Presentation - salespromotion end2015

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Market Research promotional collectable items When it comes to their current collectables, children miss playability: they o6en collect to collect,without really doing things or playing games with the collected items. "When you collect things, it's always nice if you can do something with it”The well brought up Swedish children would gently ask but never push their parents to change shops for a collector campaign."I'd ask it just now and then. And it has to be the right moment to ask it!“Mothers admit they are being influenced by such campaigns....and their kids!“I’d never do it for my own sake, but if the kids find out... I’ll switch!”Not all Swedish moms are loyal to their supermarket. “I’d switch shops yes, I am very unfaithful to my supermarket!”In the end, mothers will give in: they would switch supermarket for the sake of their children.“ They don’t have it anywhere else and everybody will be talking about it. It will be important for the kids.“

5 rules for a successful promotion

1.  SECRECY Secrecy is essenDal. Up unDl the last evening only a few people can know 2.  FUN Direct fun, and fun on the long term 3.  EAGERNESS Children should be eager to have it, just like their classmates, so parent will change supermarket for doing their groceries 4.  DETAIL Retail is detail, execuDon should be perfect, so no complaints and negaDve feedback 5.  DARE! Dare to buy sufficient so you will not be sold out a6er 2 weeks (customers will be disapointed = negaDve publicity) Dare to launch a media hype to support your promoDon 6.  CROSS BRAND COMPATIBILITY IniDate compaDble instore cross overs with different brands and products 7.  DATA COLLECTION Create customer data from promoDon, contests and instore events

PublictaDon Sales PromoDon in Supermarkets With sales promoDon campaigns you create primary customers Beans, football cards, Wheelies, Webbies or whatever they are called. Every self-respecDng supermarket format gives away promos. Freebies are good for sales pros to 40 percent. Promo Expert Peter straDng ďŹ nds sleet in the acDons. "They all look alike. The formulas conduct a rearguard acDon with their promos. â€? No Dutch supermarket formula is prepared to give insight into what the freebies means at the sales registers. They keep the results to the chest, not to make the compeDDon wiser than they already are. "But believe me, in the campaign period of sales promoDon campaigns, sales increase by 20 percent are easily gained. With ease, "says Peter StraDng. The goal of these acDons is to make primary customers of secondary clients. In most cases this works only temporarily. The Hilversum promo expert devises with his straDng PromoDonal Coaching these acDons itself, although not currently for supermarkets. "If the savings campaign is very very good, it can lead to an increase in turnover of 40 percent. This turnover increase is also the main reason that at this Dme all supermarket formats give away sales promoDonal items at the checkout. "

PublictaDon Sales PromoDon in Supermarkets With sales promoDon campaigns you create primary customers "The system is also very simple. You bind yourself to your customers by giving away items. As a collector you need a lot of items to get the complete album. And if you start a collecDon, you want to complete it. You come back for it. Many current collectors campaigns are based thereon. "In other countries you see almost no such acDons.StraDng says. "Sweepstakes, where the customer can win a prize, you see very o6en in Asia. CompeDDons are doing very well in Africa. The BriDsh, however, have a lot more with discount coupons. "Currently supermarkets seem to have a monopoly on promoDonal campaigns. This role they have taken over from the oil companies. "Maybe you know them too Beans, football cards, Wheelies, Webbies or whatever they are called. Smurfs at BP. Shell announced in coins. Every oil company was creaDng this kind of savings campaigns. When everyone did that, it became his strength. They are therefore taken into account. "

Theme The success of the sales promoDon campaign depends on a number of factors. The campaign must have a theme that appeals to a wide audience, with an emphasis on families. The promoDon expert: "Several generaDons of the same family should be excited about saving the same theme. The parents from nostalgic reasons, because the children who are now saving to be nice once. Very good examples are baseball cards, marbles, smurfs, puzzle pieces and Disney characters. " Another requirement for a successful collectors campaign, according to the expert promo that they must be communicated creaDve and impac_ul. "It should evoke a feeling of hype. You must want to hear as a customer at. You want, no, you should also collect them. And you should have forced the feeling that you must be very quick. One for yourself, so to speak. This invariably comes back in all the acDons of Albert Heijn. They give press releases via smart at the beginning of acDons that it is a huge success, there are already millions of circulaDng and that threatens shortages. This press release is ready before the starDng of loyalty program. " A campaign must also be spiced with something noteworthy. "C1000 has recently held a Dutch championship dungans on the island of Pampus. But there are also special dungans circulated. There is only a limited number of. But they can just come out. When you, for instance. You can also talked about the savings campaign by linking to social networking sites such as Hyves and Facebook. "

MONSKEY COLLECTABLES â‚Ź 15,00 on groceries : 1 Monskey for free Case and bag for free on selected products 6 million Monskeys, 6 weeks duraDon


â‚Ź 15,00 on groceries : 1 mini product for free,

Extra merchandise for sale: Cash, carton play shop, mini shopping cart.

NegaDve publicity: Merchandise sold out within 3 days. Lots of disappointed customers/ children.

• Very succesfull Monskey sales promoDonal in the Netherlands at Hoogvliet Supermarket • Spend € 15,-- on groceries, you get 1 Monskey for free. • 32 different figurines. Collect them all. • Per piece packed in foilbag included card with character descripDon. • Collect them in the collecDng case and collecDng pouch. • Design your own Monskey contest


â‚Ź 15,00 on groceries : 1 mini product for free,

Extra merchandise for sale: Cash, carton play shop, mini shopping cart.

NegaDve publicity: Merchandise sold out within 3 days. Lots of disappointed customers/ children.

MONSKEY SPORT EVENTS â‚Ź 15,00 on groceries : 1 Monskey for free Case and bag for free on selected products 4 million Monskeys, 5 weeks duraDon

About Monskey •

Monskey started as a designer pla_orm for designers worldwide

Monskey has developed into a very popular internaDonal brand and animated TV Show

Each Monkey is unique and has its own character.

Monskey is fun for boys and girls, young and old, to collect or to play with.

Monskey comes in different size, small, medium and large.

Over 250 designs are available, all with own name and character descripDon.

On request your own Monskey can be designed.

A complete merchandise line is available.

Every single Monskey has an unlimited amount of potenDal.

They can become anything with the only limitaDon being your imaginaDons.

Monskey is designed by people of all ages, believes or religions for all people over world.

Monskeys, just like people: All the Same, Yet all Different!



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