How to treat puffy eyes, dark circles & wrinkles

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Under Eye wrinkles is one of the common signs of the aging process. There are many kitchen secrets, home remedies that work amazing in treating fine lines under eye. Healthy diet

Lack of proper diet is one of the reasons which cause under eye wrinkles so to make your face look tight and youthful. Just eat vegetables, fruits, fish, leafy vegetables and other antioxidant in right time.

Sleep well

Sleep for at least 8 hours a day it is really very good for the skin under eyes and good for your health.


Ensure that your skin under the eye is refreshed effective way to treat under eye wrinkles and dark circle is to wash your face with cool water and always splash water in your eyes till you are awake. Drink at least 8 glasses of water to stay hydrated.

Sun exposure and pollution

Don’t expose your eyes direct to sunlight for too long as direct exposure speeds up aging process. Always wear sunglasses while going out.

Home remedies to treat eye wrinkles


Cucumber is most effective way to deal with eye wrinkles. Mash cucumber and apply its juice or just directly place the sliced cucumber slices on your eyes and wash it after 10- 15min.

Remove wrinkles

Rose Hip Oil, Hemp Seed Oil or Olive Oil as base and add vegetable glycerin and some Vaseline in the mixture. It will act as a massage cream for under eye. Now just massage your under eye with this cream. Use some warm water and rinse it with clothes. Clean up the sensitive area add honey in the cream and massage the skin. To rinse off use a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water after 10-15 min. It will easily remove the wrinkles from that area.

Nourish with pineapple juice

Prepare juice from pine apple to remove the wrinkles under eye. Pineapple juice contains bromelain which help in reducing the inflammation. The acid name alpha hydroxyl is found it which easily removes wrinkles. It is even helpful in cleaning sensitive skin simply apply the juice on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the face ensures that eye skin is properly anointed with the juice. It will reduce the eye wrinkle and even make the area soft and smooth.

Olive oil

Use olive oil to get back the normal moisture. Just add a few drops of lemon juice to it to bring more glows on your face. It will help your face in looking younger and softer after massaging it with the mixture just cleans the area.

Papaya and honey for keeping the lines away

This fruit got the property to remove fine lines from your face and mash few pieces of and add honey to moisture your face. After this the mixture is applied to your face and mainly applies it around your eyes. You will get the glowing face and fine lines will go like magic.

Hope the above natural remedies work properly but if you want to get fast result then use anti-aging wrinkle cream. After testing dozens of anti-aging wrinkle creams I choose Kollagen Instensiv. Kollagen Instensiv helps to improve strength and elasticity of your skin just by stimulating collagen production.

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