CMR 9-1-11

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Early deadline for Labor Day holiday News, legal notices due 5 p.m. Friday, ad deadline noon Tuesday Due to the Labor Day holiday, the deadline for all news stories and legal notices for next week's newspaper will be 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 2. The deadline for advertising will remain noon Tuesday, Sept. 6. The Messenger & Republican will be closed on Monday for the holiday, but will go to press as usual

on Wednesday morning and be placed in racks around Cherokee that afternoon. Delivery by mail should not be affected. Messenger & Republican employees thank you for your cooperation, which will allow them to enjoy the holiday with relatives and friends.

Home of the Great Salt Plains & the Selenite Hourglass Crystal


MESSENGER & REPUBLICAN Vol. 109 No. 40 – 16 Pages, 1 Section

Cherokee, (Alfalfa County) Oklahoma

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Thursday, September 1, 2011 – 50¢

Let’s go to to the Fair!

Everything from Death by Chocolate to squash to championship livestock Colossal cucumbers, Herculean squash and crafty cookie jars can be checked in as early as 7:30 a.m. next Wednesday, but Death by Chocolate and Homemade Ice Cream entries will need to hold off a day. All this wacky talk of county contention and friendly rural rivalry can only mean one thing: it’s time for the Alfalfa County Fall Free Fair. This year’s fair opens Sept. 7 at the Alfalfa County Fairgrounds with entries accepted for local 4-H and OHCE groups, open class exhibits, biggest garden products and a cookie jar contest. Cookie jars must be created from a clear gallon jar, decorated in any theme. Included in the jar should be a half dozen each of three homemade cookie selections, with one of each of

2011 GREAT SALT PLAINS Stampede Rodeo Queen Taylor Fisher of Okeene (right) poses for the camera with last year’s queen, Jessica Williams of Alva. Cherokee Roundup Club members reported record attendance at this year’s event – nearly 2,000 spectators over the two days.

Fans ‘Cowboy up’ for Stampede ‘Best rodeo we’ve had in our 19 years’ – Mary Pat Cudmore By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff With more than 1,460 tickets sold, the Great Salt Plains Stampede Rodeo broke records and delivered champion performances last weekend to a standing room-only crowd. “We probably had the best rodeo we’ve ever had in our 19 years,” said Cherokee Roundup Club Member Mary Pat Cudmore. Helping to draw more spectators than ever seen before was Junior Princess Contestant Sandra Mathis, who set a record of $1,900 in ticket sales for the two-day annual event. Friday night’s activities packed in crowds to cheer on contestants and overwhelm vendors, including Roundup Club volunteers who sold more taco platters than ever anticipated. “We had to recruit people to work (in the concession stand), and we dipped into Satur-

Inside today... Wheat Price.............................. 3 Opinions................................... 4 Lifestyles.................................. 7 Sports................................... 8, 9 Funerals................................. 10 Legals................... 12, 13, 14, 15 Classifieds............................. 15

day night’s stuff (on Friday),” said Roundup Club Member Lisa Chace. She counted more than 200 contestants who competed Friday and Saturday for more than $4,000 in prize money. TAYLOR FISHER RODEO QUEEN Taylor Fisher of Okeene rode her new saddle off into the sunset Saturday night after being crowned the 2011 CRC Rodeo Queen. Fisher also rode away with Top Interview, Top Western Wear and Horsemanship awards. Cheyenne Callison of Alva earned the Congeniality Award and royalty runner-up, while second runner-up and Top Sportsmanship went to Amber White of Cherokee. Kylee Wiens of Nash was crowned Rodeo Princess before Friday night’s events got underway. Emily Flanagon of Jet was runnerSee COWBOY Page 3

Page 5...

Molley Vap wins Miss Burlington title, next stop Miss Cinderella Pageant.

the varieties reserved for judges in a clear plastic bag. Jars will be judged on cookie variety and flavor and decoration. Rules and times for other events, such as the Death by Chocolate contest, Create-ASouper Dish and the Table Setting Contest are included in Alfalfa County Free Fair booklets, available in the OSU Extension Office on the first floor of the Alfalfa County Courthouse. Livestock must be in place by 8 a.m. Wednesday. The weigh-in for swine, lambs and steers begins at 9 a.m. Chickens, rabbits and goats can be brought from 9 to 11 a.m. Judging and livestock shows are scheduled throughout Wednesday afternoon, with the heifer and steer shows beginning at 6 p.m. to wind up the first day of activities.

Day two begins at 9 a.m. with the swine show. CreateA-Souper Dish entries are due by 10:45 a.m. Death by Chocolate entries must arrive by 1:15 p.m. Scheduled for Thursday afternoon are the Bottle Kid Show, 3:45 p.m.; Goat Show, 4 p.m.; Homemade Ice Cream Contest, 5:45 p.m.; and Sheep Show, 7 p.m. Entries from the Homemade Ice Cream Contest will go on sale at 6:30 p.m. for $1 per cup. Friday marks the third day of the fair and includes livestock judging contests, beginning at 8 a.m. All exhibits and commercial booths will be released at 1 p.m. Saturday will include the annual horse show beginning at 9 a.m. in the indoor arena.

City okays 15 percent Practicing for a major tax to pay for E-911 catastrophe By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff The call came in at about 7:40 p.m. last Thursday – a school bus accident with multiple injuries next to the school district's bus barn just west of the football field. Eleven emergency medical technicians from throughout the county responded with sirens and lights flashing. Upon arriving at the scene, the EMTs discovered nine victims. Most were inside the bus, some of them moaning from their injuries. One young man with head and leg injuries, lay at the side door of the bus, near the right front wheel. A young woman walked up and down the gravel road next to the bus, obviously in See EMTS Page 2

Page 7...

Strike up the band. March in the Cherokee Homecoming parade.

By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff Cherokee city commissioners have voted to take full advantage of a ballot measure passed by voters in November 2010. Instead of paying a 5 percent tax on local land telephone lines within the city limits, Cherokee residents now will chip in 15 percent of their basic telephone service to help fund the E-911 system. approved “The people should the Commissioners increase Aug. 11 during the regular city commission be expecting it.” meeting. The city received City Manager permission in June from AlCounty commissioners Don Bowman falfa to host the county’s E-911 system from Cherokee City Hall, which will require renovations before the system can be implemented. The tax increase will help fund the new system and its mandated components. “The people should be expecting it,” City Manager Don Bowman said of the increase. “The people of Cherokee voted to raise it to 15 percent.” The adjustment was made after city officials and City Attorney Bryce Kennedy met two weeks ago with AT&T Representative Ronnie Freeman, who recommended the increase in fees, regarding the new system. “It was actually a very encouraging meeting,” said City Manager Don Bowman. Freeman told Bowman the city probably could have the system up and running within a year and a half, instead of three years as See E-911 Page 3

Pages 8, 9...

Cherokee and Timberlake open the 2011 football season on Friday.

Page 2 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

Tips for voting on Burlington bond $410,000 will provide buses, Suburban and pickup for school

ALFALFA COUNTY EMS medical technicians prepare to roll a “victim” from last week’s simulated mass casualty exercise onto a stretcher for transfer to an ambulance. Eleven EMTs and nine Boy Scouts participated in the drill.

EMTS Continued from Page 1 shock. It was all a "mass casualty exercise" staged by the Alfalfa County Emergency Medical Services in cooperation with Boy Scout Troop 302. Nine Scouts belong to the Troop, which headquarters in Burlington but has members from that community as well as Cherokee. "We originally got the request for the exercise from the Boy Scout Troop," explained EMS Director Roger Unruh, "but in the whole scheme of things, it probably helped us out more than it did them." Unruh said the purpose of the contrived accident was to put EMTs "in different roles than they are used to. "We wanted to overwhelm our staff to see how they would respond; what their decisions would be and see how they would handle patient care." Unruh said the EMTs and first responders "performed

well." The nine Scouts on the simulated bus accident were made up to resemble patients with everything from minor cuts and abrasions to life threatening injuries. Some appeared to have open chest wounds, others had compound fractures. There were also simulated fatalities and Unruh said that presented the EMTs with unique decisions they don't have to make every day. "When dealing with a bus load of kids, EMTs are naturally going to want to save them all," he said. "But when you're overwhelmed, there comes a time when you have to decide when a patient can't be saved. You could lose others if you can't make that call. That's the reality of mass casualties." At their next meeting, said Unruh, "We'll go everything with a fine-toothed comb. It was a huge learning experience and we'll try to incorporate it into

our annual training." Only the next time around, Unruh is hopeful that other agencies can become involved, including county fire departments and law enforcement agencies. "Our goal will be to make it larger," he said. "Maybe make it an all-day thing utilizing personnel from the other agencies. They've shown a willingness to get involved." As for the Boy Scouts, they obtained valuable experience they'll need to obtain their Emergency Preparedness badges. For one Scout, Connor McGee of Cherokee, it was the training he needed for that badge, the last he needs before taking on a project that could earn him an Eagle Scout award. Linda Gordon of Burlington, Scoutmaster for the past eight years, said McGee will be announcing his Eagle Scout project in the near future.

New Mexican to lead Wildlife Refuge system in four southwestern states Aaron Archibeque, a leader in wildlife conservation, has been selected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to oversee the National Wildlife Refuge System throughout Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. Archibeque is a native New Mexican and grew up in the small town of Algodones. He graduated from New Mexico State University with a degree in Wildlife Management. He has been with the service for over 28 years. He served as the refuge manager for Togiak National Wildlife Refuge and spent almost 14 years living in the remote community of Dillingham, Alaska. In 2004, he and his family moved back to the Southwest Region and he has served as the Refuge Supervisor for Oklahoma and Texas since that time. In his new role as the assistant regional director, Archibeque will help guide the stra-

tegic management of the network of refuge lands that encompass over 150 million acres throughout the United States. “The Refuge System is a tremendous network of lands,” said Archibeque. “I’m excited to part of a national initiative geared at reconnecting the next generation with great outdoor places, and managing national wildlife refuges in the southwest which truly are some of the nation’s best hidden gems.” Oklahoma is home to nine National Wildlife Refuges including the Wichita Mountains and Salt Plains Wildlife Refuges. These wildlife refuges provide an opportunity to explore the natural world and experience Oklahoma’s scenic beauty. Want story tips? ‘Like’ our Facebook Page for all the latest from throughout the Southwest Region! Search USFWS Southwest.

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Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13, for the Burlington School District election, which will decide the fate of a $410,000 bond issue to provide new transportation vehicles for the school. If approved, the district hopes to purchase three 47-passenger buses, a bus equipped with a wheelchair ramp, a new Suburban and a new pickup for the vocational-agriculture department. Alfalfa County Election Board Secretary Kelly Stein offered voters the following tips on how to make their votes count. Stein said that a valid marking – a filled-in arrow – is shown on posters at the polling place and inside the voting booths. If voters make mistakes marking their ballots, she said they should not try to correct those errors. Instead, voters should return the spoiled ballots to precinct officials, who will destroy them and issue a new ballot to the voter. Stein also urged voters to take their voter identification cards with them to the polls. "Your voter identification card can help precinct officials find your name in the precinct registry and it may also help them resolve a problem if you are not listed in the registry," she said.

Voters whose names are not found in the registry, or a voter who disagrees with the information shown in the registry, may need to cast a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is sealed in a special envelope and counted after election day if the voter's information can be verified by the county Election Board. Stein said voters who want to get through the line quickly should vote at mid-morning or

mid-afternoon, because those usually are the two slowest periods for voting during the day. "Anyone who is eligible and in line at the polling place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday will be entitled to vote,” she added. Two precinct polling places will be open for the Burlington bond election. They are: Precinct 110, the Burlington Fire House Office, and Precinct 120, the Amorita Community Building.

Incapacitated Nescatunga Fire may still vote Department Registered voters in Alfalfa County who become physically incapacitated after 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, won’t have to miss the Sept. 13 Burlington School District bond election, county Election Board Secretary Kelly Stein said this week. State law permits registered voters who will be unable to go to the polls because they became incapacitated after 5 p.m. Tuesday to vote on an emergency basis, explained Stein. "Physical incapacitation" includes a variety of conditions – including injury, illness or childbirth – that may prevent a person from voting in person at the polls on election day. "If you think that you or someone you know fits into this category, contact the county Election Board office at (580) 596-2718 as soon as possible for more information," Stein said.

Fund Raiser

Fun Day * September 3, 2011 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Bounce House Dunking Booth Fire Ring Shoot-Out Flea Market Homemade Ice Cream Contest

Booth/Table $10 inside, $5 outside

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580-626-4259 Support our Firefighters!

THANK YOU! The Cherokee Roundup Club would like to thank the town of Cherokee and the businesses, the surrounding towns and their businesses and all the people of the surrounding communities for all the support including monetary, working at the gate, concession and in the arena or just coming and watching. Our rodeo was a big success but not at all possible without the above mentioned. We take pride in putting on a good show and are honored to organize one of the biggest events for “Our Town” Cherokee, Oklahoma! With over 200 contestants and 2000 spectators over two nights and 15 royalty contestants, we have become one of the biggest open rodeos in NW Oklahoma. But none of this would be possible without all your support! Thank You! Cherokee Roundup Club

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 • Page 3


GREAT SALT PLAINS STAMPEDE Rodeo Princess Kylee Wiens (left) and Junior Princess Kassidy Rambat accept their crowns and prepare to take a lap Friday before the kickoff of the Great Salt Plains Stampede Rodeo.

Continued from Page 1 up. Wiens also earned the Interview, Western Wear and Horsemanship awards. Flanagan took the Sportsmanship Award, and Oaklie Rothell of Alva earned the Congeniality prize. Junior Princess was awarded to Kassidy Rambat of Alva. Hallie Hamilton of Alva was named runner-up, and Kayla Highfill of Cherokee received second runner-up. Rambat was named Top Interview and Horsemanship winner. Mathis won the Sportsmanship Award. Hamilton won Western Wear, and Kinsy Roberts earned the Congeniality prize. Winners of prize drawings from local merchants included Baylee Oister, Cherokee; Dusty Colvin, Alva; and Lily Walden, Enid. 12 FOUR-WHEEL RACERS Twelve entered the rodeo’s 2nd Annual Four-wheeler Barrel Race. Tyler Rice came out on top, with Trey Clepper coming in second, Landon Schanbacher third and Cale Gibson fourth. Twelve “young guns” entered the calf riding event. Each received a backpack and a gift certificate for participating. Seven teams mustered up confidence to saddle and ride a

wild cow. Friday night’s winners were the Udder Busters, made up of Kyle Cudmore, Clay Cudmore, Kelby Chace and Brayden Nixon. Saturday’s winners were members of the Byron-Amorita Fire Department, the Hose Jerkers, consisting of volunteer firefighters Rodney Wade, Wes Allen, Lane Pruett and Jared Cass. Rodeo prize winners and their take-home cash prizes are as follows: Bareback Bronc Riding – Logan Willemsma, Alva, first, $413; Kenny Fielder, Alva, second, $275. Saddle Bronc Riding – Dylan Henson, Bloomfield, N.M., first, $497; Ty Kirland, Lufkin, Texas, second, $332. Bull Riding – Jace Smith, no address, first, $638; Jarod Smith, Hennessey, second, $426. Steer Wrestling – Tanner Winkler, Pampa, Texas, first, $614; Ryan Swayze, Freedom, second, $460; Brandon Volker, Hardtner, Kan., third, $307; Steven Culling, Altus, fourth, $153. Calf Roping – Matt Carlson, Sweetwater, first, $839; Cody Quaney, Weatherford, secondthird (tie), $524.50; Reese Reimer, Stinnett, Texas, second-third (tie), $524.50; Bryson Sechrist,

approaching the purchase could wait until the spring. In a final matter, Kennedy solved the mystery of who owns a plat of land between 8th and 9th streets that local resident Travis Cox wanted to buy. The plat is part of Gibson’s Addition, which originally was dedicated to the city as a future city street. The property, however, was never developed, and a housing addition was built around it. Cox wanted to buy the property, located partially behind his property, to build a shop building.

“You hold those plats in trust for the public,” Kennedy said. “You don’t own those plats. You can’t sell it to him.”

E-911 Continued from Page 1 anticipated, depending on how quickly the county can be mapped. County commissioners agreed to pay up to $60,000 for mapping – or designating GPS coordinates and physical addresses for rural residents. Woods County officials will complete the mapping. The new tax goes into effect immediately and was passed as an emergency ordinance during the city commission meeting. BREAK ON SEWER RATES While residents will pay more on their telephone bills, they could pay less next summer on their sewer rates. After a lengthy debate on the pros and cons of cutting consumers some slack during the summer months, commissioners voted to allow citizens to apply for relief from outrageous water bills. Residents are required to sign up for the program by June 1, 2012. The new rate will go into effect for the months of June, July and August only. Consumers will be charged a flat rate of $10, in addition to a basic rate of $8, for 15,000 gallons of water used for sewer, watering or outdoor activities. Mayor Karen Hawkins voted against the measure, which was proposed last month by Commissioner Donna Irvin. “I feel bad for the elderly people that are on fixed incomes that can’t afford to feed themselves,” Irvin said. She said a single, elderly woman in her ward approached her recently about her water bill, which was more than $300. The woman had been watering her yard to keep it from dying during the summer drought. ELDERLY VS. RO PLANT COSTS Hawkins said she sympathizes with residents on fixed incomes but is worried about citizens taking advantage of the measure by running sprinklers and water hoses all day long during the leeway period. She said the city simply cannot afford to cut revenues, especially funds that support the city’s costly reverse osmosis system.

Crop Prices Wheat $8.40

Tuesday close

“I understand their dilemma, but we are commissioned by the people to get our town in shape.” Hawkins said. Bowman said the plan could be detrimental to the city’s income base. Commissioner Diana Williamson sided with Irvin. “I’m concerned with some of our citizens not being able to eat because they have to pay a $500 water bill,” Williamson said. “But it’s their decision to do that (water their lawns extensively),” Bowman said. Commissioner Jack Custer motioned to approve the sub-

Saturday Morning

We want to help get your Saturday started well. Since breakfast may be more difficult to come by these days, we are going to try to help for a while.

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Main Street Market Place (Cherokee’s Farmers Market)

Open every Thursday 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

WIC is Growing Healthy Families Great Salt Plains Health Center will be offering WIC services on Wednesdays. Clients that may qualify should call 596-2800 for an appointment. Those who qualify will receive nutrition education, food instruments and breastfeeding education.

HOMES FOR SALE IN CHEROKEE Looking for a new place? Start with these Cherokee properties. 1619 S. Oklahoma

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scription service starting in June 2012. The motion passed 4-1 with Commissioner Rachel Hager also voting in favor of the new summer rate. “HOT DOG” COOLER LATER Commissioners voted to table a proposal from Assistant Police Chief Chris Ferrell to buy a “hot dog” system to keep the city’s drug enforcement dog cooler in the summer months. The system costs $895 and would alert Ferrell if Qando gets too hot in the car when Ferrell is out on a stop. Commissioners agreed that because cooler fall months are

Apache, fourth, $210. Breakaway Roping – Austee Anderson, Durant, first, $840; Stacey Bailey, Cherokee, second, $630; Kelsey Chace, Cherokee, third, $443; Kory Ann McCuiston, Geronimo, fourth-fifth (tie), $140; Calia Parker, Weatherford, fourthfifth (tie), $140; Megan White, Alva, fourth-fifth (tie), $140. Team Roping – Andrew Ward and Jody Pinkert, first, $868.50 each; Andrew Ward and Reagan Ward, second-third (tie), $554.75 each; Trey Harman and Darrel Radacy, second-third (tie), $554.75 each; Steve Purcella and Chance Frazier, fourth, $289.50 each; Steve Purcella and Jody Padilla, fifth, $144.50 each. Barrel Racing – Kelly Garrison, Channing, Texas, first, $685; Linda Dyson, Pampa, Texas, second, $567; Kelly Pontius, Alva, third, $449; Stacey Bailey, Cherokee, fourth, $331; Carrie Hunt, Perkins, fifth, $212; Megan McMahan, Cherokee, sixth, $118. Junior Barrel Racing (Friday) – Lyndee Munsell, Woodward, first, $108; Sydney Wyatt, Cherokee, second, $81; Anthony Wiens, Nash, third, $54; Haven Davis, Carmen, fourth, $27. Junior Barrel Racing (Saturday) – Taylor Keenan, Fairview, first, $116; Anthony Wiens, Nash, second, $87; Haven Davis, Carmen, third, $58; Kendalyn Stueve, Perry, fourth, $29. Junior Calf Roping (Saturday) – Grant Wilber, Cherokee, first; Cole Koppitz, Alva, second. No prize money was awarded.


5 Bedroom 2 Bath


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Page 4 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011


Send Letters to the Editor to... Cherokee Publishing Co. • P.O. Box 245 • Cherokee, OK 73728 E-mail: "If by a 'liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people – their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties – someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'liberal,' then I’m proud to say I’m a “liberal.”

Only thing holding us back is politics By BARACK OBAMA President of the United States In August, I had the opportunity to get out of Washington, D.C. and travel to small towns and farm towns in the heartland of the country. I sat down with small business owners, farmers and ranchers in Iowa; I had lunch with veterans in Cannon Falls, Minn., and I talked to plant workers at a seed distributor in Atkinson, Ill. I made the trip because I think the rest of this country can learn something from rural America. The heartland is central to the economic health and prosperity of our nation. Rural communities provide us with affordable agricultural products, competitive manufacturing capabilities, and an independent, renewable energy supply. And you’re also stewards of America’s great outdoors – an important source of jobs and an incredible treasure for all Americans. Now we all know times are tough for many Americans – and rural Americans in particular. Some of you may have been struggling for a long time. But we also know what it’s going to take to get America going again. And we know it’s going to start with helping families in the heartland and across the country feel like they’re moving forward. That’s why, over the last two years, we’ve been focused on improving infrastructure – building roads and bridges and providing broadband access to millions of rural Americans. We’re expanding educational opportunities and helping more Americans get access to affordable health care. We’ve made historic investments in innovation and clean energy. And we established the first-ever White House Rural Council to promote economic growth in rural America – and to do it in a faster and more coordinated way. But even with the progress we’ve made, it’s also clear the pace of our recovery is still not fast enough. We need to do more to create jobs. That starts with getting your elected officials in Washington to put their differences aside and take steps right now to help businesses get more customers and create more jobs for Americans. We can cut payroll taxes again, so families have an extra $1,000 to spend. We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews – now sitting idle – can head back to the worksite. Let’s connect the brave Americans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with businesses to use their skills. And let’s pass trade deals to level the playing field for our businesses, because I want more products sold around the globe stamped with three words: Made in America. These are commonsense ideas – ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans. The only thing holding them back is politics. The only thing preventing us from passing these bills is the refusal by some in Congress to put country ahead of party. That’s the problem right now. That’s what’s holding this country back. That’s what we have to change. You deserve representatives who show the same kind of discipline, integrity and responsibility that most Americans demonstrate in their lives every day – leaders who can put their differences aside to help grow the economy and put this nation back to work. Because, for all the knocks we’ve taken, despite all the challenges we face, this is still the greatest country on earth. We still have the best workers and farmers, entrepreneurs and businesses, students and scientists in the world. Getting out of Washington and spending time with folks like you reminds me why I got into public service in the first place. Your work ethic, your creativity, your determination only makes me more hopeful about our future. And it only makes me more confident that if we come together, there is no stopping the United States of America.

Home of the Great Salt Plains & the Selenite Hourglass Crystal

Chipmunks? You gotta be kidding! Cute? Yeah. Furry? Sure. The best part of our vacation? That’s a stretch for even my wife the animal-lover, but she swears playing with the chipmunks at the top of the ski mountain at Red River, N.M. was the highlight of our By STEVE BOOHER 5-day excursion that included (in my opinion) much YOU CAN SEE from these more memorable photos, taken on the deck events. of the restaurant at the top For instance, we of the ski mountain in Red took in one of the River, why Sonya fell in premier chili cookoffs love with the resident chipand music festivals munks. She had them eating in North America – Cheetos out of her hand. the “Hot Chili Days These aren’t your run-of-the & Cool Mountain mill rodents; they’re wellNights,” held in Red fed tourist pets. River every August. Yes, we got rainsoaked and had to leave after only a few hours, but we heard a half dozen of the country’s most celebrated song writers. Then there was the “Cowboy Evening at Bobcat Pass,” where Michael Martin Murphy (Google him on the Internet) crooned one old-time cowboy song after another. One day was spent touring the square in Taos and having lunch at the famous La Fonda de Taos – a nearly two century old establishment that’s been a rest stop for everyone from movie stars to presidents. We even spent a night at the historic – and guaranteed haunted – St. James Hotel in Cimarron, N.M. The same hotel where Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Buffalo Bill Cody and a slew of other famous and infamous icons of the Old West hung up their spurs for a good night’s rest after a full day of gambling and gunfighting. Even our final hours in New Mexico involved more excitement than a bunch of rodents; we visited Cimarron’s, strangest yet most intriguing antique and collectible shops in America. That was followed up by walking into one of the old town’s many artists’ studios and purchasing – not one of his expensive paintings – but a large wind chime made from an oxygen bottle painted to look like one of the Aspens towering into the blue sky on a mountain top. But chipmunks? Yep, that’s what Sonya says made her vaca-

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our final New Mexico destination. It was everything the Internet story and video said it was – a trip back into the 1870s and ‘80s. I discovered along the way that Oklahoma City businessman Bob Funk spent the millions of dollars it took to bring the old hotel back to life. I’m not one to recommend vacations you’ll remember, but if you’re an Old West history buff, you can’t go wrong at the St. James. It’s one bit of history after another; from the roulette wheel in the hotel lobby to the gigantic back bar in the saloon (where bullet holes pock the ceiling from deadly gunfights) to a first-class restaurant with one of the best and most reasonably priced steaks I’ve ever eaten. The St. James is the real deal. And if you’ve got the time and inclination, you can take the ski lift at Red River to the top of the mountain and play with the chipmunks.

Share your opinion next week!

P.O. Box 245 • 216 S. Grand • Cherokee, OK 73728 Phone: (580) 596-3344 e-mail:

Published weekly on Thursdays at 216 S. Grand, Cherokee, OK 73728. Periodical postage paid at Cherokee, OK 73728. Postmaster: Please send change of address Form 3579 to the Cherokee Messenger & Republican, P.O. Box 245, Cherokee, OK 73728.

tion. “It was fun. I love critters.” I’ll give her that, but nowhere in all the background checks I did to investigate everything we could possibly do to make this vacation one to remember did I run across feeding chipmunks in Red River, N.M. Does she have any idea how inexpensive this little trip west could have been if I’d only known that a few chipmunks eating out of her hand was all she needed? You can tell from the accompanying photos why she feels the way she does about the cute, fuzzy and overfed – Alvin the Chipmunk wannabes. Sonya actually compared me to these critters. “Give him a Cheeto and he’ll follow you anywhere,” I believe was the way she put it. Maybe, but I’d put up my favorite part of our vacation up against hers any day. Give me an opportunity to walk the same dark, narrow hotel hallways as some of my Old West heros and you’ll see me turn into the 10-year-old who used to commandeer our black and white TV when the “Wyatt Earp” and “Bat Masterson” shows came on back in the day. I do my fair share of bad-mouthing the Internet, but when I ran across the St. James Hotel and its history, I was sold. It had to be

Alfalfa County.................................................................... $27.00 Elsewhere in Oklahoma..................................................... $35.00 Out of State........................................................................ $43.00

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Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 • Page 5

Miss Burlington 2011

MISS BURLINGTON Molley Vap (left) and first runnerup Addie Allen pose following the school's pageant held Aug. 18. Candidates were judged on talent, poise and an interview. Miss Vap will now represent Burlington in the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Miss Cinderella Pageant Sept. 29-30.

NW Oklahoma Business Expo Thursday, Sept. 29 ENID – The Northwest Oklahoma Business Expo is scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 29 at the Cherokee Strip Conference Center, 123 W. Maine Ave. in Enid. Registration for attendees is $39 per person. Student registration is $15 and may be made online at www.ruralenterprises. com. Registration includes breakfast, lunch, keynote addresses, breakout sessions, admission into the Business Expo and all materials for the day. The expo will provide busi-

ness and technical assistance to business owners and entrepreneurs in northwest Oklahoma. The one-day event features breakout sessions providing information on how to develop a business idea, leadership skills, growing a business and how to have economic impact on your community through job creation and sales. Keynote presentations will be made by the owners of “Big Truck Tacos” and “Mutt’s Amazing Hotdogs,” winners of the “Best of OKC” in three categories for 2011.

Cunningham’s Colorado Peaches

Straight from our family orchard to you! NOT packing shed peaches. Ours are packed right in the orchard, from tree to the box, to give you the sweetest, ripest peaches shippable. Bartlett pears too, when available. Refrigerated • Semi-Truck Load • 7AM til Sold Out

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We have one and two bedrooms immediately available for rent. We offer Income Based Rent to those who Qualify. Please call Cynthia at 580-852-3209 or come by 220 West 5th for more information

Salt Plains Veterinary Services will be Closed

Labor Day, Monday, September 5 Regular hours will resume Tuesday, September 6 For Emergency call 596-2478, answered 24 hours

Ronnie Steadman, DVM Cherokee ~ 596-2478

Dr. Cheryl Evans investiture Sept. 29 TONKAWA – An inaugural celebration for Northern Oklahoma College President Dr. Cheryl Evans will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29, in the Foster-Piper Fieldhouse located on the Tonkawa campus. A reception will follow in the lobby of the Renfro Center. Evans, a native of Cherokee and Cherokee High School graduate, is the daughter of Dean and Carolyn Stands of Cherokee. She will become the 13th president since NOC was founded in 1901 and the first female NOC president. She began serving as president June 1. Prior to serving as NOC president, Evans served 17 years at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. For 10 years she taught media courses and chaired the communication department on the Alva campus. For the past seven years she led the university’s Enid campus. While at Northwestern, Evans served as self-study chair for the institution’s 2004 accreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. She has also served as a peer reviewer for the Program to Evaluate and Advance Quality for the commission since that time. Evans completed her B.A. in Mass Communications at

Cherokee native first woman to lead NOC Northwestern, finished her M.A. in Communication at Wichita State University and her Ed.D. at Oklahoma State University. An active community member, Evans has served as the Enid Chamber of Commerce Chair for 2010-11 and is presently a member of the Tonkawa and Ponca City Chamber of Commerce boards. She is also involved in many civic and business organizations from her involvement in Alva, Enid, Tonkawa and Ponca City. This year, Evans is being recognized as one of the Journal Record’s Woman of the Year “50 Making a Difference” honorees. Evans and her husband Tom enjoy traveling and serving in their church. Tom is CEO and owner of Encompass Financial Services Inc., with offices in Cherokee and Enid. They have two daughters, Cara Evans Carson and Christa Evans. The announcement of her appointment was made during the February Board of Regents


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meeting. "The NOC Board of Regents is excited to announce the historic selection of Dr. Cheryl Evans as our thirteenth president," said Board Chairman Dr. Jesse Mendez. "Evans’ leadership abilities, energy and drive are a perfect institutional fit for NOC as an exemplary learning community. “Her selection is also a historic one for our 109 year-old institution, given that Dr. Evans will be the first female CEO since we began our commitment to student success on Sept. 8, 1901.” NOC will also celebrate 110 years of commitment to student success as a higher learning institution in conjunction with

the investiture. This event is open to the public. NOC is a public community college with campuses in Tonkawa, Stillwater and Enid serving over 5,000 students.


We will be CLOSED Monday, Sept. 5 for Have a Wonderful Weekend!

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Still trying to get "The Help" - Maybe next week.

201 S. Oklahoma 596-2705 M-F 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Page 6 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

Great Salt Plains Stampede Rodeo Photos by Korina Dove THIS YEAR’S Great Salt Plains Stampede Rodeo is thought to be the best attended ever. Anyone who missed the two days of fun can get a glimpse of the excitement (clockwise from top left): Team Ropers from across the state competed for a first-place prize of more than $800; Cherokee fourth-grader Payton Ream held on tight for first place in the calf riding competition; Shanna Ream walks with future bull riders and cousins Tyson Ream and Trig Ream during Saturday’s rodeo Parade; cowboys and bull riders Kelby Chace, Clay Cudmore and Brayden Nixon keep careful watch over Saturday night’s events; a young cowgirl picks up some extra cash during the Cash and Prize Scramble; Parade Marshal Betty Buck enjoys the view from the back of a Jeep Wrangler; Kade Chace and Brant Failes take a ride on a four-wheeler through the parade; Lane Pruett prepares to make a successful run during the calf roping competition; Cherokee volunteer firefighters T.J. Allison, Clint Ream, Aaron Ream and Justin Goss saddle up in the wild cow event.

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, September 1, 2011 • Page 7


Anderson celebrates 80th birthday this Saturday A reception will be held for He married Lavida Murrow Elmo Anderson from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 13, 1954. They have two Saturday, Sept. 3. at the Helena children, Gary and Lynnette, Christian Church Fellowship five grandchildren and five Hall. No gifts great-grandplease. When children. sending cards Anderson please include a has lived in special memory Helena since you may have 1962. He of him. Cards taught and can be sent to coached for Elmo Anderson the Helena RR1 Box 11B State School Helena, Okla. for Boys and 73741. retired in Anderson 1986. He has ELMO ANDERSON was born Sept. served on the 1, 1931 to Brytown council, ant and Opal Anderson in Byron. as mayor of Helena, on the He graduated from Lambert church board, and on the board High School. He graduated from of the local bank. He has been a Northwestern State College in member of the Helena Christian 1956. Church for 49 years. He served in the Oklahoma He enjoys gardening, camping, National Guard and the Korean raising cattle, fishing and followWar. ing school sporting events.

Folger 80th come and go set A come and go reception will She has four grandchildren, be from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Satur- six great-grandchildren and four day, Sept. 3 at the Amorita Se- great-great-grandchildren. nior Citizen Center to celebrate Folger worked for the Wichita the 80th birthday of Tressie An- Police Department from 1962 derson-Folger. No gifts please. until her retirement in 1987 Cards may be sent to RT 1 Box and moved to the family farm in 130 Manchester, OK 73758. rural Manchester. Tressie Anderson-Folger was She has been involved with born to Bryant R. the ABBD Senior and Opal L. AnderCenter. She drove son Sept. 1, 1931 the Senior Citiarriving minutes zen bus and has before her twin served as a board brother Elmo. She member numerhad six sisters and ous times and is two brothers. the current Vice She graduated President. from Lambert She is a memHigh School in ber of the Riding 1949. For Him Cowboy Tressie Folger She married Church. Marvin E. Folger Her hobbies inMay 28, 1949 in Cherokee. clude sewing, quilting, farming, They had four daughters Mary camping, bowling, playing cards, Francis, Marva, Elizabeth and community activities, hunting Jacqueline. and fishing.

Wheatheart Nutrition Menu Menu is subject to change. Monday, Sept. 5 - Labor Day Holiday - closed. Tuesday, Sept. 6 - Chuckwagon steak w/gravy, blackeyed peas, mashed potatoes, cornmeal roll, fresh fruit. Wednesday, Sept. 7 - Chef salad w/egg, cucumber, radishes, salad dressing, glorified rice, crackers, cinnamon roll. Thursday, Sept. 8 - Italian meatloaf, macaroni & tomatoes, cole slaw, oatmeal roll, chocolate cake. Call 580-596-2792 Cherokee, or 580-852-3248 Helena, by noon the day before.

49 meet for Jet Senior Citizens JET – Jet Senior Citizens met Aug. 1 with 49 present. Hosts were Ray and Bonnie Blewitt, E.L. and Betty Metcalf, Ella Mae Dale and Cecil Reinhart. The room was decorated with a watermelon theme. Birthdays in August were Dale, Elsie Tarrant, Betty and Connie LaGrow. Anniversary was Leona and Lyndall Bagshaw. Guests were Shawn Burnham, Paula and Kelsey Castle, Jan Sands, Rorey Lovely, Jason White and Ron Dellenbaugh. Donald Black and Lovely won the door prizes. Kelsey sang "The Sound of Music" and "Oklahoma." The treasurer's report was given by Barbara Jett, minutes by secretary Susie McAlister. Betty made a motion to pay Linda Kiser $25 a month for vegetables, LaGrow seconded, the motion passed.

MARGARET SMITH inspects a baritone left in the supply closet of the former Cherokee High School band room. Smith and others are putting together a band that will march through downtown Cherokee during the Sept. 16 Cherokee Homecoming Parade. The first practice took place at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the old band room. Anyone who would like to participate in the band is welcome to join the next The families of Dale Elliott would like to thank each practice. A few instruments stored in the supply closet are and every one for their kind words, calls, prayers, available for use. Anyone interested can call Smith at (580) 884-0284 for the next practice time. food, memorials, visits, and flowers since his death.

Carmen Methodist Church open, services resume 11 a.m. Sunday By MARGARET GOSS

Carmen Correspondent CARMEN – After almost a year, the Carmen Methodist Church will once again be meeting in Carmen. The large red brick building on Main Street had to be closed due to water and mold problems. Since that time, services have been held in Dacoma on Sundays. The new building located west of the Carmen Park will still need finish work but the church will begin holding services this Sunday at 11 a.m. Pastor John Bizzell has had the mantra "Believe" during the construction project. The metal building will serve as the sanctuary as well as a fellowship hall. The church hopes to

build a sanctuary in the future. Everyone is invited to join this service. CONDOLENCES Sympathy is extended to Hubert Mulkey due to the loss of his daughter-in-law from Oklahoma City. She has had a battle with cancer. FIRE DEPT./RESPONDERS MEET Fire Department and First Responders will meet Thursday evening starting at 6:30.

It is greatly appreciated.

Darla Harris & family Pat Jeffries & family Mike Elliott & family Frank Elliott & family Bobby Elliott & family

The Maxine Meeks family would like to thank Dr. Ron Hanson, Ed Jones and the CWF for the lovely service for our wife and mother. We would like to thank the Cherokee Manor and Ross Hospice for the great care they gave her and all our family and friends in our time of need. Gilbert Meeks, Marva Fallis Stewart, Mae Meeks

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Sept. 6, 7, 8 & 13, 14, 15 Tues.-Thurs. - 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Cherokee High School Cafeteria In observance of Labor Day, the following bank locations will be cLoseD Monday, september 5, 2011.

Jet state Branch

of the Cleo State Bank Jet, Oklahoma ~ 580/626-4434 Member FDIC

First carmen Branch of the Cleo State Bank Carmen, Oklahoma ~ 580/987-2238 Member FDIC

cleo state Bank Cleo Springs, Oklahoma 580/438-2223 Member FDIC

Meno Guaranty Branch of the Cleo State Bank Meno, Oklahoma 580/776-2257 Member FDIC

Class - $20.00 • Batons - $18.00 Please call 596-2314 for information Instructors: Ilene Littlefield, Macy Starks & Stacy Barber

Alva Classes - Katy Ferguson 551-9028. Girls will wear Cherokee T-shirts & black shorts for parade and performance SEPT. 16.

Page 8 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

Chiefs open defense of Class B title on the road By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff For nine months the Cherokee Chiefs enjoyed the label of "champion" when football fans discussed Class B 8-man football. For nine months the 28 players on this year's roster have strolled by the trophy case in the halls of Cherokee High School and been privileged to view what the "Gold Ball" trophy looks like. No one will ever be able to take away the 14-0 record or the big statue earned during the 2010 season, but at 7:30 p.m. Friday the 2011 version of the Chiefs will make its own mark. It will begin with a long road trip to play Southwest Christian Academy in a non-district match up. When polled, District B-1 coaches gave the nod to Laverne to win the district, with Garber the runnerup and Cherokee third. The Chiefs make the long road trip next week to face Laverne and must also go on the road to battle Garber on Sept. 23. Don't expect the Chiefs to fold under that kind of pressure, not after being picked to place fifth in the district last season, only to go undefeated to grab the Class B championship. SCRIMMAGE IMPROVEMENT Two scrimmages are out of the way and Coach Bryce Schanbacher has seen his ball club show improvement from the first effort at Helena to its second last week at Lamont. "We looked kind of soft defensively up front in that first scrimmage (at Helena)," said Schanbacher. "Our linebackers weren't attacking the line of scrimmage. "Last Friday (at Lamont) we made a lot of improvement. Our linebackers had three interceptions. The defense from week one to week two really made a lot of improvement." Offensively, the Chiefs moved the ball effectively, explained Schanbacher, against everyone

CHEROKEE SENIORS this season include (kneeling front row from left) Jerran Waugh and Austin Hawkins. Back row (standing from left) Derek Richmond, Wesley Gilchrist and Alex York. his ball club went against. He didn't mention scores against any of those opponents, because until the kickoff Friday evening in Del City, it just doesn't matter. HAWKINS, WASHINGTON OUT The Chiefs' mentor released his probable starting offensive

and defensive lineups for the opener. Offensively, junior Austin Huckabee will get the nod at quarterback after senior Austin Hawkins went down in the first scrimmage with a broken collar bone. Hawkins will be out a minimum of six weeks, but is ex-

pected back after surgery last Friday. "He could be back to running and throwing in a couple of weeks," said Schanbacher, "and we hope to have him back (on the field) midway through the season." Huckabee's backup will be

freshman Tanner Bowman, who was declared eligible to play for the Chiefs last week after transferring from Medford. "He's taking snaps at quarterback and will see some action this week," according to Schanbacher. Cherokee will also be without the services of junior Henry Washington. The speedy allpurpose back, who comes to the Chiefs from Aline-Cleo as part of a cooperative agreement between the two schools, is nursing a sprained knee. "I'm not sure how long he will be out," said Schanbacher, "but I don't expect him to play this week." Like Hawkins, Washington was injured in the first preseason scrimmage two weeks ago. Junior Josh Argraves will be the starting tailback, with sophomore Alex Castro, a bruising runner, at fullback. Senior Derek Richmond will be the wide receiver. BIG ACROSS THE LINE Cherokee will be big across the offensive line, with 210-pound junior Grant DeWitt at center, 275-pound senior Wesley Gilchrist at left guard and 265-pound senior Alex York at right guard. Michael Lucas, a 215-pound junior, will be at tight end. Defensively, Schanbacher has Lucas and junior Jerran Waugh penciled in at the defensive ends. Gilchrist will be the noseguard, with Castro and junior Landon Schanbacher at the linebacker positions. Sophomore Tanner Ducotey, one of Cherokee's big hitters on defense at 160 pounds, will start at cornerback along with Richmond. Argraves will be the safety. "We've got some young guys who have shown us they want to play. We've got to develop some depth and several of these kids have stepped up and surprised us," said Schanbacher. Two of those players are sophomores Zach James and

Year of the Tiger? T’lake hosts Ringwood By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff HELENA – Will this be the year the Timberlake Tigers roar back and earn a berth in the 8-man Class C title game? Coach Brian Severin's ball club certainly appears to have the skilled players to be playing in the championship game, but after being eliminated in the post-season quarterfinals last season, the Tigers' mentor isn't making any bold predictions. "We've got a lot of work to do," he said Monday when asked to comment about Timberlake's two pre-season encounters. "We're not as sharp as we thought we'd be with as many returning starters as we've got. "Our defense looked better in the second scrimmage, but our offense kind of let me down a little bit. Our passing game isn't up to par, but it takes longer for it to come around." QUARTET OF PLAYMAKERS With a quartet of talented senior playmakers – Coy Troutt, Stetson Buller, Logan Campbell and Mitchell Ballard – the Tigers look as good on paper as any team in Class C. Troutt, the Tigers' quarterback, and Buller, Timberlake's all-purpose on both sides of the ball, are legitimate gamebreakers. At 6-3 and 190 pounds, Troutt has a cannon for an arm and has the speed and power to break a long run at any time. Buller is a speedster and when motivated can turn any game around with his pass-catching ability on offense and his ballhawking abilities on defense. Last season both Troutt and Buller were slowed by injuries late in the season, contributing to the short stay in the playoffs. Campbell, at 190-pounds, is a bruising runner on offense and punishes opposing ball carriers as a linebacker on defense. Although diminutive at 5-9 and 145 pounds, Ballard gives Troutt another excellent receiver to throw to on offense and has the speed to play corner on the Tigers' defense.

If Timberlake's line play improves this season, the Oct. 20 encounter at Helena against rival Deer Creek-Lamont could decide not only the District C-3 championship, but be a preview of the state championship game. But Coach Brian Severin isn't about to be trapped into thinking that far down the schedule. His mind is on the Tigers' season opener at home Friday night against non-district opponent Ringwood. RINGWOOD IMPROVED "They aren't real big," said Severin of the Class B Red Devils, "but they're improved over last season. "Quarterback Brandon Maly is a good athlete." The Red Devils, said Severin, have some speed and quickness, and prefer running the ball more than passing it. "They run a 3-3 on defense," he said, "and that sometimes

can cause you some problems." SEVEN PLAYERS GO BOTH WAYS Severin released his probable starters on both offense and defense. Seven of the eight players on both sides of the ball will go both ways, an indication that the Tigers will either have to stay healthy or develop some depth if they hope to make a long run through the playoffs. Offensive starters will be Troutt at quarterback, Buller and Campbell at the running back positions, Ballard at split end and senior Casey Carson at tight end. Junior Brock Buller gets the nod as the starting center, with freshman Adrian Carson at left guard and senior Brandon Severin at right guard. If Casey Carson, who came on strong last season, shows the same kind of improvement this season, the Tigers could have another playmaker on their hands.

Cherokee Youth Football East Division - 3rd & 4th Grade

DATE OPPONENT Sept. 6 Waynoka 4th Sept. 13 Alva 3rd Sept. 20 Timberlake Sept. 27 Alva 4th Oct. 4 Waynoka 3rd Oct. 11 Timberlake TBA “Superbowl”

TIME 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA

WHERE Cherokee Cherokee Timberlake Alva Waynoka Cherokee NWOSU

Defensively, Brock Buller and Casey Carson will be the starting ends, with Severin at the noseguard position. Stetson Buller and Campbell will be the linebackers, while Troutt and Ballard are projected to be the starting cornerbacks. Sophomore Braden Seaman gets the call from Coach Severin to be the Tigers' safety. Timberlake goes on the road the second contest of the season, taking on the Sharon-Mutual Trojans at Mutual. Then it's an

off week before the Tigers open district play at home against Waukomis – four weeks into the season. LOADED WITH SOPHOMORES While Timberlake has seven seniors who either started or saw a lot of playing time last season, only two juniors are on the 22-man roster. However, the Tigers are loaded with sophomores – 10 to be exact. There are three freshmen playing this season. See TIGERS Page 9

Make checks payable to

Cherokee Youth Football at Farmers Exchange Bank Cherokee

Driving directions to SW Christian Cherokee Coach Bryce Schanbacher said it is relatively easy to get to Destiny Christian School in Del City, where Southwest Christian will host the Chiefs at 7:30 p.m. Friday. He suggested taking I-35 South to SW 29th Street and then driving 2 miles east to the football stadium.


Monday, September 5 Labor Day No School Tuesday, September 6 Turkey & Cheese Sandwich Baked Chips Sliced Tomatoes Lettuce Fruit Wednesday, September 7 Tater Tot Casserole Green Beans Whole Wheat Rolls Fruit Salad Take us with you to college this fall. Keep up with your hometown. Follow all the sports and other news from your favorite High School! OFF-TO-COLLEGE SUBSCRIPTION 9 Months, Only $27 Student’s Name: ______________________________________________ Student’s Address: ____________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________ State: __________________


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Andrew Stifter. James, said Schanbacher, could see playing time in the offensive backfield and at linebacker. "Stifter didn't play last year, but came out in the spring and has gotten better every day," said the coach. "I'm impressed with both of them." Southwest Academy hung with the Chiefs throughout much of their first-game encounter last season before losing 56-28. EAGLES LIKE TO FLY "They'll spread it out, try to beat you deep and play catch," said Schanbacher of the passhappy Eagles. "The key will be to get to their quarterback." Look for the Eagles to throw 80 to 90 percent of the time, said the Chiefs' coach. Defensively, he expects SW Christian to line up in a 3-1 and has seen the Eagles go to a 4-1. "They'll mix it up with manto-man and zone defenses," said Schanbacher. Cherokee will be on the road for the first two weeks of the season. Fans who don't make either of those trips won't see Cherokee in action at Chief Stadium until Sept. 16 when they face Kremlin-Hillsdale in Cherokee's homecoming tilt. 28-PLAYER ROSTER The 28 players on this year's roster include seniors Hawkins, Richmond, Waugh, York and Gilchrist. Juniors on the squad are DeWitt, Ruben Castro, Huckabee, Schanbacher, Washington, Argraves, and Lucas. Sophomores include Chris Klick, Alex Castro, Ducotey, Stifter, James and Brandon Kreimen. Freshmen are Michael Delbosque, Bowman, Gavin Kennedy, Davon Stokes, Conner Hester, Drew Hoggard, Dakota Knabe, Braden Waugh, Austin James and Trey Salinas. Joining Schanbacher on the sidelines are assistant coaches Matt Guffy and Rudy Ahdokobo.

Cherokee Publishing Co. 216 S. Grand ~ Cherokee, OK 580-596-3344

Thursday, September 8 Fish Sticks Mac ‘n’ Cheese Peas & Carrots Rosy Applesauce Friday, September 9 Sloppy Joes on Whole Wheat Buns Potato Wedges Banana Menu subject to change sponsored by

405 S. Oklahoma, Cherokee • 596-2800

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 • Page 9



Continued from Page 8 Seniors include Stetson Buller, Troutt, Severin, Ballard, Campbell, Sage Powers and Carson. Aaron Parks and Brock Buller are the juniors, while the sophomores include Seaman, Jordan Nichols, Jacob Henderson, Dakota Jantz, Taylor Valentiner, Brandon Daniels, Drake Young, Cameron Weaver, Kacey Reinhart and Allen Jenlink. The freshmen are Kashen Jackson, Adrian Carson and Layne Flemming. If his eligibility is confirmed by the Oklahoma Secondary Activities Association, junior Aaron Parks is an intriguing prospect for the Tigers. At 6-4 and in excess of 300 pounds, Parks has the size and the athletic ability to give Timberlake some of the line depth it needs this season. "He hasn't played since the eighth grade," said Severin, "but he moves well and there's some promise there. But you never know how the OSSAA will rule... or when." Parks has attended school at both Waukomis and Enid. Assisting Severin this season are coaches Nate Ross, Garett Powell and Chad Greb.

The Timberlake FFA & Fair Board

would like to Thank the following supporters for supporting our Trophy & Cake Auction

Follow the Tigers at home & on the road with the

Messenger & Republican!

SENIORS PLAYING their final year for the Timberlake Tigers include (kneeling, front row from left) Brandon Severin, Sage Powers and Mitchell Ballard. Back row (standing from left) are Stetson Buller, Casey Carson, Coy Troutt and Logan Campbell.

Timberlake Tigers vs Ringwood Red Devils 7:30 PM Friday, September 2

Cherokee Sales Company, Bank of Kremlin-Goltry Branch, Virgil & Marilyn Thorp, Double J Farms, Farmers Grain of Nash, Kan-Okla Telephone, Pioneer Telephone, Sidwell Insurance Agency, Wiggins Auctioneers, Farmers Exchange Bank, Clyde & Norma Campbell, David & Linda Shepard, Jeff Crissup, Fairview Sale Barn, Treny Inman-Dow Agri Science, Croft Chevrolet, R Store, Daily Diner, Sug’s Anchor Inn, LE Castle, Richard Winn, Northwest Stockyards, Carrier Mill & Elevator, Richard Castle, Kacey Reinhart, Mat Parks, Verlin Bain, Larry & Renee Campbell, Cecil & Jessie Mary Reinhart, Hammerheads Jiffy Trip Jet-Nash, Farmers Exchange Coop, Generations Seed Co., Hook & Cook Mmm, The North Sign Farm, Tom & Cheryl Thorp, Jantz Service & Garage, Alfalfa Guaranty Abstract, Dusty & Tammy Gaff, Craig & Shelley Shepard, Mary & Jim Blackledge Special Thanks to Elmo & LaVida Anderson, Richard & Norma Winn for help with our new barn.

Timberlake Local Livestock Show Saturday, Sept. 3 at 8 a.m.

Timberlake Tigers 2011

High School Football All games start at 7:30 p.m. September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 October 7 October 14 October 20 October 28 November 4

Ringwood Sharon-Mutual

Helena Mutual

Waukomis Covington/Douglas Coyle Carney Deer Creek/Lamont Medford SW Convenant

Helena Covinton Helena Carney Helena Medford There

JH Football All games start at 5:00 p.m. September 6 September 12 September 19 September 29 October 3 October 10 October 17 October 24

Covington/Douglas Cherokee Waukomis Waynoka 7th & 8th only Pond Creek-Hunter DCLA Ringwood Medford

Timberlake Tigers 2011 Football roster No. Name 1 Braden Seaman 5 Jordan Nichols 10 Stetson Buller 11 Jacob Henderson 14 Allen Jenlink 17 Coy Troutt 20 Brandon Severin 21 Mitchell Ballard 28 Kashen Jackson 32 Adrian Carson 33 Logan Campbell 42 Layne Flemming 47 Dakota Jantz 50 Taylor Valentiner 55 Brock Buller 56 Aaron Parks 76 Brandon Daniels 80 Sage Powers 82 Casey Carson 88 Drake Young 94 Cameron Weaver 97 Kacey Reinhart

Ht 5-5 5-5 5-10 5-8 5-5 6-3 5-11 5-9 5-6 5-7 5-11 5-8 5-11 5-9 5-8 6-4 6-0 5-11 6-3 5-7 5-10 5-9

Wt. Class 115 So. 115 So. 180 Sr. 130 So. 110 So. 190 Sr. 220 Sr. 145 Sr. 110 Fr. 200 Fr. 190 Sr. 140 Fr. 270 So. 250 So. 180 Jr. 300 Jr. 220 So. 195 Sr. 175 Sr. 230 So. 230 So. 250 So.

Head Coach: Brian Severin Asst. Coach: Nate Ross, Garett Powell, Chad Greb, Tyler Severin Film Tech: Karley LeForce Cheerleaders: Ashton Blewitt, Kayla Castle, Stacey Bailey, Kelsey Castle, Haley Blewitt, KaytlynnFrech, Kate Birkenfeld, Matti Hopkins, Delany Anderson

Jet Cherokee Waukomis Jet 6:00 Pond Creek Jet Jet Jet

First row (from left): H2O Tech Kylee Severin, Kashen Jackson, Mitchell Ballard, Brock Buller, Jordan Nichols, Braden Seaman, Allen Jenlink, H2O Tech Bailee Clift. Second row: Film Tech Karly LeForce, Adrian Carson, Layne Flemming, Logan Campbell, Jacob Henderson, Taylor Valentiner, Drake Young. Third row: Coach Brian Severin, Dakota Jantz, Coy Troutt, Aaron Parks, Casey Carson, Brandon Daniels, Kacey Reinhart, Coach Nate Ross, Coach Garett Powell. Fourth row: Sage Powers, Brandon Severin, Cameron Weaver, Stetson Buller. Not pictured Coach Chad Greb.

GOOD LUCK TIMBERLAKE TIGERS! Garden Gate Gifts Helena Shop 852-3298 Cell 554-2223

Cherokee Tag Agency 112 Loop Drive - 596-3428 Jeanne Pelter

Alfalfa Electric Cooperative

121 E. Main - 596-3333

Jet State Branch of the Cleo State Bank Jet, OK - 580/626-4434 Member FDIC

Sidwell Ins. Agency, Inc.

Serving Farmers Since 1980 Brenda K. Sidwell, Agent Bambi K. Sidwell, Agent Goltry, OK 1-800-299-2408

Dacoma Farmers Cooperative, Inc.

Farmers Exchange

Carrier Mill & Elevator

Sturgeon’s Corner

Jet, OK - 580/626-4578

855-2200 PO Box 59 Carmen, 73729

Helena ~ McWillie 580/852-3252 Goltry - 496-2359

Meno, OK 580/776-2245

Salt Plains Veterinary Services

Lanman Funeral Home

Ronnie Steadman DVM, & Staff Cherokee - 596-2478

Cherokee - 580/596-2002 Helena - 580/852-3212 Okeene- 580/822-3303 Kiowa - 620/825-4936

Cherokee Manor

Smith Drug Store

1100 Memorial Dr. 596-2141

121 S. Grand - Cherokee 596-2764

Yoder Gas Co.

Toby Walker

Propane & Anhydrous Jet, OK


First Goltry Branch of the Bank of Kremlin Goltry, OK - 580/496-2272 Member FDIC

Cherokee Family Clinic

Affiliate of Integris Bass Health Center

Cristopher Schultz, D.O. Niki Lewis-Wyatt P.A.-C 221 S. Grand - 596-3516

Progressive Windows of Fairview 227-9915

JMA U-Stor Cherokee - Helena 580-596-2476

District 3 Commissioner

405 S. Okla. - 596-2800

Alfalfa Guaranty Abstract Co.

Irwin Heating & Air

596-3394 - Cherokee

Carmen - 580/987-2765


Jantz Service & Garage

1504 S. Grand 596-3571 - Cherokee

Helena - 852-3219

Page 10 • Cherokee, Okla. • Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011


Franklin Dean Weber VALLEY CENTER, Kan. – Services for Franklin Dean Weber, 77, will be at 11 a.m. today, (Thursday,) Sept. 1, 2011 at Valley Center Christian Church. Burial will follow at Kechi Township Cemetery. Arrangements are by Baker Funeral Home, Valley Center. He was born on the family farm near McWillie to Frank and Cora Mae (Meliza) Weber and died Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011. He attended McWillie Grade School and graduated from Helena High School in Helena. After graduation he worked at Republic Seismograph. In 1954, he married Shirley Packard in Enid. They both worked at Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, Kan. He entered the Army in 1955 where he served in Anchorage, Ala. After his term in the Army, he returned to Boeing for two more years. He was employed by South Central Kansas Liquid Feed Company and Spread Fertilizer until he became Manager at Groendyke Transport in Valley Center until his retirement on April 15, 2000. He is preceded in death by his parents; and daughter, Brenda Weber.

CHEROKEE CHURCHES First United Methodist Pastors: Paul Calkin Jeni Markham Clewell Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. CHUMYouth Classes: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Evening Choir Chime:6:30 Choir Practice: 7:30 p.m. New Life Assembly of God Interim Pastor: Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Study & Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study: 7p.m. Prayer line: (580) 596-2155 Bethel Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Ed Jones Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Youth: 7 p.m. Adult Bible Study, Wed.: 7 p.m. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pastor: Dr. Ron Hansen Youth Minister: Barbara James Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:50 a.m. Youth Meet: 5:30 p.m. KREJ Radio Wed: 8:20, 12:55, 5:25 First Baptist Church Pastor: Tom Cooksey Assoc. Pastor: Brandon Holloway Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Discipleship Training: 6 p.m. Evening Worship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. St. Cornelius Catholic Church Pastor: Father Lawrence Mass Every Sunday: 11:15 a.m. Friends Church Pastor: Joe Woods Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m.

The Healthy Touch Sherry Green ~ CMT 580-430-6410

Rick Caruthers Construction, Inc

9th & Ohio - (580) 596-2341 ”24 Hour Service”

Smith Drug Store

121 S. Grand - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-2764

Alfalfa Electric Co-op

121 E. Main - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3333

He is survived by his wife Shirley; sons, Randy Weber of Wichita and David Weber of Carbondale, Kan.; four grandchildren; sister, Edith Jones of Aline. In lieu of flowers Memorials may be made to the Valley Center Community Scholarship Fund, % Les Anderson P.O. Box 218, Valley Center, Kansas 67147 or American Heart Association, 8630 E. 32nd Crt N., Wichita, KS 67226. Carl Freddie Mittelstet ALINE – The memorial service for Carl Freddie Mittelstet, 90, of Aline, will be 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3, 2011 at First Christian Church in Aline with Polly Young officiating. Burial will follow at Aline Star Cemetery with arrangements by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Helena. He was born April 30, 1921, two miles north of Fairview to Carl and Amelia Sonnenberg Mittelstet and died Monday Aug. 29, 2011 at the Greenbrier Nursing Home, Enid. In 1927 the family moved to a farm near Aline. He attended Ruby country school for eight years and graduated from Aline High School in 1939. He worked at the Somers Produce Station and had a rural ice route before volunteering for the Army Air Corps in 1942. He married Mary Vignon Goodno Dec. 2, 1942 in Enid. He served in the WWII European Theater as Communications Section Chief in the 572nd Squadron of the 391st Bomb Group, 9th Air Force. He participated in the Normandy Invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. He was a life time farmer. He operated the Aline Champlin Station for eight years and served as the Aline Postmaster for 20 years. He was a member of the Aline Chamber of Commerce, a 32nd Degree Mason and a charter member of the Kiner Ryel American Legion Post 152.He was the church board secretary

Living Vine Community Church Pastors: Matthew & Tamara Yoder BURLINGTON CHURCHES Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pastor: Dr. Richard Duckworth Church School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Church of Christ Riverside Preacher: Jeffrey Keele Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:50 a.m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m.

for 35 years. He is preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Herman, Richard, Edward “Edd,” Reinhold “Runt” and Johnie; sisters, Olga, Elfreda “Fritz” Wilma, Clara, Martha and Gracie. He is survived by his wife, Mary; daughter, Linda Carter of Edmond; son, Kirk of Stillwater; eight grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren; sisters, Emily Record and Doris Holle of Enid, Marjorie Green of Washington and Esther Mittelstet of Enid. Memorial donations may be made to the Aline First Christian Church through the funeral home. Memories may be shared with the family at Delores Lavone Hill Wichita – Graveside service for Delores Lavone Hill, 92, will be at 11:00 a.m. today (Thursday,) Sept. 1, 2011 at Bethel Cemetery north of Amorita. Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc., Cherokee. Viewing will be at cemetery only at 10:30 a.m. Lavone was born on April 9, 1919 near Manchester to Samuel M. Burnett and Ida Alice Mercer Burnett and passed from this life on Aug. 27, 2011 in Wichita, Kan. She moved 6 ½ miles east of Byron. She attended school at Willow Glen Country School for the first eight grades. She attended church faithfully and was baptized at an early age. Lavone attended nursing school for a short time in Enid. She married Charley Orth Hill on July 11, 1939 at Cherokee. They lived in Hinton for a short time, Redding, California, Auburn and Nashville, Tenn. because Charley worked for the railroad. They bought a farm near Amorita in 1943, where they lived for a few years, then moved to Wichita in 1957. Lavone got her GED in 1963 and continued her nurse’s training, but she did not gradu-

ate. Lavone was a wonderful homemaker, including keeping her home spotless and being a wonderful cook. She was a musician, playing piano, accordion and guitar, all by ear. Survivors include numerous nieces, Linda Blakeslee of Monument, Oregon, Glenda Mitchell of Livingston, Montana, Ruby Tate of Hanna, Carrie Powell of Enid, Diane Gagnebin of Abbyville, Kansas, Sharon Garrett of Buena Vista, Arkansas and Juanita Johnson of Amorita; nephews, Willis Hankey of Springfield, Missouri, Sam Hill of Amorita, Jim Hill of Mobile, Alabama, Dan Hill of Mins, Florida and Bill Garrett of Buena Vista, Arkansas; sister-in-law, Viola White and husband, Clifford of Clearwater, Kansas and special friends, Danny and Sheralynn Ambler of Wichita. Those who preceded Lavone in death include her husband, Charley; her parents; two sisters, Dora Burnett Scott and Ona Irene Burnett Pike; brother, Theron J. Burnett and nieces, Vonnie Heisey, Ruth Pointer, Nelda and Arlene and nephew, Wayne Scott. Memorials may be given to Bethel Cemetery through the funeral home. (paid) Helen Vanzant PRYOR — Funeral service for Helen Vanzant, 87, of Pryor, was at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 29, 2011, at Stephens Memorial Chapel, Pryor. Pastor Rob Harris officiated. Burial followed in Graham Memorial Cemetery. Service by Stephens Memorial Chapel, Pryor. She was born Feb. 11, 1924, in Waverly, Neb., to Ned and Grace (Bartlett) McWilliams and died Friday, Aug. 26, 2011, in Tulsa. She attended school in Alva, and graduated from Alva High School. She continued her education with two years of college. She was a book store manager at Angelina Junior College in

AMORITA CHURCHES Amorita Community Pastor: Guy Phillip Harris Morning Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m.

Pastor: Father Larry Kowalski Sun. Morning Mass: 7:30 a.m. Except for Special Occasions

Prairie Valley United Methodist Pastor: Mary Irby Morning Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. GOLTRY CHURCHES St. Michael’s Catholic Church

Community Bible Church Pastor: Bryan Baldwin Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. First Congregational Church Pastor: Jane Ho Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Green Valley Free Methodist Church Pastor: David Keller Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Wilber Fertilizer

TH Rogers Lumber Co.

Pate Agency LP

Croft Country Chevrolet


ACB Bank

323 S. Grand - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3337

“Personal Service with Sincerity” Marian Goodwin

106 West Second St. ~ Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3346 Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Family Meal: 1st Sunday, Noon Ladies Aid:1st Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Last Sunday: Holy Communion New Covenant Fellowship Pastor: Dale Cummins Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m. Wed. Yth Grp, Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pleasant View Mennonite Pastors: Dennis Koehn, Randy Schmidt, & Patrick Koehn Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid: 1st & 3rd Thursday

Vining Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer Mtg: 7:30 p.m. Fellowship & Communion last Sunday of the month

First Baptist Church Pastor: Scott Hofen Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: 6 p.m.

Cleo State Bank

Serving You For 46 Years ~ 1965 - 2011

JET CHURCHES Nazarene Church Pastor: Dean Holt Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m.

Helena United Methodist Pastor: Joel Thompson Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Youth Group: 6 p.m.

4 Convenient Locations Cleo Springs • Carmen • Jet • Meno

Pre-Arranged Funerals & Monuments

BYRON CHURCH Ridin’ 4 Him Cowboy Church Sunday Learnin’: 9:00 a.m. Sunday Preachin’: 10:00 a.m. Communion 1st Sun. of Month Fellowship Potluck 1st Sun./Mo.

Nazarene Church Pastor: Dean Holt Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Evening Worship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:30 p.m.

Winona Bruner & Paula Mahieu 401 Cherokee, Ste #B 580-596-2727


DRIFTWOOD CHURCH Driftwood Christian Minister: Greg Schmidt Bible School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Church of Christ Pastor: Bill Springer Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p.m.

301 N. Grand-(580) 596-3481 M-F 8a-5p • Sat 8a-12p

Hwy 64 South - Cherokee (580) 596-3348

Ellis & Associates Insurance & Real Estate

Please worship at the church of your choice. Farmers Co-operative

Cherokee Family Clinic

Affiliate of Integris Bass Baptist Health Center

Niki Lewis-Wyatt, P.A.-C Cristopher D. Schultz, D.O. 221 S. Grand, Cherokee - 596-3516

Murrow’s Frame Art, LLC

Cherokee * Carmen * Aline

427 Barnes St, Alva • 327-4600 Located in the Downtown Mall

Goodwin Funeral Home

Farmers Exchange Bank

200 Southgate - (580)596-3423

106 W. Second - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3346

419 S. Grand - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3371 - Member FDIC

Patton Agency - Real Estate

Great Salt Plains Health Center

Alva State Bank & Trust

(580) 596-3321

Dr. Keenan Ferguson, D.O. 405 S. Okla. - (580) 596-2800

Baker until it went out of business. He worked for Davidson Brothers Concrete and owned and operated a heating and air conditioning business for 25 years. He also worked for Northwest Storm Shelter and Basement Company for several years. He spent many hours constructing the log home in Cleo Springs where he and Sondra lived for eight years. They moved to Canton where he was living at the time he passed away. He is survived by his wife, Sondra of the home; sons, Gary Lynn Shoemaker II of Fairview and Mervin Custer of Woodward; daughter; Shari Moore of Helena; six grandchildren; one great-grandson; three brothers, Carl Shoemaker of Donna, Texas; Don Shoemaker of Fairview and Roger Shoemaker of Iowa; four sisters, Helen DeBusk of Mesa, Ariz., Peggy Prochaska of Lahoma, Sue Patterson of Enid and Annette Barrgree of Oklahoma City. He was preceded in death by his parents, one daughter, Leah (Shoemaker) Murrah; and one sister, Glenda. Memorials may be made to OMRF Cancer Division with Fairview Funeral Home Inc. acting as custodian. Condolences may be made online at


Zoar Mennonite Pastor: Gary Eastin Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. Sun & Wed Evening Serv: 6 p.m.

HELENA CHURCHES First Christian Church Pastor: Jay Drawbridge Wednesday Bible: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:20 a.m.

(580) 596-3440 Jeff and Ken

Lofton, Texas, and also at Seminole Junior College in Seminole. She was assistant vice-president at American Bank (RCB). She married Bailey Vanzant Nov. 16, 1942, in Cherokee. She was a member of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and First United Methodist Church. She is survived by husband, Bailey of the home; one son, Pete of Pryor; three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.   She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother and one sister. GARY LYNN SHOEMAKER CANTON – Memorial Services for Gary Lynn Shoemaker, 64, Canton, was at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011, at the Fairview Funeral Home Chapel. Reverend Dan O’Daniel officiated. Arrangements were by Fairview Funeral Home, Inc. He was born in Cleo Springs Sept. 13, 1946, to Carl and Mildred (Watkins) Shoemaker and died Aug. 19, 2011, at Mercy Hospital in Oklahoma City. He graduated from Cleo Springs High School in 1964. In 1965 he was drafted into the United States Army and served in the European Theater during the Vietnam War and was honorably discharged at the rank of SPC 5 Dec. 1967. He married Genevieve Kahn in 1968. He later married Sondra Custer in 1993. He was employed by Bond

Burlington, OK - (580) 431-3300 Member FDIC

Jet United Methodist Church Pastor: Mary Irby Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. UMW: Every 3rd Wed. 7 p.m. CARMEN CHURCHES Carmen Christian Church Pastor: Kirk Board Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Carmen United Methodist Pastor: John Bizzell Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Assembly of God Pastor: Rev. Mike Wiles Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Carmen Baptist Church Pastor: Jerry Stafford Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. ALINE CHURCHES United Methodist Church Pastor: Rachel Parrott Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: 5:00 p.m. Pleasant Plain Church of the Brethren Pastor: Elsie Koehn Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday Eve Service: 7:30 p.m. 3rd Sunday Fellowship following Church Service First Christian Church Pastor: Polly Young Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Youth Group: 4 p.m. CYF: 5 p.m. Wildwood Chapel River RoadNon-Denominational Sunday: 830 p.m.

The Caring Company 217 S. Grand - 596-3535 Lynette Morris

Yoder Gas Company Jet, OK (580) 626-4514

Burlington Farmers Coop Burlington, OK 73722

Smok-Shak, Inc.

2N & 2W of Cherokee on Hwy. 64 Dine In - Carry Out - Catering 596-3584 or 888-486-0686 Debra Engle, owner

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 • Page 11

Food Bank says 1 in 5 under 18 hungry in Alfalfa County OKLAHOMA CITY – The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger relief organization, has released a new study which reveals 22 percent of children under the age of 18 in Alfalfa County struggle with hunger. Statewide, the number of children that are food insecure jumped from one in five to one in four. “No child should have to go to bed with the pains of hunger in their stomach,” said Rodney Bivens, executive director of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. “Children should not have to worry about where their next meal will come from, or even if they will have a next meal. Working together, we can fight childhood hunger in Oklahoma.” The study, “Map the Meal Gap: Child Food Insecurity,” provides the following data for Alfalfa County in an interactive map format: •The percentage of the Alfalfa County population who is food insecure. •The percentage of children in Alfalfa County eligible for assistance from federal nutrition programs like Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), free or reduced-price school meals, and others. •The percentage of children in Alfalfa County not eligible for assistance from federal nutrition programs like Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), free or reducedprice school meals, and others. An executive summary of the report can be found at: childsummary . Oklahoma is the fifth hungriest state in the nation, where nearly 600,000 people are food insecure. The Regional Food Bank provides enough food to help feed more than 90,000 people each week. The majority of those served by the nonprofit are children, seniors living

on fixed incomes and working families who cannot make ends meet. “In spite of the Food Bank increasing its distribution over 80 percent the last three years and providing a record 46.2 million pounds in fiscal year 2011, the demand for food continues to outstrip our supply,” said Biv-

ens. The Regional Food Bank fights childhood hunger through food distribution at partner agencies throughout central and western Oklahoma. For more information about the Regional Food Bank, or to make a donation, visit or call (405) 972-


The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is a private, nonprofit organization that acts as a link through which the food industry and community may donate food and other goods.The products are then distributed to nearly 825 schools and charitable feeding programs in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties.

NW Tech hosts first ‘Training Showcase’ ALVA – Northwest Technology Center will host its first ever “Training Showcase” from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday. The public is invited to attend and get acquainted with NWTC’s instructors and learn more about the services and training options offered at Northwest Tech. “There are many jobs available in Northwest Oklahoma, if people are trained correctly,” said Charlotte Hadwiger, NWTC’s director of Business and Industry Services at Alva. “Our purpose is to educate people about the opportunities that are available to increase their employability.” Several instructors will be on hand during the event and will be available to answer questions. The featured programs include Truck Driver Training, Health Careers, Ag Business, Workplace Safety, Real Estate, Computer Applications, Business Success Skills, Digital Photography, Digital Scrapbooking and many others. Light refreshments will be served. Anyone wanting more information on the Training Showcase can call (580) 327-0344.


REED, OAKLEIGH and Hayden Nickel of Aline stand with their winning horses at the 2011 4-H State Horse Show.

It’s three in a row for Nickel Quarter Horses at 4-H Show SHAWNEE – Nickel Quarter Horses has captured state recognition for the third year in a row. Hayden, Reed and Oakleigh Nickel received state honors at the 2011 4-H State Horse Show on June 16-18 in Shawnee. The Nickel children participated in the 5 years and under mares class against 18 other competitors from across the state. Oakleigh placed fifth with Count My Curves. Reed placed

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Cherokee Publishing Co. 216 S. Grand ~ Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3344

Jet Jiffy Trip HWY 38 & 64

Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. • Deli closes at 8 p.m. Breakfast served all day, except 1 1-2 p.m. for LU NCH

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fourth with NQ Ima Cool Jewel. Hayden was named reserve grand champion showing HL Little Gold Nugget. Nickel Quarter Horses also was represented at the June 4 Northwest District Horse Show in Cherokee. Oakleigh’s mare received grand champion. Reed’s mare received grand champion, and Hayden placed third. Nickel Quarter Horses is owned and operated by Reggy and Eldon Nickel.

Page 12 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

Meth lab discovery leads to slew of felony charges By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff ALINE – Qando sniffed out a methamphetamine lab, but law enforcement officers at the scene probably did not need the City of Cherokee’s drug dog to point out any evidence. Members of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, Alfalfa County Sheriff ’s Department and the Cherokee Police Department used their Aug. 15 lunch hour to surprise William Darren Harmon, 47, of Aline with a search of his rural property that resulted in his arrest and six felony charges. In an open field owned by Harmon on County Road 310, officers confiscated a number of items relating to the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine. Among the items were compressed gas tanks containing anhydrous ammonia, filters, empty cans of engine starter fluid, rubber hoses, lithium batteries with the lithium removed and glassware. A search warrant served at Harmon’s residence the same day resulted in the seizure of glassware, plaster dishware encrusted with a “white crystal

substance,” rubber hoses, used filters, pseudoephedrine products, receipts for pseudoephedrine products ordered through the Internet, a small bottle that contained a white substance that field tested positive for methamphetamine, mail items depicting Harmon’s residency, two bottles of muriatic acid, two empty packages of allergy medication and 14 firearms. According to the affidavit filed Aug. 22 in Alfalfa County District Court, Harmon was attempting to pour anhydrous ammonia and other chemicals down the drains in his residence when agents entered the home. Harmon was placed under arrest and charged with unlawful possession of controlled drugs within 1,000 feet of a school or park, two counts of manufacturing a controlled dangerous substance, maintaining a place resorted to by users of controlled drugs, possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture a controlled dangerous substance in the presence of a child and unlawful possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Harmon is scheduled to appear at 9:30 a.m. Sept. 14 in Al-

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & become due serially within five (5) years Republican Thursday, Aug. 25, and Thursfrom their date?” day, Sept. 1, 2011. 2t The ballots used at said election shall PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE set out the proposition as above set OF ELECTION forth and shall also contain the following Under and by virtue of Section 26, words: Article X of the Oklahoma Constitution and Title 70, Article XV, Oklahoma Statutes _____ For the above Proposition 2001, and other laws supplementary and amendatory thereto and a Resolution of _____ Against the above Proposition the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 1 of Alfalfa County, The polls shall be opened at seven Oklahoma, also known as Burlington o’clock A.M. and remain open continuously School District, adopted on the 6th day of until and be closed at seven o’clock P.M. July, 2011, an election is hereby called to The number and location of the polling be held in said School District on the 13th places and the names of the persons who day of September, 2011, for the purpose of shall conduct said election shall be dessubmitting to the registered, qualified elecignated by the County Election Board(s). tors thereof the following proposition: Such officers shall also act as counters. PROPOSITION The specific projects for which at least “Shall Independent School District eighty-five percent (85%) of the proceeds Number 1 of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, of the aforesaid Bonds shall be expended incur an indebtedness by issuing its bonds and the dollar amounts for each project in the sum of Four Hundred Ten Thousand shall be as follows: to acquire vehicles for Dollars ($410,000) to provide funds for pupil transportation $410,000.00. the purpose of purchasing transportation WITNESS our hands as President and equipment, and levy and collect an annual Clerk of the above Board of Education and tax, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the seal of said School District this 6th day the taxable property in such District suffiof July, 2011. cient to pay the interest on such bonds as Terry Graham it falls due and also to constitute a sinking President, Board of Education fund for the payment of the principal thereof ATTEST: when due, said bonds to bear interest not James Maltbie to exceed the rate of ten (10%) percentum Clerk, Board of Education per annum, payable semi-annually and to (SEAL)

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Cherokee Messenger & Republican 216 S. Grand ~ Cherokee, OK

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & has been fixed by the Judge of said Court Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, and Sept. for the 28th day of September, 2011, at 8, 2011. 2t 10:00 o’clock, A.M., at the Court Room in the district court of said Court in the County Court House of alfalfa county at Cherokee, in the County and State state of oklahoma aforesaid, and all persons interested in No. pb-2011-10 said Estate are notified then and there to In the Matter of the Estate of Nadola A. appear and show cause, if any they have, Tucker, Deceased. why said account should not be settled notice for hearing of final and allowed, the heirs determined, and account and petition for final said Estate distributed and the Personal determination of heirs and Representative discharged. distribution an discharge Dated this 24th day of August, 2011. Notice is hereby given that Charles R. Loren E. Angle Tucker, Personal Representative of the Judge of the District Court Estate of Nadola A. Tucker, deceased, s/Ulf R. Heller, OBA #4055 having filed in this court his Final AcAttorney for Personal Representative count of the Administration of said Estate 1900 NW Expressway, Suite 507 and his Petition for the Determination of Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Heirs and for Distribution of said Estate (405) 843-4800 FAX: (405) 843-8611 and for Final Discharge of said Personal Representative, the hearing of the same

falfa County District Court. The penalty for unlawful possession of controlled drugs within 1,000 feet of a school or park is imprisonment for four to 20 years and a fine up to $20,000. Manufacturing a controlled dangerous substance carries a penalty of 20 years to life in prison, a fine up to $50,000, or both. Maintaining a place resorted to by users of controlled drugs

could result in imprisonment up to five years to life, a fine up to $10,000, or both. Possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture a controlled dangerous substance in the presence of a child is punishable by imprisonment for 20 years to life, a fine up to $50,000, or both. Unlawful possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony carries a possible penalty of two to 10 years in prison.

Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE EXPLORATION, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 27 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 12 WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Cause CD No. 201104221 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particularly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” attached to the application on file in this cause, and, if any of the named individuals be deceased, then the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, both immediate and remote, of such deceased individual; if any of the named entities is a dissolved partnership, corporation or other association, then the unknown successors, trustees and assigns, both immediate and remote, of such dissolved entity; if any of the named parties designated as a trustee is not presently acting in such capacity as

Legal notice trustee, then the unknown successor or succommon sources of supply underlying cessors to such trustee; if any of the named such section, with the permitted well for the parties designated as an attorney-in-fact units to be located not less than 1320 feet is not presently acting in such capacity as from the unit boundary; (iii) establishing attorney-in-fact, then the unknown succesthe initial boundaries of the Mississippian sor or successors to such attorney-in-fact; common source of supply of gas so as to and if any of the named entities are corpocover and include Section 27, Township rations which do not continue to have legal 25 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa existence, the unknown trustees or assigns County, Oklahoma, which section Appliof such parties. cants request be formed as a 640-acre NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apdrilling and spacing unit for such formation plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and underlying such section with the permitted Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed well for the units to be located not less than an application in this cause requesting the 1320 feet from the unit boundary; and (iv) Corporation Commission to enter an order, granting such other and further relief as as follows: (i) amending Order No. 192790 may be proper based upon the evidence to delete Section 27, Township 25 North, presented at the hearing herein. Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Oklahoma, from the purview of the Misapplication in this cause requests that the sissippi common source of supply and to order to be entered in this matter be made vacate the -acre drilling and spacing unit effective as of the date of the execution previously formed by such order for such thereof or as of a date prior thereto. common source of supply in such lands; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that (ii) amending Order No. 192790 of the this cause will be referred to an AdminCommission so as to enlarge and extend istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of the boundaries of the Endicott, Douglas evidence and reporting to the Corporation (Upper Tonkawa) and Oswego separate Commission. common sources of supply of gas so as NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that to cover and include Section 27, Township this cause will be heard before an Admin25 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa istrative Law Judge on the Conservation County, Oklahoma, which section AppliDocket at the Corporation Commission, cants request be formed as a 640-acre First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 drilling and spacing unit for such separate North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City,

Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 19th day of September 2011, and that this notice will be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicants and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use An interested party who wishes to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide his or her name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer to Cause CD Number. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA DANA L. MURPHY, Chair JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 22nd day of August, 2011 BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary

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LEGAL NOTICES published in this newspaper weekly? They are a vital part of


PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO KNOW Legal notices are published under court orders or legislative codes for the purpose of notifying one or more individuals of some proposed action or past event which may adversely or favorably affect their rights, interests or duties, and also for the purpose of giving such persons the opportunity to protect their rights, or to be heard in the matter. Many LEGAL notices have great value to taxpayers, such as those notices published by municipalities, public authority corporations, treasurers and others who are required by law to publish financial reports, budget hearing notices, ordinances or advertisements of bids of public work. These notices keep you informed as to how and why your tax dollars are being expended. They also prevent or discourage frauds, raids on public treasuries and favoritism in the letting of public contracts.


Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 • Page 13

Alfalfa County District Court dockets Criminal Misdemeanor Amber De Gordon (outstanding warrant), Eufala, has been charged with obtaining cash and/or merchandise by bogus check. Clenton Tyson McDaniel, Jet, has been charged with domestic abuse. Khaled Said Farid, Aline, has been charged with malicious injury to property. Corey Wayne Butler, Fairview, has been charged with malicious injury to property. Alexander Mathis Crosby, Cleo Springs, has been charged with driving while under the influence with blood alcohol content of .08 or more. Joshua Cole Irwin, Carmen, has been charged with public intoxication. Michael Andrew Brown, Helena, has been charged with driving while under the influence; driving while license is revoked. Cherri Jean Lyons, Cherokee, has been charged with assault and battery. Linda Lea Battles, Woodward, has been charged with driving while license is under suspension. Roberto Hernandez Ramos, Watonga, has been charged with larceny of merchandise from a retailer; driving while under the influence; obstructing an officer; resisting arrest;

two counts of making a threat of violence. Criminal Felony William Darren Harmon, Aline, has been charged with unlawful possession of controlled drugs within 1,000 feet of a school or park; two counts of manufacturing a controlled dangerous substance; maintaining a place resorted to by users of controlled drugs; possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture a controlled dangerous substance in the presence of a child; unlawful possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Clenton Tyson McDaniel, Jet, has been charged with three counts lewd molestation. Khaled Said Farid, Aline, has been charged with feloniously pointing a firearm. Civil Eric A. Sheik, Carmen, has been sued by Discover Bank for indebtedness in an amount less than $10,000. Deka Exploration Inc. has been sued by Great White Pressure Pumping for breach of contract. Alva State Bank & Trust Co. has sued Starks Cattle Company LLC, Cherokee Sales Company LLC, Timothy Dale Starks, SLAC, John F. White III and Dawn Ann White for replevin.

Marriage Licenses Keenan Matthew Hoffman, Cherokee, and Stacie Elizabeth Newton, Fort Collins, Colo., have applied for a marriage license. Cyrus Mitchell Cameron Sr. and Mary A. Garrison, both of Wichita, Kan., have applied for a marriage license. A marriage ceremony was performed by Judge Loren Angle. Protective Order Khaled Said Farid, Aline, has filed a protective order against Corey Wayne Butler, Fairview. Traffic Charged with failure to wear a seat belt, $20: Jason Maynard Spooner, Cherokee; Richard Dale Phillips, Tenaha, Texas; Raistlin A. Painter, Longview; Ethan John Martin, Jet; Gary Edward Gamble III, Vici. Charged with failure to display current license plate, $211.50: Alexander Mathis Crosby, Cleo Springs. Charged with inattentive driving, $211.50: Ramona Opal Herren, Cherokee. Charged with following too closely, $211.50: Ronald Lynn Smittle, Sallisaw. Charged with failure to pay all taxes due to state, $211.50: Roberto Hernandez Ramos, Watonga. Charged with failure to carry insurance verification, $211.50:

Roberto Hernandez Ramos, Watonga; Ethan John Martin, Jet. Charged with driving left of center, $211.50: Donald Kyle Knickerbocker, Alva. Charged with speeding 1-10 mph over speed limit, $188.50: Kyle Preston Smith, Alva; Patty Ann Davidson, Ringwood; Lloyd Berryman Fletcher, Tyler, Texas; Lana L. Sears, Woodward; Ernie Clinton Berg, Adair; Nathan Wade Harmon, Cyril. Charged with speeding 11-14 mph over speed limit, $226.50:Michael Anthony Lario, Monahans, Texas. Charged with speeding 15 mph over speed limit, $226.50: Anika Ariel English, Enid. Charged with speeding 16-20 mph over speed limit, $241.50: Stetson Blaine Clark, Mooreland. Charged with speeding 21-25 mph over speed limit, $281.50: Cheryl L. Flagel, Enid. Charged with speeding 36-40 mph over speed limit, $411.50: Mary Joyce Earlman, Cherokee. Charged with operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license, $256.50: Roberto Hernandez Ramos, Watonga. Charged with transporting open container of beer, $316: Roberto Hernandez Ramos, Watonga.

Cherokee Police Department daily logs Aug. 22 8:53 a.m. – Need to pick up dead armadillo at 10th and Colorado. 9:02 a.m. – Armadillo gone. 6:10 p.m. – Bee stings. Need ambulance. Aug. 23 6:02 a.m. – Dog running loose on Pennsylvania Avenue. 9:14 a.m. – Found yellow lab with no collar. Dog was impounded. Someone called about it later. 12:20 p.m. – Problems with skunks on Grand Avenue. Aug. 24 2:01 p.m. – Dog on porch. Aug. 25 11:12 a.m. – Black pickup at

Toni’s. Party is hollering and cussing. Truck moved in front of Department of Human Services building. 5:21 p.m. – Stolen items. Wanted to talk to officer. 8:21 p.m. – Needed officer to check on employee that had not been heard from since afternoon. Subject was found. Aug. 26 7:56 a.m. – Someone cut fence, stole charger. Horses got out. 7:37 p.m. – White truck spinning tires at 11th and Oklahoma. 7:41 p.m. – Males fighting in front of Chaparral Apartments.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & in this cause states that Applicants have Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t proposed the development of the separate BEFORE THE CORPORATION common sources of supply in the drilling COMMISSION OF THE STATE and spacing unit involved herein under a OF OKLAHOMA plan of development and have proposed APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE to commence such plan of development OPERATING, INC. AND of such unit by an initial well in the lands CHESAPEAKE EXPLORATION, L.L.C. covered hereby, and that Applicants have RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING been unable to reach an agreement with LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 26 the owners of drilling rights named as re TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH spondents herein with respect to such proRANGE 12 WEST OF THE IM posed plan of development of the separate ALFALFA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA common sources of supply in the drilling Cause CD No. 201104336 and spacing unit covered hereby. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All application in this cause requests that one persons, owners, producers, operators, or both of the Applicants, including Chesapurchasers and takers of oil and gas, and peake Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and all other interested persons, particularly through its agent, Chesapeake Operating, in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the Inc., or some other party recommended following: Nora Kathryn Coughlin; Eagle by Applicants be designated as operaEnergy Production, LLC; Jeff Glass; The tor under the order to be entered in this Jeffrey P. Glass Individual Living Trust, cause of the separate common sources dated 5/1/07; Leslie Glass Maxwell; and, if of supply in the drilling and spacing unit any of the named individuals be deceased, involved herein, including the proposed then the unknown heirs, executors, admininitial well and any subsequent wells under istrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, Applicants’ proposed plan of development both immediate and remote, of such of such unit. Applicants may request up to deceased individual; if any of the named one year from the date of the order to enter entities is a dissolved partnership, corporain this cause, within which to commence tion or other association, then the unknown the initial well. successors, trustees and assigns, both NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that immediate and remote, of such dissolved this cause will be referred to an Adminentity; if any of the named parties desigistrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of nated as a trustee is not presently acting in evidence and reporting to the Corporation such capacity as trustee, then the unknown Commission. successor or successors to such trustee; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this if any of the named parties designated as cause will be heard before an Administraan attorney-in-fact is not presently acting in tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at such capacity as attorney-in-fact, then the the Corporation Commission, First Floor, unknown successor or successors to such Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, attorney-in-fact; and if any of the named Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 20th day of entities are corporations which do not conSeptember 2011, and that this notice will tinue to have legal existence, the unknown be published as required by law and the trustees or assigns of such parties. rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ApNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and the Applicants and interested parties may Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed present testimony by telephone. The cost an application in this cause requesting of telephonic communication shall be paid the Corporation Commission to enter an by the person or persons requesting its order pooling the interests of the oil and use. An interested party who wishes to gas owners, and adjudicating the rights participate by telephone shall contact the and equities with respect thereto, in the Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to proposed 640-acre drilling and spacing the hearing date, and provide his or her unit in Cause CD No. 201104335, for the name and phone number. Douglas, Oswego and Mississippian sepaNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all rate common sources of supply, underlying interested persons may appear and be Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 12 heard. For information concerning this acWest of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) as well as in the 640-acre drilling and spac935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA ing unit comprised of Section 26, TownNo. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake ship 25 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the Cottage City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer Grove, Hogshooter, Cleveland, Big Lime to Cause CD Number. and Cherokee Group separate common DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 29th sources of supply with respect to the develday of August 2011. opment of such separate common sources CORPORATION COMMISSION OF of supply in such unit. The interests of the OKLAHOMA oil and gas owners involved herein and the DANA L. MURPHY, Chair rights and equities in respect thereto are JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair sought here to be pooled and adjudicated BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner pursuant to Tit. 52, Okla. Stat., Section BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 87.1 within and on the basis of the drilling PEGGY MITCHELL, and spacing unit covered hereby, and not Commission Secretary limited to a single wellbore. The Applicants


Nothing found. 9:21 p.m. – Neighbor at house when owner was not there. Owner wanted neighbor to leave. 11:17 p.m. – Drunk male at Toni’s yelling in parking lot. Also another man inside store. No one found.

Aug. 27 3:04 a.m. – Dog barking. 3:21 a.m. – Dog barking. 4:15 a.m. – Need ambulance for male who broke window, cut wrist. Aug. 28 3:26 a.m. – Caller thinks neighbor may have damaged truck.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & hereby, and not limited to a single wellbore. Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t The Applicants in this cause states that ApBEFORE THE CORPORATION plicants have proposed the development COMMISSION of the separate common sources of supply OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA in the drilling and spacing unit involved APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE herein under a plan of development and OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE have proposed to commence such plan EXPLORATION, L.L.C. of development of such unit by an initial RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING well in the lands covered hereby, and that LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 27 Applicants have been unable to reach an TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 12 agreement with the owners of drilling rights WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, named as respondents herein with respect OKLAHOMA to such proposed plan of development of Cause CD No. 201104222 the separate common sources of supply NOTICE OF HEARING in the drilling and spacing unit covered STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perhereby. sons, owners, producers, operators, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and application in this cause requests that one all other interested persons, particularly or both of the Applicants, including Chesain Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the peake Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and following: Devon Energy Corporation; through its agent, Chesapeake Operating, Eagle Energy Production, LLC; Farmers Inc., or some other party recommended Union Co-Operative Royalty Company; by Applicants be designated as operaEdward E. Lafaye; Lafaye Oil & Gas, Inc.; tor under the order to be entered in this U.S. Oil and Gas Holdings, L.L.C; Donald cause of the separate common sources L. Weber; Donald L. Weber; and, if any of of supply in the drilling and spacing unit the named individuals be deceased, then involved herein, including the proposed the unknown heirs, executors, administrainitial well and any subsequent wells under tors, devisees, trustees and assigns, both Applicants’ proposed plan of development immediate and remote, of such deceased of such unit. Applicants may request up to individual; if any of the named entities is a one year from the date of the order to enter dissolved partnership, corporation or other in this cause, within which to commence association, then the unknown successors, the initial well. trustees and assigns, both immediate NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that and remote, of such dissolved entity; if this cause will be referred to an Adminany of the named parties designated as istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of a trustee is not presently acting in such evidence and reporting to the Corporation capacity as trustee, then the unknown Commission. successor or successors to such trustee; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this if any of the named parties designated as cause will be heard before an Administraan attorney-in-fact is not presently acting in tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at such capacity as attorney-in-fact, then the the Corporation Commission, First Floor, unknown successor or successors to such Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, attorney-in-fact; and if any of the named Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 19th day entities are corporations which do not conof September 2011, and that this notice will tinue to have legal existence, the unknown be published as required by law and the trustees or assigns of such parties. rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ApNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and the Applicants and interested parties may Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed present testimony by telephone. The cost an application in this cause requesting of telephonic communication shall be paid the Corporation Commission to enter an by the person or persons requesting its order pooling the interests of the oil and use. An interested party who wishes to gas owners, and adjudicating the rights participate by telephone shall contact the and equities with respect thereto, in the Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to 640-acre drilling and spacing unit comthe hearing date, and provide his or her prised of Section 27, Township 25 North, name and phone number. Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Oklahoma, for the Tonkawa (Lower), interested persons may appear and be Cottage Grove, Hogshooter, Cleveland, heard. For information concerning this acBig Lime and Cherokee Group separate tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) common sources of supply, as well as in 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA the proposed 640-acre drilling and spacing No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake unit in Cause CD No. 201104221, for the Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma Endicott, Douglas (Upper Tonkawa), OsCity, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer wego and Mississippian separate common to Cause CD Number. sources of supply, underlying Section 27, DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 22nd Township 25 North, Range 12 West of the day of August 2011. IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, with respect CORPORATION COMMISSION to the development of such separate comOF OKLAHOMA mon sources of supply in such unit. The DANA L. MURPHY, Chair interests of the oil and gas owners involved JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman herein and the rights and equities in reBOB ANTHONY, Commissioner spect thereto are sought here to be pooled BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: and adjudicated pursuant to Tit. 52, Okla. PEGGY MITCHELL, Stat., Section 87.1 within and on the basis Commission Secretary of the drilling and spacing unit covered

Sheriff’s Department logs Aug. 22 11 a.m. – Grass fire northwest of Goltry. Goltry Fire Department dispatched. 1:28 p.m. – Non-injury accident east of Cherokee Post Office. 5:27 p.m. – Cattle out on Byron blacktop. Owner contacted. Aug. 23 6:42 a.m. – Suspicious vehicle in Cherokee. Everything OK. 8:44 a.m. – Cow out south of Cozy Curve. Left message with owner. 11 a.m. – Intruders at home in Cherokee. Caller said she has intruder going to take her daughter for money. Intruder in front room, children locked in bedroom. 5:25 p.m. – Semi-truck blocking roadway north of Amorita. Left message with Oklahoma Department of Transportation office. Aug. 24 3:11 p.m. – Non-injury accident east of Jet on US 64. Aug. 25 2:13 p.m. – Cow out one mile south of Cozy Curve. Owner notified. 6:37 p.m. – Reckless vehicle west of Cherokee on US 64. Aug. 26 12:59 p.m. – Grass fire west of Helena. Helena Fire Department paged out. 1:36 p.m. – Non-injury accident northeast of Helena. 7:30 p.m. – Calf out west of McWillie. Owner called. Aug. 27 10 a.m. – Semi-truck rolled with HAZMAT load. No injuries. Advised Byron-Amorita Fire Department, Oklahoma Highway Patrol. 2:46 p.m. – Eight calves

missing near Burlington. 6:53 p.m. – Suspicious vehicle in road in Helena. Nothing found. 11:31 p.m. – Underage drinking at fairgrounds. Deputy spoke with juveniles. Aug. 28 2:25 a.m. – Girlfriend is drunk and called another drunk to pick her up. Boyfriend could not get her in house in Jet. 3:23 a.m. – Disturbing neighbor in Cherokee. Neighbor now has mysterious dent in truck. 6:34 a.m. – Non-injury accident east of Burlington. Burlington Fire and Rescue paged. 7:44 a.m. – Suspicious vehicle south of Cherokee and west of Helena. Guns in vehicle. Driver of truck said they were looking for hunting leases. 4:11 p.m. – Family disturbance. Sister was at graveyard saying she wanted to hurt herself. Has 4-year-old with her. Sister said she had argument with mother and she was OK. 6:20 p.m. – Sick horse in Carmen. Horse is lying down. Caller thought horse was dead but moved its ear. Horse up and looks healthy. 6:21 p.m. – Theft northeast of Cherokee. Farm shop broken into. 6:49 p.m. – Cattle out east of Capron. Notified neighbor who put them up. 8:57 p.m. – Car hit deer northwest of Burlington. No inuries. Notified Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Burlington Fire and Rescue. Aug. 29 7:44 a.m. – Cow out west of McWillie. Notified owner.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & along such horizontal portion or lateral and Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t from any point on or along such completion BEFORE THE CORPORATION interval, and to be completed in and to proCOMMISSION OF THE STATE OF duce hydrocarbons from the above-named OKLAHOMA separate common sources of supply, with APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE such authorization and permission runEXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, ning in favor of Applicant or some other LLC RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION party recommended by Applicant; and EXCEPTION (ii) establishing a proper allowable for LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 24, the proposed well involved herein as to Township 27 North, the separate common sources of supply Range 9 West of the IM, covered hereby, which allowable Applicant Alfalfa County, Oklahoma requests be established as a full allowCause CD No. 201104344 able with no downward adjustment made NOTICE OF HEARing thereto. Such application further states STATE OF OKLAHOMA that there is currently pending before the TO: All persons, owners, producers, Commission an application of Applicant to operators, purchasers and takers of oil form 640-acre drilling and spacing units in and gas, and all other interested persons, said Section 24 for the Tonkawa, Cottage particularly in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, Grove, Cleveland, Oswego, Cherokee, including the following: Chesapeake Mississippi Chat and Mississippi Lime Operating, Inc.; Chesapeake Exploration, separate common sources of supply. L.L.C.; Panther Energy Company, LLC; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fairway Resources Partners II, LLC; and application in this cause requests that the if any of the above-named parties is a disorder to be entered in this matter be made solved partnership, corporation or other effective as of the date of the execution association, then the unknown successors, thereof or as of a date prior thereto and trustees and assigns, both immediate and that the authorization and permission remote, of such dissolved entity. requested herein run in favor of Applicant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that or some other party recommended by Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and Applicant. Production, LLC, has filed an application NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the in this cause requesting the Corporation “land sections adjacent to the area within Commission of Oklahoma to enter an the location exception” requested herein order, to be effective as of the date of the in said Section 24 in regard to the subsurexecution thereof or as of a date prior face location tolerance areas described thereto, as follows: (i) authorizing and above are Sections 13 and 25, Township permitting an exception to the permitted 27 North, Range 9 West of the IM, Alfalfa well location tolerances in the 640-acre County, Oklahoma; and Sections 18, 19 drilling and spacing units to be formed in and 30, Township 27 North, Range 8 West Section 24, Township 27 North, Range 9 of the IM, Grant County, Oklahoma. The West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, other “land sections” surrounding said for the Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, CleveSection 24 are Sections 14, 23 and 26, land, Oswego, Cherokee, Mississippi Chat Township 27 North, Range 9 West of the and Mississippi Lime separate common IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. sources of supply, so as to allow a well to NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this be drilled from a surface location being not cause is set before an administrative law closer than 200 feet from the south line and judge for hearing, taking of evidence and not closer than 660 feet from the east line reporting to the Corporation Commission of said Section 24 to subsurface locations of Oklahoma. of such well’s entry into and such well’s NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this exit from each of the Tonkawa, Cottage cause is set for hearing before an adminGrove, Cleveland, Oswego and Cherokee istrative law judge on the Conservation separate common sources of supply being Docket at the Western Regional Service as follows: not closer than 200 feet from Office of the Corporation Commission, the south line and 660 feet from the east Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln line of said Section 24, and to subsurface Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at locations of such well’s entry into and such 8:30 A.M. on the 19th day of September, well’s exit and potential exit from each of 2011, and that this notice be published the Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime or as required by law and the rules of the both such separate common sources of Commission. supply being as follows: not closer than NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 200 feet from the south line and 660 feet Applicant and interested parties may presfrom the east line of said Section 24, with ent testimony by telephone. The cost of the first perforation in the horizontal portion telephonic communication shall be paid by or lateral of the borehole of such well in the the person or persons requesting its use. Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime or both Interested parties who wish to participate such separate common sources of supply by telephone shall contact Applicant or being as follows: not closer than 200 feet Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing from the south line and 660 feet from the date, and provide their names and teleeast line of said Section 24, and with the phone numbers. last perforation in the horizontal portion or NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all lateral of the borehole of such well in the interested persons may appear and be Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime or both heard. For information concerning this such separate common sources of supply action, contact John R. Reeves, attorbeing as follows: not closer than 200 feet ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two from the north line and 660 feet from the Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, east line of said Section 24, and with the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Teleterminus or end point of the horizontal phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, portion or lateral of the borehole of such SandRidge Exploration and Production, well and such well’s potential exit from LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma the Mississippi Chat and Mississippi Lime City, Oklahoma 73102-6406, Telephone: separate common sources of supply being (405) 429-6344. as follows: not closer than 200 feet from CORPORATION COMMISSION the north line and 660 feet from the east OF OKLAHOMA line of said Section 24, and with a “tolerDANA L. MURPHY, Chair ance distance” for the above-described JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair subsurface locations, horizontal portion BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner or lateral and completion interval of such DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th well being as follows: a distance of not day of August, 2011. more than 100 feet in an easterly direction BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: and in a westerly direction from any such PEGGY MITCHELL, subsurface location, from any point on or Commission Secretary

Page 14 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

LEGAL NOTICES Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t Notice for sealed bids Sealed bids will be accepted in the office of Alfalfa County Clerk until 10:00 AM, Monday, September 12, 2011 for an auctioneer to hold a county auction. Specifications may be obtained from the county clerk’s office at 300 South Grand, Cherokee, Oklahoma. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bruce Martin, County Clerk

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t Notice for sealed bids Sealed bids will be accepted in the office of Alfalfa County Clerk until 10:00 AM, Monday, September 12, 2011 for one truck-tractor with stainless steel tank. Specifications may be obtained from the county clerk’s office at 300 South Grand, Cherokee, Oklahoma. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bruce Martin, County Clerk

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & source of supply underlying such section, Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t with the permitted well for the units to be BEFORE THE CORPORATION located not less than 1320 feet from the COMMISSION OF THE STATE unit boundary; (iii) establishing the initial OF OKLAHOMA boundaries of the Douglas and MississipAPPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE pian separate common sources of supply OPERATING, INC. AND of gas so as to cover and include Section CHESAPEAKE EXPLORATION, L.L.C. 26, Township 25 North, Range 12 West of RELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, which LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 26 section Applicants request be formed as TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH a 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for RANGE 12 WEST OF THE IM such formation underlying such section ALFALFA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA with the permitted well for the units to Cause CD No. 201104335 be located not less than 1320 feet from NOTICE OF HEARING the unit boundary; and (iv) granting such STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perother and further relief as may be proper sons, owners, producers, operators, based upon the evidence presented at the purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and hearing herein. all other interested persons, particularly in NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particuapplication in this cause requests that the larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” order to be entered in this matter be made attached to the application on file in this effective as of the date of the execution cause, and, if any of the named individuals thereof or as of a date prior thereto. be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees this cause will be referred to an Adminand assigns, both immediate and remote, istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of of such deceased individual; if any of the evidence and reporting to the Corporation named entities is a dissolved partnership, Commission. corporation or other association, then the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that unknown successors, trustees and asthis cause will be heard before an Adminsigns, both immediate and remote, of such istrative Law Judge on the Conservation dissolved entity; if any of the named parties Docket at the Corporation Commission, designated as a trustee is not presently First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 acting in such capacity as trustee, then the North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, unknown successor or successors to such Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 20th day of trustee; if any of the named parties desigSeptember 2011, and that this notice will nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently be published as required by law and the acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, rules of the Commission. then the unknown successor or successors NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the the Applicants and interested parties may named entities are corporations which present testimony by telephone. The cost do not continue to have legal existence, of telephonic communication shall be paid the unknown trustees or assigns of such by the person or persons requesting its parties. use. An interested party who wishes to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apparticipate by telephone shall contact the plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed the hearing date, and provide his or her an application in this cause requesting name and phone number. the Corporation Commission to enter an NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all order, as follows: (i) amending Order No. interested persons may appear and be 192790 to delete Section 26, Township heard. For information concerning this ac25 North, Range12 West of the IM, Alfalfa tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) County, Oklahoma, from the purview of 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA the Tonkawa (Lower) and Mississippi No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake separate common sources of supply and Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma to vacate the -acre drilling and spacing City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer unit previously formed by such order for to Cause CD Number. such separate common sources of supply CORPORATION COMMISSION OF in such lands; (ii) amending Order No. OKLAHOMA 192790 of the Commission so as to enlarge DANA L. MURPHY, Chair and extend the boundaries of the Oswego JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair common source of supply of gas so as to BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner cover and include Section 26, Township DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th day 25 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa of August, 2011. County, Oklahoma, which section AppliBY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: cants request be formed as a 640-acre PEGGY MITCHELL, drilling and spacing unit for such common Commission Secretary Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & of development of such units by an initial Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t well in the lands covered hereby. Such BEFORE THE CORPORATION application further states that Applicant COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF has been unable to reach an agreement OKLAHOMA with the owners of drilling rights named as APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE respondents herein with respect to such EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, proposed plan of development of the sepaLLC rate common sources of supply in the units RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING covered hereby. Such application further LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 24, requests up to 365 days within which to Township 27 North, commence operations on or in connection Range 9 West of the IM, with such initial well under such plan of deAlfalfa County, Oklahoma velopment. Such application further states Cause CD No. 201104343 that there is currently pending before the NOTICE OF HEARING Commission an application of Applicant to STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perform 640-acre drilling and spacing units in sons, owners, producers, operators, said Section 24 for the Tonkawa, Cottage purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and Grove, Cleveland, Oswego, Cherokee, all other interested persons, particularly Mississippi Chat and Mississippi Lime in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the separate common sources of supply. following: American Innovative Royalty NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Systems; Bandera Minerals, LLC; Caddo the application in this cause requests that Maple, LLC; Chesapeake Exploration, SandRidge Exploration and Production, LLC; Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; CleLLC, or some other party recommended roy, Inc.; Ford Royalty Company; Inez by Applicant be designated as operator Johnson; Jackie Dean Johnson; J.R. under the order to be entered herein of the McGinley, as Trustee of the JR McGinley separate common sources of supply in the Revocable Trust dated January 2,1990; units covered hereby, including the initial Kirby Minerals; Lanroy, Inc.; Marla Jo well and any subsequent well or wells to Johnson; Michael Bill Johnson; Patrick be drilled under or otherwise covered by A. McGinley, as Trustee of the Patrick A. Applicant’s proposed plan of development McGinley Revocable Trust dated January of such units. 2, 1990; Steven James Johnson; SuNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this san Lee Stansberry; Vern Zurber; Yetta cause is set before an administrative law Rosenbloom; if any of the above-named judge for hearing, taking of evidence and individuals be deceased, then the unknown reporting to the Corporation Commission heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, of Oklahoma. trustees and assigns, both immediate and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this remote, of such deceased individual; if cause will be heard before an administraany of the above-named parties that is tive law judge on the Conservation Docket a partnership, corporation or other asat the Western Regional Service Office of sociation be dissolved, then the unknown the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe successors, trustees and assigns, both Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, immediate and remote, of such dissolved Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. on entity; and if any of the above-named parthe 19th day of September , 2011, and ties designated as a trustee is not presently that this notice be published as required by acting in such capacity as trustee, then law and the rules of the Commission. the unknown successor or successors to NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that such trustee. Applicant and interested parties may presNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ent testimony by telephone. The cost of Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and telephonic communication shall be paid by Production, LLC, has filed an application the person or persons requesting its use. in this cause requesting the Corporation Interested parties who wish to participate Commission of Oklahoma to enter an order by telephone shall contact Applicant or pooling the interests, and adjudicating the Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing rights and equities in connection therewith, date, and provide their names and teleof the oil and gas owners in the 640-acre phone numbers. drilling and spacing units to be formed in NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Section 24, Township 27 North, Range 9 interested persons may appear and be West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, heard. For information concerning this acfor the Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Cleve- tion, contact John R. Reeves, attorney, OBA land, Oswego, Cherokee, Mississippi Chat #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two Leadership and Mississippi Lime separate common Square, 211 North Robinson, Oklahoma sources of supply, in respect to the devel- City, Oklahoma 73102, Telephone: (405) opment of such separate common sources 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, SandRidge Exof supply in such units. The interests of the ploration and Production, LLC, 123 Robert oil and gas owners involved herein and the S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73102rights and equities in respect thereto are 6406, Telephone: (405) 429-6344. sought herein to be pooled and adjudicated CORPORATION COMMISSION OF pursuant to 52 O.S. §87.1 within and on OKLAHOMA the basis of the units covered hereby as DANA. L. MURPHY, Chair a group or unit, and not limited to a single JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair wellbore. The application in this cause BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner states that Applicant has proposed the DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th development of the separate common day of August 2011. sources of supply in the units involved BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: herein under a plan of development and PEGGY MITCHELL, has proposed to commence such plan Commission Secretary


Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & and to vacate the 160-acre drilling and Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t spacing units previously formed by such BEFORE THE CORPORATION order for such separate common sources COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF of supply in said Section 24; (iii) amending OKLAHOMa a prior order of the Commission to enlarge APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE and extend the boundaries of the Tonkawa, EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, Cottage Grove, Cleveland, Oswego, LLC Cherokee, Mississippi Chat and MissisRELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING sippi Lime separate common sources of LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 24, supply of gas so as to cover and include Township 27 North, said Section 24 and to form proper drillRange 9 West of the IM, ing and spacing units in such section for Alfalfa County, Oklahoma such separate common sources of supply, Cause CD No. 201104350 which units Applicant requests be formed NOTICE OF HEARING as 640-acre drilling and spacing units; and STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All per(iv) granting such other and further relief as sons, owners, producers, operators, may be proper based upon the evidence purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and presented at the hearing herein. all other interested persons, particularly NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the the application in this cause requests that following: American Innovative Royalty the order to be entered in this matter Systems; Bandera Minerals, LLC; Caddo be made effective as of the date of the Maple, LLC; Chesapeake Exploration, execution LLC; Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; Cleroy, thereof or as of a date prior thereto and Inc.; Edward J. Zuber; Eldee Johnson; seeks to amend the above-named orders Ford Royalty Company; Inez Johnson; in the manner set forth above and Order Irene Unruh; J. Cole Ream; J.R. McGinley, No. 583337 with respect to the Tonkawa, as Trustee of the JR McGinley Revocable Cottage Grove, Cleveland, Oswego, Trust dated January 2,1990; Jackie Dean Cherokee, Mississippi Chat and MissisJohnson; Jacqueline Johnson; James sippi Lime separate common sources in V. Zuber; John Johnson; Kirby Minerals; the lands covered hereby. Lanroy, Inc.; Marla Jo Johnson; Martha NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Lu McKown; Martin Buchanan; Mary cause is set before an administrative law Jana Drew; Michael Bill Johnson; Patrick judge for hearing, taking of evidence and A. McGinley, as Trustee of the Patrick A. reporting to the Commission. McGinley Revocable Trust dated JanuNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this ary 2, 1990; Peggy Lippert; Rhae Faye cause will be heard before an administraJohnson; Robert L. Cummins; Danielle tive law judge on the Conservation Docket G. Cummins; Steven James Johnson; at the Western Regional Service Office of Susan Lee Stansberry; Vern Zurber; the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Vonica Matheny; William D. Beebe; Yetta Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Rosenbloom; if any of the above-named Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. on individuals be deceased, then the unknown the 19th day of September , 2011, and that heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, this notice be published as required by law trustees and assigns, both immediate and and the rules of the Commission. remote, of such deceased individual; if NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any of the above-named parties is a disApplicant and interested parties may pressolved partnership, corporation or other ent testimony by telephone. The cost of association, then the unknown successors, telephonic communication shall be paid by trustees and assigns, both immediate and the person or persons requesting its use. remote, of such dissolved entity; and if any Interested parties who wish to participate of the above-named parties designated as by telephone shall contact Applicant or a trustee is not presently acting in such Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing capacity as trustee, then the unknown sucdate, and provide their names and telecessor or successors to such trustee. phone numbers. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and interested persons may appear and be Production, LLC, has filed an application heard. For information concerning this acin this cause requesting the Corporation tion, contact John R. Reeves, Attorney, OBA Commission of Oklahoma to enter an #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two Leadership order, to be effective as of the date of the Square, 211 North Robinson, Oklahoma execution thereof or as of a date prior City, Oklahoma 73102, Telephone: (405) thereto, as follows: (i) amending Order 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, SandRidge ExNo. 391555 to delete the NE¼ of Section ploration and Production, LLC, 123 Robert 24, Township 27 North, Range 9 West of S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, from the 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) 429-6344. purview and boundaries of the Tonkawa, CORPORATION COMMISSION OF Cottage Grove, Oswego and Mississippi OKLAHOMA Lime separate common sources of supply DANA L. MURPHY, Chair and to vacate the 160-acre drilling and JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair spacing units previously formed by such BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner order for such separate common sources DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th of supply in the NE¼ of said Section 24; (ii) day of August, 2011. amending Order No. 328377 to delete said BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: Section 24 from the purview and boundarPEGGY MITCHELL, ies of the Cherokee Sand and Mississippi Commission Secretary Chat separate common sources of supply Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and the Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t location of the end points of the completion BEFORE THE CORPORATION interval for the Douglas, Oswego, Cottage COMMISSION OF THE STATE Grove, Hogshooter, Cleveland, Big Lime OF OKLAHOMA and Cherokee Group separate common APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE sources of supply will be no closer than OPERATING, INC. AND 330 feet from the north line and no closer CHESAPEAKE EXPLORATION, L.L.C. than 1320 feet from the west line and no RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION closer than 330 feet from the south line EXCEPTION and no closer than 1320 feet from the west LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 26 line of the unit comprising said Section TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, 26, Township 25 North, Range 12 West RANGE 12 WEST OF THE IM, of the IM, AlfalfaCounty, Oklahoma, with ALFALFA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA a tolerance of 100 feet from the proposed Cause CD No. 201104337 completion interval, NOTICE OF HEARING and to be completed in and produce STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, hydrocarbons from the above-named owners, producers, operators, purchasers separate common sources of supply; (ii) and takers of oil and gas, and all other interproviding for the re-opening of the cause ested persons, particularly in Alfalfa County, at such time as the bottom hole location Oklahoma, more particularly the parties set of the well proposed hereunder has been out on the Exhibit “A” attached to the apdetermined; and (iii) establishing a proper plication on file in this cause, and, if any of allowable with no downward adjustment the named individuals be deceased, then made thereto. the unknown heirs, executors, administraNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the tors, devisees, trustees and assigns, both application in this cause requests that the immediate and remote, of such deceased order be entered in this matter be made individual; if any of the named entities is a effective as of the date of the execution dissolved partnership, corporation or other thereof or as of a date prior thereto and association, then the unknown successors, that the authorization and permission retrustees and assigns, both immediate and quested herein run in favor of one or both remote, of such dissolved entity; if any of of the Applicants, including Chesapeake the named parties designated as a trustee Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and through is not presently acting in such capacity as its agent Chesapeake Operating, Inc., trustee, then the unknown successor or sucor some other party recommended by cessors to such trustee; if any of the named Applicants. parties designated as an attorney-in-fact NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the is not presently acting in such capacity as legal descriptions for the land sections attorney-in-fact, then the unknown succesadjacent to said Section 26 are Sections sor or successors to such attorney-in-fact; 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 34, 35 and 36, Township and if any of the named entities are corpo25 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa rations which do not continue to have legal County, Oklahoma. existence, the unknown trustees or assigns NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that of such parties. this cause will be referred to an AdminNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apistrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and evidence and reporting to the Corporation Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have Commission. filed an application in this cause requestNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this ing the Corporation Commission to enter cause will be heard before an Administraan order, as follows: (i) authorizing and tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at permitting an exception to the permitted the Corporation Commission, First Floor, well location tolerances in the proposed Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, 640-acre drilling and spacing unit in Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 20th day Cause CD No. 201104335, for the Dougof September 2011, and that this notice las, Oswego and Mississippian separate will be published as required by law and common sources of supply, underlying the rules of the Commission. Section 26, Township 25 North, Range NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklathe Applicants and interested parties may homa, as well as in the 640-acre drilling present testimony by telephone. The cost and spacing unit comprised of Section of telephonic communication shall be paid 26, Township 25 North, Range 12 West of by the person or persons requesting its the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the use. An interested party who wishes to Cottage Grove, Hogshooter, Cleveland, participate by telephone shall contact the Big Lime and Cherokee Group separate Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to common sources of supply, so as to allow the hearing date, and provide his or her a well to be drilled as follows: name and phone number. Surface location: NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all No closer than 200 feet from the south interested persons may appear and be line and no closer than 1980 feet from the heard. For information concerning this acwest line of the unit comprising said Section contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) tion 26, Township 25 North, Range 12 West 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, OBA No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, ChesaLocation of Wellbore at Completion peake Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Interval: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. The casing will be cemented along the Please refer to Cause CD Number. entire length of the lateral. The proposed DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 29th location of the end points of the compleday of August 2011. tion interval for the Mississippian common CORPORATION COMMISSION OF source of supply will be no closer than 165 OKLAHOMA feet from the north line and no closer than DANA L. MURPHY, Chair 1320 feet from the west line and no closer JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair than 165 feet from the south line and no BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner closer than 1320 feet from the west line BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: of the unit comprising said Section 26, PEGGY MITCHELL, Township 25 North, Range 12 West of Commission Secretary

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t cause be set before an Administrative Law BEFORE THE CORPORATION Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF reporting to the Commission. OKLAHOMA IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS APPLICANT: EAGLE ENERGY HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be PRODUCTION, LLC heard before an Administrative Law Judge RELIEF SOUGHT: HORIZONTAL on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Eastern SPACING Regional Service Office of the Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION Commission, Room 114, 440 South Hous33, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE ton, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 12 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, 20th day of September 2011, and that this OKLAHOMA Notice be published as required by law and CAUSE CD 201104210-T the rules of the Commission. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT STATE OF OKLAHOMA: To all perany person interested or protesting the sons, owners, producers, operators, application please advise the Attorney of purchasers and takers of oil and gas and record and the Court Clerk’s Office of the all other interested persons, particularly in Oklahoma Corporation Commission five Alfalfa County, Oklahoma; and if any of the (5) days before the hearing date above. named individuals or entities be deceased NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that or a dissolved partnership, corporation the Applicant and interested parties may or other association, then the unknown present testimony by telephone. The cost heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, of telephonic communication shall be paid trustees, successors, trustees and assigns by the person and persons requesting of any such deceased individual or disits use. Interested parties who wish to solved partnership, corporation or other participate by telephone shall contact the association. Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the the hearing date, and provide their name Applicant in this Cause is requesting the and phone number. following relief and special relief from the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT Commission: this cause, if protested, may be subject [a] Establish - 640 acre horizontal to a prehearing or settlement conference drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippursuant to OCCRP 165:5-11-2. pian common source of supply underlying NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Section 33, Township 25 North, Range 12 interested persons may appear and be West, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. A review heard. For information concerning this acof the record indicate Order No. 132405 tion, contact Mark Hambric (918) 746-1375 established 640 acre drilling and spacor Michael D. Stack, Attorney for Applicant, ing units for the Manning and Mississippi 943 East Britton Road, Oklahoma City, common sources of supply underlying Oklahoma 73114; Tele (405) 286-1717; Section 33. There are no current producFax (405) 286-2122. ing Manning or Mississippi wells in the CORPORATION COMMISSION unit; therefore, Order No. 132405 shall be OF OKLAHOMA superseded as to the Manning and MissisDANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR sippi common sources of supply underlying JEFF CLOUD, VICE CHAIRMAN the captioned unit. BOB ANTHONY, COMMISSIONER [b] To possibly providing that the order DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 22ND be made effective as of the date of the DAY OF AUGUST 2011. execution thereof or as of a date prior to ATTEST: PEGGY MITCHELL, the date of execution of the order. SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Amorita, Oklahoma; W. Verne Clark a/k/a Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t Verne Clark; Marilyn H Clark, a/k/a Marilyn BEFORE THE CORPORATION K. Clark; Walter Paul Wright; Warren RusCOMMISSION OF THE STATE OF sell Wright; Wendall Verne Clark; Verne OKLAHOMA Clark; Willard W. Holderby Living Trust APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE dated 2/17/1994, and Stephen Holderby, EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, as Trustee of such trust; Woodrow W. LLC Jack, deceased; if any of the above-named RELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING individuals be deceased, then the unknown LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 8, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, Township 28 North, trustees and assigns, both immediate and Range 10 West of the IM, remote, of such deceased individual; if Alfalfa County, Oklahoma any of the above-named parties is a disCause CD No. 201104307 solved partnership, corporation or other NOTICE OF HEARING association, then the unknown successors, STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All trustees and assigns, both immediate and persons, owners, producers, operators, remote, of such dissolved entity; and if any purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and of the above-named parties designated as all other interested persons, particularly a trustee is not presently acting in such in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the capacity as trustee, then the unknown sucfollowing: A.B.B.D. Senior Citizens, Inc.; cessor or successors to such trustee. Amorita Community Church, and Donald NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that L. Talley, Mae Belle Wright and Gracie Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and Briles, as Trustees; Bobby G. Johnson; Production, LLC, has filed an application Burlington Cooperative Association, in this cause requesting the Corporation an Oklahoma Corporation; Cathy Jane Commission of Oklahoma to enter an Stewart, now Cathy Jane Stewart Canorder, to be effective as of the date of the non; Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C.; execution thereof or as of a date prior Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; Daniel thereto, as follows: (i) amending Order Simpson Ratliff, a/k/a Daniel Ratliff; Danny No. 303106 so as to reform the 160-acre J. Guffy; Amber Guffy; Darrol Schroeder; drilling and spacing units previously formed Sandra Schroeder; Daryl A. DeVore; by such order for the Tonkawa, Oswego, Belinda S. DeVore; Carolyn H. Milam, Cherokee and Mississippian separate a/k/a Carolyn Holan Milam, deceased; common sources of supply in Section 8, David J. Milam; Jack D. Brown, deceased; Township 28 North, Range 10 West of the Margaret Jack Smith Powell, deceased; IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, into 640Deborah Brown; Dolores V. Sands, as acre drilling and spacing units for such Trustee of Delores V. Sands Revocable separate common sources of supply, which Trust dated 9/27/02; Cathy Jane Stewart units Applicant requests be formed on the Cannon, deceased; Erin Sego; James basis of said governmental Section 8, with Andrew Sego; Billy Frey, deceased; Ossie the permitted well location tolerances for Newkirk, deceased; Monte Ray Stewart; each such unit to be any point within such Shelly Stewart; Eugene A. Angle; Carol unit not less than 1320 feet from the boundE. Angle; Evelyn Brown; Galen L. Olson; ary of such unit; (ii) amending a prior order Linda K. Olson; Georgiana J. Alexander, of the Commission to enlarge and extend deceased; Janette Alexander; Henry J. the boundaries of the Cottage Grove comDavis and Patsy R. Davis Revocable Trust mon source of supply of gas so as to cover dated 5/23/2005, and Henry J. Davis and and include said Section 8 and to form a Patsy R. Davis, as Trustees of such trust; proper drilling and spacing unit in such Howard Ellis; E.M. Ellis a/k/a Eunice Mae section for such common source of supply, Ellis; Jack Jack; Jack Parr Living Trust, and which unit Applicant requests be formed as Jack Parr, as Trustee of such trust; James a 640-acre drilling and spacing unit; and Howard Parr Marital Exemption Trust, a (iii) granting such other and further relief as Sub-Trust of the Revocable Trust of the may be proper based upon the evidence James Howard Parr, a/k/a Howard Parr presented at the hearing herein. u/t/a dated 8/29/1993, and Juanita Parr, as NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Trustee of such trust; Janet L. Jack, a/k/a the application in this cause requests that Janet Louise Jack; Janette Alexander; the order to be entered in this matter Janice N. Jack; Jarred Cass; Samantha be made effective as of the date of the Cass; Jill Resler, a/k/a Jackie Jill Resler; execution Bobby Resler; JoAnn McClaflin Trust, and thereof or as of a date prior thereto JoAnn McClaflin Stout, a/k/a JoAnn Stout, and seeks to amend the above-named now JoAnn Hatlestad, as Trustee of such order in the manner set forth above and trust; John Wesley Allen; Johnny Cutright; Order No. 558306 with respect to the CotKathy Cutright; Joyce Rudene Scott; tage Grove common source in the lands Karol L. Jack; Kathryn Michelle Whitea/k/a covered hereby. Kathryn M. White, a/k/a Michelle White; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Kay Frances Beauchamp; Kelsey Angle; cause is set before an administrative law Ken R. Reitz Revocable Trust dated judge for hearing, taking of evidence and 11/24/2006, and Ken R. Reitz, as Trustee reporting to the Commission. of such trust; Kenneth A. Jack, Deceased; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Marilee Hines; Kevin D. Alm; Tonya K. Alm; cause will be heard before an administraCarolyn H. Milam, a/k/a Carolyn Holan tive law judge on the Conservation Docket Milam, deceased; Krista Finnegan; Larry at the Western Regional Service Office of Angle; Phoebe Angle; LaWilda J. Reitz the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Revocable Trust dated 9/29/2006, and Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, LaWilda J. Reitz, as Trustee of such trust; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. on Lester Jack, deceased; Jill Resler, a/k/a the 19th day of September , 2011, and Jackie Jill Resler; Bobby Resler; Kay Beauthat this notice be published as required by champ; Stephen J. Holderby a/k/a Stephen law and the rules of the Commission. Joe Holderby; Mary W. Holderby; Caroll NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Smith; Marilee Hines; Marion Roberta Applicant and interested parties may presKildow, a/k/a Roberta Kildow; Marvel Jack ent testimony by telephone. The cost of Trust, and Norman Harrington and Joyce telephonic communication shall be paid by Read, as Co-Trustees of such trust; Mary the person or persons requesting its use. Alexander; Helen May Alexander; Mary AlInterested parties who wish to participate ice Sperry; Monte R. Stewart, a/k/a Monte by telephone shall contact Applicant or ApRay Stewart; Michelle K. Stewart, a/k/a plicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, Michelle Stewart; Shelly Stewart; Odessa and provide their names and telephone L. McLemore; Paula Jean Crusinbery; numbers. Lawrence L. Smith, deceased; Peggy NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Smith Ranew; Randy J. Titus & Carol J. all interested persons may appear and be Titus Living Trust dated 7/25/2007, and heard. For information concerning this acRandy Titus & Carol J. Titus, as Trustees tion, contact John R. Reeves, Attorney, OBA of such trust; Raymond Czerniak; Rex #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two Leadership Jack, deceased; Karol L. Jack; Rex Allen Square, 211 North Robinson, Oklahoma Jack; Tamira P. Jenlink; Richard A. Polson; City, Oklahoma 73102, Telephone: (405) Leona M. Polson; Richard A. Telck; Rick 235-1110; or Kevin Manning, SandRidge Dale Graham; Robert Broce; Judith A. Exploration and Production, LLC, 123 RobBroce; Sam A. Hill; Jennie Hill; Sam Jack, ert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Jr., a/k/a Samuel Garred Jack, Jr.; Stephen 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) 429-5788. J. Holderby a/k/a Stephen Joe Holderby; CORPORATION COMMISSION OF Mary W. Holderby; Steve Berryhill; Jerri L. OKLAHOMA Berryhill; Carolyn H. Milam, a/k/a Carolyn DANA L. MURPHY, Chair Holan Milam, deceased; Steven M. Milam; JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chair Sydnee Denise Jack; Tamira P. Jenlink; BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner Timothy J. Wade; Town of Amorita; Trust DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th ees of the Jolly Twenty Home Demonstraday of August, 2011. tion Club of Amorita, Oklahoma, a/k/a Jolly BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 20 Home Makers Club of Amorita, Okla., PEGGY MITCHELL, a/k/a Jolly 20 Community Service Club of Commission Secretary

S - Don't forget to download your 2x2 ads Web site this week. with the Ad Name to download. order from OPS for the 2x2 ads.) nywhere in your newspaper. Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 • Page 15


E WEEK OF AUGUST 28, 2011.





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LEGAL NOTICES Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, and Sept. 8, 2011. 2t oklahoma alcoholic beverage laws enforcement commission, notice of intention to apply for an alcoholic beverage license In accordance with Title 37, Section 522, Chad Hester, 1111 S. Grand, Cherokee, OK 73728, an individual, hereby publishes notice of his intention to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Retail Store License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That he intends, if granted such license, to operate as a Retail Store establishment with business premises located at 101 Loop in Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, under the business name of Southgate Liquor Store. Dated this 23rd day of August, 2011. s/Chad Hester Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Chad Hester to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. s/Cynthia Diefenbach My commission expires 12-30-2011, #04000026

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, September 1, and September 8, 2011. 2t in and for the district court of alfalfa county, state of oklahoma No. PB-2011-26 In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Dale Elliott, Deceased. notice to creditors to present claims All persons having claims against Frank Dale Elliott, Deceased, are required to present the same, with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the administrator, L. Mike Elliott, in care of his attorney, William Scott Church, Houk & Church, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 456, 111 West Broadway, Fairview, Oklahoma, 73737, on or before the following presentment date: October 27, 2011, or the same will be forever barred. Dated the 25th day of August, 2011. s/L. Mike Elliott, Administrator Houk & Church Attorneys for Administrator P.O. Box 456 Fairview, Oklahoma 73737 (580) 227-4424

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Oklahoma 73728, attorneys for the CoPersonal Representatives on or before Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, and Sept. the following presentment date: the 23rd 8, 2011. 2t day of September, 2011, or the same will in the district court be forever barred. of alfalfa county The above named Decedent died on state of oklahoma the 31st day of March, 1997, at which time Cause No. PB-2011-25 the residence address of the Decedent In the Matter of the Summary Adminwas 821 Q Street, Tekamah, Burt County, istration of the Estate of Wayne M. ThornNebraska. dyke, Deceased. The total value of the Estate of the combined notice, notice Decedent as per property located in the to creditors; notice state of Oklahoma and as set forth in the of hearing petition for Petition is $104,000.00. admission of foreign will to Pursuant to an Order of Said Court, probate, petition for summary notice is hereby given that the 24th day administration, hearing on the of October, 2011, at the hour of 10:00 final account, and the petition o’clock a.m. in the Courtroom of the for determination of heirs at undersigned Judge, or the Judge to law, distribution of estate whom this cause is assigned on said and discharge Notice is hereby given to all persons date, in the Alfalfa County Courthouse in the City of Cherokee, Alfalfa County, interested in the Estate of Wayne M. ThornState of Oklahoma, has been appointed dyke, Deceased, that on this date, Luanne E. Thorndyke, whose residence is 637 as the time for hearing said Petition, and considering relief prayed for in the Zurich Rd., Hummeltown, PA 17036, and Julie M. Thorndyke, whose residence is Petition presented to the Court on said 660 Shellbark Lane, Byrn Mawr, PA 19010, date. All persons interested may appear at said hearing. filed a Petition for Summary AdministraAll objections to the Petition and/or any tion in the District Court of Alfalfa County, relief requested must be made in writing State of Oklahoma, attaching thereto an instrument purporting to be the Last Will not less than 10 days before the hearing date, with such objection to be filed herein, and Testament (“Will”) of said Deceased, praying for the probate of said foreign Will, with a copy being sent to the Petitioners and the attorney for the Petitioners, and if that Letters of Special Administration be issued to Luanne E. Thorndyke and Julie an objection is not made within the allowed time, all persons will be deemed to have M. Thorndyke and the Letters of Adminiswaived any obligation(s) to the Petition and tration, if necessary, be issued to the same the relief prayed for. individuals. Said Petition further prays that If an objection is filed at least 10 days the heirs-at-law of said Decedent be determined; that the Final Account be approved, before the hearing date, on the hearing date the Court will determine whether the the property of the Decedent subject to the jurisdiction of this Court be distributed, and foreign Will attached to the Petition shall be that the Co-Personal Representatives be admitted to probate, whether the summary proceedings are appropriate, and, if so, discharged, and for other relief as prayed whether the Estate will be distributed and for in said Petition, which Petition you may to whom the Estate will be distributed. refer to for further particulars. Dated this 24th day of August, 2011. TO ALL CREDITORS OF THE ABOVE s/Loren E. Angle NAMED DECEDENT: All creditors having Judge of the District Court claims against the above named decedent are required to present the same, with a Sam L. Stein, Esq., OBA# 12498 Law Office of Sam L. Stein, P.L.L.C. description of all security interest of other 305 South Grand Ave. collateral (if any) held be each creditor with respect to such claim, to the Estate of Mary P.O. Box 223 Lou Thorndyke, deceased, at the offices of Cherokee, OK 73728 Law Office of Sam L. Stein, P.L.L.C., 305 (580) 596-3000 South Grand, P.O. Box 223, Cherokee, Attorney for the Petitioners CLXCL LPXLP

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According to the U.S. Department The Publisher’s Notice must be The Fair Housing Act also applie of Housing and Urban Development all published one time in every edition of display advertising for real estate an publishers should publish a notice such as your publication that contains real estate/ rental properties. Movie Tickets the one below to indicate compliance with housing advertising. TheTwila noticeHoy, should be Helena, is invitedDisplay to come advertising should inclu the Fair Housing Act. placed at the beginning by of the real estate/ Cherokee Publishing Co. to pick up opportunity slogan or equal housing UP TO $8000 INSTANT CREDhousing classi ed ads. 2 free passes to the Rialto Theater in IT! 0 Down if you own land or fam- Alva. Passes must be claimed withily land! Choose from the following: in 1 week of publication. Watch this Shopping Spree, Furniture Pack- space for next week’s winner. AD SIZ age, No payments til 2012, Lower 415 S. Pennsylvania PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: Home Price! Call today for approvCherokee, OK Less than 4 column inche All real estate866-888-2825. advertised hereinwac. al! Ends soon. is subject to the Federal Fair (Slogan On OVER 100 REPOS on makes Land or 0 Housing Act, which “Let us serve you   I would like to thank Cherokee down your Call“any for more it with illegal to land! advertise better and safer than before.” Main Street/Suzie Koontz, Marga- 4 column inch info.preference, 1-866-764-3200 or 405-631limitation, or disret Smith, Farmer’s Table, Gina 3200 wac. to less than 1/8 pag crimination because of race, Waugh, Rebecca Hawkins, Linda (Logo Dimensions: 1/2” x 1/2 color, religion, sex, handiWarner, United Supermarket andIT’S BACK... Up to $8000 instant cap,0familial national credit. down status with or your land. EZ Mary Pat Cudmore for helping origin, Bad or intention to make Finance, Credit OK! any No cost with the Miss Cherokee taco pile 1/8 pa Remodeling & Carpentry on fundraiser. such preference, limitation or approval by phone. 1-866-764-3200 • Kitchens • Bathrooms to less than 1/2 pag Shanna Ream discrimination.”wac. or 405-631-3200 • Master Suites • Windows & Doors



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LEGAL NOTICES Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Aug. 25, and Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 2t June 23, 2011 Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, all bids must be submitted over the Internet via Bid Express. When written bids are allowed, sealed proposals sent by registered mail will be received through the ODOT Office Engineer Division until 30 minutes prior to the scheduled bid opening. From 30 minutes prior to the bid opening until the time of the bid opening, bid proposals must be turned in directly to ODOT Commission Room located on the east side of the lobby. The scheduled bid opening is 10:30 A.M. September 15, 2011 for the work listed below. No Proposal for construction or maintenance work of the department will be issued to any contractor after 10:30 A.M. on the working day preceding opening of bids for any contract. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check or Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid made payable to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Transportation, as a proposal guaranty. Proposal checks will be held or returned by the Department as per Section 103.04 of the State Standard Specifications. The minimum wage to be paid laborers and mechanics employed on this project shall be included in the proposal. Bids must be prepared as directed by the State Standard Specifications. Plans, proposals, and specifications may be examined in the plan room or in the Office Engineer Division at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation central office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This work will be done under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation applicable specifications for highway construction as depicted on the lower left corner of the plan’s title sheet. Plans and proposal forms may be ordered from the Office Engineer Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Cost of Bidding Documents is $50.00 + tax for each Bidding Proposal. State Standard Specifications may be purchased for $55.00 + tax. (Oklahoma tax is 8.375%). Plans (Reduced Size Complete) $5.42, X-SEC $0.00 + postage/handling. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Department of Transportation. No refunds will be made for bidding documents or Specification books purchased. Upon award of contract to a successful bidder, the contract will be completely and correctly executed by the contractor and returned to the Department within ten (10) working days from the date of award. The Department will have fourteen (14) working days from the date of award to complete its execution of the contract. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business programs will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion or national origin in consideration for an award. Description of work and location of project: Job Piece No. BRFY-NBIP(387) SH-45 ALFALFA 2093704 BRIDGE PAINTING SH-45: OVER EAGLE CREEK, 1.2 MILES EAST OF THE WOODS COUNTY LINE. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Gary M. Ridley, Director. Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & an agreement with the owners of drilling Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t rights named as respondents herein with BEFORE THE CORPORATION respect to such proposed plan of develCOMMISSION OF THE STATE opment of the separate common source OF OKLAHOMA of supply in the drilling and spacing units APPLICANT: EAGLE ENERGY covered hereby. PRODUCTION, LLC NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT Cherokee RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING this cause be set before an Administrative 2LEGAL col, 12p DESCRIPTION: SECTION Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence 33, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE and reporting to the Commission. That 12 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, Applicant could request that the Order to OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD 201104211-T be entered in this cause shall include a NOTICE OF HEARING provision allowing the operator one year STATE OF OKLAHOMA: To all persons, from the date of the Order to commence owners, producers, operators, purchasers drilling operations. and takers of oil and gas and all other NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT interested persons, particularly in Alfalfa this Cause will be heard before an AdminCounty, Oklahoma; more specifically: Lois istrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Murdoch, deceased; David M. Murdoch; Docket at the Eastern Regional Service Bank One Trust Company now, J.P. Office of the Corporation Commission, 440 Morgan-Chase Bank; Margaret Glasby, South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 8:30 Trustee; Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C.; a.m., on the 20th day of September 2011, Thomas J. Taylor; Edgar Burges; J.B. and that notice be published as required by Burgess; Lilley Heller; Nina Greenlee; Anlaw and rules of the Commission. drew Dillon; Betty Scott; Leo A. Neal; and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT if any of the named individuals or entities any person interested or protesting the be deceased or a dissolved partnership, application please advise the Attorney of corporation or other association, then the record and the Court Clerk’s Office of the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, Oklahoma Corporation Commission five devisees, trustees, successors, trustees (5) days before the hearing date above. and assigns of any such deceased indiNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that vidual or dissolved partnership, corporation the Applicant and interested parties may or other association. present testimony by telephone. The cost NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT of telephonic communication shall be paid the Applicant in this Cause is requesting by the person and persons requesting the following relief and special relief: That its use. Interested parties who wish to the Commission, based on the evidence participate by telephone shall contact the presented, pool the interests and adjudiApplicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to cate the rights and equities of oil and gas the hearing date, and provide their name owners on a unit pooling and designate and phone number. the Applicant or some other party recomNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT mended by Applicant as operator for the this cause, if protested, may be subject well to produce from Order to be entered to a prehearing or settlement conference in Cause CD No. 201104210-T for the Mispursuant to OCCRP 165:5-11-2. sissippian underlying Section 33, Township NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 25 North, Range 12 West, Alfalfa County, all interested persons may appear and Oklahoma. The interests of the oil and be heard. For information concerning gas owners involved herein and the rights this action, contact Mark Hambric, (918) and equities in respect thereto are sought 746-1375 or Michael D. Stack, Attorney herein to be pooled and adjudicated purfor Applicant, 943 East Britton Road, Oklasuant to 52 O.S. Sec. 87.1 within and on homa City, Oklahoma 73114; Tele (405) the basis of the drilling and spacing unit 286-1717; Fax (405) 286-2122. covered hereby, and not limited to a single CORPORATION COMMISSION wellbore. The application in this cause OF OKLAHOMA states that Applicant has proposed the deDANA L MURPHY, CHAIR velopment of the separate common source JEFF CLOUD, VICE CHAIRMAN of supply in the drilling and spacing units BOB ANTHONY, COMMISSIONER involved herein under a plan development DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 22ND and has proposed to commence such plan DAY OF AUGUST, 2011. of development of such units by an initial ATTEST: PEGGY MITCHELL, unit well in the lands covered hereby, and SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION that Applicant has been unable to reach

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & County Courthouse, 300 S. Grand, CheroRepublican Thursday, Sept. 1, and Thurskee, Oklahoma, and all persons interested day, Sept. 8, 2011. 2t in said estate are notified then and there IN THE DISTRICT COURT to appear and show cause, if any they OF ALFALFA COUNTY have, why the said account should not be STATE OF OKLAHOMA settled and allowed, the heirs of William No. PB-2011-12 Dennis Huff, Deceased, determined and In the Matter of the Estate of William said estate distributed. Dennis Huff, Deceased IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT hereunto set my hand this 19th day of NOTICE is hereby given that Michael August, 2011. L. Huff, Personal Representative of the Loren Angle Estate of William Dennis Huff, Deceased, Judge of the District Court having filed in this Court his Final Report, D. Daryl Lidia, OBA No. 13310 Petition For Order Allowing Final Report, LIDIA LAW FIRM Determining Heirship and Final Decree of 1320 E. 9th Street, Suite 9 Distribution (Final Account Waived), fixed Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 by the Judge of said Court for 1:30 p.m. (405) 216-8661 on the 13th day of September, 2011. This Attorneys for Personal Representative hearing is set before this Court the Alfalfa Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & 27, Township 25 North, Range 12 West of Republican Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. 1t the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and the BEFORE THE CORPORATION location of the end points of the completion COMMISSION interval for the Tonkawa (Lower), Cottage OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA Grove, Hogshooter, Cleveland, Big Lime, APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE Cherokee Group, Endicott, Douglas (UpOPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE per Tonkawa) and Oswego separate comEXPLORATION, L.L.C. mon sources of supply will be no closer RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION than 330 feet from the north line and no EXCEPTION closer than 660 feet from the east line and LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 27 no closer than 330 feet from the south line TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 12 and no closer than 660 feet from the east WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, line of the unit comprising said Section OKLAHOMA 27, Township 25 North, Range 12 West Cause CD No. 201104223 of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, with NOTICE OF HEARING a tolerance of 100 feet from the proposed STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All percompletion interval, and to be completed sons, owners, producers, operators, in and produce hydrocarbons from the purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and above-named separate common sources all other interested persons, particularly in of supply; (ii) providing for the re-opening of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particuthe cause at such time as the bottom hole larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” location of the well proposed hereunder attached to the application on file in this has been determined; and (iii) establishcause, and, if any of the named individuals ing a proper allowable with no downward be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exadjustment made thereto. ecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the and assigns, both immediate and remote, application in this cause requests that the of such deceased individual; if any of the order be entered in this matter be made named entities is a dissolved partnership, effective as of the date of the execution corporation or other association, then the thereof or as of a date prior thereto and unknown successors, trustees and asthat the authorization and permission resigns, both immediate and remote, of such quested herein run in favor of one or both dissolved entity; if any of the named parties of the Applicants, including Chesapeake designated as a trustee is not presently Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and through acting in such capacity as trustee, then the its agent Chesapeake Operating, Inc., unknown successor or successors to such or some other party recommended by trustee; if any of the named parties desigApplicants. nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, legal descriptions for the land sections then the unknown successor or successors adjacent to said Section 27 are Sections to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 33, 34 and 35, Township named entities are corporations which 25 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa do not continue to have legal existence, County, Oklahoma. the unknown trustees or assigns of such NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that parties. this cause will be referred to an AdminNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apistrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and evidence and reporting to the Corporation Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed Commission. an application in this cause requesting NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this the Corporation Commission to enter an cause will be heard before an Administraorder, as follows: (i) authorizing and pertive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at mitting an exception to the permitted well the Corporation Commission, First Floor, location tolerances in the 640-acre drilling Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, and spacing unit comprised of Section Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 19th day jg 27, Township 25 North, Range 12 West of of September 2011, and that this notice will the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the be published as required by law and the Tonkawa (Lower), Cottage Grove, Hogrules of the Commission. shooter, Cleveland, Big Lime and CheroNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that kee Group separate common sources of the Applicants and interested parties may supply, as well as in the proposed 640-acre present testimony by telephone. The cost drilling and spacing units in Cause CD of telephonic communication shall be paid No. 201104221, for the Endicott, Douglas by the person or persons requesting its (Upper Tonkawa), Oswego and Mississipuse. An interested party who wishes to pian separate common sources of supply, participate by telephone shall contact the underlying Section 27, Township 25 North, Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, the hearing date, and provide his or her Oklahoma, so as to allow a well to be name and phone number. drilled as follows: NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all 1.1. Applicants propose to drill a well to interested persons may appear and be be located as follows: heard. For information concerning this acSurface location: No closer than 200 tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) feet from the south line and no closer 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA than 660 feet from the east line of the unit No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake comprising said Section 27, Township 25 Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer County, Oklahoma, to Cause CD Number. Location of Wellbore at Completion DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 22nd Interval: The casing will be cemented day of August 2011. along the entire length of the lateral. The CORPORATION COMMISSION proposed location of the end points of the OF OKLAHOMA completion interval for the Mississippian DANA L. MURPHY, Chair common source of supply will be no closer JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman than 165 feet from the north line and no BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner closer than 660 feet from the east line and BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: no closer than 165 feet from the south line PEGGY MITCHELL, and no closer than 660 feet from the east Commission Secretary line of the unit comprising said Section

Page 16 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011

Forklift gift helps Kids Against Hunger load and unload meals By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff Piece by piece, Kids Against Hunger Northwest Oklahoma is getting better equipped to conquer hunger throughout the world. The Cherokee-based organization’s most recent asset is a forklift donated by Farmers Exchange Bank. The gift arrived on the heels of the non-profit agency winning a new truck from Toyota. The forklift will help unload rice and supplement shipments used to make meals packaged regularly at the facility by volunteers. “In the past we always had to borrow a forklift when we had to unload any product,” said Kids Against Hunger Director Monte Stewart. Local businesses like Alfalfa Electric Cooperative and Farmers Cooperative graciously granted the organization the use of their forklifts when 15,000 pounds of rice would arrive at the facility. “Now the bank has given us our own forklift, and we won’t have to do that anymore,” Stewart said. The equipment also will come in handy when packaged meals are loaded on a truck and shipped out of town. “Like we just sent a load last week to Africa,” Stewart said. Rice shipments normally arrive 15,000 pounds at a time from suppliers in either Arkan-

sas or Houston. A regular shipment contains enough rice to make about 160,000 meals. “Last month we had our best month ever,” Stewart said. “We packaged 268,000 meals just last month, so that shipment didn’t even last a whole month.” Vitamin supplements and vegetables that get added to the rice packages generally arrive from Minnesota. “Sometimes we order direct from the supplier, but those suppliers are in Ohio,” Stewart said. Regardless of the direction from which they arrive, the supplies have to be unloaded on location. “Every time they come in, that’s when we use our forklift,” Stewart said. The machinery arrived at the end of July, and although the piece of equipment was not brand new, it was a blessing. “We sure do appreciate the gift from them,” Stewart said. Farmers Exchange Bank President and Chief Executive Officer Loren Rieger said the donation was one of those “unfortunate stories that has a good ending.” “It was just coincidence,” Rieger said. “We happened to become the owner of a forklift that they needed. The purpose it was going to serve there was going to be worth more than what we might be able to realize for it.”

Rieger said he encourages anyone who has not volunteered to package meals for Kids Against Hunger to take the time to visit the facility.

ATTENDING THE donation of a forklift to Kids Against Hunger Northwest Oklahoma are (from left) Kenneth Fellers, Gary Goeken, Monte Stewart, Larry DeWitt, Ray Smith, Randy Morgan, Rick Caruthers and Loren Rieger. Farmers Exchange Bank donated the forklift to the Cherokee-based organization.

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Alfalfa County Fair

Sept. 6th - 10th ~ 2011 Schedule of eventS Tuesday, September 6 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Set up Commercial Booths Set up OHCE Booth backgrounds Compile department books and awards Superintendents and Assistants Meeting

Wednesday, September 7 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9 - 11 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12 Noon 1:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m.

Enter 4-H, OHCE, Open Class Exhibits, Biggest Garden Products, Cookie Jar Contest Livestock in Place Weigh Swine, Lambs, Steers, Check Heifer papers Check in Chickens, Rabbits & Goats Sign up for Showmanship in show barn office Close OHCE entries Judge OHCE entries, Check in Bucket Calves Livestock Entries Close 4-H, Open Class & Cookie Jar entries close Judge Open Class Exhibits Judge Crops & Horticulture Exhibits, including Biggest Garden Products Judge 4-H Exhibits & Cookie Jar Contest Best of Show Judge OHCE Booths Decorated Cookie Sandwich Contest

4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Decorated Cookie Sandwich Contest Bucket Calf Show Heifer and Steer Show

Thursday, September 8 9:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Swine Show Create-A-Souper Dish Entries Create-A-Souper Dish Contest Judging Death by Chocolate Contest Entries Death by Chocolate Contest Judging Bottle Kid Show Goat Show Enter Homemade Ice Cream Contest Judging Homemade Ice Cream Contest Ice Cream on sale $1.00 per cup Sheep Show

Friday, September 9 8:00 a.m. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

4-H & FFA Livestock Judging Contest Open Class & OHCE Evaluation Release of all Exhibits & Commercial Booths

Saturday, September 10 9:00 a.m.

Horse Show

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