1. Suitable Human Resources 1.1. Introduction Some argue that human resources professionals are late-adopters when it comes to anything technology related, including social media. But the popularity and possibilities that social recruiting have brought to the profession are causing HR pros to take notice. While part of HR’s role is to mitigate legal risks, another very large component is to help support and cultivate the corporate culture. As social media becomes more defined in the business world, human resources professionals will have a significant opportunity to leverage this powerful medium in many aspects of the business. So when it comes to implementing a social media strategy while having no clue of how to do so, isn’t it a good idea to find or train the most suitable people for the job? If you want to use your existing employees as social media marketers, it is fine because they already know the product better than any other external associates but shouldn’t they be eqquiped with the additional knowledge of how to advertise and promote yourself online? If you feel like outsourcing, you should pick the the best professionals associated with social media. It is a good idea to know what are the best criteria that will make you select the most suitable agency of freelance professional. The aspect you might have not thought about, is finding new employees for the vacancies that come up in your company and not for your social media campaign, using the digital channels. How can you do that without being misled or lost in that huge number of potential new recruits. Keep reading to find out how.