LEGAL RESOURCES How to handle a police stop in Maryland An important part of a police officer’s job is to develop evidence that will lead to a conviction. At every stage of your encounter with an officer, you must assume that they are seeking evidence from you or your surroundings that could land you in jail.
If a police officer approaches you in Maryland…
1. Stay calm 2. Don’t run 3. Don’t argue, resist, or obstruct the police 4. Keep your hands where the police can see
You have a constitutional right to remain silent. Say this to the officer out loud. In Maryland, you’re not legally required to give your name if asked to identify yourself (other states require identification). There is no law in Maryland that requires you to carry ID or show it to a police officer on demand. If the police officer states that you’re under arrest, you have a right to know why! You can and should ask the police officer the following question:
Am I free to leave?
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If a police officer approaches you while you’re walking in Maryland, do you have to let them search you? No. But the police can pat down your clothes, your purse or your backpack if they suspect a weapon. You don’t have to empty out your pockets or your purse if the police ask you! If they discover what feels like a weapon, then they can legally search you. Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968), U. S. Const. art. IV
If a police officer approaches you while in your car in Maryland, do you have to let them search your car or occupants of your car? No. You do not have to consent to a search of you, your car, or any of the passengers in the vehicle with you. What if a police officer claims that you are driving drunk or intoxicated? In Maryland, you are allowed to refuse a breath test or blood test. You should contact a lawyer immediately right there while you’re on the scene and refuse to answer any questions. Do you have to take a field sobriety test? No. They are not required by Maryland law, and you should generally refuse to participate in any of them. This does not prevent the police officer from arresting you, but it will limit the evidence and basis that they will have to use to substantiate the charges. U. S. Const. art. IV, MD Constitution, Declaration of Rights, Art. 26, Bailey v. State, 16 Md. App. 83, 294 A.2d 123, 1972 , MD Code, Transportation, § 16-205
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If the police approach you while in your home, can they search your home? No. U. S. Const. art. IV Must you open the door for ICE agents? No, you do not have to open your door. If you wish to assert your rights, you should keep your door closed and speak to agents through the door. U. S. Const. art. IV Do ICE agents need a warrant to enter your home? If the agents want to enter, ask them if they have a warrant signed by a judge (see it through the window or peep hole of the door). An administrative warrant of removal from immigration authorities is not enough. If they say they have a warrant, ask them to slip the warrant under the door. Look at the top and at the signature line to see if it was issued by a court and signed by a judge or issued by DHS or ICE and signed by a DHS or ICE employee. Only a court/ judge warrant is enough for entry into your premises. Do not open your door unless ICE shows you a judicial search or arrest warrant naming a person in your residence and/or areas to be searched at your address. U. S. Const. art. IV, MD Crim Pro Code § 2-103 What should you do if ICE agents force their way into your home? If agents attempt to force their way in, do not attempt to resist. If you wish to exercise your rights, state: “I do not consent to your entry or to your search of these premises. I am exercising my right to remain silent. I wish to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible.” Everyone in the residence may also exercise the right to remain silent. U. S. Const. art. IV, MD Crim Pro Code § 2-103
Additional Legal Resources in Maryland ACLU of Maryland 3600 Clipper Mill Rd. Baltimore, MD 21211 (443) 524-2558
Baltimore City Lawyer Referral Service 111 N Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 539-3112
Maryland Bar Foundation, Inc. 27 W Jefferson St. Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 424-7651
Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Inc. 305 W Chesapeake Ave., Suite 201 Towson, MD 21204 (410) 321-8761
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HEALTH RESOURCES Community Gardens Baltimore Orchard Project 2701 St. Lo Dr. Baltimore, MD 21213 (443) 562-8483
Food System Lab 4915 Greenspring Ave. Baltimore, MD 21209 (410) 223-1811
Baltimore Urban Gardening with Students (BUGS) 802 S. Caroline St. Baltimore, MD 21231 (410) 685-0295
The Greener Garden 5623 McClean Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21214
Baltimore Free Farm 3510 Ash St. Baltimore, MD 21211 Whitelock Community Farm 930 Whitelock St. Baltimore, MD 21217 (410) 205-6572 Boone Street Farm 2701 St. Lo Dr. Baltimore, MD 21213 Cherry Hill Urban Garden 900 Cherry Hill Rd. Baltimore, MD 21213 (410) 925-0366 Filbert Street Community Garden 1317 Filbert St. Baltimore, MD 21226
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Hidden Harvest Farm 1825 N Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202 The Plantation (Park Heights) 3811 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD Yellow House Farm 4415 Mary Ave. Baltimore, MD 21206
Community Food Distribution Hungry Harvest
Farmers Markets Overlea Farmers Market 6908 Belair Rd. Baltimore, MD 21206 OPEN: Saturday 9am-1pm
Druid Hill Farmers Market 3100 Swann Dr. Baltimore, MD 21217 OPEN: Wednesday 3:30pm-7:30pm
32nd Street Farmers Market 400 E 32nd St. Baltimore, MD 21218 OPEN: Saturday 7am-12pm
Baltimore Farmers Market and Bazaar E Saratoga St. & Holliday St. Baltimore, MD 21202 OPEN: Sunday 7am-12pm
Govan’s Farmers Market 5104 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212 OPEN: Wednesday 3pm-7pm
Pigtown Community Farmers Market 1798 Washington Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21230 OPEN: Thursday 3pm-7pm
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TECH RESOURCES Websites The following tech resources are available at Computer Science Education Resource
UNCF HBCU Innovation National STEM Scholarships & Programs
Bay Area Codes by #YesWeCode Bay Area Tech Resources
Telegraph Academy Adult Tech Training Bootcamp
Khan Academy Free Personalized Learning Resource
Rainbow/Push Coalition Tech Diversity Inclusion Resource
TechPrep by Facebook Computer Science Education Resource
Treehouse Web Design & Coding Resource
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Please e-mail for more information!
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EDUCATION RESOURCES MASTERING THE ACT AND SAT: TIPS AND TRICKS FOR SUCCESS 1. DO keep calm and carry on. On test day, relaxation is key. Take it easy and give yourself plenty of time to wake up, get ready, and get to the test center. Breathe. 2. DON’T be a zombie. Have a protein-rich breakfast before you leave. Get good sleep starting three nights before the test. You will need 6-8 hours of sleep to function throughout the exam. 3. DO stay positive. Pump yourself up with a pep talk. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re going to do well. Know that the four hours of the exam equals the next four years of your life. Give it your all. Have a few laughs with your friends. Smile, it works. 4. Practice, practice, practice. It takes 21 days of practice to form a habit. Create a study schedule one month ahead of the test, and study at least 2 hours each day. If you want to be good at something, practice! Complete the online practice tests and keep improving. 5. What to Bring? Bring your admission ticket, a photo ID — preferably a driver’s license or student ID, three sharpened No. 2 pencils (NOT mechanical), a calculator — make sure your model is allowed. Wear a watch to track the time or locate the clock in the room. 6. What not to Bring? Cell phones are NOT allowed. Snacks and/or drinks to eat/drink outside the test room during the break. Listerine breath strips — to help keep you alert. 7. DO guess intelligently and with purpose. You’re not penalized for guessing, but try to narrow down the possibilities. There are usually at least one or two answers that are definitely wrong. If you can get rid of those choices, you’ll have a much better chance of guessing correctly. 8. DO mark up the test booklet. Take notes, write little hints to yourself, identify words you don’t understand – this will help later on. Be an active reader as a means of staying focused. 9. DON’T be a statue. You’re limited to the one square foot that your test chair encompasses, so you won’t be able to have a dance party or anything, but stretch as much as you can to keep your blood flowing. 10. Additional ACT and SAT Resources. ACT: SAT:
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Is College for Me? 3 Pros and 3 Cons PRO #1: There are Many Financial and Career Benefits In 2015, college graduates with a bachelor’s degree earned 56% more per year than those with a high school diploma or its equivalent. In addition, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median weekly earnings in 2017 for those with a bachelor’s degree was $1,173, compared with $836 for those with an associate degree and $712 for those with only a high school diploma. PRO #2: You Get to Explore Your Interests College opens up a whole new world to you academically. In high school, you generally only have a choice of a handful of elective classes, but in college you can literally choose from among hundreds of classes and majors. While there are core requirements at most colleges, for the most part you can decide what you want to study and take classes in subjects you want to learn more about. PRO #3: It Gives You Space for Self-Improvement For many students, college is the first time in their lives they’re not living at home. During college, they learn to be self-sufficient. They learn domestic skills and budgeting — even how to motivate themselves without parental encouragement. At the same time, most college students can still go home or call home if they’re in need of some money or advice. CON #1: There’s the Risk of High Costs and Potential Debt College is really expensive, with costs continuing to rise, and many college graduates are burdened with astronomical student loan debt. Unfortunately, many students don’t receive the aid they need to fully cover the costs. As a result, they take on unsubsidized student loans to finance their college education – bad idea! Student loan debt can dramatically impact your life after you graduate, including the jobs you take and your decision to buy a house or start a family. CON #2: The Financial Benefits of College Might Be Overstated The claim that college graduates earn $1 million more in their lifetimes might actually be skewed by graduates from top universities. A 2018 study by found that there are only five schools (out of 1,878 four-year schools) at which earning a college degree can get you a $1 million return on investment. Basically, the reported number that college graduates make $1 million more over the course of their professional lives is not that accurate. CON #3: College Might Not Actually Make You Smarter The last con of attending college is that going to one might not actually increase your intelligence. A 2011 study found that 45% of 2,322 traditional-aged college students studied from 2005 to 2009 made no significant improvement in their critical thinking, reasoning, or writing skills during the first two years of college. After four years, 36% showed no significant gains. Given the cost of attending college, you’d hope that higher education would have a dramatically positive effect on these skills for all students — this might not be the case. KY RC Bal ti more : Resou rce Gu i de 11
SPECIAL THANKS TO Ben Crump Hidden Genius Jatali Bellaton Quentin Vennie Tina & Trina Fletcher Ameer Hasan Loggins Chris Petrella Patricia Robinson Ray Wong
ARTWORK Aaron Maybin
Design Ryan Flores
Know Your Rights Camp, Baltimore 2019