t om
i n u
Creatividad . d a .
cem ber 11, 2 014
• Ha l J & Mal’s Red Room •
S M , n so ac k
samantha ledbetter
Samantha graduated from Millsaps College in 2012 with a B.A. in Studio Art, and currently pursues prerequisites for dental school at Holmes Community College. She worked for over two years as curator for the Greater Jackson Arts Council, where she honed her perspective on the curating process. For Ledbetter, “Curating is just reaching out and grouping things you believe go together aesthetically. For instance, I curate my Instagram and Twitter accounts to present the most appealing digital version of myself.” Comparing the individual process of art making to curating, Ledbetter remarks that the two processes are commensurate, “When creating my own work I make deliberate marks, reacting to layers, and it would seem that reacting to a pile of paintings in an empty gallery and then arranging them is similar.” In her own work, Ledbetter works with watercolor and graphite on Yupo paper to expose the whimsical intersections of zen and chaos. Her work emphasizes process, with primary layers peeking through the final composition. Though her paintings are not specifically representational, they enthrall with familiar botanical forms and webs of intricate patterns.
who we are
team of hundreds of artists and volunteers makes
up K o ’ ox B oon . F rom Y axhachen , Y ucatan to J ackson ,
M ississippi , we
speak with a choral voice .
H owever ,
we would like to recognize the folks who do the paperwork .
F ounders MANDI STRICKLAND, ALLIE JORDAN & PHILLIP BOYETT planted the seeds for K o ’ ox B oon almost four years ago . T hrough official organizational formation in early 2014, they joined hands with curator S amantha L edbetter , coordinator of creative education S ara S acks , and publication designer K risten L ucas as the K o ’ ox B oon core .
is to cultivate creativity through the generation and celebration of public art .
T he 100%
volunteer -
based team brings the transformative power of art to underserved communities in and J ackson ,
M ississippi .
Y ucatan , M exico
T hrough collaboration with local community agencies , K o ’ ox B oon strives to provide support to local artists and harness the joyful , creative spirit of youth . C ollaboration is , in fact , at the heart of our organization which thrives off of community engagement .
develop creative projects which
promote community fellowship , cultivate economic development , and explore indigenous culture and folklore .
T he
physical restoration of a community acts
as a vehicle for promoting our values of progress and equality across all of society .
T he
process of public storytelling through murals and park revitalization allows community members to make important decisions regarding identity and
representation from an empowered vantage point .
G eorgia O’K eefe once said , “I FOUND I COULD SAY THINGS WITH COLOUR AND SHAPES THAT I COULDN’T SAY ANY OTHER WAY--THINGS I HAD NO WORDS FOR.” K o ’ ox B oon uses art to give disadvantaged communities the tools with which to express their creative identities .
C ommunities
that lack the power to express their identity to the outside world can communicate through the universal language of art .
what we do
O’OX BOON ( pronounced C o - osch B one ) means “LET’S PAINT” in Y ucatec M ayan . O ur mission
special thanks
W e want to thank our number one fans , N ell L inton K nox and W illiam G oodman . U ndeniably , we would be a mile behind schedule without your steadfast support and ( ridiculously ) specific guidance . T hank you for making “ absolutely ” the new K o ’ ox B oon keyword . D r . G eorge B ey and D r . T omas G allareta : Y ou have been unflagging pillars of support and encouragement . T hanks for mentoring us . A lso , a shoutout to our sponsors :
Samantha Ledbetter jackson, mississippi
EMOJIE PLAYLIST graphite+watercolor on yupo, 30x30�
William Goodman jackson, mississippi
TRANSCENDENTAL II multimedia, 36x36�
Audrey Bardwell jackson, mississippi
GRAINSTORM pyrogrophy+acrylic+stain on wood, 24”x24”
Ian Harkey jackson, mississippi • www.ianharkey.com
GOODBYE SUMMER CICADA woodblock print+ watercolor, 12x16”
Chad Mars
jackson, mississippi • www.chadmars.com
10 + kooxboon.c d m
FUN FACTORY acrylic on canvas, 20x20”
jackson, mississippi
Justin Ransburg
MOTHER NATURE acrylic on wood, 18x30�
Cullen Lawlor new orleans, louisiana • www.cullenlawlor.com
RELENTLESS oil on canvas, 30x40”
Katie Gabbard louisville, kentucky
PARANOIA sculpture, 12x4x3�
acrylic, 30x40�
jackson, mississippi
Kate Freeman
Allie Jordan merida, yucatan, mexico
FARISH photography, 20x24�
Claire Whitehurst oxford, mississippi
BRAIN TRAILS pen+ink+watercolor, 24x36�
jackson, mississippi
Justin Schultz
MISSED COMMUNICATIONS illustration+digital print, 18x24�
Tom McLeod jackson, mississippi
EUDORA’S JITNEY acrylic+ink, 18x24”
Kennith Seligson port washington, new york
OLD HOUSE ink, 20x15�
Orlando Dominguez mérida, yucatán, méxico
SOMBRAS Y ARENA acrylic, 40x40”
Sandra Murchison jackson, mississippi
oil+graphite+laser engraving+collage, 24x24�
jackson, mississippi
Suzanne Glémot
LATE SUMMER DREAM relief print+linocut, 9x12”
John S. Humphries, III jackson, mississippi
EDGE digital print, 18x24�
Taylor Coleman jackson, mississippi
THE ALAMO THEATRE two color silk screen print on metal, 14x24�
MeLinda Bell clinton, mississippi
RAINBOW CROW pastels+marker on archival paper, 22.75x34�
Doña Ofelia Uc Cahuich yaxhachen, yucatan, mexico Doña Ofelia and the community of embroiderers in Yaxhachen reach global markets with a series of embroidered products that feature state symbols, college logos, and modern designs. Floral embroidery is a pre-Hispanic tradition of Yucatan originating from the hands of Maya women who adorned their dresses with these colorful patterns. This piece includes an outline of the state of Mississippi filled with bright, floral embroidery. With the help of Millsaps College’s charitable presence in Yucatan, all proceeds from this piece will directly benefit the community of embroiderers of Yaxhachen.
MISSISSIPPI embroidered cotton pillow, 16x20”
Clay Hardwick jackson, mississippi • www.echomech.com
acrylic, 42x40”
Arielle Christian louisville, kentucky
YO YO pen+watercolor+acrylic , 20x16�
Hope Carr yazoo city, mississippi
DELTA LAND watercolor, 30x40�
Yolande van Heerden greenwood, mississippi
WHO DAT wood+metal, 23x11�
Emily Simmons jackson, mississippi
BROKEN THINGS glitter+ink+coffee, 5.5x11�
Josh Hailey
new orleans, louisiana • www.joshhailey.com
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MISSISSIPPI CUBED photography collage on canvas 30x30”
Andy Hilton
jackson, mississippi • www.pearlriverglass.com
WINE CHILLER concrete, 4x4x12”
Peter Hammond jackson, mississippi