HomophonesandOtherFrequentlyConfusedWordsVocab www.MyKnowsys.comEditors: Sheila Griffith, PhD Kevin Griffith, MA Kn wsys Educational Services

Frequently Confused Words 1
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright1 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Confused Words Copyright © 2006-2015 Knowsys Educational Services, LLC.201508

The Basics: • 300 sets of words • 10 groups • 10 words per group
1. accent = pronunciation common to a region ascent = upward movement assent = agreement 2. accept = to receive except = to take or leave out 3. access = a way or means of approach excess = too much of something 4. accidentally = happening by accident incidentally = parenthetically coincidentally = happening by chance or at the same time 5. a cord = a rope made of strands woven together a chord = a feeling or emotion; a combination of musical sounds accord = agreement 6. adapt = to adjust adept = skilled adopt = to accept as your own 7. addition = the act of adding; something added on edition = a version 8. adverse = unfavorable averse = opposed to 9. advice = the “recommendation”noun advise = the verb “to recommend” 10. affect = the verb “to inuence” or the noun “emotion” effect = the noun “result” or the verb “to accomplish” 11. aid = help or assistance given aide = a person who helps 12. air = what we breathe ere = the preposition “before” err = to be incorrect heir = a person who inherits 13. aisle = the space between rows isle = island 14. all ready = prepared, ready to go already = by this time ready = everything is prepared 15. all right = everything is right alright = ok 16. all together = gathered all in one place altogether = entirely 17. all ways = by every means possible always = forever 18. allude = to make an indirect reference to elude = to avoid 19. allusion = an indirect reference illusion = a false perception of reality 20. a long = referring to something of great length along = moving or extending horizontally on 21. a lot = many alot = NEVER the correct form allot = to divide or portion out 22. a loud = an adjective of sound allowed = permitted aloud = out loud 23. altar = sacred platform or place alter = to change 24. alternately = in turn, rst one and then the other alternatively = or 25. ambiguous = having more than one meaning ambivalent = undecided or uncertain 26. among = a preposition used for three or more objects amongst = the British form of “among” between = a preposition used for two objects 27. amoral = not concerned with right or wrong immoral = not following accepted moral standards 28. amount = use for non-countable items (amount of money, love, power) number = use for countable items (number of dimes, weddings, votes) 29. angel = supernatural being or good person angle = shape formed by joining two straight lines 30. anxious = use when you await something with unpleasant expectations eager = use when you await something with pleasant expectations 31. a part = a piece of apart = separated 32. apace = quickly apiece = for each part 33. appraise = to assess apprise = to inform someone 34. are = plural form of “to be” hour = 60 minutes our = plural form of “my” SWE = Standard Written English Knowsys Homophones Flashcards are available at Amazon.
Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Edu Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. access = a way or means of approach excess = too much of something 4

Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Servies LLC. All rights reserved. IT IS ILLEGAL TO COPY OR DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF THIS LIST. Flashcards Include: • The Terms • The Definitions
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Copyright © 2015-2016-2016 Knowsys Edu Services LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Words
Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Edu Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. accept = to receive except = to take or leave out 3 excessaccess
Knowsys Homophones & Other Confused Words 1 accentascentassent
Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Edu Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. accidentally = happening by accident incidentally = parenthetically coincidentally = happening by chance or at the same time 5 a cord aaccordchord

Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Edu Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. a cord = a rope made of strands woven together a chord = a feeling or emotion; a combination of musical sounds accord = agreement 6 adaptadeptadopt
Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Edu Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. adapt = to adjust adept = skilled adopt = to accept as your own
accent = pronunciation common to a region ascent = upward movement assent = agreement 2 exceptaccept
Vocab Builder Program
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright3 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Confused Words Activities & Timing Summary Great Bell-Ringers! • 5-10 minutes/day • Timed activities • Mix of Definitional and Contextual • Makes differentiation easy Activity Type Time Per Question Time Per Activity Definitional Activities Antonym & Synonym ID 20 seconds Students: 3 min 20 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Crossword Puzzles 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Matching 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Synonym Matching 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Contextual Activities Cumulative Assessment = Six Weeks Exam 20 seconds Students: 18 minutes Review: 30 - 35 minutes Fill in the Blanks 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Name the Speaker 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Sentence Completion 20 seconds Students: 3 min 20 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Synonym Substitution 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes True or False 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Vocab Scenarios 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes

Vocab Builder Program Page 4 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Confused Words Teacher Vocab www.MyKnowsysOnline.comWebsite General Information Timing Chart for Vocab Activities Vocab Handout for Parents & Students Vocab Handout for Parents & Students-Spanish Weekly Schedule of Activities College Board SAT Question of the Day Word Lists Group WordPDFsKnowsysListDictionaryofFlashcardsWallPDFs Cumulative Exams (Time: 20 minutes each) 1st Six Weeks Exam 2nd Six Weeks Exam 3rd Six Weeks Exam Group 3 Exercises and Assessments Definitional Activities Antonym and Synonym Identification Crossword Puzzle Matching Contextual Activities Fill in the Blanks Name the Speaker SentenceScenariosCompletion Quiz Synonym Substitution True or False Teacher Resources: • All activities are online • Activities are PDFs • Teachers print or project each activity • Teachers select each week’s activities Web Resources Include: • Word lists • Six Weeks Exams • Group activities Each group includes these 9 activities}

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright5 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW Group Definition2 Matching Write in the term that matches each definition below. A.aid L.alright B.aide M.altogether C.air N.always D.aisle O.elude E.all ready P.ere F.all right Q.err G.all together R.heir H.all ways S.illusion I.allude T.isle J.allusion U.ready K.already 1. by every means = ___________________________________ 2. a person who helps = ___________________________________ 3. a false perception of reality = ___________________________________ 4. everything is right = ___________________________________ 5. by this time = ___________________________________ 6. the space between rows = ___________________________________ 7. to make an indirect reference to = ___________________________________ 8. entirely = ___________________________________ 9. the preposition “before” = ___________________________________ 10. forever = ___________________________________ Matching: • Tests memorization Notice the ID: • Objective activities have 7 versions

Vocab Builder Program Page 6 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Follow up Assignment: Add the antonyms and synonyms to your flashcards. Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW Group Antonyms4 and Synonyms Select the best response for each statement below. A.advice L.angle B.advise M.anxious C.aesthete N.appraise D.aisle O.apprise E.allude P.ascetic F.altar Q.eager G.alter R.elude H.ambiguous S.ere I.ambivalent T.err J.amoral U.immoral K.angel V.isle 1. The synonym of “before” is ____________________________. 2. The antonym of “demon” is ____________________________. 3. The synonym of “to evaluate” is ____________________________. 4. The synonym of “recommendation” is ____________________________. 5. The antonym of “longing” is ____________________________. 6. The antonym of “righteous” is ____________________________. 7. The antonym of “to preserve” is ____________________________. 8. The synonym of “to evade” is ____________________________. 9. The synonym of “uncertain” is ____________________________. 10. The synonym of “spartan” is ____________________________. Antonym & Identification:Synonym • Builds vocab through association disassociation& • Answers include words from earlier groups

© 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID:

Identify the choice that most closely matches the italicized word or phrase below.
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Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW
A.a chord F.adapt B.a cord G.adept C.accent H.ascent D.accept I.assent E.accord J.except
10. The artisan wove a rope (____________________________) of multicolored ribbons to use as a garland.
8. Most of the hike was fine, but the upward movement (____________________________) on the last slope was really tough.
• Tests grammar, verb tense, idiomatic prepositions, etc.
• All activities are cumulative
3. The school requires that each student receive the approval (____________________________) of a parent or guardian before the student can participate in the field trip.
1. I got every question correct but (____________________________) number 3.
2. When everyone was in agreement (____________________________), the team moved forward with the plan.
4. Frank spent 4 years living in France as a child, so he learned to pronounce French like a native, with no sign of a foreign pronunciation (____________________________).
Group Synonym1
7. A musical sound (____________________________) that is wrong will stand out in a well-composed piece.
5. When the situation changes, those people who can adjust (____________________________) are more likely to be successful.
6. When I agreed to take (____________________________) the position, I negotiated an acceptable salary.
9. It takes a highly trained (____________________________) athlete to compete at that level of competition.
• Focuses on synonymous expressions
Vocab Builder Program Page 8 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Follow up Assignment: Write your own “Name the Speaker” statments for _____ of the words from this week’s list and _____ of the words from the prior lists. Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW Group 5 Name the Speaker Select the term that is best represented by each statement below. A.a part M.aural B.adverse N.averse C.aesthetic O.bare D.allowed P.baron E.aloud Q.barren F.ambiguous R.bazaar G.ambivalent S.bear H.amoral T.bizarre I.apace U.immoral J.apart V.oral K.apiece W.verbal L.ascetic 1. “I am not fertile.” 2. “I happen fast.” 3. “I shun luxuries and materialism.” 4. “I have a refined sense of beauty.” 5. “I am undecided.” 6. “I am strange.” 7. “I am permitted.” 8. “I am separate.” 9. “I stand firm in my opposition.” 10. “I am plain.” Name the Speaker: • Higher-level thinking skills • Enhances student understanding • Provides a “visual” to associate with terms • All activities are cumulative 1. Q TOP: Group 5 Week 5 2. I TOP: Group 4 Week 5 3. L TOP: Group 4 Week 5 4. C TOP: Group 4 Week 5 5. G TOP: Group 3 Week 5 6. T TOP: Group 5 Week 5 7. D TOP: Group 3 Week 5 8. J TOP: Group 4 Week 5 9. N TOP: Group 1 Week 5 10. O TOP: Group 5 Week 5

____ 5.
Follow up Assignment: For all FALSE statements, write a TRUE sentence using the italicized word correctly.
____ 10.
____ 6.
____ 7.
True or False: • Higher-level thinking skills • Encourages discussion of nuances and examples • Uses words from earlier groups
____ 1.
Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW whether the statement correctly uses the italicized word (= True) or incorrectly uses the italicized word (= False). The book was so popular that it is now in its fifth addition The poignant documentary struck accord with many viewers with its insightful commentary. 3. It was hard to understand what the speaker was saying because her accent was so heavy. Many medications have adverse effects, but most are relatively minor. The gymnast is highly adept on the uneven bars; it is her best area by far. There is a pull-down ladder in the hallway that gives excess to the attic crawl space. The advise column is very popular with the magazine’s readers. 8. All the students accept for one missed question 5 on the exam. 9. Coincidentally, we all showed up on Saturday at the same public park even though we had not planned to meet. The primary goal of the advertising campaign was to effect customers’ buying decisions, leading to increased holiday sales.

Group True/False1 Indicate
____ 2.
____ 4.
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright9 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A
9. The woman gave up all her worldly possessions and devoted her life to serving the poor. = 10. Before I can get my grandmother’s ring insured, I need to have its value determined by an expert. =Scenarios: Higher-level thinking skills Enhances student understanding Provides a “visual” to associate with terms All activities are cumulative Select the term that best fits with the scenario. Group Scenarios4
1. Before new evidence was discovered, the ancient poem had been wrongfully attributed to a more well-known author of the period. =
5. Hurry up! The show will start in the next 60 minutes. = ___________________________
6. Please paperclip your photo to your application and put both in a sealed envelope. =
7. After the tornado, the entire community pulled together to help out those whose property had been destroyed or damaged. =
3. Sometimes people are too weak or too fearful to do the right thing, so they do nothing at all or, even worse, they do the wrong thing. =
Vocab Builder Program
Select the term that is best evoked by each of the scenarios below. A) aesthete K) assure B) amoral L) attach C) amount M) attack D) appraise N) describe E) apprise O) ensure F) are P) hour G) ascetic Q) immoral H) ascribe R) insure I) assistance S) our J) assistants
2. If the team members perform well at the competition this weekend, they are definitely going to progress to the next level. =
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Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW Group 4 Scenarios

4. The philanthropist was a great lover of beauty and a great supporter of arts and artists around the world. = ___________________________
8. The salesman guaranteed me that the car had not been in any accidents, but the report on the car’s history that I found online said otherwise. =
Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Words Name: Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A
Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW Group 2 Fill in the Blank Write in the best

1. The ____________________________ to the family fortune donated a large part of it to several charitable organizations.
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright11 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A
below. A.aid F.altogether B.aide G.ere C.air H.err D.all together I.heir E.allusions J.illusions
3. I need to go to sleep ____________________________ I start making careless errors on the assignment.
4. The accident victim was thankful for the ____________________________ of those nearby. According to the saying, to ____________________________ is human. The movie makes lots of subtle ____________________________ to the early movies in the series. The magician was famous for her incredible ____________________________.
8. I love the holidays because that is the one time of year that my family is ____________________________.
for each
• Tests: » Usage » Grammar » Prepositions » Verb Tense
Copyright 2015-2016 response statement
2. The nurses’ ____________________________ loved spending his days helping people in the hospital.
9. As we hiked higher up the mountain, the ____________________________ got thinner and it became harder to breathe. That joke was ____________________________ inappropriate for the audience. Fill in the Blank:
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
7. The meaning of the statement _________________________;is we need to clarify it so that there is no misunderstanding later.
3. We can go out to dinner and _________________________,movie;we could stay home and bake
8. You cannot expect spellcheck to catch every time you _________________________; some words are spelled correctly but misused in your work.
4. The team leader seemed certain that, _________________________ the four of us, we could solve the problem and make progress on the D.amongC.betwixtB.amongstA.betweenproject.
Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Services LLC. All rights reserved.
Sentence Completion Quiz: • Teaches application of test-taking skills • Tests timing skills • Cumulative activity » At least one question tests a prior group directly » Answer choices include terms from prior groups
1. The _________________________ of people at this year’s concert was greater than at last year’s. B.numberA.amount
5. The criminal tried _________________________to the police by hiding in an alleyway, but he was caught. B.eludeA.allude
6. I had not seen my friend in a couple of days, so I was _________________________ to catch up with B.eagerA.anxioushim.
10. I think things look perfect as they are, so I have no desire to _________________________ them. B.alterA.altar
Copyright © 2015-2016 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCW 3 Choice

9. The _________________________ is not right for a good photo because everything is backlit. B.angleA.angel
2. The choice is _________________________: it has no moral implications at all. C.immoralB.amoralA.immortal
Confused Words Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A
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