3rd Year Advance Engineering : Catapults

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ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


ADVANCED ENGINEERING 3: TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION AUTHORS Wenray Wang - Technical Manager Isobel James - Team Leader Matheesha Gunaratne - Content Researcher John Mai - Content Researcher Lasath Siriwardena - Design Director

Š 2013


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A big thanks to John Currie for guiding us through this semester. Your support, sound advice and encouragement really helped shape our final project. We’d also like to thank our client teacher Ms Konstantopoulos, whose passion for teaching greatly motivated us throughout the semester. Finally, thanks to the University of Sydney for providing the fantastic Advanced Engineering course.

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


ABSTRACT What is engineering? How do students view engineering? In the 3rd Year 2013 Advanced Engineering Course we set out to change the preconceived notions of engineering in school students. This was a difficult task to undertake, however as a group the consensus was for the students and ourselves to have as much fun as possible. With this in mind, we were determined to provide students with a better understanding of engineering. The Year 10s at Normanhurst Boys’ High School had just commenced the semester studying energy and motion, and in particular Newton’s laws of motion. Several different approaches on how to teach the curriculum and engineering were considered, and it was decided to use catapults as the main teaching tool, as it would be a fun and engaging link to the syllabus. Over three lessons, the students were exposed to basic theory, practical demonstrations and a design and construct catapult competition which motivated the students and allow them to experience first-hand the skills required in engineering. The semester was invaluable in learning how to educate and motivate students and ourselves, as well as learning how to interact with a real client.


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3




The Syllabus




Creativity in Learning


Team Roles and responsibilities




Initial Proposal Comparisons


Selection Criteria




Lesson 1 - Excite


Lesson 2 – Engage


Lesson 3 – Empower




Time 21 Class Management


Improvements 24 Client Management























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The School Our client school this semester was Normanhurst Boys’ High School, a selective public school in north-west Sydney. Our client teacher, and source of contact was Ms Athena Konstantopoulos. We arranged to assist in teaching a Year 10 science class over the course of three weeks. The early stages of the project consisted of meeting with Ms Konstantopoulos and discussing the curriculum, progress of the class and potential topics to cover with the students.

The Syllabus The Year 10 Students at Normanhurst Boys’ studied physics as part this semester, as outlined by the following content descriptions - a student: “Applies models, theories and laws to explain situations involving energy, force and motion” And “Explains how scientific understanding about energy conservation, transfers and transformations is applied in systems” (Board of Studies, 2013) These two descriptions fall under the category of Science Understanding in the Year 10 NSW Syllabus. Furthermore, looking at the science skills to be developed, the following outcomes are listed (See Appendix A for full descriptions of course outcomes): •   Questioning and Predicting •   Planning and Conducting •   Experimental investigation •   Processing and analysing data and information •   Critical evaluation •   Communicating From the outcomes, it is apparent that the scientific method and learning processes are almost identical to those in engineering. This is expected given the similarities between engineering and science, yet this relation is barely covered in the curriculum. Even though there is an outcome which communicates that ‘a student shows a willingness to engage in finding solutions to science-related personal, social and global issues, including shaping sustainable futures’, the link to engineering and other careers is unfortunately lacking. (Board of Studies 2013) It is therefore unsurprising that when approached with the question, ‘What is engineering’, students are uncertain on how to answer.

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


OUR AIM As a group, we approached the Advanced Engineering course with an open mind, and from the beginning, it was clear to us that our main aim would be for the students and ourselves to: Have Fun! We believe students are much more responsive to learning in a creative, fun and engaging environment and hence we coupled this aim with the briefs given to us by both John Currie and our client teacher Mrs Konstantopoulos. Advanced Engineering Brief: “To promote engineering to students by engaging them in a practical activity relating to the science curriculum.” Teacher Brief: “To assist the students with learning the core content covering Newton’s Laws” With all this in mind, we sought to strike a balance in our classes and create a project that would be fun and engaging, cover the syllabus, and allow the students to form a basic understanding of engineering at university and as a career path.

Creativity in Learning As a group, it was our desire to develop a creative teaching approach rather than a very rigorous curriculum based approach, in order to fulfill our aim. In fact, neuroscience research has already shown that by employing teaching methods which generate a social and emotional reaction greatly increases the motivation to learn and solve problems. (Schwartz, 2013) Neuroimaging has shown that the neural areas associated with feeling and emotion are the same areas which are utilised for creative thinking. (Schwartz, 2013) Hence, for fields where creative problem solving is fundamental such as engineering or science, it is easy to conclude that alternate teaching techniques should be used in conjunction with regular schemes. Moreover, these social and emotional skills are essential to performing well in a future workplace environment.


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

From left to right: Wenray, Lasath, John, Matheesha and Isobel

Team Roles and responsibilities Our group was built around the team roles as listed in Table 1. Throughout the course of the project, the following team roles evolved naturally, with each person working to their own strengths. Each group member also assisted in answering student questions in class, giving advice to students, and helping each lesson run smoothly. Table 1: Roles and responsibilities of each group member Member Role Isobel James Responsible for organising and overseeing the running of the entire project. Helped delegate and schedule tasks and lessons, and aided in the theoretical aspects of the lessons. Lasath Siriwardena Responsible for the creative design elements of the project. Formatted worksheets, information handouts and PowerPoint presentations. Also coordinated with client teacher and aided in photography and film components of the project. Matheesha Gunaratne Responsible for lesson planning and lesson content. Produced worksheet, helped with theoretical and practical demonstration aspects of lessons and liaised with client teacher. John Mai Responsible for teaching Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Responsible for ensuring the curriculum was covered throughout the program. Wenray Wang Responsible for the technical elements of the project. Designed and constructed the laser-cut catapults and also assisted in teaching theoretical and practical components. ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3




ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

Our client teacher presented us with two options for different lessons.

Proposal 1: Trebuchets and Catapults

1. Teaching ‘Light’ to Year 9 students

The main aim of this project is to describe the action of forces using simple machines. This would be achieved by using the concepts of lever arms, Newton’s laws, momentum and potential energy. To demonstrate these concepts, we would conduct a series of demonstrations and competitions involving small-scale, student built catapults and/or trebuchets.

2. Teaching ‘Moving About’ (Newton’s Laws) to Year 10 students. To help ensure that we stay true to the aim and our client briefs we produced parameters to help us generate our initial proposals. The group decided to focus on the three projects that we felt most confident and adhered with our aim. The key constraints were:

Practicality •   Can the project be completed in the set time limit? •   Can the materials required be obtained?

Content Covered •   Is the core content from NSW Syllabus covered?

•   Does the project emphasise engineering principles (teamwork, project management, problem solving, construction)? •   Does it relate to being an engineer and engineering disciplines?

This project focuses on light and reflecting it through different mediums. The project is comprised of two sections. The first involves students obtaining a general understanding about light and its reflecting/refracting nature through playing an online game (http://games. erdener.org/laser/). The second part of the project involves students dividing into groups and competing against other groups in a maze time trial. The maze involves reflecting and refracting a source of light to an end goal. They will be using an array of mirrors, refracting prisms and concave/ convex glasses to reach the end point.

Proposal 3: Camera Obscura Appeal

Engineering Disciplines

Proposal 2: Light and Reflection

•   Will the project engage and excite students to learn?

Safety •   Will it cause potential harm to the students?

The objective of the camera obscura project is to teach students light and reflection in relation to the engineering mechanics of a camera. The project would require students to produce an array of different cameras. The initial camera would be a classroom sized camera obscura, teaching students about the basics of light and the virtual image. The next camera to be introduced would be a pinhole camera. Here the emphasis would be to further develop the students’ understanding of the behaviour of light through a more hands on approach than the camera obscura. Additionally there is the potential to teach students the chemical aspects of developing film. The final camera in this project would be a Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) Camera. This would require students to construct a TLR using a Do-it-Yourself kit, involving the students learning about engineering mechanisms of a camera as well as experimenting with concave and convex lenses and learning further about the reflection of light.

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Initial Proposal Comparisons

Trebuchets and Catapults Advantages Practicality •   Catapults are a quick and easy build •   Materials can be easily sourced

Engineering Principles •   Teaches basic construction •   Encourages teamwork

Disadvantages •   Trebuchets more difficult to construct under a limited time •   Trebuchets requires more time and effort to function properly

•   Lack of connection to all engineering disciplines such as electrical and chemical

•   Encourages time management •   Design aspect requires creative problem solving skills Content Covered •   Covers core Stage 5 syllabus content in regards to Newton’s Laws •   Has potential to cover even more complex physics

•   Content covered may be too complex for adequate information retention by the students.

Appeal •   Easily excite and engage students •   Group work construction can lead through competition and the to some members missing out on production of siege weapons various aspects of the project Safety •   Safety issues easily predicted and dealt with •   Potential for students to cause harm to one another •   Potential for students to break school property


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Light and Reflection Advantages Practicality •   All resources can be found at client school •   Very time efficient project Engineering Principles •   High emphasis on problem solving and time management Content Covered •   Covers most of the basic concepts of light Appeal •   Time trial competition between group should keep students engaged and excited

Disadvantages •   Online game requires access to computers

•   Lack of connection to all engineering disciplines •   Focuses only on an optional topic in Stage 5 Syllabus •   Repetitive nature of competition can lead to loss of interest

•   Online game will also keep students engaged Safety •   Low risk project

•   Students being blinded by lasers if used as source of light

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Camera Obscura Advantages Disadvantages Practicality •   All resources are easy to source and acquire •   Making DIY TLR’s is time consuming unless some components pre-assembled Engineering Principles •   Covers a number of disciplines from •   Does not involve a great deal of teamwork Mechanical to Chemical Engineering •   Lack of connection to all engineering disciplines

Content Covered •   Provides a precursor for HSC Physics •   Covers most of the basic concepts of Light and Reflections Appeal •   Students would be engaged by the novelty of the camera obscura and the developing of the film Safety •   Low risk project


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

•   Focuses only on an optional topic in Stage 5 Syllabus

•   Assembly of the cameras may exclude group members

•   If film is developed and processed at school by students, darkroom chemicals must be adequately ventilated as fumes are toxic

Selection Criteria In the selection of the final design, each proposal was assessed in relation to the objective constraint (marked out of 10). The results were tabulated and summated to produce a final score. The option with the highest score was the design we chose to pursue. The submitted Initial Proposal sent to our clients can be found in Appendix B.


Camera Obscura

Light and Reflection

Trebuchets and Catapults





Engineering Principles




Content Covered
















Camera Obscura

Light and Reflections

Catapult and Trebuchets










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ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

The main aim of our project was to ensure that the students had fun while learning about engineering and science. This simple aim was the focus of our final proposal, although we also took into account both the client teachers brief to teach Newton’s three laws, and the university’s brief to encourage students to consider engineering. The catapult project was the most appropriate proposal and was chosen from the initial three options to be developed further. We created a set of three lesson goals, to excite, engage and empower the students. In each lesson one of these goals was chosen to be the focus, and we constructed our lesson plans around these aims.

Lesson 1 - Excite Aim: To excite the students about engineering. In order to get the students excited about engineering and Newton’s three laws, a range of interactive and stimulating teaching techniques were used. This consisted of a mixture of multimedia, presentations and live demonstrations which kept the students focused and interacting with the content. We predicted that student concentration would fall sharply after the first ten to fifteen minutes of lecturing, and hence in our lesson plan we aimed to keep the segments of continuous teaching less than five minutes long, punctuated with questions and class interactions. Engineering Presentation: 8:55 – 9:05AM 1. Question: The class commenced with a question: “What is Engineering?” Students were encouraged to think of the first word that came to mind. The predominant response was buildings, with bridges and construction also mentioned. 2. Multimedia: This was followed this with two videos on engineering, the first for a touch of humour “The Knack” and the second to inspire them “Theo Jansen’s Strand Beasts”. 3. Examples: A presentation was given on the different engineering disciplines and examples of various amazing engineering feats.

One of Theo Jansen’s ‘Strand Beasts’, to inspire the students (No Captions Needed 2011)

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Newton’s Laws Presentation: 9:05 – 9:25AM 1. Presentation: A presentation was given on Newtons first, second and third laws, with frequent real world examples to help the students connect the theory with their experiences. 2. Questions: Questions were regularly asked throughout the presentation to engage the students and ensure effective learning. 3. Demonstration: A live demonstration of Newton’s laws using a catapult was given at the end of the presentation. Students were asked to give predictions on the outcomes and then discuss their responses. WorkSheet 9:25 – 9:35AM 1. Presentation: A brief presentation was given outlining the following week’s exercises, where the students would be building catapults together in teams and then competing against each other. Teams were formed and a worksheet was then distributed to each group. (see Appendix C) 2. Incentive: To motivate the students to actively finish the worksheet in the short time frame available, an incentive was introduced. It was explained that the number of correct responses on the worksheet would correspond to the amount of ‘money’ they would be given to buy materials to build the catapult. This was particularly effective as the students were visibly excited and competitively finishing the worksheet. 3. Marking: The worksheets were collected and marked, with the number of points for each team calculated. The worksheets were then used to identify problem areas which would be dressed in the next lesson. Inspiration Sheet An inspiration sheet was handed out to the students to take home with different catapult designs, the competition rules, a list of materials, and a brief re-cap of all the theory covered in the lesson (see Appendix D)

Lesson 2 – Engage Aim: To actively engage students in engineering and science. A large part of engineering is teamwork and organisation; hence a catapult construction competition was selected as it teaches the students these important skills as well as incorporating their science course work. 18

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Presentation 9:50 – 10:00AM 1. Revision: A brief revision presentation was given to the students to reinforce the concepts which the students struggled with in the worksheet. 2. Competition Rules: The competition rules were explained and any student questions were answered. Construction 10:00 – 10:35AM Students were given a brief to work from: ‘To design and construct a free-standing catapult in a set time limit using a selection of materials provided.’ They then received the materials sheet (see Appendix E) and worked as a team to select the materials they would need and that were within their budget. Construction on the catapults then continued until the end of the lesson. During construction we moved around the student groups, talking with the students about their designs, and asking questions which tied their catapult designs back to Newton’s Laws.

Lesson 3 – Empower Aim: To give the students a sense of pride in their work and the opportunity to test their catapults in two different competitions. To really empower and excite the students competitions were held where they could compete against their class mates, and feel a sense of achievement. Prizes for the furthest distance, greatest accuracy as well as best team work were given out (see Appendix J) and the lesson revolved mainly around these two competitions. Competition 1. Distance: Students were taken outside where they attempted to fire a projectile the furthest distance. Three attempts were given and the students were allowed to choose what projectile to use. 2. Accuracy: Students were given two minutes to fire as many projectiles in a target as possible. At the one minute mark the target was moved further away and the students had to readjust their firing technique. Wrap Up Presentation A short wrap up presentation was given and prizes awarded (see Appendix J for prize template), and the students were asked questions about what skills they learnt, what they took away from the exercises, and most importantly, did they have fun? ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3




ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

Time Time management was an important issue throughout the entire project. As a group, we decided that goal setting, prioritising and extensive planning would be utilised to effectively manage our time., these factors are supported by evidence as important time management tools (Hellsten 2012). These actions were implemented to balance other university courses with Advanced Engineering, as well as for the activities that were planned in the classroom. As a group, we aimed to bridge the gap between science and engineering while allowing students to have fun. Throughout this project in Technology Education, the group was motivated to achieve this outcome as we all had past experience in mentoring students, albeit on a smaller scale. The long term goal was progressively achieved through a series of stages in the project. This included preparing the lesson plan, worksheets and competition. Prioritising elements of the project was another factor we considered with respect to the goal, especially given the limited amount of classroom time. In defining the lesson plan, more time was placed on teaching the topics from the science curriculum, rather than delving into more engineering theory, as it was important that the students understood the topic of ‘Motion’ for their upcoming exam. However, giving a task priority did not mean the other tasks were less important, rather that tasks were completed in order and within a timeframe. It was still crucial to allow the students in the classroom time to engage with engineering concepts, including time management, controlling the budget, teamwork and communication. The planning of group meetings and class lessons were performed by preparing schedules ahead of time. This allowed for flexibility to change tasks if required, and to reduce the risk of last minute changes. A similar approach was taken in the preparation of the schedule for the classroom.

General Lesson Schedule Lesson Time: 8:45 - 9:41 8:15 Arrive at school 8:30 Set up 8:45 Roll call, divide into groups 8:55 Presentation starts 9:20 Presentation concludes, demonstration begins 9:25 Worksheets handed out 9:35 Worksheets collected, wrap up with inspiration sheets handed out

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Within the schedule, more time than necessary was allocated to ensure that each activity was completed in the limited timeframe of a school period. To facilitate this process, a large countdown timer was projected at the front of the classroom which ensured students finished tasks on time, such as completing worksheets, and constructing the catapult. As with any project, there is a possibility of not having insufficient time to complete activities. Time was allocated in the final lesson to allow groups to finish the catapults. Design inspiration sheets were also provided to each group to help them complete their catapults on time. Slides were printed out to be given to the students in the case of any complications with technology.

Safety Safety is important in any practical project, and this was managed through risk minimisation rules. Risk management can be performed by identifying, assessing, controlling and reviewing the situation (Safe Work Australia, 2011). This was crucial when dealing with classroom of students. In testing the possible catapult designs, we identified that injury could occur if a person was hit by a hard projectile. The risk of injury was reduced by using soft projectiles, and making sure that the firing range was kept clear of students during the competition. After testing the catapults with Blu Tack and Play-Doh projectiles, it was established that these materials could be safety used by the students. There was also a risk of injury from the use of objects to construct the catapult, including skewers and bulldog clips. In order to provide a wide range of materials for the students, rules had to be established, such as refraining from poking sharp objects at other students. Other rules were also enforced, including telling students to follow instructions, and refraining from firing projectiles at each other. If a student broke the rules, they were awarded a 50 centimetre deduction on the group’s long distance score for each infringement. This control proved to be quite effective as most students followed the rules. (see Appendix F for full risk management plan)

Class Management The final challenge for our group was to manage the class effectively given the time constraints, and the fact that teaching a large classroom of students was a new experience for all the group members. The group had to engage students in our lesson plan and minimise misbehavior. Both occupying students’ attention and suppressing misbehavior is a form of effective classroom management that fosters a positive learning environment. (O’Neill 2011) Engaging the class was initially a challenge, as the students were reluctant to answer questions. Incentives were used for the students who were actively answering questions in the classroom. The entire class was observed to become more attentive, and more eager to answer questions and interact during the lessons.


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

For an effective lesson, not only do the students have to be engage, but they also cannot be disruptive. A common control method utilised by teachers is to be silent if students are not paying attention (Warnick, 2005). However as a group, it was concluded that silence would not be effective because we could not demand attention as an individual. More emphasis was placed on rewarding engagement, which limited the need to focus on negative qualities. Getting the students to form groups was initially anticipated as a problem. From past experience, allowing students to form groups by themselves is time consuming, and forcing them into groups could potentially create an unfavourable environment to foster cooperation between the students. This problem was solved by the client teacher who arranged tables together, so each group had a maximum of 6 people,which was ideal for the task.

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Improvements Evaluation: As our main clients were the students, it was imperative to make sure that they understood the theory they were learning. To assess this the students completed a short test at the close of the first lesson. Each team was provided a set of worksheets to complete in a specific time limit with incentives for correct answers. The results of the tests are listed in the table below: Team












From the results, it could be seen that there was quite a gap in understanding between the top and bottom groups. This gave us an indication of which groups were struggling to understand certain concepts. Closer attention was then paid to these students in future activities. The evaluation also helped identify gaps in the students understanding theory that could be addressed in more detail in the following lesson. The worksheet indicated that the students had a good understanding of Newtons First and Second Laws, but showed some confusion about the Newtons Third Law.

Improvements: The worksheets provided a lot of valuable information about how much the groups understood the theory taught to them. However we identified a few problems with our processes: 1. One issue was making the worksheet a group activity, as this wouldn’t give an accurate indication of the understanding of each individual student. Individual students who did not understand certain aspects of the work could not be easily identified as students who did understand answered questions for them. To minimise this, teams were encouraged to collaborate and discuss before answering each question. However as a time limit was imposed on the worksheet this did not happen as often as necessary. To compensate, there was a greater emphasis on practical engagement and verbal communication with our group actively walking around groups and asking them to justify answers. Individual take home worksheets were discussed ,but ultimately rejected. Even though this system would ensure that individual students understanding could be gauged, it was rejected based on the fact that giving the students worksheets would increase their homework and also introduce the possibility of the worksheets getting lost. Individual students may also be subject to extra pressure as their own score would contribute to the groups entire score. This idea of no homework also translated over to the building of the catapults, all tasks were completed in class time which encouraged the students to engage with each other. 2. Our lessons potentially did not contain enough content about engineering disciplines and principles. The lessons could have delved much deeper into the engineering principles governing the catapults, such as calculations on the theory of lever arms or the engineering theory of moments which could have made the building stage of the catapults more engaging.


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

If each team was given the opportunity to test, redesign and alter their catapults, the groups could have understood the theory better, and designed catapults that shot a further distance. However as highlighted in the challenges section, time management was a large problem and this meant that the client’s expectations of teaching the students Newtons Three Laws took priority.

Client Management Three main clients were identified throughout the project: 1. The students 2. The client teacher (Ms Konstantopolous) 3. The University of Sydney (John Currie)

Students: The client whom we communicated with most were the students and thus were ultimately our main concern. The team’s responsibility to teach a fundamental aspect of science was very important as it would greatly aid them, especially in the event that they studied physics in senior years. If they failed to grasp this concept, the physics topics ‘Space’, ‘Projectile Motion’ and ‘Moving About’ would be difficult to understand. One of the most impressive part of the lessons were the groups who won the distance challenge. The catapult that they designed was very different to the suggested designs given in the inspiration sheet. The winning team had an ingenious design which used two bulldog clips, a spoon and rubber bands, using less than half the materials given to them to shoot a projectile 14m. Therefore, managing the class as a client helped us deliver lessons which clearly helped them understand these abstract concepts.

Client Teacher: Communication between our client teacher Ms Athina Konstantopolous (Ms Konstantopolous) was reliable and effective as she was a past teacher of two of our team members. The method of communication was primarily emails and phone calls followed up by face to face meetings. We found this to be an effective communication method as the personal meetings allowed us to discuss ideas and build a strong relationship with our client. The first contact was made with our client teacher through a phone call. This was undertaken in order to explain the project, its benefits for the school and the students, and potential discussion of what needed to be taught. Our client teacher presented two options for lessons: 1. Teaching ‘Light’ to Year 9 students 2. Teaching ‘Moving About’ (Newtons Laws) to Year 10 students

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Taking this into consideration as well as our strengths and available resources, we decided to teach the chapter ‘Moving About’. In order to make sure that the lessons transitioned smoothly and flowed from Ms Konstantopoulos’ lessons, we tried to base our teaching content on the class textbook (Science Focus 4 2006 Whalley, Robertson et al). It was discussed that she would teach the initial fundamentals of the chapter including acceleration, velocity and displacement. The team would expand on these fundamentals through Newtons Three Laws in a fun and creative manner. Once it was confirmed we held a meeting at Normanhurst Boys’ High School with Ms Konstantopoulos to discuss our expectations further and to confer with her about our initial proposal and lesson plans. Ms Konstantopolous’ expected us to fulfil the syllabus outcomes concerning the understanding of Newtons Three Laws of Motion. They were: a) Describe qualitatively the relationship between force, mass and acceleration b) Explain qualitatively the relationship between distance, speed and time c) Relate qualitatively acceleration to a change in speed and/or direction as a result of a net force d) Analyse qualitatively common situations involving motion in terms of Newton’s Laws. Ms Konstantopolous trusted our group to plan and execute the lessons and the team contacted her to enquire about logistics and lesson details. She had confidence in our ability to control the class and teach the content, such that she felt comfortable in taking only a minor role in the running of the class.

University of Sydney (John Currie) Sydney University expectation for this course was: “To promote engineering to students, by engaging them in a practical activity related to the science curriculum” Expectations from the University and the teams’ unit coordinator had to be integrated with the expectations from the client teacher and our responsibility to the students. It was decided that the primary goal was to have fun while assisting in learning the syllabus while also promoting engineering as a career path by emphasising engineering as an interesting and engaging career option. Communication between the University and ourselves was conducted regularly for occasions such as approval of our initial proposal, the running of Open Day and organising a day to be assessed. Unfortunately due to timetable clashes only one of our group was available to attend the first half of the lectures, but we ensured each member was kept informed of all information. In the event that none of us could make the lectures an email was sent to notify the lecturer of our absence.


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CONCLUSION Our group approached the Advanced Engineering course with a simple aim, for the students and ourselves to have fun. Although we took the client teachers and university briefs into consideration, this simple aim was the focus of our project. When posed with the question, ‘What is engineering?’ Students predominantly answered ‘construction’ and ‘buildings’. We sought to challenge these preconceived notions of engineering in a fun and engaging way, and also bridge the gap between science and engineering. Our first lesson was to excite the students. We incorporated a series of practical and visual demonstrations to aid the theoretical teaching component of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, as part of the school’s progress through the science curriculum. A worksheet was distributed to allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts, and to give us direct feedback on the challenging theories which would need reinforcing. The second lesson engaged the students by incorporating a group catapult design and construction competition, which would require budgeting, teamwork, design and communication between students. This lesson allowed students to purchase materials for their catapult using the points they earned from their worksheet the week prior. The final lesson allowed the students to evaluate their learning and observe theoretical knowledge being demonstrated through the catapult competition. The groups competed in a distance and accuracy competition using the catapults they built the week before. The competition helped reinforce Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, and the lesson concluded with a final overview of the relations between engineering and science. The three lessons built confidence in the students own abilities, and allowed them to realise the potential of engineering. As the teachers and mentors for the students, it was extremely rewarding to see the enjoyment within the kids, and the realisation that as a group, we have given the students the basic building blocks to potentially become the future generation of young engineers.

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ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


- Matt


- Ms Konstantopoulos

Making it a competition was brilliant, in fact I asked the boys what they liked the most and they said the competition... they actually said winning, But the competition they loved.

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


INDIVIDUAL REFLECTIONS Isobel James Advanced Engineering is once again one of the most enjoyable subjects I have taken at university. Similar to first year Advanced, this subject has managed to take engineering out of the university and into the real world, where as a team we dealt with real people and organised real events. Initially I was hesitant to overload my already busy university schedule with another subject. As I study the double Engineering and Architecture degree the only way to take Advanced Engineering is as an additional course on top of the existing core subjects. However as I near the completion of our project, I am incredibly grateful that I decided to take Advanced Engineering, as the team work, leadership and presentation skills learnt over the course of the project are invaluable. As a team we have previously worked together in first year Advanced Engineering, as well as various architectural projects. This history has helped us improve our team skills to the point where we work quite efficiently together. However Advanced Engineering has completely tested, refined and improved these skills, as the introduction of a real client with high expectations pushed the group and I to the limit. During the early stages of the project, we all worked together, sharing the roles and responsibilities as our proposal took shape. However as the project progressed, I took on more of a leadership and organisational role, where I was in charge of making sure tasks were kept on track. I created lists of tasks to be done, assigned work to different team members and ensured that everything was completed on time. However one of the most important lessons this project has taught me is that leadership isn’t just about assigning people work and making deadlines. It’s about discovering the personal strengths of each team member and making sure that the work they are doing is what they enjoy. By ensuring the design elements such as class material, presentations and report layout were covered by Lasath and Wenray, while Matheesha and John dealt with creating class content for the students, everyone was engaging in tasks they were comfortable with, and productivity was greatly increased. The project has also highlighted the importance of respect and friendship within the group. This respect and familiarity created an environment where everyone was comfortable bringing their ideas to the table and honestly critiquing others. Although this sometimes lead to heated debate, these honest conflicting opinions enabled us to further refine our final proposal. This project has also made me more comfortable with taking on a leadership role. While researching various inspirational speeches practicing for our project presentation I came across a TED talk by Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, about why they are too few female


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leaders, and one particular point really resonated. She talked about a study done by a professor at Colombia University in 2002 about a woman named Heidi Roizen, a very successful venture capitalist. During the study, her story was given to two different groups of students, one the original story, and the second with her name changed to Howard. The study revealed that although both groups of students thought that both Heidi and Howard were equally proficient at their job, Howard was significantly more liked than Heidi. This made me stop and think for a while, about why I was always so hesitant to take the leadership role. However Advanced Engineering and my group have made me realise that these views can be changed. Working with a predominately male group at a boy’s school ultimately did not make me feel uncomfortable, or disliked, and I’m glad for the opportunity to further enhance my leadership skills for a future which will probably be in a still male dominated field. Advanced Engineering has assisted me in improving my public speaking skills for a range of audiences. Presenting and speaking to high school students has taught me how to keep a group of young students engaged. The style of presentation is very different to that usually used in university assessments, as significantly more interaction with the audience was required. Also this subject was the first time I have presented to a large group of people in a formal situation. The presentation assessment was a great opportunity to practice presentation skills such as projecting my voice and effective PowerPoint design, which I will need for the future. Finally this project has made me realise the importance of outreach programs which introduce engineering to high school students. As I grew up surrounded by an engineering family, I have always had a strong understanding of what engineering encompasses and was encouraged from an early age to consider engineering as a career. However through interacting with the students I realised that most had almost no idea about engineering. Showing these students what engineers can achieve, and giving them a basic understanding of engineering was essential for them to even consider studying it in university. Even if they do not choose engineering as a final career choice, teaching them about engineering at least gives them that choice. Overall working with the Normanhurst students has been an incredible experience and although demanding at times, the final result has been well worth it. By introducing them to engineering through fun and engaging activities I feel that they now have the foundation to potentially choose engineering as a career. Also, as an individual, I feel I have gained a greater sense of what leadership entails, new presentation skills, as well as a greater appreciation for team work in a fantastic team. Reference: TED, (2010) Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders. Retrieved 18th September 2013 from <http://www.ted.com/talks/sheryl_sandberg_why_we_have_too_few_women_leaders.html> Final Group Ratings: Isobel James - 20% Lasath Siriwardena - 20% Wenray Wang - 20%

John Mai - 20%

Matheesha Gunaratne - 20%

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Lasath Siriwardena Like most of those who did this project, it was not their first advanced engineering project. However, for me it was definitely the project that left the most up to chance. Nevertheless I am delighted that I took part in something meaningful with the potential to help the community and also further my skills and abilities to deal with clients. Our Client School was Normanhurst Boys High School (NBHS) - Matheesha and I are part of the NBHS alumni community. It was great to go back and see all the old teachers and reminisce about old times. However I felt quite out of place and uncomfortable at our initial meeting with our client teacher, Mrs K, who had taught science to me for many years. I concluded it had to do with where we had the meeting, the science staff room. The only time students would ever find themselves there was for a brief ‘chat’ with a teacher or to deliver a message, never for an extended time. The initial experience was surreal. However we found ourselves at this meeting, drinking a cup of tea and eating lollies and listening to the science teachers complain about students. This settled my nerves and I found my perception of myself to change, from a student to something more. In the first class we had, I was very nervous. We found ourselves in a situation where we had a substitute teacher and a room full of year ten teenage boys. From experience, I knew that this cocktail was prone to disaster. But to my surprise the class ran smoothly and without much of a problem. At first it seemed that the students were more nervous than us, reluctant to answer questions, but when we introduced incentives into the equation, the level of activity went from dead to ecstatic in an instant. Ecstatic however isn’t what I would describe the students on our third lesson - competition day. The term I would use would be ‘bloodthirsty’! The idea of competition brought out the worst and best in the students. The level of teamwork was the highest I had ever seen and the level of deception even higher. As I reflect, this was the best part of our project. It excited, engaged and empowered the students the most and it really demonstrated to us that they had learned the course content, taught to them in previous weeks. What surprised me the most about the whole project was what the students said in our interview session. Firstly the people who won our laser cut catapults hadn’t assembled them, even after a week. This just confused us completely. Maybe we were more immature than them? Also, the students that we found most ‘challenging’ produced the most profound and relevant statements. Essentially what I concluded from my experiences with the students was that we should never assume anything. Students will always surprise you. In its entirety, I believe this project was truly a group effort - each team member helped one another with his or her assigned role. The idea of a team itself, gave us confidence when presenting in front of a class of thirty year ten students. The fact that we were already such good friends did make the task a lot easier. We knew each other’s strengths and weakness and could assign roles and select a


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team leader to reflect our capabilities without any awkward power struggles occurring. My role was Design Director. Yet there was the occasional conflict between us on trivial matters. The group work aspect of this project helped me identify a weakness of mine, which I was subconsciously aware of but in doing this project it became glaringly obvious. I lack the skills to present and communicate in front of a crowd. This is a skill that is important as an engineering student. Also I found that in doing this project, with its up and downs, has made us even closer as friends. As Design Director, my main responsibilities were compiling, formatting and the production of the PowerPoint Lectures, the student handouts and as well as the final Presentation. From my years of tutoring, I found that the most effective way of conveying complex content was ensuring that I broke it down into its simplest form. I used this philosophy throughout the design of the lectures and handouts, using minimalistic design and iconography, to ensure that the content was most effectively communicated. Carroll (Carroll 1998) reinforces these ideas with his primary tenants of minimalism design for effective communication in UI design. These principles being; •   Allow learners to start immediately on meaningful tasks •   Minimize the amount of reading and theory passive forms of training by allowing users to fill in the gaps themselves •   Making all learning activities self-contained and independent of sequence. Additionally I aided in the photographing and interview filming our group did during the class visits. However my role in the team was not only focused on design. Due to the previous relationship with the client teacher, I was heavily involved with coordinating with her through email and phone. I was also responsible for finalising the initial proposal and developing a method in which we could, to a certain degree, qualitatively select the best proposal that met our client briefs and objectives. Undergoing this project made me question and shape my own understanding of what engineering is and evaluate what we as engineers do. It highlighting to me the importance for an engineer to be time affianced, a strong problem solver and most importantly, the importance of teamwork. It also exposed me to the side of school that as a student is never really experienced - being a teacher. Experiencing the struggles faced by teachers on daily basis, such as time and class management as well as keeping students engaged, really made me appreciate education as a whole. Reference: Carroll, J, and H. van der Meij. 1998. “Ten misconceptions about minimalism.” In Minimalism beyond the Nurnberg funnel, ed. J. Carroll. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 55–77. Final Group Member Ratings: Isobel James - 20% Lasath Siriwardena - 20% Wenray Wang - 20%

John Mai - 20%

Matheesha Gunaratne - 20%

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Wenray Wang Advanced Engineering has been one of the very few units which has forced me to step outside my comfort zone – not in terms of content, or technical elements, or even the workload, but rather in relation to my personal view of engineering – and the third year program has been no different. Over the course of the program, I have learnt a lot about education, engineering and myself. Looking back at the project, I have no regrets and the skills I developed were invaluable. Of course, there were several challenges along the way. I felt that finding a creative method of teaching was difficult - it is all too easily to stick to well-worn paths of the curriculum and textbooks. It was difficult putting myself in a Year 10 student’s shoes – would the children be overwhelmed with new content or find it too simple? Each class was a lesson in balance. An education article I stumbled upon during semester described a project which implemented engineering education in early childhood centres. A ‘block centre’ allowed children to build ramp structures to make marbles move, and students very quickly became familiar with the iterative design processes in engineering, trial-and-error and collaboration. (Meeteran 2010) These skills, described as ‘habits of the mind’, developed in this project made me realise that engineering abilities very often do not come naturally, and require practice at a young age to develop. Perhaps my parent were training me to be an engineer when they bought me countless puzzles and lego sets as a child! In any case, the catapult project was very apt for the Year 10 students to develop these engineering skills. With any challenges come successes, as in any project. I was constantly impressed by the potential for teamwork, leadership and motivation within each student, and the program really allowed students to demonstrate this. Each lesson was met with enthusiasm (somewhat a relief!) and the students’ love for competition was definitely a positive thing. Competition is what allows one to achieve to the highest level, in any stage of life, and it was encouraging to see strong indication of this Year 10 students, so close to pursuing tertiary education and choosing their career path. I believe the project could have benefited from more one-on-one time with the students. I know that personally as a Year 10 student, I was quite curious about what university life entailed, however, it did seem like a very distant idea surrounded by some aura of mystery, especially as I don’t have any older siblings to enlighten me. By providing time with small groups to provide the students a well-rounded view of studying at university, and in particular engineering, we could have increased the impact the program had on the children. There were several moments during the classes that stood out to me. In particular, at one point in a class, a student asked – “Do you get paid to do this?” When we answered no, he quickly went on to say that he would not willingly teach without a fee. Amusing as it was, I was surprised at his answer given that we were in reality enjoying the teaching experience so much! Teaching has been an interest of mine since graduating from school, and I did honestly consider pursuing it further at university after similar mentoring experiences in my senior years. I’ve always found it so rewarding to pass-on knowledge to those younger than me, and this opportunity in Advanced Engineering was definitely


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my most worthwhile encounter with education. Being able to involve myself first-hand in a teaching role was gratifying and helped increase confidence in myself and in career path I have chosen. Working with the students aside, being able to engage with real clients was a fantastic opportunity in itself. It was a pleasure working with the client teacher ‘Ms K’ and receive teaching advice from someone so friendly and passionate about education. Her passion was contagious, and her presence during the classes really motivated us in during each lesson. Throughout this semester, I was the technical manager of the project. In this role, I created the laser-cut prize catapults for the students, while also aiding in lesson planning and organising and presenting content of the submissions during the semester. This role suited me perfectly – with my background in architecture, I thoroughly enjoyed creating the catapults, and also the aspects of aesthetics involved in the submissions this semester. From what I have learnt in architecture, attention to detail and the presentation of ideas is just as important as the quality of content itself. In hindsight it is funny to think that, to encourage teamwork, cooperation, communication and organisation within the students themselves, we as a team became much more proficient in these areas ourselves. The project was also an exercise in trust as I have been fortunate enough to have work on projects with my team members in the past - the mutual friendship between us meant we were much more open and responsive to each other’s ideas, opinions and critiques, and our project greatly benefited as a result. I am so glad to have worked with the four other talented members of the group, and I feel we are even closer now from the experience. Before this project, I used to believe that the purpose of strong education was giving one the skills to be successful in the future. However, over the course of the semester my perception has shifted so that in terms of education, it is far more important to provide a rounded knowledge of the future ahead. The project has allowed me to appreciate that, curriculum and learning outcomes aside, education succeeds most when it can challenge students to really consider how they may begin to apply their knowledge towards the future. It was extremely rewarding to see not just the students enjoy themselves so much with the whole project, but also receiving feedback from the year 10s that our contact had helped them consider engineering as a career path. It was incredibly satisfying to work on something that would be so conducive for both our personal future, and that of the students, and I have grown so much in my perception of engineering, and as a person. Reference: Meeteran, B, Zan, B. (2010). ‘Revealing the Work of Young Engineers in Early Childhood Education’. Retrieved 8 October 2013 from <http://ecrp.uiuc.edu/beyond/seed/zan.html> Final Group Member Ratings: Isobel James - 20% Lasath Siriwardena - 20% Wenray Wang - 20%

John Mai - 20%

Matheesha Gunaratne - 20%

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John Mai I took the Technology Education course to challenge myself, to delve into the practical side of engineering, and to take the opportunity to introduce engineering to high school students. It was the ability to introduce engineering in a positive way to a group of high school students that encouraged me to take this unit of study. Having gained a lot out of the first year advanced engineering course, I thought that taking on another advanced engineering discipline would be something to look forward to. Even with the success I’ve enjoyed in first year being involved in a project that could possibly be deployed in the real world, I found Technology Education far more rewarding as I was able to actively engage with the client and the students. The encouraging feedback from the students and their excitement definitely made the experience worthwhile. This whole experience was a challenge for all our group members, having to overload to take the subject, and even more so for me as I had a different schedule to the other group members. This meant our group had to plan meetings in advance to cater for our individual needs, which I thought was successfully organised. As a result, this course has encouraged me to organise a schedule in an orderly fashion and prioritise activities, which was crucial for both the subject and my daily routine. I have learnt that communication is one of the most important aspects of engineering, especially when it comes to teamwork. All of our group members needed to be informed of upcoming plans, since we all had busy schedules. Through planning, we were able to make progress in our project when it came to making worksheets on Newton’s Laws, sourcing materials for our catapults and finalising lesson plans. In a study by Burdett (2003), a common complaint in university group work was the difficulty in accommodating schedules of all group members to allow coherent discussion of the project. Conflicts arise because of a lack of open communication and a fear of expressing opinion due to possible criticism from other group members (Tarricone and Luca, 2002), but as we knew each other well and met regularly, this wasn’t a concern. Our group was able to constructively criticise issues, which allowed for us to find the best solution for our project. The ability to engage in positive collaboration is one of the aspects that I thought contributed to the success in our project, which is also supported in a study by Tarricone and Luca (2002). Perhaps something I couldn’t have taken for granted is timely communication with external clients. Our whole group was surprised when our first lesson at Normanhurst Boys High School would be with a substitute teacher, having only been informed the day before. This situation was likely to be a more accurate representation of dealing with clients in the workforce, and this course made me appreciate that you need to make allowances for other people, and not just yourself. Originally, I thought that a group of young university students teaching a classroom full of high school students wasn’t going to turn out well. In the past, student teachers have taught classes I’ve been in, and while some had difficulty controlling the behaviour of a class, one student teacher even ended up in tears. While I hoped none of us would end in tears, I was still sceptical as to how a group could possibly handle the situation better than an individual. Having previously taught a maximum of only


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three students in one group, I knew that a class of thirty students would be very different. With the support of my fellow group members, the environment was far less daunting than I expected. Our group was able to control the class in an orderly manner, and encourage students to participate in discussions and group work. It was satisfying to know that the students got a lot out of the three lessons we had the opportunity to take. While it highlights how much more exciting science and engineering could be when there is something interactive with the theory that the students learn, I’ve also learnt to appreciate that the teachers have to place a large amount of effort to plan a lesson, especially if they have multiple classes. Even though I was responsible in preparing the content for a section of the science curriculum involving Newton’s Laws, I found it required considerable time to do so. But as a team, we all put in the effort to get the class to learn the abstract theory on Newton’s Laws, engage in a practical experimentation through catapults and then reflect on what they did by linking back to the theory. This approach in teaching the students was supported by the domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which included the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains (Munzenmaier, 2013). The cognitive approach involved getting the students to know the content, the affective approach focused on students’ competitiveness in achieving the best result in a competition, and the psychomotor approach allowed for the students to engage in the construction of the catapults to demonstrate scientific theory. Judging from the feedback by the students and the client teacher, we were able to give the students a valuable learning experience not just from the science curriculum, but from an engineering perspective as well. I believe that this project has achieved a positive outcome for everyone involved, and this was possible with the contribution and effort of my fellow group members. I’d like to thank John Currie and Sydney University for running this course, and allowing us the opportunity to highlight engineering principles through an engagement with students at Normanhurst Boys High School. Not only have I benefited from this learning experience, but we’ve been able to encourage students to consider engineering through an exciting program. I have personally attained and improved on attributes such as client management and communication, which will prove useful when I become an engineer in the real world. References: Burdett, J. (2003). Making Groups Work: University Students’ Perceptions. International Education Journal, 4(3), p177-191. Munzenmaier, C. (2013). Bloom’s Taxonomy: What’s Old Is New Again. The eLearning Guild, Santa Rosa, CA. Tarricone, P., & Luca, J. (2002). Succcessful Teamwork: A case study. Proceedings of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia 2002, p.640-646, Edith Cowan University, Perth. Final Group Member Ratings: Isobel James - 20% Lasath Siriwardena - 20% Wenray Wang - 20%

John Mai - 20%

Matheesha Gunaratne - 20%

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Matheesha Gunaratne Participating in Technologies Education has been a thoroughly rewarding experience and has increased my awareness of our role as not only engineers but as educators. Although the workload has at times been quite significant, it has been the subject that I have most enjoyed during the semester. Putting in the time, effort and some late nights has left me exhausted but also extremely satisfied. As was the case with most of the students, the Advanced Engineering course was taken on top of a full semesters work. My desire to take on this extra workload stemmed from participating in the High School Outreach Program with Engineers without Borders (EWB). This scheme aims to help and assist high school students to understand the importance of engineering and how we can solve real world problems. The students enjoyed the activity of turning a theoretical problem into a practical activity. Seeing students that were actually interested in engineering and enthusiastic to solve real world problems was inspiring. After this experience I promised myself that I would take the next similar opportunity. And the advanced course fit the bill perfectly. Being a team project had its challenges and triumphs as we attempted not to compromise to get a solution but to apply our own unique skill sets to collaborate to get one. As all of the members of our group were acquainted beforehand we all knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses making it easier to delegate the tasks. This was a real advantage as we could get started much quicker and had open lines of communication between all of us (phones, Google docs and a Facebook group). The greatest group ‘conflicts’ occurred on the aesthetics of the design, report, presentations and worksheets. Although as a group of architecture students this was not entirely unexpected. Whilst the thought of teaching a class of adolescent boys seemed daunting, it was a challenge that I was ready to take on. Previously my formal teaching experience had been one on one with students, teaching a class of thirty students would pose a completely different challenge. Therefore class management was a key area that had to be learned and understood. I felt class engagement was key. As a University of Maryland study (Cooper, 2000-01) said some key areas that exemplified success with large classes were: -

Interaction with faculty members


Structure in lessons


Quality discussion sections


Adequate classrooms facilities and environment


Testing and grading assignments

Comparing these criteria with our own lesson plans clearly shows why our project was successful. It also taught me the importance of planning lessons, but not over planning it to the point where the lessons become rushed. With John Mai and myself in charge of the lesson planning, we were always conscious of balancing the science and the engineering content. Adjusting to presenting to high school students rather than university students and tutors called for more interaction and class participation. This was one of the lessons that I have learned during this semester, the ability to adjust to different audiences with changes in inflection and tone is an important skill.


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One area of the project that I approached with some apprehension was the fact that we made the main activity a competition. I thought that the students’ competitive nature would be a hindrance to their learning. As Cooper stated in a personal interview: “You have to train your students to do this; they don’t come by it naturally. You have to be patient. Students do not collaborate naturally. They have been taught to compete, and not to work together” In some regards I agree with this statement, students are definitely taught to compete, but I felt by placing them in groups you can develop both their collaborative and competitive natures. Teamwork and communication are not only skills necessary for engineers but also in life while a competitive nature can be a great motivator. The current curriculum (Board of Studies 2013) has been slowly shifting to provide students with a more diverse and engaging range of subjects. This shift has coincided with greater developments in technology, classrooms have smart screen, students have laptops and teachers have access to new teaching tools. Classrooms are now more interactive than ever. Our hands on activity complemented this nicely. The question “why don’t teachers always use a hands on engaging activity to teach the students if this method was successful” was posed to us as a group. I think that it was simply time that restricts teachers. High school teachers generally have a large number of classes each week and putting in the time to organise such an activity for all relevant topics is unreasonable. I strongly do believe that this is the reason that many teachers are thrilled at the opportunity for their classes to be taught, as they know that we had the time and resources to provide an engaging activity for the class. Convincing year ten students to pursue engineering in university would be difficult and I initially thought that this expectation would be unrealistic. This was probably true, I realised however that it’s not our job to change their minds, it’s our job to plant the seed of the possibility of engineering and enlighten them on the opportunities provided by tertiary education. It was only at the close of the lessons, listening to the feedback from teachers from all the different schools that I realised that I underestimated impact that we had on the students. The course has opened my eyes to see that education is one of the most important parts of society that we have. It has also given me a wider range of skills that are seldom touched on in core engineering subjects. Skills such as client and class management, communication and teaching. It has been a course that has kept me on the balls of my feet, its dynamic unpredictable nature was what I enjoyed the most. The satisfaction and enjoyment that I have experienced as a result of participating in this course has really shifted where I want to take my career. If I graduate and realise that engineering is not the path for me then education would definitely be my next choice of career. References: 1. Cooper, J. L.; Robinson, P. (2000). The Argument for Making Large Classes Seem Small. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2000(81). Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tl.8101/pdf. 2. Board of Studies. (2013). ‘Outcomes’ from NSW Syllabuses. Retrieved 29 September 2013 from <http:// syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/science/science-k10/outcomes/> Final Group Member Ratings: Isobel James - 20%

Lasath Siriwardena - 20%

Wenray Wang - 20%

John Mai - 20%

Matheesha Gunaratne - 20%

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REFERENCES BBC. (2010). Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests - Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention. Retrieved 1 August from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSKyHmjyrkA> Board of Studies. (2013). ‘Outcomes’ from NSW Syllabuses. Retrieved 29 September 2013 from <http:// syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/science/science-k10/outcomes/> Board of Studies. (2013). ‘Physical World’ from NSW Syllabuses. Retrieved 29 September 2013 from <http:// syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/science/science-k10/content/982/> Felder, R. (2002). ‘Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education’. Retrieved 3 October 2013 from <http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/31039406/LS-1988.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIR 6FSIMDFXPEERSA&Expires=1380809823&Signature=w9RTVIdKFj7P8Ge3Ko2P3Yek7Dw%3D&responsecontent-disposition=inline> Hassanzabeh, R. and Ebadi. A. (2007). ‘Measure the Share of the Effective Factors and Time Management’. Retrieved 1 October 2013 from <http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj2(3)/4.pdf> Hellsten, L. (2012). ‘What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management’. Retrieved 2 October 2013 from <http://www.intechopen.com/books/timemanagement/what-do-we-know-about-time-management-areview-of-the-literature-and-a-psychometriccritique-of-inst> No Captions Needed. (2011). ‘Strandbeast’. Retrieved 8 October 2013 from <http://www.nocaptionneeded. com/2011/05/post-apocalyptic-visions/> O’Neill, S. and Stephenson, J. (2011). ‘Classroom behaviour management preparation in undergraduate primary teacher education in Australia : A web-based investigation’. Retrieved 2 October 2013 from <http://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol36/iss10/3> Safe Work Australia. (2011). ‘How to manage work health and safety risks: Code of Practice.” Retrieved 1 October 2013 from <http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/SWA/about/Publications/Documents/633/ How_to_Manage_Work_Health_and_Safety_Risks.pdf> Schwartz, K. (2013). ‘How Emotional Connections Can Trigger Creativity and Learning’. Retrieved 2 October 2013 from <http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/03/how-emotional-connections-can-trigger-creativityand-learning/> Sillytoy. (2007). Dilbert - The Knack. Retrieved 1 August 2013 from <http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=CmYDgncMhXw>


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

APPENDIX A: SYLLABUS The following is extracted from the NSW Year 10 Science Syllabus (Board of Studies 2013)

Values and attitudes: Stage 5 Outcomes A student: •   appreciates the importance of science in their lives and role of scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them •   shows a willingness to engage in finding solutions to science-related personal, social and global issues, including shaping sustainable futures •   demonstrates confidence in making reasoned, evidence-based decisions about the current and future use and influence of science and technology, including ethical considerations

Skills: STage 5 Outcomes A student: •   develops questions or hypotheses to be investigated scientifically •   produces a plan to investigate identified questions, hypotheses or problems, individually and collaboratively •   undertakes first-hand investigations to collect valid and reliable data and information, individually and collaboratively •   processes, analyses and evaluates data from first-hand investigations and secondary sources to develop evidence-based arguments and conclusions •   applies scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible solutions to identified problems •   presents science ideas and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific audience, using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations

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ENGG3062 WENRAY WANG 311245757 | ISOBEL JAMES 311186785 | LASATH SIRIWARDENA 311179231 JOHN MAI 311200966 | MATHEESHA GUNARATNE 311215017 Introduction -


Nominated school: Normanhurst Boys’ High School Grade: Year 10 Current topic of study: Motion, Stage 5 Curriculum of Science School Liaison: o Mrs. Konstantopoulos o Email: athina.konstantopoulos@det.nsw.edu.au o Phone: 0449768206 Period length 40min (double periods 80min) Class size approx. 30 students

Project Proposal OVERVIEW The main aim of the project is to describe the action of forces using simple machines. This will be achieved by using the concepts of lever arms, Newton’s laws, momentum and potential energy. To demonstrate these concepts, we will be running a series of demonstrations and activities involving small-scale catapults and trebuchets. SCHEDULE Session 1 – Double period, 80 minutes (in running order)


Demonstration using large-scale model (20 min) Explaining how a trebuchet operates in relation to the fundamental concepts of motion Take estimates from students on how far trebuchet will launch an object Theory (25 min) Explain in detail how forces are transferred to an object in a trebuchet and catapult

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Calculations in relation to lever arm and counterweight, and compare calculations to the demonstration results Theory will be taught by using a combination of a PowerPoint and multimedia presentation and simple demonstrations Introduction to project in following session (10 min) Brief explanation of the following week’s activity and competition Students will be given an information sheet with some inspiration and tips for designing a successful trebuchet Explain that students will be able to earn extra credits to purchase construction materials for the following session, depending on their performance on the worksheet questions. Worksheet (20 min) Set of three worksheets to demonstrate the students’ understanding of the concepts Students will be required to answer a series of multiple choice and short answer questions Worksheets will include bonus questions with incentives for best responses

Session 2 – Double period, 80min



Introduction to activities and competition (10 min) Explain the rules of the competition Sort the students into groups of 4-5 Design and construction of the trebuchet or catapult (40 min) We will provide ideas and templates to the students and act as mentors for each group Competition (20 min) Each group’s design will be tested, and distances recorded Wrap-Up (10min) Prizes will be awarded to the most successful and innovative catapult/trebuchets Link the project to engineering at university and in the real world Encourage the students to pursue engineering as a viable career path

COMPETITION RULES Each group is to create a functioning catapult or trebuchet using a variety of materials. Groups will be provided with a budget of credits, which may be spent on construction materials. Each material will vary in price depending on its usefulness. No refunds will be given for any materials bought. The 40 minute time limit will be strictly enforced. Groups can be awarded bonus credits based on their performance in the worksheet and class participation. Prizes will be awarded to the group with the furthest-launching device and also the group with the most innovative design. We will prepare a premade catapult – there will be a mystery prize for any group who beats it.

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


LEARNING OUTCOMES Forces at Work Syllabus (Core 5) -

Describe the action of forces used in simple machines Explain the operation and advantages of simple machines such as levers, pulleys and gears. Explain the importance of the centre of gravity in balancing objects Describe examples of technologies based on the science of simple machines and evaluate their positive and negative impacts Recognise the importance of forces in technologies Newton’s three laws of motion

SAMPLE QUESTIONS The following are examples of simple questions, which will be provided on the theory worksheet. 1. What mass is required to keep this balanced?

2. Explain what will happen if right hand lever arm is now three metres long using the mass found in question 1.

RELATION TO ENGINEERING Students will gain an understanding of: -


project management time organization budgeting optimisation design construction innovation and invention teamwork between people you may not usually have contact with communication skills

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3




As a group use knowledge from the demonstration and theory complete the worksheet. Each answer gets you points which you can use to buy materials to build your own catapult for the competition! You have only 10 minutes to complete the worksheet. Harder questions get you more points so use your time wisely.

Forces: A force is a _______________, ________________ or _______________.


A force is a vector quantity, which means it has a magnitude and a ________________.


When a force is applied to an object four things can happen, what are they? 1)________________ 2)________________


3)________________ 4)________________

There are two types of forces, contact and non-contact. Classify each of the following: Electrostatic ____________ Lift____________ Thrust____________ Weight____________ Friction____________ Buoyancy____________ Bu Air resistance____________ Magnetic____________



ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3



Newtons Laws In 1687 Isaac Newton developed three Laws to describe motion. These Laws are still used today and are the basis of the physics of motion. Newton’s rst law states: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________.


What’s another name for Newton’s First Law?


The object with the greater mass had more ______________ In the catapult demonstration how did we see Newton’s First Law in operation?____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


Using Newtons First Law, explain why seatbelts save lives in car crashes. __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Newton’s Second Law states: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________



ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

Page 2



In the catapult demonstration how did we see Newton’s Second Law in operation?___________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________



If the mass of the projectile was increased what would happen to the acceleration? (Assume the force is the same). _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


If we replaced the elastic band with a tighter one what would happen to the force and acceleration? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


Using Newton’s First and Second Laws explain how the projectile returns to the ground after it has been red. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

Calculate the force applied to a 5kg box being accelerated at 4.5m/s^2. ________________________________________________________________________________


Calculate the acceleration of a 400g object with a force of 50N applied to it. ________________________________________________________________________________


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

Page 3




Calculate the mass of an object that accelerates at 10m/s^2 when a force of 150N is applied to it. ______________________________________________________________________________________


What is the difference between mass and weight? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


The moon has a smaller acceleration due to gravity than the earth does. What happens to your mass and weight when you land on the moon? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________


Newton’s Third Law states: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


When a balloon is released why does it y around the room? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


In the catapult demonstration how did we see Newton’s Third Law in operation?_________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3 Page 4




Describe the forces acting on a chair. Include a diagram showing the forces. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Common Symbols and Units: What are the names and units of the following Symbols used in motion? F _______________ units ________________ m_______________ units ________________ a_______________ units ________________ W_______________ units ________________ s_______________ units ________________ t_______________ units ________________


v_______________ units ________________ u_______________ units ________________ poi each] [2 points

BONUS POINTS! Name the engineer who designed the kinetic sculptures. __________________


What is the energy source for the kinetic sculptures? __________________


Page 5

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3



CATAPULTS Take home sheet

Summary of THeory

example If you push a stationary ball it moves

example When you touch your nose you feel the pressure on both your nose and

An object will maintain the same velocity unless a net external force acts upon it.

F = Force (Newtons) m =mass (kg) a =acceleration (m/s2)

For every ACTION force, there is an equal and opposite REACTION force

Facts to Remember

forces - A force is a vector quantity - It can cause an object to deform - It can accelerate or decelerate an object - It can change an objects direction - Three types: Pull, Twist and Push Types of forces Contact Friction Air resistance Buoyancy

Non-contact Weight Magnetic Gravity

INERTIA Inertia is the tendency for an object to resist a change in motion


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

Example Pushing an empty and full shopping trolley

- s is the symbol for displacement not speed, and is measured in metres (m) it is also a vector quantity. - Weight is a force that is caused by gravity. Since it is a force we measure it in Netwons (N)

Worked Example How much force is required to cause a 1000kg car to accelerate at 3m/s2?

F = ma = (1000kg) x (3m/s2) = 3000 N

- Mass doesn’t change wherever you are - Weight is the force that gravity exerts on a mass. -We can use W=mg ( same as F=ma) to calculate a force on a mass. -On Earth g = 9.81m/s2

ENGINEERING some aspects

Teamwork Construction

ENGINEERING some aspects

Construction Problem solving Teamwork

ENGINEERING some aspects

Project Teamwork Planning Problem solving

Problem solving Project Planning


ntists discover the world“Scientists that exists; engineers create “Scientists theexists; world discover that the never world was.that ”the world exists;that engineers create discover the world that engineers create never was. ” the world that


sign built

Theodore von Karman

THe streams

Civil Engineering

Chemical and

THe streams

Chemical and Civil Engineering Aerospace,

Biomolecular deals mainly in the design Biomolecular deals mainly Mechanical in the design and and construction of the built branch of engineering that and construction of the built Megatronic branch of engineering that enviroment. applies chemistry, physics enviroment. applies chemistry, physics Designing andwith producing and biology and biology with airplanes, engines and mathematics and economics mathematics and economics


Theodore von Karman

Theodore vo

THe streams

Aerospace, Chemical Electrical and and Mechanical and Biomolecular information Megatronic

branch dealsofmainly engineering in electronics that Designing and producing applies and chemistry, there related physics airplanes, engines and and biology programing robots!with mathematics and economics

Electrical and Aerospace, information


Mechanical and

deals mainly in electronics Megatronic and there related Designing and producing programing

airplanes, engines and robots!

- Learn more about engineering

Universsy of Sydney

Open Day 31st August


Universsy Sydney - Learn moreofabout engineering - Learn more about engin - Explore different courses Universsy of Sydney - Explore different courses - Explore different courses - Explore the university - Explore the university - Come down between 10 – 12 and- Explore the university in our catapult competition 31st August - Come down between 10 – 12compete and - Come down between 10 st compete in our catapult competition compete in our catapult c 31 August

Open Day

Open Day

THe Catapult

THe CatapultDefinition: A machine that stores THe Catapult

energy which it then quickly releases Definition: A machine that stores Definition: A machine that stores to fire a projectile. energy which it then quickly releases energy which it then quickly releases Some Facts to fire a projectile. to fire a projectile. - Optimum firing angle – 45 degrees Some Facts Some Facts - Catapults were also the weapon of - Optimum firing angle – 45 degrees - Optimum firing angle – 45 degrees choice in early biological warfare- Catapults were also the weaponcorpses - Catapults were also the weapon of of and diseased carcasses were choice in early biological warfarehurled over the walls of the enemy.choice in early biological warfarecorpses and diseased carcasses were corpses and diseased carcasses were hurled over the walls of the enemy. hurled over the walls of the enemy. ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3



Materials Sheet Construction Materials

Material Paddle pop Rubber band Thin Thick Paperclips Straws Balloon Toothpick Bottle Cap Plastic Spoon Large Small Tape (10cm) String (10cm) Peg Skewer Large Small Wooden Ruler Blu-Tac (10cm) Stickers Sticke



Total Cost

3 3 5 2 1 4 2 5 10 6 3 2 2 5 3 10 2 1

Total Cost Projectiles

Projectile Play Dough Eraser Plastic Sphere Ping Pong Ball


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

Cost 10 5 2 1


Total Cost

Total Cost


L - Likelihood

R - Risk

1 - First Aid Injury

A - Practically impossible

L - Low, monitor and manage

2 - Medical treatment injury

B - Not likely to occur

3 - Lost time injury less than 7 days

C - Could occur, incident has been heard of

M - Medium, monitor and maintain strict measures

4 - Lost time injury greater than 7 days, permanent total disability or fatality

D - Known to occur or has occurred before

5 - Multiple permanent total disability or fatalities

H - High, review and introduce additional controls to lower the level of risk E - Extreme, do not proceed, immediately introduce further control measures to lower the risk. Re-assess before proceeding.

E - Common or occurs frequently

Job Steps


Existing Controls


Further Recommended C Controls



Team Pilot Test on student’s practical catapult building activity.

Car accident

Seatbelts, air bags, road rules

5 A H

Use public transport or drive carefully




Sharp Materials Rubber Band Injuries

Care in handling



Further care in handling 1



Care in handling



Further care in handling 1



Injury by stepping on stray materials

Taking care when handling



Using closed shoes




Injury from projectiles being fired.

Pointing catapults away from anyone


E M Wearing protective equipment





Care when handling skewers


D M Gloves, Identifying problem skewers




ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


Job Steps


Existing Controls C


Lesson One – Theory and Worksheets

Car accident

Seatbelts, air bags, road rules



Paper Cuts

Care in handling



Car accident

Seatbelts, air bags, road rules



Paper Cuts

Care in handling



Sharp Materials

Care in handling



Rubber Band Injuries

Care in handling



Car accident

Seatbelts, air bags, road rules



Paper Cuts

Care in handling



Sharp Materials

Care in handling


Rubber Band Injuries

Care in handling


Injury from projectiles being fired.

Pointing catapults away from anyone


Lesson Two – Recap Theory and Catapult Building

Lesson Three – Catapult Building and Testing


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


Further Recommended Controls Use public transport or drive carefully



5 A


Further care in handling Use public transport or drive carefully


Further care in handling Safety Instructions, deterrence by penalties Safety Instructions, deterrence by penalties Use public transport or drive carefully







Further care in handling D L Safety Instructions, deterrence by penalties D L Safety Instructions, deterrence by penalties E M Wearing protective equipment


5 A

5 A













To educate and encourage students to see engineering as a viable career path by bridging the gap between science and engineering.

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


“To design and construct a free-standing catapult in a set time limit using a selection of materials provided.� 56

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

“Studying engineering gives you the confidence, knowledge and skill set to design, build and create anything you want� ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


Worksheet Questions Interaction


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

• Schedules • Safety factors • Timer

• Group Allocations • Engagement • Control

• More in-depth content • More evaluation • Project alterations

ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


APPENDIX H: INTERVIEW VIDEO After the completion of our three lessons at Normanhurst Boys’, we interviewed several students and our client teacher Ms Konstantopoulos to hear their feedback and views on the project. A short video was created, and can be found on Youtube through the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTK8KQ9ulnY


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

APPENDIX I: THEORY LESSON POWERPOINT Electrical and Information Engineering

Engineering, Sir Isaac Newton and Catapults! |

Newton’s Laws

| |

What is a force?

Types of forces

• It can cause an object to deform • It can accelerate or decelerate an object • It can change an objects direction

Inertia Inertia is the tendency for an object to resist a change in motion

A force is a vector quantity

The three types

Contact force

Non-contact force



Air resistance/drag



Newton’s First Law An object will maintain the same velocity unless a net external force acts upon it.


Newton’s Second Law • If there is an action applied to an object, there will be an acceleration • More force needed to move heavier objects • Acceleration depends on the mass of the object

Newton’s Second Law Examples • Pushing an empty and full shopping trolley • Acceleration difference between a car and motorcycle • Airbags – why do airbags help reduce injuries in cars?

F = Force (Newtons) m =mass (kg) a =acceleration (m/s2)


Newton’s Third Law

Worked Example How much force is required to cause a 1000kg car to accelerate at 3m/s2?

F = ma = (1000kg) x (3m/s2) = 3000 N

For every ACTION force, there is an equal and opposite REACTION force

• Rockets • Jet engines • Catapults


What are we doing here • Introduce you to the world of engineering • Teach some fundamental physics principles • Finally….


The Catapult Definition: A machine that stores energy which

it then quickly releases to fire a projectile.

What are we doing here • Introduce you to the world of engineering • Teach some fundamental physics principles • Finally….

Build Catapults! ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3


What is Engineering? SCHEDULE • Lesson 1 - Today: Learn about Newton’s Laws of Motion

• Lesson 2 - Next Week: Construct Catapults

• Lesson 3 - Last Week: Competition and Wrap up!

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

“Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.” Theodore von Karman

Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Civil Engineering







ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3



ENGG3062: Advanced Engineering 3

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