Koray Ä°nal
Architecture Portfolio
Hello, My name is Koray İnal. I am a recent graduate from İstanbul Technical University Architecture Program. I’ve have joined several design competitions and workshops throughout my education. Im interested in architectural design, structural design and computer aided visualization. This is my works that i have made during my education.
Koray İnal
Architect/Designer birth 22.03.1993
Contact phone e-mail address
0539 277 67 35 korayinal93@gmail.com Küçüksu Mah. Asma Sok. No: 22 I Blok D.2 Üsküdar/İstanbul
İstanbul Technical University Architecture
2017 February
Parametric Design Rhino+Grasshopper, Rhinocenter
Brandenburg Technische Universität Cottbus/Germany Erasmus Exchange Program
2017 January
Koçtaş 7. Interior Design Competition, Participant
İstanbul Technical University City Planning(Undergraduate Transfer)
2016 January
Koçtaş 6. Interior Design Competition, 3rd Prize
Burak Bora Anatolian Highschool Highschool Education
2013 July
IFAC (International Festival of Art and Construction) Madrid/Spain
TED İstanbul Collage Private Elemantery School Elemantry and Middleschool Education
Professional Skills Adobe Photoshop
Experience 2016 June/July
Adobe Illustrator Slash Architcects slasharchitects.com Intern Architect
Autoodesk AutoCAD Autodesk Revitt
2016 August/September
Halükar Mimarlık halukar.com Intern Architect
Rhino SketchUp
2015 Juny/July
Ofton İnşaat Hilton Hotel Kasımpaşa Intern Site Architect
Microsoft Office Adobe Premiere V-Ray Rendering
Contents Factory Graduation Project Tamirhane Architecture Design 7 Expo 8 Architecture Design 7 Pop-Up Garden Koçtaş Competition 3rd Prize Hanging Garden Kitchen Koçtaş Competition Entry Intersection Üsküdar S.O.S. Competition Entry Trans-Sahara Express Architecture Design 1 Re-Work
a maker space in Karaköy/İstanbul
Graduation Project Imaginary Technologies in Karaköy.
Proposed as an alternative to the developing consumer culture, “Factory” points out the existing and slowly dissappearing maker culture within Karaköy and sets a new location for this maker culture. The materials that are being traded, sold or even produced in Karaköy enters a new production process within “Factory” and goes out as new products in the ground floor and meets with the urban life again.
The main goal of the “Factory” is preserving and improving some of the properties of developing and changing Karaköy area. In assumed near future, the androids are expected to be included in daily life and “Factory” is a place to produce them. “Factory” makes certain people from different areas and involves them in this production process. This is basically an evolution in the maker culture in the future.
Front View
Site Plan
The spatial organization of the Factory has been made according to the production schema that has specifically designed for the android production. This schema has been designed specially for the users to interact to different phases of the production therefore different spaces within the factory. The spaces within the factory designed accordingly to the production schema and the goal of inviting different users giving them the chance to interact with each other.
Production Diagram
Section A-A
Overview First Prototype 1 has been developed. Monumental looks and the notations on the structural system were one of the design principles. Because of the combination details and the widht of the load bearers revisions were made.
Prototype 1
Final Prototype Final Prototype was designed accordingly to the feedbacks that have been given throughout the whole process. Load bearer widhts, Maximum Height, Combination Details and Natural Light control were some of the issues that has been thought of.
Facade System As a facade system, the big volumes having natural light from two facades it needs to be controlled. Therefore two rows of wooden panels and alluminium framework have been suggested. For human height transparent surfaces has been suggested.
+24.00 Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
Loading Docks
Head Making Space
Section B-B
Section C-C
Section D-D
Disposition Space
Material Re-Production
Masterplan for Kadıköy/Harem Port in collobration with Deniz Gürsü, Semin Erdem
First of all project questions the place of Haydarpaşa Port area within the urban identity. This area is still used densely as sea and container commerce. This area is also divided from the urban life through railways. These railways reaches to Haydarpaşa Train station therefore a potential still exists. In the north of the area old Harem Bus station and Sirkeci ferry station is located. These sets the boundries of the project area. The existing potentials of the area and the threats towards the area are considired and the project has started to take shape accordingly. The users that the site has been inviting considired to be below the potential and raising and widening the user scope has been set goal for the project. New programs have been proposed and existing but not actively used programs and structures have also been included inside the project
Design Studio 7 Chosen Masterplan for the Studio
Axonometric View
an expo site in a pre-designed masterplan
Expo 8 is the expo site within the chosen masterplan project. The goal of the project is to examine the exposition and fair consepts, the act of exposing and being exposed. The main concepts that are considered through this project is permanency and being temporary. These two concepts are the essence of an exposition, therefore the project aim was to explore these concepts through spaces. Several buildings and spaces were designed to work within harmony with each other. These can be listed as event venue, museum, offices, parking space and green areas. Each of these components have a detailed thinking process and explained throughout the project.
Site Plan
Perspective View
Space of the Temporary
Event Venue for the Expo 8
The Space of the Temporary has been designed as a light, transparent space. Influenced by the Fondation Cartier of Jean Neuvel, this building is an experiment on exposing the temporary to the existing. The space contains an event venue and the skin that surrounds it. The main idea is that whenever an event happens inside the building becomes visible to the eye and whenever there is not an event the buildings fades in to the background.
Event Venue The event venue inside the building is a black box formed by acoustic curtains.These curtains dissapperes when there is not an event inside making the building transparent again.
Space of the Temporary Event Venue for the Expo 8
Short Section
Ground Floor Plan
Long Section
+6.00 Floor Plan
Axonometric Section
System Details
Ground Floor Entrance
Ramp Entrance Axonometric View
Space of the Permanent Exhibition Space for the Expo 8
The space of the permanent has been designed as an exhibition space for the Expo 8. The building has been designed accordingly to some design aspects. The temporary exhibition area designed as a front facade of the building. This allows the users outside to be exposed to the new/ temporary exhibitions visually. Therefore the users will be aware of what is going on inside the building. The permanent exhibition spaces are located in the eastern facade of the building facing the space of temporary building. The main design approach in this building was exposing the users without the help from digital media such as billboards and signs but exposing them with the object itself.
Space of the Permanent
Exhibition Space for the Expo 8
+3.00 Plan
Ground Floor Plan Perspective View
Section A-A
1st Floor Exhibition
2nd Floor Exhibition
South Elevation
Section B-B
South Entrance
The Heart
Office Space for the Expo 8 “The Heart� has been designed as a provider for the necessary number of users that whole project needs to work. This building is the main building that has everyday users. The spatial design and the image of the building has been made to make the building a landmark for the project and make an image in the minds of the users. The building itself designed as a iconic, standalone building. It has been linked to the parking space via a thin narrow bridge and underground passages. This thin narrow bridge allows the users to experiance the whole site from another perspective.
Section Programme Office Space
Parking Space
Koçtaş Garden Design Competititon 2016 3rd Place Award
Pop-Up Garden
a garden design for typical ground floor apartments Pop-Up Garden suggests a creative solution for narrow and small gardens. The garden area mainly used during summer and generally causes a problem to set up everything during winter, the main goal of the project is to set up furniture and other units efficently and design them as a part of the floor. Units are shaped by the rising of the floor. Through this way, not frequently used and storage problems causing furniture are easily stored and effiency has been made. The users can adjust these units anytime they want and shape the space towards their needs. The furnitures are designed to integrate with the various Koçtaş products. The wooden stripes which are used on the floor are also used on the furnitures through this a flow has been made.
Section A-A
Section B-B
Inventory 1.Blooma Brugge Kollu Sandalye 2000019691 2.Mehtap Şölen Orta Siperli Mangal 1000043294 3.Tabaklı Botanik Balkon Saksısı 1000095639 4.Çanakkale Seramik Blend Beyaz Bej Seramik 10000140577 5.Salıncak Minderi 1000071451 6.Bank Minderi 1000071342 7.Vilmorin Hercai Menekşe 1000009986 8.Vilmorin Pembe Renkli İri Çiçekli Karanfil 1000010017 9.Pelsan Led Şerit Sarı Işık 1000136555 10.Soendgen Saksı Dallas Espirit Seramik Mat Mavi 19cm 2000017363 11.Blooma Clipper Sensörlü Aplik Siyah 2000020348 12.Blooma Clipper Set Üstü Aydınlatma Siyah 2000020349 13.Blooma Siyah Direkli Aydınlatma 2000022868 14.Dikdörtgen Çiçeklik 2000020465
Hanging Garden Kitchen a Kitchen Design for Small Scale Apartments
Koçtaş Kitchen Design Competition 2018 Competition Entry
“Hanging Garden Kitchen” project has been designed for small scale appartments(1+1, 2+1). Project aims for a efficent and quality kitchen in these small scale appartments.
Project sets in oftenly sighted 1+1 appartment type. Increasing number of these 1+1 type appartments caused a need for a new type of kitchen design to emerge. One of the main goals of the project is to define these new needs and bring smart solutions to these needs.
Arranging on the plan plane were made accordingly to the researches that had been made. The researches about kitchen layout leads to seperating kitchen into several areas and arranging furnitures and tools accordingly to the areas makes it easeier for the users to acces. For example cooking area involves components such as oven and stove. In the same way the cleaning area includes components such as dishwasher, sink and there is enough space for dish washing. Food storage units are fridge and closed cabinets. These 3 areas are critical for meal preparation. These 3 areas are spatially designed in a way to make a triangle therefore moving between them is easier.
Sliding Cabinets
Section C-C
Section A-A
To achieve maximum effiency sliding cabinets were used.Through this way circulation spaces were not intervened and can be used comfortably. In addition structural elements of the sliding cabinets were also not divided and arranged continuesly.
Section B-B
Intercection Üsküdar S.O.S. Competition Entry
The project sets in Üsküdar coast area. Üsküdar is one of the oldest neighborhoods in İstanbul and one of the most complex ones. The project site has been examined through several layers and several user activities. Historical and cultural elements were determined and user activities have been liste before making design decisions.
Site has dense pedestrian traffic because of the transportation node that it is. Even though it has such dense pedestrian and vehicle traffic, neighborhood lifestyle and usage of the recrreatianal areas were also quite high. Without seperating these transportaion and recrational usage a design proposal has been made.
The site has been divided into 3 zones and each zone has been though seperately and later combined within a general design language. Each zone requires different modifications and had different problems accordingly to their nature. Zone1 is the area that is the western of the Üsküdar square. This area has lost its natural identity throughout the changes that has been made over the years. A performance center and educatinal buildings were proposed for this area to strengthen its relation with the existing neighborhood and coastline.
Zone 2 is the northwestern area of Üsküdar. A fair area and a transfer center has been proposed for this zone. Linking these buildings with pedestrian pathways and landscape elements was the main consern. Zone3 is the southern part of the area which includes existing public space and a library were suggested for this area to strenghten its relation with the public.
Masterplan The masterplan was created accordingly to the decisions made in the zones which are determined through ĂœskĂźdar’s current state and needs. A general landscape and pedestrian pathway language has been set for the project. Maintaining the green axis along the coastline was one of the main elements. Strengthing the relation with the sea through a pedestrian promanade was also made. Linking the inner neighborhood areas with several pathways and axisis and strenghtening their relationship with the public through public buildings such as performance center, institutional buildings and library.
TRANS-SAHARA EXPRESS a carriage design for the trans-sahara train
The trans-sahara express is a train that travels through the sahara desert. The train contains different users and spaces compared to regular trains. Each participant of the studio designs a cart and defines the users of their cart. Combination of all these seperate carts forms the train. My design is insipred from the author Ernest Hemingway. The cart contains his workspace and other spaces related to his life or his work. Throughout the design process the relationship with the desert was considered one of the main elements of this project. Thererfore the cart has several elements that improves this relation with the desert. The users must realize at all times that they are travelling in the desert and they should be experiancing that throught their journey within the cart. The author Ernest Hemingway was considered having a to-the-point kind of writing style and considered having a rough personality too. The materials were chosen because of these circumstances. Rock and Wood was the main elemants of the composition.
Side View
Floor Plans
Ground Floor
Section Perspective
Section Perspective
Desert Lounge
Stargaze Deck