Richard Lutz – Portfolio

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Richard Lutz graphic design Portfolio 2013














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HI MY NAME IS... Welcome to my freshly released 2013 Graphic Design portfolio. Due to the fact that I am finishing my studies at the Cologne Design Academy in August this year, I plan to continue my Graphic Design studies at Middlesex University in London. Since I was a little child I have loved creating things, so making this hobby to my profession means quite a lot to me. Driven by the craving for improving my skills and know-how as well as the quality of my work, I keep demanding a lot of myself in difficult projects and accept every upcoming challange. So have fun while browsing my portfolio! with best regards ...RICHARD LUTZ

If you like you can discover some more work on my social network profiles!



STRW4 CD LAYOUT In the 3rd semester we were asked to create concert posters for musicians of our choice. For one of these posters I have chosen the rap artist Alligatoah, who was more or less an insiders‘ tip amongst rap friends at that time. Finishing my work and the project, I showed him the final poster and approving my well-designed layouts, he let me do the one for his upcoming Best-Of-Album „Schlaftabletten & Rotwein 4“.





SATIRE NEWSPAPER This project is about a creative handling of the topic „dictators“ and also belongs to my work from the 3rd semester. At this time I took great interest in satire articles, especially from several online blogs. Due to the fact that it‘s a great way to ridicule something on the one hand and deal with a complex subject on the other hand simultaneously, I decided to create my own satire newspaper. I really had to do a lot of research and so I read tons of articles about the madest men in the world. Finishing my list of

dictators and furthermore persons of influence, I started to write the texts and believe me when I say that this task was really challenging. At least I know now that writing is none of my inborn talents. Finally finishing the texts, I added theme fitting typography and selfmade photo compositions to underline my statements also visually.





PHOTOGRAPHY In this project from the 4th semester we had to spend some thoughts on the topic „change“ and depict these in photographies. My group mate – Luca Mazet – and I intended to do something big caused on the possibility to test our new camera equipment. The basic idea was to get a feeling for how to use flashes in non-studio situations. So we had to combine two main aspects: On the one hand a quite technical experiment, on the other hand our creative idea on the topic „change“, where we wanted to portray people making bad choices or wrong decisions, changing their lives to the worst. On the first picture you can see a young actor destroying his own career by having a baby after an unwanted pregnancy. On the next picture you can see an ambitious student, forced


to make money on the easy way, because neither her parents, nor the state help her to finance her studies. Andrej is the next one on our list. A selfmade business man, who recently lost everything by making a wrong deal. Coming to a poker player in the next photography, who kept playing poker with some guys that will lend you money troublefree at any time, as long as you pay it back to them, when they demand it. Last but not least: A painter, who couldn‘t stand the constant condition of being broke anymore.





EINMIXTAPE CD LAYOUT Again a rapper from the depths of the German rap scene, where he is well known for rough battleraps and his very own style. Based on that I decided to choose him for a project I did during the 4th semester – a jewel case design with switchable front cover, just as the consumer wants to have it. I picked out some of his more mainstream compatible songs and put them together in one, fictive mixtape. Having a look at his former cover designs, which in fact all look like if someone did a five-minute Microsoft Paint job, I decided to raise the bar a bit doing a vector based illustration. The design is totally inspired by his music and shall reflect what he stands for.




PACKAGE DESIGN Due to the fact that presidential elections in the United States of America always tend to be like a big mudwrestling event, I had a great topic for a Package Design in the 4th semester. I wanted it to be truely American, so that every Republican would appreciate it. Last year I had the impression that the Republicans are more into crap than the Democrats. So this just had to deal a blow to Romney. From now on he sells – besides his real elephant styled merchandise, some nice-looking, good-tasting burger flavor cookies. I guess real Americans probably like both: burgers and cookies. For the great look, I illustrated Romney himself and the burger cookies, to finally combine both with some typical Republican symbols in my design.




PHOTOGRAPHY JOURNEY In summer 2012 I was given the great pleasure to be invited to Greece, accompanied by a good friend of mine. One thing was clear to me, right from the beginning: I am definitely not going without my camera! After arriving we first of all discovered Athens, continuing our journey with travelling through big parts of the southern country. Athens itself is a really great city offering a lot to visitors, but the rest of the country has huge advantages as well. We went to small and idyllic fishing villages, climbed the highest mountains by car, just to take a relaxed downhill walk on the other side and went swimming at probably one of the nicest beaches ever. This country really doesn‘t deserve all the bad media coverage caused by Euro Crisis.




PHOTO MANIPULATION I have had this picture on my harddisk for a while, before somebody someday came up with the idea to put this really huge dinosaur behind that little belle. At first it was just for fun, but the more time I spent with the work on this picture, the greater it got. I guess finding the right stock material took about as much as time fitting them all together. However I wanted this work to be on a higher quality level than my previous photo manipulation projects, so time didn‘t matter at all. The next picture is already in the making and it shall again be a step forward regarding quality.





MÜLHEIM MASKULIN This one is without any doubts one of my most favourite projects ever. The whole idea grew in our minds over half a year, before I started creating anything. It began in a very funny and interesting talk with a drunken stranger I met that night in our city quarter: Mülheim. I need to say that this quarter still doesn‘t have the be st reputation, but nevertheless we do feel very comfy here. Due to that, we wanted to do a sort of reputation upgrade, creating our own Mülheim brand. We – my roommate and I – are planning to print several selfmade designs on clothes and spread them all over Cologne, starting with people in our environment. Until now we got great feedback and support and there will be more cool stuff coming up. But you should‘t be too serious about what we‘re doing, because not even we are – it‘ll be staying a fun project with friends.




NOBBY / GOFUS / KRETZSCHE In the following you will find several logo designs I created during my internship at the advertising agency WANT in Cologne. The two CEOs have many contacts to the golf scene, where some more or less famous celebrities constantly arrange charitable tournaments. The first logo is for Norbert Dickel, who was a former soccer player for the city Dortmund and who still supports his club nowadays. The little guy in the yellow circle is a simplified portrait of him after scoring an important goal in ‘89. On the right hand side you see the logo for GOFUS, which stands for Golf & Fussball, a charity golf club that makes business men and former sportsmen donate money while playing golf. The logo was made for one of their own tournaments and should positively affect the look of it. The last one is my favourite! Stefan Kretschmar is a popular former national and olympic handball player, who nowadays spends parts of his time to collect money from people who can afford to donate some. After finishing the logo design, one of my CEOs and me continued with the creation of the invitational and some other goodies.




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KALTE SPEISEN Salatbuffet mit Gurken, Tomaten, Paprika, Blattsalaten, Hirtenkäse, Oliven und Joghurtdressing Hausgemachter Kartoffelsalat Salat von grünen Bohnen mit getrockneten Tomaten und roten Zwiebeln

Wir bedanken uns bei allen partneRn für die unterstützung.






Sambucca Bier, Flaschenbiere

Marinierte Nackensteaks


Putenschaschlyk mit Paprika und Zwiebeln

Alkoholfreie Getränke

Kleine Frikadellen


Schafskäse mit Kräutern und Tomate in Folie

Weißwein, Rotwein

Ofenkartoffel mit Kräuterquark Zucchini, Pilze und Paprika mit Rosmarin in Folie


-leben Technik!

Sahnemeerrettich, Kräuterbutter, verschiedene BBQ Saucen und Senf


DESSERT Rhabarber-Erdbeergrütze mit Ingwer und Vanillesauce Obstkorb

28.03.13 16:57

RZ Kretzsche Inv Menue Bastei 130328.indd 4-5

28.03.13 16:58

RZ Kretzsche Inv Menue Penta 130328.indd 2-3

Wir bedanken uns bei allen partneRn für die unterstützung.


-leben Technik!

24. – 26. M a i 2013 Golf & Poke r i n L e i pzi g

SPORT ALMANACH VERANSTALTER: Golf & Eventagentur Witten, Thomas Grünewald, Hüllbergweg 8, 58454 Witten Tel.: +49 (0) 2302 / 96 49 - 01, Fax: - 00, Mobil: +49 (0) 172 / 60 30 300, Mail:

– persönliche Einladung –

RZ Kretzsche Inv Einladung 130328.indd 1-3

28.03.13 16:47

19.30 Uhr 20.30 Uhr 21.00 Uhr 22.00 Uhr ab 23.00 Uhr

Liebe Freunde des Sports mit der kleinen weißen Kugel, erstmalig findet in diesem Jahr das KRETZSCHE INVITATIONAL 2013 statt – hierzu möchten wir Euch herzlich begrüßen. Wir wollen mit Euch Spaß und Spannung an zwei ereignisreichen Tagen haben. Wir starten am 24.05.2013 mit einer Pokernacht in der Moritz Bastei mitten in Leipzig. Mitspielen können alle – ob Anfänger, Amateure oder Profis. An 6 Tischen könnt Ihr Euer Glück versuchen. Auch das Tanzbein wird bereits am Freitag schon geschwungen. Musik vom Plattenteller wird uns einheizen. Den Absacker genießen wir im Pentahotel, welches auch gleichzeitig unser Partner der Veranstaltung ist.

Samstagmorgen starten wir mit einem Frühstück auf der Golfanlage Machern, bevor dann um 11.00 Uhr das Turnier beginnt. Wer möchte und sich richtig vorbereiten will, ist herzlich zur Proberunde am Freitag auf dem Golfplatz Machern eingeladen. Viele Aktionen auf dem Golfplatz warten auf Euch und der Sundowner nach der Runde gibt noch mal die Möglichkeit, über die Ereignisse des Tages zu sprechen. Am Abend startet dann die Flower-Power-Party mit Livemusik im Pentahotel. Also, freut Euch auf das KRETZSCHE INVITATIONAL 2013 in Leipzig und schon heute wünschen wir Euch eine gute Anreise, Glück beim Pokern und ein „Schönes Spiel!“.




Individuelle Anreise der Teilnehmer Beginn der Einspielrunde (Selbstbucher: GCC Leipzig, T +49 (0) 342 / 926 80 39) „Check in“ im Hotel Moritz Bastei Begrüßung /Get-together und Kurzeinführung in die Pokernacht Eröffnung Barbecue Interview mit Kretzsche und weiteren Sportlern Beginn der Pokernacht Disco Shuttleservice zum Hotel (5 Min)

Inmitten der idyllischen Landschaft des Muldentals bietet der Golf & Country Club Leipzig eine Golfanlage, die durch ihre ausgewogene Symbiose zwischen Golf und Natur einen besonders hohen Freizeit- und Erholungswert bereithält. Nur etwa zwanzig Autominuten von Leipzigs Zentrum entfernt erfüllen sich die Träume der Golfer und Naturliebhaber.

Gespielt wird nach den offiziellen Golfregeln (einschließlich Amateurstatus) des deutschen Golf Verbandes mit den gültigen Platzregeln des gastgebenden Golf-Clubs. Evtl. notwendige Sonderplatzregeln werden durch Aushang bekannt gegeben. Das Turnier ist nicht vorgabenwirksam.

Moritz Bastei Universitätsstraße 9, 04109 Leipzig Tel.: +49 (0) 341 / 702 59 - 0, Fax: - 59 Mail:

Auf dem 80 Hektar großen Areal erstrecken sich zwischen dichten Waldgebieten die anspruchsvolle 18-Loch Anlage und der 6-Loch-Kurzplatz. Die Spielbahnen fügen sich harmonisch in das leicht hügelige Gelände ein und sind für Golfer jeder Spielstärke eine Herausforderung. Taktisch gut platzierte Bunker, Wasserhindernisse und Feuchtbiotope stehen für fast grenzenloses Spielvergnügen.


Die 18-Loch-Anlage mit ihren engen Par 3 bis Par 5 Spielbahnen erfordert präzises Spiel. Das anspruchsvolle Platzdesign hält auf 6.146 m für Herren und 5.047 m für Damen abwechslungsreiche Spielbahnen mit taktisch gut platzierten Bunkern, Wasserhindernissen und Feuchtbiotopen sowie gut verteidigten, ondulierten Grüns bereit.


SAMSTAG // 25. MAI 2013 ab 09.00 Uhr ab 09.30 Uhr 11.00 Uhr ab 15.00 Uhr 19.00 Uhr 19.30 Uhr 21.00 Uhr ab 23.00 Uhr

GCC Leipzig Begrüßung auf der Golfanlage, Ausgabe der Scorekarten und Teegeschenke Einspielen auf der Drivingrange Turnierstart /Kanonenstart Sundowner auf der Terrasse des Golfclubs Pentahotel Begrüßungscocktail Offizielle Begrüßung durch den Moderator und Eröffnung des Buffets Tombola und der DJ legt auf zur Flower-Power-Party Shuttleservice zum Hotel (5 Min)

Herzlichst Euer

SONNTAG // 26.05.2013 Individuelle Abreise

• •

Schnurturnier/Stableford Jeder Teilnehmer erhält vor dem Start 3 m Schnur zu 20€ 1. Brutto – getrennt Damen und Herren 1., 2. und 3. Netto in den Klassen A, B und C

Nearest to the Pin und Longest Drive (getrennt nach Damen und Herren) Weitere Sonderwertungen Teamwertung 1., 2. und 3. Netto gesamt (die Spielpaarungen werden vor dem Start gelost)

SAMSTAG // GolfTURNIER Golf & Country Club Leipzig im Golfresort Machern Pehritzscher Weg, 04827 Machern Tel.: +49 (0) 342 / 926 80 39 Mail:

SAMSTAG // HOTEL & FLOWER-POWER-PARTY Pentahotel Leipzig Großer Brockhaus 3, 04103 Leipzig Tel.: +49 (0) 341 / 12 92 - 0, Fax: - 800 Mail:


Get-together in der Moritz Bastei: sportlich elegant Flower-Power-Party: Verkleidung erwünscht


Stefan Kretzschmar

Alle Zeiten ohne Gewähr. Aus ablauftechtnischen Gründen können sich ggf. zeitliche Verschiebungen ergeben.

• •

Samstag, den 25.05.2013 Startzeit 11.00 Uhr als Kanonenstart

SPIELLEITUNG Entscheidungen der Spielleitung sind endgültig.



ab 15.00 Uhr 19.00 Uhr

FREITAG // 24. MAI 2013

Foto: für FOOOORE

11.00 Uhr

Das Wettspiel ist mit Abschluss der Siegerehrung bzw. mit Veröffentlichung der vollständigen Ergebnisliste beendet.

RZ Kretzsche Inv Einladung 130328.indd 4-6

28.03.13 16:47



Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed the little journey through this selection of my projects. Richard Lutz Cologne Germany mail phone +49 (0) 1778521874 Goodbye and feel free to contact me!



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