Halloween is both terrifying and exciting. All Hallow’s eve brings out the ghouls and spooks, but also the light spirits and faeries. Good and Evil walk side by side on this night. The Halloween holiday is commonly thought to have pagan roots, even though the etymology of the word is Christian. Linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, derived from the Old Irish Samuin meaning “summer’s end”, this was the first and the most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Irish and Scottish calendar. Falling on the last day of autumn, it was a time for stock-taking and preparation for the cold winter months ahead. This is time of year when the physical and supernatural worlds are closest and magical things can happen. It is associated with the coming darkness the shadow side, disguises, trickery, and death. Halloween allows what we fear to come to light. It also reflects a celebration of the abundance of harvest before the snows come. While we may have left pagan roots behind, the holiday we celebrate now bears similarities, nestled between seasons, on the edge of death. Light and dark forces are always at odds. Which side of the battle are you on? Sijay
NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY A star is born in a huge cloud of gas and dust over millions of years under intense heat and pressure. As it evolves it creates heavier and denser elements at its core, culminating in gold before its inevitable heat-death or supernova explosion. Gold is also the final phase of the alchemical process, where the transmutation of baser elements to gold mirrors the perfection of the alchemist’s soul. Gold does not naturally corrode so it is associated with immortality. A kind of immortality arises in knowing that death is of the same cycle as life. Like winter, low tide, or the space after a long exhale, death is slowing down to a standstill before life springs forth again. Autumn, as heat fades and darkness encroaches, is a good time to reflect on the lessons from summer. Harvest all the golden nuggets of wisdom from your accumulated experience. Now is the time to bring it in, to consciously contract, and focus in on the core . Brain Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leafs a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. -Robert Frost
This is a super-charged Full Moon. The Aries fire and willpower makes for a surge forward. There may be ordeals or clashing of wills. If a situation is at the breaking point, the raw energies released here tip the scales. There can be a temporary loss of footing, before a new equilibrium is reached. It's a leap of faith, to experience being thrown off, with trust that it's a risk of growth, with the side effect of making you feel more alive. With all that's going down, this is a lunation to step out of any illusory comfort zone. Are we not here to risk, to test our ability to create the world anew, and choose the bright future over the dimming false promises of a dying past?
The Green Triangle can be a spooky place. Steeped in historic lore of the wild west, the entire Kootenay region is filled with tall tales of murder, hangings, secret societies, haunted buildings, catacombs, and dungeons. Some spiritual prospectors claim that Gray Creek itself forms a critical point in the flow of earthly energies, and that the Kootenay crystalline formations that travel deep into the earth’s core are linked to similar crystal shafts from other mystical points around the globe. The stories of haunted houses, ghost trains and even waterborne spirits conjure images of lawless prospectors who sometimes took lives in the name of gold, silver, and jealousy. Do their spirits still ply the airs of their final resting places? Close your eyes. Light a black candle and listen to whispering pines. The season of the witch is upon us once again. Let us celebrate death and abundance in all of it’s glory. Let us gut the pumpkin and stuff the turkey and join hands around the sacred bonfire. It is autumn in the Kootenays. Make friends with fear this year. Explain the inexplicable to your young ones and stoke the fires that fuel the terrifying dreams of All Hallows Eve Michael
WEIRD WORLD weird |wi(ə)rd|: 1. Suggesting something supernatural; uncanny: the weird crying of a seal. 2. Informal very strange; bizarre: a weird coincidence. 3. A person’s destiny. 4. Strange creation. 5. An uncanny state of affairs; earth and beyond.
Javanese mythology purports that Ratu Roro Kidul, the goddess of the South Sea and arbiter of dangerous waves, is a serpent goddess or mermaid in water but can change her form throughout the day. She is always in search of retribution and souls to harvest that become her underwater servants. The Queen is often accompanied by a hypnotic green snake. A legendary consort to the sultans of Yogyakarta and Mataram Ajeng, Ratu Roro Kidul has been called upon for centuries in matters of magic and is still prayed to daily in Javanese coastal communities. When Roro Kidul was a beautiful young Javanese Princess, a black magician visited upon her an "ugly spell", which can be compared to the effects of leprosy. She was banished from her village and branded a witch. Ridiculed, humiliated and hated, the princess was drawn to the sea in hopes of
Summer camp for the 1% boy’s club elite: each July, Monte Rio California hosts bankster agents and their expensive skirts as they drop khaki and hug redwoods in the name of harvesting god-ness. A 40-foot tall prehistoric altar sets the scene for the ‘Cremation of Care’ ceremony where incantations
ending her sadness. Roro Kidul jumped to her death in the turbulent waters of the south coast. She was then visited by the serpent spirit of a man murdered by the same black magician who wished death upon the princess. From her life of sadness, the Queen of the South Sea now exacts revenge from her emerald green lair and continues to command the giant surf that delights, destroys, and delivers an always fresh supply of souls throughout the centuries. YouTube = The Bohemian Grove Exposed don’t come without a little bit of ‘mock’ sacrifice. Astrology and bio-currents guide them, while money floats their cares down muddy pipelines penetrating the earth continually. Schools and forms of magic which place emphasis on complex rituals often degenerate into cultish dogmatism. Hammer
Yom Kippur is the Jewish day of atonement and is also the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. As the story goes, every year on Rosh Hashannah, the Jewish New Year, Yahweh will inscribe into ‘The Book of Life’ the fate of every Jewish individual for the coming year. However, that fate is not sealed until after Yom Kippur, which is ten days after the New Year. Yom Kippur is an opportunity to fast and reflect on any ill deeds one has imposed onto God, humans, animals, and the earth over the last year for the purpose of formally atoning for these wrongdoings. It is a day of forgiveness and new beginnings and it sets a blank slate and a fresh start for a new year. After absolving oneself of their sins Yahweh makes his final verdict for the fate of that particular individual within ‘The Book of Life’. Josh Wortsman
THE BALI MONSTER PARADE NYIPI = halloween times five The Balinese annual day of silence is known as Nyipi and is celebrated in mid March. As many as five thousand massive Monsters are constructed in secret all across Bali pre-Nyipi. Papier-mâché gone wild, the giant evil effigies or "Ogoh Ogoh" are ever present on the Island of the Gods. Java to the west and Lombok to the east prefer idle prayer to idol worship. It is partially for this impartiality that these demonic deities are paraded through gyrating crowds that gather at crossroads where it is believed that the spinning of the Ogoh Ogoh will confuse the bad spirits that will pass over Bali on the morrow. The last day of the Balinese calendar year falls middle to late March and is respected as the day of island wide silence. Not even airplanes are allowed to land on Nyipi, the holiest day of the year. A day of silent introspection, and of forgiveness. It is a day of talking little and only quietly. Of not leaving your yard and not cooking and by no means operating cars or motorbikes. Even the Masjid
speakers are silenced in observing the year passed, the present moment and the year ahead. It's the igniting of bamboo bombs for weeks prior and the checkered sarongs and the war paint and the rice wine and the fire crackers and the clove cigarettes and the insane clanging of the marching Gamalan band that excites the chi of the Balinese until the wee hours of Nyipi when the undulating works of art are set ablaze and whose flames usher in a new Balinese year. Rahajeng Tiban Wawoo Michael
In Prehispanic times the dead were buried close to family homes and there was great emphasis on maintaining ties with deceased ancestors, who were believed to continue to exist on a different plane. With the arrival of the Spaniards and Catholicism, All Souls' and All Saints' Day practices were incorporated into Prehispanic beliefs and customs and Day of the Dead came to be. The belief behind Day of the Dead practices is that spirits return to the Earth for one day of the year to be with their families. It is said that the spirits of babies and children who have died (called angelitos, "little angels") arrive on October 31st at midnight, spend an entire day with their families and then leave. Adults come the following day.
CIRCA 1912
HAUNTS haunts [hɔːnts]: 1. To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being. 2. To visit often; frequent: haunted the movie theaters. 3. To come to the mind of continually; obsess: a riddle that haunted me all morning.
The infamous gargoyle perched atop the mysterious Nelson landmark is only the tip of the architectural iceberg. Directly below the gargoyle's perch is a glasswalled carpeted crow's nest appointed by a steering wheel from a not so stern wheeler, a trap door to the poop deck and of course a set of industrial windshield wipers for the rainy season. As one descends the many stairways that lead to the ahem, hold, it becomes obvious that the multi-compartmentalized prized mind of the self proclaimed urban recluse also has a river running through it. And as you explore the many arcane nooks and crannies it becomes obvious that the owner of the SS Gargoyle is in it for the fun. M Michael
Hattie McBride’s grave
Coalmont today
Thousands of Chinese immigrated to Canada as early as the first steam ships could carry them. Canada was a promised land where the offspring of these hardworking itinerant Asians could begin to enjoy new prosperity and comfort for the generations to come. But working in the mines, servicing the boomtowns of British Columbia, was an entry level position at best. And while it represented a foot in the door for the brave Chinese, working their fingers to the bone a million miles away from their home became a testament to their backbone. Coalmont British Columbia was, in 1895, the largest city in the province and home to scores of Canada’s first wave of Chinese immigrants. For most immigrants of this woebegone era, the only passage home, if ever, would be in a pine box. During the 1950’s a deal was struck with the families whose predecessors had previously been lost to progress. The bones of the Chinese that were buried in the Granite Road Cemetery during the late 1800’s would be exhumed and sent back to their families in order that the Buddhist cycle of life may be honoured, and the circle complete. Although the bones were removed they unfortunately only made it as far as Victoria BC. Somewhere in the silent darkness of Canada’s most haunted city, behind a numberless door, a tangle of Asiatic skeletons await passage home. The cycle of death remains incomplete for our Chinese brothers and sisters whose souls, their great great grandchildren believe, reside in the dead pine boughs of the Coalmont Cemetery. Read more @ link
HARVEST har`vest [ˈhärvist]: 1. The process or period of gathering in crops: “helping with the harvest”. 2. Gather (a crop) as a harvest.
before thinning
Happy Harvest Moonth! The moment to taste the fruits of our labours is upon us as the Autumnal Equinox rolls into the past. All around the songs and signs of fall are appearing. Leaves turn yellow and lose nutrition as energy is refocused into seeds and roots. Try collecting all your mustard, kale, clover, alfalfa, arugula, plantain and other edible seeds from the Garden to sprout for some fresh seeds in the winter, and to help seed the Garden in the spring!
$30 @ 10% strength $40 @ 20% strength $50 @ 30% full strength Nelson Cannabis Compassion Club 602 Josephine St •
after thinning The Forest Garden is full of root Medicine! Sarsaparilla, used in the original root beer, has blood purifying, energizing properties. Burdock sends a fat tap root into disturbed soil, get the first year growths as the second year seed plants become woody underground. Chicory, those indigo roadside flowers, has a delicious root that can be made into a brown roasted drink, akin to coffee. Always remember to leave more than you take out of the forest, and may your forest forays leave you with full baskets of mushrooms and roots! Happy Harvesting! Kale
A Celebration of all things preserved & canned for the whole family, a Valley Permaculture Guild Event. Saturday October 20th 10-2 Vallican Whole. Admission $2 Tasting Ballot $2 Spend the day relishing new food preservation techniques, learn from experts about canning, fermenting and storing food, enter your preserves in our canning contest and jar swap, taste your way through all of the entries, or just participate in a jar swap, stock up on supplies, meet & support local farmers and groups working towards sustainable food futures for the Slocan Valley. Come on out and be a part of your community’s thriving local food shed! We are still looking for experts and vendors to participate, along with some more volunteers. For more details: vpg@rbrand.ca • 250-226-7402 • http://goo.gl/lpPpz
Recipes? submissions@thekootenaytimes.ca
Nothing compares to the smells of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, & maple syrup in a pumpkin pie baking in the oven. Throw in some dark rum, crunchy roasted pecans and freshly whipped cream and it becomes heavenly. Here is a favourite I used to make in my bakery and I hope it becomes one of yours. Spiked Pumpkin Streusel Tart: Recipe yields one 10” tart. For the Dough: 2 Cups Flour, 1 Cup cubed Butter, ⅓ Cup Sugar, 1 Large egg Lightly Beaten, 1 Tsp. of grated orange zest, ½ Tsp. of salt, ¼ Cup Heavy Cream. Mix dry ingredients and add cubes of butter, slowly add cream and egg mixture until dough comes together. Wrap dough and set in fridge 1 hour. Filling: 15 oz Can Solid Pack Pumpkin Puree, 2 Tbsp. Flour, 3 Large Eggs, 1 Tsp. Ground Ginger & Cinnamon, ½ Cup Brown Sugar, ¼ Tsp. Cloves, Salt, ¼ Cup Maple Syrup, ½ Cup Heavy Cream & ¼ Cup Dark Rum. Whisk ingredients together in bowl.
Plum Chutney Recipe Violets Plum Preserves: Chutney 3 lbs plums, chopped and pitted 1 lb apple chopped and cored 2 garlic cloves chopped 1 large onion chopped 2 cups brown sugar 1 pint vinegar 1 tbsp ginger 2 tsp cloves ½ tsp cayenne 1 tbsp salt (Add 1 tbsp tamarind paste if desired) Coarsely chop all ingredients and bring to a boil in a large heavy bottom pot for 25-35 minutes. Use a submersion blender to reach desired constancy. Portion into sterilized jars and hot water bath process for 15 minutes leaving ½” head space. eatingwithsole.wordpress.com
For many of us here in the Kootenays, October signifies Harvest, and although gardeners and farmers have been enjoying their fresh fruits and veggies for months, now is the time to prepare for winter. In Permaculture we constantly look for energies that are coming onto and through our properties (sun, wind, water, animals) and when appropriate we try to Catch and Store those energies. For example, by composting, mulching, and cover cropping, we build healthy living soils which can capture and retain maximum rainfall and runoff to give our plants water when needed. When appropriately placed in a landscape we can also give these plants the right amount (not the most amount) of sunlight to allow them to thrive. When harvest time comes and we are canning, fermenting, pickling, and drying, we are essentially storing the solar and water energy, and our own labour in jars that we captured over the growing season. Valley Permaculture Guild
Streusel Topping: ¾ Cup Flour, 1/3 Cup Sugar, 1/3 Cup Brown Sugar, ½ Tsp. Salt, ½ Cup Butter (in cubes), ¾ Cup Toasted Pecans chopped, ¼ Cup chopped Crystallized Ginger. Mix ingredients together to resemble crumble. Preheat oven to 350*. Assemble Tart. Roll dough into tart pan, (dough may need to warm up 10-15 min to become pliable) pour pumpkin filling into unbaked crust & scatter streusel topping evenly over the pumpkin mixture. Bake until the topping is evenly cooked and no longer looks wet in the center, 50-65 min. Garnish with whipped cream. Yum! I wish you a wonderful harvest season and many a great meals shared with those you love.
PEARSON 250-505-8015
TECHNOLOGY tech·nol·o·gy [tek-nol-uh-jee]: 1. The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. 2. The terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature. 3. A technological process, invention, method, or the like. 4. The sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization. 5. Spell check is taking over the word.
I remember tracing the white jet trails overhead with my finger as a child and asking my dad, “What makes the jet engine smoke dissapear?” to which my junior high science teacher father replied, “It disappears because that is not smoke, what you are seeing is the moisture in 1000 degree jet exhaust hitting the cold air at high altitudes and freezing into visible ice crystals. It then warms up, melts, and dissipates shortly after.” I now look at the same sky some twenty years later and see jet trails that no longer dissipate, but rather disperse slowly over long periods of time covering the sky
in a pale haze. I do not need a phd or government official to confirm to me what my eyes can plainly observe, some of the aircraft in our skies are no longer emitting regular condensation trails, or contrails, but rather different chemical compounds, causing many to dub them “chemtrails”. Some propose these chemtrails are being used by governments and corporations in an attempt to control and manipulate our global ecosystem, and that they are a threat to public and environmental health. People worldwide are taking air and water samples in efforts to answer the question, “What/Why in the World are they Spraying?” Darren Maxwell McCann
Darryl Secret is the secret of Secret Service Cylces. Darryl has over 20 years of experience repairing bicycles, building wheels "that stand", and fitting riders to their bikes. Check him out. Darryl will take very good care of your ride. 602 Lake St (next to the youth center) secretservicecycles.com
Developed by Disney in the 60s, an animatronic puppet is a figure that is animated by electromechanical devices. Motion actuators are used to imitate muscle movements. The figure is covered with body shells and flexible skins. The figure is finished with colours, hair, feathers and other components to make the figure more realistic.
I’m all for saving money, and you know what costs to much money? Cable TV. In this day and age there are many options for watching online videos. Generally I tell people to try websites like CTV, Global, Comedy Network, Discovery.ca, History. ca, etc. However I have recently discoveredCrackle.com. It contains a wide range of TV shows and movies. Ever seen Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? How about Reign Over Me? If not got to www.Crackle.com today! There is a mobile application you can download from the apps store or google play . Jono
Contrary to popular belief, Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin was not the inventor of the machine. He was a medical doctor and lawmaker who in 1790 proposed that the death penalty should be equal for all, regardless of social rank and nature of the crime. It would be carried out by a swift mechanical device to eliminate suffering. His idea was derided at first but later the National Assembly revived it and then adopted it in 1791.
The Iron Maiden is a device so fiendish it was once thought to be fictional. It’s an upright sarcophagus with spikes on the inner surfac es. Double doors open on the front, allowing entrance for the victim. Once the victim was inside, the doors were closed. There, the strategically placed spikes would pierce several vital organs. The victim would linger and bleed to death over several hours.
Early torturers were fond of tying someone to a large wooden wheel and rolling it down a rocky hillside. A more elaborate method involved a wheel mounted to an A-frame that allowed it to swing freely. The victim would be tied to the wheel and then swung across some undesirable thing below - fire was always a good choice. Dragging the victim’s flesh across metal spikes also worked well.
OCCULT oc·cult [əˈkəlt]: 1. From Latin ‘occultus’ meaning “hidden” 2. Supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena 3. The art of reading between the lines 4. Looking within yourself 5. Essence of re-membering.
WICCA-PEDIA Just before the harvest moon I met with Danu, a dedicated Wiccan, and her partner Dragon, an occultist initiate. Over the gentle tunes and hearty flavours of our Preserved Seed lunch, we spoke about the meaning of magic, the many names of spirit, the nature of darkness and the creation of the universe. All of this page is sourced from that interview. Big thanks to Danu and Dragon for sharing their light and wisdom. If you'd like to get in touch with Danu and Dragon for tarot readings, or just to connect, you can email them at danu@project89.org & adasilva@ project89.org -Brain
Goddess existed in the void, floating on an endless sea, and she got so lonely that she split herself into two. Then she instantly fell so in love with that other side of herself that she tried to grab him and he ran. So all of existence is Goddess trying to catch up with her other half and we're all just one part of divinity or the other, always trying to reunite. We divided for love's sake for the chance at reunion.
MASTER’S WISDOM The key to making your magic work is to never, ever lie. Because if every word you say is always true, then every word you say will always be true.
Wicca comes from the German word "wicce" meaning "wise". "Witta" is the Irish version. It meant the wise woman, or the wise one of your village, people like the shaman, the priest, the healer, or the midwife. Wicca is closer in spirit to Native American traditions or to the shamanism of the Arctic. It is not based on dogma or a set of beliefs, nor on scriptures or a sacred book revealed by a great man. Witchcraft takes its teachings from nature, and reads inspiration in the movements of the sun, moon, and stars, the flight of birds, the slow growth of trees, and the cycles of the seasons. It is about the gnostic experience; what you feel is true in yourself is what you go with.
I always believed in God. Christianity was the only form of God I'd really heard about, so I was all for that. Then I heard Christians condemn people who believe in God in other ways, and I couldn't get behind that. I was in Nelson when I was 7 and I met this woman named Katie Lamonde. She was wearing the pentagram, and she told me about the five elements; earth, air, fire, water and then spirit above them all, and that the unification of all those elements makes everything in the world work. And I was like, "I'm so into that! that sounds like God to me."
The devil, or your own shadow, is also a great teacher for you. It's the keeper of your bondage, it won't let you go further until you're ready, and then it's there to show you through when you are ready. It's your teacher on the other side. Another aspect of the devil is mirth; he teaches you to laugh. The devil is like the coyote, the trickster, the chaos principle. Life would be really boring without it. It's the guardian of the threshold and the vow holder. In Tibetan Buddhism it's the protector deities, monstrous demonic figures who protect the Dharma from those who are too ignorant to really work for it, and they will destroy those who try to leave the Dharma once initiated. It's the principle of this demonic, dangerous, devilish force that keeps the ignorant out and the devout in. This is also where the Christian fear-based principle lies, "don't do it, the devil's gonna get ya!" If you do what's wrong, that devil force will keep you in line. The part of you that knows it's
Your first task as a dedicated witch (a dedicant) is you need to go find your tools. There are four basic tools. Your wand is your tool of fire, it's your tool to direct your will. Your sword or athamé, your little blade, is your intellect. Generally you use it for carving out spells or similar to the wand, to direct energy. Your pentacle is your earth element, so it gives homage the Gaia underneath us, to the Earth we all came out of and it's also like a shield of protection, and a grounding aspect. And then your chalice or cauldron is your water element, that's where your emotions are. It's also used for scrying, which is crystal ball or black mirror gazing. But you can also just do it in any cup full of water. If you just stare at the water long enough and you will see stuff. So that's your tool for intuition.
wrong will hurt you. And this is the essence of sin, sin is actually a term from archery and means to miss the mark. That's all a sin is, right? When you miss the point when you go against your path, and you will get guided back on. You just have to try again, and keep trying until you get the point. When you hit the point you're in grace. We say it looks graceful when the mark gets hit. Aleister Crowley said magic is “the art and magic of changing things in accordance with one’s will”.
Spell craft is just prayer with props. You're aligning your will, getting a really clear image of what you want in your head and in your heart, and you're holding that until you see it on the outside of you. It's just like manifestation, or law of attraction, or there's lots of different like, quantum physics ways you can explain it but it's all basically the same thing. I've had my spell craft be really successful… Anything I've really put my mind to, enough to align it with the moon, and get out a coloured candle that is appropriate to me, and a crystal that feels right to me, and essential oils and all that stuff; it's always been effective. But I haven't done it too much. There are very few things that I feel like I have to go out of my way to make happen forcefully.
MONSTERS mon·sters [mon-stir]: 1. An imaginary beast, such as a centaur, usually made up of various animal or human parts. 2. A person, animal, or plant with a marked structural deformity. 3. A cruel, wicked, or inhuman person. 4. Now used to describe anything big, “monster truck”
Lovecraft’s nightmare
The spelling of his name is the closest that human tongue can come to pronouncing it, and the speaking of the name alone is said to have a dark energetic impact. One of a race of Elder gods, imprisoned in the earth millenia ago, the Evil below the surface slumbers. With a a tentacled face and rudimentary wings, he is a terrifying sight. Capable of unspeakable attrocities and posessed of an incomprehensible evil, Cthulu is invoked by legions of devotees, hoping to be spared his wrath when he is awakened.
Medusa is one of the 3 gorgon sisters, and the only one who was mortal. Her gaze could turn whoever she looked upon to stone. There is a particular myth in which Medusa was
originally a beautiful maiden. She desecrated Athena's temple by lying there with Poseidon. Outraged, Athena turned Medusa's hair into living snakes. Medusa was killed by Perseus with the help of Athena and Hermes. He cut off her head and gave it to Athena. From Medusa's dead body the giant Chrysaor and the winged horse Pegasus, her son by Poseidon, sprang forth.
FAMOUS Having NELSONS the dubious distinction of killing
more F.B.I. agents in the line of their duty than any other American citizen, Baby Face Nelson was at one time considered 'Public Enemy Number 1' Born in Chicago in 1908 George Baby Face Nelson's real name was Lester Joseph Gillis. At the age of 12 after accidentally shooting another child in the jaw he spent the majority of his teenage years in and out of penal school and the state reformatory. By April 1930, having worked his way up the criminal ladder, by stealing tires, driving bootleg alcohol and finally committing bank robbery, Nelson's fame started to grow after stealing the Mayor of Chicago's wife's jewellery, which was valued at $18,000. After describing her attacker as being' baby faced', the press went to town and a villainous legend was born.
Creatures from beyond.
PARANORMAL para·normal [] : 1. Denoting events or phenomena that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding 2. A term referring to something awesome or strange 3. Usually said to be beside or against reality
James Johnstone had a way with trees. In the late 1800’s Johnstone, educated at Aberdeen, finally sunk his roots in Nelson BC and became a gold medal horticulturist. James was a master arborist and the first grower of the Johnstone Apple which would become a
GODDESS OF THE MONTH Kali is the fearful and ferocious form of the mother goddess. She creates all… yet she consumes all.
SERPENT WISDOM TheAum, or Amen, is the sound of the universe, which equates to meaning everything that is. This was the WORD spoken in Genesis which refers to the big bang, the creation of everything from void. It is akin to the emergence of a dream from dream-less sleep. The Yogis call this dream universe Maya, which means illusion. The Buddhist mantra, “This too shall pass” speaks to the transitory nature of our reality, and that truth lies beyond the veil of appearances. The Gnostics teach that God is nothing (or above all created things in Nirvana), and that the Devil is the creator deity (Lord of Matter and Hallucinations). Lucifer means light-bearer and refers to
perennial favourite. The Johnstone Manor was the first house erected on the north shore directly facing Nelson and stands to this day. Living in the midst of his own fruit bearing forest Johnstone was an ardent back-tothe-lander, early champion of the shop local concept and a marketing wizard known for sending his cosmic outsized cherries around the world in Valentine chocolate boxes. Patricia A Rogers, noted author and armchair paranormal enthusiast of Nelson, was greeted by a red headed and bearded man with great smiling eyes upon her first visit to the Johnstone Manor in 2008. He was dressed rather formally and when Mrs. Rogers began to reach out her hand, her friend, the owner of the manor, walked through the apparition causing it to dissipate. After the encounter she described her phantom caller to a “t” as the man who not only has an apple named after him but a landing and a spooky overgrown park too. Mr. Johnstone paid Mrs. Rogers another visit later that night while she was mid-shower. Out of nowhere appeared the red headed fruit grower, still dapper, only this time he offered her a bar of soap. In many aboriginal belief systems as well as Asian, it is understood that the spirits in purgatory live in the branches of trees… considering that James Johnstone planted every one of the trees in his orchard himself, it is not difficult to imagine that they were part of a deeper plot. Michael whenwallstalk.blogspot.com the Sun, the projector of Maya. Pan (all) is another name for Satan, and symbolizes the creative male sexual energy in the form of a phallus. This is the serpent which tempted Eve (us) to fall into incarnation. As Buddha would say, “Desire is suffering”. Kundalini-Shakti means coiled serpent energy, and refers to the chaste yogic path to wisdom. This is the path of the Hermit, Virgo (the Virgin), as opposed to Death, Scorpio (the Serpent). The curse of Death falls upon us through the sexual creation of life, yet it is the greatest of illusions. “Think not upon that falsity that Thou Shalt Die, for surely thou shalt not die, but live forevermore”. Ayam Abraxas
PHAIR HOTEL Mary Estey, a 58-year-old mother of seven, lived in Salem in 1692 when she was accused of witchcraft. Villagers blamed her living ghost for causing all sorts of bizarre behaviour and the spirits seemed to follow the offspring to Nelson, British Columbia.
Kalmykia is one of the smallest regions in Russia and the only Buddhist enclave in Europe. President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is an eccentric politician and millionaire businessman whose heroes are Genghis Khan, the Dalai Lama and Bobby Fischer. Ilyumzhinov revealed in an interview that aliens appeared in a transparent tube on the balcony of his apartment in Moscow on September 17, 1997. “I was reading my book, watching television and had almost fallen asleep,” said Ilyumzhinov. “Then I felt that someone was calling. I would not have believed it, if I had not had three witnesses—my driver, my minister and my aide. They took me from my apartment and we went aboard their ship. We flew to some kind of star. They put a yellow spacesuit on me, told me many things and showed me around. They wanted to demonstrate that ETs do exist. They are people like us. They have the same mind, the same vision. I talked with them, I understand that we are not alone in this whole Universe. We are not unique. I was glad to know this. I am only happy that a person starts to realize that he is not alone in this Universe, and stops being egoistic, being the only being with a mind, on this Earth… The faster we start feeling ourselves as part of universal intellect, the quicker wars and destruction of each other and creatures with mind shall stop.”
It was many years ago that I got out of a crew truck in the national forest and ran toward a large glowing UFO hovering in the darkening Arizona sky. But when I made that fateful choice to leave the truck, I was leaving behind more than just my six fellow workmen. I was leaving behind forever all semblance of a normal life, running headlong toward an experience so overwhelmingly mind-rending in it's effects, so devastating in its aftermath, that my life would never-could never-be the same again. Travis Walton If chased at night by a ghost or an evil spirit, try to get to a stream of running water. If you can cross it no devil or evil spirit will be able to follow.
DEATH death [deth]: 1. The termination of life. 2. The state of being dead. 3. The cause of dying: Cindy was the death of him. 4. Often a personification of the destroyer of life, usually represented as a skeleton holding a scythe. 5. We are dying from the moment we are born.
In ancient Egypt, the life of the Pharaoh was intimately connected with the sun’s daily rising and setting. It was believed that after death, he must pass through the dangerous underworld, before being re-born, allowing the sun to rise again. For if he should not pass through, the world would plunge into eternal darkness. The dangers that face the Pharaoh are the shadows of his own unconsciousness. He must confront the darkest, deepest parts of himself, as in a nightmare, before he can release his past life and carry on to the next.
Wash the body’s surface. Remove brain through the nose to preserve the appearance of the mummy’s head. Remove the lungs, kidneys and other abdominal organs. Leave the heart in its place. Dry the body by packing it in natron (a natural salt). Pack the body with linens, bags of natron, sawdust and resincoated bandages. After drying, sew the incision shut. Coat the closed body with water-repellent materials such as pitch, beeswax and plant resins. Wrap the body in resin-soaked bandages.
According to Ancient Egyptian belief, after we died, our souls were taken to the Hall of Truth, where our worthiness was judged. Only those whose hearts were the weight of a feather were able to deny the seven accusations of the judges of sin. Egyptians were able to clear their conscience, and thus lighten their hearts, through the love of Osiris, who, like Jesus, forgives sin and died for his people. The Tibetan Book of the Dead also describes the demons who judge souls using black and white stones. However, they advise one that all things are Maya, transitory illusion, and nothing can have power over one if it is not believed in. Ayam Abraxas
BC’S LAST MAN HANGED Leo Mantha and Aaron Jenkins were lovers. Mantha was a former naval sailor turned civilian sailor. Jenkins was a pay clerk who worked and lived at the navy barracks. Jenkins was in the process of breaking up the relationship. During a confrontation on 5 Sept 1958 Mantha punched Jenkins in the head. Later that night Mantha got drunk and was contemplating suicide by driving off a cliff near the navy base but was interrupted by a military police officer. Later he sneaked onto the base and entered the barracks where Jenkins slept. He made his way to Jenkins' room. He later said he didn't remember stabbing Jenkins in his bed. www.blasphemy.com
King Tut’s mummy still rests in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings. He is on display in a case designed to prevent the heightened rate of decomposition caused by the humidity and warmth from tourists visiting the tomb.
Mantha escaped quickly before Jenkins' screaming awoke his roommate. He died within minutes. Police found letters from Mantha in Jenkins' locker and went to his house. He admitted to killing Jenkins. Mantha was convicted of murder and was sentenced to death. He was hanged in Burnaby on April 28th 1959. His lawyer George Gregory, himself a former naval sailor, was greatly effected by this case. He attended the execution and eventually became a judge who reluctantly handed down one of the last death sentences in British Columbia (it was not carried out). In 1973 Gregory committed suicide. from the archives http://goo.gl/hl8lo
Art: Alex Grey
In Tibet death is highly important. It is believed that as soon as the death of the body has taken place, the personality goes into a state of trance for four days. During this time the person does not know they are dead. This period is called the First Bardo and during it Lamas (monks) can reach the dead person by saying special verses. Towards the end of this time the dead person will see a brilliant light. If the radiance of the Clear Light does not terrify them, and they can welcome it, then the person will not be reborn. But most flee from the Light, which then fades. The person then becomes conscious that death has occurred. At this point the Second Bardo begins. The person sees all that they have ever done or thought passing in front of them. While they watch they feel they have a body but when they realize this is not so, they long to possess one again. Then comes the Third Bardo, which is the state of seeking another birth. All previous thoughts and actions direct the person to choose new parents, who will give them their next body.
SOUND sound [sow-end]: 1. The sensations produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium. 2. Mechanical vibrations transmitted through an elastic medium, traveling in air at a speed of approximately 1087 feet (331 meters) per second at sea level. 3. The particular auditory effect produced by a given cause: the sound of music. 4. Any auditory effect; any audible vibrational disturbance: all kinds of sounds. 5. A noise, vocal utterance, musical tone, or the like: the sounds from the next room.
THE BAND & THE BOOK The band Blasphemy is a black metal group that released their first demo in 1989, entitled “Blood Upon The Altar.” They originally grouped together in 1984 and are from Branbury, Canada. They toured with a label called Wild Rags in the United States, but eventually separated from the company over issues to do with payment, namely, and naturally being, not enough. Their debut album came out also in 1989, and was titled Fallen Angel of Doom. The most interesting thing about the band itself is its members. Original lineup was Singer Ace Gestapo Necrosleezer with Vaginal Commands on bass, Black Priest of 7 Satanic Rituals on guitars, and The Traditional Sodomizer of the Goddess of Perversity on guitars as well. The current line up is Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds on vocals, Bestial Saviour of the Undead Legions on bass, Caller of the
The Spiritbar is a musical mausoleum and a dedicated server to the indelible musicians whose souls have crossed over but voices remain. Apparitions of the spirited musicians grace the walls of the Spiritbar as not only a tribute to the rock stars but as a sign Storms on guitars, Deathlord of Abomination of acknowledgement to the uncertainty of the and War Apocalypse also on guitars, and spirit world. If there are any long term guests Three Black Hearts of Damnation and Impu- remaining at the Hume at least now they rity on drums. Their most recent album came have a place to get down. out in 1993 titled “Gods of War."
One of Nelson’s most prolific electronic music producers, Yan Zombie has garnered global attention for his synthy grimy beats and genius sampling. Unafraid of controversy, and shocking without being horrific, Zombie’s music stimulates the mind and ignites the dancefloor. Boundary pushing is part of the peformance. No one is safe. “The name Yan Zombie references a lot of the things I address and think about with my music; mass mind controlled public, mesmerism, apocalyptic panic, viral contagions , epidemics, drug induced catatonia , dark humour and cannibalism.” yanzombie.com
DUPPY DREAD The Duppy is an evil spirit or ghost that originated in Jamaican folktales and made its way to Barbados. It often appears in the form of a dog barking or howling through the night. Another folktale says that Duppies live in the buttress roots of silk cotton trees.
CELEBRITY PATENTS: Michael Jackson Anti-Gravity Lean Shoes (US Patent 5,255,452) Kanye West Shutter Shade Glasses Patent D590,868
FACEPLANT FUNK JAM with Vinyl Ritchie NOV.23
NORWEIGIAN BLACK METAL Norway has birthed some truly terrifying Bands in the past 20 years. Dimmu Borgir, and Gorgoroth are the some best known of these groups, playing a genre of heavy guitar music known as “Black Metal”. This music is extremely fast, loud, in minor scales, with horrifying lyrics centering on satanism, death, murder and violence. Always at the center of public outrage, Black Metalists in Norway have been known to burn churches, citing their allegiance to a pre-christian Viking culture of Scandinavia. Gorgoroth’s live shows are so shocking that they have been banned in Prague, for staging mock crucifictions and bathing their audiences in pig’s blood. Most of these groups claim it is all an act, but others insist that their music is a direct force of evil in the world. It is enormously popular in Europe, with festivals dedicated to Black Metal reaching in the hundreds of thousands of fans. Morgoth
TRICK OR TREAT trick or treat: noun 1. A children’s Halloween practice of asking for treats from door to door under threat of playing tricks on those who refuse. 2. An intransitive verb, offering the option of either trickery or delicious candy reward. 3. Smell my feet!
1600 1880
1910 1912
1940 1943 = White Rabbit Creamy Candy originated at the Aipixi Candy Factory of Shanghai
1950 1949
The origins of chocolate can be traced back at least three thousand years. The first peoples to enjoy the rich sensuousness of chocolate are thought to be the mysterious ancient civilizations of the Olmec and the Maya. These civilizations lived in the heart of equatorial Central America and cultivated the trees from which all the chocolate in the world is derived. The cacao tree can only grow in tropical areas within 20 degrees of the equator. It cannot grow if it is too high, too cold, or too dry, and it needs shelter from wind and sun. It requires protection from all manner of wild animals and is very susceptible to various diseases and ills if not grown in near perfect conditions. The Maya believed that the cacao tree was a gift to man from the gods. And in their written texts they refer to cacao as God’s food. They carved sacred images of the cacao pods onto their palaces and temples. Exclusively for kings and the male elite, the cacao pod was their symbol for life and fertility, and was used only for sacred occasions and rituals. Chocolate has played an important role as an aphrodisiac and health tonic, made by the elite medicine men of the court. It was used as currency, and a source of wisdom and energy.
CHOCKAFELLAR It is hard to believe that one
of the greatest chocolate bars in the world is being made in a tiny kitchen in a warehouse building close to Nelson Airport. From their spotless stainless steel kitchen Sam Lazenby and Hollie Wheeler have such a profound chocolate effect on this chocolate loving community. Be it straight up milk or a delicious soft centre wonder, look for the familiar tinfoil wrapper and you will enter chocolate heaven. Online @ kootenay.coop/growers.php or 203-625 Front St.
1980 1983
1990 TODAY
Guan Sheng sat motionless in front of the Chinese judge. No fanfare was expended in the sentencing of Mr. Sheng for his crime of selling White Rabbit Creamy Candy in Indonesia without a license from the mainland in 2003. The helmeted Military Police lifted the guilty party from each side by his armpits as Guan Sheng hung spiritless, condemned to death in the name of the White Rabbit in the land of the black magic. If you follow the trail of this fascinating oriental edible you will find a bag full tricky treats that aren't exactly charming. White rabbit creamy candy is available at wings variety, Nelson, BC. Available at Wing’s Grocery Michael
Scary Story Winner He hears the muffled crash of breaking branches far behind him. The sound plays in the dark; it turns the silhouetted skeletons of trees into mangled murderers, the light of the moon into a devil’s spotlight. He’s never been comfortable with the woods at night. An environment so crowded with life and growth is suddenly reduced to a blank nothingness. The breath of things better left sleeping oozes out of the hollowness and chases his heels. He sweats but does not realize it. He’s lost. He heaves forward, not knowing if he’s still on the trail. The sound of the woods turns into a deafening, silent hum. His fearful blood pumps relentlessly and threatens to burst through his skin. The small figure in the bag that he drags sobs once, breaking the silence. He tells the figure to stop crying. They’re almost at the swimming hole. And the water is so refreshing.
“All-Hallows” is the Anglo-Saxonized Celtic “Samhain” as every half-aware Nelson neo-pagan knows.
Celts said that at this time “the Veil” or “Fane” between us and the unseen world is very thin. An epiphany experience brings us close to the ‘Fane’. Is evil across that barrier? No! It is inside us always if we watch. “Hallows” are “Saints”. This is the time to be strong in your best Light, not Shadow. Dig? Charles Jeanes
BUD OF THE MONTH STRAIN: Jack Herer LOOKS: Sugary, sharply shaped spears. These buds have noticeably amber trichomes and rust colored pistils. SMELL: Spicy and acrid nose like peppers and acrid citrus fruit. TASTE: Sandalwood and pepper is the predominant taste with distinct undertones of ripe fruit. BUZZ TYPE: Narcotic. When used by itself it blasts me to the moon for a few hours after which you lose your momentum and come crashing down making it great for mixing with indicas and alleviating insomnia. The initial buzz is akin to Isis in it’s devastating punch, but the Isis is substantially more spacey. BUZZ LENGTH: Long. 3-4 hours. Overall: Astoundingly potent sativa. I am never disappointed when I grab Jack Herer. I always mix it if using it during the day, as by itself it almost always incapacitates me. Mel Topps
EYES IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD Edward Mordrake is claimed to be a 19th century English man who had an extra face on the back of his head. The extra face could neither eat nor speak, but it could laugh and cry. Edward begged doctors to have his demon head removed, because, supposedly, it whispered horrible things to him at night, but no doctor would attempt it. He committed suicide at the age of 23.
MASKS masks [noun]: 1. Something to wear over your face 2. A covering, as of cloth, that has openings for the eyes, entirely or partly conceals the face, and is worn especially at a masquerade ball. 3. A devise used to Scuba Dive (usually a hand held pipe). Bongs, hookas, bubblers, gravity bongs, or any other devises are also masks 4. Condom/ jimmie
BARONG DANCE Bali: Island of the Gods. A culture so permeated by Balinese Hinduism that only an insane or infirm person would miss a ceremony. The Mask, in it’s many variations figures intrinsically within the
endless array of blessed temple choreography. The elaborate masks of the Balinese ceremonies are hand carved from hardwood and painted with incredible skill. These sacred works of religious art incorporate the long straight hair of Balinese virgins in their depictions of good and evil. The Barong, featured here, represents the man eating tiger who battles Rangda, the God of Death. The temple battle climaxes in a trance ceremony which crescendos in a paranormal knife trance that ends in an apocalyptic frenzy that can only be calmed by the holy water sprinkles of the high priests. It is said that the wearer of the Balinese temple masks become possessed by the mask’s spirit. Blood is never to be drawn. Michael
The Iroquois and Huron participated in healing societies. One such group of healers called its society "Keeper of Faith". There was also the Iroquois False Face Curing Society, which was perhaps the most famous. In this society, carved wooden masks used in the healing rite were believed to possess spiritual force and depicted an order of mythical beings. Each wooden mask gave special curing powers to the society member who wore the mask.
No need for expensive, elaborate costumes: we already have masks for any situation. These many masks are easily created, worn and changed when fear, panic, shame, guilt and pride arise within us. The unconscious process goes something like this: our ego says to another part of our unconscious selves, “Hey, got this situation I can’t handle, and I may not look so good if I don’t handle it. Besides, I’m anxious and about to get a panic attack!” So the unconscious sorts through our legacy data banks and comes up with a mask that worked for a similar “feeling” perhaps when we were five years old. So out comes the mask, and voila! Situation handled! Upset with family or friends? Perhaps you have a range of masks from fight to flight. Lost a promotion, or didn’t get acknowledged for a job well done? Have a victim mask! Lost love? Ah, the defiant mask might work. Yet the truth is we are most beautiful, powerful, creative and loving when we choose to set aside the masks, and cultivate the capacity to be full hearted, brave hearted, big hearted, soft hearted alongside those uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. So unmask this Halloween. You’ll stand out as a human being among the goblins and ghosts. And I bet you’ll have the best mask. Certainly the most beautiful. White Electric Wolf
Get costumes at:
Costume Shop Rentals and fittings available Wednesdays 12:30-6PM & Fridays 12:30-4:30PM until October 30th
Morpheus, Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, is a truly enigmatic hero/anti hero. Blurring lines between good and evil, the Lord of dreams escapes imprisonment and rebuilds his kingdom in the modern day. Critically acclaimed, The Sandman is one of the few graphic novels to make the NY times bestseller list. Norman Mailer described the series as “a comic strip for intellectuals.”. Darkly written and even more darkly illustrated.
Frank Miller’s grim noir comic “Sin City” is a seething bed of crime, corruption, sex and lies. These graphic novels follow a number or recurring characters in multiple story arcs spread out across a time span of two decades. With a distinctly Pan American city feeling, like LA, or Vegas, palm trees, bright lights and filthy shadows, Miller uncovers the dirt in the shockingly violent and anarchic urban war zone of American inner city white trash.
One of the defining superhero mythologies, Batman has been interpreted in a number of ways. Nolan’s The Dark Knight showed a more grimy and realistic side of crime and punishment in the always horrendous Gotham city. The artwork of this DC adaptation is dark black, an experiment in shadows, that parallels Bruce Wayne‘s battles with crime and the demons within himself. Not light reading.
LOBO Undoubtedly the most unnecessarily violent superhero of all time, Lobo always manages to come in handy as a bloodthirsty time travelling warrior. The bodies pile up in impossible numbers as Lobo empties endless rounds of ammunition into the nearly insurmountable enemies he attracts wherever he goes. Good for a laugh and a glimpse into utterly depraved bloodlust and insanity. Also motorcycles.
GLEN ALLEN Detroit City
BUBZEE The Valley
Dawn Lily 464 BAKER STREET
ART art [ahrt]: 1. The quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. 2. Any field using the skills or techniques of art: advertising art; industrial art. 3. Making something out of nothing then selling it. SEND KOOTENAY TIMES YOUR ART submissions@thekootenaytimes.ca
Graffiti is clearly part and partial to Sangito Bigelow's visual language. Gnarled, contorted and dripping, graffiti is a form of visual poetry, spoken in the streets, understood by the initiated but like a secret hand-shake the entire vocabulary is purposefully obfuscating in order to better serve the communication network that drives it. Much the same could be said of the language of contemporary art and with the advent of abstract expressionism, the comprehension of fine art has been the privilege of an educated audience. The uniqueness in Sangito Bigelow's work is due to his visual bilingualism. He is fluent in both street graffiti and in the language of contemporary art. He is also heir to his generation's inclination to collaborate rather than to the previous generation's swerve towards individualism and competition. Bigelow speaks a complex visual language. He has the political and social acuteness that comes from being alert, interested and young. It may take time to fully understand his visual narrative but as he takes us through his story, it is as engaging as it is avant-garde.
up @ Who Knew? Culture Shop
MULTIMEDIA mul·ti·me·dia: 1. A combination of devices utilized independently or in concert for the purpose of communication.
Robert W. "Bo" Welch III (born November 30, 1951) is an American motion picture production designer and director. Welch was born in Yardley, Pennsylvania. He worked as a production designer on the Tim Burton films Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Batman Returns, as well as A Little Princess and Men in Black, among other films. He made his directorial debut with The Cat in the Hat. Welch has been nominated for four Academy Awards for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration. These four films are: Men in Black, The Birdcage, A Little Princess and The Color Purple. Welch married SCTV comedian Catherine O'Hara in 1992, with whom he had two sons, Matthew and Luke.
DOUBLE FEATURE Josh Wapp has transcended not only his expectations having broken the thousand member Save the Civic Theatre membership, but as well Wapp has transcended from mere mortal to cardboard cut-out and pop art icon. Nice work Josh. www.civictheatre.ca
Original theatre ad circa 1935. Courtesy of Touchstones Nelson new media design
VOODOO voo·doo [voo’doo]: 1. Haitian religion combining Catholicism and West African-influenced animist beliefs 2. Any strange ritual or behavior, especially one meant to do harm to another person 3. Unexplainable happenings 4. Vodka mixed with Mountain Dew
Vodou's roots go back more than 6,000 years to the part of West Africa now known as Benin. Slave ships arrived in Haiti in the early 16th century. Haitian Vodou was born as African slaves mixed their religious beliefs with the European traditions of slave masters, including the rituals of Roman Catholicism. Vodou is related to other transplanted African traditions such as Santeria, which took root in Cuba and Candomblé in Brazil. In all of these places, Catholicism was the official religion of colonizers. Slaves and common people hid the spirits they knew inside their veneration of Catholic saints. To this day, many Haitians combine Vodou practices with Catholic devotion.
As he tosses and reads the shells, he peppers you with questions about your private life. He hands over two stones -- one white, one black -- and instructs you to shake them in your clasped palms and then separate them. Shake. Repeat. Shake. Repeat. "Ah," he says, "now we are getting somewhere." Santeria is just one of several branches of African-based spiritualism in Cuba. All are deeply rooted both in Africa's and Cuba's colonial history. When a plantation economy began to flourish here, hundreds of thousands of African slaves were imported to the island. Unlike their counterparts in the English-speaking Caribbean, Spanish plantation owners encouraged tribal groups to maintain their distinctive practices, hoping that this might prevent blacks from uniting against them. As a result, African animist beliefs thrived. Over time, Santeria's African roots became entangled with Christianity. Nowadays, most
of Santeria's huge pantheon of African gods, also known as Orishas, are identified with Christian saints. Chango, the Santeria god of lightning and warfare, is also represented by Saint Barbara. Obatala, the creator of Earth and the sculptor of humans, is identified with the Virgin of Mercy. You might think most of Cuba's Santeria adherents would be descendants of African slaves, but it isn't necessarily so. Santeria's practitioners are as likely to be white-skinned as they are mulatto or black.
Obeah, as practiced in Jamaica and the Caribbean, takes occult powers from the remnants of a once very powerful and celebrated secret religious order that has long since been lost to the mists of time. However, the most secretive, powerful and dreaded purveyors of present day Obeah comes undiluted from the old order. Practitioners will usually operate well beyond the confines of any traditional witchcraft, sorcery, shamanism, voodoo, or tribal magic. It is a dying breed shrouded in secrecy, with the most powerful versions known and practiced only by a select few. Even fewer ever truly enter the ranks of Obeah and are able to successfully wield its will and awesome scope unscathed. An Obeahman can use the power of Obeah without the danger of disrespecting the gods, but, depending on circumstances, not necessarily without repercussions from the gods. Obeah is potent, compelling and in the wrong hands, both deadly and dangerous. It's secret lies in its power. Even white light shields can and do weaken, collapse, or are rendered impotent, buckling under Obeah's strength.
Baron Samedi is the head of the family of ancestral spirits (loa), the Guédé, and is considered one of the patron loas of New Orleans. Typically depicted as if ready to be buried Haitian style with a top hat, black tuxedo, dark glasses. He has a white, mostly skull-like face. He speaks with a nasal tone of voice, telling crude but funny jokes. Standing at the crossroads, where the souls of dead humans pass on their way to Guinee, he is the all-knowing loa
of death. Baron Samedi is noted for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and for having a particular fondness for tobacco and white rum. The first burial of a man in any cemetery in Haiti is dedicated to Baron Samedi.
The Yoruba traditionally believe that daily life depends on proper alignment and knowledge of one's Ori (literally means the head) but in spiritual matters it is taken to mean an inner portion of the soul that determines personal destiny and success. Ase, which is also spelled “Axe,” “Axé,” “Ashe,” or “Ache,” is the lifeforce that runs though all things, living and inanimate. Ashe is the power to make things happen. It is an affirmation which is used in greetings and prayers, as well as a concept about spiritual growth.
Wade Davis: The Serpent and the Rainbow
LIGHT MAGIC light·magic [līt-majik] 1. Magic acting in contrast to the dark, used only for good purposes. 2. Magic practiced for protection, health and guidance, or in league with higher spirits. 3. True magicians tended to be stars, nymphs, gods, demons, hags, faeries and witches, who could invoke magical rituals of their kind, good or evil (in magical terms, often referred to as light or dark, respectively).
Siddhis (yogic powers) exist. They are part of the spiritual path, but can become a major instrument of maya (illusion), resulting in the downfall of yogis who desire them. Performances of spectacular miracles are not necessarily a sign of spiritual advancement. Even if such powers should come to you, don’t use them, except if you hear the voice of God telling you to do so. Powers include to become invisible; knowledge of the past, present and future; cessation of hunger and thirst; assuming any form at will; death at one’s own will; to touch and feel with the hand even the sun and the moon, mighty and powerful though they be; and more.
You are of this Earth and the great work of the soul is to try and transmute matter into a greater vehicle for spirit. In essence, all pleasures that you experience are given unto the worship of divinity, of spiritual evolution. Of all things bound and forced to work, of all dominion that you express or control that you experience, make sure that is spirit controlling, and spirit guiding, and that you’re always enacting the evolution of spirit.
BOOK REC: THE SPIRAL DANCE BY STARHAWK “The moon is full. We meet on a hilltop that looks out over the bay. Below us, lights spread out like a field of jewels, and faraway skyscrapers pierce the swirling fog like the spires of fairytale towers. The night is enchanted, our candles have been blown out, and our makeshift altar cannot stand up under the force of the wind, as it sings through the branches of tall eucalyptus. We hold up our arms and let it hurl against our faces. We are exhilarated, hair and eyes streaming. The tools are unimportant; we have all we need to make magic: our bodies, our breath, our voices, each other. The circle has been cast. The invocations begin...” www.starhawk.org
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch is a paraphysical “code-book”. It is a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with an advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. The linkage is made through 64 areas of future science, that defines the course of human development.
There is no Emotion; there is Peace. There is no Ignorance; there is Knowledge. There is no Passion; there is Serenity. There is no Death; there is the Force.
There’s no escaping the powers of this Sorcerer Supreme who has the ability to produce planet-wide spells.
The beloved headmaster’s wisdom and magical gifts were almost unmatched in the Potterverse.
Possessor of the Ring of Fire, this great wizard survived time and again to help those in need on Middle Earth.
The planet is shifting. The global economy along with all the old infrastructure is starting to crumble because it's part of the old paradigm. We've reached that pivotal point in our existence where we've become so entrenched in our illusions that there's no joy. And we are joy; we are love, we are all expressions of God. It's now time to reconnect with that and start recreating a world of joy, happiness, and love. Surrender. Accept that you are God. Open up to it, embrace it. Let go of the fear. We've been so rooted in the illusion that this is all real that we're stuck. We're resisting. As the Borg say, "resistance is futile." You will be transformed. It's inevitable, and it's happening. It's been prophesied as the rapture, the awakening, the apocalypse, meaning new beginning… It is the end of the Earth as we know it. It's so old now, it's too old. This is truly a momentous time on planet earth, and for those of you who feel drawn to deepen your understanding of this transformation, ask your higher self to allow the information to flow into your consciousness and you will be awakened. Blessings to you all. Crystal Priestess
DARK MAGIC dark·magic [därk ‘majik] 1. Magic acting in contrast to the light, holy, and good. 2. Magic practiced for evil purposes or in league with supposed evil spirits; witchcraft. 3. Use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits.
David Icke postulates that a race of reptilians has controlled human society from its very beginning. These beings, which Icke calls by the Sumerian word “Anunnaki,” infiltrate human society through interbreeding with humans, placing their crossbred offspring into roles of social and political power. Icke blames the Anunnaki for many of the bloodiest and most difficult chapters in human history. Human sacrifice? Demanded by reptilian overlords. British colonialism? Designed to wipe out indigenous knowledge and replace it with propaganda and mindcontrol. The death of Princess Diana? A ritual sacrifice of a moon goddess who had criticized her husband’s reptilian royal family. Icke writes, “The reptilians are without sentiment and, at the fourth dimensional level, they feed off the energy of low vibrational human emotions like fear, guilt, and aggression. The more of these emotions that can be stimulated, the more energy the reptilians have to work with. Thus we have the encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject”.
The Necronomicon is reputed to be the greatest magical grimoire in existence. Its secrets go beyond mere necromancy and reveal the cosmic horror of ultimate reality. It has gone through many editions in many languages since it was first written by Abdul Alhazred in the early 8th century.
Peace is a lie… there is only Passion. Through Passion I gain Strength. Through Strength I gain Power. Through Power I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are broken.
Chillingly evil, the White Witch casts the world of Narnia into eternal winter and uses her formidable talents in her attempt to rule the realm.
One of the most dark sorcerers of all time, Sauron’s ability to enslave useful allies through the use of powerful magic made him the all seeing Lord of the Rings.
As if you needed an introduction to “the most evil wizard for hundreds and hundreds of years”?
The Maya predicted the existence of Nibiru, or according to them, a certain dark energy in shape of a planet which would be coming near Earth in the distant future. The Annunaki are the citizens of Nibiru. Every time this planet came around, entire civilizations on Earth were wiped out.
Edward Alexander Crowley, Aleister, also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The Great Beast 666, was an English occultist, mystic, ceremonial magician, poet and mountaineer. Crowley was also pansexual, a recreational drug experimenter and a social critic. In many of these roles he “was in revolt against the moral and religious values of his time”, espousing a form of libertinism based upon the rule of “Do What Thou Wilt”. Because of this, he gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, and was denounced in the popular press of the day as “the wickedest man in the world”.
BOOK OF POE Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone -Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy: Be silent in that solitude Which is not loneliness -- for then The spirits of the dead who stood In life before thee are again In death around thee -and their will Shall then overshadow thee: be still.
The Great Beast 666
LIBIDO li·bi·do [li-bee-doh]: 1. The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual sexual drives 2. Sexual desire. 3. An increase in sexual tension or sexual desire
Shibari was introduced in Japan in the early 1400's as a form of imprisonment and torture, however over the years it has transformed into an erotic art and the latest trend in modern day bondage. The Japanese translation for Shibari is "the art of tying rope." The unique rigging creates geometric patterns and shapes that contrast the body's natural curves. The aesthetic use of the rope is to emphasize characteristics like vulnerability, sensuality and strength while the positioning of the knots in appropriate places stimulates pressure points throughout the body. It is a very sensual and intimate experience for the model and the rope tier - or the dominant and the submissive. Although very time consuming, it is often said to be one of the most gratifying sexual experiences for the mind, body, and soul, even sometimes referred to as being "rope drunk". Jemini Sky
Real name: Cassandra Peterson
Once a year, on Halloween, people turned on by the thought of dressing up in the clothes of the opposite sex get to do so without ridicule or shame. Disguised by makeup, masks and costumes, on this one magical night, we can experience a feeling of exhilaration, naughtiness and relaxation that we can’t get away with (except perhaps behind closed doors) at any other time. Have you wondered what it would be like to play with this fantasy? Have you skirted around this issue by wearing silky underwear under your very manly clothes, or maybe wanked using satin panties? No need to hide this thrill on Halloween night! Dress up in splendor. Be the prettiest girl you can be. Eventually, you may want to explore this part of your personality further, but for this night of incognito fun, just have the time of your life! smartsextalk.com • Dr. Pega Ren
Sexual energy provides an extremely powerful means for rejuvenation and attaining spiritual reality. Methods of channeling sacral energy have traditionally been kept secret because many people misuse "the force", hurting themselves and others unconsciously. By conserving our sexual energy we can expand the breadth of our experience to the mythical realms of Nirvana on earth. When loving is about sharing and not mere selfish desire, compassion is attained. Transformation occurs naturally when awareness is positively charged through ecstasy. Meditative presence becomes total in the individual as the couple is united. Unseen aspects of our selves get reflected, and honouring that deeper human nature supports us to become whole again, as we've always been. Science has established that human be~ings participate in a complex web of vibrations and frequencies, affirming our multi-dimensionality. All is one universal dancing. Jade • isis.ca • facebook & FetLife: ISIS Essentials & Exotica
COFFEE cof·fee [kaw-fee, kof-ee]: 1. A beverage consisting of a decoction or infusion of the roasted ground or crushed seeds (coffee beans) of the two-seeded fruit (coffee berry) of certain coffee trees. 2. The seeds or fruit themselves. 3. A cup of coffee:
caffe americano CAPULIN COFFEE The long awaited harvest of the precious Capulin bean approaches. The Capulin Effort pays farmers directly, which is the true cost of producing the coffee naturally. Visionary founder Daniel Fourwinds continues to work to persuade nearby villages to join Tecuitata and other villages and forgo waterprocessing and create more cash benefit for their families. The clearer it becomes to these farmers that we here in Nelson will absolutely support this effort the more chance they will join in the Capulin dream and finish their wild-crafted coffee labour-intensively and naturally. Capulin's uniqueness sets it apart not only as a quality bean producer, but as a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable company. All of those who feel to shout out to Capulin and let them know how much we care about a bean with a zero water-footprint, growing as close to here as is possible, and how we are committed to support their families, especially their women and children and gladly pay the true cost of obtaining our beloved brew. Mitch Contact them at daniel@capulin.com
MEXICAN COFFEE RECIPE Traditional Mexican coffee is brewed with cinnamon, cloves, and hard cones of brown sugar called piloncillo. Coffee lovers enjoy this sweet brew at home, and in restaurants and coffee houses all over Mexico. Drink it for breakfast, during marienda (Mexico’s coffee, tea, and sweet break), or at the end of a meal. 4 cups water 4 small (1-ounce) cones of piloncillo, or 1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar 2 cinnamon sticks (Mexican canela or Ceylon variety preferred) 3 whole cloves 3/4 cup coarsely ground dark roast coffee Put water in medium saucepan and add sugar, cinnamon, and cloves. Bring to boil, stirring, until the sugar is melted, about 5 minutes. Stir in the coffee, and remove pan from heat. Cover and let steep 8 minutes. Strain the coffee into a heatproof coffee server. Serve at once. Makes 4 servings. mexicancuisinerecipes.com
Caffe Americano in downtown Trail. If you haven't checked out this funkiest of restaurants then get on your Vespa and do it. Actually two restaurants in one. Great if you have a split personality. It feels Italian on one side and American on the other. Like a Caesar with a hamburger and fries? Or a Greek with a Cordon Blu. You may even encounter a Monte Christo at the same table as a Benedict. Don't miss the exotic coffee machine. Or the exotic coffee. Mon - Wed 8 - 6 • Thur - Sat 8 - 8 • Menza Menza • 1425 Bay Ave, Trail
JB Juniper’s bistro
Earliest Coffee in Nelson Opens @ 6:30am Fresh Brewed Coffee Home Baked Muffins Delicious Quiche
Try the Peanut Butter Ball Simple Food with a Twist Prestige Lakeside
701 Lakeside Drive. Nelson BC 250-352-7215
JAMBALAYA jam·ba·laya [jəm-bə-ˈlī-ə]: 1. Rice cooked usually with ham, sausage, chicken, shrimp, or oysters and seasoned with herbs. 2. A mixture of diverse elements < curious jambalayas of competing elements.
I fall, racing towards the ground like a liquid meteor, I see thousands of my comrades sailing through the sky… waiting to reach our destination. Crack! I hear thunder in the distance It is like I am on a battle field… But yet I feel safe, for I have done this trip before… We all have. I begin to see the end of this journey, I am nearly there. Details begin to emerge on the ground below me, Green, blue and grey are the colours I see. I am so close now I can see where I am going to land. Splash! I am caught by my brothers And we become One. Sojourn
Back after many adventures down the rabbit hole, Scarlet Mary Rose is putting on a long awaited for revue: Mermaids n Moustaches. One part Saturday Night Live, one part the Muppet Show (without the puppets), it will be an evening filled with with madcapper characters, gorgeous music, scintillating sex appeal, and sassbuckets of laughter. Capitol Theatre Thursday Oct.18 2012 @ 8pm. Tickets are $10-20 sliding scale so everyone can come!
You people of Nelson you have such great passion
You wear what you wear, you have your own fashion The stranger you are the more you fit in. To be who you are is definitely not a sin. Did you save a river? And how about you? Did you hug a tree? And I saw you running around naked… Wow talk about being free! I know you play music, and you, did you write a song? I mean, Hey! This is Nelson, how could I be so wrong. If you hang out on Baker street, you can see there's room for plenty And if you check out the time, it's usually 4:20 The city of Nelson is off the beaten track But once people find it, you know they will come back It's an awesome place to hang out, as you can really see I can be anything I want… I can even be me! Jim Kamps
It has been said that the Nelson City campground is still home to the spirits whose bones were exhumed and carried to the Uphill cemetery in a special wooden wagon appropriately branded "the resurrection wagon."
Tasty. Healthy. Community Owned.
LOCAL lo·cal [ˈlōkəl]: 1. Community. 2. Belonging or relating to a particular area or neighborhood, typically exclusively so: “researching local history”. 3. Your local neighborhood pub, Go down to the local for a pint.
THE GREEN TRIANGLE The GREEN Triangle, also known as the west Kootenays, is southerly situated in the province of British Columbia in western Canada. The newly recognized Green Triangle is cornered by three cities; Castlegar to the North, Salmo to the south and Kaslo to the east with the globally celebrated City of Nelson at it’s epic centre. Drawing it’s name from the slang term for marijuana, the Green Triangle is the top producer of high-grade sinsemilla and many strains of both Indica and Sativa. Within the boundaries of the newest of world famous triangles, the Green Triangle is home to many similarly particular attributes as it’s verdant contemporary, the
Emerald Triangle of northern California. Documented evidence indicates that the inhabitants of both triangles are generally more attuned to the vibrations of Mother Earth, more placid, and more prone to a condition known as “the munchies.” And like the Bermuda and the Golden Triangle, extra-terrestrial activity often goes unreported as it is commonly respected amongst Green Trianglians that THC was actually invented in outer space. Kaslo Castlegar
N Salmo
Finally middle eastern in the middle of Nelson Literally translated Manna Eesh it means Import. To Nelson it means one more awesome place to munch out. Hummus, baba ganouche, tomatoe parsley salad and, a drum roll please, shhaaaaaawaaarrrmaaaahhh.
Open tues to sat 11:30 - 8:00 449 Baker St. 250 354 4465
RESILIENT ECONOMY It's official. Non-profit status has been granted to the Columbia Community Dollars Foundation, the administering body of Nelson’s new local money. Columbia Community Dollars, now in its third month of operation in Nelson, has given close to $10,000 in local currency to community groups such as the women’s centre, the youth centre, the coop radio station, and the alternative high school, to name a few. Community members can exchange Canadian dollars for Community Dollars with these groups, providing them with federal money to run their programs, and community
Horses are innately sensitive to the vibrations of humans and are one of the most profound animal partners man has ever known. Domesticated horses are extremely high-maintenance and as much as they need healthy food and shelter they need love more. One visit to Outback Jack's Horse Rescue makes it clear that Gena and Dale's lucky horses are getting both in abundance. When you have a horse ranch numbering fifteen animals you have no opportunity for a normal life, but these two are not complaining. Their dream is to wrangle $20 000 to build a proper barn and paddock. They run a second hand store in downtown Princeton that is a donation centre of the Rescue Mission. If you are interested in seeing the ranch, just give Gena and Dale a call. They will be happy to introduce you to their family! • 250 295 1755 • outbackjacks.ca
members with local money they can spend at local businesses. "Every week the number of participating businesses grows," said Michael Sheely, executive director for the organization. "We started with 50, now we’re up to about 60. And the more businesses that get involved, the more benefit there is for the whole community, because this is money that stays local." "We have an opportunity to take our economic fate in our own hands," said Sheely. "Educating the public and businesses owners is one of my main tasks in the coming months." For more visit www.communitydollars.ca.
MadeintheKoots.ca is an “Etsy-esque” online marketplace offering handcrafted products from talented Kootenay artisans. We need artisans to sign up immediately & start selling, so we can officially launch the site with extensive marketing. There’s no fees to become a featured seller. An 8% commission is applied only when a sale is complete & payment is deposited into the seller’s account. MadeintheKoots.ca is a no risk local online marketplace for artisans. Help us become the foremost online market for beautiful locally handmade goods. You make it… we’ll market it! For more info visit madeinthekoots.ca or james@madeinthekoots.ca
WANTED December 21 2012 fast approaches and with it the potential culmination of countless prophecies, predictions, dreams and expectations. Regardless of personal beliefs this is a transformative time for humanity and we are all in for a ride. Will the Earth align with the Sun and the Galactic Center to magnify cosmic energies and cause a leap forward in evolution? Will humanity merge with its technology and create a singular global hive-mind with near limitless possibilities for self-actualization? Will we wake up from the illusion of linear time and find harmony with planetary, galactic and cosmic cycles? Will spaceships appear en masse in our skies beckoning entry to their galactic alliance? Or are these the death throes of our failed civilization? Kootenay Times TWENTYTWELVE edition will be a visual spectacle and literary jambalaya with stories provided by YOU, the people of the Kootenays. Join us in curating a cultural time capsule for this profound moment. Send us any inspiring content you wish: stories, art and your favourite examples of cultural expression. Our new website www.thekootenaytimes.ca launched with this issue and offers a direct portal to contribute content right from the home page. If you'd like to contribute but don't know where to start, contact us at submissions@thekootenaytimes.ca and we can set up an interview.
Breakfast The Bent Fork Full Circle Cafe Max & Irma’s Kitchen The Baker Street Grill OSO Negro Sidewinder Coffee Co. Dominion Cafe Burgers Kootenay Time Main Street Diner Hume to Go Epic Sushi Chinese King’s Family Restaurant Amanda’s Restaurant Fish & Chips Fisherman’s Market Indian Baba’s Indian Cuisine Mexican El Taco
250 352 3773 250 354 4458 ]250 352 2332 250 352 3525 250 352 7661 250 352 4621 250 352 1904 250 352 1992 250 354 4848 250 352 4331 250 352 6111 250 352 2912 250 352 1633 250 505 5515 250 352 0077 250 352 6111
Pizza Canadian 2 for 1 Hume To Go Itza Ristorante & Pizzeria Leo’s Pizza & Greek Taverna Panago Thor’s Pizza Waits News
250 352 1999 250 352 5331 250 352 3573 250 352 3232 250 310 0001 250 352 1212 250 352 5667
Pubs Bogustown Neighborhood Pub Finley’s Irish Bar & Grill Mike’s PubHole Jackson’s Re-LishPub Mike’s Gastro Pub & Bar The Royal Re-Lish Gastro Grill Pub & Bar Uptown Tavern Spiritbar The Royal New Grand Grill Uptown SpiritbarTavern
250 352 1313 250 352 5121 250 354 1919 350 352 5331 250 352 5232 250 352 5331 250 352 1261 250 352 2715
S’traunts Bibo Wine Bar Sage Tapas & Wine Bar All Seasons Cafe Preserved Seed The Library Lounge The Baker Street Gril
250 352 2744 250 352 5140 250 352 0101 250 352 0325 250 352 5331 250 352 3525
Sushi Epic Sushi Kurama Sushi
250 352 6111 250 352 5353
Thai Busaba Thai Cafe K.C.’s Restaurant Ltd.
250 352 2185 250 352 5115
Vegetarian Dominion Cafe Jagannatha Express Bistro
250 352 1904 250 354 1084
Alternative Therapy Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences Alcoholics Anonymous Live it Up Palates
250 352 5887 250 352 3391 250 352 2379
Arts Education Oxygen Art Centre Selkirk College
250 352 6322 1 877 552 2821
Bicycle Rentals Gerrick Cycle Sacred Ride
250 354 4622 250 354 3831
Booze BC Liquor Store & Gov’t Union Hume Liquor Store Nelson Liquor Store The Grand Liquor Store
250 354 6119 250 352 5154 250 352 0820 250 352 3955
Childcare 250 352 9910 Corner Stone Children’s Centre West Kootenay Family & Childcare Society 250 352 5370 Heli Tours High Terrain www.highterrainhelicopters.com
250 354 8445
Hostels Dancing Bear Inn The New Grand Hostel WhiteHouse Backpackers Lodge
250 352 7211 250 352 7573 250 352 0505
Kink Bent Over Leather Isis Exotica Doctor Love & Hemp City CRANBROOK
250 352 2368 250 352 0666 250 489 3929
Radio CBRJ CBC RADIO ONE GRAND FORKS CBYN CBC RADIO ONE NELSON CHNV The Bridge CJLY Kootenay Co-Op Radio CKKC KBS NELSON CKQR Mountain FM GRAND FORKS Smoke Shops Compassion Club Doctor Love & Hemp City CRANBROOK Stuart’s News The Chad Smokeshop CRESTON Urban Legends Wings Grocery
Emergency Contact # Nelson Police RCMP Fire Hospital Towing NELSON Towing NAKUSP
860 AM 98.7 FM 103.5 FM 93.5 FM 880 AM 96.7 FM 250 354 4206 250 489 3929 250 352 5132 250 428 9121 250 352 9200 250 352 3848 250 352 3111 250 354 3919 250 825 9434 250 352 3111 1 877 354 4802 250 265 4406
who is DEMO?