KoKoNi- PreLaunch K.01

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Special Limited Edition

CONTENT The Beginning of Kokoni Magazine


Hazel Dunn: A New Adventure

02 - 03

6 Illustrators x Facing the Frustration

04 - 07

New Talent: Boris Lee x Different


Playground: Create your story!




What's Next?


The Beginning of Kokoni Magazine In 2017, two master of fine art graduates from Edinburgh College of Art established PIED Studio to explore their love for illustrations and designs. In order to share their passion for picturebooks with other people, a n d t o s u p p o r t p i c t u re b o o k creators, they then created Kokoni Magazine, a magazine about making picturebooks. In each issue, readers can find interviews of established and emerging p i c t u re b o o k a r t i s t s, a r t i c l e s a b o u t p i c t u re b wo o k s, n e w s, new talents' submissions, tips for making picturebooks, step-bystep and games about creating picturebooks, etc.

Kokoni means "Here" in Japanese, it means: "no matter who you are, a professional, an emerging illustrator and author, a hobbyist, or a picturebook reader, Kokoni is happy to lead you to admire picturebooks from different perspectives from here, from Kokoni!" 01

The Meaning of KOKONI

Hazel Dunn: A New Adventure

How does it feel to go into the world of making picturebooks from textile design? I think there is a lot of crossover between the subject specialisms of illustration and textile design. I have friends who have gone down a similar road to me, and friends who initially studied Illustration but are now transitioning to textile design. Often, a designers’ work lies between these specialisms, which I believe mine does. Having said that, there were many aspects of narrative illustration that were, and still are, completely alien to me! I remain very much in the process of learning about picture book making, and I’m really enjoying it. Alongside studying the practice, it has been interesting to gain knowledge of the publishing industry, which is very different in many ways to the industry of textile design.

ŠHazel Dunn

Hazel Dunn: A New Adventure

Hazel Dunn, who is not only a picturebook illustrator, but also a printmaker and a textile designer, is one of the five emerging illustrators in 2018 Picture Hooks exhibition. Picture Hooks is an organisation that supports emerging picturebook illustrators, it provides Mentoring Scheme, conferences about picturebooks, exhibition and masterclasses. Every year, five emerging illustrators will be chosen to be mentored by five established illustrators for a year. Hazel's works are colourful and full of childlike feeling. But how does it feel to go into the world of making picturebooks from textile design? And what was the biggest surprise when doing the Mentorship Scheme of Picture Hooks? We have invited her to share her experience with us, and full interview could be read in Kokoni issue 1 (Expected to be published in May).

What was the biggest surprise when doing the mentorship?

There were many surprises, but along with being awarded the mentorship in the first place, I suppose the biggest surprise may have been how difficult it was to make my first picture book! I perhaps naively didn’t realize what an enormous task it is to undertake. It was also surreal to get to know an illustrator whose drawings I knew from my childhood story times, and to be able to work alongside him. Patrick Benson is a hugely interesting person with a unique insight. 03

©Katie Chappell

Katie Chappell

"I often make little notes and sketches while I’m walking. I think we learn so much from our difficulties. When I don’t draw or paint I get very grumpy, and sometimes that builds up and builds up until I sit down and then I’ll make and make and make and do about 3 weeks’ work in one sitting."

©Katie Chappell

6 Illustrators x Facing the Frustration

6 Illustrators x Facing the Frustration

ŠYivon Cheng

Yivon Cheng "I quite like the moments when difficulties appear. It reflects that there is something I need to do more or think m o r e. A n d I l i k e learning. 05

I think I am quite new for being a picturebook maker. T h e r e f o r e, t h o s e difficult situations make me excited in a positive way."

6 Illustrators x Facing the Frustration

©Chihiro Inoue

Chihiro Inoue

"It is helpful for me to show my works t o o t h e r p e o p l e. People's reactions and advice save me from narrowminded and help me look my work o b j e c t i v e l y. I t reminds me of focusing on the concept of my books, and gives me some hints to solve problems."

©Chihiro Inoue ©Elizabeth O. Dulemba


Jie Ho

"Be genuine to myself and the issue, don't make assumptions, answer peoples questions and concer ns, discuss with people to have more knowledge and thoughts regarding the issue, and be patient."

Elizabeth O. Dulemba "My favourite quote is by Mem Fox. She said “Writing a picture book is like writing War and Peace in haiku.” Indeed, picturebooks are one of the hardest genres to get right, both in story and in illustrations. But while they are always a challenge, it's my passion to keep creating them!"

Diyala Zada

©Jie Ho

" I l o o k b a c k at t h e p rev i o u s achievements which I’m proud of. I share my thoughts with other illustrators who are experiencing t h e s a m e f r u s t r at i o n a n d we encourage each other. I take a break watching a series, or making a favourite recipe with a friend."

©Diyala Zada 07

New Talent: Boris Lee x Different

New Talent:

Boris Lee x Different

B o r i s L e e g r a d u a t e d f ro m Edinburgh College of Art with a Master of Fine Art degree in Illustration with Distinction in 2017. He usually works with oil pastels, his works are naive, vibrant and heartwarming. His picturebook "Different" is about self-identity, it describes a lonely feeling.

We accept submissions:

All kinds of picturebooks (could be a zine) and picturebook illustrations. Please email to hello@kokonimagazine.com, with the subject line: "New Talent Submission" and a short covering letter about you and your work.

Playground: Create your story!

Playground: Create your story! The subject is "Start". Please use the following storyboard to create your stories about "Start". Once you have finished, feel free to post on your social medias and share with us! We will choose one story and give you a special offer! We are sure all your stories will be nice, can't wait to enjoy them!


Generally, a picturebook has 32 pages (16 spreads), the cover is page 1. The story usually starts from page 6, but you can try to start your story or give some clues in the endpaper, just like many great illustrators do. 09



1. Have you bought or subscribed to any picturebook magazines before? Hello! Thank you for supporting us, we hope you like this special pre-launch edition of Kokoni Magazine. In order to present the best contents, and to share more ideas about picturebooks with you, please help us improving Kokoni Magazine by answering this questionnaire. We will give you a little gift when we receive your feedbacks, also, you will eligible for a lucky draw to win a special offer! Please take a photo of your answers and email to hello@kokonimagazine.com.

i. Yes, the magazine(s) is(are) ii. No, the reason(s) is(are)

2. Do you read any picturebook magazines on a regular basis? i. Yes, the magazine(s) is(are) ii. No, the reason(s) is(are)

3. How much have you paid for a picturebook magazine?

4. What do you like to see in a picturebook magazine?

5.If you are a picturebook author or illustrator, could you tell us what kind of support you need, please?

What's Next?

What's Next?

We will release our first issue in May. In our first issue, there will be a report of Picture Hooks, news about picturebooks, book reviews and recommendations, and many amazing articles about picturebooks! Also, you can read full interview with Hazel Dunn, and complete articles about how the 6 illustrators overcome their frustration. Plus, more challenges and guidelines for you to create your unique picturebooks!


Contact www.kokonimagazine.com Hello@kokonimagazine.com @kokonimagazine @kokonimagazine @kokonimagazine

For any queries, please feel free to contact us! We are also looking for contributors, and accepting submissions. We look forward to hearing from you!


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