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Krityanand UNESCO club Jamshedpur Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
Krityanand UNESCO Club, Jamshedpur is a non-government organization (NGO) established in 1992, Registered Under Societies Registration Act, 1860 and has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Each summer, we welcome nearly 50 interns from India and around the world for a packed Programme of Internship, Research and Development as well as social activities. This year's Summer internship programmes run between 15th April – 31st July 2019, and are aimed at Post Graduate students. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in broadening their horizons and learning more about Economics and Political Science (International Relations). During their time with us, each intern produces a supervised research project, chosen by themselves with guidance from Senior Research Associate.
Purpose Krityanand UNESCO Club PG Internship analyzes economic conditions and promotes use of macroeconomic and structural policies that support economic growth and encourage productive employment, while maintaining macroeconomic stability. It encourages the quality aspect of economic growth and highlights the need to consider the distributional consequences of development policies. We also emphasizes the essential role of Financing for Development for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The priorities identified in this area include: strengthening domestic resources mobilization, including through tax cooperation and public expenditure management; enhancing quality infrastructure investment taking into account all aspects of economic, social and environmental sustainability; and increasing the effectiveness of financial markets in supporting sustainable development.
Overview of the Program: The Krityanand UNESCO Club is an institution of research and higher education dedicated to the study of Economic and Political Affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international relations and economic development issues. Through our core activities, we aim to promote a contribution to the progress of developing societies. The Programme is aimed at students with a strong analytical and quantitative background, and offers an unparalleled experience to challenge your perspectives on the way firms and markets operate, and to develop lifelong skills as a talented and innovative student and economist. Combining an exceptional level of analytical training in economics with the more applied scope of a degree. In today’s volatile and unpredictable global order, it has become increasingly important for decision makers in business to have a grounded understanding of the various political, social, economic, technological and environmental drivers of global change. This program focusses on the core concepts for understanding globalization and global change, from the disciplines of international relations, political science, political economy and macroeconomics. It addresses real world problems using historical reflection, conceptual discussion and in-depth case studies. Internee will explore key events that have shaped the evolution of globalization from the 19th century until today. Objective The Economic and Political Development (EPD) concentration equips students with a broad understanding of the processes of economic, political, and social change in the developing world, as well as a more focused competence in specific fields, such as financial inclusion, small business and social enterprise development, corporate social responsibility, gender and development, education or health policy, sustainable development, and post-conflict reconstruction and governance. Through an interdisciplinary package of projects, and practical internships, Internee will gain key skills in policy analysis, program planning, project management, monitoring, and evaluation. Who it’s for The EPD concentration attracts diverse students from PG Level only (From Economics and Political Science) who are committed to fighting inequality between and within countries, eradicating poverty and its causes, and promoting inclusive growth and human development by expanding people’s civil, political, economic, and social rights and freedoms.
The Concentration in Economic and Political Development (EPD) program is a series of two-months Internship on the principles of macroeconomic policy, microeconomic policy, quantitative analysis, and management. Complementing this skills-oriented core sequence of the curriculum are courses designed to broaden and deepen students’ understanding of development economics, the political context of development, and the global economic environment. Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
Research Themes The Krityanand UNESCO club Jamshedpur Post-Graduate Internship on Economic and Political Development (Politics & International Relations) has a broad research base with specialisms across a range of different areas, including political systems and institutions, international relations and international political economy, political theory and philosophy, environmental politics and global governance. We are particularly interested in working across these boundaries and have therefore organized our research output by three broad, interdisciplinary strands: Political Economy and Development, Political Development and Development Economics.
Prerequisites: Students are expected to have basic knowledge in Macroeconomics, Finance, Political Theory and Development, International Relations.
Political Economy
Theme Title and Code
Purpose of the Internship
Duration 30/60/90 Days
Economic Development for International Affairs - (ED01)
To provide an overview of the economics of international development. The key objective is to give students a framework to think about the processes that drive economic development, as well as policies that might promote it.
Advanced Economic Development International Affairs - (ED02)
Focus on the most recent developments related to microfinance (credits, savings and insurance). The course will also include papers at the intersection between behavioral economics and development, with focus on self-control problems.
Economics of Finance - (ED03)
Finance deals with the theory of how households and firms use capital markets to allocate resources over time. The course will equip you with a solid theoretical foundation you can use to evaluate projects, investments and funding decisions. It will further acquaint you with the details of debt, equity and derivatives markets so you can apply your knowledge to practical problems
International Political Economy - (ED04)
An introduction to the politics of international economic relations. We examine the history and institutions of the international political economy and the theories that seek to explain them as well as analyze several political economy issues at once classic and contemporary, such as the sources of economic growth, the origins and consequences of globalization, and causes of and appropriate policy responses to
Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
income inequality. In addition to sampling contemporary writings in the field, we read several classic works, especially on theoretical approaches. Students need not have an extensive background in international economics to complete this course satisfactorily, but those not familiar with basic economic principles will find several sections of the class very challenging. International Finance & Monetary Theory (ED05)
To provide students with the analytic tools necessary to think through "real life" international economic policy situations. The Program is primarily meant for those interested in working at international financial institutions, the foreign-service, Wall Street, or the financial press. Investigate individual themes including exchange rate regimes; BoP crises and contagion; global imbalances and the savings glut; the role of FX in "inflation targeting" regimes; and capital markets and emerging markets finance.
Indian Economy in Transition - (ED06)
To an analytic study of the transformation and devoted to understanding the reforms that are under way or must be undertaken to accelerate growth and poverty reduction. On the macroeconomic front, we will discuss the issues related to fiscal deficit, public debt and the likelihood of a macroeconomic crisis. Special attention will be paid to the external sector reforms including trade liberalization, foreign investment liberalization, capital account convertibility, preferential trade arrangements and multilateral trade negotiations. Among domestic reforms, we will discuss the reform of the tax system, subsidies, agriculture, product and factor markets, infrastructure and social sectors.
Global Economic Policy - (ED07)
Focus on the international capital markets: past, present, and future trends. Theory of dominant currencies and currency areas. The international general equilibrium system. Impediments to global efficiency. International macroeconomic and development policies. Economic and political control of resources and transport. International pollution. World inflation and depression. Control of international business cycle. Global banking complexes. Stability of the Eurodollar market. Evaluation of 20th-century economic experience in the historical perspective of the world economic system. Challenges of the 1970s and prospects for the 1980s.
BRICS & Beyond - How Rising Powers Are Reshaping the World - (ED08)
Through a mix of analytical overview and practical cases, the class will discuss, from a practitioner’s point of view the rise of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China); the strengths and weaknesses of each of the BRICs and will do a comparative analysis of the four countries; several fundamental themes linked to the rise of BRIC:
Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
expansion of the middle class; pressures on commodities; development of capital and investment markets; research and innovation; how countries and international companies position themselves the rise of BRIC; the role of BRICs in the world governance. The goals of this class are to provide students with a solid understanding of the challenges and opportunities arising from the rise of the BRICs and to give them the tools that will help them understand the dynamics at work.
Political Development
Theme Title and Code
Purpose of the Internship
Duration 30/60/90 Days
Political Development in the Developing World - (PD01)
Examine enduring and new debates in political development and their implications for policy and policymaking. Matters of state-society relations, democracy and democratization, how political change occurs, and the role of institutions have been heavily researched and discussed in academia. Those discussions and issues have also shaped policy and policy debates in development, diplomacy and domestic policymaking. Examine many of the traditional issues of political development, such as state-society relations, structure versus agency, democracy, as well as new topics including the growth of identity politics and the implications of the rise of the Global South on politics and democracy.
Multidisciplinary Approaches Development - (PD02)
This Program will provide Internees with a multidisciplinary framework for historical and current debates on development. It will offer students a basic understanding of what constitutes “development� (ends) and how to promote it (means). The initial lecture presents the broad issue of development trends and the multidisciplinary approach, as seen today through the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015.
Political Development - (PDO3)
This program addresses past and new debates in political development, both from an analytical perspective and regarding its implications for policy and policymaking. We will examine State formation and development in non-Western countries, power structures and polity/society relations in developing societies, conventional wisdoms on politics and political institutions, identity in politics, political transitions and democratization, state and administration reforms, violence and security. The
Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
Program will provide participants with conceptual tools and arguments so they better understand and analyze political development both as a historical process and, in the context of the post-colonial era, as a set of international policies. Theory of International Trade - (PD04)
The theory of comparative advantage, the gains form trade, trade and income distribution, international factor mobility, growth and trade.
The International Organizations and United Nations - (PD05)
This Program intends to provide students with a mental map of the international organizations that shape public policy and determine global action at a level beyond the nation state. Such a mapping exercise is useful for all SIPA students, as each of the concentrations and regional specializations requires clarity about the institutions that influence the developments in their area of study, be it the large global structures of the United Nations system or the Bretton Woods framework, regional actors such as the African Union, non-governmental behemoths like World Vision International, or specialized public-private partnerships, exemplified by GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. Insight into the nature and scope of such international organizations is key to understanding the decision making processes affecting economic development, human rights, the environment, international security and social policy.
Russia and the Former Soviet States -(PD06)
Russia has strong geostrategic interests in the region, regarding it as part of its historical sphere of influence. Russia's overarching goals, with the Former State or Caspian states, are to: safeguard Russian territory and protect Russian national populations in the region; gain greater control over the production and transport of energy; limit the influence of external actors in the region, such as the US and China While the 1990s were a time of chaos and the turn of the 21st century was a time of rebuilding for Russia, by the mid-2000s political and security developments in the former Soviet space challenged Russia and led the Kremlin to take a more proactive role in the region. Though Russia has made much headway in expanding its influence and shaping political life in the former Soviet states over the past decade, it still faces many constraints such as potential NATO and EU expansion in its neighborhood.
Theories of International Relations - (PD07)
Theories of International Relations allow us to understand and try to make sense of the world around us through various lenses, each of which represents a different theoretical perspective. In order to consider the field as a whole for beginners it is necessary to simplify IR theory. This chapter does so by situating IR theory on a three-part spectrum of traditional theories, middle-ground theories and critical
Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
theories. The US Foreign Policy- (PD08)
A central function of the U.S. government is to conduct relations with the almost 200 other nations in the world. A nation is a sovereign country, and as such, possesses the highest authority over its territories. All sovereign states are theoretically equal. Foreign policy determines how America conducts relations with other countries. It is designed to further certain goals. It seeks to assure America’s security and defense. It seeks the power to protect and project America’s national interests around the world. National interest shapes foreign policy and covers a wide range of political, economic, military, ideological, and humanitarian concerns. America’s foreign policy has changed over time reflecting the change in its national interest. There was a before 9/11, and there is an after 9/11 US Foreign Policy”.
Development Economics
Theme Title and Code
Purpose of the Internship
Many developing countries suffer from endemic poverty, slow economic growth, unequal distribution of income and wealth, low levels of agricultural and industrial investment, and ineffective government services. Compounding, and partly giving rise to, these problems are shocks emanating from the world economy.
30/60/90 Days
The Economics of Development (ECD) major provides students with the theoretical knowledge, policy awareness, and analytical techniques to tackle many of the key issues facing their countries in respect of economic development and economic policy analysis. The major integrates macroeconomic issues with the underlying microeconomic processes, emphasizing the importance of, on the one hand, the global economic environment and, on the other hand, domestic institutions, regulatory frameworks and socio-economic groups. It pays particular attention to the impact of international and domestic economic issues. This program reviews the most important modern theories of economic growth, and introduces the students to some specific topics in growth and development Plan (subject to change: student are encouraged to propose further topics) Basic Facts Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development
0.1 Introduction to economic growth: key facts 0.2 Differential and difference equations Part 1: Growth Theories 1.1 The Classical theories of Economic Development 1.2 The Modern Theories of Economic Development 1.3 Various Approaches of Development 1.4 Basic models of endogenous growth Part 2: Debates and Advanced Topics 2.1 Inequality and growth: private vs public education 2.2 Urbanization and growth 2.3 Comparative development: culture, geography and growth 2.4 Growth and the environment 2.5 International Aspects of Economic Development
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra, Secretary General, Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur Mob: 927950220 E-mail: knunesco@yahoo.com
January 22, 2019 Jamshedpur, India.
Post-Graduate Internship On Economic and Political Development