5 Effective Ways to Treat Adult Acne

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5 Effective Ways to Treat Adult Acne

Inroduction Acne is one of the major signs of aging. Skin issues become quite irritating as you age but however, you have to get rid of such issues if you want to look perfect and young. So here are some of the ways mentioned with the help of which you can easily find solutions for treating aging issues like adult acne.

Effective Ways To Treat Adult Acne

1. Toning Toning is an important step in proper skin care. Toning helps to remove any residue after cleansing and also helps to restore the skin’s natural pH levels. You can use pure apple cider apple vinegar as your evening and morning toner. You can try this with cotton ball, smooth over skin paying particular attention to active breakouts and acne prone areas. If you use apple cider vinegar then it could be quite beneficial because it is packed with potassium, acetic acid and magnesium and other enzymes that has the capability to kill bacteria on the skin. Chronic acne can be the result of bacteria and fungi that used to contain to spread and can grow on the surface of the skin.

2. Gentle Cleansing

If you want to get rid of blackheads, pimples and whiteheads then gently cleansing can help you get rid of. You can try a homemade honey face wash. For this, you can dampen skin with warm water and massage into face and neck. After this, rinse well and pat dry. You can try this each morning and evening. It features apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, honey and essential oils that are quite beneficial for the glowing skin.

3. Fight Bacteria

Holy basil and sweet basil essential oils have been found that it can fight acne which is caused by bacteria. Sweet basil oil can slightly outperformed holy basil oil in topical applications. Holy basil oil tea or Tulsi tea supports healthy blood sugar and hormone levels. As these two conditions are connected to the acne, so if you consume herbal tea everyday then it will help you balance hormones naturally and fighting acne from the inside out.

4. Healing Mask

In order to hydrate and heal the skin and masks should be applied a couple of times once in a week. Honey, yogurt, cinnamon and essential oils and some other ingredients helps to hydrate skin and can fight common cause of acne.

Honey and Yogurt Mask: In order to prepare this mask, you can mix one tablespoon of raw honey with one tablespoon of yogurt. You can apply this to face but be very careful with the jawline, hair lines and other acne prone areas. You can relax for 10 minutes and can gently wipe from with an damp cloth.

Cinnamon and Honey Mask: You can mix two tablespoons of raw honey, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of coconut. Apply this over to your face and you have to keep this mask away from your eyes. Keep this for 10-12 minutes and gently remove with damp cloth. Honey and cinnamon used together helps to fight acne because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. You can add two or three drops of tea tree oil to the mask above during an active acne breakout. Tea tree oil is considered as one of the best home remedies for acne treatment.

5. Moisturize

Acne-prone skin needs to be moisturized and can use topical that focus on drying out the skin tricks the skin into producing more oil and so it increases acne. As it can be quite heavy for some skin types but coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer. It has been found that lauric acid present in the coconut oil is the strongest bacterial activity against acne which are cause due to bacteria.

Coconut oil is one of the most versatile and the healthy oils on earth. There is an increasing demand for coconut oil beauty products. As a moisturizer, you can warm Âź teaspoon of coconut oil in the palms of your hands and smooth over your face and neck. You can leave this for at least five minutes and gently wipe off excess oil with a dry cloth.

Conclusion Conclusion

Using these ways, you can easily treat adult acne. But however, you can sometimes, become unable to do and so you can try something else. In this case, you can try Kollagen Intensiv to treat adult acne. This can also allow you to get rid of some issues related to your skin and aging issues.

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