Korean Air In-flight Special Meal Guidelines

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Contents g +01^l&o|E^l

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Baby/lnfant & ChildMeals VegelarianMeals Rellgious Meals MedicalMeals OtherMeals


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tf d*$oll,,li Z'J $il. EaJ$si olPtr 3+ rlLil^jg ?l4l6f^lRof.r.l5.L;,!g 96l] tfgaf =H ilL|,!= =rLofr o"aLrf. !fE3r8el == TlL]]^13 IATA(rternalional AirTransporl Assoctatcn. +rll-J33A.Jq)sl / +0ll elTlfll 57f^l6+i0f5^1,0F^f41, €:rrl i'f r=! - Ef=84)e +€Elot?+rltt. F 0i= 5+ 7lLH4l ^11301 2Lr,tl lzl-^l 7FbdF4, E =E^lsl +Eg Bf37lqEJ^7J o9


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Korean Airoffersspecial mealst0 meetpassengers' specific forhealth, dietary needs religi0us, 0r agereassns. Korean Air'sspecial mealconsists 0f childmeal,vegetarian meal,religious meal,medical mealandotherspecial meals, whicharebased onthe IATA(lnternational Air Transport Association) standard. mealsare0nly Special available onflights thathavescheduled mealseilice. Special meals mustbeordered p'iortofl ghroenarlure aLeast24hours rine. Korean Airs Special MealProgram is specially designed forpassengers whocannot eatregular in{lightmealdueto lnevitable reasons. Therefore, requests for personai preference cannotbeaccepted. Also,Korean Air doesnotprovide anyotherspecial meals thatarenotincluded intheiist. {tx1Bioimbap withort0ee'/C1:ld rea toracl-lt Korean Airsspecial mealcanals0beprovided forpassengers whohaveallergies or similarsymptom to specific tooditemsuponrequestHowever, Korean Air is unable t0 caternut-free mealsdueto difficultyin guaranteeing that peanutoil or peanutproducts derived willnotbeusedin preparation. guarantee Also,Korean Aircannot a nut-free onboard environment as we cannot control itemswhichpassengers may brirgorboa,d. Thelistedspecial meals in thislea{let arebased onflights fromSeou.Some special Tr-ears na\/rot oeprepa'ed for Il:ghrs depalirgiroTT overseas stat.ors duero local 'oodsupoly

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g ?,a14& 0f5^l I n f a n tM e a lr $ o 1 - qI1F-M L 0l7lE"-44E+ "! ofilE +^= ^llB-d'Lirf tf. E+ 1ztHlDl^lel B0t0llz|4 cf-JLl BabyMeal (-,?"lal)- BBML 0l7l8+ '; +41dElle^lEE Ready 019^l^llE€^ll8-.JLlLf N/ade 1224tHZ^f0lE 90f0llzl!E'-.JLlt[ ChildMeal for lnfant -ICML oJ2^lloldlq diltrJdfLi 0lE^13sl'J^l lCtVLe +01011 ^lE-*+ flALILI oll++dg CHN/Lrf 5g-sfLlt[ Child Meal (ol'F^l)- CHML PJ2,ql0lA 12l.lllltrJE40f "l Olalol??4zllEtH-d-Br8ol =E6l =Hl-d rfs:d qelottrll+=rlt=i6Er 9i6Ltr[ +E 7b-J trllht +qJ'J+Llrf.

pl+ ="JiiJ= 8Jg,A6 l:.S E Hl-"Jil'.f01 Sg +r_!0il,\1: ZHJOILI tlE9lil ,JOlql+rl glr AJHI^715-el ullhoJrJEErLitLrjLr ullh0llrfl-d_ELfrf^il-d Lti€eqiEl:dge-e EEo-g+ l7l HFJLltf.



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VegetarianLacto-Ovo Meal (4.J ill^l) - VLML 8d*, u695 EEI"JqE q+q E=d ^lg traf'J3 IfEdfl g-2,Zl aJ? +^lEg s-cf"-f= ^lg^l ^ll^lrll+oJLlrl ^lE =+, 4g+, oF^H+el d7l=ol+4eoJq+ VegetarianVeganMeai (94'*.9"J ill^l) - VGML 8dF, zp-45 s-.J-dEE 8+el5EA ^lg €af-Jg"Joll-ldfZlaJoJ ?^lEg -E:d6l:-s= 5Ed 4E€ ^lEdf^lgrtsg4-d ^lg^l d^10il+ .JLlrL++, rfg+, 0F^l]+ef ^lEd7l=01 +rHegq+ (oJE - AVML ill^l) VegetarianHindu Meal 8dF, zgg5 s-Bf"Js= q+q ZIaJE^E6f^l ?Jq +rllEp E-.J61 : oJE4-fl^lqhgLlrf Vegetarian JainMeal (g46J"JEill^l)- VfML E= q+q ztal ?4#g s:.dbf=-"= sEd ^l dd+, zg-45 tr--J-d E ? Ctrf,0F=.8e $el +al^ffi€ ^E6l^l gr: g4-LroJE^l^fl^lu| LO

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VegetarianOriental Meal (5oJ4i^l) - VOML sE 8+ef 4lej +^llEe-s-d6f=s= sEA ^l 8dfi zg95 ECfdJ E€ ^fE6l^lg= e4-dEoJ^{^H^lqHgLlrf Raw VegetarianMeal (^Jolil^l)- R\ML ^H^]+E^E9l-d^ll^lqHgq+q6l^lgrgdot^il,.grtgolrlt3 €oF^|I -cr+ge, qq, 7ltr]loJ H+R,ETIEI 7tr^lE= ^ll-gfs'Llrll

6jl^l Moslem Meal (9aEal) - MOML gig 5fl^lr7l,*, uilolz,EafEJ !E= EH^ljr7l +tEol s-s'EJ 4E€ IfEdl^lgrfiLltlE-dAllzl,oJa7l, )=-+ $f.:al 's[ttfl"oilqef 4HlFl Tl.lEe lL_?6H trl L -|u7 r|!=,' IOH " |-|.

Hindu Meal ({Fr4) - HNML L=F Hl44 ?lE^l^l^fe,(ldlr7l,+oi^la7l,4^l-r71, gd g ErllgN 3 ^E6f^l'Jeq, gI7l,;78+, 6Ht=rfd-!+= s-sf-d,Llrf KosherMeal (*4aal) - KSML ?rHl(Juddsm)9 EHoll4zf I+9 dE sl^13^l= + "J=clllg4e p3 gile+El ?t^1lE€ e/.l, rll-LFd3o]l^lE a6e1 +Elidu^fE-diLlrf EJ^lIqq Kosher Mealg:BfA"JEAEHe zr_4sl+oJETJT] 6+g016|lLJ +0lliHE6G^jl8dl-r?l+Lltl:

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Low FatMeal (x,lxl*^l)-LFML -JaJol ^llf {EIoJLtf =a1l{El= fJ ^lHJ 30grol$e ^ll"JLf d+laJ= *3 utBr q+, FEJ q+, ztall=^L#4+ - ^f36f^ ?J_r, ^l^ bJ3+ ^lrlBf8c 5€ ^]8-sfllrf. lELf4a ll0l= Flz +g rllc E a) Eel4-Eg +e ,{f36E,"J+^l"Jt d+= ?6G dlSHglLH0ll ^i g- L]+,g+++ 5el ^l=a 7l=3 ^fSdLlLf DiabeticMeal (Bual)- DBML =* 'JEA,^l"J-JEeld+laJg4E6f:5,|l0l^l,|fllrJ0lrlf=4IPJ o Hl]E, +of^*ts d+l ^lzf- r-i"J ^l/'f6E4oJLrf ^jrlgf+^l u3+I /.lag^lE0 !:!Oll4efrll8ELltf Elf l++7f cf?EJ Low CalorieMeal (xl9*ll) - LCML ^ll64EgS}ee EBF$ ^l^i4E4oJ|( FlTl:4|flg 1|$ ^ll-d-"f dfll ?j-1r^lEJq4 + tlliE+= ^136f^l ?-ieq.^l"JEaJO 43 3 E!"J^loJ€"JPaal ^ "Jg-dal + ^l^ EJ+^llEo^l^PllE"JEJLltf -|afg tl40E



Bland Meal (xJxl+^l)- BLML ^af/ 50 ^l6fEl0l rr{3 9l-Ll^l^f^E^loJLltf. ^FdO ,JLfB'll 9,1= +, 7f:!=+"J-=f q + ?1:0F^|] a )l-q)rl Lre3|3 ^ll"rd$.^l^lBJ + 1gAd.N5ol rllSEJLlLf


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Gluten Intolerant Meal (3FHI4ld^l) - GFML ^l^f ^leLHE=+EJ]-ef?=g46i rll-d-d^l^f ^E^lglltf. =+El cr+ /.f8:6f^lglr Ll]xll^l#eel g, a^l r 4#fl 'J,Hel,E'J, ?lal,E-{O|E

+of g++. =€ ^E-sfq+

Low SaltMeal (x'l€4)- LSML ^l/.f^E^lgLltf =^lL+,gd 0l6ferll-d-d 1g EE9 d+laJ32000m9 ^llE€^ll8dl^igreq,HlElLl 0PPJP+g ^llE€l|E-stlltf.!t-d 7llE, gEaJS-rl46G-.l8H9l Bl^ElqefAP Ready rllEE^|1+L|lE Made LHojl,tl l.ffisfLlLf

LowLactoseMeal (.'?Bxll*al)-NLML -.J?dEr EE +3= 9l= eE|Ie] f,^llE{++,fH, E+ 53 fzl;l rild -Lt^l^f^E^lgLltf. 0lA0l?l= ?.JE6l]trAsl e'Jee d+l ).l 4trP11 rr_40t|zl 4.J.JL|rf.

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SeafoodMeal (4&54) - SFML oF^ll+, rfoJ+7fg|7/ll IllSE|t[ 8d "i 6H{li$+^||tre6E ir1-+, Fruit PlatterMeal (4"J4)- FPML LllUTfHll^l^f= fldi= I,_4S916l] rfgeoJ+dEl E+ TlLH^l dd-LF = ^llf gLlrl AnniversaryCake(71 H4lol3) -loneynoon Birthday Cake, Cakerl ,JOl=E-"--J= ?|il +61101 r7l^llSELlrf. SPML CakeE I qE 6 l+ZoJE+7|5-sfLlrf


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Sabvllntant & Ch;ldf,**ats Infant Meal - IFML Babymilkandbabyjuiceproduced by ppecialized manufacturer are available. f0rchildren Suitable aged0-12 month.

BabvMeal- BBML pureedmeat,vegetables and Ready-made babymealproduct containing babyjuiceareavailable. Suitable fortoddlers aged12-24months.

Child Meal for Infant -ICML ICMLis available fortheinfantoassenoers. Menusarethesameaschild meal.

ChildMeal -CHML

Children aged2 -12yearscanenjoy.awide selection of childmeal prepared service specially byKorean Air. Thelistof available menuitemsareasfollows:

ln someshort-haul flightsbetvveen KoreaandJapanor between KoreaandChina, onlvcoldsandwiches or seaweed rollare please available. lf youhaveanyinquiries, contactKorean Air's Reservation forfurtherinformation. Center

W*g*€mr5mca trVEe*€* ffi**Ee Fffi*$xg$**s

Yr:; t;';g; 127"1 l'l e ;,:1:: 1r*{e it-ri'-:r:l-,:ci,.:-i-.}-.'<-: i''ital - i"til,f l. Neither meat,poultry, fishof anykindsnorproduct withlardandgelatin areusedYetmeas cancontain egg& dairyproducts. Mainingredients aregrains, fruit,vegetables andvegetable oil. 1,t*ger:i,:ia;: 1]eg;lr: ir'k*I - 1,rCl,ti Neither meat,poultry, fishof anykind,product withlardandgelatin, nor t sn de g g sa r eu s e dM d a i r yp r o d u c a . a i nl n g r e d i e natrseg r a i n sf r, u i t , vegetables andvegetable oil iirsr ic ii;rc i iil:r-i i: l.,l*;i,i -,^,-t i', i:, N e i t h em r e a tp, o u l t r yf i,s ho f a n yk i n dn o re g g sa r eu s e dM . e a l sa r e spicyvegetarian combinations whlchmaycontain dairyproducts. -rtJ!,,rt11. f*g,;iiir ia;r jair: fui*iil Neither meat,poultry, fishof anykind,product withlardandgelatin, nor d a i r yp r o d u c at sn de g g sa r eu s e dN . o r o o tv e g e t a b l seus c ha s o n i o n , garlic, ginger areused. MealsarespicyIndian vegetarian combinations. -i' iie [i:i ;rr i iil I :-';r'i r:r; l";:r ] t-'i,'Ttil i - {J ir! i . Neither meat,poultry, fishof anykind,product withlardandgelatin, nor d a i r yp r o d u c tasn de g g sa r e u s e d l V l e a lasr ep r e p a r eidn 0 r i e n t a l Chinese style. ir.t-,",ri"€ geiiili;-* tl,!c;ri * iiir i,41, A vegetarian mealconsisting of rawfruitandvegetables. lt is suitable for rawvegetable vegetarians. Caffeinated beverages, highlyprocessed foods, additives andpreservatives arenotprovided.

**1:;:::;rl'.1**l* pork,ham,bacon, Neither gelatinnoranyporkbyproducts alcohol, are used.Othertypesof meatsuchas beef,poultry andlambareprepared a c c o r d itnogt h e" H a l a ll "a w . fti.,.': :::.,: .',:.,.::.-,.,'..:.,:-, N o nV e g e t a r i al n d i a nm e a l N e i t h ebr e e f ,v e a l ,p o r kn o rr a w a n d smoked fishareprovided. Yetit contains othertypesof meatsuchas lamb,fish,poultry andseafood. ;...1;1 3;.;,;'; ;;. ; :;:.:.1,:. :- :.,1:.

Sourced andprepared in accordance withJewishdietary laws.Korean A i r p r o v i d eas q u a l i t yr e a d y - m a dp er 0 d u cm t a d eb y s p e c i a l i z e d manufacturer. Themealis prepared in pre-packed andsealed condition Cabin attendants permission areallowed t0 open0nlyaftergetting from passengers whoordered Kosher meal.

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&s p**. et aar spx*ixi m*xl s*l**tian,$:*raaâ‚Źt&it rs$e* a v*i** ra*g* *t &&a*i*atr m*al* wlzi** are car*fu**yprap*re* xnd"yr*dvtx*d,ba*ezl *n w*da*x?*nd nu1{2t'ana* *xpertisa, lw passx*g*xswitk *pe**al &i*N.ary rar4wiretnext du* t* r**&i*al rc&n{ln&. X*xeax&ir'* s**di*al **a* praryam*as baertrrzse,t**k**ans{*xawi,x*dta a**p*r*ti*n with Zbe*zrtnrtsVr*u* aNl*ha Unzu*rsitg&t:xprtal.&ls*',*zsrtfu*t \wtarwati*n*Nzr*ztrititrsrz $a*tsaex be yr*vtd*&it r*q**$t*d. &e Y^*r*an &,;tr"x *xedi*alm*al pragra*rt i* atdy d*slgx*d 2azx*e\q*n**l *Ee2arg rsqwite{*ents, * Wa{*w*"* **fr*titt}zi*nas vt*ll ** rx*iil"*al*ztsz*t"g zzta,E **2bt*t:*mstâ‚Ź**rxt3"

Low Fat Meal - LFML Dailyintakeof fat is restricted under30grperday.Meatwith high amount 0f cholesterol, thickgravies, eggyolkandshellfishareavoided. 0nly leanfat freemeator fish is provided. In foodpreparation, only poaching, steaming androasting method areusedinstead of sauteing or deepfrying. Vegetable oil suchasoliveoilor cornoil is usedin orderto takeessential fattyacidonlywithina permitted amount.

DiabeticMeal - DBML protein, Dailyallowance of calorie, fatandsugararecarefully calculated andprepared withgoodbalance between eachmeal.Limited amount of saturated fat is usedin foodpreparation. Lowfat dairyproducts, whole grainbreads andcereals areavailable depending onflights.

Low Calorie Meal - LCML Limited calorie mealhelping weightcontrol. Deepfryingmethod is not usedin foodpreparati0n. Neithersaucescontaining highamountof animalfat nordesserts areprovided. 0nlylessfattymeatandlowfat dairyproducts areserved. Addedfats,sugarandoilsareavoided as muchaspossible infoodpreparation.

BlandMeal- BLML A l i g h t , e a s idl yi g e s t em d e d i c aml e a l N . e i t h efro o d sn o rb e v e r a g e s gastric causing discomfort areprovided. Highly seasoned foodsandoily foodsarealsolimited.Menusbasedonlessfattymeatsareoffered.

Gluten Intolerant Meal - GFML A medical mealwithoutwheat, barley, rye,0r oatscontaining gluten. As substitution, arrowroot, corn,potato,ricestarchor soybeanflouris provided.

LowSaltMeal - LSML Dailyintakeof sodiumis limitedto lessthan2000mg perday.Highly salted, smoked, brined foodproducts arenotused.Non-salted butterand m a r g a r i naer e u s e d K . e t c h uapn dm u s t a r ad r e p r o v i d eidn f o o d preparation onlywithina permitted amount.

Low LactoseMeal - NLML A medical mealwithnodairyproducts suchasmilk,milksolids, cream etc.lt is suitable forthosewhohavedifficulties to digestdairyproducts dueto lackof lactase.

*ther b,Aeals SeafoodMeal - SFML S e a f o om d e a lc o n s i s t i nogf f i s h a n ds e a f o o cd o m e sw i t h o t h e r accompaniments suchasgrains, vegetables, andfruit.

Fruit PlatterMeaI - FPML A f r u i t m e a lc o n t a i n i nfgr e s hf r u i t so n l y ,d e p e n d i nogn s e a s o n a l availability. It is suitable forthosewhowantto eatlightmealinstead of normal in{lightmeal.

Anniversary Cake A n n i v e r s a cr ya k e sf o r s p e c i aol c c a s i o n s u, c ha s b i r t n o a yosr honeymoons, areoffered. It canbeprovided onlyonesegment intheentire trips.


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