Tesol dip

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The Vancouver Community College Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Diploma Prograrm




The Vancouver Community College TESOL Diploma Program is 321 hours in length and sonsis8 of the TESOL prcreguisite course, sevâ‚Źn TESOL Diploma core courses, thirty hours of TESOL elective courses and a teaching intâ‚Źrnship. On successful completion graduats are ewarded the Vancouver Community TESOL Diploma and qualify for national profes:;ional certification from TESL Carada.

Teaching Reading This thirty hour course provides students with an understanding of the nrethodology and instructional techniques used to teach reading in an English language class, as well as a working knowledge of the insffuctional tools necessary to dwelop a reading program for an

Admission Requirements


D ii)

This thirty hour course provides an overview of writing, focusing primarily on the techniques used for teashing writinl3 in an English language classroom. TESOL students explore techniques for integnrting all language skills, generating writing ideas, revising, editing and

iii) iv)

An undergraduate universit-r degree. Successful completion of the introductgry eoursq An Overview of TESOL or an equivalent TESOL methodolory university course. A sandard ofwritten and spoken English eguivalent to that ofan educated speaker of English as a first language. A successful intsrview with a mernber of staff.

TESOL Diploma Program of Studies TESOL Prerequisite Cource An Ovellew ef TESOL An Overview ofTESOL provides a practical oveirriew to the teaching techniques, procedures and instructional resources used to teach English language. This thirty hourcourse is,:hs preroguisite for the TESOL Diploma Progmrn. Topics include tcaching sommunicative skills, writing skills, reading skills, pronunciation, oral testing, and lesson planning.

TESOL Diploma Core Courrses Teaching Grammar One: Theory and Practice


This thirty hour course concqrtrates on the theory and methodology used for teaching English granmar. Teaching Grammar One: Thaory and Practice will focus on beginner through intermediate level grammar structures.

Teaching GrammarTwo: Theory and Practlce This thirty hour course concentrates on the theory and rnethodology used for teaching English grammar. Teaching Gramrnar Two: Theory and Practice focuses on advurcod through college preparatory granmar.

Teaching Pronunciadon This thirty hour course focus on methods and techniques used for teaching prcnunciation in an English language classroom. Topics covered in this cource include vowsi di'rnpr:*iofi, consonants, contractions and reductions, stress and intonation.

English language class.

assessing students'

writing skills.

Teaching English for Academic Purposes This thirty hour course concentrates on the specific techniques and course materials used to teach advanced-lcvel English language studcnts who plan to sody at a post-secondary institution. TESOT lnternship The TESOL Internship is a forty-five hour course. It consists of twenty hours of compulsory workshops and twenty-tive hours ofpractice teaching in an English language classroom.

TESOL Elective Cources Graduates of the Vancouver Community College TESOL Diploma Program are required to successfully complete thirty hours of TESOL Elective Courses. Testing in English Language Proficiency Teaching TOEFL Using the Interaqtive Approach Strategies for Cross-Cultural Learning and Communication Computer Assisted Language Lraming (CALL)

language ]iducation'Through Drama Social lssucs and the TESOL Classroom Making and Creating Language Games for TESOL English Language Program Management Resources for Teaching and Tutoring English for Speakers of Other Languages

Official mark transcripts are available for the TESOL Diploma Prognm r.t Vrnesuver Comnounity College. d- pr6,i !: tesr) l(eYcc.c;r

Websits www.tesol.vcc.ca

Teaching Ustening and Speaking This thirty hour course concentrates on the techniques and resources used for teaohing oral communication and listening skills in an English language classroom. This course will also examine grammatical, situational, functional and thematic approaches to integrated language teaching.





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