Vocab Level www.MyKnowsys.comEditors: Sheila Griffith, PhD Kevin Griffith, MA Kn wsys Educational Services

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright1 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade SAT Group 1UNCERTAINTYambiguous1 ambivalent2 baffle3 capricious4 dubious5 equivocal6 * impetuous7 irresolute8 mercurial9 nebulous10 whimsical11 Group 2LANGUAGEallusion12 anecdote13 articulate14 convey15 enumerate16 ineffable17 irony18 loquacious19 platitude20 reticent21 rhetoric22 verbose23 Group 3CRITICISMaspersion24 chide25 denounce26 deride27 diatribe28 disdain29 disparage30 rail31 reproach32 scoff33 scorn34 Group 4KNOWLEDGEapprehend35 * ascertain36 connoisseur37 didactic38 discern39 enlighten40 fundamental41 lucid42 profound43 scrutinize44 tacit45 vicarious46 Group 5EMOTIONcatharsis47 dispassionate48 ebullient49 fervent50 indignation51 lament52 somber53 sullen54 temperament55 wistful56 Group 6MOVEMENTcircumvent57 * convergence58 digress59 dispersion60 encroach61 immerse62 momentum63 regressive64 supplant65 transcend66 traverse67 winnow68 Group 7BADacrid69 aversion70 conflagration71 debacle72 foreboding73 ignominy74 * inept75 machination76 mar77 oppress78 pilfer79 seditious80 Group 8HOSTILEbelligerent81 cantankerous82 contemptuous83 contentious84 grudge85 pugnacious86 cynical87 pragmatist88 skeptic89 Group 9CALMacquiesce90 assuage91 complacent92 * conciliatory93 docile94 mollify95 phlegmatic96 placid97 * resign98 solace99 steadfast100 Group 10COMPLEXabstract101 abstruse102 amalgam103 arcane104 convoluted105 eclectic106 enigma107 inscrutable108 multifaceted109 obscure110 Group 11APPEARANCEaestheticism111 baroque112 decorum113 demeanor114 depict115 embellish116 garnishment117 ornate118 Group 12SMARTacumen119 adept120 adroit121 astute122 erudite123 esoteric124 precocious125 sagacious126 trenchant127 Group 13EFFORTculminate128 debilitate129 diligent130 efficacious131 * exploit132 flag133 prolific134 * resurgence135 sedulous136 Group 14FALSEbelie137 chicanery138 delude139 disillusioned140 disingenuous141 * erroneous142 fabrication143 fallacious144 feign145 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available The Basics: • 300 words • 30 groups • About 10 words per group The Categories: • Thematic groups • * = word root activity * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab SAT-16
Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT-16 Card 4 Group verb/noun V: 1) to explain by indicating a cause or 2) to regard as a characteristic or N: a characteristic SPEAK The phrase "Elementary, my dear Watson" has been falsely attributed to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; it never appears in his writings. attribution Memory Box neutral broach brōch 1
Copyright © 2007-2016 Knowsys Educational Servies LLC. All rights reserved. IT IS ILLEGAL TO COPY OR DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF THIS LIST. * = Term is included in the Knowsys 300 SAT Vocabulary Flashcards Flashcards Include: The Term • The Pronunciation The Category The Part of Speech The Definition (simplified and easy to memorize) A Contextual Sentence Related Terms The Knowsys Memory Box
The assertion that "all men are created equal" is the first truth of the Declaration of Independence. assert, assertive Memory Box neutral attribute V: ə tri' byüt OR N: a' trə byüt
Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT-16 Card 2 Group verb/adj 1) V: to speak clearly in distinct syllables or 2) A: well-spoken SPEAK Rather than mumbling, you need to articulate your words so people can understand you clearly. articulation, inarticulate Memory Box neutral assertion ə sər' shən OR a sər' shən
Knowsys Vocabulary Card List

Vocab Builder Program Page 2
1 Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT-16 Card 1 Group verb 1) to make known, 2) to admit the truth or existence of, or 3) to express gratitude SPEAK They acknowledged the decision was a monumental failure only years after the events took place. acknowledgement Memory Box neutral articulate V: ar ti' kyü lāt OR A: är ti' kyə lət 1

Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT-16 Card 5 Group verb to mention or suggest for the first time SPEAK When I first broached the topic of taking a bicycling vacation in the Alps, my friends suggested with a beach vacation. Memory Box neutral conveyk ən vā' 1
Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT-16 Card 6 Group verb 1) to communicate, 2) to transport, 3) to transmit SPEAK Text messages and other forms of quick communication are commonly used to convey short thoughts and ideas. conveyance, conveyor Memory Box neutral
1 Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT-16 Card 3 Group noun declaration or affirmation SPEAK
Contextual Activities
Crossword Puzzles 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes

Cumulative Assessment = Six Weeks Exam 20 seconds Students: 18 minutes Review: 30 - 35 minutes
Six Weeks Exam = Cumulative Assessment 20 seconds Students: 18 minutes Review: 30 - 35 minutes
Antonyms & Synonyms 20 seconds Students: 3 min 20 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Synonym Matching 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Definitional Activities
True or False 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Vocab Scenarios 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes Word Roots 7 - 10 minutes total 7 - 10 minutes total Writing Prompts 30 minutes Students: 30 minutes Discuss: 10 minutes Great Bell-Ringers! • 5-10 minutes/day
Activity Type Time Per Question Time Per Activity
Matching 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Fill in the Blanks 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Media Mentions 7 - 10 minutes total 7 - 10 minutes total Name the Speaker 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Synonym Substitution 15 seconds Students: 2 min 30 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright3 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab
Short Answer 1 - 2 minutes Students: 10 - 20 minutes Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Narrative (Cloze) 8 - 10 minutes total 8 - 10 minutes total Sentence Completion 20 seconds Students: 3 min 20 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
Activities Timing Summary
Oddball ID 10 seconds Students: 1 min 40 sec Discuss: 5 - 7 minutes
• Timed activities • Mix of Definitional and Contextual • Makes differentiation easy
Vocab Builder Program Page 4 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Teacher Vocab www.MyKnowsysOnline.comWebsite General Information Pronunciation Guide Timing Chart for Vocab Activities Vocab Handout for Parents & Students Vocab Handout for Parents & Students-Spanish Weekly Schedule of Activities Sample Pre-Test and Post-Test Report College Board SAT Question of the Day Word Lists Group WordPDFsKnowsysListDictionaryofFlashcardsWallPDFs Word Root, Prefix, and Suffix Activities “Fic” - Groups 8, 11, 16, 19 “Spec” - Group 15 “Super” - Group 17 “Path” - Group 21 “Prehend” - Group 21 “Vol” - Group 21 “Fer” - Group 22 “Sens, Sent” - Groups 24, 27 “Cred” - Group 30 Cumulative Exams (Time: 20 minutes each) 1st Six Weeks Exam 2nd Six Weeks Exam 3rd Six Weeks Exam Teacher Resources: • All activities are online • Activities are PDFs • Teachers print or project each activity • Each of the 30 groups has 15 activities • Teachers select each week’s activities Web Resources Include: • Word lists • Six Weeks Exams • Pre- and post-tests • Group activities

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright5 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Group 3 Exercises and Assessments Definitional Activities Antonyms and Synonyms Identification Crossword Puzzle Matching Oddball Identification Synonym Matching Contextual Activities Fill in the Blanks Media Mentions Name the Speaker SentenceScenariosNarrativeCompletion Quiz Short WritingTrueSynonymAnswersSubstitutionorFalsePrompt Group 4 Exercises and Assessments Definitional Activities Antonyms and Synonyms Identification Crossword Puzzle Matching Oddball Identification Synonym Matching Contextual Activities Fill in the Blanks Media Mentions Name the Speaker SentenceScenariosNarrativeCompletion Quiz Short WritingTrueSynonymAnswersSubstitutionorFalsePrompt Each Group Includes these 15 activities: Definitional Activities: • Antonyms and Synonyms Identification • Crossword Puzzle • Matching • Oddball Identification • Synonym Matching Contextual Activities: • Fill in the Blanks • Media Mentions • Name the Speaker • Narrative • Scenarios • Sentence Completion Quiz • Short Answers • Synonym Substitution • True or False • Writing Prompt

Vocab Builder Program Page 6 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group Definition2 Matching Write in the term that matches each definition below. A.anomaly F.elicit B.disparate G.novel C.disparity H.nuance D.distinct I.respective E.diverse J.variant 1. markedly distinct or different = ____________________________________________ 2. inequality or difference = ____________________________________________ 3. N: something or someone that differs or A: different in some way = 4. particular or separate = ____________________________________________ 5. a subtle difference = ____________________________________________ 6. 1) unique, 2) notable, or 3) clear = ____________________________________________ 7. A: new and different or N: a literary genre for a fictional prose narrative = 8. having various or distinct parts = ____________________________________________ 9. to bring out or call forth = ____________________________________________ 10. irregularity or abnormality = ____________________________________________ Matching: • Tests memorization Notice the ID: • Objective activities have 7 versions (See “ID: A”)

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright7 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab 5.Acrossinequality or difference 6. 1) to bring to mind or 2) to produce 7. particular or separate 10. a subtle difference 11. A: new and different or N: a literary genre for a fictional prose narrative 1.Down 1) unique, 2) notable, or 3) clear 2. having various or distinct parts 3. markedly distinct or different 4. irregularity or abnormality 8. N: something or someone that differs or A: different in some way 9. 1) to cite in justification or 2) to appeal to earnestly Group 2-A Name: _______________________________________ Date: Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT 2016 Crossword Puzzles: • Tests definitions • Improves spelling • Srengthens recall

Vocab Builder Program Page 8 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Follow up Assignment: Add the antonyms and synonyms to your flashcards. Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group Antonyms6 and Synonyms Select the best response for each statement below. A.admonish F.expostulate B.advocate G.incline C.allude H.influential D.biased I.interaction E.chagrin J.susceptible 1. One antonym of “insignificant” is ________________________. 2. One antonym of “to oppose” is ________________________. 3. One synonym of “partisan” is ________________________. 4. One synonym of “to influence” is ________________________. 5. One antonym of “unaffected” is ________________________. 6. One synonym of “discomfiture” is ________________________. 7. One synonym of “to dissuade” is ________________________. 8. One synonym of “cooperation” is ________________________. 9. One synonym of “to imply” is ________________________. 10. One antonym of “to flatter” is ________________________. Antonym & Identification:Synonym • Builds vocab disassociationthrough • Answers include words from earlier groups

vocab through association disassociationand • Answers include words from earlier groups
Oddball Builds
D)inexorableC)adamantB)inalienableA)inevitable 10. Identify the oddball term. D)overarchC)matriarchB)hierarchA)oligarch
D)acquiesceC)consentB)accedeA)silence 8. Identify the oddball term. D)appropriateC)properB)commandeerA)usurp 9. Identify the oddball term.
7. Identify the oddball term.
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright9 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group 12 Oddball Identification Identify the choice that does NOT fit with the others in the question. 1. Identify the oddball term. D)retiredC)submissiveB)acquiescentA)resigned 2. Identify the oddball term. D)potentialC)rulerB)monarchA)potentate 3. Identify the oddball term. D)symmetryC)equivalenceB)disparityA)parity 4. Identify the oddball term. D)menialC)dependentB)subservientA)obsequious 5. Identify the oddball term. D)subjugateC)subdueB)emancipateA)vanquish 6. Identify the oddball term. D)tyrantC)despotB)oppressorA)sovereign
Identification: •

Vocab Builder Program Page 10 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group Synonym13Matching Identify the choice that most closely matches the terms below. A.adept F.ingenious B.capacity G.potential C.comprehend H.practicable D.efficiency I.prognosticate E.empirical J.verity ____ 1. adumbrate, forebode, forecast, foreshadow, portend, presage ____ 2. accomplished, adroit, capable, deft, proficient ____ 3. factual, experiential ____ 4. creative, imaginative, innovative, resourceful, skillful ____ 5. possible, probable, likely ____ 6. achievable, attainable, doable, feasible, viable ____ 7. capability, competence, facility, aptitude ____ 8. expertise, productivity, ability ____ 9. veracity, verisimilitude, accuracy ____ 10. embody, comprise, encompass Synonym Matching: • Builds vocab through association • Students should add these synonyms to their cards • All activities are cumulative

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright11 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Page 1 Group Synonym5 Substitution Identify the choice that most closely matches the italicized word or phrase below. A.alloy F.homogeneity B.anxiety G.implication C.chagrin H.temperament D.correlation I.restitution E.empathy J.wariness ____ 1. My friend’s wardrobe lacks uniformity (______________________________); nothing seems to fit together at all. ____ 2. To my humiliation (______________________________), everyone saw me slip and fall on the sidewalk. ____ 3. My uneasiness (______________________________) grew when, after many hours of no news, I still had not heard anything from my friend. ____ 4. The gold is actually a mixture (______________________________) of gold and nickel, which makes the gold strong enough to be jewelry. ____ 5. The inference (______________________________) is clear, even if no one has made the statement outright. ____ 6. The child seemed unable to feel an affinity (______________________________) for others who are suffering; she could not comprehend the emotional response of others. ____ 7. The court ordered the defendant to make payment (______________________________) to the family members of the victim to help offset their pain and suffering. ____ 8. There is a strong relationship (______________________________) between time spent being read to as a child and one’s vocabulary in later years. ____ 9. Most wild animals exhibit caution (______________________________) around humans; it is part of their survival instinct. ____ 10. Her nature (______________________________) is mercurial; her moods change from one moment to the next without warning or provocation. Substitution: • Focuses on synonymous expressions • Tests grammar, verb tense, idiomatic prepositions, etc. • All activities are cumulative

Level 11 Vocab Name: ______________________ Class: ______________
the Matter Fact, Fect, Fic,
Charities seek benefactors to donate funds and resources so that the charities can serve their beneficiaries. What does a benefactor do? What does a beneficiary do? Fill in the blanks using your knowledge of the word roots. benefactor is someone who good deeds. efficacious medicine well. ineffectual effort fails to what it is supposed to do. To facilitate is to something easier to do. Someone beneficent enjoys _________________________ good things for other people. Someone proficient at an activity is really good at that activity. Someone deficient in a skill lacks the ability to ______________________ that skill well. A product that is defective does not _________________________________ correctly. Politicians convicted of malfeasance have ________________________________ wrong. In a cause and effect relationship, the cause ____________________ the effect happen. A malefactor is someone who ______________________________________ bad deeds. (TURN OVER – there are more on the back)
and Discussion
Vocab Builder Program Page 12
What does it take to become proficient at a task?
3. An
Is there an effective cure for the common cold? What makes some medicines ineffective?
Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Date:

What would you do if you bought a defective product at the store?
Copyright © 2008 Knowsys Test Prep LLC. All rights reserved. of Feas (Latin) =

What is the function of a factory? do factory workers do for a living?
Greek & Latin Roots: Frequently-used roots Great discussion activity Introduces new words using the roots Extends vocab groups
1. A
“do,” “make,” or “work”
The Root
2. An
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright13 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A Follow up Assignment: Write your own “Name the Speaker” statments for _____ of the words from this week’s list and _____ of the words from the prior lists. Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group 9 Name the Speaker Select the term that is best represented by each statement below. A.affinity F.partisan B.candid G.principle C.chagrin H.rapt D.faculty I.trait E.inherent J.veracity 1. “I am what you cannot look away from.” 2. “I am what draws you inexorably toward something.” 3. “I am what separates you from the pack.” 4. “I am inherited.” 5. “I am your foundational belief.” 6. “I am your natural giftedness in an area.” 7. “I am without guile.” 8. “I am truth.” 9. “I am that acute embarrassment you feel when you blunder in front of other people.” 10. “I am an ardent advocate of a cause.” Name the Speaker: • Higher-level thinking skills • Enhances student understanding • Provides a “visual” to associate with terms • All activities are cumulative

Follow up Assignment: For all FALSE statements, write a TRUE sentence using the italicized word correctly.
Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group True/False6 whether the statement correctly uses the italicized word (= True) or incorrectly uses the italicized word (= False). 1. Unfortunately, the harmful side effects of the drug were expostulated only years after the drug came on the market. 2. Growing up near the water, the teens have a bias towards aquatic sports of all kinds. 3. The speaker advocated the immediate cessation of oil and gas production, but the suggestion was laughably impractical. 4. The scientist argues adamantly for his theory, and I am inclined to agree with him. 5. For someone with even a mild fear of heights, standing atop the observation platform at the top of the Eiffel Tower is a formidable experience. 6. The substance was influential, flowing smoothly and quickly. 7. When the misunderstanding was revealed, I felt chagrinned, thinking that everyone was laughing at my expense. 8. There is no inducement that would make me volunteer to repel from the top of a 1,000 foot tall building. 9. The adoring fans admonished the singer with shouts of encouragement and adulation. 10. Study abroad programs that offer the opportunity for immersion in a culture are designed to facilitate the student’s mastery of the culture’s language and norms.
Vocab Builder Program
True or False: Higher-level thinking skills Encourages discussion of nuances and examples Uses words from earlier groups
Page 14
Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.11 Vocab Name: Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID:

2. The subordinate employees act more like servants than autonomous, independent individuals. I figured the issue wasn’t worth fighting about, so I just gave in. The more I exercise, the better I feel. In this type of corporate structure, there are multiple tiers of responsibility, power, and pay. The ruler has gradually taken over more and more powers from the other members of the government until he now has basically absolute control. Many people in the United States look forward to the day when America has its first female president. The military seized control of the government and imprisoned all the elected officials. All of the company’s employees with a certain title receive the same base pay and benefits. The tyrant suppressed the people and eliminated their personal freedoms.
Group Scenarios12
Select the term that is best evoked by each of the scenarios below. acquiesce F. potentate B. correlate G. subjugate C. despot H. subservient D. hierarchy I. usurp E. parity J. veritable The assertions have been verified.
Scenarios: • Higher-level thinking skills • Enhances student understanding • Provides a “visual” to associate with terms • All activities are cumulative 1. J TOP: Group 7 Week 12 2. H TOP: Group 12 Week 12 3. A TOP: Group 12 Week 12 4. B TOP: Group 5 Week 12 5. D TOP: Group 12 Week 12 6. G TOP: Group 12 Week 12 7. F TOP: Group 12 Week 12 8. I TOP: Group 12 Week 12 9. E TOP: Group 12 Week 12 10. H TOP: Group 12 Week 12
up Assignment: Write
Follow your own scenarios for of the words from this week’s list and _____ of the words from the prior lists. © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright15 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A
6. Although I have listened to arguments from both sides of the point, I am actually not _______________________________________ to agree with either perspective.
1. The _______________________________________ star used her pull for humanitarian causes.
2. This article is not objective; it is clearly _______________________________________ in favor of one side of the argument. The translator’s ______________________________________ skills are famous; she has such an ear for languages that she can pick them up with remarkable rapidity.
LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Group 6 Fill in the Blank Write in the best
8. The coach _______________________________________ the player to concentrate and focus in order to reduce mistakes.
9. The student decided to pursue a degree in law because she wanted to _______________________________________ for others. Clearly, I am _______________________________________ to catching the flu, so this season I plan to get a flu shot as soon as they are available.
Vocab Builder Program Page 16
Copyright 2006-2023
for each statement below. A.admonished F.inclined B.advocate G.influential C.alloyed H.interaction D.biased I.linguistic E.expostulate J.susceptible
Copyright 2015 Knowsys Services response
Fill in the Blank: • Tests: » Usage » Grammar » Prepositions » Verb Tense
Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A

7. I attempted in vain to _______________________________________ with my friend, but he continued his self-destructive behavior.
4. The joy of the reunion was _______________________________________ with the sorrow of realizing they would soon be parted again. Modern social media facilitates ongoing _______________________________________ between individuals, even when they live worlds apart.
(5)_____________________ that result in, or help to justify, unfair treatment of an individual because of her or his identity. Research tells us that between ages 2 and 5, children become aware of gender, race, ethnicity, and disabilities. They also become (6)_____________________ to both the positive attitudes and the negative biases attached to these four key aspects of identity by their family and by society in general. Young children develop “pre-prejudice”: misconceptions, discomfort, fear, and rejection of differences that may develop into real prejudice if parents and teachers do not intervene. Many adults find it hard to (7)_____________________ that 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds actually make these kinds of comments; they prefer to believe that young children are blissfully unaware of the (8)_____________________ between people upon which prejudice and discrimination are based. But young children not only recognize differences, they also absorb values about which differences are positive and which are not. How parents and teachers react to the ideas that young children express will greatly affect the feelings they will form. If we want children to like themselves and to value diversity, then we must be who help them resist the biases and prejudice that are still far too prevalent in our society. Higher-level thinking skills Synthesizes terms from many groups
Narrative: •
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright17
2016 SAT Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. SAT Group 6 Passage1 Directions: Select the best term from the Word Bank to complete each blank. Each will be used only one time. Not all words will be used. acknowledgeadmonishadvocatesbiases comprehenddisparitydiverseempathize homogeneousexpostulateimplicitincline susceptibleinteractioninfluentialinduce Building self-identity and skills for social (1) _____________________ are two major tasks in early childhood. Gradually, young children begin to (2)_____________________ how they are the same and different from other people, and how they feel about the differences. A child’s learning in the preschool years is very (3)_____________________ in determining whether the child will grow up to value, accept, and comfortably interact with (4)_____________________ people or whether they will succumb to the
© 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Name: ____________________________ Class: __________ Date: ___________
• Tests: » Usage » Grammar » Prepositions » Verb tense Name: ____________________________ Class: __________ SAT Group 6 Passage – Solutions Length = 346 words 1. interaction SAT Group 2. comprehend SAT Group 3. influential SAT Group 4. diverse SAT Group 5. biases SAT Group 6. susceptible SAT Group 7. acknowledge SAT Group 8. disparity SAT Group 9. advocates SAT Group 10. admonish SAT Group 11. implicit SAT Group 12. homogeneous SAT Group 13. empathize SAT Group Name: ____________________________ Class: __________ Date: ___________ SAT Group 6 Passage – Solutions Length = 346 words 1. interaction SAT Group 6 Week 6 2. comprehend SAT Group 5 Week 6 3. influential SAT Group 6 Week 6 4. diverse SAT Group 2 Week 6 5. biases SAT Group 6 Week 6 6. susceptible SAT Group 6 Week 6 7. acknowledge SAT Group 1 Week 6 8. disparity SAT Group 2 Week 6 9. advocates SAT Group 6 Week 6 10. admonish SAT Group 6 Week 6 11. implicit SAT Group 3 Week 6 12. homogeneous SAT Group 5 Week 6 13. empathize SAT Group 5 Week 6

Why does the author say that longing for a hypothetical disaster is cruel and absurd? In what circumstances would you create a hypothetical disaster?
• Higher-level thinking skills
“In the following tests, however, various combinations of novel and known pictures, which could be rewarded or unrewarded, were presented to the birds. . . . ‘More than half of our cockatoos choose their pictures in a way that clearly indicates the ability to infer by exclusion about rewarded stimuli. However alternative strategies also play an important role in guiding their choices,’ says Mark O'Hara who developed this task together with his colleagues.”
Enyia, Amara. “Let's Chase Real Solutions, Not Hypothetical Storms.” Austin Weekly News. 24 Aug. 2015. <www.austinweeklynews.com>.
Media Mentions Group 8
Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Name: Class: Date:_________________

“We didn't experience a massive hurricane, but too many of this city's residents live in communities where our children's routes to school force them to cross perilous gang boundaries; where the walk to work entails passing blocks and blocks of boarded storefronts, glass littered streets and vacant homes; where massive school closures have disrupted our children's learning process; and where shootings abound.
“There have been suggestions that low levels of vitamin D might be a factor in cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease, but there's no proof that the lack of D is actually causing the problems. A study published Monday doesn't prove that link, but it does find that people with low levels of vitamin D lost key thinking skills more quickly than people with enough. The study is notable because of the diversity of the participants: 62 percent were women, 30 percent were African-American, 25 percent Hispanic and 41 percent white. Most earlier studies looking at cognitive decline and vitamin D were in white people.”
In light of this reality, McQueary's cruel and absurd longing for a hypothetical disaster completely ignores the fact that a very real disaster is happening right now, right here in Chicago, right under her nose — if only she made the effort and had the moral imagination to see it.”
Vocab Builder Program Page 18
Shute, Nancy. “Cognitive Decline May Move Faster In People With Low Vitamin D.” NPR. 14 Sept. 2015. <http://www.npr.org>. What happens to a person experiencing cognitive decline? Give an example of cognitive development and explain what occurs during that development.
O'Hara M.; Auersperg, A.; Bugnyar, T., Huber, L. “Smart Cockatoos Infer By Exclusion.” Phys. 26 Aug. 2015. <http://phys.org>. What does it mean to infer by exclusion? Describe a time that, through direct observation, you were able to infer what was happening.
• Great for discussion • Shows terms used in modern media contexts
Media Mentions:
SAT Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
be a recipient of? Why? 5. What
be satiated? Justify your
SAT is something that a situation that response. does a would you like to is something that needs to response. would something need reasoning. is something that would
7. What
you would wholeheartedly countenance? Why would you do so? 2. Describe
6. Why
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright19 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Name: ____________________________________________ Class: ___________ Date:________________________
mediator do for a living? 4. What
Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. SAT Group 10 Short Answer Questions Directions: Answer the questions below using complete sentences to demonstrate your understanding of the italicized vocabulary term or terms. 1. What

to be substantiated? Explain your
needs an intervention. Justify your
is venerated? Why is it so? 8. Why
someone need to be vindicated? 9. In what situation would linguistic skills be useful? Justify your response. 10. Give an example of an anomaly. Justify your response. Short Answers: • Higher-level thinking • Writing and application • Great for in-class or homework assignments • Students generate examples and form mental pictures • Enhances student understanding
3. What
power. --Abraham LIncoln
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2016 SAT Knowsys Educational Services LLC Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________ Persuasive Writing Prompt Be sure to -• state your position clearly • use appropriate organization • provide specific support for your argument • choose your words carefully • edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
© 2015 Knowsys Educational
Do believe that power is the true test of a person’s character? carefully about this question. an essay stating your position on which is more decisive for a person’s character: half of the words (or alternative forms of the words) below into essay.
Copyright 2006-2023 Services LLC. rights reserved.
Be sure to use them correctly and spell them correctly. acquiescedespot facile hierarchy potentateparityprincipleresign subordinatesubjugatesubservient temperament veracityunveiltyrantusurp Read the following quotation. SAT Group 12 Writing Assignments: • Require specific types of writing • Require students to use vocabulary in context • Improve timed writing skills • Develop creative thinking skills • Make great assignmentstake-home
Vocab Builder Program Page 20
Level 11 Vocab
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him
adversity or power.Incorporate at least
Knowsys Educational

Is mathematical knowledge innate? Think carefully about this question.
SAT Group 9
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright21 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. 2016 SAT Knowsys Educational Services LLC Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________ Expository Writing Prompt Be sure to -• clearly state your thesis • organize and develop your ideas effectively • choose your words carefully • edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling

All science requires mathematics. The knowledge of mathematical things is almost innate in us. This is the easiest of sciences, a fact which is obvious in that no one’s brain rejects it; for laymen and people who are utterly illiterate know how to count and reckon. Roger Bacon
Write an essay explaining whether mathematics is the easiest science because mathematical knowledge is innate.
Incorporate at least half of the words (or alternative forms of the words) below into your essay. Be sure to use them correctly and spell them correctly. affinity analytical comprehendempirical inherent veritablyveracitytraitverity the following quotation.
A) dexterity B) viability C) stratagem D) potential E) utility 4. The pickpocket was quite _______________________; she was able to steal wallets and other valuables with no one the wiser.
A) potential B) skilled C) practicable D) ingenious E) adept 6. The _______________________ to endure physical pain varies among individuals.
• Teaches
A) viable B) dexterous C) practicable D) utilitarian E) adept
A) capacity B) disparity C) affinity D) veracity E) efficiency
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the term in the blank.
Level 11 Vocab Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: _______________ ID: A
Knowsys Educational

Copyright © 2015 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAT 2016 Sentence13Completion
A) dexterity B) utility C) ingenuity D) efficiency E) potential
3. The music teacher nurtured the _______________________ she saw in her student.
A) nuance B) concern C) exploit D) veracity E) incantation
A) viability B) capacity C) ingenuity D) dexterity E) potentiality If only I had a crystal ball and could _______________________ the future!
Copyright © 2006-2023 Services LLC. All rights reserved.
Vocab Builder Program Page 22
1. One of the primary metrics for judging whether the factory should remain open is _______________________.
7. The solution generated by the think tank is _______________________: creative, original, and feasible.
A) viable B) utilitarian C) dexterous D) potential E) practicable
skills • Tests timing skills • Cumulative activity » At least one question tests a prior group directly » Answer choices include terms from prior groups
A) implicate B) substantiate C) resuscitate D) prognosticate E) extrapolate Weekly Quiz: application of test-taking
8. The _______________________ of the plaintiff’s claims was substantiated by the evidence.
A) practiced B) dexterous C) adept D) susceptible E) ingenious
9. Without additional funding the _______________________ of the project is at risk.
5. The proposal is not very _______________________ as it requires far more money than we have available.
2. The politician was _______________________ at deflecting questions she did not want to answer.
Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright23 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade 6 Group 1NATUREdomesticate1 eclipse2 evolve3 fiber4 graze5 hatch6 innate7 rodent8 solar9 stampede10 Group 2MOVEMENTgait11 hover12 inflate13 mobile14 motion15 propel16 revolve17 shed18 stationary19 swivel20 wend21 Group 3GROUPaccompany22 council23 exclude24 fuse25 horde26 integrate27 majority28 segregate29 supplement30 swarm31 Group 4HOSTILEbrawl32 grudge33 persecute34 prejudice35 retaliate36 revenge37 siege38 skirmish39 stern40 Group 5MONEYappreciate41 bankrupt42 budget43 contribute44 extravagant45 fee46 frugal47 invaluable48 poverty49 Group 6CLOTHINGapparel50 attire51 garment52 appeal53 captivate54 engross55 fad56 insist57 inspire58 intrigue59 manipulate60 Group 7PLACEabroad61 aloft62 expanse63 moor64 peninsula65 terrain66 territory67 vicinity68 Group 8RESULTconsequence69 factor70 * verdict71 abbreviate72 diminish73 * disk74 miniature75 * minute76 * paltry77 scale78 trace79 Group 9ENERGYdiligent80 exhaust81 exhilaration82 fatigue83 hectic84 velocity85 colossal86 extend87 extensive88 lofty89 massive90 Group 10STOPboycott91 continuous92 detain93 inhibit94 punctuate95 quench96 restrain97 stifle98 Group 11BOTHERaggravate99 gripe100 unruly101 appropriate102 beneficial103 * convenient104 discreet105 sinister106 Group 12DESTROYbreach107 catastrophe108 collide109 corrode110 debris111 exterminate112 * fatality113 infest114 salvage115 Group 13EXCESSabundant116 arrogant117 deplete118 drastic119 elaborate120 exaggerate121 leeway122 rash123 Group 14CRITICIZEdegrade124 scoff125 sneer126 abandon127 accumulate128 attain129 custody130 possess131 repel132 strew133 Group 15DANGERcaptive134 flammable135 * jeopardy136 peril137 plummet138 predicament139 woe140 conspicuous141 * detect142 exhibit143 glare144 Group 16CALMlull145 placid146 * soothe147 tranquil148 adapt149 effect150 * persevere151 restore152 substitute153 tentative154 versatile155 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 6 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder Program Page 24 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade 7 Group 1SPEECHadmonish1 allege2 assert3 beseech4 conjure5 emphasize6 haggle7 retort8 signify9 theme10 warble11 Group 2THINKacknowledge12 dissuade13 fathom14 incline15 muse16 perceive17 ponder18 probe19 realize20 resolve21 Group 3STRENGTHformidable22 foster23 intensify24 invincible25 ponderous26 prowess27 replenish28 robust29 stringent30 ultimate31 Group 4GROUPcomponent32 comprise33 congested34 distinction35 diversity36 ghetto37 insulate38 medley39 menagerie40 participate41 throng42 Group 5EFFORTarduous43 cope44 endure45 grueling46 hurtle47 industrious48 menial49 stint50 strenuous51 toil52 trek53 Group 6MOVEMENTavert54 clamber55 detach56 enroll57 fluctuate58 intervene59 nimble60 nomad61 recede62 ungainly63 Group 7AGREEacclaim64 assent65 * compromise66 concur67 correspond68 endorse69 placate70 * receptive71 Group 8BOTHERagitate72 badger73 distraught74 fluster75 harass76 perturb77 pique78 tedious79 prostrate80 proximity81 verge82 Group 9IMPORTANTclimax83 compulsory84 haughty85 illustrious86 legendary87 momentous88 necessity89 pretentious90 principal91 Group 10ANGRYadverse92 antagonize93 confront94 infuriate95 irate96 wrath97 aghast98 dumbfound99 flabbergast100 incredulous101 * Group 11TIMEconsecutive102 era103 headlong104 impromptu105 initiate106 permanent107 prior108 respite109 urgent110 Group 12GAINacquire111 procure112 scavenge113 apathy114 * derelict115 desolate116 devoid117 lax118 lethargic119 scanty120 trifling121 Group 13KNOWLEDGEastute122 consult123 docile124 enlighten125 illiterate126 mentor127 naive128 rustic129 unwitting130 Group 14(UN)FAIRarbitrate131 bias132 bigot133 impartial134 indifferent135 compel136 enthrall137 evict138 oblige139 oppress140 overwhelm141 Group 15CHARACTERISTICaloof142 attribute143 exotic144 homage145 irrelevant146 mottled147 precise148 sleek149 subtle150 Group 16FIRSTdebut151 pioneer152 premiere153 benefactor154 * bounty155 estimate156 flourish157 inherit158 lavish159 lucrative160 privilege161 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 7 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright25 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade 8 Group 1BADatrocity1 dire2 flagrant3 inclement4 irksome5 malevolent6 * precarious7 reprisal8 risqué9 unseemly10 despicable11 * ineffectual12 * Group 2CHARACTERISTICavid13 azure14 clad15 combustible16 forbearance17 ornate18 resilient19 tremulous20 indulgent21 intricate22 overt23 Group 3LANGUAGEdecipher24 depict25 dialect26 dub27 glib28 memoir29 recant30 rejoinder31 reticent32 rhetoric33 vignette34 Group 4MOVEMENTagile35 dismantle36 dispel37 execute38 extricate39 fitful40 impel41 pivot42 shackle43 culminate44 Group 5OCCURfeasible45 arbitrary46 imminent47 incessant48 phenomenon49 recur50 spontaneous51 sporadic52 wreak53 Group 6OVERTAKEinstill54 encompass55 pervade56 assimilate57 encroach58 engulf59 immerse60 influx61 surpass62 Group 7SENSESogle63 panorama64 picturesque65 surveillance66 audible67 mute68 reverberate69 strident70 pungent71 Group 8THOUGHTcommemorate72 conjecture73 contemplate74 * derive75 enigma76 evoke77 * inane78 inkling79 irrational80 memento81 sublime82 Group 9TIMEindelible83 brevity84 cursory85 elapse86 epoch87 interminable88 * millennium89 perpetuate90 protracted91 simultaneous92 Group 10EMOTIONabject93 ardent94 despondent95 disposition96 electrify97 grimace98 irascible99 rue100 vehement101 Group 11EXCESScopious102 deluge103 fanfare104 glut105 ostentatious106 profusion107 swelter108 guile109 pseudonym110 * embellish111 Group 12HORRORclaustrophobia112 foreboding113 grotesque114 gruesome115 haunt116 lurid117 abhor118 alienate119 inflammatory120 * rankle121 tirade122 Group 13MARTIALbulwark123 citadel124 embroil125 grapple126 impregnable127 onslaught128 rebuff129 wrest130 vie131 Group 14AGREEaccede132 accord133 dissension134 * affirm135 conscientious136 fastidious137 gingerly138 meticulous139 prudent140 slovenly141 Group 15CHANGEenhance142 innovation143 modify144 rectify145 stagnate146 alleviate147 exemplify148 impersonate149 replica150 simulate151 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 8 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder Program Page 26 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade 9 Group 1MONEYappraise1 assess2 defray3 depreciate4 garner5 gratis6 impoverish7 monetary8 remunerate9 subsidy10 Group 2CONDITIONfateful11 fraught12 impervious13 incontrovertible14 indubitable15 inexplicable16 inherent17 insuperable18 * irrevocable19 * porous20 Group 3ACTIVITYadhere21 avocation22 * brandish23 centrifugal24 cleave25 emancipate26 expend27 impetus28 proffer29 rescind30 Group 4SKILLEDadroit31 aficionado32 aptitude33 dexterous34 faculty35 incapacitate36 ingenious37 * potential38 precocious39 prodigy40 virtuoso41 Group 5POSITIONantecedent42 apex43 ascendant44 caliber45 definitive46 rudimentary47 supersede48 * surmount49 zenith50 Group 6SPEECHblandishment51 broach52 divulge53 exhort54 expostulate55 impart56 implicate57 orator58 remonstrate59 solicit60 voluble61 wheedle62 Group 7LEGALclemency63 collusion64 indict65 injunction66 judicial67 obligatory68 sanction69 suffrage70 vindicate71 Group 8INACTIVITYdefault72 feckless73 indolent74 intermittent75 laggard76 moribund77 repose78 sedentary79 wane80 Group 9EXCESSdote81 exorbitant82 extravaganza83 jaded84 pomp85 regale86 sumptuous87 torrid88 voracious89 Group 10CHARACTERISTICcallow90 eccentric91 facet92 practicable93 punctilious94 rift95 spartan96 tractable97 ubiquitous98 Group 11HOSTILEaverse99 contravene100 decimate101 foray102 martial103 pernicious104 quash105 subjugate106 vitriolic107 memorabilia108 paraphernalia109 Group 12THINKdeduction110 deem111 devise112 envisage113 infer114 * pensive115 plumb116 quandary117 scrutinize118 speculate119 * Group 13BODYamputate120 decapitate121 embody122 recuperate123 sustenance124 trauma125 visage126 viscera127 contend128 pugnacious129 strife130 Group 14CALMaplomb131 complacent132 * solace133 beneficiary134 * despot135 devotee136 maternal137 novice138 protégé139 recipient140 scion141 Group 15ENERGYalacrity142 spry143 verve144 allure145 amenity146 boon147 camaraderie148 gregarious149 magnanimous150 * suave151 Group 16HUMORfacetious152 farce153 parody154 travesty155 zany156 articulate157 enunciate158 ribald159 stilted160 succinct161 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 9 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright27 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade 10 Group 1MONEYallocate1 avarice2 disburse3 insatiable4 largesse5 liquidate6 magnate7 recompense8 reparation9 stipend10 Group 2NATUREagrarian11 cataclysm12 celestial13 galaxy14 indigenous15 * maelstrom16 promontory17 secrete18 winnow19 zephyr20 Group 3RULEannals21 cede22 constrain23 flout24 hierarchy25 * inalienable26 insurrection27 mandatory28 matriarchy29 * necessitate30 prerogative31 Group 4CHAOSaberration32 desultory33 disarray34 equilibrium35 * incoherent36 indiscriminate37 pandemonium38 rambunctious39 rampant40 temerity41 Group 5BOTHERaccost42 beleaguer43 beset44 disgruntle45 exacerbate46 foment47 importune48 incur49 instigate50 inure51 onerous52 Group 6COLLECTIONaggregate53 assemblage54 clique55 cohort56 constituent57 enclave58 flotilla59 gamut60 homogeneous61 * manifold62 muster63 pantheon64 repertoire65 Group 7CRITICIZEberate66 castigate67 cavil68 denigrate69 disparage70 gibe71 indignity72 inveigh73 pillory74 scathing75 Group 8LANGUAGEaphorism76 colloquial77 * epitaph78 euphemism79 grandiloquent80 * hyperbole81 ineffable82 manifesto83 misnomer84 * pleasantry85 Group 9EVILbaleful86 bane87 demoralize88 diabolical89 iniquitous90 malign91 * perverse92 sadistic93 scourge94 Group 10EMOTIONcatharsis95 doleful96 imbue97 infatuated98 poignant99 qualm100 quixotic101 infamous102 luminary103 Group 11APPEARANCEaura104 countenance105 gossamer106 materialize107 mien108 patina109 vestige110 infirmity111 lacerate112 panacea113 Group 12HOSTILEabominate114 acrimony115 altercation116 animosity117 * asperity118 rancor119 scurrilous120 amenable121 induce122 Group 13EFFORTassiduous123 ingratiate124 curator125 entrepreneur126 espionage127 factotum128 * incumbent129 predecessor130 servitude131 Group 14ENERGYebullient132 galvanize133 burgeon134 circuitous135 * circumvent136 * exodus137 gird138 odyssey139 permeate140 Group 15PREDICTambivalent141 augur142 auspicious143 * harbinger144 vagary145 visionary146 volatile147 bemuse148 conundrum149 dilemma150 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 10 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder Program Page 28 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade SAT Group 1UNCERTAINTYambiguous1 ambivalent2 baffle3 capricious4 dubious5 equivocal6 * impetuous7 irresolute8 mercurial9 nebulous10 whimsical11 Group 2LANGUAGEallusion12 anecdote13 articulate14 convey15 enumerate16 ineffable17 irony18 loquacious19 platitude20 reticent21 rhetoric22 verbose23 Group 3CRITICISMaspersion24 chide25 denounce26 deride27 diatribe28 disdain29 disparage30 rail31 reproach32 scoff33 scorn34 Group 4KNOWLEDGEapprehend35 * ascertain36 connoisseur37 didactic38 discern39 enlighten40 fundamental41 lucid42 profound43 scrutinize44 tacit45 vicarious46 Group 5EMOTIONcatharsis47 dispassionate48 ebullient49 fervent50 indignation51 lament52 somber53 sullen54 temperament55 wistful56 Group 6MOVEMENTcircumvent57 * convergence58 digress59 dispersion60 encroach61 immerse62 momentum63 regressive64 supplant65 transcend66 traverse67 winnow68 Group 7BADacrid69 aversion70 conflagration71 debacle72 foreboding73 ignominy74 * inept75 machination76 mar77 oppress78 pilfer79 seditious80 Group 8HOSTILEbelligerent81 cantankerous82 contemptuous83 contentious84 grudge85 pugnacious86 cynical87 pragmatist88 skeptic89 Group 9CALMacquiesce90 assuage91 complacent92 * conciliatory93 docile94 mollify95 phlegmatic96 placid97 * resign98 solace99 steadfast100 Group 10COMPLEXabstract101 abstruse102 amalgam103 arcane104 convoluted105 eclectic106 enigma107 inscrutable108 multifaceted109 obscure110 Group 11APPEARANCEaestheticism111 baroque112 decorum113 demeanor114 depict115 embellish116 garnishment117 ornate118 Group 12SMARTacumen119 adept120 adroit121 astute122 erudite123 esoteric124 precocious125 sagacious126 trenchant127 Group 13EFFORTculminate128 debilitate129 diligent130 efficacious131 * exploit132 flag133 prolific134 * resurgence135 sedulous136 Group 14FALSEbelie137 chicanery138 delude139 disillusioned140 disingenuous141 * erroneous142 fabrication143 fallacious144 feign145 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 11 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder ProgramPage Copyright29 © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved. Level 11 Vocab Knowsys Vocabulary Group Word List Grade 12 Group 1BEHAVIORchasten1 deign2 fractious3 infraction4 infringe5 interloper6 protocol7 recalcitrant8 refractory9 sublimate10 Group 2KNOWLEDGEcovert11 dilettante12 educe13 empirical14 forte15 misapprehend16 * misconstrue17 prescient18 presentiment19 * putative20 Group 3LACKascetic21 benighted22 desuetude23 dotage24 insular25 nihilism26 nonplus27 nugatory28 torpor29 vacuous30 Group 4LANGUAGEadumbrate31 appellation32 delineate33 dissertation34 equivocal35 * expatiate36 genre37 * limn38 peruse39 prospectus40 * protagonist41 Group 5NATUREaborigine42 apiary43 brackish44 cetacean45 cornucopia46 endemic47 flora48 preternatural49 terrestrial50 vernal51 viviparous52 Group 6RELATIONSHIPancillary53 conjugal54 consanguinity55 filial56 genealogy57 * minion58 nemesis59 nuptials60 parity61 progenitor62 * Group 7SPEECHapothegm63 badinage64 colloquy65 * convoke66 * declaim67 invoke68 * polemic69 repartee70 supplicate71 taciturn72 valedictory73 Group 8TIMEanachronism74 antediluvian75 archaic76 erstwhile77 hiatus78 perennial79 precursor80 primeval81 quadrennial82 temporize83 * Group 9CRITICIZEabjure84 aspersion85 calumny86 decry87 fulminate88 obloquy89 * adjure90 decree91 dictum92 exigency93 mandate94 Group 10SMARTacumen95 cerebral96 mordant97 omniscient98 savant99 trenchant100 herculean101 infinitesimal102 leviathan103 minutia104 * Group 11SENSESacerbic105 cacophony106 descry107 fetid108 gustatory109 obstreperous110 palpable111 enervate112 lassitude113 stultify114 Group 12BELIEFSacolyte115 animus116 * apotheosis117 credo118 desecrate119 fatalism120 iconoclast121 inferno122 talisman123 arrogate124 despoil125 Group 13MOVEMENTactuate126 convulse127 devolve128 efflorescence129 exhume130 expatriate131 itinerary132 peripatetic133 celerity134 staccato135 Group 14MONEYindigent136 insolvent137 pecuniary138 perquisite139 prodigal140 rapacious141 restitution142 eschew143 mores144 rectitude145 Group 15MODELarchetype146 * exemplar147 microcosm148 paragon149 prototype150 quintessence151 bourgeois152 denizen153 habitué154 insipid155 Group 16MEDICALapothecary156 carcinogen157 cognitive158 coma159 congenital160 nostrum161 regurgitate162 salutary163 absolve164 exculpate165 Copyright © 2007-2013. Knowsys Educational Servies.. All rights reserved. * designates a Word Root activity is available Grade 12 * Indicates a Word Root Activity is available.

Vocab Builder Program Page 30 Copyright © 2006-2023 Knowsys Educational Services LLC. All rights reserved.Level 11 Vocab Overall District View by School & Grade Teacher View by Grade, Period, and Student Student View (includes peer performance)

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