaining story
Example: a funny story about an incident that happened to you
• analogy: a literal comparison between two things that have some features that are the same and others which are different
Example: comparing a human heart to a pump
• symbolism: the act of giving special meaning to objects, things, relationships or events
Example: The dove is a symbol of peace.
• We have already introduced the Prediction Strategy. It is your most powerful tool.
• There are several other strategies that you should have in your reading tool kit as well.
Answer choices that include extreme words tend to be wrong. Examples of extreme words: no, none, any, most, all, every, many, never, always, etc.
If an answer choice with one of these extreme words looks tempting, ask yourself: Is there any __________________________ to this extreme statement?
If there is an exception, __________________________ the choice.
Note: Sometimes an extreme statement is true (2 + 2 is ALWAYS 4.)
Strategy: ________________________ extreme answers.
When all the choices start with verbs, use this strategy. This is often the set-up on purpose questions.
1. _________________________ the question.
2. _________________________ the answer.
3. Eliminate any verbs that do not _________________________ the prediction.
1. Just because you predict an answer doesn’t mean it is right, unfortunately.
2. Reading through the answer choices gives you a chance to double check your thinking.
3. If you find an answer that seems better than your original prediction, you need to probe it. If it is right, it tells you something was wrong with your original understanding.
Directions: Read the passage and then choose the best answer to the questions. Answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.
The earliest documented artificial body part, a prosthetic toe made of wood and leather found attached to a nearly 3,000-year-old mummy of an Egyptian noblewoman, is a good representation of how little prosthetic limbs have changed throughout history. Over the centuries, prosthetic devices have been constructed of wood and metal held to the body with leather attachments. In 1945, the National Academy of Sciences established the Artificial Limb Program to help address the needs of World War II veteran amputees and to advance the development of artificial limbs. Since then, advances in materials, computer design methods, and surgical techniques have led to lighter, stronger, and more realistic prosthetic limbs.
1. The main idea of the passage is that prosthetic limbs
A. are needed primarily by veterans of war who have had limbs amputated
B. are now designed using computer technology
C. have not changed much over time
D. have traditionally been affordable only by the very wealthy
3. The passage implies that the Artificial Limb Program
A. supplied veteran amputees with prosthetics that were very similar to those used by ancient Egyptians
B. was established by the United States military to serve injured veterans
C. was originally focused on helping civilians but redirected following World War II
D. was created because there was a great need for prosthetic limbs following World War II
2. The author uses the term “realistic” to indicate that modern prosthetic limbs
A. are created to simulate the natural movement of human limbs
B. are built using actual human limbs
C. are practical rather than theoretical
D. are more utilitarian than earlier prosthetic limbs
Source: htm. Accessed 5/4/2014.
4. The author’s tone can best be described as
A. informative
B. energetic
C. disdainful
D. inquisitive