2 minute read

Ultimate New Job

The Definitive Guide to Surviving and Thriving As A New Starter

Edition: 1 Date: 03/03/2012 Price: £14.99 ISBN Paperback: 9780749464097 ISBN Ebook: 9780749464844 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 242x168 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking « Covers every aspect of starting a new job or internship, tackling the top 15 questions that people ask when starting a new position « Includes essential advice, such as managing a difficult new boss and managing your image « Provides extra material available on The CV Centre’s website, offering interactivity, forums and a video blog


How long do you stay in each job? Millions of us change roles on average every three years. A nation of job-hoppers, every promotion or change presents the same issues and worries and there’s no getting away from those first day nerves. Ultimate New Job will prepare you for the toughest few months of your life, when fitting in is everything and first impressions count. Covering every aspect of starting a new job or internship, it tackles the top fifteen questions that people ask when starting a new position, from handling the offer and resigning from your current post, to researching the organisation, networking and finding your place within the team. With realistic, practical advice, Ultimate New Job tackles all of your concerns head on, making your first weeks and months as smooth a transition as possible - for you and your new employer.

Author Information

James Innes is an accomplished author and the Founder and Managing Director of The CV Centre - the UK’s leading CV consultancy. Following more than a decade of experience heading up The CV Centre, James is widely considered to be one of the UK’s leading careers experts. Visit his website at: http:// www.ineedacv.co.uk/.

Table of Contents


1 A new job

1 Handling the offer 2 Leaving your last job 3 Being prepared

2 The first week

3 D-Day – your first day 4 Understanding your purpose 5 Knowledge is power

3 The people

4 Managing your new boss 5 Finding your place within the team 6 Handling your subordinates 7 Networking and socialising

4 The learning curve

5 Planning and organisation 6 Time management 7 Communication 8 Writing skills 9 Presentations 10 Meetings 11 Remote working 12 Working abroad

5 Coping with problems

6 Dealing with difficult people 7 Handling office politics 8 Pressure and stress 9 Coping with change at work 10 Imposing change at work 11 Feel like jumping ship?

6 Onwards and upwards

7 Training 8 Performance appraisals 9 Time for a pay rise? 10 Getting promoted 11 Moving on

7 My five top tips to survive and thrive in your new job

8 Survive and thrive

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