SZ Katalog

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——< Tim festivala / Festival team: Osnivači udruženja Slobodna Zona / Free Zone Association Founders: Fond B92, Branka Pavlović, Rajko Petrović, Olivera Ranđić Direktorka Fonda B92 / Fund B92 Director: Maja Čečen Direktor festivala / Festival Director: Rajko Petrović Selektori međunarodnog programa / International Program Selectors: Branka Pavlović, Rajko Petrović Selektori regionalnog programa / Regional Program Selectors: Ivan Bakrač, Jelena Maksimović Gost selektor 14. Slobodne Zone / Guest Selector of 14th Free Zone: Miljenko Jergović Urednik govornog programa Kompas / Compass Debate Program Editor: Ivan Milenković Koordinatorka festivala / Festival Coordinator: Dina Vuković Koordinatorka programa / Program Coordinator: Ana Stojković PR festivala / PR Coordinator: Jovana Stranjančević Društvene mreže / Social Media: Strahinja Ćalović, Galina Popov Pantelić, Katarina Vukomanović Website / Website: Bogdan Bošković Koordinatorka službe za goste / Guest Service Coordinator: Snežana Ćuruvija Koordinatorka volontera / Volunteer Service Coordinator: Angelina Radovanović Koordinator žirija / Jury Coordinator: Vukašin Veličković Koordinator u Nišu / Free Zone Coordinator in Niš: Dragan Đorđević Koordinatorka u Novom Sadu / Free Zone Coordinator in Novi Sad: Branislava Lovre Tehnička podrška / Technical Support: Marko Milinković Vozač / Driver: Miroslav Ivković Tehnička realizacija / Technical Support: Trimark Prevodi i tehnička obrada filmova / Translation and Subtitling: Ivana Bogunović Vizuelni identitet / Visual Identity: Nikola Korać TV i audio reklama / TV and Radio Commercial: Vladimir Šojat Urednica kataloga / Catalogue editor: Angelina Radovanović Lektura / Proofreading: Marija Braunović HVALA / Thanks to: Veran Matić, Maja Čečen, Katarina Živanović, Marko Popović, Zoe Gudović, Slavica Stojanović, Mirjana Bobić Mirosavljević, Tijana Despotović, An Lorein Vigoru, Branislav Glumac, Alexandra Panican, Ana Lojpur, Klara Szetngyorgyi, Roman Weixler, Đorđe Kaćanski, Olivera Ranđić, Višnja Brnjas, Nataša Kilibarda, Jovana Timotijević, Dušica Parezanović, Jelena Marković, Ana Novaković, Jelena Anokić, Danijela Savkić, Vladimir Đorđević, Vladimir Šojat, Jelena Kikić, Biljana Tutorov, Zorica Rosić, Mila Ivanović, Vesna Danilović, Boban Jevtić, Nevena Negojević, Dragan Nikolić, Jelena Stošković, Marjan Vujović, Nevena Đonlić, Nataša Šošević, Dragana Kecman, Timea Levai Majin, Melanija Stoin Petrović, Nebojša Popović (in memoriam), Robert Klajn (in memoriam), Bojana Ćućilović (in memoriam)



Međunarodna selekcija

O ćutanju i tišini Filmovi u međunarodnoj selekciji 14. Slobodne Zone ove godine više nego ikada okrenuti su budućnosti. Njihove junakinje i junaci ostavljeni su na milost i nemilost države, sistema, patrijarhalnih normi, lične i kolektivne prošlosti i sećanja. Da bi opstali, moraju da se oslone na sopstvene snage, ostanu verni sebi, uprkos svemu. Autorke i autori filmova iz ovogodišnje selekcije vraćaju nas u prošlost da bi govorili o sadašnjem trenutku - u Lenjingrad 80ih, istočnonemački Staljingrad 50ih, Španiju i Kanadu 70ih, Čile u vreme Pinočeove diktature, Argentinu 80ih. Samo da bismo shvatili da se malo toga promenilo. Nekima, poput Kirila Serebrenikova ili Džafara Panahija je i direktno onemogućeno ili zabranjeno da stvaraju. Oni to ipak čine jer je zadatak umetnika da inspirišu i postavljaju pitanja i kada svi drugi ćute. Ovogodišnja međunarodna selekcija donosi pregršt filmova autorki i autora koji stvaraju da 6

bi se izborili sa kolektivnim i ličnim traumama, progovorili o krivici i praštanju. Njihovi filmovi nam pokazuju da je svet u kome danas živimo rezultat neraščišćenih računa sa prošlošću, zbir svega što smo zaboravili, od čega smo bežali i zbog čega smo ćutali. Zahvaljujući opštem zakonu o amnestiji poznatom pod nazivom „pakt zaborava“ u Španiji četr­ deset godina posle Frankove diktature hiljade ljudi i dalje traži grobove svojih najbližih. O toj prošlosti nove generacije ne znaju skoro ništa, te lekcije se ne uče u školi, jer je o prošlosti najsigu­ rnije ćutati (Ćutanje drugih). Ćutanje će promeniti život i maturantima jedne gimnazije u Istočnoj Nemačkoj, i staviće ih pred životnu dilemu - pokoriti se sistemu ili žrtvovati sve (Tiha revolucija). I reditelj Vitalij Manski se vraća u prošlost da bi uz pomoć arhivskih snimaka preispitao sopstveni odnos prema vlasti i moći (Putinovi svedoci), a mlada rediteljka Lizete Orozko ide i korak dalje


Branka Pavlović, Rajko Petrović selektori

da bi otkrila da li je njena tetka bila umešana u zločine Pinočeovog režima (Adrianin pakt). Kada u ledenom bespuću švajcarskih Alpa poli­ cija brutalno naruši stogodišnji mir katoličkog bratstva koje pruža utočiste izbeglicama, opat Žan prekida tišinu - Došlo je vreme da pričamo. Jesmo li spremni da (zbog drugih) žrtvujemo ono što nam je najdraže, našu samoću i našu tišinu? (Fortuna) Ni pedesetdvogodišnja Mariš ne može više da ćuti. Njen put ka slobodi iz desetogodišnjeg ropstva počeće pred kamerom (Zarobljena), baš kao što će mlada glumica Andrea Berncen pred kamerom u jednom kadru dugom 72 minuta proživeti pakao koji su 22. jula 2011. preživeli njeni vršnjaci na ostrvu Utoja. Prošlost u koju veruje Andreas Brejvik i njemu slični, ponovo diže glavu, odjednom je opet tu, u drugom obliku ali živa i prisutna - na ulicama Evrope danas kao i pre 75 godina (Tranzit).

i omeđenom tradicijom koja zahteva poslušnost i potčinjavanje po cenu života. Ukoliko pognu glavu, postaće deo tog sveta ali će ostati bez budućnosti. U kakvom će svetu buduće generacije živeti ako prošlost pobedi? I kakav im svet ostavljamo ako kao pojedinci, građanke i građani, umetnice i umetnici, kao društvo, budemo saučesnici u tišini? Zbog toga filmovi na ovogodišnjoj Slobodnoj Zoni govore o buntovnicima koji traže pravdu, koji pred kamerama igraju sebe i svoje traume. Njihova tišina je glasnija od hiljadu reči. Oni nikada ne prestaju da postavljaju pitanja. Oni su sami protiv svih. Na njih niko ne računa. Oni veruju u budu­ ćnost. Oni su tu, u svakom od nas. Dobro došli u Slobodnu Zonu.

I mlade junakinje filma Kad drveće pada zatočene su u brutalnom svetu zaglavljenom u prošlosti FREE ZONE


International selection About hush and silence This year more than ever, films in the international selection of the 14th Free Zone turn to the future. Their heroines and heroes are at the mercy of the state, the system, patriarchal norms, personal and collective past and memory. In order to survive, they must rely on their own strength, remain faithful to themselves, regardless of anything. Film authors from this year's selection are taking us back to the past in order to speak about the present moment – to Leningrad of the 80s, East German Stalingrad of the 50s, Spain and Canada of the 70s, Chile during the Pinochet's dictatorship, Argentina of the 80s. Only to realize that a little has changed. Some of them, such as Kirill Serebrennikov or Jafar Panahi, have been openly restrained or forbidden to create. Nevertheless, they do it because it is the task of artists to inspire and ask questions even when everyone else is silent. This year's international selection brings nume­ rous authors who create in order to deal with collective and personal trauma, talk about guilt and forgiveness. 8

Their films show us that the world we live in today is the result of undealt issues from the past, the sum of everything we have forgotten, what we fled from and why we kept silent. Thanks to the general amnesty law in Spain, known as the Pact of Forgetting, forty years after Frank's dictatorship, thousands of people continue to search for the graves of their loved ones. New generations know almost nothing about this past, those lessons are not taught in schools because it is safer to remain silent about the past (The Silence of Others). Silence will change the life of high school seniors in an East Germany gymnasium, and put them before a life-changing dilemma-surrender to the system or sacrifice everything (The Silent Revolution). Director Vitaly Mansky also goes back to the past and with the help of archive footages re-examines his own relationship with the government and power (Putin's Witnesses). A young director, Lissette Orozco, goes a step further to find out if her aunt was involved in the crimes of Pinochet's regime (Adriana’s Pact).


Branka Pavlović, Rajko Petrović Selectors

When, in the desolate ice of the Swiss Alps, police brutally violate a century-long peace of the Catholic fraternity that provides shelter to refugees, Catholic friar Jean breaks the silence. - The time has come to speak. Are we ready to sacrifice (for the sake of others) what is dearest to us, our solitude and our silence? (Fortuna) Marish, a 52-year-old woman, can no longer keep silent, her way to freedom after ten years of slavery will begin in front of the camera (A Woman Captured). Similarly, a young actress, Andrea Berntzen, in a single 72-minute lasting frame, is re-living the hell that her peers went through, on July 22, 2011 on the island of Utøya. The past in which Andreas Brayvik and those similar to him believe, suddenly awakens again, in another form, but alive and present - on the streets of Europe today, same as 75 years ago (Transit).

What world will future generations be living in if the past wins? And what kind of world are we leaving them behind if we as individuals, citizens, artists, we as a society, we are all accomplices in silence? It is the reason why films at this year's Free Zone talk about the rebels who are seeking justice and play their own selves and their traumas in front of the cameras. Their silence is louder than a thousand words. They never stop asking questions. They are alone against the world. No one counts on them. They believe in the future. They are here, in each and every one of us. Welcome to the Free Zone.

And the young heroines of the film When The Trees Fall are detained in a brutal world stuck in the past and a frenzied tradition that requires obedience and subjugation at the cost of living. If they bow their heads, they will become part of that world, but they will remain without the future. FREE ZONE


Regionalna selekcija

Pokreti Pregledom veoma različitih ostvarenja koja su obeležila kraj prošle i ovu godinu, kao i nekih koja će tek obeležiti narednu godinu, regionalnu selekciju 14. Slobodne zone inspirisali su pokreti. Pokreti kroz ples (Jedini), pokreti ka neizvesnoj budu­ćnosti (Ne ostavljaj me) ili nekoherentnoj prošlosti (Okupacija 1968), pokreti kritičkog osvrta na istoriju (Srbenka i Švajcarac Kris), pokreti ka novoj ili staroj porodici (Porodica i Aga), pokret bivših radnika (Dom boraca), pokretanje sećanja i evociranje emocija (Liku, rumunska priča), pokretanje velike ideje (Beskonačni fudbal) i pokret vode koja nosi bogatu istoriju (Na vodi). Ovi pokreti su istovremeno snažni i nežni, emotivni i uznemirujući, nesigurni i promišljeni, dok svi zajedno upozoravaju i oslobađaju. 10

Osim pokreta, zajedničko za ovu selekciju je i tretman umetnosti kroz umetnost. Tačnije, korišćenje umetnosti u filmu. Ti filmovi nam dokazuju da se i dalje može stvoriti iskreno, društveno i politički osvešćeno umetničko delo. ”Srbenka” nas vodi kroz proces pravljenja pozorišne predstave čiji cilj nije samo da provocira već da nas upozori na prošlost zarad zajedničke budućnosti i da izazove snažnu emociju kroz angažman različitih ume­ tnika. Jedini, koristeći se koreografijom i plesom, pokazuju da izraz kroz pokret može biti značajniji od verbalne komunikacije. Dom boraca nas vraća u prošlost koja svima nedostaje, u savršenu arhitekturu koja je danas retka, u drugačije razmišljanje i pristup umetnosti koji su nekada bili minimum standarda, a danas su samo simbol jednog


Jelena Maksimović, Ivan Bakrač selektori

vremena. Švajcarac Kris nam predsta­vlja kako animacija kao umetnost nalazi svoj prostor i u najozbiljnijim temema, i jednoj potresnoj priči daje šarm i posebnost doprinoseći njenoj univerzalnosti. U dokumentarnom omnibusu Okupacija 1968 postoje dva segmenta (Pišem ti, ljubavi i Nepo­ trebni junak) koji pokazuju kako se, kroz različite forme umetnosti u filmu, preispituje jedna tema i rekonstruiše prošlost. Fotografija kao jedna od najsugestivnijih umetnosti daje nam mogućnost veoma emotivnog, retrospektivnog putovanja i osvežava sećanja u filmu Liku, rumunska priča.

sada­šnjosti. U trenucima kada se planeta neprestano i nepovratno menja pred našim očima, mi vas pozivamo na hrabar i odgovoran pokret ka budućnosti.

Srdačno, Jelena Maksimović i Ivan Bakrač

Junaci ovih filmova su tu da zajedno promišljamo, da se uverimo ili razuverimo u lične doži­ vljaje prošlosti i da iz novog ugla učestvujemo u FREE ZONE


Regional selection

Moves and movements

Having explored quite different achievements that marked the end of last year and all of this year, as well as some which are about to leave a mark next year, the regional selection of the 14th Free Zone has been inspired by moves and movements. Dance moves (Unique), moving towards an uncertain future (Never Leave Me) or towards an incoherent past (Occupation 1968), movements to critically examine history (Srbenka and Chris the Swiss), movements towards a new or an old family (Family and Aga), former workers’ movements (Home of the Resistance), moving memories and inspiring emotions (Licu, a Roma­ nian Story), getting a big idea to move forward (Infinite Football), and the movements of water which carries a rich history (On the Water). These 12

moves and movements are both strong and gentle, emotional and disturbing, insecure and premeditated; all together they are a warning and a liberation. Apart from moves and movements, a common thread in this selection is the treatment of art through art. Or more precisely, the use of art on film. These films prove that it is still possible to create an honest work of art with social and political responsibility. Srbenka takes us through the process of putting on a theatre play whose goal is not only to provoke, but also to warn us about the past for the sake of a joint future, and to cause a strong emotion by engaging different artists. In Unique choreography and dance are


Jelena Maksimović, Ivan Bakrač Selectors

used to demonstrate that a physical movement can be more expressive than verbal communication. Home of the Resistance takes us back to the past we all miss, to a perfect architecture that is so rare today, to a different way of thinking and approaching art which used to be a minimum standard, but today they are only a symbol of an epoch. Chris the Swiss shows us how animation as an art form is finding its way even in the most serious topics, and how it adds charm and uniqueness to a touching story, thus contributing to its unive­rsality. The omnibus documentary Occu­pation 1968 contains two segments (I'm Writing to You, My Love and The Unnecessary Hero) that indicate how different forms of art can be used on film to examine one topic and reconstruct

the past. Photography as one of the most sugge­ stive art forms gives us the opportunity for a very emotional, retrospective journey, as it refreshes the memories in the film Licu, a Romanian Story. Characters of these movies are here to make us reflect deeply together, to affirm or cast away our personal interpretations of the past, and to find a new perspective for participating in the present. In these times when the planet is constantly and irreversibly changing right before our eyes, we invite you to make bold and responsible move and movement towards the future.


Sincerely, Jelena Maksimović and Ivan Bakrač 13

Gost selektor

Miljenko Jergović

Sloboda danas nije u modi

Sloboda danas nije u modi. Krajem osamdesetih bilo je drukčije. Tada se svijet dijelio na onaj koji se nalazio zapadno od imaginarne i stvarne željezne zavjese, i onaj koji je bio istočno od zavjese. Na zapadnoj strani vladalo je učenje kako nema slobode društvene zajednice bez slobode pojedinca. Na istočnoj je strani još uvijek prevladavalo mišljenje kako sloboda nije moguća bez društvenoga vlasništva nad sredstvima za proizvodnju. Sloboda pojedinca bila je odložena do trenutka u kojem će, prema vjerovanju, društvena svijest nadvladati individualni egoizam, i kada će biti ostvaren komunizam. Na kraju je pobijedilo zapadno mišljenje. Ljudi naprosto nisu bili spremni da neizvjesno dugo čekaju da se ostvari sloboda. U to se vrijeme na sve strane govorilo o slobodi. Danas se o njoj uglavnom šuti. Sloboda je demode i sve češće se sasvim ozbiljno govori da sloboda manjine ugrožava većinu. Recimo, sloboda migranata, političkim ili ekonomskih, to je zapravo svejedno, da se naseljavaju na Zapad. Ili sloboda osoba drukčijih seksualnih izbora da s osobama istih ili sličnih takvih izbora, žive svoj život na način na koji ga živi takoznana seksualna većina. Sloboda ljudi da misle i vjeruju u nešto drugo. Svejedno šta. 14

Slobodna zona prostor je u kojem se ne ustano­ vljava što je većinsko, a što manjinsko mišljenje. Zona u kojoj je sloboda drugog i drukčijeg mjera vlastite slobode. Tako ja to doživljavam opijen vremenom u kojem sam odrastao, u kojem je sloboda bila temeljno pitanje ljudskosti. Nekako ne želim navikavati se na ovo vrijeme. Bilo mi je teško izabrati tri filma. Zato što se skoro svaki od filmova na ovogodišnjoj Slobodnoj zoni mogao naći u mom izboru. I mogao sam birati na više različitih načina, po više osnova. Na kraju sam se odličio da svojim izborom kažem nešto o sebi i o svom doživljaju slobode, ali i o zajednicama između kojih živim živeći u Hrvatskoj i doživljavajući njoj susjedne zemlje kao dio vlastitoga kulturnog i identitarnog prostora. Prostora bliskosti i slobode. Film Srbenka jedan je od važnijih dokumentarnih filmova snimljenih u južnoslavenskim zemljama nakon 1990. Nastao na rubu jedne kazališne predsta­ve, posvećene djevojčici koja je 1991. zajedno s roditeljima ubijena u Zagrebu, jer je, po mjerilima njezinih ubojica, bila pogrešne naciona­ lne pripadnosti, on govori o drugoj djevojčici koja


je, trinaest godina kasnije, s užasom i golemom tugom otkrila da je iste te nacionalne pripadnosti. U međuvremenu je, naime, stvoren svijet po mjeri ubojica one prve djevojčice, u kojem se podrazumijeva da ne valja biti ono što je bila ona, a valja biti ono što su bili oni. Srbenka je vrlo osobna priča koju možemo gledati zahvaljujući hrabrosti, ali ne toliko autora filma, nego njezinih aktera, koji su pristali da njihova nevolja bude vidljiva. Je li nevolja biti drugi i biti manjinac? Da, to je u svijetu u kojem je sloboda izašla iz mode najveća zamisliva nevolja. Istovremeno, kao u svakome dobrom romanu, filmu, usmeno ispričanoj priči, osobna priča najednom biva pričom stotina, hiljada, možda i milijuna ljudi. Svatko od nas je u određenoj konstelaciji - Srbenka. Samo što će neki to sakriti ili će imati sreće da nitko ne primijeti. Manjinci se dijele na one čije manjinstvo biva većinski problem i na one koji imaju više sreće. Film Na vodi jedan je u nizu dokumentarnih i igranih filmova Gorana Devića koji govore o raspadu svijeta u kojem smo prethodno živjeli i o prelazu u novi svijet. Možemo to nazvati tranzicijom iz socijalizma u tržišni kapitalizam i u (sve manje) liberalnu demokraciju, a možda je riječ i o nečemu drugom: o pustošenju gradova, njihovom propadanju, duhovnom, moralnom i fizičkom. Goran Dević važan nam je na dva načina. Prvo, on je darovit autor, maštovit pripovijedač, koji kompo­nira sjajne simfonijete uz pomoć filmskih slika, politički i kulturni aktivist, koji ne haje što osta-

je u manjini. Dević je veliki redatelj malih filmova. Ali on je i još nešto, što je za Slobodnu zonu i za naše zazivanje slobode posebno važno. Kada je kulturna zajednica, i famozna državna agencija za film, počela iskazivati neraspoloženje prema njegovom pogledu na svijet i na film, te njegovoj potrebi da snima baš takve filmove, Dević je slegnuo ramenima, nabavio opremu, stvorio svoj mali gerilski studio i nastavio raditi kao da ga nije briga. To je njegov način borbe. Volim i njegov način i njegov film. Film Okupacija 1968 nesumnjivo je remek-djelo iz oblasti kulture sjećanja. Riječ je i o sjajnom filmu, ali nama je u ovom slučaju ipak važnija kultura sjećanja. Od zajedničke provale trupa i tenkova iz Sovjetskog Saveza i bratskih socijalističkih zemalja u nejaku Čehoslovačku, koja se prethodno opila gutljajem slobode, prošlo je pedeset godina. Čini se da je to dugo, veoma dugo vrijeme, zato što autori filma iz “okupatorske” perspektive uspjevaju ispričati jednu Česima i Slovacima vrlo blisku priču. Možemo li zamisliti da takva priča bude ispričana kod nas, između naših zemalja i naroda, o događajima koji su se zbili ne prije pedeset, nego prije sedamdeset i pet ili stotinu godina? Neka takva priča između Srba i Hrvata? Toliko je povoda i tema iz velike povijesti koja je satirala male ljude. Takav film je, nažalost, između nas nemoguć. Okupacija 1968 uči nas kulturi sjećanja. Dragocjeno. Eto, rado bih se s ova tri filma poslužio za autoportret. Nisam ih snimio, a svejedno su moji. To je čarolija kina.



Guest selector

Miljenko Jergović

Freedom is not in style today Freedom is not in style today. At the end of the 80s, it wasn’t like that. Back then, the world was separated into two parts: one, west of imaginary and real iron curtain, and the other, to the east of that same curtain. The west side had a dominant doctrine which proclaimed that there is no freedom of society without the freedom of the indi­ vidual. On the eastern side, the leading opinion was that freedom wasn’t possible without the social ownership over the means of production. The freedom of an individual had to wait until, as it was believed, social awareness would overcome individual egoism and communism would be achieved. In the end, the western belief prevailed. People simply weren’t ready to wait forever in order to have their freedom accomplished. Back then, one could hear people talking about freedom everywhere. Today, people are usually quiet about it. Freedom is out of fashion and more often than not, there is a serious argument that the freedom of the minority threatens the majority. For example, the freedom of immigrants, political or economic, whatever, to settle down in the West, or the freedom of the individuals with different sexual orientations to live their lives with individuals with the same or similar sexual orientation, in the way the so-called sexual majority does. The freedom of people to think or believe in something else-no matter what. 16

Free zone is the space in which the difference between the opinion of the majority and the minority is not established. It is the zone in which other people’s freedom and freedom of those who are different is the measure of one’s own freedom. That’s the way I see it, intoxicated with the time I grew up in, when the freedom was a thorough question of humanity. Somehow, I don’t want to get used to the present time. Selecting three movies was difficult, because almost every movie on this year’s Free Zone could be part of my selection. I could have selected them in many different ways, on different criteria. In the end, I have decided to choose films which speak about myself and the way I see freedom, but also about the communities in which I live, while living in Croatia and experiencing the neighboring countries as a part of my own cultural and identifying space. A space of affection and freedom. Srbenka is one of the more important documentaries produced in South Slavic countries after 1990. It was made as a part of a play, dedicated to a girl who was killed in Zagreb, along with her parents, because, according to her killers, she belonged to wrong ethnic group. The movie tells the story of another girl who, thirteen years later,


with revulsion and unutterable sadness, discovered that she was a member of that same ethnic group. In the meantime, a new world was created, suiting the needs of the girl’s killers, in which, it’s wrong to be what she was, but it’s right to be what they were. Srbenka is a very personal story, which we are privileged to watch thanks to the courage, not so much of the author of the movie, but of its actors, who were willing to make their misfortune visible. Is it a misfortune to be different, or to be in the minority? In the world where freedom is out of fashion, yes, that is the biggest misfortune imaginable. At the same time, just like in every good novel, oral story or movie, a personal story suddenly becomes the story of hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of people. Every single one of us is Srbenka under certain circumstances, but some would try to hide it, or would simply be lucky enough to go unnoticed. The minority is divided into those whose state of being minority becomes the majority’s problem, and those who are just luckier than that. On the Water is a film, in a long line of documentaries and feature films of Goran Dević, whose subject is the destruction of the world we used to live in, and moving into the new world. We could call it a transition from socialism to market capitalism and (less and less) to liberal democracy, or it may even be something else: devastation of the cities, their spiritual, moral and physical decline. Goran Dević is important to us in two different ways. Firstly, he is a talented author, imaginative narrator, someone who composes outstanding symphonies with the aid of motion picture, a political and cultural activist who doesn’t care that

he remains in the minority. Dević is a big director of small movies. But he is something more than that, something which, for Free Zone and our interpretation of freedom, is especially important. When cultural community and the celebrated national film agency began expressing discontent towards his view of the world and the movie, and his need to make such movies, Dević only shrugged his shoulders, went to get new equipment, created his little outlaw studio, and continued his work as if he didn’t care. That’s his way of fighting. I love both his method and his movie. Occupation 1968 is, without a doubt, a masterpiece in the field of memorial culture. It is a magnificent movie, but memorial culture is of more importance to us at this point. It has been fifty years now since the troops and tanks from the USSR and allied socialistic countries, rushed into fragile Czechoslovakia, which had previously sunk in taking a sip of freedom. It seems as if it was a long, a very long time, because the movie authors manage to tell a story, familiar to the Czechs and Slovaks, from the occupiers’ point of view. Can we imagine that such a story is told here, among our lands and nations, about the events which took their place not fifty, but seventy-five or even a hundred years ago? Could a similar kind of story be told about Serbs and Croats? Numerous are themes and occasions from the great history which destroyed small people. That kind of movie is, unfortunately, impossible among us. Occupation 1968 teaches us about memorial culture. So precious. There, I would gladly use these three movies for my self-portrait. I didn’t make them, but they are mine nonetheless. It’s called the magic of the cinema.



Kompas Slobodne zone 2018.

„Kompas Slobodne zone“ novi je segment programa koji preuzima formu „Noćnih razgovora“, ali u izmenjenom kontekstu: umesto razgovora nakon poslednje predstave u danu, „Kompas“ pokreće razgovore o izabranim filmovima na posebnim sesijama i s više učesnika. Svrha „Kompasa“ je da artikuliše značenja i motive koje nudi angažovani filmski izraz. Ove godine razgovaramo o filmovima Srbenka Nebojše Slijepčevića i Crna senka zelene energije Dragana Gmizića.  Angažovani film je poziv na delovanje, on svoju svrhu pronalazi izvan sebe samog. Svako delovanje, s druge strane, zahteva jezik. Govoriti o značenjima angažovanog filma znači filmski izraz prevesti na drugi jezik, jednu vrstu iskustva artikulisati drugim sredstvima. Zbog toga što pokreće na delovanje angažovani film je svojevrsni orijentir (ili oruđe za orijentaciju – kompas), naročito ako je stvarnost progutala gusta magla. Razgovor o angažovanom filmu produženje je filmskog izraza drugim sredstvima. To znači jezikom, zahvatiti značenja filma i preneti ih da18

lje. „Kompas“ je karika u ulančavanju znakova, artikulacija i prenošenje značenja. Angažovanje zahteva učešće. Zbog toga su sagovornici u „Kompasu“ uvek već upleteni, na jedan ili drugi način, u sadržaj koji film zahvata. Film, naime, ako je dobar, ako je važan, prisiljava na govor.  Srbenka Nebojše Slijepčevića prisiljava i na govor i na delovanje i na rečito ćutanje. Na jednoj svojoj ravni Srbenka je film o stvaranju pozorišne predstave. Oliver Frljić postavlja u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Rijeci komad o ubistvu porodice Zec u Zagrebu 1991. godine. Svima je unapred jasno da će predstava biti skandal, kako zbog teme tako i zbog svega onoga što prati ime Olivera Frljića na ovim prostorima, a, sve više, i u Evropi (nazovimo taj frljićevski gest beskompromisnom borbom protiv gluposti). Ali Slijepčevićev film nije film o rađanju skandala, iako jeste i to. Nije Slijepčevićev film ni puki film o predstavi, iako jeste i to. To je film o stvaranju jednog lika, jedne divne mlade osobe, dvanaestogodišnje devojčice, glumice-naturščika, koja će se u pripremi predstave susresti


Ivan Milenković urednik

sa svim zapletima sopstvenog identiteta za koji je niko nije pitao da li ga uopšte želi. U jednom će trenutku devojčica morati da savlada taj strašni strah koji dolazi iz prošlosti (Aleksandra Zec bila je njenih godina kada je ubijena zbog identiteta koji nije birala), koji vreba iz budućnosti (da li se i šta promenilo u odnosu na vreme kada su ljudi ubijani zato što su „pogrešne“ etničke pripadnosti?), ali koji je pritiska i sada, dok je pred publikom i pred kamerama (njoj je ostavljeno da li će javno da progovori o svome identitetu, ili jednom od svojih identiteta, a u mutnim i opasnim vremenima to nije lako ni zrelim osobama). Slijepčevićev film, utoliko, jeste film o neželjenim i ubistvenim identitetima kakvi su, bez razlike, svi nacionalni identiteti. „Kompas Slobodne zone“ hoće u temu ubistvenih identiteta da unese nekoliko nijansi, pre svega da li je moguće stvoriti uslove mogućnosti za nepristajanje na nametnute identitete, odnosno da li je moguće živeti mnoštvo identiteta od kojih je svaka osoba sačinjena? Najzad, da li je i u kojoj meri moguće identitet izabrati, ili je uvek u pitanju nametanje, guranje u Prokrustove postelje koje, koliko se god trudili, nije moguće izbeći.

Crna senka zelene energije Dragana Gmizića manje je ambiciozan filmski projekat od Slijepčevićevog poduhvata, ali pokreće ne manje važnu temu: kako odbraniti pravo na život s prirodom ako se priroda, u sprezi gramzivosti, beskrupuloznosti, političkog slepila i nemoći (osim ako već ne postoji jasna veza političkih elita i kriminalnih radnji) nemilice uništava zarad novčane dobiti ubedljive manjine? U shematskom prikazu nepopravljive štete koju prirodi, pa time i ljudima koji s tom prirodom žive u dobrim donosima, nanose male elektrane što se grade na Balkanu, pre svega u Bosni, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, Gmizić otvara problem budućnosti čoveka. Rušenje ekološke ravnoteže zapravo je rušenje odnosa među ljudima. Rušitelji su, sugeriše Gmizić, uvek bešćutna manjina kojoj nije stalo ni do čega drugog do sebe samih. Kako takvima, ako ih podržava jedna­ko beskrupolozna politička elita, pružiti otpor?



Free Zone Compass 2018

“Free Zone Compass” is a new segment introduced to the programme, which takes on a form of “Late night conversations”, but in a somewhat altered context: instead of having a discussion after the final play of the day, “Compass” starts conversations on some of the chosen films during special sessions which include multiple participants. The primary purpose of “Compass” is to articulate the meanings and the motives behind an engaged film expression. This year’s topics for discussion are the films Srbenka by Nebojša Slijepčević and Dark Shadow of Green Energy by Dragan Gmizić. An engaged film calls to action, it finds its purpose beyond itself. On the other hand, every endeavour requires communication. The interpretation of an engaged film means translating the film expression to another language and articulating an experience with other resources. Because of its ability to inspire action, it represents a landmark (or an instrument for orientation – a compass), especially if the reality is swallowed by a dense fog. A discussion about an engaged film is a continuation of the film expression using other tools. That means to seize the essence and pass it on. 20

“Compass” links together signs, articulations and communicates the meaning. The engagement necessitates participation. Therefore, the interlocutors are always, in one way or another, involved in the subject matter that the film deals with. That is to say, if the film is good and influential, it will urge conversation.  The film Srbenka by Nebojša Slijepčević urges not only discussion, but also taking action and wordy silence. To a certain extent, this film is about the making of a theatre play. Oliver Frljić produces a play for the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka, that deals with the murder of the family Zec in the year of 1991. From the very start everyone is aware of the fact that it will turn into a scandal because of its theme, but also because of everything that the name Oliver Frljić represents in this region, and more so in Europe as well (call his act an uncompromising fight against stupidity). However, this film, essentially, is not about a birth of a scandal, neither is it merely a film about a theatre play, even though it fits both of these descriptions. Nevertheless, this is a film about the creation of a character, a wonderful young person, a twelve year old girl who is a self-taught actress, and who will confront all the clashes of he own identity


Ivan Milenković editor

without even having a say in the choice of it. At a certain point she will have to overcome her awful fear, which was coming from the past (Aleksandra Zec was her age when she was killed for an identity she did not choose), threatening from the future (did something change from the time when people were killed because of their “wrong” ethnicity, and if it did, what exactly changed?), and putting pressure on her at the present moment while in front of the audience and the cameras (it is on her to decide whether she will speak up about her identity, or one of her identities, which, in such confusing and dangerous times, does not even come easy to mature people). With that in mind, this film by Slijepčević is a film about undesired and fatal identities, which all national identities, without exception, have. “Free Zone Compass” adds more depth to the topic of fatal identities by answering questions regarding whether it is possible to create the appropriate climate for refusing imposed identities, and whether it is possible to live out multiple identities, which make up all of us. The ultimate question is, is it, and if it is, to what degree it is possible to pick one, or we always face imposition, being pushed into the bed of Procrustes, which we cannot escape from, no matter how hard we tried.

The film Dark Shadow of Green Energy by Dragan Gmizić is a less ambitious film project compared to Slijepčević’s venture, however, it tackles an equally important topic: how to defend the right to life with nature if nature is being mercilessly destroyed by the forces of greed, unscrupulousness, political blindness and powerlessness for the sake of the profit-making society that consists of the absolute minority? By schematically showcasing the irreversible damage that has been made to the nature, and at the same time to the people who live in a harmonious relationship with the it, by building power stations on the territory of the Balkans, especially in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, Gmizić addresses the issue of the future of the human race. The destruction of ecological balance leads to loosening people’s interconnections. The demolishers are always, as Gmizić suggests, an insensitive minority, which is only concerned with its own well-being and disregards everything else. How is it possible to give resistance to those if they are powered by the equally unscrupulous political elite?



Filmski festival Slobodna Zona dodeljuje nagrade za: Free Zone Film Festival is giving awards for:

najbolji angažovani film u međunarodnoj konkurenciji best engaging film in international selection najbolji angažovani film u regionalnoj konkurenciji best engaging film in regional selection najbolji film u okviru selekcije 14+ best film in 14+ selection Nagradu Human Rights Human Rights Award Nagradu publike Audience Award



Nagrade × Awards





Žiri × Jury



Međunarodni žiri International Jury

Andrea Kun je direktorka Međunarodnog festivala ljudskih prava u Nirnbergu. Takođe je članica odbora Dox Box e.V., organizacije koja na netradicionalni način pruža podršku za jačanje dokume­ ntarnim filmskim stvaraocima u arapskim zemljama. Ona je predsedavajući član Udruženja bavarskih filmskih festivala, član Evropske filmske akademije (EFA), pridruženi član ANHAR: Mreže arapskih filmova o ljudskim pravima i jedan od osnivača sekcije Festivalarbeit na ver.di (Germany's United Services Trade Union) čiji je cilj poboljšavanje uslova rada honorarnih i ostalih radnika na filmskim festivalima. Andrea Kuhn is the director of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival. She also serves on the board of Dox Box e.V., a non-traditional support organization focusing on the strengthening of documentary filmmakers in the Arab World. She is the chair of the Association of Bavarian Film Festivals, a member of the European Film Academy, an associate member of ANHAR: The Network for Arab Human Rights Films and a founding member of the section "Festivalarbeit" at ver.di (Germany's United Services Trade Union) which aims to improve working conditions for freelancers and employees at film festivals. 26


Ognjen Sviličić (1971) je diplomirao filmsku režiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Snimio je dugometražne igrane filmove među kojima su Da mi je biti morski pas (1999), Oprosti za kung fu (2004), Armin (2006), Takva su pravila (2014) koji su prikazivani i nagrađeni na brojnim međunarodnim festi­ valima. Na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti predaje filmski scenario. Ognjen Sviličić (1971) graduated film directing at Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb. He shot feature length films, some of them are Wish I Were a Shark (1999), Sorry for Kung Fu (2004), Armin (2006), These Are the Rules (2014). All of them were screened and awarded at various international film festivals. He teaches film script at Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Dragan Jovićević je novinar, pisac, scenarista i urednik kulture u NIN-u. Objavio je hiljade tekstova u domaćim i stranim novinama, nekoliko kratkih priča, kao i dve knjige o filmu – Krugovi i kletve: Kratki vodič kroz japanski i J-horror (2010) i Izgubljeni svetovi srpskog filma fantastike (2014) sa Jovanom Ristićem, obe u izdanju Filmskog centra Srbije, kao i roman Poslednja kap (Admiral Books, 2016). Programski je direktor Festivala srpskog filma fantastike. Doktorirao na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti. Autor je nekoliko filmskih scenarija, kratkometražnih filmova i video radova. Dragan Jovićević is a journalist, writer, screenwriter, culture editor for NIN. He published thousands of articles in domestic and international newspapers, various short stories, and two books about films - Rings and Curses: Short Guide to Japanese and J-Horror (2010) and Lost Worlds of Serbian Fantasy Films (2014) with Jovan Ristić, both published by Film centre Serbia, and a novel “The Last Drop” (Admiral Books, 2016). He works as a program director of Festival of Serbian Fantastic Film., and also is an author of various film scripts, short films and video works.He has a PhD at Faculty of Dramatic Arts.



Regionalni žiri Regional Jury

Kao koordinator programa, Eric van de Giessen predvodi aktivnosti Movies that Matter, međunarodnog programa podrške. Erik je takođe bio deo organizacije raznih filmskih događaja u Holandiji. Na festivalu Movies that Matter u Hagu bio je koordinator Camera Justitia programa o međunarodnom pravu i pravdi. Pre nego što se pridružio Movies that Matter u leto 2011, radio je kao istraživač u polju ekološke sigurnosti i međunarodnog razvoja. Magistar je studija međunarodnog razvoja i studija konflikta i ljudskih prava na Univerzitetu u Utrehtu. As programme coordinator, Eric van de Giessen runs the activities of the Movies that Matter International Support Programme. Eric has also been engaged in the organisation of various film events in the Netherlands. At the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague he coordinated the Camera Justitia programme on international law and justice.  Before joining Movies that Matter in the summer of 2011, Van de Giessen worked as a researcher in the field of environmental security and international development. He holds an MSc degree in International Development Studies and an MA degree in Conflict Studies & Human Rights at Utrecht University. 28


Eva Kraljević (1981) je rediteljka i snimateljka filmova iz Hrvatske. U poslednjih 15 godina snimila je preko 20 igranih i dokumentarnih filmova (Goli, Blokada, Nije ti život pjesma Havaja…) i režirala 4 dokumentarna filma. Predavala je film i fotografiju na Školi za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn u Zagrebu, i predaje film i snimanje na raznim filmskim radionicama za decu i mlade u Zagrebu i Londonu. Njen prvi dokumentarni film Lijepo mi je s tobom znaš osvojio je 6 nagrada i prikazan je na mnogim festivalima, na Hrvatskoj televiziji i na Al-Jazeera Balkans.

Dragan von Petrović je montažer i reditelj igranih filmova. Njegov dokumentarni film Dragan Wende - West Berlin prikazan je na festivalima Hot Docs Toronto, DOK Leipzig, Achtung Berlin i osvajao nagra­ de na festivalima u Trstu, Max Ophüls Prize, FEST New Directors, kao i nominaciju za najbolji nemački dokumentarac godine. Montirao je, između ostalog, nagrađivane dokumentarne (Goli - Srce Sarajeva), dugometražne igrane (Varvari – Karlovi Vari, specijalno priznanje) i kratke igrane filmove (Piknik – nagrada EFA za najbolji evropski kratki film 2015).

Eva Kraljević (1981) is documentary director and cinematographer from Croatia. In past 15 years she shot over 20 movies (Goli, Blokada, Nije ti život pjesma Ha­ vaja…) and directed 4 documentaries. She taught film and photography in Secondary School of Applied Arts and Design Zagreb, she works as film and cinematography tutor on numerous workshops for kids and youngsters in Zagreb and London. Her debut documentary I like that super most the best won 6 awards and was screened at numerous film festivals, Croatian National TV and Al-Jazeera Balkans.

Dragan von Petrović is an editor and a director of documentary and feature films. His documentary film Dragan Wende - West Berlin was featured on Hot Docs Toronto, DOK Leipzig, Achtung Berlin and won awards on Trst festival, Max Ophüls Prize, FEST New Directors, also earned a nomination for Best German Documentary of the Year. He edited, among others, award-winning documentary films (Goli - Heart of Sarajevo award), feature length films (Varvari – Karlovy Vary, special recognition) and short films (Piknik – EFA award for the Best European Short Film of 2015).



14+ žiri

14+ Jury

Marina Ćurčić Rođena je 2001. godine u Beogradu. Učenica je trećeg razreda XIII beogradske gimnazije, a završila je osnovnu školu "Banović Strahinja". Born in 2001. in Belgrade. She is a third year high school student at XIII Belgrade Gymnasium, graduated at elementary school “Banović Strahinja”.

Teodora Stašević Rođena je 1999. godine u Kraljevu. Pohađala je Umetničku školu (smer likovni tehničar), nižu muzičku školu „Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac“ (violina) i Školu za dizajn u Beogradu. Trenutno pohađa Fakultet likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu (smer grafika). Born in 1999. in Kraljevo. She went to Art School, music school “Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac” and Design School in Belgrade. Currently, she is a student of Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, graphic arts department.

Marina Stepanovski Marinu najviše interesuju sport, gluma i čitanje. Devet godina se bavila glumom. Vrlo je komunikativna i druželjubiva osoba. Ispunjava je upoznavanje novih ljudi i baš zbog toga se raduje predstojećem festivalu. Marina’s interests are sport, acting and reading. She has been acting for nine years. She is highly communicative and friendly. She feels fulfilled meeting new people and that is exactly why she is looking forward to being a part of the festival. 30


Sergej Lišanin Učenik je Farmaceutsko fizioterapeutske škole. Bavi se rukometom. Aktivni je član svoje lingvističke sekcije i školskog pozorišta “Teatar farmakopea” koji promoviše model integrativnog pristupa školskih lektira i stručnih predmeta. Student of School of Pharmacy and Physiotherapy. He plays handball. He is an active member of the lingvistic club and student’s theater “Teatar farmakopea”, a theater which deals in promoting integrated approach to school books and academic subjects.

Bojan Vacelek Učenik četvrte godine smera multimedija u Elektrotehničkoj srednjoj školi “Nikola Tesla” u Beogradu. U slobodno vreme se bavi fotografijom i snimanjem raznih stvari, pre svega kratkometražnih filmova i dokumentaraca. Fourth year multimedia student of Electrotechnical school “Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade. In his free time, he is interested in photography, short films and documentaries.

Andreja Stanbolija Andreja ima 18 godina i pohađa srednju ektrotehničku školu „Nikola Tesla“. Rođen u Beogradu i stanuje u Mirijevu, a u slobodno vreme se bavi fotografijom zato ga i interesuje da bude u žiriju filmskog festivala. Andreja is 18 years old and goes to electrotechnical school “Nikola Tesla”. He was born in Belgrade and lives in Mirijevo. In his free time, he likes to photograph and that is the reason why he is interested in being a jury for a film festival.

Milan Jovanović Milan ima 18 godina i ide u četvrti razred ekonomske škole „Nada Dimić“ u Zemunu. Prošle godine bio je član škole dokumentarnog filma u okviru projekta Slobodna Zona Junior. Bavi se montažom, režijom, fotografijom i psihologijom. Milan is 18 years old and goes to fourth grade of economy school “Nada Dimić” in Zemun. He was part of last year’s school for documentary filmmakers as part of Free Zone Junior project. He is interested in editing, directing, photography and psychology. FREE ZONE




Filmski program × Film program



Leto Leto


SVEČANO OTVARANJE / FESTIVAL OPENING Director/Reditelj: Kirill Serebrennikov Country/Zemlja: Russia, France Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 126' Language/Jezik: Russian, English Cast/Uloge: Teo Yoo, Irina Starshenbaum, Roman Bilyk Production: Hype Film, KinoVista Distribution: 2i Film

Kombank dvorana, 7. nov, 20:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 7. nov, 20:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 7. nov, 20:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

U Lenjingradu 80-ih rok muzika se sluša pred komisijom za cenzuru u strogo kontrolisanim uslovima. Uprkos tome, grupa mladih rokera i pankera i njihovi obožavatelji krišom se okupljaju u stanovima da bi slušali muziku sa Zapada, komponuju i sviraju po malim klubovima za mlade. Tokom jednog toplog leta ranih osamdesetih, Majk, nekrunisani kralj te mini andergraund scene pomaže mladom i talentovanom Viktoru Tsoju da postane zvezda. Kada se Majkova žena Nataša zaljubi u Viktora, nastaje nesvakidašnji ljubavni trougao. Sjajni glumci i fenomenalan soundtrack zvezda sovjetskog roka i panka 80ih dopunjuju Bowie, Dylan, T-Rex, Sex Pistols, Velvet Underground, Led Zeppelin. Kroz nadrealne muzičke scene oni postaju alter ego glavnih junaka. Oni su uzori, simboli, nedosanjan san jedne mladosti bez budućnosti.

In the 1980s Leningrad rock music was played before a censorship board in strictly controlled conditions. Despite that, a group of young rockers and punks and their fans secretly gather in apartments to listen to Western music, they compose and play in small youth clubs. One warm summer in the early '80s, Mike, the unofficial king of that mini underground scene helps the young and talented Victor Tsoi to become a star. When Mike's wife Natasha falls in love with Victor, an unusual love triangle is formed. Great actors and a fabulous soundtrack by the stars of the Soviet rock and punk of the 1980s are backed by Bowie, Dylan, T-Rex, Sex Pistols, Velvet Underground, Led Zeppelin. Through the surreal musical scenes, they become the alter ego of the main characters. They are the role models, symbols, unrealized dreams of one youth with no future.

——< O reditelju Kiril Serebrenikov je rođen 1969. godine u Rostovu na Donu. Diplomirao je fiziku na Državnom univerzitetu u Rostovu 1992. godine. Od 1994. Počinje da režira brojne nastupe u pozorištima u Rostovu. Još od 1991. počinje da radi kao televizijski reditelj, a od 1998. i kao filmski reditelj. Njegovi najpoznatiji filmovi su: Lasta, Misterije oluje, Goli, Dnevnik jednog ubice, Tata Rostov, Priče pred spavanje, Jurijev dan, Izdaja i (M)učenik, dobi­ tnik glavne nagrade filmskog festivala u Kinotavru i Rimskog filmskog festivala. Serebrenikov je takođe laureat Filmskog festivala Lokarno.

——< Director’s biography Kirill Serebrennikov was born in 1969 in Rostov-onDon. Graduated in physics from the Rostov State University in 1992. Since 1994, has directed a number of performances in Rostov theatres. Since 1991 Kirill Serebrennikov directs on TV, since 1998 he is a film director. Among his films are: The Swallow, Mysteries of the Storm, The Undressed,The Diary of a Murderer, Rostov-Daddy, Bed Stories, Playing the Victim (Grandprix of Kinotavr film festival and of Rome film festival), Yuriev Den, Betrayal.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Cannes Film Festival, 2018 San Sebastian Film Festival, 2018 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2018



Los Bando Los Bando


SELEKCIJA 14+ / SELECTION 14+ Director/Reditelj: Christian Lo Country/Zemlja: Norway, Sweden Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 94’ Language/Jezik: Norwegian Cast/Uloge: Vera Vitali, Jonas Hoff Oftebro, Stig Henrik Hoff Production: Filmbin Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

DKC, 8. nov, 15:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Los Bando Imortale je ludi road movie o mladom bendu iz Norveške koji, da bi učestvovao u nacionalnom rokenrol takmičenju, kreće na put ulazeći u trku sa vremenom, policijom i svojim roditeljima. I to nije sve – basistu nemaju, a pevač benda ne ume da peva! Do sada još uvek nisu imali srca da mu to i kažu, ali kada saznaju da su primljeni na takmičenje moraće brzo nešto da preduzmu. Nakon održane audicije primaju devetogodišnju Tinu da im bude basista – i to na violončelu, a talentovanog lokalnog reli vozača upošljavaju kao vozača benda. Ono što ne znaju jeste da on u stvari i nema vozačku dozvolu.

Los Bando Immortale is a crazy road movie about a young band from Norway who set out on a journey across the country to attend the National Championship of Rock in a race against time, the police and their parents. And that's not all - they lack a bass player and the vocalist can’t sing! Although they hadn’t had the heart to tell him yet, when they find out they have been accepted to the competition, they have to find a solution – quickly. After they hold an audition, they let nine-year-old Tina to become their bass player - on the cello. As their designated driver they assign the local rally talent. What they don’t know is that he doesn’t have a driver’s license.

——< O reditelju Kristijan Lo rođen je 1977. godine u Gudbrandsdalenu, u Norveškoj. Njegov debitantski dugometražni igrani film Rafiki je bio u selekciji Berlinala 2010. godine. Pre toga, režirao je četiri nagrađivana kratkometra­ žna dečija filma; Punctured (2001), Iver (2004), Ramp! (2005) i Baluba Runa (2007). Though Guys je njegov drugi, a Los Bando treći igrani film. Studirao je film u Engleskoj, a sada radi za produkci­ jsku kuću Filmbin u Lilehameru – jedinu norvešku produkcijsku kuću koja se bavi isključivo dečijim i omladinskim filmovima.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Christian Lo (born 1977, from Vinstra in Gudbrandsdalen) had his feature film debut RAFIKI selected for the Berlinale in 2010. Previously Christian has directed four award winning short films for children; Punctured (2001), Iver (2004), Ramp! (2005) i Baluba Runa (2007). Though Guys was his second feature and Los Bando is his third. Christian Lo studied film in England and now works for the Lillehammer-based production company Filmbin - the only Norwegian film production company dedicated entirely to children’s and youth films.

Best Film, Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival, 2018 Best Feature Film, Zlin Film Festival, 2018 Berlin International Film Festival, 2018



Adrianin pakt Adriana's Pact


ŽENSKA LINIJA / FEMALE LINE Director/Reditelj: Lissette Orozco Country/Zemlja: Chile Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 96’ Language/Jezik: Spanish, English Cast/Uloge: — Production: Storyboard Media, Salmon Producciones Distribution: Meikincine Entertainment

Kombank dvorana, 8. nov, 15:00 × Dom omladine Beograda, 12. nov, 16:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Kao dete imala sam idola: svoju tetku Adrianu. 2007. godine bila je uhapšena i saznala sam da je kao mlada radila za organizaciju DINA, tajnu policiju diktatora Pinočea. Kasnije, nakon dolaska demokratije, ona beži iz zemlje suočena sa optužbama za ubistvo važnog komunističkog vođe. Sada, moja tetka preživljava košmar. U Australiji, čileanski iseljenici zahtevaju njeno izručenje i marširaju protiv nje. Slučaj je uzburkao medije. Nikada nisam razumela kako sam bila deo njene strašne prošlosti a sada sam uvučena u njenu mahnitu sadašnjost. Imam privilegovan pristup saučesnicima diktature i spremna sam da snosim krajnje posledice kako bih saznala istinu i otkrila ko je zapravo moja tetka Adriana.

When I was a child I had an idol: my aunt Adriana. In 2007, she was detained and I found out she worked for DINA in her youth, the secret police of dictator Pinochet. Later, already in democracy, she fled the country while facing a judicial process for the murder of an important communist leader. Now, my aunt is living a nightmare. In Australia, the Chilean residents request her extradition and march against her. The case has caused a media uproar. I didn’t realize how I was involved in her terrible past and now I’m part of her raving present. I have privileged access to the aggressors of dictatorship and I’m willing to reach the ultimate consequences to know the truth and to know who my aunt Adriana is really.

——< O rediteljki

——< Director’s biography

Rođena u Santijago de Čileu 1987. godine, Lizet Orozko je rediteljka i scenaristkinja, studirala na odseku za dokumentarni film na Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación u Santijagu. Adrianin pakt je njen debitantski dugometražni film za koji je dobila podršku već tokom njegove razvojne faze od instituta Tribeca Film. Radila je na raznim filmskim projektima kao asistent režije, istraživač, konsultant i pisac.

Born in Santiago de Chile in 1987, Lissette Orozco is a director and screenwriter who studied documentary at the Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación in Santiago. Adriana’s Pact is her feature film debut and has already received support during its development phase from the Tribeca Film Institute. She has worked on various film projects as assistant director, researcher, consultant and writer.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Peace Film Award, Berlin International Film Festival, 2017 Special Jury Award, The Guadalajara International Film Festival, 2017



Napad panike Panic Attack


FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Paweł Maślona Country/Zemlja: Poland Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 100’ Language/Jezik: Polish Cast/Uloge: Artur Żmijewski, Dorota Segda, Nicolas Bro, Magdalena Popławska Production: Akson Studio Distribution: New Europe Film Sales

Dom omladine Beograda, 8. nov, 16:00 × Kombank dvorana, 10. nov, 21:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Šest priča o običnim ljudima u neobičnim situacijama, koje ih dovode do toga da osete napade panike. Prisustvujemo pravom vrtlogu događaja: žena sreće dvojicu svojih bivših tokom jedne večeri, bračni par dobija najgora sedišta u avionu, mlada devojka rizikuje da drugarice razotkriju njen porno snimak, mlada se porađa na sopstvenom venčanju, tinejdžer se naduva po prvi put u životu, dok mladi čovek mora da moli majku da sačuva njegovo životno delo. Briljantna društvena satira sa elementima crnog humora.

Six stories about ordinary people put in extreme situations, which cause them to experience a panic attack. We experience a roller coaster of events: a woman meets her two exes during one night, a couple picks the worst seat on an airplane, a young girl risks having her girlfriends expose her as a porn star, a bride gives birth on her own wedding, a teenager gets stoned for the first time while a young man has to beg his weird mother to save his life’s work. A brilliant satire that cuts through society with razor-sharp humor.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Pavel Maslona (1986) diplomirao je političke nauke a zatim i režiju u Školi Krzysztofa Kieslowskog za radio i televiziju na Šleskom univerzitetu u Katovicama. Režirao je kratkometražne filmove For Madmen Only (2010) i Eclipse (2011). Nakon svog diplomskog filma Magma (2013) režirao je svoj dugometražni prvenac Napad panike (2017).

Paweł Maślona — he is a director, screenwriter, and editor. He has graduated from political science and also studied directing at the Krzysztof Kieslowski Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice. He is the author of short fictions For Madmen Only (2010) and Eclipse (2011). After his diploma project, Magma (2013), he directed his feature-length debut Panic Attack (2017).

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2018 Gdynia Film Festival, 2017



Ostrvo gladnih duhova Island of the Hungry Ghosts INTERNACIONALNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Gabrielle Brady Country/Zemlja: Germany, UK, Australia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 94’ Language/Jezik: English, Farsi, French, Mandarin Cast/Uloge: — Production: Chromosom film, Third film, Echotango, Various films Distribution: Autlook Films

DKC, 8. nov, 17:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 9. nov, 19:30




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Božićno ostrvo u Australiji je dom za oko 50 miliona kraba koje za vreme punog meseca prelaze dug i opasan put kroz džunglu do mora. U srcu ostrva, skriven u džungli nalazi se i dobro čuvani sabirni centar u kome su smeštene osobe koje traže azil. Psihoterapeutkinja i socijalna radnica Poh Lin svakodnevno se susreće sa traumatičnim iskustvima migranata koji su zatočenici ostrva na neodređeno vreme. Ona im je jedina veza sa spoljašnjim svetom. Istovremeno čarobno i preteće, ostrvo postaje metafora za savremene migracije i surovu borbu za opstanak koja se odvija u tišini.

Christmas Island in Australia is a home to 50 million crabs which cross a long, dangerous way through the jungle into the sea during the period of full moon. There is also a highly secured meeting point for refugees hidden in the jungle in the heart of the island. It is the place where people who are looking for shelter stay for indefinite period of time. Poh Lin, a psychotherapist and a social worker, faces traumatic experiences of refugees who are prisoners of the island for an unspecified time. She is their only connection with the real world. Magical and threatening at the same time, the island becomes a metaphor for modern migrations and a cruel, silent battle for survival.

——< O rediteljki Gabriel Brejdi je australijska rediteljka koja se bavi režijom dokumentaraca i filmova kombinovanog žanra. Gabriel je studirala režiju na Kubanskoj internacionalnoj školi filma, gde je tri godine živela i snimala filmove. Poslednjih deset godina Gabriel živi nomadski, putujući od Kube, Mongolije, Indonezije, preko australijskih pustinja do Evrope. Njen kratkometražnim film Ostrvo uvršten je u seriju Gardijanovih dokumentaraca i premijerno prikazan na festivalu u Šefildu 2017. godine. Ostrvo gladnih duhova je njen prvi dugometražni film.

——< Director’s biography Gabrielle Brady is an Australian filmmaker who makes documentary and hybrid films. Gabrielle studied direction at the Cuban International Film School (EICTV), were she lived and made films for three years. Gabrielle has lived nomadically for the past ten years, traveling between Cuba, Mongolia, Indonesia, the Australian central desert and Europe. Her short film Island was commissioned as part of the Guardian documentary series and premiered at the 2017 Sheffield festival. Island of The Hungry Ghosts is her first feature-length film.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Tribeca Film Festival - Best Documentary, 2018. Visions du Reel - Buyens-Chagoll Award, 2018. Valletta Film Festival - Best Documentary, 2018. Edinburgh Film Festival - Special Jury Mention, 2018.



Časna reč Cross My Heart


SELEKCIJA 14+ / SELECTION 14+ Director/Reditelj: Luc Picard Country/Zemlja: Canada Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 102’ Language/Jezik: French, English Cast/Uloge: Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau, Anthony Bouchard, Henri Richer-Picard Production: Echo Media Distribution: Téléfiction Distribution & Marketing

Kombank dvorana, 8. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Montreal, oktobar 1970. Porodica dvanaestogodišnje Manon je pred raspadom - otac je teško bolestan a majka je emocionalno nestabilna. Manon i njen mlađi brat Mimi provode vreme kod rođaka - ukoliko niko ne bude mogao da se brine o njima uskoro će završiti u domu. Inspirisana trenutnom političkom krizom u zemlji i otmicom britanskog ambasadora, Manon kuje plan da kidnapuje stariju ženu, gospođu Robinson i otmicom zatraži pravo da odlučuje o svojoj budućnosti. Uz pomoć rođaka Martina i Denisa, Manon uspeva da kidnapuje gospođu Robinson koja bi trebalo da im bude nova baka. Zajedno napuštaju grad u potrazi za mestom gde će moći da žive slobodno i srećno. Časna reč je živopisna priča o izdaji i slabostima odraslih viđenih očima dece.

Montreal, October 1970. Twelve-year-old Manon’s family is on the verge of collapse - her father is very ill, while her mother is emotionally unstable. Manon and her younger brother Mimi spend their time at their cousins place – if they are left with no one to take care of them, they are about to be placed in Foster Care. Inspired by the current political crisis and the abduction of the British ambassador, Manon comes up with a plan and takes an old woman Robinson hostage to demand the right to choose her own future. With the help of her cousins Martin and Denis, Manon manages to kidnap Mrs. Robinson, who is supposed to be their new grandma. They leave the city together determined to find refuge where they can all be happy and free. Cross My Heart is a vibrant story portraying the weaknesses and betrayals of adulthood as seen through the eyes of children.

——< O reditelju 2004. godine Luk Pikard je otkrio novi kreativni put za istraživanje: scenario i režiju. Vođen time, portretisao je lik Luisa u svom prvom igranom filmu Audicija. Godine 2008. i 2012. ponovio je podvig sa fantasy filmom Babine, i Esimesac, inspirisan pričom Freda Pelerina. Nedavno je bio jedan od 9 reditelja, autora omnibusa 9. Na njima su radili neki od u tom trenutku najboljih reditelja u Kvebeku. Njegov najnoviji film Časna reč, je adaptacija romana Nikol Belanžer.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Film, Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Calgary International Film Festival, 2017 Québec City Film Festival, 2017

——< Director’s biography In 2004, Luc Picard discovered a new creative avenue to explore: screenwriting and directing. Thus, he portrayed the character of Louis in his first feature film L’Audition. In 2008 and 20012 he repeated the feat with the fantasy film Babine, and Esimesac, inspired from a tale by Fred Pellerin. More recently, he was part of the nine directors who contributed to the making of the film 9, a group of short films, alongside some of the best directors of the moment, in Quebec. Finally, he directed the movie Les Rois Mongols, adaptation of Nicole Bélanger’s book. feature-length film.



Liku, rumunska priča Licu, a Romanian Story


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Ana Dumitrescu Country/Zemlja: Romania Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 87’ Language/Jezik: Romanian Cast/Uloge: — Production: Jules et Films Distribution: Taskovski Films

Art bioskop Kolarac 8. nov, 17:30 × Kombank dvorana, 11. nov, 15:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 11. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Liku, rumunska priča je priča o životu čoveka izgubljenom u istoriji, devedesetdvogodišnjaku koji je preživeo velike istorijske događaje- rat, mir, komunizam, revolucije i post-revolucije. Patio je, voleo, smejao se i plakao više od 92 godine. Liku je dugometražni dokumentarac, ali je iznad svega film o starosti i prolaznosti vremena, odraz našeg ličnog stanja i naše prolaznosti. Priča o Likuu je, kao i većina priča, subjektivna. Ovo nije film o istoriji već priča čiji je heroj čovek po imenu Liku. Svako od nas će se kad-tad poistovetiti sa događajima iz filma, jer Likuova životna priča može biti priča svakog od nas. Ona zrači univerzalnošću.

Licu, a Romanian Story is about the life of a man lost in history. A 92-year-old man having outlived major historical events such as war, peace, communism, the revolution and post-revolution. He has suffered, loved, laughed and cried for over 92 years. Licu is a feature documentary, but above all it is a movie about the passing of time and old age. A reflection on our own condition and ephemerality. Licu’s story, like most stories, is subjective. It is not a movie about History but a tale whose Hero is named Licu. Each of us, at one moment or another, will identify with the events in the film. Licu’s life-story could be anyone’s story. It radiates universality.

——< O rediteljki Kao nekadašnji fotoreporter, Ana Dumitresku je radila za brojne medijske grupe u Francuskoj i Rumuniji, a kao umetnički fotograf, održala je višestruke izložbe širom sveta, pričajući životne priče ljudi kroz svoje fotografije. Do sada je režirala četiri igrana filma. Liku, rumunska priča, njen prvi film snimljen u Rumuniji produkcije Jules et Films, dobitnik je nagrade na Međunarodnom takmičenju dokumentarnog i animiranog filma u Lajpcigu 2017. godine. Violina je njen peti dokumentarni igrani film i drugi film produkcije Jules et Films. Kao neko ko pripada dvema kulturama, ona svoje vreme deli između Francuske i Rumunije. Godine 2016. osnovala je Jules et Film, svoju produkcijsku kuću u Rumuniji.

——< Director’s biography As an ex-photojournalist, Ana Dumitrescu has worked in France and Romania for numerous media groups. As an artist photographer, she has multiplied exhibitions around the world narrating through photos the life-story of others. To date, she has directed four feature films. Licu, a Romanian Story, her first film shot in Romania and produced by Jules et Films is selected in International Competition in DOK Leipzig 2017. The Violin is her fifth documentary feature-length film and the second produced by Jules et Films. Bi-cultural, she divides her time between France and Romania. In 2016, she founded Jules et Films her film-production company in Romania.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Feature Documentary, DOK Leipzig, 2017 Transilvania International Film Festival, 2018 ZagrebDox, 2018



Ne ostavljaj me Never Leave Me


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Aida Begić Country/Zemlja: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 97’ Language/Jezik: Arabic, Turkish Cast/Uloge: Ismail Hakki, Carol Abboud, Motaz Faez Basha Production: Beşir Derneği Distribution: MCF MegaCom Film

Dom omladine Beograda, 8. nov, 18:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Nakon smrti majke, Isa je završio u sirotištu za sirijske izbeglice u gradu Šanlijurfa, u Turskoj. U sirotištu, sklapa prijateljstvo sa Ahmadom i Motazom, ali njihov odnos je složen. Ahmadov otac je nestao u Siriji, ali Ahmad ne gubi nadu da će se sa ocem ponovo sresti jednog dana. Motaz je takođe bez porodice, jer ga majka ostavlja u sirotištu nakon što se preudala. Dečaci se međusobno veoma razlikuju po temperamentu ali i po pogledima u budućnost. Iako se ne vole preterano, oni imaju zajednički cilj: da napuste sirotište i da započnu svoje živote ispočetka. Teškoće sa kojima se susreću im pomažu u pronalaženju ljubavi, prijateljstva i, na kraju, nade.

Following the death of his mother, Isa finds himself in an orphanage for Syrian refugees located in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. In the orphanage, he develops friendships with Ahmad and Motaz, but theirs is a complex relationship. Ahmad’s father has disappeared in Syria but Ahmad holds onto the hope that his father will rejoin him one day. Motaz, too, is without familial certainty, as his mother left him in the orphanage after remarrying. The boys are quite different from one another, temperamentally and in their hopes, and even though they are not especially fond of one another they have a shared aim: to leave the orphanage and begin live anew. The difficulties of their lives help them to find love, friendship and, ultimately, hope.

——< O rediteljki Aida Begić je rođena u Sarajevu. Njen prvi dugometražni film, Sneg, imao je premijeru u Kanu 2008. godine, gde je osvojio Gran Prix i potom 30 drugih festivalskih nagrada širom sveta. Njen drugi dugometražni film, Deca Sarajeva, premijerno je prikazan u zvaničnoj selekciji Filmskog festivala u Kanu, 2012. godine i osvojio je Specijalnu nagradu od strane žirija.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Aida Begić was born in Sarajevo. Her first feature, Snow, premiered at Cannes 2008, Semaine de la Critique, where it won the Grand Prix and 30 further festival awards from around the world. Her second feature, Children Of Sarajevo, premiered in Un Certain Regard, Official Selection of the Cannes Film Festival 2012 and won Special Distinction of the Jury.

Antalya International Film Festival, 2017 Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2018 Sarajevo Film Festival, 2018



Pod drvetom Under the Tree

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson Country/Zemlja: Iceland, Poland, Denmark, Germany, France Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 89’ Language/Jezik: Icelandic Cast/Uloge: Steinþór Hróar Steinþórsson, Edda Björgvinsdóttir, Sigurður Sigurjónsson Production: Magnolia Pictures, Netop Films, Mandants, One Two Films Distribution: MCF MegaCom Film Dom kulture Studentski grad, 8. nov, 18:00 × Dom omladine Beograda, 9. nov, 16:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 8. nov, 19:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 8. nov, 18:00 50



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Kada se Boldvinove i Ingine komšije požale da drvo iz njihovog dvorišta baca preveliku senku, ono što počinje kao tipična komšijska svađa potpuno se neočekivano otima kontroli. Idila u predgrađu se pretvara u niske strasti.

When Baldwin and Inga's next door neighbours complain that a tree in their backyard casts a shadow over their sundeck, what starts off as a typical spat between neighbours in the suburbs unexpectedly and violently spirals out of control. A suburban idyll turns into “basic instinct”.

——< O rediteljki Hafstejn Gunar Sigurdson rođen je u Rejkjaviku 1978. godine. Diplomirao je na odseku za film na prestižnom Kolumbija Univerzitetu u Njujorku. Njegov prvi dugometražni film Either Way prikazan je na festivalima širom sveta, a 2013. godine snimljena je i američka verzija - Princ Avalanš (u glavnim ulogama Pol Rad i Emil Hirš). Godine 2012. časopis Variety proglasio ga je za jednog od deset evropskih reditelja čije filmove treba pogledati.

——< Director’s biography Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson was born in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1978. He is a graduate of the prestigious film program at Columbia University, New York. His first feature film Either Way screened at film festivals all around the world and was re-made in the US as Prin­ ce Avalanche (starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch). Hafsteinn was selected as one of “Variety’s Ten European Directors to Watch” in 2012.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards European Film Awards (EFA) 2018 Vilnius International Film Festival 2018 Venice Film Festival 2017 Toronto International Film Festival 2017




A Woman Captured MOVING DOCS × MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Bernadett Tuza-Ritter Country/Zemlja: Hungary Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 89’ Language/Jezik: Hungarian Cast/Uloge: — Production: Éclipse Film Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

DKC, 8. nov, 19:00 × Dom kulture Studentski grad, 9. nov, 18:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Mariš, pedesetdvogodišnja Mađarica poslednjih deset godina služi jednu porodicu, radeći 20 sati dnevno, bez plate. Njeni tlačitelji su joj oduzeli lična dokumenta, a kuću ne može da napusti bez dozvole. Prema njoj se ophode neljudski, živi na ostacima hrane, bez kreveta u kome bi spavala. Prisustvo kamere joj pomaže da shvati kako nije u potpunosti prepuštena sebi. Polako se opušta i pokazuje prve znake poverenja. Ohrabrena je i saopštava svoj plan: „Pobeći ću.“ Film prati njen herojski put ka slobodi.

Marish, a 52-year-old Hungarian woman has been serving a family for a decade, working 20 hours a day, without getting paid. Her ID was taken from her by her oppressors, and she is not allowed to leave the house without permission. Treated like an animal, she only gets leftovers to eat and no bed to sleep in. The presence of the camera helps her realize she isn't completely alone. She begins to show signs of trust; she gathers her courage and reveals her plan: "I am going to escape." The film follows her heroic journey back to freedom.

——< O rediteljki Bernadet Tuza-Riter je mađarska rediteljka nezavisnog filma i montažerka čije su uže specijalnosti kreativni dokumentarci i fikcija. Režiju i montažu je studirala na Univerzitetu za pozorišnu i filmsku umetnost u Budimpešti. 2013. godine radila je kao režiser na projektu „Cinetrain – Russian Winter“ koji je osvojio nagradu publike na festivalu dokumentarnog filma Vision du Reel. Član je HSE i Mađarske akademije filma. Njen prvi dugometražni dokumentarni film Zarobljena je premijerno prikazan na glavnom takmičenju IDFA 2017. godine. Posle njegove svetske premijere izabran je za takmičenje Svetskog dokumentarnog filma na Sandens filmskom festivalu u januaru 2018. godine, i postao prvi mađarski dugometražni film koji se ikada takmičio na ovom festivalu.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Bernadett Tuza-Ritter is a Hungarian independent film director and editor specializing in creative documentaries and fiction. She studied directing and editing at the University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest. In 2013 she worked as a director in the project called ‘Cinetrain – Russian Winter’ which won the audience award at Vision du Reel documentary festival. Member of HSE and Hungarian Film Academy. Her first feature length documentary A Woman Captured premiered at IDFA 2017 Main Competition. After its world premiere it was selected by Sundance Film Festival 2018 – World Cinema Documentary Competition, and thus it will be the first Hungarian feature length film ever to compete at Sundance, in January of 2018.

Dokufest - Human Rights Award, 2018 Sundance Film Festival, 2018 DocAviv Film Festival, 2018 Cleveland International Film Festival, 2018



Ubiti Hesusa Killing Jesus

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Laura Mora Ortega Country/Zemlja: Colombia Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 95’ Language/Jezik: Spanish Cast/Uloge: Natasha Jaramillo, Giovanny Rodríguez, Camilo Escobar Production: 64A Films Distribution: Latido Films

Kombank dvorana, 8. nov, 19:00 × DKC, 10. nov, 19:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 12. nov, 19:30




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Mlada kolumbijska studentkinja Paula je svedok hladnokrvnog ubistva svog oca. Nakon što se uverila u neefikasnost policije, put je slučajno dovodi do plaćenog ubice za kojim se traga. Čini se da je osveta izazvana njenim besom, frustracijom i bolom jedina moguća reakcija... Ali šta ako su i ona i ubica zapravo žrtve nasilnog i korumpiranog sistema?

Paula, a young Colombian student, witnesses the cold-blooded murder of her father. After dealing with police inefficiency, she accidentally crosses paths with the hit man who killed her father. Driven by her anger, frustration and pain, the choice of revenge seems to be the only possible reaction… But what if both of them are victims of a violent and corrupt system?

——< O rediteljki Laura Mora Ortega je rođena u gradu Medeljinu, u Kolumbiji. Režiju je studirala u Melburnu. Filmovi na kojima je radila su Pablo Eskobar: Gospodar zla (2012), Pre vatre (2015) i Ubiti Hesusa (2017) koji je nagrađen nagradom Rodžer Ebert na Internacionalnom filmskom festivalu u Čikagu.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Laura Mora Ortega was born in Medellin, Colombia. She studied filmmaking in Melbourne, Australia. Her films include Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal (2012), Antes del Fuego (2015), and Killing Jesus (2017), winner of the Roger Ebert Prize at the International Film Festival of Chicago.

Best Film, Motovun Film Festival, 2018 Palm Springs International Film Festival, 2018 Chicago International Film Festival, 2017



Plivati sa muškarcima Swimming with Men


FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Oliver Parker Country/Zemlja: UK Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 97’ Language/Jezik: English Cast/Uloge: Rob Brydon, Adeel Akhtar, Jim Carter, Daniel Mays Production: Met Film Production, Dignity Film Finance, Kerris Films, Shoebox Films Distribution: MCF MegaCom Film

Art bioskop Kolarac, 8. nov, 19:30 × Dom kulture Studentski grad, 10. nov, 20:00 × Kombank dvorana, 11. nov, 17:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 12. nov, 19:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 12. nov, 18:00 56


——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Erik je sredovečni računovođa u banci, pomalo razočaran u sebe i sopstveni život. Uhvaćen u zamku krize srednjih godina, sebe doživljava kao neprivlačnog i dosadnog muškarca, i samo čeka trenutak kada će ga supruga Heder, uspešna političarka i poslanica lokalnog parlamenta, ostaviti. Sin tinejdžer ga se stidi, dok lokalni političar pokušava da mu zavede ženu. Baš kada se čini da stvari ne mogu krenuti na gore, grupa sredovečnih gubitnika koji se bave muškim sinhronim plivanjem poziva ga da im se pridruži. Film koji sa osmehom ruši klišee o „muškim“ i „ženskim“ sportovima.

Eric is a middle-aged bank accountant who is a bit disappointed with himself and his own life. Stuck in midlife crisis, he feels unattractive and boring, and all he waits for is the moment when his wife Heder – a successful politician and the member of the local parliament – will leave him. His teenage son is ashamed of him, while a local politician tries to seduce his wife. Just when things can't get any worse, the group of middle-aged losers at the local pool invites him to join them in synchronized swimming. This is the movie which smilingly destroys clichés about ''male'' and ''female'' sports.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Oliver Parker je rođen 6. septembra 1960. godine u Londonu, u Engleskoj. Glumac je i reditelj poznat po filmovima Idealni suprug (1999), Dorian Grej (2009) i Noćna vrsta (1990).

Oliver Parker was born on September 6, 1960 in London, England. He is an actor and director, known for An Ideal Husband (1999), Dorian Gray (2009) and Nightbreed (1990).

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2018



Utoja 22. juli U - July 22


KAKO NASTAJE FAŠIZAM / HOW FASCISM BEGINS Director/Reditelj: Erik Poppe Country/Zemlja: Norway Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 92’ Language/Jezik: Norwegian Cast/Uloge: Andrea Berntzen, Aleksander Holmen, Solveig Koløen Birkeland Production: Paradox Spillefilm Distribution: MCF MegaCom Film

Dom omladine Beograda, 8. nov, 20:00 × Kombank dvorana, 9. nov, 19:00 × Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 10. nov, 20:30 Dom kulture Studentski grad, 12. nov, 20:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 12. nov, 21:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 12. nov, 20:00 58


——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Naoružani ekstremista je 22. Jula 2011. godine napao više od 500 mladih u letnjem kampu na ostrvu Utoja u blizini Osla. Ranije tog dana, isti čovek je postavio bombu u Vladinu zgradu u Oslu. Priča prati Kaju (18) i njene prijatelje koji su se tog kobnog dana našli u kampu na ostrvu Utoja. Film počinje kada grupa mladih ubeđuje svoje najbliže da su na ostrvu bezbedni i izuzeti iz haosa koji je nastao u gradu. Iznenada, bezbednu atmosferu zamenjuje panika koja nastaje kada se čuje pucnjava.

On July 22 2011 more than 500 youths at a political summer camp on an island outside Oslo were attacked by an armed, right-wing extremist. Earlier that day he bombed a Government building in Oslo. In this first fictional movie about the attack we get to know Kaja (18) and her friends. The movie starts when the youngsters, shocked by the bombing in Oslo, are reassuring their relatives that they are far away from the incident. Suddenly, the safe atmosphere is shattered when shots are heard.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Erik Pope je norveški filmski reditelj, producent i scenarista. Važi za jednog od najiskusnijih i najznačajnijih skandinavskih autora današnjice, pri čemu se ističe posebnost njegovog rada sa glumcima i na raznovrsnim narativnim filmovima. Ansamblska podela uloga, britki scenariji, impresivan rad sa kamerom i neuobičajeni dar za upotrebu muzike i ritma u montaži, samo su neki od elemenata Popovih filmova. Tokom poslednje decenije, Pope je postao jedan od najčešće nagrađivanih režisera iz Skandinavije.

Erik Poppe is a Norwegian film director, producer and screenwriter. Poppe is regarded as one of Scandinavia's most experienced and compelling film directors recognized for his work with actors and multi-pronged narratives. His movies are often built around ensemble casts, sharp writing, impressive camera work and an uncanny knack for rhythm and music in the editing. During the last decade Poppe has become one of the most frequently awarded film directors from Scandinavia.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Amanda Awards for Best Actress, Norwegian International Film Festival, 2018 Main Competition, Berlin International Film Festival, 2018



Krivica The Guilty


FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Gustav Möller Country/Zemlja: Denmark Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 90’ Language/Jezik: Danish Cast/Uloge: Jakob Cedergren, Jessica Dinnage, Omar Shargawi Production: Nordisk Film Spring Distribution: Kino Mediteran

Dom kulture Studentski grad, 8. nov, 20:00 × Dom omladine Beograda, 9. nov, 20:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 10. nov, 19:30 Kombank dvorana, 11. nov, 19:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 9. nov, 21:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 9. nov, 20:00 60


——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Asger Holm, dispečer za hitne pozive i bivši policajac, javlja se na hitan poziv žene koja je kidnapovana. Kada se veza iznenada prekine, počinje potraga za identitetom žene i njenim otmičarima. U trci sa vremenom Asgeru je telefon jedino pomoćno sredstvo i dok pokušava da pomogne najbolje što može, počinje da shvata da je u pitanju mnogo veći zločin nego što je pretpostavljao.

Alarm dispatcher and former police officer, Asger Holm, answers an emergency call from a kidnapped woman. When the call is suddenly disconnected, the search for the woman and her kidnapper begins. With the phone as his only tool, Asger enters a race against time to save the endangered woman. But soon he realizes that he is dealing with a crime that is far bigger than he first thought.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Gustav Moler (1988) je rođen u Geteborgu, u Švedskoj. Diplomirao je na Nacionalnoj školi filma u Danskoj 2015. godine sa filmom U tami, koji je osvojio nagradu Next Generation u Havesundu. Krivica je njegov prvi dugometražni film.

Gustav Möller (1988) was born in Gothenburg, Sweden. He graduated from The National Film School of Denmark in 2015 with the film In Darkness which won the Next Generation Award in Haugesund. The Guilty is his feature length debut.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Audience Award, Sundance Film Festival, 2018 Audience Award, Transilvania International Film Festival, 2018 Audience Award, Youth Jury Award, Rotterdam International Film Festival, 2018



Sanjati Murakamija Dreaming Murakami


MOVING DOCS Director/Reditelj: Nitesh Anjaan Country/Zemlja: Denmark Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 58’ Language/Jezik: Danish, Japanese, English Cast/Uloge: Mette Holm Production: Final Cut For Real Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

DKC, 8. nov, 21:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 11. nov, 17:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Kada Mete Holm počinje da prevodi debitantski roman Harukija Murakamija, Slušaj pesmu vetra, na jednoj stanici metroa u Tokiju pojavljuje se žaba visoka dva metra. Žaba je uporno prati odlučna u tome da uključi prevodioca u svoju borbu sa džino­ vskim crvom, koji se polako budi iz dubokog sna i koji je rešen da mržnjom uništi svet. Dok se Mete bori da pronađe prave rečenice koje bi nam prenele šta Murakamijevi usamljeni, zamišljeni likovi pokušavaju da nam kažu, granice između realnosti i imaginacije polako se gube.

When Mette Holm begins to translate Haruki Murakami’s debut novel Hear the Wind Sing, a two-meter-tall frog shows up at an underground station in Tokyo. The Frog follows her, determined to engage the translator in its fight against the gigantic Worm, which is slowly waking from a deep sleep, ready to destroy the world with hatred. As Mette struggles to find the perfect sentences capable of communicating what Murakami's solitary, daydreaming characters are trying to tell us, the boundary between reality and imagination begins to blur.

——< O reditelju Andjan je debitovao kao romanopisac sa delom Kind of Blue 2016. godine. Njegov režiserski debi, film Far from Home (2014), premijerno je prikazan na CPH:DOX-u i dobio je Nagradu za najbolji debitantski dokumentarac Mumbajskog filmskog festivala. Andjanov dokumentarac Dreaming Murakami (2017) našao se u selekciji festivala IDFA, CPH:DOX i Hot Docs.

——< Director’s biography Anjaan debuted as a novelist with Kind of Blue (2016). His debut as director, Far from Home (2014), premiered at CPH:DOX and won Best Debut Documentary at Mumbai Film Festival. His documentary Dreaming Murakami (2017) was selected for IDFA, CPH:DOX and Hot Docs.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Audience Award for Best Mid Length Documentary, Hot Docs Toronto, 2018 München Documentary Festival, 2018 Istanbul Festival of Independent Films, 2018



Vreme je za utopije Utopia Revisited

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Kurt Langbein Country/Zemlja: Austria Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 98’ Language/Jezik: German, English Cast/Uloge: Petra Wähning, Werner & Martina Haase, Gi-Man Jeong, Ji-Young Moon Production: Langbein & Partner Media Distribution: Rise and Shine World Sales

Kombank dvorana, 8. nov, 21:00 × Dom omladine Beograda, 11. nov, 16:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Održivost je ključna reč našeg vremena. Shvaćena ozbiljno, ona nas poziva na promenu i delanje suprotno idejama potrošačkog društva i ostvarivanja maksimalnog profita. Manje promene su moguće, ali često padaju u vodu kada dođe do njihovog sprovođenja u svakodnevnom životu. Film Vreme je za utopije pokazuje životne, pozitivne primere kako uz pomoć ideja, solidarnosti i osećaja za opšte dobro možemo ostvariti fenomenalne zamisli. Pokazuje nam da je moguće snabdeti čak 1,5 milijardu ljudi regionalnim organskim proizvodima. Štaviše, pokazije da je život u urbanim sredinama moguć uz potro­ šnju samo delića energije koja se trenutno troši po glavi stanovnika. Moguća je proizvodnja pametnih telefona u fer uslovima za radnike, a fabrika čaja koja je nekada pripadala Unilever lancu može da nastavi da posluje na principu samoupravljanja. Vreme je za utopije nas vodi na uzbudljivo filmsko putovanje ka jednom novom, boljem društvu.

Sustainability is the key word of our time. When taken seriously, it calls for change and action that opposes the ideas that the consumer society and profit maximization promulgate. Small changes are possible, but often fall short when it comes to their implementation in our everyday life. This film takes positive and realistic examples to prove that, ideas, solidarity and intuition enable us to accomplish great things. It shows that the regionally produced organic products are enough to supply 1.5 billion people. What’s more, it proves that we can live in urban environment and only utilize the slightest amount of energy which is currently being used per person. It is possible to produce a smart phone in a fair way and that the tea company, that was once a part of the Unilever company chain, can continue to do business based on the principles of self – management. Utopia Revisited takes us on a adventurous journey towards a new and more desirable society.

——< O reditelju Kurt Langbajn, rođen 1953. godine, je reditelj dokume­ ntarnih filmova. Radio je kao novinar u na austrijskoj televiziji, kao urednik vesti u časopisu Profil, a od 1992. godine radi u kompaniji Langbein & Partner Media kao izvršni direktor, a bio je producent i reditelj nekoliko doku­mentaraca i TV reportaža. Pisac je nekoliko dokumentarnih knjiga. Godine 2011. dobio je nagradu Leopold Ungar za svoj TV dokumentarac Osećaj darivanja. U 2013. godini dobio je nagradu Axel-Corti za izvrsne rezultate u oblasti emitovanja programa i televizije.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Kurt Langbein, born in 1953, is a documentary filmmaker who worked as a feature-journalist with Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, as news editor with the news-magazine „Profil“, and since 1992 at „Langbein & Partner Media“ as CEO, producer and director of several documentaries and TV-reports. He is a writer of several non-fiction books. In 2011, he was awarded the Leopold Ungar-Prize for his TV documentary The Sense of Endowing. In 2013 he was accorded with the Axel-Corti-Award for Service of Excellence in Broadcasting and TV.

CineEco Portugal, 2018 Seoul Eco Film Festival, 2018



Najbolji ortaci Old Boys


SELEKCIJA 14+ / SELECTION 14+ Director/Reditelj: Toby MacDonald Country/Zemlja: UK Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 95’ Language/Jezik: English Cast/Uloge: Alex Lawther, Jonah Hauer-King, Pauline Etienne, Joshua McGuire Production: Momac Films Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

DKC, 9. nov, 15:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 10. nov, 17:30 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 10. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

'Samo najjači opstaju' je glavna filozofija u engleskom muškom internatu u Kaldermauntu. Ako nisi snažan, atletski tip, ti si gubitnik. To niko ne zna bolje od štrebera Ambersona, koji je bio na dnu školske društvene lestvice od kada ga sećanje služi. Ambersonov život se okreće naglavačke kada se u školi pojavi Agnes, neodoljiva ćerka nastavnika francuskog. Odjednom Amberson postaje ljubavni posrednik između Agnes i Vinčestera, školske zvezde i sportskog heroja. Vinčester definitivno ima izgled kojim može da osvoji Agnes, ali Amberson ima hari­ zmu. Da li će Amberson imati hrabrosti da joj prizna istinu i pokaže ko je u stvari?

'Survival of the fittest' is the philosophy at all-boys English boarding school Caldermount. If you're not the strong athletic type, you're a loser. Nobody knows this better than nerdy Amberson, who's been at the bottom of the school's social ladder since he can remember. When the French teacher's fiery daughter Agnes arrives, Amberson's life is turned upside down. He suddenly finds himself playing matchmaker for Winchester, the school's popular sporting hero. Winchester definitely has the looks to win Agnes over but Amberson has the wits. Will Amberson have the courage to reveal himself to her and stand up for who he really is?

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Tobi Mekdonald je počeo da radi kao asistent na filmskim setovima sa šesnaest godina. Njegovi kratki filmovi su bili nominovani za Filmsku nagradu Brita­ nske akademije, Volim te Džon Vejne (2000) i Hevi metal bubnjar (2005). Režirao je nagrađivane reklame radeći sa agencijom Partizan iz Londona, kao i seriju Moj život na filmu za BBC2.

Toby MacDonald started working on film sets as a runner at the age of 16. He is the director of the BAFTA-nominated short films Je t’aime John Wayne (2000) and Heavy Metal Drummer (2005). He has directed award-winning commercials working with Partizan London, as well as the series My Life In Film for BBC2.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Teen Movie, Sarajevo Film Festival, 2018 Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2018 Dinard Film Festival, 2018



Fortuna Fortuna


ŽENSKA LINIJA / FEMALE LINE Director/Reditelj: Germinal Roaux Country/Zemlja: Switzerland, Belgium Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 106’ Language/Jezik: French, Amharic Cast/Uloge: Kidist Siyum, Bruno Ganz, Patrick d’Assumpçao Production: Vega Films Distribution: Loco Films

Kombank dvorana, 9. nov, 15:00 × Dom omladine Beograda, 12. nov, 20:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Fortuna, četrnaestogodišnja devojčica iz Etiopije, gubi svaki kontakt sa roditeljima od trenutka kada se iskrcala na obalu Italije. Zajedno sa ostalim izbeglicama, moraće da prezimi u Švajcarskoj, na 2000 metara nadmorske visine. Utočište im pruža zajednica katoličkih sveštenika, dok švajcarske vlasti ne reše njihov pravni status. Upravo ovde Fortuna upoznaje Kabira, dvadesetšestogodišnjeg mladića iz Etiopije, takođe izbeglicu i ludo se zaljubljuje u njega. Njihova veza se razvija skrivena od pogleda drugih sve dok, nakon policijske racije, Kabir iznenada misteriozno ne nestane.

Fortuna, a 14-year old Ethiopian girl who has had no news of her parents since she arrived on the shores of Italy, is temporarily accommodated in Switzerland with other refugees in a hospice at an altitude of 2000m above sea level to over-winter. A community of Catholic canons gives them refuge whilst waiting for their legal status to be sorted out by the Swiss authorities. This is where Fortuna meets Kabir, a 26-year old Ethiopian refugee with whom she falls hopelessly in love. Their relationship develops, hidden from sight of those around them, until the day when Kabir mysteriously disappears following a police raid.

——< O reditelju Žerminal Rou je rođen 1975. godine u Švajcarskoj, u Lozani. Samouki je fotograf i režiser koji radi isključivo u crno-beloj tehnici. Dobitnik je Specijalne nagrade Akademije na dodeli švajcarskih filmskih nagrada 2014. godine za ostvarenje Left Foot Right Foot. Nagrađen je za najboljeg reditelja na Ciriškom filmskom festivalu 2018. godine za ostvarenje Fortuna.

——< Director’s biography Germinal Roaux is born in 1975 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Self taught photographer and filmmaker. Works exclusively with black & white. 2014 Swiss Film Award, Special Award of the Academy for Left Foot Right Foot. Recipient of Filmmaker Award 2016 at Zurich Film Festival for the project Fortuna.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Film, Grand Prix of the Generation 14plus, Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 First Prize Youth Feature Film Competition, Cinema in Sneakers Film Festival, 2018 International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights, Geneva, 2018 Silver Award, The Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival, 2018




Okupacija 1968 Occupation 1968



Director/Reditelj: Linda Dombrovszsky, Stephan Komandarev, Evdokia Moskvina, Marie Elisa Scheidt, Magdalena Szymkow Country/Zemlja: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 130’ Language/Jezik: Slovak, Czech, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, German, English Cast/Uloge: — Production: Peter Kerekes Ltd. Distribution: Slingshot Films DKC, 9. nov, 17:00 × Dom kulture Studentski grad, 10. nov, 18:00



——< Sinopsis Ovaj dokumentarni projekat o avgustu 1968. godine predstavlja kolektivni i subjektivni osvrt na vojnike „prijateljskih“ armija kao i na njihove misli, utiske i zadatke tokom okupacije Čehoslovačke 1968. godine. Osnovno pitanje koje se postavlja je, kako se „jedan mali Evropljanin“ postavlja naspram tako „velike istorije“. Koje uloge igraju lična odgovornost i očuvanje moralnog integriteta i šta se sa njima desi onog trenutka kada se mora izabrati između spasavanja sopstvenog života i poštovanja pravila? Šta osećaju vojnici koji su poslati u stranu zemlju da „uspostave mir“? Ovaj film prati živote vojnika raznih nacionalnosti i činova – od redova do generala. U želji da dobijemo što više različitih gledišta, odlučili smo da izaberemo pet reditelja iz pet zemalja bivšeg Varšavskog pakta koje su učestvovale u okupaciji Čehoslovačke. Oni su Jevdokija Moskvina iz Rusije, Linda Dombrovski iz Mađarske, Magdalena Zimkov iz Poljske, Eliza Mari Šeid iz Nemačke i Stefan Komadarev iz Bugarske. Tako je nastalo pet dvadesetšestominutnih dokumentaraca – pet različitih pogleda na 1968. iz pet različitih zemalja.

——< O rediteljima Jevdokija Moskvina je studirala filmsku produkciju na Sorboni u Parizu od 2013. do 2015. godine. 2011. godine režirala je film Our Dreams Come True koji je uspešno predstavljen na Kanskom festivalu. Trenutno, Jevdokija radi na post-produkciji dokumentarnog filma o civilima naseljenim u ratnom području koji je snimljen u Siriji 2016. godine. Linda Dombrovski je studirala i diplomirala na Fakultetu za medije i film, Pazmani Peter katoličkog univerziteta, a režiju je diplomirala na Fakultetu filma i televizije u okviru Akademije drame i filma u Mađarskoj. Lindin najnoviji dokumentarac Once Upon a

Time There Were Two Ballerinas je tek započeo svoju festivalsku karijeru na internacionalnim festivalima kratkog filma u Briselu, Sao Paolu i Budimpešti. Njen kratak dokumentarac Duty (2011) bio je deo programa Panorama u okviru Nedelje kritičara na Kanskom festivalu. Magdalena Zimkov je rediteljka, scenaristkinja i bavi se istraživanjem filmske arhive. Stekla je obrazovanje iz oblasti novinarstva u Školi filma Vajda, u Varšavi. Njen prethodni film My House Without Me (2012) bio je nagrađivan i prikazivan na festivalima širom sveta. Marija Eliza Šeid je rediteljka dokumentaraca. Živi i radi u Nemačkoj, u Minhenu. Eliza je studirala dokumentarni film na Univerzitetu televizije i filma u Minhenu, kao i u Školi vizuelnih umetnosti u Torontu. Njeni filmovi Loly H ( 2013), Sobota (2014), Through the Lens of Inkedkenny (2013) i Our Wildest Dreams (2017) prikazivani su i nagrađivani na mnogim sve­­ tskim festivalima. Stefan Komandarev je studirao režiju na Novom bugarskom univerzitetu u Sofiji i učestvovao u brojnim radionicama i obukama, kako u Bugarskoj, tako i u inostranstvu. Njegovi filmovi The Balloon (1997), Dog’s Home (2000), Bread over the Fence (2002), Alphabet of hope (2003), The World is Big and Salva­ tion Lurks Around the Corner (2008), The Judgement (2014) i Directions (2017) nagrađeni su na brojnim prestižnim festivalima.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Sofia International Film Festival, 2018 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2018





——< Synopsis The documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective look on the soldiers of “friendly” armies and their thoughts and impressions about Czechoslovak occupation in August 1968 and their tasks within it. The main question is, how “a small person in Europe” behaves in front of so known “big history”. What role plays the personal responsibility, preservation of personal point of view or moral, and what happens to it in the moment, when they have to choose between saving their life or obeying the rules? What feelings had the soldiers, who were sent to foreign country to “make the order” there? In this film we would be interested in soldiers of different nationalities and different ranks-from privates to generals. In order to get the most diverse views on this topic, we decided to choose five directors from five countries of the former Warsaw Pact, which participated in the occupation of Czechoslovakia. The result will be five 26-minute documentaries - five different views from five countries.

——< Directors’ biography From 2013 to 2015 Evdokia Moskvina studied film production at the Sorbonne University in Paris. In 2011 she directed the film Our dreams come true, which was successfully presented on the Cannes festival. Currently Evdokia is post-producing a documentary filmed in Syria in 2016, a story about civil people living in the war.

took part in the panorama selection: Cannes Critic’s week. Magdalena Szymkow is a documentary filmmaker, screenwriter and film archives researcher with a journalistic background, graduated from Wajda School in Warsaw. Her previous film My House With­ out Me (2012), a cinematic essay about displacement was nationally broadcasted, awarded and screened across the festivals all over the world. Marie Elisa Scheidt is a documentary filmmaker based in Munich, Germany. Elisa studied documentary film at the University of Television and Film Munich as well as at the School of Image Arts Toronto (Ryerson University). Her films Loly H (2013), Sobo­ ta (2014), Through the Lens of Inkedkenny (2013), and Our Wildest Dreams (2017) have been screened and awarded at numerous major film festivals around the world. Stephan Komandarev studied directing at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, took part in the number of workshops and trainings either at home or abroad. His films The Balloon (1997), Dog’s Home (2000), Bread over the Fence (2002), Alphabet of hope (2003), The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner (2008), The Judgement (2014) and Directions (2017) were awarded by numerous prestigious festivals.

Linda Dombrovszky studied and graduated at Media and Film Faculty. Linda’s latest documentary Once Upon a Time There Were Two Ballerinas has just started its festival career at Brussels International Short Film Festival, Sao Paolo International Short Film Festival, Budapest International Short Film Festival. Her short documentary Duty (2011) FREE ZONE


Bojno polje Theatre of War


ŽENSKA LINIJA / FEMALE LINE Director/Reditelj: Lola Arias Country/Zemlja: Argentina, Spain, Germany Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 82’ Language/Jezik: English, Spanish Cast/Uloge: — Production: Gema Films Distribution: Ramonda Ink Sas

Kombank dvorana, 9. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Trideset pet godina posle Foklandskog rata, argentinska umetnica i rediteljka, Lola Arijas, poziva veterane da svi zajedno, u paru ili samostalno stanu pred kameru i prisete se tih užasnih događaja. Uspomene sa bojišta pretvaraju se u performans i otvara se međusobni dijalog u kojem bojno polje postaje mesto za igru, pozornica. Fotografije poprišta borbe, isečci iz novina i mape, postaju polazišna tačka putovanja u prošlost, u kojem glumci govore o budućnosti, pričajući o strahu od ubijanja i smrti, traumama i ožiljcima koje je rat ostavio. Pred kamerom, oni igraju svoje traume pokušavajući da prežive i prošlost i sadašnjost. Film Bojno polje je inspirisan pozorišnom predstavom Rojal kort teatra u Londonu, koja se izvodi od 2014. godine, sa istom glumačkom postavom koja se pojavljuje i u filmu.

Thirty-five years after the end of the Falklands war, Argentinian artist and director Lola Arias invites veterans to look back – together, either in pairs or in dialogue with the camera. Warnings from the battlefield turn into performance, open a mutual dialogue in which the battlefield becomes the space of the game, the stage. Snapshots of the battlefield, newspaper clippings, maps are the starting point for a journey into the past, where actors talk about the future through stories about the fear of killing and death, traumas and scars left by war. In front of the camera, they play their trauma trying to survive both the past and the present. Theatre of War is inspired by the theater play of the Royal Court Theater in London, which has been playing since 2014 with the same actors who appear in the film

——< O rediteljki

——< Director’s biography

Lola Arijas, rođena 1976. godine u Buenos Ajresu, je pisac, pozorišna rediteljka i umetnica. Prilikom rada u pozorištu, na filmu, muzici, književnosti i umetničkim projektima, ona sarađuje sa ljudima najrazličitijih profila (ratnim veteranima, bivšim komunistima, decom iz Bugarske). Njena ostvarenja često se poigravaju na granici između realnog i fikcije. Režirala je predstave My life after, Familienbande, The year I was born, Melanc­ holy and demonstration, The art of making money, The art of ariving, Minefield i Atlas of Communism. Radi na filmovima i umetničkim instalacijama. Objavljivala je poeziju, fikciju i drame.

Lola Arias (Buenos Aires, 1976) is a writer, theatre director, visual artist, and performer. She collaborates with people from different backgrounds (war veterans, former communists, Bulgarian children, etc) in theatre, literature, music, film and art projects. Her productions play with the overlap zones between reality and fiction. She staged, among others, My life after, Familienbande, The year I was born, Melancholy and demonstration, The art of making money, The art of arriving, Minefield and Atlas of Communism. She does films and art installations. She published poetry, fiction, and plays.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Cicae Award, Ecumenical Jury Award, Berlin International Film Festival 2018 Best Director Award, Buenos Aires International Festival 2018 Hong Kong International Film Festival 2018 FREE ZONE


Porodica The Family


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Rok Biček Country/Zemlja: Slovenia, Austria Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 106’ Language/Jezik: Slovenian Cast/Uloge: Matej Rajk, Nia Kastelec, Barbara Kastelec Production: Cvinger Film Distribution: ReStart

Art bioskop Kolarac, 9. nov, 17:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Matej potiče iz porodice ljudi sa posebnim potrebama iz sela bogu iza nogu, u zemlji bogu iza nogu. Međutim, on sam je tako jedinstven – ni drugačiji, ni normalan – da je u potpunosti, kako se čini, uspeo da izbegne uticaj okoline. Sudbina ga ipak sustiže kada sa devojkom dobija ćerku, a veza im se ubrzo nakon toga raspada. Sledi bitka za starateljstvo koja postaje sve surovija, dok se Matej ne odluči za radikalan izlaz iz začaranog kruga, kako porodice tako i samog života. Porodica je realističan film koji pokriva celu jednu deceniju, onu u kojoj se traže osećanja a ne senzacionalizam. Film bez scenarija, ali sa mno­­ štvom scenarista, kako ljudskih, tako i neljudskih.

Matej is born into a family of people with special needs in a God-forsaken village in a God-forsaken land, but is himself so one of a kind – neither different nor normal – that he seems to have completely escaped the pressures of his environment. Fate, nevertheless, catches up with him as he and his girlfriend have a daughter and their relationship collapses soon after. The custody battle ensues and is becoming ever nastier until Matej opts for a radical exit out of the vicious circle, both of family and life itself. The Family is a piece of cinéma vérité that covers a period of a whole decade, one that seeks feelings rather than sensationalism. A film without a screenplay, but with a multitude of screenwriters, both human and nonhuman.

——< O reditelju Rok Biček je rođen u Novom Mestu u Sloveniji, u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Nakon što je režirao dva kratkometražna filma, Dan u Veneciji (2009) i Lov na patke (2010), koji su prikazani na festivalima širom sveta a kasnije emitovani na programu televizije Arte, režira film Klasni neprija­ telj. On je nagrađen na Međunarodnoj nedelji filmskih kritičara na 70. Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu, a kasnije je i nominovan za evropsku nagradu Luks 2014. godine, ušavši u izbor tri najbolja evropska filma godine. Sa svojom novom produkcijskom kućom, Cvinger film, producirao je film Srećno, Orlo! koji je premijerno prikazan na 73. Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu u kategoriji Horizonti, i UP, 40-minutni dokumentarac o životu i izazovima sa kojima se susreće Gaj Jakič, nosilac zastave slovenačkog paraolimpijskog tima.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Rok Biček was born in Novo mesto, Slovenia, ex-Yugoslavia. After directing two short films, Dan v Benetkah (2009) and Lov na race (2010), that screened at festivals worldwide and later aired on Arte, he directed Class Enemy which won the International Film Critics Week at the 70th Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, and was later nominated for the 2014 European Lux Prize, among the top 3 European Film Features of the year. With his newborn company, Cvinger Film, he produced Good Luck, Orlo!, which premiered at the 73rd Mostra del Cinema di Venezia in the Sezione Orizzonti, and UP, a 40 min documentary about the life and challenges of Gal Jakič, flag bearer of the Slovenian Paralympic team.

Best Feature Film, Slovene Film Festival, 2017 Critics Week Award, Locarno International Film Festival, 2017 Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival, 2017 FREE ZONE


Tri identična stranca Three identical strangers

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Tim Wardle Country/Zemlja: UK Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 96’ Language/Jezik: English Cast/Uloge: Silvi Alzetta-Reali, Eddy Galland, Ron Guttman Production: RAW Distribution: Park Circus Limited

Dom omladine Beograda, 9. nov, 18:00 × Kombank dvorana, 11. nov, 21:00 × DKC, 12. nov, 15:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Tri stranca se sasvim slučajno ponovo sreću, nakon što su rođeni kao identične trojke, odvojeni na rođenju i usvojeni u tri različite porodice. Njihova priča momentalno postaje globalna senzacija koju prati medijska popularnost i slava. Međutim, bajkoviti susret pokreće niz događaja koji otkrivaju nezamislivu tajnu sa radikalnim posledicama za sve nas.

Three strangers are reunited by astonishing coincidence after being born identical triplets, separated at birth, and adopted by three different families. Their story instantly becomes a global sensation complete with fame and celebrity, however, the fairy-tale reunion sets in motion a series of events that unearth an unimaginable secret - a secret with radical repercussions for us all.

Dobitnik Specijalne nagrade žirija filmskog festivala Sandens, Tri identična stranca počinje kao oda porodici koja se pretvara u triler sa dalekosežnim posledicama i dokazuje da je život zaista čudniji od fikcije.

——< O reditelju Tim Vordl je reditelj dokumentaraca sa BAFTA nominacijom i izvršni producent nagrađivane produkcijske kuće Raw. Režirao je filmove Tri identična stranca, One Killer Punch i Lifers. Radio je i na čelu razvoja više vodećih britanskih produkcijskih kompanija uključujući Century Films, Blast Films, Raw i BBC Documentaries.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Special Jury Prize, Sundance FIlm Festival, 2018 Audience Award, Chicago Critics Film Festival, 2018 Cleveland International Film Festival, 2018

Winner of Sundance Film Festival’s Special Jury Award, Three Identical Strangers is an exuberant celebration of family that transforms into a thriller with colossal implications and proof that life is truly stranger than fiction.

——< Director’s biography Tim Wardle is a BAFTA-nominated documentary director, and Executive Producer at award-winning production company Raw. As director, his films include Three Identical Strangers, One Killer Punch, and Lifers. Tim has also worked as head of development for a number of leading UK production companies, including Century Films, Blast Films, Raw and BBC Documentaries.



Putinovi svedoci Putin’s Witnesses

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Vitaly Mansky Country/Zemlja: Latvia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 102’ Language/Jezik: Russian Cast/Uloge: — Production: Studio Vertov Distribution: ReStart DKC, 9. nov, 19:00 × Dom kulture Studentski grad, 9. nov, 20:00 × Kombank dvorana, 10. nov, 19:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 9. nov, 19:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 9. nov, 18:00 80



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Dugometražni dokumentarni film Putinovi svedoci Vitalija Manskog bavi se hronologijom Putinovog dolaska na vlast i njegovim vrtoglavim usponom. U početku i sam Putinov pristalica, Manski tokom godina snima sate i sate dokumentarnog arhivskog materijala koji nas vodi iza kulisa nekih od najvažnijih događaja u novijoj istoriji Rusije. Kao nekadašnji glavni i odgovorni urednik dokumentarnog programa na nacionalnoj televiziji, Manski ima pristup materijalu koji je snimljen za potrebe nekoliko visokopozicioniranih političara uključujući i Vladimira Putina. Kombinujući ih sa sopstvenim snimcima iz tog vremena, Manski kroz razgovore sa Putinovim simpatizerima i savremenicima stvara portret jednog od najkontroverznijih političara današnjice svestan da je u blizini vlasti „naivno misliti da je moguće biti samo svedok“.

The feature-length documentary Putin’s Witnesses by Vitaly Mansky deals with the chronology of Putin's coming to power and his spiraling rise. Initially, Putin's supporter, Mansky, for years, records hours and hours of documentary archival material that leads us behind the scenes of some of the most important events in recent history of Russia. As former editorin-chief of the documentary program on national television, Mansky has access to material that was filmed for the needs of several high-ranking politicians including Vladimir Putin. By combining them with his own footage from that time, Mansky, through conversations with Putin's sympathizers and contemporaries, creates a portrait of one of the most controversial politicians of today aware that near the authorities "it's naive to think it's possible to be just a witness."

——< O reditelju Vitalij Manski je rođen 1963. u Lavovu, Ukrajini, u SSSR-u. Diplomirao je na VGIK – Ruskom državnom institutu za kinematografiju 1989. godine i postao jedan od najprominentnijih savremenih ruskih reditelja i producenata dokumentaraca. Snimio je preko 30 filmova koji su prikazivani i nagrađivani na festivalima širom sveta. Manski predsedava organizacijom nacionalne nagrade Laurel Leaf za najbolje ruske dokumentarne filmove. Osnivač je i predsednik Artdocfest-a, ruskog filmskog festivala dokumentarnog filma. Od 2014. godine Manski živi u Letoniji.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Documentary, Karlovy Vary IFF, 2018 Toronto International Film Festival, 2018 Camden International Film Festival, 2018

——< Director’s biography Vitaly Mansky was born in 1963 in Lviv, Ukraine, USSR. He graduated from VGIK — All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography in 1989 and became one of the most prominent contemporary Russian documentary filmmakers and producers. He has shot more than 30 films as a director which were screened at festivals worldwide and were awarded several times. V.Mansky is the producer of the national Laurel Leaf award for the best Russian documentary films. He is the founder and President of Artdocfest — Russian Open Documentary Film Festival for Russian-language creative documentaries. Since 2014 Mansky has been living in Latvia.



Kapetan The Captain


KAKO NASTAJE FAŠIZAM / HOW FASCISM BEGINS Director/Reditelj: Robert Schwentke Country/Zemlja: Germany, Poland, Portugal, France Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 118’ Language/Jezik: German Cast/Uloge: Max Hubacher, Milan Peschel, Frederick Lau Production: Filmgalerie 451, Alfama Films, Opus Film Distribution: Fame solutions

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 9. nov, 20:30 × Dom omladine Beograda, 12. nov, 18:00 × Dom kulture Studentski grad, 12. nov, 18:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 8. nov, 21:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 8. nov, 20:00 82


——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

U poslednjim danima Drugog svetskog rata mladi nemački vojnik, boreći se da preživi, pronalazi unifo­ rmu nacističkog oficira. Lažno se predstavljajući, on uz uniformu preuzima i njegov identitet i postaje monstruozni zločinac poput istih onih ljudi od kojih pokušava da pobegne.

In the last, desperate moments of World War II, a young German soldier fighting for survival finds a Nazi captain’s uniform. Impersonating an officer, the man quickly takes on the monstrous identity of the perpetrators he is trying to escape from.

——< O reditelju Robert Šventke je rođen 1968. godine u Nemačkoj. Studirao je književnost i filozofiju u Tibingenu na Eberhard Karl univerzitetu, a kasnije je dobio zvanje mastera u oblasti režije od strane Američkog filmskog instituta. Njegovi najpoznatiji filmovi su: Tattoo, Flight­ plan, The Time Traveler's Wife, RED i The Captain.

——< Director’s biography Robert Schwentke was born 1968 in Germany. He studied Literature and Philosophy at the Eberhard Karl University in Tuebingen and later earned an MFA in directing from the American Film Institute. His most famous movies are: Tattoo, Flight Plan, The Time Trav­ eler’s Wife, RED and The Captain.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Toronto International Film Festival, 2017 Jury Award for Best Photography, San Sebastian Film Festival, 2017 Rotterdam International Film Festival, 2018



Tri lica

Three Faces MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Jafar Panahi Country/Zemlja: Iran Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 100’ Language/Jezik: Persian Cast/Uloge: Behnaz Jafari, Jafar Panahi, Marziyeh Rezaei Production: Jafar Panahi Film Productions Distribution: 2i Film DKC, 9. nov, 21:00 × Kombank dvorana, 10. nov, 17:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 10. nov, 21:00 Niški kulturni centar, 10. nov, 20:00 84



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Iako je Džafaru Panahiju od 2010. godine zabranjeno da snima filmove, on nastavlja sa radom bez odobrenja iranskih vlasti. Njegov najnoviji film, Tri lica, je na Kanskom festivalu prihvaćen sa entuzijazmom. Režiser se ponovo našao za volanom, ovog puta u društvu iranske glumice Behnaz Džafari, i njih dvoje kreću na put u jedno selo na granici sa Azerbejdžanom. Mlada devojka Marzije Rezai se putem video poruke obraća reditelju. Ona bi htela da studira glumu i čak biva primljena na studije glume. Međutim, njeni roditelji poštujući tradiciju nameravaju da je udaju i na taj način staju na put njenoj želji. Tri lica je road movie protiv patrijarhata i predstavlja filmsku odu glumicama i svima koji to žele da budu.

Although he has been banned from filmmaking since 2010, Jafar Panahi keeps working without the approval of Iranian authorities. His latest work, Three Faces, has been received enthusiastically in Cannes. Once again, the director sits behind the steering wheel; he's joined by an actress called Behnaz Jafari, and the two of them head off to a village near the border to Azerbaijan. A young girl, Marziyeh Rezaei had left a video message to Jafari saying that she wanted to study acting and that she had even been accepted in an acting school. But her parents, preferring to get her married in the traditional way, wouldn't allow her to become an actress. Three faces is a road movie against patriarchy and a tribute to female actresses.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Džafar Panahi je režirao svoj prvi dugometražni film, Beli balon 1995. godine, za koji je napisao scenario zajedno sa Abasom Kijarostamijem i osvojio Zlatnu kameru u Kanu. Među drugim nagradama, on je osvojio Zlatnog lava u Veneciji i FIPRESCI priznanje u San Sebastijanu za film Krug, nagradu žirija u Berlinu za Ofsajd (2006), Srebrnog medveda za najbolji scenario za film Zatvorena zavesa 2012. godine, takođe u Berlinu, i nagradu Zlatni medved i FIPRESCI za Taksi Teheran (2015.), ponovo na Berlinalu. Film Tri lica je osvojio nagradu za najbolji scenario na poslednjem Kanskom festivalu.

Jafar Panahi directed his first feature, The White Balloon in 1995, for which he wrote the screenplay with Abbas Kiarostami and won the Caméra d’Or in Cannes. Among other awards, he has garnered the Golden Lion in Venice and the FIPRESCI Grand Prix in San Sebastian for The Circle, the Jury Grand Prix in Berlin for Offside (2006), the Best Screenplay Silver Bear for Closed Curtain, 2012, also in Berlín, and the Golden Bear and FIPRESCI prize for Taxi Téhéran (2015), again at the Berlinale. Three Faces won the Best Screenplay Award at the last Cannes Festival.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Film award, Antalya International Film Festival, 2018 Best Screenplay award, Cannes Film Festival, 2018 Toronto International Film Festival, 2018



Aga Ága


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Milko Lazarov Country/Zemlja: Bulgaria, Germany, France Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 96' Language/Jezik: Yakut Cast/Uloge: Mikhail Aprosimov, Feodosia Ivanova, Galina Tikhonova Production: Red Carpet Distribution: Betacinema

Kombank dvorana, 9. nov, 21:00 × DKC, 10. nov, 21:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Nanuk i Sedna žive u jurti na livadama severa prekrivenim snegom, poštujući tradiciju predaka. Sami u divljini, kao da su poslednji ljudi na Zemlji. Njihov tradicionalni način života se sporo ali neizbežno menja. Lov postaje sve teži i sve je veći broj životinja uginulih iz neobjašnjivih razloga, a sneg svake godine sve ranije kreće da se topi. Čena, žena koja ih redovno posećuje, jedina im je veza sa spoljašnjim svetom i sa njihovom ćerkom Agom, koja je odavno napustila ledenu tundru nakon porodične svađe. Kada Sednino zdravlje počne da slabi, Nanuk odlučuje da ispuni ženinu želju i pođe na dug put u potragu za Agom.

In a yurt on the snow - covered fields of the North, Nanook and Sedna live following the traditions of their ancestors. Alone in the wilderness, they look like the last people on Earth. Nanook and Sedna’s traditional way of life starts changing – slowly, but inevitably. Hunting becomes more and more difficult, the animals around them die from inexplicable deaths and the ice has been melting earlier every year. Chena, who visits them regularly, is their only connection to the outside world – and to their daughter Ága, who has left the icy tundra a long time ago due to family feud. When Sedna’s health deteriorates, Nanook decides to fulfil her wish. He embarks on a long journey in order to find Ága

——< O reditelju Milko Lazarov je bugarski reditelj rođen 1967. godine. Diplomirao je na Nacionalnoj akademiji teatra i filma (NATFA) u Sofiji, gde je studirao u klasi profesora Vladislava Ikonomova. Na istom fakultetu je radio i kao predavač na katedri za film. Njegov debitantski igrani film Otuđenje prikazan je i nagrađen na filmskom festivalu u Veneciji u zvaničnoj selekciji.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Milko Lazarov is a Bulgarian film director born in 1967. He graduated from the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he studied in the class of Prof. Vladislav Ikonomov. He was a lecturer in NATFA’s film department. His feature debut Alienation premiered and was awarded at Venice 70’ in the official selection of Venice Days.

Grand Prix for Best Movie, Bulgarian Feature Film Festival, 2018 Heart of Sarajevo for Best Feature Film, Sarajevo Film Festival, 2018 Berlin International Film Festival, 2018



Future is Here I — doc.

Subota, 10. novembar, 13:00, Dvorana Kulturnog centra Beograda


Benjamin Menekshe / Kosovo*, 2018, 9’ Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Sinopsis: Bajrako je praznik koji simbolizuje sreću koji s velikim ponosom proslavlja romska zajednica. O reditelju: Benjamin Menekshe je rođen 2001.

godine u Prizrenu na Kosovu*. Pohađa treći razred Gimnazije Gjon buzuku.

Synopsis: Bajrako is a holiday that symbolizes happiness which is celebrated with a lot of pride by roma community. Director’s bio: Benjamin Menekshe was born in 2001

in Prizren, Kosovo*. He goes to high school Gjon Buzuku in the 3rd year of maturity.





Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Sinopsis: Tokom osmomesečnog stvaranja, Zgjima je posetio mikroskopski prijatelj. On postanje njegov najbolji prijatelj i Zgjim odlučuje da ga povede u Život. Ovaj prijatelj se u životu zove X hromozom. Kao zahvalnost, ovaj prijatelj je dao Zgjimu najslađe lice i najlepši osmeh na svetu.

Sinopsis: Ceo novi svet se može naći na ulicama Prizrena. Suočavajući se s ovim svetom, suočavamo se sa zavisnošću i asocijalnim ponašanjem. Ovaj kratki dokumentarac pokazuje kako se zavisnost razvijala zajedno sa tehnologijom i kako se širila u svim starosnim grupama.

O rediteljima: Ajshe Gashi je rođena 2000. godine u Suvoj Reci na Kosovu*, gde je završila osnovnu i sre­ dnju školu. Planira da studira medicinu.

O reditelju: Martin Xhoxhi je rođen 1999. godine u Tirani u Albaniji, gde je završio osnovnu i srednju školu. On je ambiciozni mladi reditelj i snimatelj koji je radio kratke filmove kao što je Decommunism.

Martin Xhoxhi / Kosovo*, 2018, 6’

Ajshe Gashi, Diellza Bylygbashi / Kosovo*, 2018, 8’

Diellza Bylygbashi je rođena 2001. godine u Suvoj Reci na Kosovu*, gde je završila srednju školu. Voli fotografiju, programiranje i grafički dizajn.

Synopsis: During Zgjim`s eight-month creation he has been visited from a microscopical friend. This friend becomes his best friend and Zgjim decides to take it to Life. This friend in Life is called an extra chromosome. As gratitude, this “friend” gave to Zgjim the cutest face and the most beautiful smile in the world. Directors’ bio: Ajshe Gashi was born in 2000 in Suharekë, Kosovo*. She finished elementary and high school in Suharekë. She is planning to study medicine.

Synopsis: A whole new world can be found in the streets of Prizren. Facing this world, means to face addiction and antisocial behaviour. This short documentary shows us how addiction has evolved together with technology and the spread it has had in all age groups. Director’s bio: Martin Xhoxhi was born in 1999 in Tirana, Albania. He has finished elementary and high school in Tirana. He is an aspiring young director and cinematographer who has worked in other short films like Decommunism.

Diellza Bylygbashi was born in 2001 in Suharekë, Kosovo*. She finished elementary school in Samadrexhë and high school in Suharekë. She loves photography, programming, graphic design and editing.



Pa përkufizim


Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Sinopsis: Priče o nekim likovima o predrasudama i

Sinopsis: Shtojzovalle: magična bića albanske mi-

Flutura Balaj / Kosovo*, 2018, 12'

Era Skivjani / Kosovo*, 2018, 6’

diskriminaciji u našem društvu.

O rediteljki: Era Skivjani je rođena 2000. godine u Đakovici gde je završila Gimnaziju “Hajdar Dushi”. Synopsis: Stories of some characters about prejudices and discrimination in our society.

Director’s bio: Era Skivjani, born in 2000 in Gjakova. Finished high school at Gymnasium “Hajdar Dushi” in Gjakova.

tologije koja poseduju natprirodne moći i izvanrednu lepotu. Ta bića koja često u šumama igraju i pevaju, konačno su uhvaćena ljudskim okom. Nakon vekova života sa nama, oni nas pozivaju u svoju mističnu stvarnost.

O rediteljki: Flutura Balaj je rođena 2000. godine u Peći na Kosovu*. Osvnovnu i srednju školu je završila u Prištini, baveći se pisanjem poezijem i sviranjem bubnjeva, stvaranjem filmova i kuvanjem. Trenutno započinje studije fizike i astronomije na Jacobs Univerzitetu u Nemačkoj. Synopsis: Shtojzovalle: magical Creatures of the Al-

banian mythology that possess supernatural powers and extraordinary beauty. Often found in the woods singing and dancing, the Shtojzovalle are finally captured by the eyes of humans. After centuries of living around us, they invite us into their mystical realities.

Director’s bio: Flutura Balaj was born in 2000 in Pejë, Kosovo*. She finished elementary and high school in Prishtina, while maintaining an artistic image as a slam poetry writer/performer, and a passion for drumming, filmmaking and culinary sciences. Currently, she is about to begin her studies on Physics and Astronomy in Jacobs University, Germany.



Thank You Africa, Thank You Ebola

This Is Tringa

Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Language: Albanian Production/distribution: DokuFest

Sinopsis: Misija, jedan život, previše opasnosti… 75 dana… izolacija, plač, tužna lica. Ubrzan rad srca, kad nije bilo poznato da li postoji spas… emotivna promena, sreća bez granica, osmeh… Afrika.

Sinopsis: Društvene mreže imaju veoma važno

O reditelju: Leart Raka comes from Kacanik and he was born in 2000. Leart finished elementary and high school in Kacanik.Leart took several shots in DokuFest workshops. Leart is about to start studying about Filmmaking.

O rediteljki: Tringa Berisha je rođena 1999. godine u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, gde je završila osnovnu i srednju školu. Razmišlja o studijama biologije, ali boli da snima filmove.

Synopsis: A mission, one life, too many in danger….75

days…isolation, sad faces. Rising heart rates which was unknown if it can make it…emotional changing, eternal happiness, smile…Africa

place in everyone's’ life today, many people go through a lot of effort to post a picture or information that may occasionally not be true. This is a personal story of Tringa.

Director’s bio

Director’s bio: Tringa Berisha was born in 1999 in

Leart Raka / Kosovo*, 2018, 6’

Leart Raka comes from Kacanik and he was born in 2000. Leart finished elementary and high school in Kacanik.Leart took several shots in DokuFest workshops. Leart is about to start studying about Filmmaking.

Tringa Berisha / Kosovo*, 2018, 4’

mesto u svakodnevnom životu, ljudi prolaze kroz puno truda da objave sliku ili informacije koje često nisu istinite. Ovo je lična Tringina priča.

Synopsis: Social networks have a very important

Mitrovica, Kosovo*. She finished elementary and high school in Mitrovica. She is thinking to study Biology but she loves to make movies.



Street Cry

Naše Maske

Language: Serbian Production/distribution: Free Zone Filmmaker School

Language: Serbian Production/distribution: Free Zone Filmmaker School

Sinopsis: U podzemnom svetu nova vrsta umetno-

Sinopsis: Svaka osoba ima maske kojima skiva svoje lice, mišljenja i slabosti od drugih. Na toj osobi je samo da li će ih iskoristiti ili ne. Da li se mogu te maske videti? Zavisi od toga ko gleda.

Vukašin Čečen / Serbia, 2018, 10’

Bojan Tutić / Serbia, 2018, 26’

sti zauzima svoje mesto među ostalim, poznatijim vrstama umetnosti kao sto su graffiti. Stensili izlaze iz mračnih ulica na svetlo dana. VUDEMN je poznati stensil umetnik. Pokazuje nam sve potrebne stvari za izradu stensila. Od pravljenja šablona u digitalnom format do realizacije na beogradskim zidovima.

O reditelju: Bojan Tutić je odrastao u Zemunu, gde je

završio Zemunsku Gimnaziju, i osnovnu muzičku školu na odseku za violinu. U slobodno vreme trenira karate i pravi muziku.

Synopsis: In the underground world a new form of art is claiming its place amongst the other better known art forms such as graffiti. Stencils are progressing from dark alleyways into the light of day. VUDEMN is a famous stencil artist. He shows us all the necessary things to create a stencil. From creating a template in a digital format to a realization on Belgrade walls.

O reditelju: Vukašin Čečen, dečak bez cilja ali mnogo

kreativnosti. Hobiji su mu montaža, slušanje muzike i pisanje.

Synopsis: Every person has masks with which he faces his face, thoughts and weaknesses from others. On this person is only whether to use them or not. Can anyone see these masks? It depends on who is watching. Director’s bio: Vukašin Čečen, a boy without a goal but with a lot of creativity. His hobbies are video editing, listening to music and writing.

Director’s bio: Bojan Tutic grew up in Zemun,

where he graduated from the Zemun Gymnasium, and a primary music school at violin section. In his free time, he practices karate and makes music.



Misterije Beograda

Young in the Wilds

Language: Serbian Production/distribution: Free Zone Filmmaker School

Language: Serbian Production/distribution: Free Zone Filmmaker School

Sinopsis: Dva mesta u Beogradu ispunjena uspome-

Sinopsis: Pseudodokumentarna komedija o sazrevanju tinejdžera i njihovim tradicijama i procesima koje idu uz proslave.

O rediteljki: Marina Ćurčić ide u XIII beogradsku gim-

O rediteljima: Ana je student Fakulteta Dramskih umetnosti, smer filmske i televizijske produkcije. Mihailo je student Visoke škole za Informacione Tehnologije, smer računarska multimedija. Oboje su strastveni kreatori, nezavisno od platforme preko koje se izražavaju.

Mihailo Živanović, Ana Lukač / Serbia, 2018, 2’54’’

Marina Ćurčić / Serbia, 2018, 11’

nama isprepletanim sa misterijama koje se pokazuju protokom vremena.

naziju. Ovo joj je prvi film.

Synopsis: Two places in Belgrade filled with memories intertwined with mysteries that show through the flow of time. Director’s bio: Marina Ćurčić goes to the XIII Belgrade Gymnasium. This is her first film.

Synopsis: A pseudo-documentary comedy about maturing teenagers and their traditions and processes that accompany the celebrations. Director’s bio: Ana is a student of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, the direction of film and television production. Mihailo is a student of the High School of Information Technologies, in the field of computer multimedia. Both are passionate creators, regardless of the platform they are expressing.



Future is Here II — doc.

Ponedeljak, 12. novembar, 13:00 Dvorana Kulturnog centra Beograda


Lea Dimitrova / Macedonia, 2018, 26’ Language: Macedonian Production/distribution: MakeDox Film School

Sinopsis: Tri devojke sede na kafi i pričaju o svojim problemima, tražeći način da zaustave cenzuru.

O rediteljki: Lea Dimitrova je devetnaestogodišnja devojka iz Skoplja, gde studira istoriju umetnosti i arheologiju. Adolescensorship je njen prvi film koji je snimila na radionici “DocuSprouts”, koju je organizovao MakeDox. Synopsis: Three girlfriends talk their problems out over coffee. And look for a way to stop censorship.

Director’s bio: Lea Dimitrova is a 19 year old girl

from Skopje. She studies at the institute of Art History and Archaeology in Skopje. Adolescensorship is her first film which she made on the “DocuSprouts” workshop organized by MakeDox.




The Look in the Eyes

Language: Macedonian Production/distribution: MakeDox Film School

Language: Macedonian Production/distribution: MakeDox Film School

Sinopsis: Jordan nas vodi u svet dece sa autizmom

Sinopsis:Ovo je film o životu pre i posle seksualnog nasilja. Jedan od protagonista je anoniman, a drugi je sama autorka, oboje tinejdžeri. Šta znači iskusiti i preživeti čin seksualnog nasilja? Kako se nositi sa posledicama, naročito u mladosti?

Joana Arsovska / Macedonia, 2018, 14’

Roze Simonovska / Macedonia, 2018, 24’

koji takođe znaju da uživaju u životu uprkos čudnom izgledu i predrasudama svojih sugrađana.

O rediteljki: Roze Simonovska je rođena 23. aprila u Skoplju. Ona ima 19 godina i studira politične nauke na Filozofskom fakultetu. Uz pomoć MakeDox-a, napravila je svoj prvi dokumentarni film Different koji se odnosi na diskriminaciju autističnog stanovništva i predstavlja autistične sposobnosti ljudi i njihov svet kroz ličnu priču o Jordanu. Synopsis: Yordan takes us into the world of autistic children who also know how to enjoy life despite the strange looks and narrow views of their fellow citizens.

O rediteljki: Joana Arsovska je rođena u Skoplju 16. januara 2000. godine. Ona ima 18 godina i maturant je umetničke škole Lazar Licenoski. Prošle godine se prijavila za radionicu "DocuSprouts", gde je uz pomoć MakeDox-a napravila svoj prvi dokumentarni film The Look in the Eyes, koji se bavi temom seksualnog zlostavljanja. Synopsis: This is a film about life before and after

Director’s bio: Roze Simonovska was born in Skopje, Macedonia on 23th of April. She is a 19 years old student at the Faculty of Philosophy studying social politics and social work. Last year she signed up for “DocuSprouts” documentary workshop because of her big interest in documentary film. With the help of MaKeDox she made her first documentary Different which is about discrimination of autistic population and presents autistic people abilities and their world through the personal story of Jordan.

experiencing sexual violence. One of the protagonists is anonymous and the other one is the filmmaker herself, both teenagers. What does it mean to experience and survive an act of sexual violence? How does one cope with the consequences, especially at a young age?

Director’s bio: Joana Arsovska was born in Skopje,

Macedonia on 16th of January 2000. She is 18 years old.She is finishing her last year of high school and she is a student in “Lazar Licenoski”- School of fine art. Last year she signed up for “DocuSprouts” workshop where with the help of MakeDox she made her first documentary The look in the eyes which is about sexual abuse.



A Collapse in Coherence Medisa Mehrabpour, Bojan Josić / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, 8’

Language: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Production/distribution: Pravo Ljudski Film Festival

Sinopsis: Set parametara nastao iz ljudskog

iskustva, koristi se kao definicija individualnog ponašanja. Kompleksna i sasvim shvatljiva, pravila svakodnevno definišu rutinu naše svakodnevnice. Međutim, šta se desi kada definišu samo postojanje života? Ovaj film je poduhvat da se istraže ideje, misli i uvjerenja o pravilima u dobu rata i mira.

O rediteljima: Bojan Josić (1995, BiH). Student filmske i televizijske montaže na Akademiji dramskih umetnosti u Novom Sadu, u Srbiji. Njegova prvobitna interesovanja su dokumentarni filmovi, njegovi kratki filmovi su prikazivani na internacionalnim filmskim festivalima. Medisa Mehrabpour je 23-godišnja Persijanka koja sanja o filmovima danonoćno. Trenutno studira filmsku režiju u Teheranu i svakodnevno traži da nauči nešto novo o filmu.


Synopsis: A set of parameters, crafted through the

human experience, is used to define one's behavior. Complex yet completely comprehensible, rules continuously shape the routine of our dailylife. But what happens when they shape the very existence of life itself? This film is an endeavor to explore the ideas, thoughts and beliefs of rules in times of peace and war.

Directors’ bio: Bojan Josić (1995, BH). Student of

Film and TV Editing at the Academy of Arts of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Engaged mostly in documentary films, his short films have been screened at various film festivals internationally. Medisa Mehrabpour is a 23 year-old Persian girl who dreams about movies days and nights. Currently studying cinema directing in Tehran and continuously looking for anything that can teach her more about cinema.


A Level Playing Field

Elvira Korman, Jakub Salihovic, Nima Hajirasouliha / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, 15’ Language: no dialogue / bez dijaloga Production/distribution: Pravo Ljudski Film Festival

Sinopsis: Kinematografski tim kreće u istraživa­

Synopsis: Three aspiring film-makers set out to

O rediteljima: Nima Hajirasouliha (Iran, 1987) je vizuelni pripovedač. Nakon nekoliko godina iskustva sa freelance fotografijom, završio je master iz fotonovinarstva i dokumentarne fotografije na Umetničkom univerzitetu u Londonu 2016.

Directors’ bio: Nima Hajirasouliha (Iran, 1987) is a

Elvira Korman je pesnikinja, performerka i filmska autorka.

Elvira Korman is a poet, performer and filmmaker.

nje posledica i preostalih opasnosti rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Njihovo istraživanje ih dovede do blisko povezane zajednice „SPID“.

Jakub Salihovic (UK, 1992) studirao je engleski jezik i filozofiju na Univerzitetu u Sheffieldu i u Hong Kongu, a potom je i magistrirao u oblasti evropske kulture i misli na Univerzitetu u Londonu. Radio je na brojnim nezavisnim filmovima, reklamama i muzičkim spotovima.

explore the consequences and remaining threats of the Bosnian war. Their research takes them to the closely integrated community of „SPID“.

visual storyteller. After several years of experience as a freelance photographer he obtained his MA in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at the University of the Arts, London in 2016.

Jakub Salihovic (UK, 1992) studied English and Philosophy at the University of Sheffield and University of Hong Kong, before recently completing an MA in European Culture and Thought at University College London. He has worked on various independent films, commercials and music videos.



Hey! Here I Get Off

Amra Hasanović, Azra Jašarević, Hassan Chamoun / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, 8’ Language: Bosnian Production/distribution: Pravo Ljudski Film Festival

Sinopsis: Na glavnoj autobuskoj stanici Sarajeva,

glavnog grada BiH, užurban je dnevni saobraćaj: ljudi putuju u lokalna mesta, studenti se vraćaju ili odlaze na školske raspuste, turisti polaze na turneje lepota Bosne i Hercegovine. Film sledi priču devojke koju proganjaju pitanja – gde pripada, gde želi da pripada: u zemlji gde su dom i porodica, ili u zemlji gde bi mogla imati posao?

O rediteljima: Hassan Chamoun je nezavisni filmski reditelj, videograf i fotograf iz Libana. Sa svojom dragom kamerom, radio je i učestvovao u projektima za zaštitu životne sredine, kao i političkim pokretima u Libanu. Takođe piše članke za Global Voices. Azra Jašarević je aktivistkinja i filmska rediteljka. Studirala je žurnalistiku na Univerzitetu u Tuzli, a kasnije i film na Internacionalnoj školi filma i televizije San Antonio de los Baños na Kubi. Trenutno sarađuje sa Front Slobodom, lokalnom organizacijom za radničku borbu i socijalnu pravdu. Amra Hasanović (1991) je iz Brčkog. Po profesiji je diplomirana pravnica, po zanimanju avanturistkinja. Glumica je, performerka i borac za ljudska prava a odnedavno i filmska rediteljka.


Synopsis: At the central bus station of Sarajevo,

Bosnia’s capital, daily traffic is busy: people on their way to towns and villages, students homebound or returning to the universities, tourists catching rides to recommended sites across Bosnia-Herzegovina. The film follows a girl struggling with questions—where does she belong, where to be: in the country of her family, a place that feels like home, or to a country where she could find a job?

Directors’ bio: Hassan Chamoun is a freelance

filmmaker, videographer and photographer from Lebanon. He worked and participated, with his very dear camera, in environmental projects and political movements in Lebanon. He also writes articles for Global Voices. Azra Jašarević is an activist and a filmmaker from BH. Studied journalism in a local University of Tuzla and afterwards fiction filmmaking at International school of film and television San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. Currently works with Front Slobode, local organization interested in worker’s struggle and social justice. Amra Hasanović (1991) is from Brčko. By profession graduate lawyer but an adventurer by choice. She is an actress, performer and human rights fighter. Recently a film-maker.



To Be Far

Language: Bosnian Production/distribution: Pravo Ljudski Film Festival

Language: Persian Production/distribution: Pravo Ljudski Film Festival

Sinopsis: Hiljade porodica još uvek čeka novosti o

Sinopsis: U septembru 2017. Samira dolazi iz Irana

Samira Kameli, Sajra Subašić / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, 9’

Lejla Muratčauš, Dina Hadžiajlić / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, 7’

svojim najdražim – 25 godina nakon krvavog rata na Balkanu. Bližnji se još uvek nadaju da će sahraniti njihova tela. Žive u svakodnevnoj agoniji, koračajući hodnicima smrti.

O rediteljkama: Lejla Muratčauš je rođena u Sara-

jevu. Studirala je na Akademiji scenskih umjetnosti u Sarajevu. Od 2011. radila je kao scenaristkinja na 11 kratkih filmova. Trenutno radi na poziciji copywritera u Beogradu.

Synopsis: Thousands of families are still waiting for

news of missing of their loved ones - 25 years after the bloody Balkans war. Relatives are still hoping that they will bury the bodies. They are living in the human agony every day, walking through hall of death.

Director’s bio: Lejla Muratčauš was born in Sa-

rajevo. She studied at the Academy of Performing Arts Sarajevo. From 2011 until now she worked as a screenplay writer on 11 short films. Currently, she works as a copywriter in Belgrade.

u Sarajevo po prvi put, da bi snimala dokumentarni film. Pokušava da se poveže sa zemljom i ljudima. Da bi pronašla one koji su doputovali iz dalekih mesta poput nje, pokušava posetiti imigracioni centar u Sarajevu, ali sve na šta nailazi su zatvorene kapije.

O rediteljkama: Sajra Subašić (1994, Nemačka).

Trenutno živi u Sarajevu gde studira filmsku montažu na Akademiji scenskih umjetnosti. Samira Kameli (1991, Iran). Studirala je inženjering u projekt menadžmentu. Montažerka je dokumenta­ rnog filma.

Synopsis: In september 2017 Samira comes from

Iran to Sarajevo, BH for the first time to shoot a documentary. She tries to connect with the country and people. In order to find people who traveled from far places like her, she attempts to visit a refugee center, but all she finds are closed gates as she isn't allowed to see any of people there.

Directors’ bio: Sajra Subašić (1994, Germany). Cur-

rently lives in Sarajevo where she studies film editing at the Academy of Performing Arts. Samira Kameli (1991, Iran). She studied Engineering in Project Management. She edited a documentary film.



Tiha revolucija The Silent Revolution


SELEKCIJA 14+ / SELECTION 14+ Director/Reditelj: Lars Kraume Country/Zemlja: Germany Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 111’ Language/Jezik: German, Russian Cast/Uloge: Jonas Dassler, Michael del Coco, Sina Ebell Production: Akzente Film & Fernsehproduktion Distribution: The Festival Agency

DKC, 10. nov, 15:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Godina 1956. Tokom posete bioskopu u Zapadnom Berlinu, dva srednjoškolca iz Istočne Nemačke, Teo i Kurt, gledaju uznemirujuću reportažu o ustanku u Budimpešti. Po povratku u Staljinštad, jedan od vodećih radničkih gradova u Istočnoj Nemačkoj, dolaze na ideju da na času održe minut ćutanja poginulim mađarskim borcima za slobodu. Ovaj spontani gest pretvoriće se u politički skandal, a grupa mladih ljudi suočena sa represijom države, moraće da donese oluku koja će im promeniti živote: da li ostati veran idealima ili izdati prijatelje i podleći pritisku roditelja, škole i države? Film je baziran na istinitom događaju i snimljen po romanu jednog od 19 učenika koji su okrenuli državu protiv sebe 1956. godine u istočnonemačkom Staljinštadu.

1956. During a visit to a cinema in West Berlin, East German high school pupils Theo and Kurt see disturbing newsreel footage of the uprising in Budapest. Back in Stalinstadt, one of the GDR’s flagship workers’ settlements, they have the idea of holding a minute’s silence in class for the victims of the Hungarian struggle for freedom. This spontaneous gesture will turn into a political scandal, and a group of young people facing a rigid state apparatus in East Germany will have to make a decision that will change their lives: to remain silent or to betray friends and obey the pressure of parents, schools and the state? The film is based on a true event and recorded according to the novel of one of the 19 students who turned the state against themselves in 1956 in East Germany's Stalinstadt.

——< O reditelju Lars Kraume je rođen 1973. godine u Italiji, u gradu Kijeriju, a odrastao je u Frankfurtu. Nakon što je radio kao asistent marketinga i fotografa portretista, režirao je svoj prvi kratki film 1992. godine. 1994. je diplomirao na Nemačkoj akademiji za film i televiziju u Berlinu (DFFB), a njegov diplomski film Dunckel, osvojio je Adolf Grime nagradu. U poslednje vreme, kao scenarista i režiser radio je na nemačkoj kriminalističkoj TV seriji, Tatort. Njegovi filmovi No Songs of Love iz 2005. godine i Good Morning, Mr. Grothe iz 2007. godine, prikazani su u okviru Panorame, a njegov politički triler The People vs. Fritz Bauer dobio je 2016. godine Nemačku filmsku nagradu (Deutscher Filmpreis).

——< Director’s biography Born in Chieri, Italy in 1973, he grew up in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. After working as an assistant to advertising and portrait photographers, he directed his first short film in 1992. In 1994 he took up a degree at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb) where his graduation film, Dunckel, won the Adolf Grimme Award. A writer and director, his recent directing work includes episodes for the German TV crime series, 'Tatort' . His films No Songs of Love (2005) and Good Morning, Mr. Grothe (2007) have screened in Panorama and his political thriller The People vs. Fritz Bauer won the 2016 German Film Award.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best National Director, Munich Film Festival, 2018 Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Miskolc International Film Festival, 2018



Skrivena boja stvari Emma

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Silvio Soldini Country/Zemlja: Italy, Switzerland Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 116’ Language/Jezik: Italian Cast/Uloge: Valeria Golino, Adriano Giannini, Arianna Scommegna Production: Lumière & Company, Rai Cinema, Ventura Film Distribution: Kino Mediteran

Kombank dvorana, 10. nov, 15:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 8. nov, 17:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Teo je ekspert za marketing. Zavodljiv i šarmantan, uživa u životu kao ženskaroš. Ema je prelepa, živahna i slepa od svoje 16. godine. Međutim, to je nije zaustavilo da postane osteopatkinja, da se u potpunosti okruži sjajnim prijateljima i živi život punim plućima. Kada se prvi put sretnu, Teo je očaran Emminim seksi glasom. Privučen jer nikada nije bio sa slepom ženom, poziva je na sastanak. Ema je previše pametna da bi se upustila u iluziju ljubavi sa Teom, ali uprkos svemu, on je taj koji će se zaljubiti. Italijanski reditelj Silvio Soldini i zvezda Valerija Golino udružili su snage u neobičnoj i zabavnoj romantičnoj komediji premijerno prikazanoj na festivalu u Veneciji.

Teo is a creative in a trendy ad agency. Nice and charming, he enjoys life as an elusive womanizer. Emma is pretty, vibrant and blind since the age of 16. However, that has not stopped her from becoming an osteopath, surrounding herself with great friends and living life to the fullest. When they first meet, Teo is mesmerized by her sexy voice. Attracted as he has never been with a blind woman, he takes her on a date. Emma is too smart to give into the illusion but against all odds it’s Teo who is hooked. This off-beat romantic comedy by the acclaimed Silvio Soldini premiered at Venice Film Festival.

——< O reditelju Silvio Soldini je rođen 1958. godine u Milanu, u Italiji. U periodu od 1980. do 1982. živeo je u Njujorku, gde je pohađao kurs filma na NYU. 1983. godine je snimio svoj prvi srednjemetražni film u formatu od 16mm, Paesaggio con figure koji je zajedno sa filmom Giulia in Ottobre osvojio nagrade na raznim nacionalnim i internacionalnim festivalima. Svoju prvu komediju, Pane e tulipani, režirao je 2000. godine. Ovaj film mu je doneo slavu zahvaljujući uspehu kod kritičara i publike, kako u Italiji tako i u svetu i osvojio je devet David di Donatello, pet Nastri d’Argento i devet Ciak d’oro nagrada, kao i tri nominacije za European Acad­ emy Awards. Soldini je takođe poznat po filmovima Come Undone (2010) i Days and Clouds (2007).

——< Director’s biography Silvio Soldini was born in 1958 in Milan, Lombardy, Italy. From 1980 to 1982, he lived in New York where he took a film course at NYU. In 1983, he shot his first 16mm medium-length film, Paesaggio con figure which, along with Giulia in Ottobre, won awards in various national and international festivals. In 2000, he directed Pane e tulipani (Bread and tulips), his first comedy, a film that brought him fame thanks to its success with critics and audiences, both in Italy and abroad. The film won 9 David di Donatello, 5 Nastri d’Argento and 9 Ciak d’oro awards, also obtaining 3 nominations for the European Academy Awards. He is also known for Come Undone (2010) and Days and Clouds (2007).

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Venice International Film Festival, 2017 São Paulo International Film Festival, 2017 Haifa International Film Festival, 2017



Tranzit Transit



Director/Reditelj: Christian Petzold Country/Zemlja: Germany, France Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 102’ Language/Jezik: German, French Cast/Uloge: Franz Rogowski, Paula Beer, Godehard Giese Production: Schramm Film, Neon Production Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution Dom omladine Beograda, 10. nov, 16:00 × Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 11. nov, 20:30 × Kombank dvorana, 12. nov, 19:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 11. nov, 21:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 11. nov, 18:00 104


——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Nemačke trupe su nadomak Pariza. Georg beži u Marsej u poslednjem trenutku. Njegov prtljag sadrži legat pisca Vajdla, koji je okončao sopstveni život iz straha od progona. Ovaj legat sadrži manuskript, nekoliko pisama i odobrenu vizu od strane ambasade Meksika. U ovaj lučki grad primljeni su samo oni koji mogu da dokažu da će ga napustiti, što znači da vam je neophodna dozvola ulaska od potencijalne zemlje domaćina. Preuzevši Vajdlov identitet, Georg pokušava da se domogne jedne od retkih propusnica za brod.

The German troops are just outside Paris. Georg escapes to Marseille at the last moment. His luggage contains the legacy of a writer named Weidel, who took his own life out of fear of persecution. This legacy comprises a manuscript, some letters and the Mexican Embassy’s assurance of a visa. Only those who can prove that they will leave are allowed in this port town, and this means you need an entry permit from a potential host country. Assuming the identity of Weidel, Georg tries to obtain one of the few scarce passages on a ship.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Rođen u Hildenu, u Nemačkoj 1960. godine. Živi u Berlinu od 1981. Studirao je nemački jezik i pozorišnu umetnost na Fraje univerzitetu u Berlinu a potom, između 1988 i 1994. godine, filmsku umetnost na Nemačkoj akademiji za film i televiziju u Berlinu. Za vreme studija, radio je kao asistent reditelja Haruna Farockog i Hartmuta Bitomskog. Režirao je svoj prvi igrani film 1995. godine. Film Stanje u kome se nalazim osvojio je Zlatnu nemačku filmsku nagradu. Nakon što su filmovi Duhovi i Jela prikazani u takmičarskom programu Berlinala, osvojio je Srebrnog medveda za najboljeg reditelja sa filmom Barbara 2012. godine.

Born in Hilden, Germany in 1960, he has lived in Berlin since 1981. He studied German and theatre at Freie Universität Berlin and then, between 1988 and 1994, film at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb). Whilst there he worked as an assistant director to Harun Farocki and Hartmut Bitomsky. In 1995 he directed his first feature film. The State I Am In, won the German Film Award in Gold. After having presented his films Ghosts and Yella in the Berlinale Competition, he won the Silver Bear for Best Director with Barbara in 2012.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Berlin International Film Festival 2018 Sydney Film Festival, 2018 New Zealand International Film Festival, 2018



Voljeni Loveling


FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Gustavo Pizzi Country/Zemlja: Brazil, Uruguay, Germany Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 98’ Language/Jezik: Portuguese Cast/Uloge: Karine Teles, Otávio Müller, Adriana Esteves Production: Bubbles Project, Baleia Filmes Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

DKC, 10. nov, 17:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 9. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

U Petropolisu nedaleko od Ria de Žaneira žive Irena, Klaus i njihova četiri sina. Najstariji je talentovani rukometaš koga angažuje profesionalni tim iz Nemačke. Iako svesna da će deca jednog dana svakako otići od kuće, Ireni ovaj iznenadni rastanak teško pada. Što se dan njegovog odlaska više približava, u njeno srce se istovremeno useljavaju i ponos i briga. Kako će njen sin u dalekom svetu bez nje? Irenina porodica ima samo nekoliko nedelja da se pripremi za njegov odlazak i oprosti, a ona sama isto toliko vremena da prevaziđe svoju anksioznost. Iako je sinovljev odlazak preveliki šok za nju, ona ga u isto vreme posmatra i kao priliku da sebe opet vidi i kao ženu, a ne samo kao majku. Uzima srednjoškolsku diplomu, pronalazi nov posao i pravi planove za novi porodični dom. Kako ona počinje da cveta, tako i stvari za njenu porodicu počinju da izgledaju mnogo bolje.

Irene, Klaus and their four sons live in Petropolis, a city near Rio de Janeiro. The oldest son is a talented handball player, who’s been scouted to play professionally in Germany. Although aware of the fact that her children are bound to leave home one day, Irene took this sudden turn of events hard. As the time for him to take leave of home drew closer, she deals with conflicted emotions, feeling proud and worried at the same time. How will her son manage without her in the faraway world? Irene’s family has only a few weeks to ready his departure and say goodbye, while she has to overcome her anxiety in the meantime. Notwithstanding the fact that his departure is too big of a shock for her, she also realizes that this could be her chance to start feeling like a woman again, and not just like a mother. Irene gets her highschool diploma, finds a new job and pushes forward with plans for a new family home. As she flourishes, things begin to look up for her family as well.

——< O reditelju Gustavo Pici je brazilski filmski reditelj, producent i scenarista. Njegov rediteljski debi bio je Ogrebotina, koji je premijerno prikazan na filmskom festivalu Jug-jugozapad i otišao na preko 40 drugih filmskih festivala širom sveta. U 2010. godini Gustavo je producirao kratki film Ivanova zabava, koji je premijerno prikazan na Kritičkoj nedelji na filmskom festivalu u Kanu. Godine 2012. režirao je dokumentarnu TV seriju Oncoto. Takođe je radio na scenariju TV serije #callme­bruna, već u njenoj drugoj sezoni, emitovanoj na Foks Premium kanalu u Latinskoj Americi.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Gustavo Pizzi is a Brazilian film director, producer and screenwriter. His directorial debut was Riscado, which world-premiered at SXSW and went to over 40 other film festivals worldwide. In 2010 Gustavo produced the short film Ivan’s Distraction, which world-premiered at the Semaine de la Critique of Cannes International Film Festival. In 2012 he directed the documentary TV Series Oncotô. He also worked on the script of the TV series #callmebruna, already in its second season, broadcasted by Fox Premium in all Latin America.

Sundance Film Festival – World Dramatic Competition, 2018 Festival de Málaga - Best Picture, 2018 International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2018 FREE ZONE


Bergman – godina života Bergman – A Year in a Life


FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Jane Magnusson Country/Zemlja: Sweden, Norway Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 117’ Language/Jezik: Swedish, English Cast/Uloge: Ingmar Bergman, Lena Endre, Thorsten Flinck Production: B-Reel Films Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

Dom omladine Beograda, 10. nov, 18:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 12. nov, 17:30 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 10. nov, 19:00 Niški kulturni centar, 10. nov, 18:00 108


——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

U periodu od šest godina, sredinom 20. veka, dešava se nešto neverovatno. Visoki, mršavi Šveđanin, na pragu četrdesete, ulazi u kreativni period bez presedana. Između 1957. i 1963. godine on režira neke od najznačajnijih klasika u istoriji filma, producira veliki broj pozorišnih produkcija za scenu i radio, i pored toga režira šest televizijskih filmova. U okvirima savremenih filmskih stvaralaca Ingmar Bergman ostaje nenadmašan do današnjeg dana.

During a six-year period, in the mid-twentieth century, something unsurpassed happens. A lanky Swede, about to turn forty, enters a period of film production without precedent. Between 1957 and 1963 he directs some of the greatest classics in the history of cinema, produces a number of theatre productions for the stage and radio and directs also six TV films. In terms of contemporary filmmakers Ingmar Bergman remains largely unequaled.

——< O rediteljki

——< Director’s biography

Rođena 1968. godine, Džejn Magnuson je rediteljka i švedska novinarka. Bila je urednica televizijske emisije kulturnog sadržaja Kobra na švedskoj nacionalnoj televiziji. Režirala je televizijsku mini seriju Bergmanovi video snimci i dokumentarni film Prisvajanje Bergmana. Njen scenario za igrani film Pitanje kupaćeg kostima debitovao je na Tribeka filmskom festivalu 2010. godine. Nagrađena je za dokumentarac Ebe – Film Zlatnom bubom i Velikom švedskom žurnalističkom nagradom. Magnusonova je takođe napisala novelu Ester Vilijams: mokumentarac. Diplomirala je umetnost na Braun Univerzitetu u SAD.

Born in 1968, Jane Magnusson is a film director and Swedish journalist. She was content editor of culture tv show Kobra on Swedish National Television. She is the director of the svt production Bergman’s Video and the documentary Trespassing Bergman. Her feature film script The Swimsuit Issue premiered at Tribeca Film Festival in 2010. Her documentary Ebbe – The Movie was awarded the Guldbagge and the Swedish Great Journalist Award. Magnusson has also written the novel Esther Williams: Mocumentary. Magnusson has a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University in the USA.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Cannes Film Festival, 2018 San Sebastian Film Festival, 2018




Srbenka Srbenka


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Nebojša Slijepčević Country/Zemlja: Croatia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 72’ Language/Jezik: Croatian Cast/Uloge: — Production: ReStart Distribution: ReStart

Dom omladine Beograda, 10. nov, 20:00 × DKC, 11. nov, 10:30 × Dom kulture Studentski grad, 11. nov, 18:00 × Art bioskop Kolarac, 11. nov, 19:30 Kombank dvorana, 12. nov, 15:00 × DKC, 12. nov, 21:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 11. nov, 19:00 × Niški kulturni centar, 11. nov, 20:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

U zimu 1991. godine u Zagrebu je ubijena dvanaestogodišnja devojčica srpske nacionalnosti. Četvrt veka kasnije reditelj Oliver Frljić režira pozorišnu predstavu o tom slučaju. Probe postaju kolektivna psihoterapija, a dvanaestogodišnjoj glumici Nini se čini kao da se rat nikada nije završio.

In the winter of 1991. a 12-year old Serbian girl was murdered in Zagreb. Quarter of century later director Oliver Frljić is working on a theatre play about the case. Rehearsals become a collective psychotherapy, and the 12-year old actress Nina feels as if the war had never ended.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Nebojša Slijepčević je rođen u Zagrebu 1973. godine. Diplomirao je filmsku i televizijsku režiju na Akademiji dramske umetnosti u Zagrebu. Autor je 35 epizoda dokumentarne TV-serije Direkt u produkciji Fade Ina. Za epizodu Bez tate osvojio je nagradu za najbolji scenario na Danima hrvatskog filma i Nagradu publike na ZagrebDoxu. Njegov dokumentarni film Za 4 godine nagrađen je na filmskim festivalima u Sarajevu i Veroni, a dokumentarna emisija City Folk prikazana je na desetak evropskih televizija. 2009. godine režirao je segment igranog omnibusa Zagrebačke priče, a 2011. režira svoj prvi animirani film Pas/zec. Godine 2013. režirao je dokumentarnu komediju o ljubavnim odnosima u 21. veku Gangster te voli koja je osvojila brojne nagrade u Hrvatskoj i u svetu.

Nebojša Slijepčević was born in Zagreb in 1973. He graduated from Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art with degree in film and TV directing. He made 35 episodes of the documentary TV series Direkt, produced by Fade In. The episode Fatherless won him Best Script Award at the Days of Croatian Film and Audience Award at ZagrebDox. His documentary film In 4 Years was awarded at the film festivals in Sarajevo and Verona and his documentary TV program City Folk was shown on a dozen of European TV stations. In 2009 he directed one story of Zagreb Stories omnibus film and in 2011 his first animated film, Dog/Rabbit. His feature-length documentary comedy about love relationships in the 21st century, Gangster of Love (2013), was awarded at numerous film festivals in Croatia and abroad.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Doc Alliance Award 2018 Srce Sarajeva i Nagrada publike, Sarajevo Film Festival 2018 Buyens-Chagoll, Visions du Reel 2018 Special mention, Motovun Film Festival 2018 Chicago International Film Festival 2018



Ukus cementa Taste of Cement

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Ziad Kalthoum Country/Zemlja: Germany, Lebanon, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Qatar Year/Godina: 2017. Runtime/Trajanje: 85’ Language/Jezik: Arabic Cast/Uloge: — Production: Bidayyat for Audiovisual Art, BASIS BERLIN Filmproduktion Distribution: Restart

DKC, 11. nov, 13:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Sirijski građevinski radnici u Bejrutu grade oblakoder dok u isto vreme, njihov zavičaj i kuće bivaju granatirani. Rat u Libanu je završen, ali u Siriji i dalje traje. Radnici su zaključani na gradilištu i nije im dozvoljeno da ga napuštaju nakon 19 časova. Libanska vlada uvela je policijski čas za izbeglice. Jedini kontakt sa spoljašnjim svetom, ovim sirijskim radnicima je otvor kroz koji se provlače ujutru i započinju novi radni dan. Odsečeni od domovine, uveče se okupljaju oko malog televizora kako bi ispratili novosti iz Sirije. Izmučeni i nestrpljivi, nadaju se drugačijem životu, dok im se uskraćuju osnovna ljudska i radnička prava.

In Beirut, Syrian construction workers are building a skyscraper while at the same time their own houses at home are being shelled. The Lebanese war is over but the Syrian one still rages on. The workers are locked in the building site. They are not allowed to leave it after 7 p.m. The Lebanese government has imposed nighttime curfews on the refugees. The only contact with the outside world for these Syrian workers is the hole through which they climb out in the morning to begin a new day of work. Cut off from their homeland, they gather at night around a small TV set to get the news from Syria. Tormented by anguish and anxiety, while suffering the deprivation of the most basic human and workers right, they keep hoping for a different life.

——< O reditelju Zijad Kaltum je sirijski reditelj koji trenutno živi u Berlinu. Rođen je u Homsu, 1981. godine, i diplomirao je na studijama filma. U svom prvom dokumentarcu Oh My Heart (2009), predstavio je grupu kurdskih žena koje su izabrale da žive u zajednici bez muškaraca. Prikazivanje filma u Siriji je bilo zabranjeno iz političkih razloga. Dezertirao je iz sirijske vojske 2013. godine, nakon što je odbio da se bori protiv sunarodnika i pobegao u Bejrut gde je počeo sa radom na filmu Taste of Cement. Film je proputovao svet, bio je prikazivan na brojnim festivalima i osvojio mnoge nagrade među kojima je nagrada za najbolji dokumentarni film na festivalu u Nionu.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Ziad Kalthoum is a Syrian filmmaker currently living in Berlin. He was born in Homs in 1981 and holds a degree in film studies. In first documentary Oh My Heart (2009) he portrayed a group of Kurdish women, who have chosen to live in a society without men. The film was banned from screening in Syria due to political reasons. Refusing to fight his own people, he deserted from the Syrian Army in 2013 and fled to Beirut where he started to work on Taste of Cement. The film has been traveling to festivals around the world and has won various awards, among them the Golden Sesterce for Best Feature Documentary at Visions du Réel in 2017.

Best Feature Film, Nyon Visions du Réel 2017 Best Documentary Feature, Camden International Film Festival, 2017 Best Documentary, Adelaide Film Festival, 2017



Kad drveće pada When the Trees Fall


SELEKCIJA 14+ / SELECTION 14+ Director/Reditelj: Marysia Nikitiuk Country/Zemlja: Ukraine, Poland, Macedonia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 88’ Language/Jezik: Ukrainian Cast/Uloge: Eugen Grigoriev, Sofia Halaimova, Vadym Kovaliov Production: Directory Films, Message Film, Fokus In, Solar Media Entertainment Distribution: Fokus In

DKC, 11. nov, 15:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

U udaljenom ukrajinskom selu, Larisa se zaljubljuje u Skara, zgodnog mladog kriminalca. Nakon što on beži u grad, Larisa je primorana da prihvati tradicionalni način života kome se uvek protivila. Štaviše, Vitka, njena petogodišnja rođaka, čuva tajnu koja će promeniti sudbine svih.

In a godforsaken post-Soviet village, Larysa has fallen in love with Scar, an attractive young criminal. After he heads to the city, she will be forced to follow the traditional life she has always refused. However, Vitka, her 5-year-old rebellious cousin, holds a secret that can change everyone’s destiny.

——< O rediteljki

——< Director’s biography

Rođena 1986. u Ukrajini, Marisija Nikitjuk je rediteljka, scenaristkinja i spisateljica. Studirala je na Kijevskom nacionalnom univerzitetu Tarasa Grigoroviča Ševčenka i Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Univerzitetu za kinematografiju i televiziju, koji se nalaze u Kijevu. Radila je kao scenaristkinja od 2012. godine i počela da režira svoje filmove 2014. godine.

Born in Ukraine in 1986, Marysia Nikitiuk is a director, screenwriter and novelist. She studied at the Taras Shevchenko National University and the Karpe­nkoKary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, both in Kiev. She has worked as a screenwriter since 2012 and began directing her own films in 2014.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Odessa International Film Festival, 2018 Warsaw International Film Festival, 2018



Dom boraca

Home of the Resistance DOK. / DOC.

REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Ivan Ramljak Country/Zemlja: Croatia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 49’ Language/Jezik: Croatian Cast/Uloge: Ana Antolic, Zlatko Blazicko, Zvonko Broz Production: Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb Distribution: Restart

DKC, 11. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Komunističke vlasti sagradile su 1974. godine "Dom boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata i omladine Jugoslavije" u Kumrovcu. 1991. godine, 11 godina nakon Titove smrti, Dom je zatvoren i do danas mu nije pronađena nova svrha. Ipak, neki borci su još uvek tu...

In 1974 communist authorities built the so-called 'Memorial Home for WWII Resistance Fighters and Youth of Yugoslavia' in Kumrovec, the hometown of legendary president Tito. In 1991, when Yugoslavia collapsed 11 years after Tito's death, the Memorial Home was closed,and it hasn't been used until the present day. Nevertheless, some fighters still remain…

——< O reditelju Ivan Ramljak, rođen 1974. godine, je filmski kritičar, reditelj i nezavisni kurator. On trenutno uređuje kratki filmski program pod nazivom Kratki utorak u bioskopu Tuškanac u Zagrebu. Do sada je režirao devet kratkih filmova, i to: četiri igrana u saradnji sa Markom Škobaljem, četiri dokumentarca i jedan eksperimentalni film. Njegov najuspešniji film do sada je bio Kino otok, koji je bio prikazan na više od 25 međunarodnih festivala i osvojio 6 nagrada, uključujući nagradu FIPRESCI za najbolji istočnoe­vropski dokumentarac na goEast filmskom festivalu u Vizbadenu. 2016. godine upisuje master studije dokumentarne režije na Akademiji dramskih umetnosti u Zagrebu. Njegov najnoviji dokumentarni film Dom boraca bio je u konkurenciji Cinéma du réel IDFF.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Ivan Ramljak, born in 1974, is a film critic, director and independent curator. He currently curates a short film program called Short Tuesday at the cinema Tuškanac in Zagreb. So far, he has directed nine short films: four fiction ones with Marko Škobalj as an assistant, four documentaries and an experimental film. His most successful film so far was Islands of Forgotten Cinemas which was screened on more than 25 international festivals, and won 6 awards, including the FIPRESCI prize for Best Eastern European documentary at goEast FF in Wiesbaden. In 2016 he enrolled the master study of documentary directing at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. His latest documentary, Home of the Resistance, was selected at Cinéma du Réel IDFF.

Special Mention, DokuFest, 2018 Cinéma du réel - IDFF, 2018 Croatian Film Days, 2018



Jedini Unique


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Nikola Polić Country/Zemlja: Serbia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 29’ Language/Jezik: Serbian Cast/Uloge: Stojan Simić, Darko Nikolić, Teodora Baljak, Vojislav Đorđević Production: Fakultet dramskih umetnosti Distribution: Fakultet dramskih umetnosti

DKC, 11. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Stojan (35) živi i radi u velikom gradu, i na prvi pogled, vodi sasvim običan život. Međutim, u slobodno vreme, on sa grupom prijatelja utočište od svakodnevice pronalazi na neobičnom mestu. U svetu u kome su reči suvišne, moguće je komunicirati samo iskrenim emocijama.

Stojan (35) lives and works in a big city, and at first glance, lives a very ordinary life. However, in his spare time, he takes refuge from everyday life in an uncommon place with a group of friends. In a world where words are superfluous, it is possible to communicate only through sincere emotions.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Nikola Polić je rođen u Loznici 1993. Trenutno je apsolvent na katedri za filmsku i televizijsku režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu. Nikola je sa sedamnaest godina snimio svoj prvi dokumentarni film Nevidljive. Njegovi filmovi Nevidljive (2010), Zid/Mur (2012), Kinooperater 2063 (2013), Mogu sam (2018) su prikazivani i nagrađivani na festivalima u zemlji i inostranstvu.

Nikola Polić was born in Loznica in 1993. He is currently in his final year of studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, at the department of Film and Television Directing. Nikola made his first documentary film „The Invisibles” at the age of seventeen. His films The Invisibles (2010), The Wall (2012), Kino-operator 2063 (2013), On my own (2018), were shown and awarded at many festivals in Serbia and abroad.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Sarajevo Film Festival, 2018



Profil Profile

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Timur Bekmambetov Country/Zemlja: USA, UK, Cyprus, Russia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 105’ Language/Jezik: English, Arabic Cast/Uloge: Valene Kane, Shazad Latif, Christine Adams Production: Bazelevs Company Distribution: Mirsand Limited

Dom omladine Beograda, 11. nov, 18:00 × Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 12. nov, 20:30




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Kako bi istražila regrutovanje mladih devojaka iz Evrope od strane ISIS-a, novinarka Ejmi Vitaker otvara novi Fejsbuk profil. Predstavljajući se kao konvertitkinja pod imenom Melodi Nelson, stupa u kontakt sa ISIS-ovim borcem Bilalom koji se nalazi u Siriji. Sedeći sa kosom sakrivenom ispod hidžaba, satima se dopisuje i četuje sa harizmatičnim Britancem pakistanskih korena koji joj opisuje svoj svakodnevni život džihadiste, kuva sa njom i obasipa je komplimentima. On brzo prelazi na stvar: dok Ejmi tajno snima njihove razgovore za istraživačku TV emisiju, on je nagovara da dođe u Siriju i uda se za njega. Živeći između stvarnosti i isprepletanih laži koje je stvorila u razgovorima sa Bilalom, Ejmi postaje opasno očarana njime.

In order to investigate the recruitment of young European women by ISIS, journalist Amy Whittaker creates a new Facebook profile. Posing as a convert named ‘Melody Nelson’ she contacts ISIS fighter Bilel in Syria. Sitting on the sofa, her hair hidden by a hijab, she chats for hours as this charismatic British man with Pakistani roots describes his everyday life as a jihadist, cooks with her, and pays her compliments. He quickly gets to the point: while Amy is secretly recording their conversations for an investigative TV show, he urges her to fly to Syria and become his wife. Switching ever more swiftly between reality and the tapestry of lies she has constructed in her conversations with Bilel, Amy finds herself becoming dangerously enthralled by him.

——< O reditelju Timur Bekmambetov je rođen 1961. godine u Gurjevu u SSSR-u (današnji Kazahstan). Sa navršenih 19 godina seli se u Taškent u današnjem Uzbekistanu. 1987. godine je diplomirao na Državnom institutu umetno­ sti i kulture Ostrovski na odseku za pozorišnu i filmsku scenografiju, a 1994. režirao svoj prvi film Peshavarskij Vals o sovjetsko-avganistanskom ratu. 2004. godine Nochnoj Dozor, njegov prvi iz serije filmova fantazije, je oborio sve rekorde ruskih blagajni. 2008. režirao je svoj prvi holivudski film Wanted sa Anđelinom Džoli, a kasnije i Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter i Ben-Hur. Takođe radi kao producent.

——< Director’s biography Born in Guryev in the USSR (now Kazakhstan) in 1961. At 19 he moved to Tashkent in present-day Uzbekistan and graduated from the Ostrovsky State Institute of Arts and Culture in theatre and cinema set design in 1987. In 1994 he directed his debut film Peshavarskij Vals about the Soviet-Afghan war. In 2004 Nochnoj Dozor (Night Watch), his first in a fantasy film series, broke Russian box office records. In 2008 he directed his first Hollywood film Wanted with Angelina Jolie, followed by Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in 2012 and Ben-Hur in 2016. He also works as a producer.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Panorama Audience Award, Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Audience Award, SXSW Film Festival, 2018 Miskolc International Film Festival, 2018



Beskonačni fudbal Infinite Football


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Corneliu Porumboiu Country/Zemlja: Romania Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 70’ Language/Jezik: Romanian Cast/Uloge: Laurentiu Ginghina, Corneliu Porumboiu Production: 42 Km Film Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

DKC, 11. nov, 19:00 × Kombank dvorana, 12. nov, 17:00 × Kulturni centar Novog Sada, 12. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Oni pričaju o toj lepoj igri, ali za Laurentiu Gingina to nije dovoljno. Fudbal mora biti modifikovan, racionalan, oslobođen od ograničenja. Kornere zaobliti, igrače podeliti u zone i podtimove, promeniti norme. Kada se osvrne u prošlost, prvi put je shvatio da su pravila fudbala pogrešna kada je kao dete na utakmici, za vreme letnjeg raspusta, primio udarac na jednom terenu u Vasluju. Udarac je bio toliko jak da je slomio lisnu kost. Godinu dana kasnije lomi i cevanicu, tokom novogodišnje noći 1987. i morao je da pešači do kuće po snegu bez ičije pomoći. Danas je lokalni administrativni radnik sa neinspirativnim poslom, pa nije čudo što više voli da priča o igri, svojoj sopstvenoj verziji tog sporta, prijatelju Porumbojuu, našem reditelju koji ga uvek sluša, postavlja pitanja i koji je gotovo uvek u kadru. Ginginovi monolozi su toliko opširni da bi neko pomislio da su pisani unapred, kreću sa iste stare teme, ali se nikada ne zadržavaju na jednom mestu. Svi putevi vode do fudbala, no svi putevi vode i od fudbala, preko problema zemljoposednika, farmi narandži u Floridi do političkih utopija i tragova koje život ostavlja.

They talk about the beautiful game, but for Laurențiu Ginghină, it’s not enough. Football must be modified, streamlined, freed from restraints; corners are to be rounded off, players assigned to zones and subteams, norms revised. In retrospect, he first realized that the rules of football were wrong when he was tackled during a game in his youth, in the summer holidays, on another pitch now covered in snow, but in Vaslui. The tackle hit so hard it fractured his fibula, a year later his tibia broke too, on New Year’s Eve 1987, he had to walk home in the snow and no one helped him. Today he’s a local bureaucrat with an uninspiring job, it’s no wonder he prefers to talk about the game, his own version of it, to Porumboiu, his friend, the director, who’s always listening, asking questions, nearly always in frame. Ginghină’s monologues are so rich you might think someone wrote them in advance, they proceed from the same old subject, but never stay in one place. All roads lead to football, but all roads lead away from it too, to land ownership issues, to orange farms in Florida, to political utopia and the traces left by life.

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Korneliju Porumboju, rođen 1975. godine u Vasluju, u Rumuniji, postaje poznat 2006. po svom prvom igranom filmu 12:08 Istočno od Bukurešta koji je osvojio Zlatnu kameru na filmskom festivalu u Kanu. Filmovi koji su slede potvrđuju njegov scenaristički i rediteljski talenat.

Corneliu Porumboiu, born in 1975, Vaslui, Romania, became known in 2006 for his first feature, 12:08 East of Bucharest, which won the Camera d'Or award at the Cannes Film Festival. His next films confirmed his talent as a storyteller and director.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Melbourne International Film Festival, 2018 Sheffield International Documentary Festival, 2018



Ćutanje drugih The Silence of Others

MEĐUNARODNA SELEKCIJA / INTERNATIONAL SELECTION × ŽENSKA LINIJA / FEMALE LINE Director/Reditelj: Almudena Carracedo, Robert Bahar Country/Zemlja: USA, Spain Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 96’ Language/Jezik: Spanish Cast/Uloge: — Production: Semilla verde Productions, Lucernam Films Distribution: Cinephil

Dom omladine Beograda, 11. nov, 20:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Ćutanje drugih prati epsku borbu žrtava španske četrdesetogodišnje diktature pod generalom Frankom, koji nastavljaju da traže pravdu sve do današnjeg dana. Sniman tokom šest godina, film prati žrtve režima dok organizuju revolucionarni ,,Argentinski proces“. Oni se bore protiv amnestije zločina protiv čovečnosti koju je nametnula država, u decenijama još uvek podeljenoj zemlji.

The Silence of Others reveals the epic struggle of victims of Spain’s 40-year dictatorship under General Franco, who continue to seek justice to this day. Filmed over six years, the film follows victims and survivors as they organize the groundbreaking “Argentine Lawsuit” and fight a state-imposed amnesia of crimes against humanity, in a country still divided for decades into democracy.

——< O rediteljima

——< Director’s biography

Rođena u Madridu, Almudena Karačedo razvila je svoju profesionalnu karijeru u SAD-u, gde je režirala i producirala svoj prvi dugometražni film Proizvedeno u Los Anđelesu, koji je osvojio Emi nagradu. Dobitnica je nagrada, stipendija i podrške u radu od strane mnogih poznatih institucija kao što su Guggenheim, Creative Capital, Sundance Time Warner Documentary, United States Artists. Pre toga režirala je kratak dokumentarac Dobrodošli, Doku-Putovanje Impresija, koji je osvojio Silverdoks Sterling nagradu. 2012. godine se vratila u Španiju i posvetila radu na filmu Ćutanje drugih.

Born in Madrid, Almudena Carracedo has developed her professional career in the US, where she directed and produced her debut feature film, the Emmy-winning documentary Made in L.A. She is a Guggenheim Fellow, a Creative Capital Fellow, a Sundance Time Warner Documentary Fellow, a United States Artists Fellow, and the recipient of an honorary doctorate from Illinois Wesleyan University. Prior to Made in L.A., she directed the short documentary Welcome, A Docu-Journey of Impressions, which won Silverdocs’ Sterling Prize. In 2012 Almudena returned to Spain to begin work on The Silence of Others.

Robert Bahar živi i radi na relaciji Madrid-Bruklin. Osvojio je Emi nagradu kao producent/scenarista dokumentarca Proizvedeno u Los Anđelesu i vodio trogodišnju kampanju koja je dovela film do publike širom sveta. Pre tog filma, producirao je i režirao dokumentarac Opustošeno i bio jedan od glavnih producenata nekoliko nezavisnih filmova. Dobitnik podrške u radu od strane organizacija Creative Capital i Sundance Documentary Fellow.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Peace Film Prize, Audience Award, Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Moscow International Film Festival, 2018 HotDocs Canadian International Film Festival, 2018

Born in Philadelphia, Robert Bahar lives and works between Madrid, Spain and Brooklyn, New York. He won an Emmy as producer/writer of the documentary Made in L.A., and he spearheaded the three-year impact campaign that brought the film to audiences around the world. Prior to Made in L.A., he produced and directed the documentary Laid to Waste, and line produced several independent films. Robert is a Creative Capital Fellow, a Sundance Documentary Fellow, and holds an MFA from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinema-Television.



Bez dodira Touch Me Not


FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Adina Pintilie Country/Zemlja: Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, France Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 125’ Language/Jezik: English, German Cast/Uloge: Laura Benson, Tómas Lemarquis, Christian Bayerlein Production: Manekino Film Distribution: Five Stars Film Distribution

Dom kulture Studentski grad, 11. nov, 20:00 × Kombank dvorana, 12. nov, 21:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

‘Reci mi kako si me voleo, da bih razumela kako se voli.’ Rediteljka i njeni likovi zajedno ulaze u lični istraživački projekat o intimnosti. Na fluidnoj granici između realno­sti i fikcije, Bez dodira sledi emocionalna putovanja Laure, Tomasa i Kristijana, pružajući duboko empatičan uvid u njihove živote. Žudeći za intimnošću, a ipak tako duboko uplašeni od nje, oni delaju kako bi prevazišli stare obrasce, odbrambene mehanizme i tabue, presekli vrpcu i konačno se oslobodili. Film Bez dodira ispituje kako možemo pronaći intimnost na najmanje očekivane načine, i kako da volimo drugu osobu, a da pritom ne izgubimo sebe.

‘Tell me how you loved me, so I understand how to love.’ Together, a filmmaker and her characters venture into a personal research project about intimacy. On the fluid border between reality and fiction, Touch Me Not follows the emotional journeys of Laura, Tómas and Christian, offering a deeply empathic insight into their lives. Craving for intimacy yet also deeply afraid of it, they work to overcome old patterns, defense mechanisms and taboos, to cut the cord and finally be free. Touch Me Not looks at how we can find intimacy in the most unexpected ways, at how to love another without losing ourselves.

——< O rediteljima Rumunska umetnica i rediteljka Adina Pintilie završila je Karagiale Univerzitet za pozorišne umetnosti i film u Bukureštu 2008. godine. Njeni filmovi su osvojili nekoliko nagrada uključujući nagradu Zonta na Interna­ cionalnom festivalu kratkog filma u Oberhauzenu 2013. za Dnevnik #2. Alternirajući na granici između fikcije, dokumentarnog filma i lepih umetnosti, njen rad karakteriše krajnje individualan vizuelni stil, smelost eksperimentisanja vizuelnim jezikom i beskrompromisno istraživanje ljudske psihe. Ona je umetnički direktor i selektor Internacionalnog festivala ekspe­ rimentalnog filma u Bukureštu (BIEFF) od 2010. godine. Njen najnoviji igrani film Bez dodira osvojio je Zlatnog medveda na Berlinalu 2018. godine.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Romanian artist and director Adina Pintilie graduated from the Caragiale University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in Bucharest in 2008. Her films have won several awards including the Zonta Prize at the 2013 International Short Film Festival Oberhausen for Diary #2. Poised on the border between fiction, documentary and fine art, her work is characterised by a highly individual visual style, the courage to experiment with visual language and an uncompromising exploration of the human psyche. Since 2010 she has been the curator of the Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival (BIEFF). Her most recent feature Touch Me Not won the Golden Bear at the 2018 Berlinale.

Golden Bear, Best First Feature Award, Berlin International Film Festival, 2018 Sofia International Film Festival, 2018 Visions du Reel International Film Festival, 2018 Moscow International Film Festival, 2018



Švajcarac Kris Chris the Swiss


REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Anja Kofmel Country/Zemlja: Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Finland Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 90’ Language/Jezik: English, German, Spanish Cast/Uloge: (voice) Joël Basman, Megan Gay, Susanne-Maria Wrage Production: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion Distribution: Nukleus Film

DKC, 11. nov, 21:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Početak je devedesetih: ratovi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije su u punom jeku. U njima učestvuju i mladići iz čitave Evrope. Sedmog januara 1992. godine, švajcarski novinar pronađen je mrtav u Hrvatskoj, noseći uniformu međunarodne grupe plaćenika. Dvadeset godina kasnije njegova rođaka, rediteljka Anja Kofmel, istražujući pozadinu priče pokušava da razume odakle tolika opčinjenost ovih ljudi ratom.

Beginning of the 90ties: The Yugoslavian Wars had started. Young men from all over Europe were taking part. On January 7th 1992, a Swiss journalist was found dead in Croatia wearing the uniform of an international mercenary group. Twenty years later, his cousin, the director Anja Kofmel, researches the background to understand, why these men are so fascinated by war.

——< O rediteljki

——< Director’s biography

Anja je rođena 1982. godine u Švajcarskoj. Nakon što je završila kurseve na Ciriškom univerzitetu ume­­ tnosti, studirala je animaciju na Akademiji dizajna i umetnosti u Lucernu (HSLU). Diplomu za vizuelni dizajn dobila je 2008. godine. Njen izuzetno uspešan diplo­ mski film Krigi, bavio se istom tematikom kao i njen novi animirano-dokumentarni film Švajcarac Kris.

Anja was born in 1982 in Switzerland. After taking courses at the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK), she studied animation at the Lucerne School of Design and Art (HSLU). In 2008, she received her diploma in visual design. Her highly acclaimed diploma film CHRIGI dealt with the same topic as her recently finished anima-doc Chris the Swiss.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Cannes Film Festival, 2018 Sarajevo Film Festival, 2018 Melbourne International Film Festival, 2018




Na vodi

On the Water DOK. / DOC.

REGIONALNA SELEKCIJA / REGIONAL SELECTION Director/Reditelj: Goran Dević Country/Zemlja: Croatia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 79’ Language/Jezik: Croatian Cast/Uloge: — Production: Petnaesta umjetnost Distribution: Petnaesta umjetnost

DKC, 12. nov, 17:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Prateći dešavanja oko reke koja protiče kroz centar grada, film portretiše nekadašnji industrijski grad. Reka je danas mesto razonode i opuštanja, ali u susretu sa ljudima socijalni sukobi tranzicije isplivavaju na površinu. Reka otkriva ostatke prošlosti čiji su tragovi ostali u vodi. Šta će ostati posle nas?

A portrait of a former industrial city through a river that passes through its center. The river is today a place of relaxation and leisure. When we meet people who appear on the water or riverside the social conflicts of transition arise in all directions. Sometimes river reveals the remains of past that left traces in the water. What will remain behind us?

——< O reditelju Goran Dević rođen je u Sisku 1971. godine. Diplomirao je filmsku i televizijsku režiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Režirao je nagrađivane dokumentarne filmove prikazivane u različitim programima ZagrebDoxa: Uvozne vrane (2004), Nemam ti šta reć’ lijepo (2005), Tri (2008), Sretna zemlja (2009), Don Juan: Oprostite, gospođice (2010), Poplava (2010), Dvije peći za udarnika Josipa Trojka (2012) i druge. Film Crnci (2009), koji je korežirao sa Zvonimirom Jurićem, njegov je prvi dugometražni igrani film. Krajem 2007, osnovao je produkcijsku kuću Petnaesta umjetnost.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Goran Dević was born in 1971 in Sisak. He holds a degree in Film and TV Directing from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. He has directed award-winning documentaries mostly screened in the various programs at ZagrebDox: Imported Crows (2004), I Have Nothing Nice to Say to You (2005), Three (2008), Happy Land (2009), Don Juan: Excuse Me Miss (2010), Flood (2010), Two Furnaces for Udarnik Josip Trojko (2012) and many others. The Blacks (2009), co-directed by Zvonimir Jurić, was his first feature narrative. Late in 2007, he founded the production company Petnaesta umjetnost.

DOK Leipzig, 2018



S ljubavlju, Sesil Love, Cecil

SVEČANO ZATVARANJE × FESTIVALSKI HITOVI / FESTIVAL HITS Director/Reditelj: Lisa Immordino Vreeland Country/Zemlja: USA Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 99’ Language/Jezik: English Cast/Uloge: David Hockney, Leslie Caron, Manolo Blahnik, David Bailey Production: Fischio Films Distribution: A Dandy Production LLC

DKC, 12. nov, 19:00




——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Oskarom nagrađen kostimograf i scenograf, fotograf, pisac i slikar Sesil Biton ne samo da je bio izvanredan hroničar već i arbitar svoga vremena. Bio je deo “Zlatne mladeži” koja je priredjivala najbolje žurke u Londono 20.-ih ali i ratni fotograf na prvoj liniji fronta; ostavio je trag u internacionalnom časopisu belle monde i na stranicama Voga, radio je kao zvaničnog fotograf Kraljice Elizabete II. Sesil Biton je postao oličenje kulturnih i političkih promena 20. veka. U ovom nežnom filmskom portretu, rediteljka Lisa Imordino Vriland kombinuje arhivske snimke, Bitonove fotografije i glas naratora Ruperta Evereta koji čita odlomke iz proslavljenih Bitonovih dnevnika, kako bi prikazala zaostavštinu složene i jedinstvene umetničke ličnosti kakav je bio Biton.

Oscar-winning set and costume designer, photographer, writer and painter Cecil Beaton was not only a dazzling chronicler, but an arbiter of his time. From the Bright Young Things to the front lines of war to the international belle monde and the pages of Vogue and then onto the Queen’s official photographer, Beaton embodied the cultural and political changes of the twentieth century. In this tender portrait, director Lisa Immordino Vreeland blends archival footage and photographs with voice over of Beaton’s famed diaries (read by Rupert Everett) to capture his legacy as a complex and unique creative force.

——< O rediteljki Liza Imordino Vriland je režirala nagrađivane filmove Dijana Vriland: Oči moraju putovati i Pegi Gugenhajm: Zavisnica od umetnosti. Razvila je i nastavlja da dopunjuje seriju kratkih filmova pod nazivom Umet­ nost stila za digitalnu modnu mrežu Made to Measure. Ovi filmovi istražuju umetnički stil inovativnih dizajnera i beleže njihovu umetničku praksu. Njena druga knjiga praćena je dugometražnim dokumentarnim filmom o fotografu vizionaru, stilisti, piscu dnevnika i pozorišnom scenografu i kostimografu Sesilu Bitonu. Film je premijerno prikazan na Teljurid filmskom festivalu u septembru 2017. godine.

——< Director’s biography Lisa Immordino Vreeland directed the award-winning films Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has To Travel and Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict. She has developed and continues to add content to a short film series called Art of Style, for the digital fashion network, Made to Measure. The films explore the creative expression of innovative designers and capture their strategy of style. Her second book was followed by feature length documentary film about the trail-blazing and visionary photographer, stylist, diarist and theatrical designer Cecil Beaton premiered at the Telluride Film Festival in September 2017.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Audience Award, Hamptons International Festival, 2018 Palm Springs International Film Festival, 2018 Telluride Film Festival, 2017



Ukradeni poljupci Stolen Kisses


SPECIJALNI FOKUS: 1968. / SPECIAL FOCUS: 1968 Director/Reditelj: François Truffaut Country/Zemlja: France Year/Godina: 1968. Runtime/Trajanje: 90’ Language/Jezik: French, English Cast/Uloge: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Claude Jade, Delphine Seyrig Production: Les Films du Carrosse, Les Productions Artistes Associés Distribution: Jugoslovenska kinoteka

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 8. nov, 18:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Godina je 1968, Antoan je otpušten iz vojske i vraća se kući u Pariz. Nalazi se sa Kristin Darbon u koju je od ranije zaljubljen i odlazi na večeru kod njenih roditelja. Zahvaljujući njenom ocu, dobija posao u hotelu, no ubrzo biva otpušten. Potom se zapošljava u detektivskoj agenciji, a kasnije u prodavnici cipela, istovremeno razvijajući svoju vezu s Kristin.

In 1968, Antoine is discharged from the military and comes home to Paris. He meets up with his sweetheart, Christine Darbon, and joins her and her parents for dinner. With the help of Christine's father, he gets a job as a hotel clerk but quickly gets fired after. Antonie then falls into a job at the Blady Detective Agency, assisting with the investigation of a magician. Then, he ends up working in the stock room of his shoe store.

——< O reditelju Fransoa Trifo (1932 — 1984) je bio francuski filmski režiser i kritičar. Jedan je od utemeljivača novog talasa. Trifoov prvi film 400 udaraca, snimljen u godini kada su se pojavila još dva filma koja su označila početak novog talasa- Reneov Hirošimo, ljubavi moja i Godarov Do posljednjeg daha (za koji je Trifo radio scenario), 1959, dobio je Nagradu za najbolju režiju u Kanu, kao i njujoršku Nagradu kritike za najbolji film na stranom jeziku 1959. godine.

——< Director’s biography François Roland Truffaut (1932 – 1984) was a French film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, and film critic. He is widely regarded as one of the founders of the French New Wave. Truffaut's film The 400 Blows came to be a defining film of the French New Wave movement, and was followed by four sequels, Antoine et Colette, Stolen Kisses, Bed and Board, and Love on the Run, between 1958 and 1979.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best Film, French Syndicate of Cinema Critics, 1969 Best Director, National Society of Film Critics Awards, USA, 1970 Top Foreign Films, National Board of Review, USA, 1970



Sumrak bogova The Damned


KAKO NASTAJE FAŠIZAM / HOW FASCISM BEGINS Director/Reditelj: Luchino Visconti Country/Zemlja: Italy, West Germany Year/Godina: 1969. Runtime/Trajanje: 156’ Language/Jezik: English, German Cast/Uloge: Dirk Bogarde, Ingrid Thulin, Helmut Griem Production: Italnoleggio Cinematografico, Praesidens, Pegaso Cinematografica, Eichberg-Film Distribution: Jugoslovenska kinoteka

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 8. nov, 20:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Nakon smrti starog Konstantina fon Ešenbeka, njegov nacistički orijentisan zet Fridrih preuzima porodičnu firmu. Konstantinov sin je narkoman i u seksualnoj je vezi sa svojom majkom, udovicom Ešenbek. Bol i želja za lepim životom, porodica fon Ešenbek koja sarađuje sa nacistima, svet korupcije, izdaje i ubistva.

After the death of old Constantine von Essenbeck, his Nazi-oriented son-in-law, Friedrich, took over the family business. Constantine's son is a drug addict and has a sexual relationship with his mother, widow Ashkenbek. Grief and desire for a beautiful life, the family of von Essenbeck is among the Nazis, the world of corruption, betrayal and murder.

——< O reditelju Lukino Viskonti (ital. Grof Don Lukino Viskonti di Modrone, 1906 - 1976), pozorišni reditelj, filmski reditelj i pisac, rođen je u Milanu u jednoj od najbogatijih porodica severne Italije. Sa navršenih 30 godina odlazi u Pariz gde otpočinje svoju filmsku karijeru kao asistent Žana Renoara. Posle kratkog obilaska SAD kada je posetio i Holivud, vraća se u Italiju gde nastaju njegova remek dela Roko i njegova braća, Sumrak bogova i Smrt u Veneciji.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Luchino Visconti (italian Count Don Luchino Visconti di Modrone, 1906 - 1976), theater director, film director and writer, was born in Milan in one of the richest families in northern Italy. At age 30, he went to Paris where he began his film career as an assistant to Jean Renoir. After a short tour of the United States when he visited Hollywood, he returned to Italy where his masterpiece Rocco and His Brothers, The Damned and Death in Venice were created.

Top Foreign Film Award, National Board of Review 1970 Best Director, Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists 1970 Best Foreign Film, Sant Jordi Awards 1976 Best Screenplay, Best Director, New York Film Critics Circle Awards 1969




The Dreamers IGR. / FIC.

SPECIJALNI FOKUS: 1968 / SPECIAL FOCUS: 1968 Director/Reditelj: Bernardo Bertolucci Country/Zemlja: UK, France, Italy Year/Godina: 2003. Runtime/Trajanje: 115’ Language/Jezik: English, French Cast/Uloge: Michael Pitt, Louis Garrel, Eva Green Production: Recorded Picture Company, Peninsula Films, Medusa Film Distribution: Jugoslovenska kinoteka

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 9. nov, 18:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Pariz, 1968. godine: studenti su na ulicama a dah revolucije oseća se u vazduhu. Tinejdžeri Izabel i njen brat Teo pozvali su svog druga, studenta Metjua, u svoj stan u Parizu dok su im roditelji na putu. Svo troje su veliki filmski fanatici i svoje noći i dane provode u strastvenom gledanju filmova. Ne napuštajući stan, njih troje počinju da se igraju filmskih umnih igara, eksperimentišući sa svojim emocijama i seksualnošću, dok na ulicama Pariza bukte studentske demonstracije. To je priča o samospoznaji troje mladih ljudi – oni se međusobno stavljaju na test ne bi li otkrili koliko daleko je svako od njih spreman da ide.

The tumultuous political landscape of Paris in 1968 serves as the backdrop for a tale about three young cineastes who are drawn together through their passion for film. Matthew, an American exchange student, pursuing his education abroad in Paris, becomes friends with a French brother and sister duo, named Isabelle and Theo, who share a common love of the cinema. While the May 1968 Paris student riots--which eventually shut down most of the French government--are happening around them, the three friends develop a relationship unlike anything Matthew has ever experienced, or will ever encounter again.

——< O reditelju Bernardo Bertoluči je rođen u Parmi 1941. godine. Otac Atilije ga od mladosti podržava u nameri da piše poeziju. Godine 1961. upoznaje Pjera Paola Pazolinija i napušta svoje studije na Univerzitetu u Rimu da bi radio kao Pazolinijev asistent na filmu Accattone. Naredne godine završava scenario za svoj prvi film – The Grim Reaper, koji je prikazan na Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu. Režirao je filmove: Mali Buda, Poslednji kineski car, Poslednji tango u Parizu, Ukradena lepota.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Sundance Film Festival, 2004 BFI London Film Festival, 2003 La Biennale di Venezia, 2003

——< Director’s biography Bernardo Bertolucci, the Italian director whose films are known for their colorful visual style, was born in Parma, Italy, in 1940. He attended Rome University and became famous as a poet. He served as assistant director for Pier Paolo Pasolini in the film Accattone (1961) and directed The Grim Reaper (1962). His second film, Before the Revolution, which was released in 1971, received an Academy Award nomination for best screenplay. Bertolucci also received an Academy Award nomination as best director for Last Tango in Paris (1972), and the best director and best screenplay for the film The Last Emperor (1987), which walked away with nine Academy Awards.



Slučaj Bader Majnhof The Baader Meinhof Complex


SPECIJALNI FOKUS: 1968 / SPECIAL FOCUS: 1968 Director/Reditelj: Uli Edel Country/Zemlja: Germany, France, Czech Republic Year/Godina: 2008. Runtime/Trajanje: 150’ Language/Jezik: German, English, French, Swedish, Arabic Cast/Uloge: Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu, Johanna Wokalek Production: Constantin Film, Dune Films Distribution: Jugoslovenska kinoteka

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 10. nov, 18:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Nemačka sedamdesetih: bombaški napadi, terorizam i strah od neprijatelja u sopstvenim redovima uzdrmali su temelje nemačke demokratije. Generacija mladih radikalnih levičara pripadnika teroristi­ čke Frakcije Crvene Armije, predvođeni Andreasom Baderom, Ulrike Majnhof i Gudrun Enslin vode rat protiv onoga što smatraju novim licem fašizma - bore se protiv američkog imperijalizma koji podupire nemačka vlada. Njihov cilj je stvoriti humanije društvo, ali činjenica da do svojih ciljeva dolaze šireći terror i prolivajući krv dovodi do toga da gube vlastitu humanost.

Germany in the 1970s: Murderous bomb attacks, the threat of terrorism and the fear of the enemy inside are rocking the very foundations of the yet fragile German democracy. The radicalised children of the Nazi generation lead by Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof and Gudrun Ensslin are fighting a violent war against what they perceive as the new face of fascism: American imperialism supported by the German establishment, many of whom have a Nazi past. Their aim is to create a more human society but by employing inhuman means they not only spread terror and bloodshed, they also lose their own humanity.

——< O reditelju Uli Edel (1947) je nemački filmski reditelj. Pažnju je 1981. privukao svojim prvim filmom Mi deca sa sta­ nice ZOO, ekranizacijom istoimene autobiografske knjige Christiane F., a osam godina kasnije dobio niz pohvala za Last Exit to Brooklyn, ekranizaciju kultnog romana Huberta Selbyja Jr. Njegov sledeći holivudski projekat - erotski triler Body of Evidence sa Madonnom u glavnoj ulozi - je 1993. doživeo komercijalni debakl. Edel se nakon toga okrenuo radu na televiziji, gde je režirao niz zapaženih mini-serija koje se bave istorijskim temama. Godine 2008. je u svojoj domovini snimio Slučaj Bader Majnhof, film koji opisuje posle­ dnje dane osnivača Frakcije Crvene armije.

——< Director’s biography Uli Edel (1947) is a German film director. In 1981, he was in spotlight with his first film We Children from Bahnhof Zoo, screening Christiane F.'s autobiographical book, and eight years later he received a lot of praise for the Last Exit to Brooklyn, screening the cult novel Hubert Selby Jr. His next Hollywood project - the erotic thriller Body of Evidence with Madonna in the lead role - was in 1993 with a commercial breakdown. Edel then turned to television, where he directed a series of memorable miniseries of historical themes. In 2008, in his homeland he made Der Baader Meinhof Complex, film depicting the latest days of the founders of the Red Army Faction.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Best actress, Bambi awards, 2008 Best production, Bavarian Film Awards, 2009



O jagodama i krvi

The Strawberry Statement IGR. / FIC.

SPECIJALNI FOKUS: 1968 / SPECIAL FOCUS: 1968 Director/Reditelj: Stuart Hagmann Country/Zemlja: USA Year/Godina: 1970. Runtime/Trajanje: 109’ Language/Jezik: English Cast/Uloge: Bruce Davison, Kim Darby, Bud Cort Production: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Chartoff-Winkler Productions Distribution: Jugoslovenska kinoteka

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 11. nov, 18:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Sajmon je student na univerzitetu u San Francisku. Zadovoljan je svojim učešćem u veslačkom timu i ostaje samo slučajni posmatrač studentskih nemira, demonstracija i protesta. Pa ipak, radoznalost je jača i on upoznaje neke od studenata koji su zauzeli kancelariju dekana. Kada upozna Lindu, postaje odani član studentske revolucije da bi se viđao sa devojkama. Ali kad istinski otkrije korupciju i ludilo protiv koga njegove kolege protestuju, on se priključuje pokretu svim srcem. Postaje revolucionarni vođa i priprema svoje kolege za dramatičan susret sa policijom prilikom sledećeg protesta.

Simon is a student at a college in San Francisco. He is content to be on the rowing team and remain as just a casual observer to the on-campus unrest, demonstrations and protests. However, curiosity gets the best of him and he begins exploring the inner sanctum of the students who have invaded the dean's office. He soon meets Linda and becomes a loyal member of the student revolution to meet girls. However, when he truly discovers the corruption and the madness that his comrades are protesting, his mindset also joins the movement. He becomes a revolutionary leader and prepares his comrades for a very violent climactic showdown with "the pigs" at a sit-in.

——< O reditelju Stjuart Hegman (1942) je televizijski i filmski reditelj, primarno aktivan od 1968. do 1977. Godine. Njegov rad na televiziji uključuje epizode serije Nemoguća misija i Maniks. U svetu filma, zapažen je režiranjem O jagodama i krvi, koji je bio suvlasnik nagrade žirija Filmskog festivala u Kanu.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards

——< Director’s biography Stuart Hagmann (1942) is a television and film director primarily active from 1968 to 1977. His television work includes episodes of the series Mission: Impossible and Mannix. In film he is noted for directing The Strawberry Statement, which was co-winner of the Cannes Film Festival's Jury Prize.

Jury Prize, Cannes Film Festival, 1970



Umreti od ljubavi To Die of Love


SPECIJALNI FOKUS: 1968 / SPECIAL FOCUS: 1968 Director/Reditelj: André Cayatte Country/Zemlja: France, Italy Year/Godina: 1971. Runtime/Trajanje: 110’ Language/Jezik: French Cast/Uloge: Annie Girardot, Bruno Pradal, Claude Cerval Production: Cobra, Franco London Films Distribution: Jugoslovenska kinoteka

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 12. nov, 18:30



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Ljubavna priča između nastavnice Danijel, koja ima 32 godine i jednog od njenih učenika, sedamnaestogodišnjeg Žerara, tokom napete atmosfere u maju 1968. Danijel je mlada žena, vrlo politički angažovana. Žerarovi roditelji optužuju Danijel za silovanje maloletnika. Danijel nema izlaza i tu počinje drama...

A love story between a teacher, Daniele, 32 years and one of his students Gerard, 17 during the heated atmosphere of May 68. Daniele is a fiery young woman, very involved politically. Gerard's parents accuse Danièle of statutory rape and complain. Daniele is trapped and the drama begins...

——< O reditelju

——< Director’s biography

Andre Kajat, nekadašnji advokat koji je postao romanopisac i novinar, zatim scenarista 1938. godine, nakon čega je postao filmski reditelj 1942. Bio je poznat u Francuskoj od 1940. go 1970. godine po svojim beskompromisnim filmovima koji su ispitivali složene etičke i političke dimenzije kriminala i pravde u francuskom pravosudnom sistemu. Njegov film Justice is Done (1950) osvojio je Zlatnog lava na filmskom festivalu u Veneciji. Film We Are All Murderers je dobio specijalnu nagradu na filmskom festivalu u Kanu 1952. godine.

André Cayatte was a lawyer turned novelist and journalist, then screenwriter in 1938, after which he became a film director in 1942. He was known in France from the 1940s to the 1970s for uncompromising films examining the complex ethical and political dimensions of crime and justice in the French judicial system. His film Justice is Done (1950) won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. We Are All Murderers received a special award at the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.

——< Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and awards Grand Prix du cinema français, 1971 Venice Film Festival, 1971



Crna senka zelene energije Dark Shadow of Green Energy


KOMPAS SLOBODNE ZONE / FREE ZONE COMPASS Director/Reditelj: Dragan Gmizić Country/Zemlja: Serbia Year/Godina: 2018. Runtime/Trajanje: 47:17 Language/Jezik: Serbian Cast/Uloge: — Production: Greenfield Distribution: Greenfield

DKC, 12. nov, 11:00



——< Sinopsis

——< Synopsis

Bez obzira na to da li živite u Zagrebu, Podgorici, Sarajevu ili Beogradu struja koju koristite u vašem domu u najvećoj meri je dobijena postupkom spaljivanja uglja. Preciznije – 70% potrošene struje dobijeno je iz regionalnih termoelektrana čiji je rad štetan po prirodu i zdravlje ljudi. Za Evropsku uniju ovaj postotak je apsolutno neprihvatljiv i od zemalja regiona očekuje se da počnu sa primenom alternativnih rešenja. Film Crna senka zelene energije prati Irmu Popović Dujmović, aktivistkinju Svetskog fonda za zaštitu prirode (WWF Adria) koja na svom putu kroz Hrvatsku, Bosnu, Srbiju i Crnu Goru otkriva na koji način je regionalni plan masovne izgradnje malih hidroelektrana umesto rešenja, stvorio brojne nove probleme. Devastacija prirode, otvorena pobuna ljudi protiv malih hidroelektrana kao i korupcija prilikom njihove izgradnje samo su neke, ne i najcrnje, senke zelene energije.

Regardless of whether you live in Zagreb, Podgorica, Sarajevo or Belgrade, the electricity you use in your home is mostly obtained by coal burning. More precisely – 70% of the used up electricity is received from regional thermal power plants whose work is harmful to the nature and the health of people. For the European Union this is absolutely unacceptable and countries in the region are expected to start using alternative solutions. The Dark Shadow of Green Energy follows Irma Popović Dujmović, a WWF Adria activist on the road through Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, discovering how the regional plan for mass construction of small hydropower plants creates multiple new problems instead of solving them. The devastation of nature, the open revolt of people against small hydropower plants as well as the corruption in their construction are just some, but not the darkest, shadows of green energy.

——< O reditelju Autor filma Dragan Gmizić je profesionalni novinar i TV autor od 1998. angažovan u oblasti dru­­štvenopolitičkih, ekonomskih kao i ekoloških prilika u Vojvodini, Srbiji i regionu nekadašnje Jugoslavije. Autor je brojnih reportaža, informativnih emisija i dokumentarnih filmova emitovanih na domaćim i inostranim TV stanicama. Za dokumentarni film Ravnica bez ptica nagrađen Nagradom za istraživačko novinarstvo koju dodeljuje kancelarija EU u Srbiji kao i nagradom Najbolji srpski film 2016, koju dodeljuje festival zelene kulture Greenfest. Dva puta nominovan za godišnju nagradu NUNS-a za istraživačko novinarstvo 2015. i 2017. Jedan od osnivača Greenfiled produkcije iz Novog Sada.

——< Director’s biography Dragan Gmizić is a professional journalist and TV author. Since 1998 he has been engaged in the domain of socio-political, economic and environmental conditions in Vojvodina, Serbia and the former Yugoslavia region. He is the author of many reports, newscasts and documentaries broadcasted on regional and foreign television. His documentary Birdless Plains was awarded by both EU office in Serbia and Greenfest Green Culture Festival in 2016. He was twice nominated for NUNS annual award for Investigative journalism in 2015 and 2017. He is one of the founders of Greenfiled production from Novi





Prateći programi × Additional programs



Kompas Slobodne Zone – Govorni program Free Zone Compass - Debate program

Urednik programa: Ivan Milenković

Editor: Ivan Milenković

Mesto održavanja: Dvorana Kulturnog centra Beograda

Venue: Cultural Centre of Belgrade Theatre

Nedelja, 11. novembar u 10.30č

Sunday, November 11th, 10.30h

Srbenka - život sa identitetom

Srbenka – Life with Identity

Projekcija filma “Srbenka” i panel diskusija sa autorima i gostima Učesnici panela: Miljenko Jergović, pisac, Nebojša Slijepčević, reditelj, Ivana Spasić, sociološkinja, Nemanja Stjepanović, novinar, Zlatko Paković, reditelj

Ponedeljak, 12. novembar u 11č

Voda, tri agregatna stanja: ljudsko pravo - špekulacija - krađa Projekcija filma "Crna senka zelene energije" i panel diskusija sa autorima i gostima Učesnici panela: Dragan Gmizić, reditelj, Iva Marković, aktivistkinja, Marija Obradović, naučni istraživač Instituta za noviju istoriju Srbije


Panel participants: Miljenko Jergović, writer; Nebojša Slijepčević, film director; Ivana Spasić, sociologist; Nemanja Stjepanović, journalist; Zlatko Paković, theatre director

Monday, November 12th, 11h

Water, three states of matter: human rights - speculation - stealing Screening of the "Dark Shadow of Green Energy" and panel discussion with the author and guests Panel participants: Dragan Gmizić, film director; Iva Marković, activist, Marija Obradović, scientific researcher in Institute for recent history of Serbia


MEDIA desk radionice MEDIA desk workshops

Petak, 9. novembar u 17č Kinoteka, Multimedijalna sala, II sprat

Friday, November 9th at 17h Yugoslav Film Archive, Multimedia hall, 2nd floor

Kino Mediteran: I moje misto ima svoje kino!

Kino Mediteran: My city has a cinema, too!

Radionicu vode: Alen Munitić, umetnički direktor, Goran Akrap, izvršni direktor i Ivana Jadrić, voditeljka distribucije i koordinatorka programa - Festival mediteranskog filma Split

Workshop moderators: Alen Munitić, art director, Goran Akrap, executive director and Ivana Jadrić, distribution and program coordinator, Mediterranean Film Festival Split

Kino Mediteran je projekat revitalizacije bioskopa u malim ostrvskim i obalnim gradovima u Dalmaciji. Nastao je iz Festivala mediteranskog filma Split kao putujući bioskop, a kroz 6 godina postojanja pretvorio se u celogodišnju mrežu bioskopa koja danas broji 26 gradova i više od 30.000 posetilaca godišnje. Zahvaljujući tolikom broju vlastitih bioskopa, Kino Mediteran je postalo i distributer nezavisnih europskih filmova, prvo hrvatski a zatim i regionalni.

Kino Mediteran is a project of cinema revival in Dalmatia aiming to renew movie theaters and bring movie screenings to smaller towns. Emerged from the Mediterranean Film Festival Split as a traveling cinema, in six years it became a year-long cinema network covering 26 cities and having more than 30,000 visitors per year. Thanks to so many of its own cinemas, Kino Mediteran has become a distributor of independent European films, firstly Croatian and then regional.

Kako je nastala ideja ovog projekta? Kako je uspješno digitalizovano 13 bioskopa? Kako funkcioniše saradnja između Kina Mediteran i lokalnih vlasti? Kako su među publikom razvili veliki interes za nekomercijalnim filmovima i koja je strategija njihovog distribucijskog modela? Na sva pitanja odgovoriće ekipa Kina Mediteran.

How did the idea come out of this project? How 13 cinemas have been digitised? How does cooperation between Kino Mediteran and local authorities work? How did the audience develop a great interest in non-commercial films and what is the strategy of their distribution model? All these questions will be answered by the Kino Mediteran team.



MEDIA desk radionice MEDIA desk workshops

Subota, 10. novembar u 13č Kinoteka, Multimedijalna sala, II sprat

Saturday, November 10th at 13:00 Yugoslav Film Archive, Multimedia hall, 2nd floor

Pravni izazovi istraživačkog novina­rstva u filmskom i tv dokumentarizmu

Legal Challenges of Investigative Journalism in Film and TV Documentarism!

Radionicu vode: Tomislav Pulić i Robert Tomić Zuber

Workshop moderators: Tomislav Pulić and Robert Tomić Zuber

U današnjem vremenu u kojem je za plasman autorskih priča dostupno više raznovrsnih platformi nego ikad pre (štampa, radio, TV, internet portali, društvene mreže…), kroz primere ilustrovane videoisečcima biće analizirani svi izazovi s kojima se susreće istraživačko dokumentarističko novinarstvo, a poseban naglasak biće stavljen na filmske i televizijske current affair filmove.

Today there are more platforms for the placement of original author’s stories than ever before (newspapers, radio, TV, internet portals, social networks). By showing video examples, we are going to analyze all the challenges that investigative documentary journalism faces, with special attention to current affair films.



MEDIA desk radionice MEDIA desk workshops

Subota, 10. novembar u 15:30č Kinoteka, Multimedijalna sala, II sprat

Saturday, November 10th at 15:30 Yugoslav Film Archive, Multimedia hall, 2nd floor

Beskonačni fudbal u godini Mundijala

Infinite Football in the year of World Cup!

Razgovor sa protagonistom filma „Beskonačni fudbal“ (Laurenciu Gingin) - tvorcem istoimene ideje

Discussion with protagonist of “Infinite Football” (Laurentiu Ginghină)

Moderator: Ivan Lončarević, fudbalski komentator i radio voditelj

Moderator: Ivan Lonačarevic, football commentator and radio journalist

U trenucima kada sećanje na svetsko prvenstvo još uvek ne jenjava, okrećemo se novim, revolucionarnim fudbalskim idejama. Kroz energične osvrtne i amatera i stučnjaka, ovaj panel baviće se fudbalom na uzbudljiv i nesvakidašnji način. Čuveni rumunski reditelj Korneliu Porumboiu donosi nam duhovit i inventivan dokumentarac koji ni jednog ljubitelja fudbala neće ostaviti ravnodušnim, a njegov junak Laurenciu će nam dočarati kako je ideju Novog fudbala sproveo u delo i kroz uspešno odigrane utakmice dokazao da je o tome vredno diskutovati.

In moments when the memory of the World Cup is still vivid, we turn to new, revolutionary football ideas. Through energetic reviews of amateurs and experts, this panel will deal with football in an exciting and unusual way. Famous Romanian director Corneliu Porumboiu brings us a witty and inventive documentary that will not leave any fans of football indifferent, and his hero Laurentiu will tell us how the idea of New Football was put into practice and, through successfully played games, proved that it is worth discussing about it..



Na kafi sa autorima

Coffee With the Authors

9. i 12. novembar u 12č Zaokret, Cetinjska 15, Beograd

November 9th and 12th at 12:00, Zaokret, Cetinjska 15

Na kafi sa autorima je govorni format Slobodne Zone koji je uspešno započet 2016. godine. Zamišljen je kao mesto okupljanja i druženja predstavnika medija i gostiju festivala ali i platforma za komunikaciju i razmenu mišljenja. Ovogodišnje izdanje uređuju i vode Jelena Maksimović i Ivan Bakrač, koji će razgovarati sa autorima filmova Okupacija, Porodica, Zarobljena, Švajcarac Kris, Srbenka, Beskonačni fudbal, Na vodi i Dom boraca i svim prisutnim gostima festivala. Razgovori su otvoreni za publiku i održavaju se u neformalnoj atmosferi.

Coffee with the authors is a speech format of the Free Zone Festival that was successfully launched in 2016. It is conceived as a place for gathering and socializing for media representatives and festival guests, as well as a platform for communication and exchange of opinions. This year's edition is edited and moderated by Jelena Maksimović and Ivan Bakrač, who will talk with the authors of films Occupation 1968, Family, A woman Captured, Chriss the Swiss, Srbenka, Football Infinite, On the Water and Home of the Resistance and all present guests of the festival. The talks are open to the public and are held in an informal atmosphere.



Radionica dokumentarnog filma Documentary film workshop

10-11. novembar Dom kulture Studentski grad

November 10-11 Cultural Centre “Studentski grad“

Radionicu vodi: Eva Kraljević

Workshop moderator: Eva Kraljević

Radionica je namenjena studentima i srednjoškolcima sa osnovnom poznavanjem filmske pismenosti. Kroz diskusiju, projekcije kratkih dokumentarnih filmova i snimanje, polaznici će tokom dva dana radionice proizvesti kratki dokumentarni rad u trajanju od 3-5 min.

This workshop is for students who already have basic knowledge of film literacy. Through discussion, short documentary film screenings and shooting, he participants will produce short documentary (max 3-5 minutes) during this 2-day workshop.


155;; Samoilova 17, 1000 Skopje, R. Macedonia

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