Elisabeth Zaruba – Portfolio

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welcome to my design portfolio


corporate design 6 illustration 16 poster design 22 CD-cover design 30 editorial design 36 packaging design 40 stopmotion 48 screen design 54 free work 60


corporate design

your personal corporate design is like ginger tea - people like it or not but it‘s important that YOU adore it!


corporate design

Elisabeth Zaruba Design My own corporate design is based on the initials of my name Elisabeth Zaruba: E and Z. I tried to create a logotype which of course shows my initials and which also includes an abstact shape. By experimenting with those agendas the impression of a digital and abstract heart was created. The colour of the logotype c#0 m#65 k#0 y#0 has a soft apperiance and reflects my personality as a woman and as a young motivated graphic designer. The background shows a modern clean concrete wall which reflects together with the logotype my whole personality. On the one hand I am a human being, soft, with thousands of emotions and feelings and on the other hand I try to self-actualise as a graphic designer. I chose the Agency FB as my personal font because of its modernity and cleanness. The colors are very reduced, clean and minimalistic and together they have a great harmony.


corporate design


Agency FB abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ






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corporate design


corporate design

Entwürfe für das Jerome Weirauch D

Jerome Weirauch

Jerom Weira

Entwürfe für das Jerome Weirauch Design Logo

Jerome Weirauch Design

Vorlage: Vespa-Roller, da großer Vespa-Fan

Initialien J und W sind im Logo enthalten, J Sitz und das Hinterrad

Jerome Weirauch

Jerome Weirauch

Jerome Weirauch

Jerome Weirauch is a young talented graphic designer who loves it Entwürfe to für das Jerome Weirauch Design Logo draw and who‘s big hobby are motorcycles. He loves it to work Jerome Weirauch Design on his motorcycle and also loves it to drive around. This logotype is based on the initials of his name: Jerome Weirauch. Vorlage: Vespa-Roller, da großer Vespa-Fan (besitzt selber eine Vespa) I put these by trying to find the perfeckt shape in form of a motorcycle and so it expresses perfect the personal hobby of Jerome. The logotype is modern, contains his favourite colour and reveals his Initialien J und W sind im Logo enthalten, J bildet den Lenker und das Vord special hobby. The logo is as indiviual as the owner himself. Jerome Jerome



Sitz und das Hinterrad Weirauch

Jerome Weirauch Design Vorlage: Vespa-Roller, da großer Vespa-Fan (besitzt selber eine Vespa)





Jerome Weirauch graphic design Schanzenstraße 35 50679 Köln email: jw-design@gmbh.de Web: www.jw-design.de



Jerome Weirauch graphic design Schanzen ße 35 50679 Köstra ln email: jw-design@g Web: www.jw-desi mbh.de gn.de



what if every illustration becomes real? - that would be freakyhorrorfantastic!


Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung Gregor Samsa is the protagonist of ‚Die Verwandlung‘ by Franz Kafka and he is the one who changes into a beetle. He suffers all the time and always thinks about his family and the shame he brings. The story includes different acts with ups and downs and ends finally with the death of Gregor. In a group of four we had to work with the story, find background information and segment it into several parts. Every member had to choose two scenes and to turn into illustrations. I worked digital with Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. This illustration shows Gregor hiding under the couch. His mother and sister carry all his furnitures away.


Sie räumten ihm sein Zimmer aus; nahmen ihm alles, was ihm lieb war; den Kasten, in dem die Laubsäge und andere Werkzeuge lagen, hatten sie schon hinausgetragen; lockerten jetzt den schon im Boden fest eingegrabenen Schreibtisch, an dem er als Handelsakademiker, als Bürgerschüler, ja sogar als schon als Volksschüler seine Aufgaben geschrieben hatte, da hatte er wirklich keine Zeit meh mehr, die guten Absichten zu prüfen, welche die zwei Frauen hatten, deren Existenz er übrigens fast vergessen hatte, denn vor Erschöpfung arbeiteten sie schon stumm, und man hörte nur das schwere Tappen ihrer Füße.

Sie räumten ihm sein Zimmer aus; nah was ihm lieb war; den Kasten, in dem die L andere Werkzeuge lagen, hatten sie schon hin lockerten jetzt den schon im Boden fest eingegrabenen an dem er als Handelsakademiker, als B ja sogar als schon als Volksschüler seine Aufgaben geschr mehr, die gu da hatte er wirklich keine Zeit meh zu prüfen, welche die zwei Frauen hatten, d er übrigens fast vergessen hatte,19 denn vo


Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung The illustration shows Gregor who climbs as beetle on the wall. His mother and sister are carrying all the furniture out of his room to give him space to creep. He is frightened and doesn‘t want to live in an empty room so that he climbs above the only painting on the wall to hide it with his body and saves it.



poster design

posters rule the world! I can‘t get enough of it - it‘s like a deep breath of cologne in the morning.



poster design

Samy Deluxe This artwork of Samy Deluxe shows himself sitting and looking to the right side. His look is serious like the colours which are used. Different shades of black and grey encourage the dark atmosphere. In his album ‚SchwarzWeiss‘ he talks about contrasts and being proud of yourself on the one hand and being alone in life on the other hand. His topics are that full of contrasts like this poster. Made with charcoal, pencil and acryl colours.


Samy Deluxe


E-WERK, Kรถln 14.04.2012 25

poster design

Kanye West ‚My beautiful dark twisted fantasy‘ by Kanye West delivers deep insight into the human soul and shows us on the one hand really good thoughts with good purposes and on the other hand bad thoughts and spiritual abysses. Those ups and downs I felt like pure light and darkest darkness. So the colours black and white are created. I also wanted to find some kind of abstract forms and shapes and so the abstract creature in the left corner was formed which stands for the darkness and the bad feelings that everybody has. In the right corner the abstract light shapes are connected with the good and positive thoughts that everyone has. Both visuals are in a high contrast to eachother and together with the black background a harmony is created which is also a big topic in the album.


Kanye West My beautiful dark twisted fantasy


poster design

Aids Campaign The message of this campain should be agressive and provocating. So a keyvisual of a sexy woman with a leo-teddy and a provocating gesture was chosen. Her head was cut up right over her lips to make clear, that everbody could have HIV. Nobody is able to notice because of looking into your face if you are infected or not. The text supports the message and says: ‚She wants to feel you, she wants to seduce you, she will take aids in you‘. The message rhymes, which stands symbolic for the playful flirt every one-night-stand starts with. This stylistic feature also stimulates the viewer to think about the message and maybe helps to keep it in mind.



CD-cover design 30


every generation knows CDs but not everybody knows about the art to create that cover stuff!


CD-cover design

Samy Deluxe - SchwarzWeiss The task was to choose a music band or musician who you like and for whom you like to create a CD-cover, booklet and inlay. I chose Samy Deluxe with the album ‚SchwarzWeiss‘ because there was a time in my life that wasn‘t that easy for me but his music helped me to handle with that, it brang me back down to earth. His songs made me feel strong again and the topics of being proud of yourself and carrying on helped me to find myself again. For practise it was only allowed to use Adobe Illustrator to create the illustrations.




Schau mich an ich bin SchwarzWeiss Gegensätze ziehn‘ sich an, das wusst‘ ich seit Tag 1 Hätte mein Papa damals meine Mama nach nem Date gefragt Und sie hätte gesagt: „Nein“ Dann würd ich nicht da sein Und das ist die Wahrheit Doch sie sagte „Ja“ Und hier bin ich in SchwarzWeiss Und ich bin so dankbar für dieses Leben zwischen den Stühlen Troz so vielen gemischten Gefühln‘

SAMY DELUXE SchwarzWeiss Eines Tages, werd ich wieder glücklich, weil Ich weiß Irgenwann wirds besser sein Eines Tages Wird mein Traum zur Wirklichkeit Und ich bin endlich mit mir selbst im Rein‘ Eines Tages werd ich wieder glücklich, weil Ich weiß Irgendwann wirds besser sein Eines Tages, oh eines Tages

Hör ich lieber auf mein Ego Oder doch auf meine Seele Ich hör Stimmen mit mir reden So als ob ich Schizophren bin Sie sind selten einer Meinung Und erschweren mir so Entscheidungen Und ich fühl mich so allein und hilflos Im Kampf gegen mein Ego


editorial design 36

e-d-i-t-o-r-i-a-l extra

re-creation inspiring original love daily


abstract interesting


editorial design

Table decoration In a team of five we had to create a fictional customer magazine for the gastronomy DINEA. We needed to research other competitive firms and their customer magazines. We splitted the magazine in different categories like ‚table decoration‘, ‚recipes‘ or ‚coupons‘ so that every member of our team had to create at least two double pages. I chose the categories ‚table decoration‘ and ‚coupons‘. I wanted to show a beautiful double page of nice inspirations for the customers with soft colours which fit perfect to the spring. Soft lines and inspiring colourful pictures should offer a mood of positive emotions.




Die perfekte Tischdekoration für den Sommer



Platzsets aus Filz mit einem floralen Muster lassen alles noch freundlicher wirken

Frische Blumen gehören immer auf den sommerlich geschmückten Tisch

Wie Sie auf Ihren Esstisch eine zarte Sommeratmosphäre zaubern Der Sommer bringt uns viel Sonne und erfreut uns mit strahlenden Farben. Deshalb heißen wir den Sommer mit einer leuchtenden Sommer Tischdekoration herzlich willkommen. Die freundlichen Sommer Servietten, Sommer Accessoires und Sommer Kerzen, bieten alles für ein unvergessliches Sommerfest und jede Grillparty.

Farbenfrohe Vasen runden den Farbklecks der Blumen hervorragend ab

Kleine Teelichter passen zu jeder Stimmung und erhellen den Tisch bei der Abenddämmerung.

Auch frisches Obst ist ein gern gesehener Tisch-Begleiter. Ausgewählte Früchte lassen sich auch perfekt als Farbklecks auf den Tellern der Gäste drapieren.

Eine Obstschale darf natürlich nicht fehlen: futuristische und ungewöhnliche Formen sind echte Blickfänger!


Sie finden diese Produkte interessant und möchten sie Ihr eigen nennen? Kein Problem in der Haushaltsabteilung von Galeria Kaufhof finden Sie alle.



packaging design 40

designing packagings is love. feel the freedom to decide on your own. it‘s love. xxxxxxxxxx

* 41

packaging design idea t-bud is a tea for relaxing. a tea that helps stressed women with calming down. a tea, that makes the moments of relaxing more beautiful and that is especially designed for it. a tea, that makes the relaxing in a hot bubblebath perfect. a tea, that brings the women back to the nature and shows the variety and beauty of it. a tea, that supports you by experimenting with creative thoughts. a tea, that accompanys you with your most private thoughts and emotions. the composition of these different sorts of tea is laid out that they calm you down and that you are able to breath deeply and to forget your everyday stress.

t-bud The main packaging is on the left side of the next double page and shows the ‚t-bud starterpack‘. In there are the four different varieties of t-bud: being in your herbary, taking a bubblebath, calling your man, viewing old pictures. Every sort of tea has different ingredients and fit because of that perfect to those or similar situations. In this project one needed to create a tea packaging, posters and a small booklet with informations for the customers.


t-b relax.

bud t-bud drink t-bud. relax. drink t-bud.





packaging design

Madame Coco Coconut water is healthy, isotonic, young, modern, with low calories and betters your hair, skin and healthy feeling. Madame coco is created for the modern urban woman who has a full and enjoyable life. She loves living in the city and loves it to spend time with other inspiring people. She works hard and motivates herself with doing sports. Working, eating with friends, dancing in the hottest clubs are her thing and madame coco is that individual as her. Madame coco supports her in her daily life and helps her living a healthy life. We had to create a packaging for coconut water. The conceptional approach was left to us and so I decided to present a coconut water for the ambitious and independent urban woman.



stop motion 48

three creative girls, a camera and plasticine. what happens? a cute stopmotion video with cookies and milk! mhhhhh yummie!




Apocalypse in a cookie jar In a group of three we needed to create a short film, animation or stopmotion movie to show our agenda of the end of the world. We decided to take the small world of cookies who live in a cookiejar. They are all happy, have some fun when suddenly big human hands grap into the jar to kidnap a few cookies. The other cookies don‘t know what happens. The kidnapped cookies are taken in a big cup of milk and they get killed by eating them. You can watch the video on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69tqEZTkH4g





screen design 54

the world of the world wide web... it‘s so wide... it‘s the world...


what do I want more?


screen design

Cupcake Couture In a group of two we got the topic ‚cupcake‘ and we had to create a screen design with our agenda. First we needed to decide how we can integrate this topic so we thought about creating a connection between cupcakes and fashion. Then we had the idea to create a fictional fashionlabel which name is ‚cupcake couture‘. It has a logo with a cupcake and the labels (on clothes) have the shape of a cupcake too. The fashion is very feminine and elegant and so is the website.



screen design

Cubixone Cubixone is a musician living and studying ‚urban and electronic music‘ in Southampton. His music belongs to the techno genre but there are also influences of instrumental Hip Hop and Dubstep. Every little sound he creates on his own with different sorts of objects and so he has to work very creative. He describes his music as melodic, harnomic, melancholic and psychedelic. In a group of five we had to create a website for a real client so we chose Cubixone. We had several meetings to brainstorm, talk about the layout and how we can turn the input of the musician into our ideas. One of my contributions was to programme the music player so that the songs of Cubixone can be directly played on the website.



free work 60

‚hello, once I was just a picture of a building‘


free work

I‘m really interested in architecture and the different styles of buildings in a city. Old and modern buildings are side by side and especially in Düsseldorf the Medienhafen was really inspiring to me. First I wanted to arrange a modern booklet of the Medienhafen with interesting facts about it, a bit of its history and of course with many pictures. So I spent a lot of time there taking pictures, looking around, seeing more and more of its beauty and of the different buildings. A lot of pictures developed but then I saw that the shape of the roof of the buildings together. That was so expressive and full of structures that I decided so experiment with those shapes. Abstract and dramatically arranged forms were created digital without saying ‚hello, once I was just a picture of a building‘.





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