CMR 11-3-11

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Don’t forget! Turn your clocks back one hour Saturday before going to bed!

Home of the Great Salt Plains & the Selenite Hourglass Crystal


MESSENGER & REPUBLICAN Vol. 109 No. 49 – 14 Pages, 1 Section

Cherokee, (Alfalfa County) Oklahoma

Making room for travel trailers, moble homes By KORINA DOVE hearing,” Bowman said. “If I say no (to the apMessenger & Republican Staff plication during the hearing), they have a right An ordinance allowing Cherokee residents to appeal it.” to rent out space for travel trailers is now less Applicants will be required to bring a scale restrictive, but enough conditions apply to safe- drawing of the trailer space and proof of contracguard the town from turning into an overnight tors for electrical and plumbing work to be done. campsite. Residents are not allowed to hook up personal Cherokee City Commission members ap- travel trailers and live in them in their driveways proved several amendor yards. Bowman said ments to the city’s excity officials have found “What happens when all isting travel trailer and four occupied travel trailmobile home ordinance of this is over and all these ers in the last month that during its Thursday, Oct. trailers are left here?” were not permitted. 27, regular meeting. Anyone renting out Some of the changes Mayor Karen Hawkins space for a travel trailer to the 31-page ordinance or several trailers also include keeping travel will be required to tell the trailers on lots that measure at least 2,500 square city who is living where. feet. Trailers on lots large enough to accommo“You’d have to keep a register of who’s in your date more than one trailer must sit at least 25 park and how long,” Bowman said. feet apart. A $1 million liability policy, costing about Existing RV and travel trailer parks will be $500 a year, also is required for safety reasons. grandfathered into the new ordinance, but City “If one of them catches on fire, all of them will Manager Don Bowman will have the last say on catch on fire,” said Commissioner Jack Custer. whether applicants receive approval. Mobile home parks must sit on at least 10 Applicants must first submit $100 to the City acres and come with another set of rules. The of Cherokee and then obtain a list of property entire ordinance is available for review at City owners within 300 feet of the location where they Hall. want to place a travel trailer. The list must be “What happens when all this is over and all presented to the city, and officials will then mail these trailers are left here?” said Mayor Karen out notices to surrounding property owners and Hawkins. set a public hearing date. Bowman said trailers that don’t meet code, “Those people have a right to show up at that See ROOM Page 2

Pigs on (Spook) Parade!

WITH BRICKS and straw and sticks in hand are the three little pigs, (from left) Kade Chace, Blake Failes and Payton Ream, who won the funniest costume prize for the fourth grade Monday during Cherokee Elementary School’s annual spook parade.

Search is on for Staci

T’lake voters eye $925,000 bond

Cherokee woman missing since October 9

To decide building improvement, vehicle bond issue Tuesday Voters in the Timberlake School District will decide Tuesday if they want to support a $925,000 bond issue formulated to improve school facilities and transportation equipment. Ballots will be split with two issues, including a $690,000 bond proposal for a new roof on the high school in Helena, air conditioning units for the high school, new lighting for the football and baseball field and new seating in the gymnasium. Also included is a proposal to replace the cooling system in the greenhouse,

put new doors on the high school building, buy a small utility tractor for maintenance, make repairs to the auditorium and install security cameras at the high school. A $235,000 transportation bond includes a 65-passenger bus, an activity bus, a suburban and a pickup for the agriculture department. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday. Registered voters in Alfalfa County who want to vote by mail absentee ballot in the See BOND Page 3

Thursday, November 3, 2011 – 50¢


By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff Family members are panicking about the whereabouts of a loved one, and they are asking anyone with any information to please come forward. Staci (Thresher) Killman, who graduated in 1992 from Cherokee High School, left Cherokee Oct. 9, and no one has seen or heard from her since. Her sister, Shana Roadenbaugh, said Killman pulled into

her parents’ driveway about 4 p.m. Oct. 9 but never went inside. Her parents are Diana and Raymond Horne of Cherokee. “She walked up to the sidewalk, turned around and left,” Roadenbaugh said Tuesday. “Mom said she seemed to be in a trance. They just assumed she came to my house until the next day when I told them she never came to my house. That’s when we started worrying.” See STACI Page 3

Turnips on Saturday, shopping Sunday; busy weekend ‘Neeps’ front and center for 2nd Annual Turnip Fest

Local merchants show off holiday wares on Sunday

Neep: (Brit) a dialect name for a turnip – Collins English Dictionary “Neep” decorating and turnip races are just the beginning of day-long activities planned for Saturday’s 2nd Annual Turnip Festival in downtown Cherokee. Craft vendors will set up in the former National Guard Armory from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friends of the Library will host a quilt display from 10 a.m. until noon at the City-County Public Library. Sign-up for a turnip cooking contest at the library begins at 10:30 a.m.. Judging begins at 11 a.m. Anyone with a decorated neep may enter it in the Rotary Club’s turnip decorating contest from

It takes place every year after Halloween and before Thanksgiving to help shoppers get in the holiday spirit. It’s the annual Cherokee Holiday Open House promotion and it’s scheduled for Sunday. Cherokee merchants will open their doors from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. to offer early shopping and a sneak peek at what participating merchants have to offer this holiday season. Shoppers also will be treated to snacks, hot cider and special deals throughout the afternoon at many of the locations. Opening for the annual event are Smith Drug, Cole’s Flowers, Phyllis’ Wonder World, Goodwin Art Studio, Scrapbooking 101, Alco Discount Store, Country Kitchen Cafe, Naomi Cul-

10 to 11 a.m. outside the armory. Voting for the crowd’s favorite decorated turnip will be open until 3 p.m. Registration for turnip races begins at 10:30 a.m. in the same location. Races begin at 11 a.m. Turnip car kits are $1. The event is sponsored by Alfalfa Electric Cooperative. Farmerettes will serve lunch and homemade pie from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Baker Building and the Northwest Majorettes will perform downtown at 12:45 p.m. A pedal tractor pull for children ages 4 through 10 begins at 1 p.m. Dr. Jana Oister will offer free horse-drawn wagon rides downtown from 1 to 3 p.m. See NEEPS Page 3

2nd Annual Cherokee Turnip Festival Saturday – 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Downtown Cherokee

Turnip Races • Turnip Cooking Contest • Turnip Decorating Turnip Shooting • Pedal Tractor Pull • Street Dance

len’s Paint Stains, the Smok Shak and Certified Massage Therapist Sherry Green. Several vendors also will set up in the Baker Building. Prior to the afternoon of shopping, Alfalfa County 4-H leaders will treat folks to a Thanksgiving meal at the Alfalfa County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building. The annual benefit dinner will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will include turkey and all the fixings. Cost for the dinner is by donation and proceeds from the dinner provide fee waivers for 4-H members to attend district, state and national events. Donations will also cover fees for 4-H camp. Members from the Burlington, Cherokee and Timberlake chapters provide the food and serve the meal.

Cherokee Holiday Open Houses 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Sunday!

Page 2 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

‘Conversation About CNG’ Tuesday at Fairgrounds By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff A lot of revelations probably have occurred at the gas pump, but for Cherokee Main Street Program Manager Susie Koontz, it was the realization that Cherokee needs a new way to fuel up. “I was pumping gas at Toni’s and there was a guy in a CNG pickup pumping fuel,” Koontz said. Pickups with a CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) logo on them are cropping up all over town and Koontz wanted to find

out what the hubbub was all about. “I had my own questions and I had no idea where to get the answers,” Koontz said. “I thought if I had questions, then probably a lot of other people had questions, too.” So she struck up a conversation with the man at the gas pump and found out the nearest place he could fuel up with compressed natural gas is in Waynoka, nearly 50 miles away. Koontz’ own wheels began turning, and her thoughts of bringing a compressed natu-

ral gas fueling station to town started looking better. “People were very, very interested,” Koontz said. “This is something that might have the potential to work in northwest Oklahoma.” After speaking with several local farmers, Main Street board members, business people and oil and gas industry leaders in the area, the Nov. 8 “Conversation About CNG” educational meeting was scheduled. The meeting will take place at noon at the Alfalfa County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building.

Farm Bureau will provide a free meal and Alfalfa County Fair Board Member Rick Croft is covering the cost of renting the fairgrounds for the meeting. Chesapeake representative James Roller will serve as the keynote speaker. He will answer questions about CNG vehicles and how Cherokee could benefit from a CNG fueling station. “What my main goal is would be for someone to actually put a CNG fueling station in Cherokee,” Koontz said. “There have been a few people actually interested in doing that and no

tanks that were leaking,” Bowman said. “The plume goes south of Jiffy Trip to almost Randolph.” The company will drill small holes and cap them with cement, which is barely visible. Hager, who lives on Duncan Drive, said 29 wells already exist in the area and that they are “no big deal.” “It all started in my backyard,” she said. “I’m the one who started the mess. In fact, I’ve got the original water sample that I took.” ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cherokee Main Street Program Manager Susie Koontz attended the meeting to hear the verdict of a proposed donation to Main Street from the Hotel Tax Watchdog Committee. Koontz asked the committee to chip in $2,000 to help cover advertising costs for an educational meeting about compressed natural gas and also for the Nov. 5 Turnip Festival. Committee members agreed last week to donate $1,000. “That would be ads for two different weeks in the Cherokee paper, the Alva Newsgram and the Enid paper,” Koontz said. “I’m wanting to bring people in from surrounding communities.” Hager opposed the proposal. “I thought this (hotel tax) was for economic development?” she said. Bowman said he feels like both events are classified as economic development. Koontz explained the need for both the festival and the CNG meeting. She said many oil and gas workers in town are

driving trucks that run on compressed natural gas. “They can’t fuel up with CNG here,” Koontz said. A CNG fuel station in town would allow workers to fuel up in town instead of driving to Waynoka, which has a CNG station, and also would be helpful for farmers and ranchers in the area, she explained. “If they get (a CNG station) in Alva, people will go there and fuel up and may even buy their groceries while they’re there,” Koontz said. “I’m aware of three individuals who are, for lack of a better term, kicking tires... on putting in a CNG fueling station.” Hawkins said she has spoken to Chesapeake officials about the possibility of someone putting in a CNG fueling station. “They pretty much said, ‘Find someone who will do it and it won’t cost them anything,’” Hawkins said. “Do we need to spend $500 (for advertising on each event)?” Hager interjected. Koontz said the money would help draw people to two different events in town. “Well, I’m sorry but the Turnip Festival is not economic development,” Hager said. She voted no on the motion. Commissioner Diana Williamson, Custer and Hawkins all voted yes. Commissioner Donna Irvin was absent. SHELTER FROM A STORM Alfalfa County Safety and Emergency Management Director Dianne Phillips spoke to the board about building a community storm shelter made of reinforced freight cars. She said

the City of Fort Supply recently installed one of the shelters at a cost of about $25,000. “A lot of this stuff can be donated,” Phillips said about the cost of materials to build the shelter. “(For example), we had a bunch of steel beams at our farm. We got tired of walking over them (and donated them). The county commissioners could do most of the dirt work for it.” FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) also provides 25 percent matching grants for structures like the shelters, explained Phillips. Commissionrs said they would like more information about the shelter, which could provide cover from an F-5 tornado for 250 people. Phillips also asked the city to reinstall storm shelter location signs that used to stand on Grand Avenue. “Carmen is the only (town in the county) having signs pointing to (the city storm shelter),” Phillips said. In some final items of business, commission members rescheduled meetings in November and December due to conflicts. The November meeting was scheduled on Thanksgiving Day, so it was rescheduled for Nov. 21. City Clerk Esther Lingemann must be gone during the scheduled Dec. 22 meeting. It was rescheduled for Dec. 19. Bowman informed them that Police Chief Chris Ferrell has tentatively set a date of Nov. 15 to demonstrate the city’s drug enforcement dog, Qando, for Cherokee Public Schools at Chief Stadium.

one seems to know exactly how to start that process. “If we have three or four of those people in the same room, maybe they can find each other and be their own investors. By themselves, it’s kind of a hard thing to take on.” Also scheduled to speak at the meeting is Rob Gragg, director of regional development for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, who will talk about business incentives for the new fuel. Representatives from OEM Systems in Okarche will talk

about conversion technology. A woman-owned small business, OEM is a commercial vehicle upfitter specializing in a number of worldwide markets for truck equipment and services. “Right now, if you want to have a CNG vehicle, basically you have to have your vehicle converted,” Koontz said. Officials from OEM will talk about the costs of conversion. Anyone wanting to attend the meeting should RSVP for the meal by calling Koontz at (580) 596-6111 or e-mailing

ROOM Continued from Page 1 first of all, will not receive a permit. “When it’s over, hopefully they restore it back to what it was used for, whether it be a garden or what,” Bowman said. He asked commissioners to pass the ordinance immediately. “I think you need to pass it tonight,” Bowman said. “We have 17 people, so far, (wanting to put travel trailers on a lot).” Custer, who was not on the list of people that Bowman read to the board, said he also has a spot for a trailer. “We’ve got enough people wanting to put them in about 80 spots and I think within three months they will be full,” Bowman said. Commissioner Rachel Hager also expressed concern about the town’s appearance once the ordinance is passed. “Some of these people don’t keep their yards mowed now,” she said. “How are they going to maintain a trailer park?” Bowman said property owners will be fined if lots are not kept clean or are abandoned. Under his city manager report, Bowman said he has received several calls regarding the city’s decision to allow the former railroad right-of-way and part of the soccer field property to be used as space for bunkhouses and travel trailers. Part of the property in question sits east of Little Leaps Daycare. Bowman said no bunkhouses will be allowed behind the daycare. “We just fenced that off,” he said. “We didn’t want someone driving through there. Eventually, we’ll put up a more permanent type fence in that area.” He said the city also will relocate the smaller soccer field to the same property where two larger soccer fields now exist and put up a new fence at the soccer field. Members of the Cherokee Soccer Club approved the renovations. “They were wanting to replace that fence anyway,” Bowman said. Rent monies garnered from the bunkhouses and travel trailers will be placed in an account for future community improvements. “When all this is done, we’ve always talked about putting a walking trail along there,” Bowman said. “We can do that with that money.” OTHER BUSINESS Commission members signed an access agreement with OEI to let the company dig two monitoring wells on Duncan Drive and Kay Drive. “In 2006, Jiffy Trip had fuel

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Meal to be paid for by donations

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1224 S. Grand Cherokee, OK 596-3317


Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 • Page 3



Continued from Page 1 Killman was wearing a flowered shirt and jeans. She was driving a hunter green 1998 Chevrolet Ventura van with an Oklahoma license plate number of VQR818. “The only thing we’ve heard is the van went through the (Kilpatrick Turnpike) toll booth the 9th, the day she left,” Roadenbaugh said. “She ran it, or whoever was in it, ran it. Her husband got a letter in the mail (saying the person in the van had not stopped to pay at the toll booth).” Roadenbaugh and her family members fear she went to see her ex-husband, Billy Gene Thomas, who was in the Oklahoma City area. “I don’t know if she had been with him or not,” Roadenbaugh said. “But it’s just kind of strange: she went to the city, and he was in the city.” Roadenbaugh found out last week that Thomas had been jailed Oct. 21 in Oklahoma County for stealing a black pickup. Friends contacted the undersheriff in Oklahoma County, and the undersheriff said he would ask Thomas if he has heard from Killman. Roadenbaugh is not optimistic about that interview. She said Killman’s ex-husband is manipulative and is known for not telling the truth. Although this is not the first time Killman has disappeared, Roadenbaugh said she has never been gone this long without checking in with someone. “She’s done this before, but she’s never done it alone,” Roadenbaugh said. “Her husband was either with her or one of her kids.” Killman is married to Ron Killman, and the couple has lived in Medford since early 2009. Ron has been in close contact with Medford police officers, but Roadenbaugh said they are treating the case as if Killman left on her own accord. Roadenbaugh said her sister may have left on her own, but it’s not like her to not call, especially since Oct. 31 was her

mother’s birthday. “It’s not like her to not call her mom for her birthday,” Roadenbaugh said. The family has contacted hospitals and mental facilities hoping she might have been checked into one of them. Killman was taking medication for a mental disorder. “She hadn’t been taking it like she was supposed to. She really hadn’t been herself,” Roadenbaugh said. “She was also a diabetic, and she quit taking that (medication), too.” Killman is 37 years old and has short sandy blonde hair. She is about 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighs about 190 pounds. “That’s what it was when she left,” Roadenbaugh said. “She was in the middle of losing weight when she left, so I think she was down to 190 when she left.” Anyone with information about Killman is asked to contact Roadenbaugh at (580) 7480290; Ron Killman at (580) 741-1135; or Medford Police Department at (580) 395-2823. “We’ve contacted everybody we know, and no one’s heard from her, or somebody’s lying, but I don’t know why anybody would lie about it,” Roadenbaugh said. “We’re just kind of assuming she might be in the Oklahoma City area because of the Pike Pass thing.”

NEEPS Continued from Page 1 An adult tractor pull begins at 2 p.m. and turnip guns – a popular event at last year’s festival – will be fired at the soccer field at 3 p.m. Cherokee Lions Club sponsors the Turnip Gun Contest. Two new events will take place in conjunction with this year’s festival, including a 5K “Run for Thailand” and onemile fun run/walk. Registration opens at 9 a.m. in the First Christian Church parking lot. Entry fee for the 5K run is $25. One-mile walkers and runners may enter for $5. Runners in

Continued from Page 1 election have missed the application deadline, Election Board Secretary Kelly Stein said. “They aren’t out of luck, however,” Stein said. Voters who want to cast absentee ballots still can do so at the Election Board office Friday or Monday. A two-member, bipartisan Absentee Voting Board will be on duty each day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to assist absentee voters. “In-person absentee voters fill out an application form when they get to the office. They are not required to give a reason for voting absentee,” Stein said. “They are required to swear that they have not voted a regular mail absentee ballot and that they will not vote at their polling places on election day.” The Voting Board verifies a voter’s registration, then issues ballots. The voter marks the ballots in a voting booth and puts them in the voting device. The “voter ID” law, approved by Oklahoma voters Nov. 2, 2010, went into effect July 1. “This new law requires all registered voters to show proof of identity in order to vote at the polling place on election day or to vote early at the county Election Board office,” Stein said. She said the law is very specific about the kind of document that can be used for proof of

the 5K will take off at 9:30 a.m., with the one-mile event to follow. All proceeds benefit a mission trip to Thailand for Cherokee resident Korina Dove. At 4 p.m., Dove will host an Urban Golf tournament at the soccer field. Tee off will begin as soon as the Turnip Gun Contest is finished. Participants should bring one golf club. Any club will work. Entry fee is $5. Live music from two bands – The Next and the Dead Armadillos – will top off the day’s activities. A street dance starts at 7 p.m. in front of the armory.

2nd Annual Turnip Fest Saturday, Nov. 5 10 A.M. til 4 P.M.

identity. “Any item used for proof of identity for voting must have been issued by the federal government, the State of Oklahoma, or a federally recognized tribal government,” she said. The proof of identity must show the name of the person to whom it was issued, a photograph of the person and include an expiration date that is after the election date. The law also states that the person’s name on a document used for proof of identity for voting must “substantially conform” to the person’s name in the precinct registry. Some documents that may be presented as proof of identity for voting include an Oklahoma driver license, a state identification card, a passport, or a military identification. “Voters also may use the voter identification card they received by mail when they reg-

istered to vote,” Stein said. These cards are allowed even though they do not include a photograph or an expiration date. By law, state identification cards issued to persons who are 65 years old or older do not have expiration dates but are valid proof of identity for voting. A voter who does not have proof of identity that meets the requirements of the new law still may vote by provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is sealed inside an envelope instead of being inserted into the voting device. Information provided by the voter on an affidavit is investigated by election officials in the days following the election, and the ballot is either approved for counting or is rejected based on the outcome of that investigation. Anyone needing more information can contact the Alfalfa County Election Board, located

Sponsored by

Cherokee Mainstreet 580-596-6111

Crop Prices Wheat $6.96

Tuesday close

Farmers Cooperative P.O. Box 100 Carmen, Okla. 73726

Cherokee Merchants

Sunday, Nov. 6 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Phyllis’ Wonder World 104 S. Grand

Downtown Cherokee Turnip festival schedule of events 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Crafts/Vendors in Armory Bldg. 10 a.m-11 a.m. Enter your Neep Head at the Rotary Club Booth in the Armory 10 a.m.-noon Quilt Display at Cherokee City and County Library 10:30 a.m. Sign up for Turnip Races 11 a.m. Races Begin 10:30 a.m. Sign up for Turnip Cooking Contest @Library 11a.m. Judging of recipes at Library 11 a.m -2:30 p.m. Lunch at the Baker Building Including Farmerettes’ Home made Pie! 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Vote on your favorite Neep Head 11 a.m. Turnip car races! Purchase a kit for $1 or bring your own 12:45 p.m. Northwest Majorettes perform 1 p.m. Pedal Tractor Pull Free for kids Aged 4-10 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Free Wagon Rides with Dr. Jana Oister 2 p.m. Tractor Pull Begins 3 p.m. Turnip Guns/Catapults at soccer field 7 p.m. Live Music! All Ages Street Dance/Live Music Second Street, by Armory Featuring the Dead Armadillos with an opening act by The Next

at 300 S. Grand Ave., Cherokee, at (580) 596-2718.’

Caring Company 217 S. Grand 596-3535

Country Kitchen 115 S. Grand Cherokee, OK

Paint Stains

111 S. Grand, Cherokee Water Color & Oil Paintings Fun Stuff

Scrapbooking 101

Smith Drug

Smok Shak

Goodwin Art

213 S. Grand 884-8612 or 748-1437 *Will NOT be open

2N & 2W of Cherokee Hwy 64 or 15E of Alva 596-3584

ALCO Discount Store 1504 S. Grand 596-3571

121 S. Grand 596-2764

Indian & SW Paintings 203 1/2 S. Grand, Cherokee 596-3346 & 478-5876

Sherry Green ~ CMT

The Healthy Touch Indulge Salon 580-430-6410 *Will NOT be open

Save money, Shop at HOME!

Page 4 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011


Cherokee Holiday Open Houses this Sunday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Send Letters to the Editor to... Cherokee Publishing Co. • P.O. Box 245 • Cherokee, OK 73728 E-mail: "If by a 'liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people – their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties – someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'liberal,' then I’m proud to say I’m a “liberal.” – President John F. Kennedy


Smith’s and Cole’s take the Scrooge out of the old man

Don’t forget your hometown stores It’s been awhile since we’ve made one of our Shop at Home appeals, but with the holiday season preparing to hit a fever pitch, it’s time to ask that you consider your hometown merchandisers this year. We all like to go shopping and a trip to one of the big malls has become a form of entertainment as much as anything. But please consider your friends and neighbors who work day in and day out to meet your needs in the community where you live. We know you don’t have your heads in the sand, we know you may not be able to get everything you need this holiday season at the retail shops in Cherokee, Helena, Jet, Carmen, Burlington or other small towns in the county. But you might be surprised what they have to offer if you haven’t walked through the front door of your local merchant lately. I suppose it’s confession time. I’ve been guilty of overlooking local merchants and been caught up in the holiday shopping fever. It’s easy to do, with all the professional merchandising going on – particularly on television. Look around! Halloween merchandise was competing with Thanksgiving and Christmas in most big-city stores by Oct. 1. It’s ridiculous, but it’s the norm these days. And those of us with computers may be tempted to avoid the crowds altogether and buy online. I haven’t tried that for my Christmas shopping, but I can tell you that dealing with on-line merchandisers doesn’t come close to the customer satisfaction you’ll receive from your hometown merchant. Take a look at the cartoon at the top of this page. I think it’s one of Barry’s best. He released it to us in 2006 and you’ve probably noticed it before in the Messenger & Republican. Unless you enjoy the traffic congestion, sometimes poor customer service from big-city retail clerks, and the lack of personal attention you’ll find at many stores in bigger communities, I remind you that the merchants in your hometown are your friends and neighbors. Like you, they’re trying to make a living. And remember, shopping at home means your tax dollars stay around to help your town and county keep up its streets and sewers, not to mention its fire and police protection, and ambulance service. Just something to think about at the start of this holiday season. Steve Booher, Publisher

Ask your elected officials Congressman Frank Lucas – 2342 Rayburn HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515. Phone: 202-225-5565. District Phone: 405-624-6407. E-mail: Web: Gov. Mary Fallin – 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Rm. 212, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Phone: 405-521-2342. Fax: 405-521-3353. E-mail: State Sen. David Myers – 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Rm. 519, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Phone: 405-521-5628. District: 580-765-4057. E-mail: State Sen. Patrick Anderson – 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Rm. 417-A, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Phone: 405-521-5630. District: 580-2342628. E-mail: State Rep. Jeff Hickman – 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Rm. 411, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Phone: 405-557-7339. E-mail:

Home of the Great Salt Plains & the Selenite Hourglass Crystal

GOP running for pastor-in-chief? By Dustin Hughes The Sand Springs Leader America has a crowded field of candidates running for the Republican nomination for president. It's easy to forget that, though. If you paid attention to the debates, statements, speeches and innuendo, you'd think they're running for the pastor-in-chief. Texas Governor Rick Perry launched his campaign after a massive prayer rally. Recently, Texas pastor Robert Jeffress endorsed Perry for president by telling a crowd that America needs a Christian president. Jeffress was aiming at current front-runner Mitt Romney, calling Mormonism a cult. Romney is Mormon (also known as Latter Day Saints or simply LDS). The whole affair brings to mind criticism against John F. Kennedy when he ran for president more than 50 years ago. Kennedy, a Catholic, was targeted because of his faith. The opposition said Kennedy could not be trusted to lead America because he

would take his orders from the Vatican. It also reminds me of the last election cycle, when the tinfoil hat crowd said President Barack Obama was secretly a Muslim. Of course he isn't, but as former Secretary of State Colin Powell put it in an interview, even if he were, what would it matter? Most Americans are Christians, yes, but America is made up of Muslims, too. And Jews. And Sikhs. And Hindus. And Buddhists. And atheists. And everything else in between. And "they" are just as "American" as "us." We're electing someone to lead all Americans. Someone to handle the economy, foreign policy, environmental concerns and national defense. Judge them on that, not their religion. Most vitally, we're looking for someone to serve Americans regardless of their religion. Their personal choice of faith is supremely important to them, but it shouldn't be a factor when it comes to how we vote.

Arms industry pays for influence – From Common Cause Ten years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq has added billions to the bankrolls of America’s military contractors. Now, with deep national budget cuts almost certain, the arms industry is hoping that its reliable generosity to “super committee” members will save it from the scalpel. “Tools of Influence: The Arms Lobby and the Super Committee,”a new report from the Center for International Policy and Common Cause, reveals the mutually beneficial and close ties between the arms lobby and super committee members. With Lockheed Martin leading the pack, the arms industry gave more than $1.1 million to super committee members over the past two election cycles. “As the super committee moves towards its deadline for coming up with a deficit reduction plan, it is crucial that Pentagon spending be on the table,” said William D. Hartung, the author of the report and director of the Center for International Policy’s Arms and Security Project. “But the arms industry is doing everything in its power to keep that from happening.” Common Cause President Bob Edgar, who called earlier on all super committee members to cease fund-raising during the panel’s work, said the report makes “a compelling case for the need to change the way we fund our politics. As long as special interests, like the defense industry, are funding the re-election campaigns of members of Congress, critical public policy decisions will not be made in the interest of American families,” Edgar added. The report’s key findings reveal an industry that spends generously on contributions to members of Congress, and maintains close professional ties with those who surround members. Here’s a look: • The arms industry spent $144 million on lobbying in 2010. • The industry employs over 1,000 lobbyists, nearly two for every member of Congress.

• Military contractors employed 682 “revolving door” hires in 2010 – individuals who oversaw arms companies while in government and then went on to work for those same firms. • Super committee members have received over $1.1 million in donations from weapons contractors in the last two election cycles. • Five former super committee staffers work now for at least one of the top 10 military contractors, including Boeing, General Dynamics Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. In all, 22 former staffers of super committee members serve as lobbyists for the arms industry. • The battle over military spending will continue long after the super committee has closed up shop. The industry’s most aggressive advocate on Capitol Hill in the months and years to come likely will be House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, who has received over three quarters of a million dollars from arms companies since 2009. “America spends more on defense than the combined totals of all our potential adversaries,” Edgar said. “There is plenty of room to make cuts that won’t endanger our security if Congress and the executive branch will put aside their political interest in cultivating big contributions from defense contractors and act instead in the national interest.” “Will the super committee target wasteful and unnecessary Pentagon spending, or will the industry lobby succeed in blocking sensible reductions?” asks study author Hartung. “The public should be heard on the question of how much we need to spend to defend our country. We can’t let special interest money drown out other voices in the defense debate.” Common Cause is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to restoring the core values of American democracy, reinventing an open, honest, and accountable government that works for the public interest, and empowering ordinary people to make their voices heard.

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I’ve been telling Messenger & Republican readers for nearly 32 years what a Scrooge I am, but after a visit to Cole’s Flowers and Smith Drug Monday afternoon to take photos for their Holiday Open House ads, I may have to change my tune. Mary Pat Cudmore was putting the finishing touches on a Christmas tree when I walked into Smith Drug and Rebecca Hawkins was sorting through decorations. A western-themed tree caught my attention immediately, because Sonya and I have spent a couple of decades decorating our home in that style. Yeah, I know, I’m no cowboy, but we like cowboys and Indians, what can I say? When you stop in at Smith’s Sunday afternoon for the open houses, take a look at that particular tree if you’re into that style. Because Mary Pat wasn’t quite through with the bigger tree at Smith’s, I wandered down to Cole’s, where Justin and Rhonda Packard have holiday decorations unmatched by any of the big-city stores. Cole’s has a variety of styles on display, but like at Smith’s, my attention immediately went to the western themes. By the way, the prices at Cole’s, as well as at Smith Drug, are better than shoppers will find at similar stores in much larger cities like Enid, Oklahoma City, Wichita and Tulsa. If you do nothing else while making the rounds Sunday, take a gander at Cole’s floor display featuring Santa in a rocking chair, holding a stuffed dog, watching an early 1950s television, with a mantel behind him holding a 1940s era radio. Again, this is a big-time, high quality display. Rhonda and her crew at Cole’s have gone the extra mile in making the store equal to any in the state when it comes to displaying merchandise. You’ve gotta stop in for a look! When I finished up at Cole’s, I headed back to Smith’s, where Mary Pat was putting the finishing touches on the last tree. Again, if you’re into high quality decorations at reasonable prices, you’ll have to check out the magic Rebecca and Mary Pat have worked at Smith Drug. – ftc – Don’t forget the unique Turnip Festival going on most of the day Saturday in Cherokee. It’s an event that’s turned heads around the state and one of the most unusual you’ll find anywhere. Cherokee Main Street’s hit a home run with this one, even though the drought has taken its toll on the turnip crop. – ftc – If you don’t plan on eating Sunday dinner at one of Cherokee’s restaurants after church Sunday, we invite you to stop by the annual 4-H Benefit Dinner at the Alfalfa County Fairgrounds. The food’s always great and it’s a major fund-raiser for the county’s 4-H leaders.

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Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 • Page 5


More wind turbines headed for Carmen

Chipping in



Carmen Correspondent Aline-Cleo Elementary students participated Oct. 19 in the Daze-in-a-Maze near Covington. Students earned the reward by completing reading goals and making gains in reading levels each nine weeks. There were 62 students, kindergarten through fourth grades who earned the award. Nine teachers and staff members sponsored the trip. Students toured a corn maze, dug for bones, went to a petting zoo, climbed a hay pyramid, rode a hay ride and had a picnic lunch. “The library program encourages developing reading skills, and it has been a tradition here for many years,” said fourth-grade teacher Cindi Hurst. Students recently completed frozen cookie dough sales. A raffle for a Halloween gift basket is being conducted now. Proceeds benefit the library and reading program. Scholastic Book Fair is in the library at this time. Parents and individuals may make book selections during parent-teacher conferences. This is also an opportunity to encourage reading and the love of books.

Retired teachers to discuss benefits Alfalfa County Retired Teachers will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16 at Cherokee Station in Cherokee. Monte Stewart will give a presentation on Kids Against Hunger. There will also be discussion on the proposed changes in Health Choice Insurance Prescription benefits.

Burlington BOE seat up for election BURLINGTON – Board of Education of the Burlington School District announces that the statutorily qualified individuals interested in running as a candidate for the No. Two seat on the Burlington School District Board of Education may file to run as a candidate for this seat at the Alfalfa County Election Board between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 5 through Dec. 7, 2011.

SERVING UP a plate Friday for Farmers Exchange Bank’s taco pile-on are (from left) Debbie Jenlink, Cheryl Jantzen and Shirlene Whittington. Bank employees hosted the luncheon to help raise money and food donations for the local food pantry.

Preparation day set for CHS Ilene Littlefield, Counselor at Cherokee High School, will host a concurrent enrollment and college information meeting for all sophomore, junior, and senior students and parents at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Cherokee High School cafeteria. Northwestern Oklahoma State University representatives will cover concurrent enrollment, college admission information, Ranger Preview Scholarship Day - Nov. 12, President’s Leadership Group, scholarships, grants and financial aid information. All students and parents from surrounding communities are welcome and encouraged to attend. MORE DATES Visitation days from various Oklahoma universities are: SWOSU - Sat., Nov. 5, OSU, Sat., Nov. 5, Oral Roberts University - Nov. 3-5, Oklahoma Baptist University - Nov. 6-7, OSU College of Ag Sciences - Nov. 11-12, University of Oklahoma - Nov. 19.

121 E. Main 596-3333

Carmen Correspondent The City of Carmen will have another set of wind turbines. The most obvious turbine will be located between the Railroad Museum and city plant. Initial groundwork has begun. The energy generated will provide electricity for the city plant and extra electricity generated will be sold. The other turbine will be located by the city well which is two miles west and a half mile south of Carmen. Energy will power the city well and extra will also be sold. The three turbines located in the city park have been in operation over a year. Because of metering issues, the city has been unable to determine the economic impact, according to City Clerk Terese Kephart. AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM COURSE-2011 The AARP Driver Safety program Course normally held at Carmen every three years in November will be held at the Alva Northwest Technology Center, Nov. 19 from 8:30 a.m.

until about 3 p.m. All materials will be furnished, and no tests are given. Fees are $12 for AARP members, $14 for nonmembers and no fees this year for veterans and spouses. Bring proof of service. Call (580) 3270344 for reservations. HAPPY RETIREMENT! Sondra Shoemaker was honored with a retirement reception Monday morning at the post office. There was also a surprise birthday and retirement party held at the After 55 Club Tuesday evening. Sondra retired after serving 19 years in Carmen and 37 years with the Postal Service. We wish her well! HERE AND THERE First Responders and Fire Department will meet Thursday, Nov. 3. Carmen Chamber of Commerce will meet Monday, Nov. 7 at noon at the First Carmen Community Room. Call 9872368 to reserve a meal. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to Marcia Brown, Boston Green, Ryan Bruner, and Happy Anniversary to Neal and Mary Inez Hoffman.

Wheatheart Nutrition Lists Menu Menu is subject to change due to availability of foods. Monday, Nov. 7 - Liver & onions, mashed potatoes with gravy, zucchini & tomatoes, whole wheat roll, chilled pears. Tuesday, Nov. 8 - Beefmacaroni casserole, mixed vegetables, tossed salad with tomato, cornbread, baker’s choice. Wednesday, Nov. 9 Chicken salad, English pea cheese salad, carrot raisin salad, crackers, red Jell-O poke cake. Thursday, Nov. 10 Western sandwich, cucumber, tomato & onion salad, baked beans, chocolate chip cookies. Friday, Nov. 11 - Closed. For reservation, call 580596-2792 Cherokee, or 580852-3248 Helena, by noon the day before.

Retreat draws quilters from five states; Santa makes early debut, brings gifts JET – It was the hum of sewing machines and laughter that rang from the Jet Community Building Oct. 20 to 23 as 21 women from towns in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Texas and Oregon gathered for the ninth annual Four Corners Quilt Retreat. Randy Leek, director, and Assistant Rena Powers planned a busy four days of continuous sewing for the attendees. Theme for the retreat was Christmas Quilter’s Clause. Santa Claus greeted the women with a packet of gifts from quilting vendors at each sewing station. Quilting vendors also helped with meals, including breakfast through supper, that Leek prepared. Friday night, one of the quilters, Callie Noonan, prepared homemade cinnamon rolls for everyone to eat on Saturday morning. Late-night sew-ers took part in a taste test Friday night when rolls came out of the oven at the community building. During the retreat, quilters exchanged quilt books from their personal stashes. Also a majority of the attendees brought

quilt blocks with their names and home addresses printed on them for a friendship quilt stitched together in the shape of a heart by each quilter. Leek and Powers taught some project classes in which several of the women took part. Some even completed a quilt with star corner stones from one of the projects. One of the highlights of the retreat was a tour of the barn quilts at the LaGrow Centennial Farm and then on to the Cherokee Station for a buffet supper. The date for the next retreat has been set for Oct. 18 to 21, 2012, in the Jet Community Building.

Phone 580-596-2411 or 596-2764 – Cherokee, OK Damon & Rebecca Hawkins ~Owners

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Page 6 • Cherokee, Okla. • Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

Funerals Beverly Marie Barnes Roberson ENID — A funeral service for Beverly Marie Barnes Roberson, 84, of Enid was at 11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 31, 2011, at the Christian Church of the Covenant. Rev. Pat Sutherlin officiated. She was born to John and Florence Barnes Nov. 10, 1926, and died Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011, in Enid. She grew up in Cherokee and graduated from Cherokee High School and Phillips University. In April, 1947, she married Clarence Roberson in Cherokee at the First Christian Church. Her career in teaching spanned over 40 years until her retirement in 1992. She was also an active member of the Colonial Dames and Daughters of the Revolution after her retirement. She is survived by three daughters, Lucinda Hawkes of Turkey, Debby Roberson of Enid, and Terry Bymaster of Germany; and three grandsons. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence. Memorials may be made to Christian Church of the Covenant. Condolences online at JAMES RUSSELL KERN Memorial service for James Russell Kern, 79, was Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011, at the Cherokee First Baptist Church. Rev. Mark Walters and Rev. Tom Cooksey officiated. A private family burial will be at a later date. Arrangements were under the direction of the Goodwin Funeral Home, Cherokee. Jim was born Jan. 7, 1932, in Woodward to Russell and Opal Price Kern and went to be with his Lord Oct. 28, 2011. He grew up in Cherokee and graduated from Cherokee High School in 1951. He and Marlene Gray were married Aug. 9, 1952 in Alva. Jim served in the U.S. Air

Force for eight years before moving to southern California, working for numerous telephone companies in construction. He then moved to Arizona where he worked for the Federal Aviation Administration until his retirement in 1985. He was awarded the Secretary of Transportation Award for Valor in 1974 for helping rescue five persons trapped in a crashed private airplane at Grand Canyon National Airport. Since his retirement he spent many hours working with Baptist Builders constructing and remodeling churches in Arizona and Oklahoma. He was a member of the Cherokee First Baptist Church and spent his days helping many people and the church with construction and remodeling projects. Surviving are his wife, Marlene; sister, Laura Meyer and her husband, Dennis, of Tuttle; brother-in-law, J.N. Gray and his wife, Wanda, of Jet; brotherin-law Don Gray and his wife, Linda, of Hobbs, N.M.; sisterin-law Ann Hawkins and her husband, Russell, of Borne, Tex. and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Joyce Morland and Erma Arnold. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to Boy’s Ranch Town through Goodwin Funeral Home. [paid obit] Norma Jean Peitz KINGFISHER — A celebration of life for Norma Jean Peitz, 80, of Kingfisher, was at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011, at the First Christian Church of Kingfisher. Reverend Marilyn Merle officiated. A private family burial has been planned for a later date. Arrangements were under the direction of Henninger-Hinson Funeral Home of Enid. She was born May 10, 1931, in Rural Waldron, Kan., to Harold E. and Hazel E. (Welch) Peitz and died Oct. 20, 2011, at

home. She attended local schools in Waldron and graduated from Amorita High school with the class of 1949. In 1952 she married Bill Witters and they made their home in Rapid City, S.D., Wichita, Kan., and Anthony, Kan. She later married Max L. Watkins. She was employed for many years as a hospital medical records administrator. She also worked for the USDA doing agricultural surveys in rural Kansas and Oklahoma. She is survived by her daughter, Lori Weidner of Independence, Kan.; two sons, Sandy Witters of Anthony, Kan., and Matt Watkins of Kingfisher; one brother, Richard Peitz; one sister, Patsy Dautel; eight grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be sent to RussellMurray Hospice of El Reno, or the First Christian Church of Kingfisher. Condolences may be made to the family online at Philip Raymond Clover ENID — Funeral service for Philip Raymond Clover, 58, was at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011, at First Baptist Church. Pastor Keith Miller officiated. Burial followed in Memorial Park Cemetery. He was born July 10, 1953, in Enid and died Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011, in Tulsa. He attended Garfield Elementary, Waller Junior High, Enid High School and Phillips University, graduating with bachelor degrees in secondary education and business. He married Terrie June 26, 1987, in Enid. He began his career with the Enid Fire Department in 1977. He became Chief in 1996.

He was selected by EHS Student Council as the recipient of the Pride of the Plainsmen award in 2010. In 1999, he received the Oklahoma State Fire Chiefs Association’s “Fire Chief of the Year” Award, the first-ever recipient. He served as president of the Fire Chief ’s Association, chairman of the Red Cross, Our Daily Bread, local MDA and Salvation Army fundraising and Christmas in April. He was a Plainsmen booster. He is survived by his wife, Terrie; his children, Jennifer Kisling of Enid, Jeff Berg of Bixby, Andrea Parker of Monument, Colo.; and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his sister, Debra Becker. Memorial contributions may be made to Chief Clover’s Annual Firefighter Christmas Dinner or the Brent Hatcher Benevolent Fund (a fund for families of Oklahoma’s fallen firefighters). Condolences may be made online at www.andersonburris. com. ROSA ALICE SLATER BOUSE Service for Rosa Bouse, 94, was at 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, at Green Valley Free Methodist Church, near Carmen. Interment was in Waynoka Municipal Cemetery under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home, Waynoka LLC. She was born to Mirl and Wanda Slater. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband and four brothers. She is survived by two daughters; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; and one brother. Memorial contributions may be made through the funeral home to Green Valley Free Methodist Church. Full obituary at

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Bethel Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Ed Jones Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Youth: 7 p.m. Adult Bible Study, Wed.: 7 p.m.

St. Cornelius Catholic Church Pastor: Father Lawrence Mass Every Sunday: 11:15 a.m. Friends Church Pastor: Joe Woods Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. BURLINGTON CHURCHES Christian Church Pastor: Dr. Richard Duckworth Church School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Church of Christ Riverside Preacher: Jeffrey Keele Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:50 a.m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. Green Valley Free Methodist Church Pastor: David Keller Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m. HELENA CHURCHES First Christian Church Pastor: Jay Drawbridge Wednesday Bible: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:20 a.m.

Flood Restoration, Carpet & Furniture Cleaning CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Charles Miller ~ Owner/Cleaning Technician (580) 327-2107

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Nazarene Church Pastor: Dean Holt Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Evening Worship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:30 p.m. Helena United Methodist Pastor: Joel Thompson Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Youth Group: 6 p.m. First Baptist Church Pastor: Scott Hofen Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: 6 p.m. AMORITA CHURCHES Amorita Community Pastor: Guy Phillip Harris Morning Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. Prairie Valley United Methodist Pastor: Mary Irby Morning Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m.

GOLTRY CHURCHES St. Michael’s Catholic Church Pastor: Father Larry Kowalski Sun. Morning Mass: 7:30 a.m. Community Bible Church Pastor: Bryan Baldwin Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. First Congregational Church Pastor: Jane Ho Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Family Meal: 1st Sunday, Noon Ladies Aid: 1st Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Last Sunday: Holy Communion New Covenant Fellowship Pastor: Dale Cummins Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m. Wed. Yth Grp, Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pleasant View Mennonite Pastors: Dennis Koehn, Randy Schmidt & Patrick Koehn Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid: 1st & 3rd Thursday

Integris Bass Baptist Health Center

Niki Lewis-Wyatt, P.A.-C Cristopher D. Schultz, D.O. 221 S. Grand, Cherokee - 596-3516

Murrow’s Frame Art, LLC

"ARNES 3T !LVA s Located in the Downtown Mall

Farmers Exchange Bank

Alva State Bank & Trust

JET CHURCHES Nazarene Church Pastor: Dean Holt Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m.

Farmers Co-operative

Jet United Methodist Church Pastor: Mary Irby Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. UMW: Every 3rd Wed. 7 p.m.

Church of Christ Pastor: Bill Springer Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p.m.

Cherokee Family Clinic

BYRON CHURCH Ridin’ 4 Him Cowboy Church Sunday Learnin’: 9:00 a.m. Sunday Preachin’: 10:00 a.m. Communion 1st Sun. of Month Fellowship Potluck 1st Sun./Mo.

Vining Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer Mtg: 7:30 p.m. Fellowship/Communion last Sun./Mo.

First Christian Church Pastor: Dr. Ron Hansen Youth Minister: Barbara James Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:50 a.m. Youth Meet: 5:30 p.m. KREJ Radio Wed: 8:20, 12:55, 5:25 First Baptist Church Pastor: Tom Cooksey Assoc. Pastor: Brandon Holloway Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Discipleship Training: 6 p.m. Evening Worship 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m.

4 Oklahoma Blvd. • Alva, OK 73717

DRIFTWOOD CHURCH Driftwood Christian Church Minister: Greg Schmidt Bible School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m.

New Life Assembly of God Interim Pastor: Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sun. Bible Study & Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study: 7p.m. Prayer line: (580) 596-2155

Women of the ELCA, the church choir, the fellowship ministry and the social ministry. She was also a member of the Oklahoma Retired Teachers Association, Kappa Kappa Iota, a past member of the Oklahoma and National Education Associations, and worked with the Valiant Knights of Oklahoma Drum and Bugle Corps. She is survived by her husband, Kenneth P. of Summerfield; daughter, Lisa N. Weigand, Summerfield; stepdaughter, Michelle Miles, Winter Park, Fla.; sister, Linda White, Yukon; brother, James Hardy Penifold, Coolidge, Ariz.; and two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son, Charles and her brother, Billy.


Zoar Mennonite Pastor: Gary Eastin Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. Sun & Wed Evening Serv: 6 p.m.

CHEROKEE CHURCHES First United Methodist Pastors: Paul Calkin Jeni Markham Clewell Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. CHUM Youth Classes: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Evening Choir Chime: 6 p.m Choir Practice: 7 p.m.

Please worship at the church of your choice.

Ruth Ann Qualheim SUMMERFIELD, Fla. — A memorial service for Ruth Ann Qualheim, 72, formerly of Enid, will be held at her church at a later date. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St. John Lutheran Church Enduring Gifts Fund or Hospice of Marion County, Inc. Arrangements are by HiersBaxley Funeral Services — The Villages, Fla. Sentiments may be left at www.hiers-baxley. com. She was born Aug. 27, 1939 in Cherokee and died Oct. 26, 2011. She was an active member of St. John Lutheran Church and involved with several groups at the church including the Gold Circle, the Quilting Circle,

CARMEN CHURCHES Carmen Christian Church Pastor: Kirk Board Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Carmen United Methodist Pastor: John Bizzell Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Assembly of God Pastor: Rev. Mike Wiles Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Carmen Baptist Church Pastor: Jerry Stafford Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. ALINE CHURCHES United Methodist Church Pastor: Rachel Parrott Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: 5:00 p.m. Pleasant Plain Church of the Brethren Pastor: Elsie Koehn Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday Eve Service: 7:30 p.m. 3rd Sunday Fellowship after services First Christian Church Pastor: Polly Young Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Youth Group: 4 p.m. CYF: 5 p.m.

419 S. Grand - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3371 - Member FDIC

Burlington - (580) 431-3300 Member FDIC

Cherokee * Carmen * Aline

Goodwin Funeral Home 106 W. Second - Cherokee (580) 596-3346

Great Salt Plains Health Center

Dr. Keenan Ferguson, D.O. 405 S. Okla. - (580) 596-2800

The Caring Company 217 S. Grand - 596-3535 Lynette Morris

Yoder Gas Company Jet, OK (580) 626-4514

Burlington Farmers Coop Burlington, OK 73722

Smok-Shak, Inc.

2N & 2W of Cherokee on Hwy. 64

Dine In - Carry Out - Catering 596-3584 or 888-486-0686 Debra Engle, owner

Walter Burkes Agency RR1 Box 1, Carmen (580) 987-2520

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 • Page 7

CHS manhandles Merritt; to Canton for last regular season game By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff MERRITT – Playing keep away, the Merritt Oilers were able to play four quarters here last Friday against Cherokee, but the Chiefs still managed to dominate the game on the scoreboard and in the statistics in recording a 38-6 victory. The victory improves the Chiefs' record to 6-2 in District B-1 and 7-2 overall. It also assured Cherokee of at least fourth place in the district and a trip to the playoffs. Laverne has wrapped up the district championship, while Seiling will be the district runner-up. Both will host first round post-season contests. Cherokee and Pond Creek-Hunter will be the third and fourth place qualifiers for the playoffs. Whether the Chiefs place third or fourth will depend on wins by both ball clubs this Friday, along with the scores in the state's complicated tie-breaker system. Cherokee travels to Canton for its regular season finale' Friday, while Pond Creek-Hunter hosts Merritt.

BEND BUT DON'T BREAK "I thought we played well on both sides of the ball at Merritt," said Chiefs' Head Coach Bryce Schanbacher. "They ran right at us, but it was a bend but don't break game for our defense." The Oilers rushed the ball 49 times and gained only 106 yards – 2.16 yards per carry – but managed enough success (14 first downs) to keep Cherokee's offense from dominating the game. "They did a good job keeping the ball away from us," conceded Schanbacher. When the Chiefs did have the ball, they were dominant, rushing 32 times for 265 yards – 8.28 yards per carry. Quarterback Henry Washington has become a work horse for the Chiefs. He carried 18 times last week for 182 yards – more than 10 yards every time he touched the ball – for three touchdowns. Washington has accumulated more than 1,000 yards rushing over the past four games. TD PASS GETS CHIEFS GOING But it was a Washington to

Josh Argraves pass play covering 40 yards that put the first points on the scoreboard for Cherokee. Washington ran in the extra points and the Chiefs led 8-0 at the end of the first quarter. Cherokee took a 16-0 lead in the second quarter when Washington scored on a 54-yard run and then ran in the two conversion points. With about two minutes left in the first half, Merritt posted its only points of the game on a 1-yard run. The extra point run failed, leaving the Chiefs on top 16-6 at halftime. Cherokee tacked on two third quarter touchdowns when Washington scored on a 34-yard run and Austin Hawkins bulled into the end zone for a 1-yard TD. While the extra point attempt failed on Washington's run, he passed to Austin Huckabee for two extra points on the second score to make it 30-6 at the end of three quarters. The Chiefs' final points of the game came on a 31-yard touchdown run by Washington in the fourth stanza. Tanner Bowman

ran in the extra points, making it 38-6. Linebackers Alex Castro and Landon Schanbacher continue their stellar play, with Castro recording 15 tackles against the Oilers and Schanbacher 10. Derek Richmond also had 10 stops. Cornerback Tanner Ducotey was around the ball most of the night and it paid off. He had a fumble recovery as well as a pass interception. Canton's Tigers are 5-4 overall as they prepare to host the Chiefs this Friday. Coach Schanbacher said during a Monday telephone interview that Canton's multiple formations on both offense and defense makes it hard to prepare for the Tigers. "They don't have a lot of size," he said, "but they do have good speed. Their quarterback and tailback are both fast. "But when you get down to it, we've got to make tackles and not get out of position to win." CHEROKEE 38, MERRITT 6

Score by Quarter Cherokee 8 8 14 8 –38 Merritt 0 6 0 0 –6 The Yardstick Cherokee Merritt 15 First Downs 14 265 Yds. Rushing 106 95 Yds. Passing 53 5-10 Passes Comp.-Att. 5-13 1 Passes Int. By 0 2-29 Punts-Ave. Yds. 4-34 2 Fumbles Lost 2 2-30 Penalties-Yds. 6-60 Individual Statistics Rushing: Washington 18-182, 3 TDs; Austin Hawkins 8-42, 1 TD; Tanner Bowman 4-27 Passing: Washington 5-10 for 95 yards, 1 TD Receiving: Huckabee 2-48; Argraves 2-45, 1 TD; Bowman 1-2 Tackles: Alex Castro 15, Landon Schanbacher 10, Derek Richmond 10, Argraves 9 Pass Interceptions: Tanner Ducotey 1 Fumble Recoveries: Ductotey 1 Scoring Summary First Quarter Cherokee: Argraves 40 pass from Washington (Washington run) Second Quarter Cherokee: Washington 54 run (Washington run)

DISTRICT B-1 School Dist. All PF PA x-Laverne (+101) 7-1 8-1 423 88 x-Seiling (+67) 6-2 7-2 369 218 x-Cherokee (+43) 6-2 7-2 320 176 x-PC-Hunter (+40) 6-2 7-2 377 261 Ringwood (0) 4-4 4-5 284 259 Garber (-5) 4-4 4-5 246 287 Canton (+19) 4-4 5-4 319 255 Merritt (-66) 2-6 3-6 166 276 Geary (-79) 1-7 1-8 130 351 K-Hillsdale (-120) 0-8 0-9 68 469 This week: Cherokee at Canton, Garber at Seiling, Kremlin-Hillsdale at Geary, Merritt at Pond Creek-Hunter, Laverne at Ringwood x–Qualified for playoffs

Cherokee FFA 2011 Labor Auction and Calf Fry 6:00 p.m. ~ Thursday, Nov. 3rd

Merritt: 1 run (Run failed) Third Quarter Cherokee: Washington 34 run (Run failed) Cherokee: Hawkins 1 run (Austin Huckabee pass from Washington) Fourth Quarter Cherokee: Washington 31 run (Bowman run)


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CHEROKEE QUARTERBACK Henry Washington (20), shown above on a touchdown run in a recent game against the Pond Creek-Hunter Panthers, has amassed more than 1,000 yards rushing this season.

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Page 8 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

Tigers take care of business, rout Cards; play SW Covenant today By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff MEDFORD – With a runnerup finish in District C-3 all but assured, giving the Tigers a first round playoff game next week, it's all about taking care of business for Timberlake this week after its 54-8 rout of the Medford Cardinals last Friday. Coach Brian Severin's ball club goes on the road today (Thursday) for its final regular season contest against the Southwest Covenant Patriots in Yukon. The Patriots come into the game with a record of 2-4 in the district and 2-6 overall. They average only 11 points an outing while giving up more than 39. More than likely Timberlake will be able to name the score in this one... if the Tigers don't read their press clippings. Severin says the Tigers will face Maud at home next week if all teams involved play to form. Medford's young ball club wasn't able to match talent with the Tigers and trailed 32-0 after just one quarter of play. Severin pulled back in the second quarter and the two ball clubs went to the locker room at halftime with Timberlake on top, 40-8.

When the Tigers posted their second touchdown of the third quarter, the contest was stopped under the 45-point mercy rule. Statistics don't always tell the story, but they did in this case. Timberlake piled up 433 yards of offense, while holding the Cardinals to only five first downs and 83 total yards. "I was really pleased with our passing attack," said Severin. "We scored on the first play of the game (a Coy Troutt to Logan Campbell 39-yarder). Coy hit some open receivers, threw the ball quick and looked good." Troutt followed up in the first quarter with another touchdown pass – this time a 47-yarder to Mitchell Ballard – and two touchdown runs of his own, a 13-yarder and a 3-yarder, to shut the door on Medford, 32-0. Ballard scored on an 80yard punt return in the second quarter to make it 40-8 before Medford's Matt Liley picked up a Timberlake fumble and returned it 55 yards for the Cardinals only score of the contest. A pair of touchdown runs by Stetson Buller in the third quarter – one from 41 yards out and

District C-3 Standings School Dist. All PF PA x-DC-Lamont (+90) 6-0 8-0 354 46 x-Timberlake (+57) 5-1 7-1 368 139 x-Cov-Douglas (+51) 5-1 8-1 314 160 x-Coyle (+12) 3-3 5-3 332 190 Medford (-30) 2-4 3-5 226 274 SW Covenant (-31) 2-4 2-6 89 315 Waukomis (-59) 1-5 2-6 136 318 Carney (-90) 0-6 1-8 152 426 This week: Timberlake at SW Covenant, Covington-Douglas at Deer Creek-Lamont, Waukomis at Medford, Carney at Coyle x–Qualified for playoffs

Class B, C Football Rankings THE OKLAHOMAN CLASS B 1. Caddo (1), 9-0 2. Davenport (2), 9-0 3. Kiefer (3), 8-1 4. Fox (4), 8-1 5. Gans (5), 8-1 6. Laverne (6), 8-1 7. Dewar (7), 6-3 8. Pond Creek-Hunter (9), 7-2 9. Wetumka (8), 7-2 10. Cherokee (10), 7-2 CLASS C 1. Deer Creek-Lamont (1), 9-0 2. Timberlake (2), 7-1 3. Temple (3), 8-0 4. Sharon-Mutual (4), 7-2 5. Shattuck (5), 8-1 6. Covington-Douglas (6), 8-1 7. Tipton (8), 7-2 8. Coyle (7), 5-3 9. Webbers Falls (10), 8-1 10. Ryan (9), 6-3 COACHES AID CLASS B 1. Caddo (1), 9-0 2. Davenport (2), 9-0 3. Kiefer (3), 8-1 4. Welch (4), 8-1 5. Fox (5), 8-1 6. Laverne (7), 8-1 7. Gans (6), 8-1 8. Dewar (8), 6-3 9. Seiling (NR), 7-2 10. Cherokee (NR), 7-2 CLASS C 1. Deer Creek-Lamont (1), 8-0 2. Temple (2), 8-0 3. Timberlake (3), 7-1

4. Sharon-Mutual (4), 7-2 5. Shattuck (5), 8-1 6. Covington-Douglas (6), 8-1 7. Tipton (7), 7-2 8. Coyle (8), 5-3 9. Webbers Falls (10), 8-1 10. Ryan (9), 6-3

the other a 5-yarder – ended the scoring. Timberlake's potent passing attack was just too much for the Cardinals. Troutt’s nine completions averaged 28.8 yards per play. Stetson Buller hauled in four of those aerials for 132 yards – 33 yards per reception. The four qualifiers for the playoffs from District C-3 have been determined. Deer CreekLamont – ranked No. 1 in Class C all season – is 6-0 and hosting 5-1 (8-1 overall) CovingtonDouglas Friday. It would take a monumental effort from the Wildcats to upset the Eagles. More than likely, CovingtonDouglas will end up third in the district, with Coyle (3-3 in C-3 and 5-3 overall) taking the final playoff post. As for the rankings, the Tigers come in at No. 2 in The Oklahoman's Top 10 and at No. 3 in the Coaches Aid poll. A note to Timberlake fans planning to make the trek to Yukon: the Tigers play today (Thursday), not Friday. TIMBERLAKE 54, MEDFORD 8 Score by Quarter Timberlake 32 8 14 x –54 Medford 0 8 0 x –8 The Yardstick

Timberlake Medford 17 First Downs 5 174 Yds. Rushing 37 259 Yds. Passing 46 9-15 Passes Comp.-Att. 8-21 0 Passes Int. By 0 0-00 Punts-Ave. Yds. 4-38 1 Fumbles Lost 0 3-35 Penalties-Yds. 1-5 Individual Statistics Rushing: Buller 5-75, 2 TDs; Campbell 3-61; Troutt 7-35, 2 TDs Passing: Troutt 9-15 for 259 yards, 2 TDs Receiving: Buller 4-132; Campbell 3-71, 1 TD; Ballard 2-56, 1 TD Tackles: Troutt 12, Campbell 8, Buller 7 Fumble Recoveries: Sage Powers 1 Scoring Summary First Quarter Timberlake: Campbell 39 pass from Troutt (Buller pass from Troutt) Timberlake: Ballard 47 pass from Troutt (Campbell run) Timberlake: Troutt 13 run (Campbell run) Timberlake: Troutt 3 run (Campbell run) Second Quarter Timberlake: Ballard 80 punt return (Jacob Henderson pass from Troutt) Medford: Liley 55 fumble recovery (Jake Herrera run) Third Quarter Timberlake: Buller 41 run (Pass failed) Timberlake: Buller 5 run (Buller run)

Class B, C scoreboard CLASS B Copan 33, Agra 24 Alex 44, Bowlegs 32 Dewar 88, Allen 46 Cherokee 38, Merritt 6 Okla. Chr. Acad. 54, Cyril 6 Davenport 76, Central 29 Gans 39, Keota 24 Ponc Creek-H. 59, Garber 14 Laverne 50, Geary 0 Fox 52, Macomb 0 Canton 33, Ringwood 13 Paoli 68, Sasakwa 34 Seiling 54, Kremlin-H. 14 Oaks 60, Summit Christian 14 Victory Life 52, Canadian 28 Kiefer 15, Watts 0 Welch 58, Depew 46 Weleetka 52, Cave Springs 6 S. Coffeyville 24, Wesleyan Christian School 22 Caddo 36, Wetumka 8 CLASS C Forgan 42, Balko 0

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Arkoma 46, Bokoshe 0 Mt. View-G. 72, Cement 38 Bluejacket 66, Claremore Christian School 0 Community Christian 44, Midway 16 Temple 46, Corn Bible 0 Covington-D. 48, Coyle 42 Grandfield 34, Duke 14 Sharon-Mutual 48, Tyrone 0 SW Chr. 58, Thackerville 32 Rejoice Christian 49, SouthCovenant 0 Timberlake 54, Medford 8 Tipton 64, Ryan 28 Shattuck 47, Waynoka 0 Webbers Falls 62, Maud 6


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Additional items to be auctioned - Bench Swing Silent auction - numerous horseshoe art pieces and other shop projects

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Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 • Page 9


Three from county enter teen contest ALVA – Seven young women, including three from Alfalfa County, will take the stage Sunday for a chance to be crowned as the Miss Northwestern Oklahoma State University Outstanding Teen during the Miss Northwestern and Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant. The pageant begins at 4 p.m. in Herod Hall Auditorium. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Tickets for the event can be purchased in advance at the following locations in Alva: laDEEda, Holder Drug, Northwestern Foundation Office and Alva Chamber of Commerce. Advance tickets are $8; tickets will be available at the door the day of the event for $10. Northwestern students with a valid student ID can get into the pageant for free. Competing in this year’s pageant are Savanna Eshleman, Cherokee; Cheney Bird, Alva; Kenzie Kraft, Burlington; Harlie Tay-

lor, Woodward; Victoria Kimbrell and Carolyn Koepping, both of Enid; and Kelsey Castle, Jet. Eshelman will perform a pop vocal solo to the song “Who Says,� and her platform is “Anti-Bullying.� She hopes to promote positive solutions to this growing problem. Kraft, who has been dancing since she was 3 years old, will perform a lyrical ballet to “Glitter in the Air.� Her platform is “YOGOWYPI� (You Only Get Out What You Put In), and she hopes to convey the importance of good work ethics to young men and women across the state. Also addressing the issue of bullying, Castle would eventually like to develop a program to help kids understand bullying. During the pageant, Castle will perform to the “Hills are Alive.� For more information, contact Chesnei Thomas at (580) 327-8543.

Commissioners in and out of meeting in 20 minutes By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff For the first time in several weeks, Alfalfa County commissioners entertained no comments from the public and took care of business in less than 20 minutes. The most time consuming agenda item was the approval of 21 road crossing permits in Districts 1 and 2. Commissioners Doug Murrow, Chad Roach and Toby

Walker approved nine road crossing permits for SandRidge Services in District 1; eight for RiteWay Construction, two in District 1 and six in District 2; one for Select Energy in District 1; and three for Mid-America Midstream, two in District 1 and one for District 2. Also approved was a proposal for County Clerk Bruce Martin to go out for bids on equipment and installation for a 2012 Ta-

hoe in the sheriff ’s office. “I’m going to be buying a Tahoe again, probably, through the state department,� Sheriff Charlie Tucker said. “I do need to go out on bids for the equipment for it.� He gave Martin a list of three prospective bidders. Commissioners designated County Treasurer Valerie Vetter to complete and submit a financial statement to the state auditor.




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Thorp named T’Lake October Student of Month HELENA – Jessica Thorp is the Timberlake High School Student of the Month for October. Thorp is the president of the Timberlake FFA Chapter, president of her class and a member of the Timberlake girls’ softball team. She is the daughter of Tom and Cheryl Thorp of Helena. Timberlake Student of the Month is sponsored by Helena Lions Club.

Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Department logs, Oct. 24-29 Oct. 24 10:41 a.m. – Cow out close to Carmen Park. Contacted possible owner. 3:27 p.m. – Grass fire west of Goltry. Goltry Fire Department paged. 5:27 p.m. – Cattle out east of Goltry. Left voice message for owner. Oct. 25 7:41 a.m. – Two small fires north of Carmen turnoff. Carmen Fire Department paged. 9:14 a.m. – Recovered stolen vehicle west of SH 132 and 11 junction. Vehicle was a 2003 red Chevrolet Avalanche. Oct. 26 2:18 p.m. – Man taking mail out of mailboxes in Nescatunga. 9:15 p.m. – Four or five dogs barking all night in 400 block of North 5th Fifth Street in Carmen. Oct. 27 6:20 a.m. – Dead deer in middle of roadway south of

AA Meetings 7 p.m. Tuesday

Senior Citizens Center Behind Baker Bldg. (in alley) Cherokee, Oklahoma

7 p.m. Saturday First United Methodist 400 S. Grand-Cherokee

Cozy Curve. Advised Oklahoma Department of Transportation. 7:08 a.m. – Cars along highway south of Cherokee. Nothing found. 2:04 p.m. – Lady has fallen at Jet Jiffy Trip. Paged Jet Fire Department. 5:40 p.m. – Suspicious vehicle north of Ingersoll at old farm house. Will speak to owners of house. Oct. 28 9:40 a.m. – Semi-truck accident north of Carmen turnoff. Ambulance took driver to Bass hospital in Enid. 11:52 a.m. – Party reported that she was hit southeast of Byron. Notified Oklahoma Highway Patrol. 7:25 p.m. – Man lying in

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street at corner of 5th and Pennsylvania in Cherokee. Advised Cherokee Police Department. Oct. 29 9:10 a.m. – Cattle out west of McWillie elevator. Advised owner. 1:30 p.m. – Speeding trucks in Jet. Advised OHP.

6:51 p.m. – Cattle out east of Dacoma. Advised owner. 7:59 p.m. – Disturbance at fair grounds in Cherokee. Intoxicated man bothering 17-yearold girl. Man was gone. 8:04 p.m. – Missing property from garage in Helena. Spoke with reporting party.


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Page 10 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

Alfalfa County District Court Docket Criminal Misdemeanor Michael Edward James (outstanding warrant), no address, has been charged with public intoxication, malicious injury to property. Trey Alcorn III, Purcell, has been charged with affixing improper license plate to vehicle. Civil Discover Bank has sued Steven Stauffer, Cherokee, for breach of contract. Dana Cowan, Nash, has sued Alice Smith and Tommy Farnsworth, both of Jet, for damages.

Marriage Licenses Christopher Dale Parker and Timithea Lynn Parker, both of Cherokee, have filed for a marriage license. A marriage ceremony was performed by Judge Loren Angle. Larry Eugene DeWitt and Patty Ann Davidson, both of Cherokee, have filed for a marriage license. Danny Ray Gullick and Sheila Gale Kelly, both of Poteau, have filed for a marriage license. A marriage ceremony was performed by Judge Loren


Traffic Charged with failure to wear seat belt, $20: William Mark Jernigan, Alva; Derek Vernon Carnagey, Gate; Jeremy Wayne Ninness, Enid. Charged with speeding 1-10 mph over speed limit, $188.50: Shawn Michael Sinclair, Tulsa; Kevin Ray Foraker, Tulsa; David G. Nelson, Meno; Brennan Michael Virgil Seaman, Goltry; Ismael Hernandez Becerra, Enid. Charged with speeding 15

mph over speed limit, $226.50: Miguel Duenez, no address; Zachary Dee Millard, Elk City. Charged with speeding 16-20 mph over speed limit, $241.50: Nathan Andrew Beach, Mead; Joseph Milan Tyson, Weatherford, Texas. Charged with failure to carry insurance verification, $211.50: Miguel Duenez, no address. Charged with operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license, $324: Miguel Duenez, no address. Charged with failure to stop

Cherokee Police Department daily traffic logs Oct. 25 8:55 a.m. – Water coming up by street. 8:58 a.m. – Horse loose at 2nd and Euclid. 9:25 a.m. – Girls bike between 7th and Colorado between trees – might be stolen. 9:36 a.m. – Horse out again. Can’t go to work because of it. 10:11 a.m. – Fire alarm company is working on fire alarms. If they go off, don’t worry or send SWAT teams down. 3:15 p.m. – Bike in culvert for three days. 6:26 p.m. – Reporting party advised she got stung by something. Oct. 26 8 a.m. – Has a skunk in trap and would like it emptied. 9:04 a.m. – Red Avalanche is wrecked at SH 132 and 11 junction. Been sitting there a couple days. 9:06 p.m. – White Mustang with blue stripes came up through yard and out of driveway. Oct. 27 7:31 p.m. – Person driving erratically on Grand. 8:16 p.m. – Report of stolen property from modular home on Ohio and Washington. 10:37 p.m. – Herd of cattle in backyard. Cattle destroying backyard. 10:50 p.m. – Cattle scattering down street. 11:11 p.m. – Owner of cattle has cattle but is missing two donkeys. 11:16 p.m. – All livestock penned. Oct. 28 9:33 a.m. – Semi turned over south of Cherokee.

10:13 a.m. – Asked firemen if they picked up man’s glasses. 10:30 a.m. – Gave glasses to wife. 11:59 a.m. – Would like officer to come to Nebraska residence, being threatened by gas company. 7:25 p.m. – Man lying in street at 5th and Pennsylvania. No contact made. 10:34 p.m. – Cattle out on Pennsylvania and Adams. Called owner, left message. Oct. 29 8:33 a.m. – Water leak in 700 block of Oklahoma. 12:31 p.m. – Keys locked in running vehicle at Jiffy Trip. Car

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION Application No. 1202610136 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That SandRidge Exploration and Production, LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, is requesting that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, pursuant to OAC Rules 165:10-5-5 and 165: 5-7-27, administratively authorize the approval of disposal of saltwater and associated deleterious substances into a non-commercial disposal well as follows: WELL NAME AND LOCATION: Sharon SWD 2-22, SE4, NW4, NW4, NE4, Sec. 22-T29N-R10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma DISPOSAL ZONE AND DEPTH: Arbuckle, TOP – approx. 5280’, BOTTOM – approx. 7150’ TD DISPOSAL RATE AND PRESSURE: 60,000 BPD, 2000 PSI Objections may be filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission within fifteen (15) days after publication of this notice. Objections, if any, should be mailed to Oil and Gas Conservation Division, Pollution Abatement Dept., Jim Thorpe Bldg., P.O. Box 52000, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-2000 November 3, 2011

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Township 29 North, Range 9 West of the Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, so as to BEFORE THE CORPORATION produce hydrocarbons from such common COMMISSION OF THE STATE source of supply, with such authorization OF OKLAHOMA and permission running in favor of AppliAPPLICANT: SANDRIDGE cant or some other party recommended EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, by Applicant, and to establish proper alLLC lowables for such well and such unit. RELIEF SOUGHT: INCREASED NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that DENSITY the application in this cause requests LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 18, that the order to be entered in this matter Township 29 North, Range 9 (amending the applicable orders of the West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Commission, including Order No. 583316) Oklahoma be made effective as of the date of the exCause CD No. 201105754 ecution thereof or as of a date prior thereto NOTICE OF HEARING and that the authorization and permission STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All requested herein run in favor of Applicant persons, owners, producers, operators, or some other party recommended by purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and Applicant. all other interested persons, particularly NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the this cause is set before an administrative following: American Innovative Royalty law judge for hearing, taking of evidence Systems; Bandera Mineral, LLC; Bandera and reporting to the Commission. Notice Minerals, LLC; Bandera Minerals I, LLC; is further given that the application in this Bandera Minerals II, LLC; Chesapeake cause may be amended at such hearExploration, LLC; Chesapeake Operating in accordance with the rules of the ing, Inc.; Chesapeake Royalty, LLC; Dean Commission and the laws of the State of Wesley Hughes, II; Debra Jo West; Dillon, Oklahoma. Thomas and Dillon, a co-partnership; DilNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this lon and Dillon, a co-partnership; Don R. cause will be heard before an administraStein Testamentary Trust, and the Trustee tive law judge on the Conservation Docket of such trust; Erma Redman; Ford Royalty at the Western Regional Service Office of Company, LLC; Frances Drue Lewis; G.A. the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Tucker; Gardiner Family Living Trust, and Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, the Trustee of such trust; HSH Royalty Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. on Corp.; Julian W. Smith; Kirby Minerals; the 22nd day of November, 2011, and that Larry Angle; Leroy C. Stein Testamenthis notice be published as required by law tary Trust, and the Trustee of such trust; and the rules of the Commission. Marjorie Feely van Sickle; Mary Anne NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Stein; Nancy Sutton Besly; O.E. & E.L. Applicant and interested parties may presBradley Trust, and the Trustee of such ent testimony by telephone. The cost of trust; Rex Redman; Ruth Schwint; Shirley telephonic communication shall be paid by Anne Bornford; Unit Petroleum; Yale Oil the person or persons requesting its use. Association, Inc.; Yetta Resenbloom; if Interested parties who wish to participate any of the above-named individuals be by telephone shall contact Applicant or deceased, then the unknown heirs, exApplicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing ecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees date, and provide their names and teleand assigns, both immediate and remote, phone numbers. of such deceased individual; if any of the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all above-named parties is a dissolved partinterested persons may appear and be nership, corporation or other association, heard. For information concerning this then the unknown successors, trustees action, contact John R. Reeves, Attorand assigns, both immediate and remote, ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two of such dissolved entity; and if any of Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, the above-named parties designated as Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Telea trustee is not presently acting in such phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, capacity as trustee, then the unknown sucSandRidge Exploration and Production, cessor or successors to such trustee. LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that City, Oklahoma 73102-6406, Telephone: Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and (405) 429-6344. Production, LLC, has filed an application CORPORATION COMMISSION in this cause requesting the Corporation OF OKLAHOMA Commission of Oklahoma to enter an DANA. L. MURPHY, Chair order, to be effective as of the date of the BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman execution thereof or as of a date prior PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner thereto, amending the applicable orders DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day of the Commission, including Order No. of October, 2011. 583316, to authorize and permit another BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: well in the “640-acre” drilling and spacing PEGGY MITCHELL, unit formed for the Mississippian common Commission Secretary source of supply in fractional Section 18,


unlocked by On-Star. 3:46 p.m. – Someone keeps calling and no one answers. Can hear background noise but that’s it. Call keeps coming back. 7:58 p.m. – Intoxicated man keeps bothering 17-year-old.

Oct. 30 11:39 a.m. – Needs officer to help get his pickup. Won’t need an officer because it was released to his wife. They are separated, and he needs help to get it from her.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & teen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, and ThursEighteen (18) and Nineteen (19), in Block day, Nov. 10, 2011. 2t Thirty-one (31) of First Addition to Aline, in the district court in and for Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. alfalfa county That the Defendants, and each of state of oklahoma them, be adjudged to have no right, title, case no. cv-11-24 claim, estate or interest in and to the real Myrna Jo Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. The property involved in this cause of action Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Deviand that they, and each of them, be persees, Trustees, Sucessors and Assigns petually barred and enjoined from setting of Mary M. Owen and Dalys Ford, Deup or asserting any right, title, claim, esceased, and the Unknown Successors tate, or interest in and to said property. of Mary M. Owen and Dalys Ford, DeThat said Defendants, and each of them, ceased, Defendants. must answer the Petition filed herein Notice by publication by Plaintiff on or before the 15th day of The State of Oklahoma to Defendants: December, 2011, or said Petition will be The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, taken as true and correct and judgment Devisees, Trustees, Sucessors and Asrendered accordingly decreeing that said signs of Mary M. Owen and Dalys Ford, Plaintiff is the owner of the property deDeceased, and the Unknown Successcribed in said Petition. sors of Mary M. Owen and Dalys Ford, Given under my hand and seal this Deceased. 25th day of October, 2011. You and each of you, are hereby notis/Lori Irwin, Court Clerk fied that Plaintiff has filed a Petition in the Deputy District Court of Alfalfa County, State of [seal] Oklahoma, Case No. CV-11-24, against Francis “Fritz” McGee, OBA #5985 you, and each of you, alleging that she McGee Law Firm, P.L.L.C. is the fee simple owner of the following Attorney for Plaintiff described real property situated in Alfalfa 111 1/2 South Grand County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: Cherokee, Oklahoma 73728 Lots Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fif(580) 596-3550

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & above-named separate common sources Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t of supply, with such authorization and BEFORE THE CORPORATION permission running in favor of Applicant COMMISSION OF THE STATE or some other party recommended by OF OKLAHOMA Applicant; and (ii) establishing a proper APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE allowable for the proposed well involved EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, herein as to the separate common sources LLC of supply covered hereby, which allowable RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION Applicant requests be established as a full EXCEPTION allowable with no downward adjustment LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 25, made thereto. Township 28 North, Range 10 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the West of the IM, Alfalfa County, application in this cause requests that the Oklahoma order to be entered in this matter be made Cause CD No. 201105755 effective as of the date of the execution NOTICE OF HEARING thereof or as of a date prior thereto and STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perthat the authorization and permission sons, owners, producers, operators, requested herein run in favor of Applicant purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and or some other party recommended by all other interested persons, particularly Applicant. in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that following: Monty L. Hott Production Corp.; the “land sections adjacent to the area Sullivan and Company, LLC; and if any of within the location exception” requested the above-named parties is a dissolved herein in said Section 25 in regard to partnership, corporation or other assothe subsurface location tolerance areas ciation, then the unknown successors, described above are Sections 19, 30 and trustees and assigns, both immediate and 31, Township 28 North, Range 9 West of remote, of such dissolved entity. the IM; and Sections 24 and 36, Township NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 28 North, Range 10 West of the IM, all Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. The other Production, LLC, has filed an application “land sections” surrounding said Section in this cause requesting the Corporation 25 are Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township Commission of Oklahoma to enter an 28 North, Range 10 West of the IM, Alfalfa order, to be effective as of the date of the County, Oklahoma. execution thereof or as of a date prior NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this thereto, as follows: (i) authorizing and cause is set before an administrative law permitting an exception to the permitted judge for hearing, taking of evidence and well location tolerances in the 640-acre reporting to the Corporation Commission of drilling and spacing units formed in Section Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the 25, Township 28 North, Range 10 West of application in this cause may be amended the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the at such hearing in accordance with the Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Oswego, Cherorules of the Commission and the laws of kee and Mississippian separate common the State of Oklahoma. sources of supply, so as to allow a well to NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this be drilled from a surface location being not cause is set for hearing before an admincloser than 200 feet from the north line and istrative law judge on the Conservation not closer than 880 feet from the east line Docket at the Western Regional Service of said Section 25 to subsurface locations Office of the Corporation Commission, of such well’s entry into and such well’s Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln exit from each of the Tonkawa, Cottage Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at Grove, Oswego and Cherokee separate 8:30 A.M. on the 21st day of November, common sources of supply and to a sub2011, and that this notice be published surface location of such well’s entry into as required by law and the rules of the the Mississippian common source of supCommission. ply being as follows: not closer than 200 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that feet from the north line and 880 feet from Applicant and interested parties may presthe east line of said Section 25, with the ent testimony by telephone. The cost of first perforation in the horizontal portion or telephonic communication shall be paid by lateral of the borehole of such well in the the person or persons requesting its use. Mississippian common source of supply Interested parties who wish to participate being as follows: not closer than 300 feet by telephone shall contact Applicant or from the north line and 880 feet from the Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing east line of said Section 25, and with the date, and provide their names and telelast perforation in the horizontal portion or phone numbers. lateral of the borehole of such well in the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Mississippian common source of supply interested persons may appear and be being as follows: not closer than 300 feet heard. For information concerning this from the south line and 880 feet from the action, contact John R. Reeves, Attoreast line of said Section 25, and with the ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two terminus or end point of the horizontal Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, portion or lateral of the borehole of such Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Telewell in the Mississippian common source phone: (405) 235-1110; or Kevin Manning, of supply being as follows: not closer than SandRidge Exploration and Production, 200 feet from the south line and 880 feet LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma from the east line of said Section 25, and City, Oklahoma, 73102-6406, Telephone: with a “tolerance distance” for the above(405) 429-5788. described subsurface locations, horizontal CORPORATION COMMISSION portion or lateral and completion interval OF OKLAHOMA of such well being as follows: a distance DANA L. MURPHY, Chair of not more than 100 feet in an easterly BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman direction and in a westerly direction from PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner any such subsurface location, from any DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day point on or along such horizontal portion or of October, 2011. lateral and from any point on or along such BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: completion interval, and to be completed PEGGY MITCHELL, in and to produce hydrocarbons from the Commission Secretary

at stop sign, $211.50: Leland Wayne Powers III, Yukon. Charged with inattentive driving, $211.50: Ralph Edward Bruner, Carmen. Charged with failure to keep to the right on road of sufficient width, $211.50: Micah Glen Wil-

liams, Nash. Charged with operating a motor vehicle at a speed not reasonable or proper, $256.50: Jeffrey O’Neill Stursa, Jones. Charged with following too closely, $211.50: Ron Lewis Kimmel, Ada.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & docket at the Corporation Commission, 1st Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, BEFORE THE CORPORATION Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st day COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF of November, 2011, and that this notice be OKLAHOMA published as required by law and the Rules APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL of the Commission. RESOURCES, INC. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that RELIEF SOUGHT: VACATE EXISTING the Applicant and interested parties may SPACING AND ESTABLISH NEW present testimony by telephone. The cost DRILLING AND SPACING UNITS of telephonic communication shall be LANDS COVERED: SECTION 25, paid by the person or persons requesting TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE its use. Interested parties who wish to 11 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, participate by telephone shall contact the OKLAHOMA Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to CAUSE CD NO. 201105615 the hearing date, and provide their name NOTICE OF HEARING and telephone number. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Applicant requests that the Commission interested persons may appear and be vacate Order Nos. 242905 and 38202 heard. For information concerning this acinsofar as they pertain to the 1st Wilcox, tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, 2nd Wilcox, Arbuckle, Lower Simpson, Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime, SimpInc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma son Dolomite, Viola and Cherokee Sand City, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David section of the Basal Pennsylvanian Sand E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of Oklacommon sources of supply underlying homa Plaza, 201 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Section 25-28N-11W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, (405) Oklahoma. Applicant further requests 235-7000. that the Commission establish a 640-acre CORPORATION COMMISSION drilling and spacing unit for the Admire, ArOF OKLAHOMA buckle, Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Council DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIRMAN Grove, Endicott, Misener, Mississippian, BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN Oswego, Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER and Woodford common sources of supply DONE AND PERFORMED this 20th day underlying Section 25-28N-11W, Alfalfa of October, 2011. County, Oklahoma, by establishing new BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: spacing. Further, the unit should be formed PEGGY MITCHELL as a governmental section, with the permitSECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION ted well to be drilled no closer than 1,320 EXHIBIT “A” feet to the unit boundary. THE FOLLOWING RESPONDENT(S), NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this IF LIVING OR IF DECEASED, THEIR cause be set before an Administrative Law UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, EXJudge for the hearing, taking of evidence ECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCand reporting to the Commission. CESSORS, TRUSTEES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN if any IMMEDIATE AND REMOTE, OR THE named natural person is deceased, then UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS, TRUSTEES the known or unknown heirs, executors, OR ASSIGNS, IF ANY, OF ANY DISadministrators, trustees, devisees and SOLVED CORPORATION, COMPANY assigns, immediate and remote, of such OR PARTNERSHIP OR THE UNKNOWN decedent are made respondents to this SUCCESSOR(S) OF ANY TRUSTEE, Application. If any named respondent is CONSERVATOR OR ATTORNEY-INa corporation which does not continue to FACT: have legal existence, then the known or 1. Jessie Belter, if living, if deceased the unknown successors, trustees or assigns, Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors if any, of such entity are made respondents and Assigns to this Application. ADDRESS UNKNOWN NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 2. Dune Resources, Inc. this cause will be heard before an AdminADDRESS UNKNOWN istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & the completion interval for the Tonkawa, Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t Layton (Cottage Grove), Oswego Lime, BEFORE THE CORPORATION Red Fork (Cherokee) Sand and Big Lime COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF separate common sources of supply will be OKLAHOMA no closer than 330 feet from the north line APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE and no closer than 660 feet from the east OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE line and no closer than 330 feet from the EXPLORATION, L.L.C. south line and no closer than 660 feet from RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION the east line of the unit comprising said EXCEPTION Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 36 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 11 with a tolerance of 100 feet from the WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, proposed completion interval, and to be OKLAHOMA completed in and produce hydrocarbons Cause CD No. 201105502 from the above-named separate common AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING sources of supply; (ii) providing for the reSTATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All opening of the cause at such time as the persons, owners, producers, operators, bottom hole location of the well proposed purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and hereunder has been determined; and (iii) all other interested persons, particularly in establishing a proper allowable with no Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particudownward adjustment made thereto. larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the attached to the application on file in this application in this cause requests that the cause, and, if any of the named individuals order be entered in this matter be made be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exeffective as of the date of the execution ecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees thereof or as of a date prior thereto and and assigns, both immediate and remote, that the authorization and permission reof such deceased individual; if any of the quested herein run in favor of one or both named entities is a dissolved partnership, of the Applicants, including Chesapeake corporation or other association, then the Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and through unknown successors, trustees and asits agent Chesapeake Operating, Inc., signs, both immediate and remote, of such or some other party recommended by dissolved entity; if any of the named parties Applicants. designated as a trustee is not presently NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the acting in such capacity as trustee, then the legal descriptions for the land sections unknown successor or successors to such adjacent to said Section 36 are Sections trustee; if any of the named parties desig25, 26 and 35, Township 26 North, Range nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently 11 West of the IM, Sections 30 and 31, acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, Township 26 North, Range 10 West of the then the unknown successor or successors IM, Section 6, Township 25 North, Range to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the 10 West of the IM and Sections 1 and 2, named entities are corporations which Township 25 North, Range 11 West of the do not continue to have legal existence, IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. the unknown trustees or assigns of such NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that parties. this cause will be referred to an AdminNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apistrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and evidence and reporting to the Corporation Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have Commission. filed an application in this cause requestNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this ing the Corporation Commission to enter cause will be heard before an Administraan order, as follows: (i) authorizing and tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at permitting an exception to the permitted the Corporation Commission, First Floor, well location tolerances in the 640-acre Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, drilling and spacing unit comprised of Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 21st day Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 11 of November 2011, and that this notice will West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, be published as required by law and the for the Tonkawa, Layton (Cottage Grove), rules of the Commission. Oswego Lime and Red Fork (Cherokee) NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Sand separate common sources of supthe Applicants and interested parties may ply, as well as in the proposed 640-acre present testimony by telephone. The cost drilling and spacing units in Cause CD of telephonic communication shall be paid No. 201105501, for the Big Lime and Misby the person or persons requesting its sissippian separate common sources of use. An interested party who wishes to supply, underlying Section 36, Township participate by telephone shall contact the 26 North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to County, Oklahoma, so as to allow a well to the hearing date, and provide his or her be drilled as follows: name and phone number. Surface location: No closer than 200 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all feet from the south line and no closer interested persons may appear and be than 660 feet from the east line of the unit heard. For information concerning this accomprising said Section 36, Township 26 tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA County, Oklahoma, No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake Location of Wellbore at Completion Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma Interval: The casing will be cemented City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer along the entire length of the lateral. The to Cause CD Number. proposed location of the end points of the DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 31st completion interval for the Mississippian day of October 2011. common source of supply will be no closer CORPORATION COMMISSION than 165 feet from the north line and no OF OKLAHOMA closer than 660 feet from the east line and DANA L. MURPHY, Chair no closer than 165 feet from the south line BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman and no closer than 660 feet from the east PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner line of the unit comprising said Section BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 36, Township 26 North, Range 11 West PEGGY MITCHELL, of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and Commission Secretary the proposed location of the end points of

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 • Page 11 Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & the completion interval for the Douglas, Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t Lansing-Kansas City, Big Lime, Oswego BEFORE THE CORPORATION and Cherokee separate common sources COMMISSION of supply will be no closer than 330 feet OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA from the north line and no closer than APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE 1980 feet from the west line and no closer OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE than 330 feet from the south line and no EXPLORATION, L.L.C. closer than 1980 feet from the west line of RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION the unit comprising said Section 20, TownEXCEPTION ship 26 North, Range 12 West of the IM, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 20 Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, with a tolerance TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 12 of 100 feet from the proposed completion WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, interval, and to be completed in and proOKLAHOMA duce hydrocarbons from the above-named Cause CD No. 201105438 separate common sources of supply; (ii) AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING providing for the re-opening of the cause STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All at such time as the bottom hole location persons, owners, producers, operators, of the well proposed hereunder has been purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and determined; and (iii) establishing a proper all other interested persons, particularly in allowable with no downward adjustment Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particumade thereto. larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the attached to the application on file in this application in this cause requests that the cause, and, if any of the named individuals order be entered in this matter be made be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exeffective as of the date of the execution ecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees thereof or as of a date prior thereto and and assigns, both immediate and remote, that the authorization and permission reof such deceased individual; if any of the quested herein run in favor of one or both named entities is a dissolved partnership, of the Applicants, including Chesapeake corporation or other association, then the Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and through unknown successors, trustees and asits agent Chesapeake Operating, Inc., signs, both immediate and remote, of such or some other party recommended by dissolved entity; if any of the named parties Applicants. designated as a trustee is not presently NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the acting in such capacity as trustee, then the legal descriptions for the land sections unknown successor or successors to such adjacent to said Section 20 are Sections trustee; if any of the named parties desig16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 28, 29 and 30, Township nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently 26 North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, County, Oklahoma. then the unknown successor or successors NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the this cause will be referred to an Adminnamed entities are corporations which istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of do not continue to have legal existence, evidence and reporting to the Corporation the unknown trustees or assigns of such Commission. parties. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apcause will be heard before an Administraplicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed the Corporation Commission, First Floor, an application in this cause requesting the Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Corporation Commission to enter an order, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 21st day as follows: (i) authorizing and permitting of November 2011, and that this notice will an exception to the permitted well locabe published as required by law and the tion tolerances in the proposed 640-acre rules of the Commission. drilling and spacing unit in Cause CD No. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 201105437, for the Douglas, Lansing- the Applicants and interested parties may Kansas City, Cherokee and Mississippian present testimony by telephone. The cost separate common sources of supply, as of telephonic communication shall be paid well as for the 640-acre drilling and spacby the person or persons requesting its ing unit formed for the Oswego common use. An interested party who wishes to source of supply underlying Section 20, partiipate by telephone shall contact the Township 26 North, Range 12 West of the Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, so as toallow the hearing date, and provide his or her a well to be drilled as follows: name and phone number. Surface location: No closer than 200 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all feet from the south line and no closer than interested persons may appear and be 1980 feet from the west line of the unit heard. For information concerning this accomprising said Section 20, Township 26 tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) North, Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA County, Oklahoma, No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake Location of Wellbore at Completion Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma Interval: The casing will be cemented City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer along the entire length of the lateral. The to Cause CD Number. proposed location of the end points of the DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 31st day completion interval for the Mississippian of October 2011. common source of supply will be no closer CORPORATION COMMISSION than 165 feet from the north line and no OF OKLAHOMA closer than 1980 feet from the west line DANA L. MURPHY, Chair and no closer than 165 feet from the south BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman line and no closer than 1980 feet from the PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner west line of the unit comprising said SecBY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: tion 20, Township 26 North, Range 12 West PEGGY MITCHELL, of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and Commission Secretary the proposed location of the end points of Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & downward adjustment made thereto. Such Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t application further states that said Section BEFORE THE CORPORATION 18 lies along the Oklahoma-Kansas state COMMISSION OF THE STATE boundary line and such section is a fracOF OKLAHOMA tional section, containing approximately APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE 527.60 acres. EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the LLC application in this cause requests that the RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION order to be entered in this matter be made EXCEPTION effective as of the date of the execution LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section thereof or as of a date prior thereto and 18, Township 29 North, Range 9 that the authorization and permission West of the IM, Alfalfa County, requested herein run in favor of Applicant Oklahoma or some other party recommended by Cause CD No. 201105749 Applicant. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All per“land sections adjacent to the area within sons, owners, producers, operators, the location exception” requested herein in purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and said fractional Section 18 in the State of all other interested persons, particularly in Oklahoma in regard to the subsurface locaAlfalfa County, Oklahoma. tion tolerance areas described above are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that AppliSections 13 and 24, Township 29 North, cant, SandRidge Exploration and ProducRange 10 West of the IM, and Section 19, tion, LLC, has filed an application in this Township 29 North, Range 9 West of the cause requesting the Corporation ComIM, all in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. The mission of Oklahoma to enter an order, to other “land sections” surrounding said be effective as of the date of the execution fractional Section 18 in the State of Oklathereof or as of a date prior thereto, as homa are Sections 17 and 20, Township follows: (i) authorizing and permitting an 29 North, Range 9 West of the IM, Alfalfa exception to the permitted well location County, Oklahoma. tolerances in the “640-acre” drilling and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this spacing unit formed in fractional Section cause is set before an administrative law 18, Township 29 North, Range 9 West of judge for hearing, taking of evidence and the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the reporting to the Corporation Commission of Mississippian common source of supply, Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the so as to allow a well to be drilled from a application in this cause may be amended surface location being not closer than 200 at such hearing in accordance with the feet from the north line and not closer than rules of the Commission and the laws of 660 feet from the west line of Section 19, the State of Oklahoma. Township 29 North, Range 9 West of the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, to a subsurcause is set for hearing before an adminface location of such well’s entry into the istrative law judge on the Conservation Mississippian common source of supply Docket at the Western Regional Service being as follows: not closer than 165 feet Office of the Corporation Commission, from the south line and 660 feet from the Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln west line of said fractional Section 18, with Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at the first perforation in the horizontal portion 8:30 A.M. on the 22nd day of November, or lateral of the borehole of such well being 2011, and that this notice be published as follows: not closer than 330 feet from the as required by law and the rules of the south line and 660 feet from the west line Commission. of said fractional Section 18, and with the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that last perforation in the horizontal portion or Applicant and interested parties may preslateral of the borehole of such well being ent testimony by telephone. The cost of as follows: not closer than 200 feet from telephonic communication shall be paid by the north line and 660 feet from the west the person or persons requesting its use. line of said fractional Section 18, and with Interested parties who wish to participate the terminus or end point of the horizontal by telephone shall contact Applicant or portion or lateral of the borehole of such Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing well in such common source of supply date, and provide their names and telebeing as follows: not closer than 50 feet phone numbers. from the north line and 660 feet from the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all west line of said fractional Section 18, and interested persons may appear and be with a “tolerance distance” for the aboveheard. For information concerning this described subsurface locations, horizontal action, contact John R. Reeves, attorportion or lateral and completion interval ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two of such well being as follows: a distance Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, of not more than 100 feet in an easterly Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Teledirection and in a westerly direction from phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, any such subsurface location, from any SandRidge Exploration and Production, point on or along such horizontal portion or LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma lateral and from any point on or along such City, Oklahoma 73102-6406, Telephone: completion interval, and to be completed (405) 429-6344. in and to produce hydrocarbons from the CORPORATION COMMISSION above-named common source of supply, OF OKLAHOMA with such authorization and permission DANA. L. MURPHY, Chair running in favor of Applicant or some BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman other party recommended by Applicant; PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner and (ii) establishing a proper allowable DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day for the proposed well involved herein as of October, 2011. to the common source of supply covered BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: hereby, which allowable Applicant requests PEGGY MITCHELL, be established as a full allowable with no Commission Secretary


Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & further requests up to 365 days within Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t which to commence operations on or in BEFORE THE CORPORATION connection with such initial well under such COMMISSION OF THE STATE plan of development. Such application furOF OKLAHOMA ther states that there is currently pending APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE before the Commission an application of EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, Applicant to form a 640-acre horizontal well LLC unit in said Section 21 for the Mississippian RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING common source of supply. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 21, Township 28 North, Range 9 the application in this cause requests that West of the IM, Alfalfa County, SandRidge Exploration and Production, Oklahoma LLC, or some other party recommended by Cause CD No. 201105756 Applicant be designated as operator under NOTICE OF HEARING the order to be entered herein of the comSTATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All permon source of supply in the horizontal well sons, owners, producers, operators, unit covered hereby, including the initial purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and well and any subsequent well or wells to all other interested persons, particularly be drilled under or otherwise covered by in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the Applicant’s proposed plan of development following: Alvarez Chapin; Champlin of such unit. Exploration, Inc.; Chaparral Energy, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this LLC; Coit Energy, LLC; Dena Lou Ladd; cause is set before an administrative law Margaret Cunningham; Mona Lynn Rebjudge for hearing, taking of evidence and man; OklaTex Properties, Inc.; The Hefner reporting to the Corporation Commission of Company; Dynamic Production, LLC; if Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the any of the above-named individuals be application in this cause may be amended deceased, then the unknown heirs, execuat such hearing in accordance with the tors, administrators, devisees, trustees and rules of the Commission and the laws of assigns, both immediate and remote, of the State of Oklahoma. such deceased individual; and if any of the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this above-named parties is a dissolved partcause will be heard before an administranership, corporation or other association, tive law judge on the Conservation Docket then the unknown successors, trustees at the Western Regional Service Office of and assigns, both immediate and remote, the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe of such dissolved entity. Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. on Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and the 21st day of November, 2011, and that Production, LLC, has filed an application this notice be published as required by law in this cause requesting the Corporation and the rules of the Commission. Commission of Oklahoma to enter an order NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that pooling the interests of oil and gas owners, Applicant and interested parties may presand adjudicating the rights and equities ent testimony by telephone. The cost of in connection therewith, in the 640-acre telephonic communication shall be paid by horizontal well unit to be formed in Section the person or persons requesting its use. 21, Township 28 North, Range 9 West of Interested parties who wish to participate the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the by telephone shall contact Applicant or Mississippian common source of supply, Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing in respect to the development of such date, and provide their names and telecommon source of supply in such unit. phone numbers. The interests of the oil and gas owners NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all involved herein and the rights and equiinterested persons may appear and be ties in respect thereto are sought herein heard. For information concerning this to be pooled and adjudicated pursuant to action, contact John R. Reeves, attor52 O.S. §87.1 within and on the basis of ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two the horizontal well unit covered hereby as Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, a group or unit, and not limited to a single Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Telewellbore. The application in this cause phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, states that Applicant has proposed the SandRidge Exploration and Production, development of the common source of LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma supply in the horizontal well unit involved City, OK 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) herein under a plan of development and 429-6344. have proposed to commence such plan CORPORATION COMMISSION of development of such unit by an initial OF OKLAHOMA well in the lands covered hereby. Such DANA. L. MURPHY, Chair application further states that Applicant BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman has been unable to reach an agreement PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner with the owners of drilling rights named DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day as a respondents herein with respect to of October, 2011. such proposed plan of development of the BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: common source of supply in the horizontal PEGGY MITCHELL, well unit covered hereby. Such application Commission Secretary Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & CORPORATION COMMISSION Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t OF OKLAHOMA BEFORE THE CORPORATION DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIRMAN COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day RESOURCES, INC. of October, 2011. RELIEF SOUGHT: VACATE EXISTING BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: SPACING AND ESTABLISH NEW PEGGY MITCHELL DRILLING AND SPACING UNITS SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION LANDS COVERED: SECTION 19, EXHIBIT “A” TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE THE FOLLOWING RESPONDENT(S), 10 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, IF LIVING OR IF DECEASED, THEIR OKLAHOMA UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, EXCAUSE CD NO. 201105718 ECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCNOTICE OF HEARING CESSORS, TRUSTEES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the IMMEDIATE AND REMOTE, OR THE Applicant requests that the Commission UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS, TRUSTEES vacate Order No. 242905, 394673, 38202, OR ASSIGNS, IF ANY, OF ANY DIS394673 and 399840 insofar as they pertain SOLVED CORPORATION, COMPANY 1st Wilcox, 2nd Wilcox, Lower Simpson, OR PARTNERSHIP OR THE UNKNOWN Misener, Simpson Dolomite, Mississippi SUCCESSOR(S) OF ANY TRUSTEE, Chat, Mississippi Lime, Cherokee Sand CONSERVATOR OR ATTORNEY-INSection of the Basal Pennsylvanian Sand, FACT: Tonkawa and Cottage Grove common 1. H. N. Cobbett, if living, if deceased sources of supply underlying Section the Known and Unknown Heirs, Succes19-28N-10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN Applicant further requests that the Com2. Ralph C. Corbett, if living, if demission establish a 640-acre drilling and ceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, spacing unit for the Admire, Arbuckle, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Council Grove, UNKNOWN Endicott, Misener, Mississippian, Os3 Dale Corbett a/k/a Dale Cobbett, if livwego, Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox ing, if deceased the Known and Unknown and Woodford common sources of supHeirs, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS ply underlying Section 19-28N-10W, UNKNOWN Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, by extending 4. Emma Irene Ferringer, if living, the purview of Order No. 589735 as to the if deceased the Known and Unknown Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Mississippian, Heirs, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS Oswego and Tonkawa common source of UNKNOWN supply and by establishing new spacing 5. Fred Wilson, if living, if deceased the as to the Admire, Arbuckle, Council Grove, Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors Endicott, Misener, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN and Woodford common sources of supply. 6. Doretha Wilson, if living, if deceased Further, the unit should be formed as a the Known and Unknown Heirs, Succesgovernmental section, with the permitted sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN well to be drilled no closer than 1,320 feet 7. Lena I. Stuart, if living, if deceased to the unit boundary. the Known and Unknown Heirs, SuccesNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN cause be set before an Administrative Law 8. James Stuart, if living, if deceased Judge for the hearing, taking of evidence the Known and Unknown Heirs, Succesand reporting to the Commission. sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN if any 9. Hazel Wilson if living, if deceased the named natural person is deceased, then Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors the known or unknown heirs, executors, and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN administrators, trustees, devisees and 10. Raymond Wilson, if living, if deassigns, immediate and remote, of such ceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, decedent are made respondents to this Successors and Assigns ADDRESS Application. If any named respondent is UNKNOWN a corporation which does not continue to 11. Joyce A. Yarashak, if living, if dehave legal existence, then the known or ceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, unknown successors, trustees or assigns, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS if any, of such entity are made respondents UNKNOWN to this Application. 12. Jane W. Karnes, if living, if deNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, this cause will be heard before an AdminSuccessors and Assigns ADDRESS istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing UNKNOWN docket at the Corporation Commission, 1st 13. Dune Resources, Inc. ADDRESS Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, UNKNOWN Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st day 14. Mae Sharrar Eberhart, if living, of November, 2011, and that this notice be if deceased the Known and Unknown published as required by law and the Rules Heirs, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS of the Commission. UNKNOWN NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 15. David Sharrar, if living, if deceased the Applicant and interested parties may the Known and Unknown Heirs, Succespresent testimony by telephone. The cost sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN of telephonic communication shall be 16. Fred Emerson Cobbett, if living, paid by the person or persons requesting if deceased the Known and Unknown its use. Interested parties who wish to Heirs, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS participate by telephone shall contact the UNKNOWN Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to 17. Lena Wilson Stuart, if living, if dethe hearing date, and provide their name ceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, and telephone number. Successors and Assigns ADDRESS NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all UNKNOWN interested persons may appear and be 18. Harry Wilson, if living, if deceased, heard. For information concerning this acthe Known and Unknown Heirs, Succestion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, 19. Roy Stuart, Jr., if living, if deceased Inc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma the Known and Unknown Heirs, SuccesCity, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of Okla20. Known and Unknown Heirs, Suchoma Plaza, 201 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, cessors and Assigns of Robert F. McKinOklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, (405) ney, deceased ADDRESS UNKNOWN 235-7000.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & above are corporations which do not conRepublican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t tinue to have legal existence, the unknown BEFORE THE CORPORATION trustees or assigns of such parties. COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the OKLAHOMA Applicant in this cause is requesting that APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL the Commission pool the interests and RESOURCES, INC. adjudicate the rights and equities of oil RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLINGLANDS and gas owners in the Admire, Arbuckle, COVERED: SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Council Grove, 28 NORTH, RANGE 10 WEST, Endicott, Misener, Mississippian, Oswego, ALFALFA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox and CAUSE CD NO. 201105719 Woodford common sources of supply NOTICE OF HEARING underlying Section 19-28N-10W, Alfalfa STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perCounty, Oklahoma, designating the Apsons, owners, producers, operators, plicant or some other party as operator. purchasers and takers of oil and gas and Applicant is proposing to drill a well in said all other interested persons, particularly drilling and spacing unit. in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and more NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any particularly Armer & Quillen, LLC; Cisco Order issued in this cause may result in a Operating, LLC; D.E. Shaw Direct Capital unit pooling. Portfolios, L.L.C.; Exxon Mobil CorporaNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Aption; H.N. Cobbett, if living, if deceased the plicant may request more than 180 days to Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors commence operations. and Assigns; Norse Exploration, Inc.; Lena NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this I. Stuart, if living, if deceased the Known cause be set before an Administrative Law and Unknown Heirs, Successors and AsJudge for the hearing, taking of evidence signs; James Stuart, if living, if deceased and reporting to the Commission. the Known and Unknown Heirs, SuccesNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that sors and Assigns; Raymond Wilson, if livthis cause will be heard before an Admining, if deceased the Known and Unknown istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing Heirs, Successors and Assigns; Dune docket at the Corporation Commission, Resources, Inc.; Dune Resources, Inc.; 1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma Mathieson Development, Inc.; C.R. Carroll City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st Investments, Inc.; H.N. Cobbett, if living, if day of November, 2011, and that this notice deceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, be published as required by law and the Successors and Assigns; Dale Corbett Rules of the Commission. a/k/a Dale Cobbett, if living, if deceased the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors Applicant and interested parties may presand Assigns; Emma Irene Ferringer, if livent testimony by telephone. The cost of ing, if deceased the Known and Unknown telephonic communication shall be paid by Heirs, Successors and Assigns; Lena I. the person or persons requesting its use. Stuart, if living, if deceased the Known and Interested parties who wish to participate Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns; shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s James Stuart, if living, if deceased the attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors their name and telephone number. and Assigns; Raymond Wilson, if living, if NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all deceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, interested persons may appear and be Successors and Assigns; Mae Sharrar heard. For information concerning this acEberhart, if living, if deceased the Known tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, and Unknown Heirs, Successors and AsInc., as Agent for Continental Resources, signs; David Sharrar, if living, if deceased Inc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma the Known and Unknown Heirs, SuccesCity, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David sors and Assigns; Fred Emerson CobE. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of Oklabett, if living, if deceased the Known and homa Plaza, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns; 73102, (405) 235-7000. Lena Wilson Stuart, if living, if deceased CORPORATION COMMISSION the Known and Unknown Heirs, SuccesOF OKLAHOMA sors and Assigns; Harry Wilson, if living, if DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR deceased, the Known and Unknown Heirs, BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN Successors and Assigns; and if any of the PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER above whose addresses are not known or DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day are deceased, the unknown heirs, execuof October, 2011. tors, administrators, devisees, trustees and BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: assigns, immediate and remote, of the PEGGY MITCHELL above-named parties; and if any of the SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t COUNTY commissioners october 24, 2011 The Alfalfa County Commissioners met in the Civic Room at 10:00 AM with Chairman Murrow calling the meeting to order with members Roach and Walker and County Clerk Martin present. As required by Oklahoma State Statutes 1991, Title 25, Section 311, Notice was given of this regularly scheduled meeting by posting the Agenda in the North Entrance (Handicapped Entrance) of the Courthouse and in the County Clerk’s office at 9:53 A.M., October 21, 2011. Murrow moved to approve the minutes of October 11 and 19. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the following M & O Warrants for payment. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Assessor visual inspection cash 15..........Radiant Software Inc...........................$1,250.00................Service Agreement general Fund 344........Lambert, Nancy M.................................. $111.05.................................... Travel 345........Puffinbarger, Tommy..............................$712.62.................................... Travel 346........Alco..........................................................$37.98................................ Supplies 347........Rogers Lumber, TH....................................$6.99................................ Supplies 348........AT&T......................................................$133.42...................................Utilities 349........Dirks Copy Products...............................$125.55.........................Copier Lease 350........Dirks Copy Products...............................$117.98.........................Copier Lease 351........SPC........................................................$329.50................................ Supplies 352........Alfalfa ounty Assessor..............................$20.00................................ Supplies 353........Dirks Copy Products.................................$49.96................................ Supplies 354........Dirks Copy Products.................................$85.68................................ Supplies HIGHWAY CASH 559........Lincoln Inn................................................$65.00........................... Registration 560........Marc.......................................................$271.62................................ Supplies 561........Waco Inc.............................................$1,186.95......................................Parts 562........Roberts Truck Center..........................$6,332.79....................................Repair 563........K&O Construction................................$1,435.75....................................Repair 564........Burlington Farmers Coop.......................$616.00..........................................Oil 565........Burlington Farmers Coop..................$13,440.00....................................... Fuel 566........Circuit Engineering Dist #8.....................$143.00..................................... Signs 567........Circuit Engineering Dist #8.....................$383.00..................................... Signs 568........K&K Diesel.............................................$684.35.................................. Service 569........T&W Tire................................................$236.32...................................... Tires 570........P&K Equipment Co................................$304.08......................................Parts 571........Yellowhouse Machinery Co....................$326.99......................................Parts 572........Yellowhouse Machinery Co....................$698.79......................................Parts 573........Department of Labor..................................$5.00.................................. Service 574........OK Tax Commission.................................$26.00............................. Tag & Title 575........ONG.........................................................$86.23...................................Utilities 576........OG&E.....................................................$267.71...................................Utilities 577........Postmaster.............................................$440.00................................. Postage 578........John Deere Financial, Leasing D........$5,335.29.................... Lease/Purhases 579........Irwin Trailer LLC................................$38.645.00............................. Equipment 580........Dacoma Coop.....................................$6,270.00....................................... Fuel SALES TAX - HEALTH 115.........Nickel Computers, DBA............................$40.00.................................. Service 116.........Bay West................................................$319.00................................Uniforms 117.........Pioneer Enid Cellular................................$86.80...................................Utilities 118.........Merrifield Office Supply............................$61.97................................ Supplies 119.........Pioneer Telephone...................................$53.14...................................Utilities 120........Pioneer Telephone...................................$50.75...................................Utilities SHERIFF’S CASH B 5............Croft Chevrolet.......................................$304.23....................................Repair SHERIFF REVOLVING CASH 27..........Rogers Lumber, TH..................................$29.97................................ Supplies Roach moved to approve the blanket purchase orders. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the John Deere purchase order, financing contract, and invoice for Yellowhouse for the lease/purchase of graders for Dist 2 and Dist 3. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to aluthorize the county clerk to advertise for 12-month bids for ballots. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the resolution lifting the burn ban. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the highway consumable report. Walker seconded. All voted aye. After reviewing quotes from SPC and Dirks for office furniture for the commissioners’ office in the courthouse, Murrow moved to accept the bid from SPC for $4,200.00. Roach seconded. All voted aye. After asking if Crescent Services had their bill current, saying they still owed approximately $7,000.00 for previous crossing permits and Angle answering that the $7,000 has not yet been paid but there was a check for these permits, Roach moved to approve 2 road crossing permits for Crescent Services in Dist #2. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve 1 road crossing permit for Select Energy Services in Dist #1. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve 6 road crossing permits for SemGas in Dist #3. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve 3 road crossing permits for Atlas Pipeline in Dist #3. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Carole Grover was back in to visit with the commissioners about the Byron blacktop again. She asked to have the speed limit lowered to 45 MPH for the whole 7 miles for the public’s safety. Murrow told her that he has set the speed limit for that road and that his decision is final and that there will be no more discussion on it again. Roach moved to adjourn. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. /s/ Doug Murrow Doug Murrow, Chair /s/ Chad Roach Chad Roach, Member /s/ Ray Walker Ray Walker, Member ATTEST:/s/ Bruce Martin Bruce Martin, County Clerk

Page 12 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & 330 feet from the east line of Section 25Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t 28N-11W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma BEFORE THE CORPORATION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the COMMISSION OF THE STATE offset units toward which this horizontal OF OKLAHOMA well will be moving are Sections 24 & APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL 36-28N-11W and 19, 30 & 31-28N-10W, RESOURCES, INC. Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that EXCEPTION this cause will be heard before an AdminLANDS COVERED: SECTION 25, istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE docket at the Corporation Commission, 1st 11 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 28th day CAUSE CD NO. 201105740 of November, 2011, and that this notice NOTICE OF HEARING be published as required by law and the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rules of the Commission. Applicant requests an Order granting ApNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the plicant an exception to the well location for Applicant and interested parties may presthe Council Grove, Admire, Toronto, Endient testimony by telephone. The cost of cott, Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Oswego, telephonic communication shall be paid by Cherokee, Mississippian and Woodford the person or persons requesting its use. common sources of supply established Interested parties who wish to participate by an Order to be entered in Cause CD shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s No. 201105615, granting Applicant or attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide some other party permission to drill the their name and telephone number. horizontal well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said all interested persons may appear and horizontal well will be located at: be heard. For information concerning surface location: no closer than 150 this action, contact Michael D. Schooley, feet from the north line and no closer than CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC., P.O. 330 feet from the east line of Section 25- Box 1032 , Enid, OK 73702-1032, (580) 28N-11W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma 249-4557, or David E. Pepper, Attorney, entry point: no closer than 0 feet from 1600 Bank of Oklahoma Plaza, 201 Robert the north line and no closer than 330 feet S. Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from the east line of Section 25-28N-11W, 73102, (405) 235-7000. Alfalfa County, Oklahoma CORPORATION COMMISSION 1st perforation: no closer than 330 feet OF OKLAHOMA from the north line and no closer than 330 DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR feet from the east line of Section 25-28NBOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN 11W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER last perforation: no closer than 330 feet DONE AND PERFORMED this 28th day from the south line and no closer than 330 of October, 2011. feet from the east line of Section 25-28NBY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 11W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma PEGGY MITCHELL bottom hole location: no closer than 0 SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION feet from the south line and no closer than Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t Order issued in this cause may result in a BEFORE THE CORPORATION unit pooling. COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ApOKLAHOMA plicant may request more than 180 days to APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL commence operations. RESOURCES, INC. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING cause be set before an Administrative Law LANDS COVERED: SECTION 25, Judge for the hearing, taking of evidence TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE and reporting to the Commission. 11 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that OKLAHOMA this cause will be heard before an AdminCAUSE CD NO. 201105616 istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing NOTICE OF HEARING docket at the Corporation Commission, STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All per1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma sons, owners, producers, operators, City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st purchasers and takers of oil and gas and day of November, 2011, and that this notice all other interested persons, particularly be published as required by law and the in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and more Rules of the Commission. particularly Chesapeake Exploration, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the LLC; Sandridge Energy, Inc.; Atinum Applicant and interested parties may presMidCon I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability ent testimony by telephone. The cost of company; Dune Resources, Inc.; Jessie telephonic communication shall be paid by Belter, if living, if deceased the Known and the person or persons requesting its use. Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns; Interested parties who wish to participate Mathieson Development, Inc.; C.R. Carroll shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s Investments, Inc.; and if any of the above attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide whose addresses are not known or are their name and telephone number. deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all administrators, devisees, trustees and asinterested persons may appear and be signs, immediate and remote, of the aboveheard. For information concerning this acnamed parties; and if any of the above are tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, corporations which do not continue to have Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, legal existence, the unknown trustees or Inc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma assigns of such parties. City, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of OklaApplicant in this cause is requesting that homa Plaza, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma the Commission pool the interests and 73102, (405) 235-7000. adjudicate the rights and equities of oil CORPORATION COMMISSION and gas owners in the Admire, Arbuckle, OF OKLAHOMA Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Council Grove, DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR Endicott, Misener, Mississippian, Oswego, BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox and PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER Woodford common sources of supply DONE AND PERFORMED this 24th day underlying Section 25-28N-11W, Alfalfa of October, 2011. County, Oklahoma, designating the ApBY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: plicant or some other party as operator. PEGGY MITCHELL Applicant is proposing to drill a well in said SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION drilling and spacing unit. Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, which section Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t Applicants request be formed as a -acre BEFORE THE CORPORATION drilling and spacing unit for such formation COMMISSION underlying such section, with the permitted OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA well for the unit to be located not less than APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE 1320 feet from the unit boundary; and (iii) OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE granting such other and further relief as EXPLORATION, L.L.C. may be proper based upon the evidence RELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING presented at the hearing herein. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 13 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 12 application in this cause requests that the WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, order to be entered in this matter be made OKLAHOMA effective as of the date of the execution Cause CD No. 201104805 thereof or as of a date prior thereto and AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING seeks to amend the following set out orders STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perwith respect to the following named sepasons, owners, producers, operators, rate common sources of supply: purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and Common Source of Supply: Douglas, all other interested persons, particularly in Cottage Grove, Cleveland, Big LimeAlfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particuOswego and Cherokee larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” Order Number Being Extended: attached to the application on file in this 585072 cause, and, if any of the named individuals NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exthis cause will be referred to an Adminecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of and assigns, both immediate and remote, evidence and reporting to the Corporation of such deceased individual; if any of the Commission. named entities is a dissolved partnership, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that corporation or other association, then the this cause will be heard before an Adminunknown successors, trustees and asistrative Law Judge on the Conservation signs, both immediate and remote, of such Docket at the Corporation Commission, dissolved entity; if any of the named parties First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 designated as a trustee is not presently North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, acting in such capacity as trustee, then the Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 22nd day unknown successor or successors to such of November 2011, and that this notice will trustee; if any of the named parties desigbe published as required by law and the nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently rules of the Commission. acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that then the unknown successor or successors the Applicants and interested parties may to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the present testimony by telephone. The cost named entities are corporations which of telephonic communication shall be paid do not continue to have legal existence, by the person or persons requesting its the unknown trustees or assigns of such use. An interested party who wishes to parties. participate by telephone shall contact the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ApApplicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and the hearing date, and provide his or her Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed name and phone number. an application in this cause requesting the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Corporation Commission to enter an order, interested persons may appear and be as follows: (i) amending Order No. 585072 heard. For information concerning this acof the Commission so as to enlarge and tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) extend the boundaries of the Douglas, Cot935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA tage Grove, Cleveland, Big Lime-Oswego No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake and Cherokee separate common sources Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma of supply of gas so as to cover and include City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer Section 13, Township 26 North, Range to Cause CD Number. 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, OklaCORPORATION COMMISSION homa, which section Applicants request be OF OKLAHOMA formed as a 640-acre drilling and spacing DANA L. MURPHY, Chair unit for such separate common sources of BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman supply underlying such section, with the PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner permitted well for the unit to be located not DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day less than 1320 feet from the unit boundary; of October, 2011 (ii) establishing the initial boundaries of the BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: Mississippian common source of supply so PEGGY MITCHELL, as to cover and include Section 13, TownCommission Secretary ship 26 North, Range 12 West of the IM,


Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & OG&E in its Application, in this proceedRepublican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t ing the Commission shall not be limited BEFORE THE CORPORATION to matters described in said Application, COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA IN THE but may inquire into all matters within the MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF jurisdiction of the Commission involving OKLAHOMA GAS AND ELECTRIC rates, services, practices, earnings and COMPANY FOR AN ORDER OF charges of OG&E and shall exercise its THE COMMISSION AUTHORIZING right to make any and all adjustments in APPLICANT TO MODIFY ITS RATES, and restructuring of rates, classifications CHARGES, AND TARIFFS FOR RETAIL and charges deemed appropriate by it, ELECTRIC SERVICE IN OKLAHOMA and in that connection shall not be limited CAUSE NO. PUD 201100087 to any method or means of effecting the NOTICE OF HEARING same, but shall prescribe such rates NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on and charges as may be just and proper July 28, 2011, Oklahoma Gas and Electric and reasonable under the evidence and Company (“OG&E” or (“Applicant”) filed its circumstances. Application and supporting documentation NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this seeking to increase its rates and charges cause shall be set for hearing on the merits for retail electric service to Oklahoma jurisbefore an Administrative Law Judge on the diction customers and seeking approval of 13th day of December, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the Commission for the filing of appropriate in Courtroom 301, Jim Thorpe Building, tariffs reflecting such increases in rates in 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma compliance with the Commission’s MiniCity, Oklahoma 73105. mum Standard Filing Requirements, OAC NOTICE IS FUTHER GIVEN that all 165:70. OG&E notified the Commission interested persons may appear and be of its intent to file an Application seeking heard. For more information concerning changes to its rates and charges on May this matter, contact William J. Bullard, 13, 2011, pursuant to OAC 165:70-3-7. On Patrick D. Shore, Kimber L. Shoop or June 28, 3011, the Commission granted Stephanie G. Houle, attorneys for OG&E, OG&E’s Motion for Extension of Time to P.O. Box 321, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma File Application, filed on May 27, 2011, 73101, phone (405) 553-3658. In adextending OG&E’s time to file its Applicadition, you may visit the Commission’s tion by thirty (30) days. website a or send NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in its written comments addressed as follows: Application, OG&E proposes to implement OG&E Rate Case Comments, c/o Office of a general rate increase of approximately General Counsel, Oklahoma Corporation $73 million. The request is for increased Commission, P.O. Box 52000, Oklahoma rates to produce sufficient additional revCity, Oklahoma 73152-2000, or contact enue to achieve an 11 percent return on a Elizabeth A.P. Cates, Assistant General 53.07 percent equity ratio for the test year, Counsel, Oklahoma Corporation Commiswhich Applicant alleges to be a minimum sion, at (405) 522-2100. fair, just and reasonable rate. The specifOKLAHOMA CORPORATION ics of OG&E’s requests are set forth in the COMMISSION testimony and exhibits filed pursuant to the DANA L. MURPHY Chair Commission’s Minimum Standard Filing BOB ANTHONY, Vice-Chairman Requirements found at OAC 165:70-1-1, PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner et seq., all of which are incorporated herein DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 21st DAY as if fully set forth. OF OCTOBER, 2011. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: irrespective of the relief requested by PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & County, Oklahoma, designating the ApRepublican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t plicant or some other party as operator. BEFORE THE CORPORATION Applicant is proposing to drill a well in said COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF drilling and spacing unit. OKLAHOMA NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL Order issued in this cause may result in a RESOURCES, INC. unit pooling. RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ApLANDS COVERED: SECTION 24, plicant may request more than 180 days to TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE commence operations. 11 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this OKLAHOMA cause be set before an Administrative Law CAUSE CD NO. 201105721 Judge for the hearing, taking of evidence NOTICE OF HEARING and reporting to the Commission. STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that sons, owners, producers, operators, this cause will be heard before an Adminpurchasers and takers of oil and gas and istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing all other interested persons, particularly docket at the Corporation Commission, in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and more 1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma particularly Sandridge Energy, Inc.; SanCity, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st dridge Exporation and Production, LLC; day of November, 2011, and that this notice Atinum MidCon I, LLC, a Delaware limited be published as required by law and the liability company; Cisco Operating, LLC; Rules of the Commission. D.E. Shaw Direct Capital Portfolios, L.L.C.; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the TLW Land & Cattle, L.P., an Oklahoma limApplicant and interested parties may presited partnership; Chemical Bank, Trustee ent testimony by telephone. The cost of under the Will of Betty Pepis, deceased; A. telephonic communication shall be paid by Pepis, if living, if deceased the Known and the person or persons requesting its use. Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns; Interested parties who wish to participate Norse Exploration, Inc.; Dune Resources, shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s Inc.; Mathieson Development, Inc.; C.R. attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide Carroll Investments, Inc.; A. Pepis, if livtheir name and telephone number. ing, if deceased the Known and Unknown NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Heirs, Successors and Assigns; Dune all interested persons may appear and be Resources, Inc.; and if any of the above heard. For information concerning this acwhose addresses are not known or are tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, administrators, devisees, trustees and asInc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma signs, immediate and remote, of the aboveCity, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David named parties; and if any of the above are E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of Oklacorporations which do not continue to have homa Plaza, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma legal existence, the unknown trustees or 73102, (405) 235-7000. assigns of such parties. CORPORATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the OF OKLAHOMA Applicant in this cause is requesting that DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR the Commission pool the interests and BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN adjudicate the rights and equities of oil PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER and gas owners in the Admire, Arbuckle, DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Council Grove, of October, 2011. Endicott, Misener, Mississippian, Oswego, BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox and PEGGY MITCHELL Woodford common sources of supply SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION underlying Section 24-28N-11W, Alfalfa Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & to this Application. Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that BEFORE THE CORPORATION this cause will be heard before an AdminCOMMISSION OF THE STATE istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing OF OKLAHOMA docket at the Corporation Commission, 1st APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, RESOURCES, INC. Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st day RELIEF SOUGHT: VACATE EXISTING of November, 2011, and that this notice be SPACING AND ESTABLISH NEW published as required by law and the Rules DRILLING AND SPACING UNITS of the Commission. LANDS COVERED: SECTION 24, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE the Applicant and interested parties may 11 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, present testimony by telephone. The cost OKLAHOMA of telephonic communication shall be CAUSE CD NO. 201105720 paid by the person or persons requesting NOTICE OF HEARING its use. Interested parties who wish to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant requests that the Commission Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to vacate Order No. 242905 insofar as it the hearing date, and provide their name pertains to the 1st Wilcox, 2nd Wilcox, and telephone number. Arbuckle, Lower Simpson, Mississippi NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Chat, Mississippi Lime, Simpson Dolointerested persons may appear and be mite and Viola common sources of supply heard. For information concerning this acunderlying the SE/4 Section 24-28N-11W, tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. Applicant further Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, requests that the Commission establish a Inc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for the City, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Mississippian, E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of OklaOswego and Tonkawa common sources homa Plaza, 201 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, of supply underlying Section 24-28N-11W, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, (405) Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, by extending the 235-7000. purview of Order No. 589398 and 589735. CORPORATION COMMISSION Additionally, the Commission should estabOF OKLAHOMA lish 640-acre drilling and spacing units for DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIRMAN the production of gas and gas condensate BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN from the Admire, Arbuckle, Council Grove, PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER Endicott, Misener, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day and Woodford common sources of supply of October, 2011. underlying Section 24-28N-11W, Alfalfa BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: County, Oklahoma, by establishing new PEGGY MITCHELL spacing. That said unit should be formed SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION as a governmental section, with the permitEXHIBIT “A” ted well to be drilled no closer than 1,320 THE FOLLOWING RESPONDENT(S), feet to the unit boundary. IF LIVING OR IF DECEASED, THEIR NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, EXcause be set before an Administrative Law ECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCJudge for the hearing, taking of evidence CESSORS, TRUSTEES OR ASSIGNS, and reporting to the Commission. IMMEDIATE AND REMOTE, OR THE NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN if any UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS, TRUSTEES named natural person is deceased, then OR ASSIGNS, IF ANY, OF ANY DISthe known or unknown heirs, executors, SOLVED CORPORATION, COMPANY administrators, trustees, devisees and OR PARTNERSHIP OR THE UNKNOWN assigns, immediate and remote, of such SUCCESSOR(S) OF ANY TRUSTEE, decedent are made respondents to this CONSERVATOR OR ATTORNEY-INApplication. If any named respondent is FACT: a corporation which does not continue to I. A. Pepis, if living, if deceased the have legal existence, then the known or Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors unknown successors, trustees or assigns, and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN if any, of such entity are made respondents

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & 330 feet from the west line of Section 19Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t 28N-10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma BEFORE THE CORPORATION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the COMMISSION OF THE STATE offset units toward which this horizontal OF OKLAHOMA well will be moving are Sections 18 & APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL 30-28N-10W and 13, 24 & 25-28N-11W, RESOURCES, INC. Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that EXCEPTION this cause will be heard before an AdminLANDS COVERED: SECTION 19, istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE docket at the Corporation Commission, 10 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, 1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma OKLAHOMA City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 28th CAUSE CD NO. 201105742 day of November, 2011, and that this notice NOTICE OF HEARING be published as required by law and the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rules of the Commission. Applicant requests an Order granting ApNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the plicant an exception to the well location for Applicant and interested parties may presthe Council Grove, Admire, Toronto, Endient testimony by telephone. The cost of cott, Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Oswego, telephonic communication shall be paid by Cherokee, Mississippian and Woodford the person or persons requesting its use. common sources of supply established Interested parties who wish to participate by an Order to be entered in Cause CD shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s No. 201105718, granting Applicant or attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide some other party permission to drill the their name and telephone number. horizontal well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said all interested persons may appear and horizontal well will be located at: be heard. For information concerning surface location: no closer than 150 this action, contact Michael D. Schooley, feet from the south line and no closer than CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC., P.O. 330 feet from the west line of Section 19Box 1032, Enid, OK 73702-1032, 580-24928N-10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma 4557, or David E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 entry point: no closer than 0 feet from Bank of Oklahoma Plaza, 201 Robert S. the south line and no closer than 330 feet Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from the west line of Section 19-28N-10W, 73102, (405) 235-7000. Alfalfa County, Oklahoma CORPORATION COMMISSION 1st perforation: no closer than 330 feet OF OKLAHOMA from the south line and no closer than 330 DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR feet from the west line of Section 19-28NBOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN 10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER last perforation: no closer than 330 feet DONE AND PERFORMED this 28th day from the north line and no closer than 330 of October, 2011. feet from the west line of Section 19-28NBY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma PEGGY MITCHELL bottom hole location: no closer than 0 SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION feet from the north line and no closer than Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & 330 feet from the east line of Section 30Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t 28N-10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma BEFORE THE CORPORATION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the COMMISSION OF THE STATE offset units toward which this horizontal OF OKLAHOMA well will be moving are Sections 19, 20, APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL 29, 31 & 32-28N-10W, Alfalfa County, RESOURCES, INC. Oklahoma. RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that EXCEPTION this cause will be heard before an AdminLANDS COVERED: SECTION 30, istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE docket at the Corporation Commission, 10 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, 1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma OKLAHOMA City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 28th CAUSE CD NO. 201105741 day of November, 2011, and that this notice NOTICE OF HEARING be published as required by law and the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rules of the Commission. Applicant requests an Order granting ApNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the plicant an exception to the well location for Applicant and interested parties may presthe Council Grove, Admire, Toronto, Endient testimony by telephone. The cost of cott, Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Oswego, telephonic communication shall be paid by Cherokee, Mississippian and Woodford the person or persons requesting its use. common sources of supply established Interested parties who wish to participate by an Order to be entered in Cause CD shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s No. 201105659, granting Applicant or attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide some other party permission to drill the their name and telephone number. horizontal well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said all interested persons may appear and horizontal well will be located at: be heard. For information concerning surface location: no closer than 150 this action, contact Michael D. Schooley, feet from the south line and no closer than CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC., P.O. 330 feet from the east line of Section 30- Box 1032, Enid, OK 73702-1032, 580-24928N-10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma 4557, or David E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 entry point: no closer than 0 feet from Bank of Oklahoma Plaza, 201 Robert S. the south line and no closer than 330 feet Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from the east line of Section 30-28N-10W, 73102, (405) 235-7000. Alfalfa County, Oklahoma CORPORATION COMMISSION 1st perforation: no closer than 330 feet OF OKLAHOMA from the south line and no closer than 330 DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR feet from the east line of Section 30-28NBOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN 10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER last perforation: no closer than 330 feet DONE AND PERFORMED this 28th day from the north line and no closer than 330 of October, 2011. feet from the east line of Section 30-28NBY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma PEGGY MITCHELL bottom hole location: no closer than 0 SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION feet from the north line and no closer than Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & and spacing unit involved herein under a Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t plan of development and have proposed BEFORE THE CORPORATION to commence such plan of development COMMISSION of such unit by an initial well in the lands OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA covered hereby, and that Applicants have APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE been unable to reach an agreement with OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE the owners of drilling rights named as reEXPLORATION, L.L.C. spondents herein with respect to such proRELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING posed plan of development of the separate LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 13 common sources of supply in the drilling TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 12 and spacing unit covered hereby. WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the OKLAHOMA application in this cause requests that one Cause CD No. 201104806 or both of the Applicants, including ChesaAMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING peake Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perthrough its agent, Chesapeake Operating, sons, owners, producers, operators, Inc., or some other party recommended purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and by Applicants be designated as operaall other interested persons, particularly in tor under the order to be entered in this Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the folcause of the separate common sources lowing: Energy Investments, L.L.C..; Eagle of supply in the drilling and spacing unit Energy Production, L.L.C.; and, if any of involved herein, including the proposed the named individuals be deceased, then initial well and any subsequent wells under the unknown heirs, executors, administraApplicants’ proposed plan of development tors, devisees, trustees and assigns, both of such unit. Applicants may request up to immediate and remote, of such deceased one year from the date of the order to enter individual; if any of the named entities is a in this cause, within which to commence dissolved partnership, corporation or other the initial well. association, then the unknown successors, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that trustees and assigns, both immediate this cause will be referred to an Adminand remote, of such dissolved entity; if istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of any of the named parties designated as evidence and reporting to the Corporation a trustee is not presently acting in such Commission. capacity as trustee, then the unknown NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this successor or successors to such trustee; cause will be heard before an Administraif any of the named parties designated as tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at an attorney-in-fact is not presently acting in the Corporation Commission, First Floor, such capacity as attorney-in-fact, then the Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, unknown successor or successors to such Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 22nd day attorney-in-fact; and if any of the named of November 2011, and that this notice will entities are corporations which do not conbe published as required by law and the tinue to have legal existence, the unknown rules of the Commission. trustees or assigns of such parties. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apthe Applicants and interested parties may plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and present testimony by telephone. The cost Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed of telephonic communication shall be paid an application in this cause requesting by the person or persons requesting its the Corporation Commission to enter an use. An interested party who wishes to order pooling the interests of the oil and participate by telephone shall contact the gas owners, and adjudicating the rights Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to and equities with respect thereto, in the the hearing date, and provide his or her proposed 640-acre drilling and spacing name and phone number. unit in Cause CD No. 201104805, for the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Douglas, Cottage Grove, Cleveland, Big interested persons may appear and be Lime-Oswego, Cherokee and Mississipheard. For information concerning this acpian separate common sources of supply, tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) underlying Section 13, Township 26 North, 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA Range 12 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake Oklahoma, with respect to the developOperating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma ment of such separate common sources City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer of supply in such unit. The interests of the to Cause CD Number. oil and gas owners involved herein and the DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 31st rights and equities in respect thereto are day of October 2011. sought here to be pooled and adjudicated CORPORATION COMMISSION pursuant to Tit. 52, Okla. Stat., Section OF OKLAHOMA 87.1 within and on the basis of the drilling DANA L. MURPHY, Chair and spacing unit covered hereby, and not BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman limited to a single wellbore. The Applicants PATRICE DOUGLAS, Commissioner in this cause states that Applicants have BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: proposed the development of the separate PEGGY MITCHELL, common sources of supply in the drilling Commission Secretary

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LEGAL NOTICES Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & at the address listed above no later than Republican Thursday, Oct. 20, Thursday, November 14, 2011, and contain the folOct. 27, and Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 3t lowing: (1) name, address, and telephone notice of application number of the interested person; (2) the to amend existing permi particular application number to which the to use groundwater protest relates; (3) specific information to permit number 19744-207 show how approval of the application proNotice is hereby given that Guilford posed may directly and adversely affect J. and Marian E. Barnard, Victor D. and legally protected interests of the person Marjorie J. Barnard and Hugh D. Barnard filing the protest; and (4) a statement of c/o James R. Barnett, Kerr, Irvine, Rhothe relief sought by the interested person. des and Ables, 201 Robert S. Kerr Ave., A person who sends a letter containing Suite 600, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, only a general objection or comment will under the authority given in Oklahoma not be deemed to be a party, but the letState Law, Title 82 §1020.7, have filed an ter will be made part of the permanent application with the Oklahoma Water Rerecord. sources Board, pursuant to Board rules, A hearing on this application will to amend groundwater permit #1974-207. be scheduled and theapplicant and Currently the permit authorizes the annuprotestant(s) shall be advised of the hearal withdrawal and use of 1,237 acre-feet ing date upon receipt of a proper protest. of groundwater for irrigation purposes Protesting parties or their representatives from four wells located as follows: one must appear at the hearing and present each in the SW NW SE and SW NE SW the protest in order that it may be considof Section 19 and one each in the NW ered. Hearings are governed by Section NW NE and SW NE NW of Section 30, 309 of Title 75 and Section 1020.8 of the T29N, R9WIM, Alfalfa County, The appliTitle 82 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and cation requests that the irrigation use be the rules of the Board, OAC Title 785, changed to include drilling and primary Chapters 4 and 30. If you have any quescompletion of oil and gas wells (500 a.f.) tions, please contact Mary Nell Brueggen and irrigation (737 a.f.). All other aspects at (405)530-8800. Board mailing address: of the permit remain the same. Oklahoma Water Resources Board, PlanProtests to the application must be in ning and Management Division, 3800 N. writing and received by the Board at the Classen Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73118address listed below and by the applicant 2881. Board fax number: (405)530-8900. Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Oct. 20, Thursday, Oct. 27, and Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 3t proclamation and notice of election Under and by vitue of Section 26, Article X of the Oklahoma Constitution and Title 70, Article XV, Oklahoma Statutes 2001, and other laws supplementary and amendatory thereto and a Resolution of the Board of Education of Independent School District Number 93 of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, Adopted on the 7th day of September, 2011, an election is hereby called to be held in said School District on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the registered qualified electors thereof the following proposition: proposition No. 1 “Shall Independent School District Number 93 of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness by issuing its bonds in the sum of Six Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($690,000) to provide funds for the purpose of constructing, equipping, repairing and remodeling school buildings, acquiring school furniture, fixtures and equipment and acquiring and improving school sites and levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the taxable property in such District sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest not to exceed the rate of ten (10%) percentum per annum, payable semi-annually and to become due serially within ten (10) years from their date?” proposition No. 2 “Shall Independent School District Number 93 of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness by issuing its bonds in the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($235,000) to provide funds for the purpose of purchasing transportation equipment and levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the taxable property in such District sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest not to exceed the rate of ten (10) percentum per annum, payable semi-annually and to become due serially within five (5) years from their date?” The voting machines or voting devices used at said election shall set out the proposition as above set forth, with respect to each proposition, and shall also contain the words: ___ For the above Proposition ___ Against the above Proposition The polls shall be opened at seven o’clock a.m. and remain open continuously until and be closed at seven o’clock p.m. The number and location of the polling places and the names of the persons who shall conduct said election shall be designated by the County Election Board(s). Such officers shall also act as counters. The specific projects for which at least seventy (70%) percent of the proceeds of the aforesaid Bonds shall be expended and the dollar amounts for each project shall be as follows: proposition No. 1 Roofing renovation to the High School; HVAC at the High School and Elementary School; purchase new lights for both the football field and baseball field; purchase and install new seating in the gym; as well as additional school furniture, fixtures and equipment $590,000.00 Acquire High School Technology Equipment $100,000.00 Total $690,000.00 Proposition No. 2 Acquire student transportation $235,000.00 Witness our hands as President and Clerk of the above Board of Education and the seal of said School District this 7th day of September, 2011. ATTEST: s/Ken Jordan President, Board of Education s/Phil Reuss [SEAL] Clerk, Board of Education CLXCL LPXLP

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & particular application number to which the Republican Thursday, Oct. 20, Thursday, protest relates; (3) specific information to Oct. 27, and Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 3t show how approval of the application pronotice of application posed may directly and adversely affect to use groundwater legally protected interests of the person Ron and Barbara Crain of Rt. 1, Box filing the protest; and (4) a statement of 124, Helena, OK 73741 have filed an apthe relief sought by the interested person. plication, #2011-631, with the Oklahoma A person who sends a letter containing Water Resources Board (Board) for a peronly a general objection or comment will mit to use 306 acre-feet of groundwater not be deemed to be a party, but the letper year. The groundwater is proposed ter will be made part of the permanent to be used for irrigation and taken from record. 153 acres located in the NW of Section If a protest that meets the requirements 9, T24N, R9WIM, Alfalfa County, as more listed in the paragraph above is filed with specifically described in the application. both the applicant and Board, a hearing The water is to be withdrawn from four on this application will be scheduled and wells located in the NW of same Secthe applicant and protestant(s) will be adtion 9. The applicants propose to use the vised of the hearing date. Protestants or groundwater in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. their representatives must appear at the Use of groundwater is governed by Sechearing and present the protest to be contions 1020.1 and following of Title 82 of sidered. Hearings are governed by Secthe Oklahoma Statutes and rules of the tion 309 of Title 75 and Section 1020.8 fo Board, Oklahoma Administrative Code Title 82 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and the (OAC), Title 785, Chapter 30. rule of Board, OAC Title 785, chapters 4 Protests to the application must be in and 30. If you have any questions, please writing and received by the Board at the contact Mary Nell Brueggen at (405)530address listed below and by the applicant 8800. Board mailing address: Oklahoma at the address listed above no later than Water Resources Board, Planning and November 14, 2011, and contain the folManagement Division, 3800 N. Classen lowing: (1) name, address, and telephone Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73118-2881. number of the interested person; (2) the Board fax number: (405)530-8900.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Applicant in this cause is requesting that Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t the Commission pool the interests and BEFORE THE CORPORATION adjudicate the rights and equities of oil COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF and gas owners in the Admire, Arbuckle, OKLAHOMA Cherokee, Cottage Grove, Council Grove, APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL Endicott, Misener, Mississippian, Oswego, RESOURCES, INC. Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, Wilcox and RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING Woodford common sources of supply LANDS COVERED: SECTION 30, underlying Section 30-28N-10W, Alfalfa TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE County, Oklahoma, designating the Ap10 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, plicant or some other party as operator. OKLAHOMA Applicant is proposing to drill a well in said CAUSE CD NO. 201105660 drilling and spacing unit. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perOrder issued in this cause may result in a sons, owners, producers, operators, unit pooling. purchasers and takers of oil and gas and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Apall other interested persons, particularly in plicant may request more than 180 days to Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and more parcommence operations. ticularly Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this an Oklahoma limited liability company; cause be set before an Administrative Law Armer & Quillen, LLC; Cisco Operating, Judge for the hearing, taking of evidence LLC; D.E. Shaw Direct Capital Portfolios, and reporting to the Commission. L.L.C.; Sandridge Exploration and ProNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that duction, LLC; Atinum MidCon I, LLC, a this cause will be heard before an AdminDelaware limited liability company; Dune istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing Resources, Inc.; Norse Exploration, Inc.; docket at the Corporation Commission, William Hendrick, if living, if deceased the 1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st and Assigns; J.E. Madden, Jr., if living, if day of November, 2011, and that this notice deceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, be published as required by law and the Successors and Assigns; J.E. Madden, Rules of the Commission. Jr., if living, if deceased the Known and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns; Applicant and interested parties may presW.O. Allen, if living, if deceased the Known ent testimony by telephone. The cost of and Unknown Heirs, Successors and Astelephonic communication shall be paid by signs; W.O. Allen, if living, if deceased the the person or persons requesting its use. Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors Interested parties who wish to participate and Assigns; Farm Credit Bank of Wichita; shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s Mathieson Development, Inc.; C.R. Carroll attorney, prior to the hearing, and provide Investments, Inc.; Dune Resources, Inc.; their name and telephone number. William Hendrick, if living, if deceased the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors interested persons may appear and be and Assigns; J.E. Madden, Jr., if living, if heard. For information concerning this acdeceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, Successors and Assigns; Mrs. Benjamin R. Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, Williams formerly known as Mrs. Lloyd L. Inc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma Thompson, if living, if deceased the Known City, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David and Unknown Heirs, Successors and AsE. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of Oklasigns; W.O. Allen, if living, if deceased the homa Plaza, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Known and Unknown Heirs, Successors 73102, (405) 235-7000. and Assigns; and if any of the above CORPORATION COMMISSION whose addresses are not known or are OF OKLAHOMA deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIR administrators, devisees, trustees and asBOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN signs, immediate and remote, of the abovePATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER named parties; and if any of the above are DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day corporations which do not continue to have of October, 2011. legal existence, the unknown trustees or BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: assigns of such parties. PEGGY MITCHELL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION

Movie Tickets Boyd Dewitt, Helena, is invited to come by Cherokee Publishing Co. to pick up 2 free passes to the Rialto Theater in Alva. Passes must be claimed within 1 week of publication. Watch this space for next week’s winner.

HELP WANTED DRIVERS: Local Tanker Work Based out of Enid, OK. Great Pay, Benefits, Hometime! CDL-A w/X End. 2yrs Exp 866-339-0072 GREAT SALT PLAINS HEALTH CENTER is seeking a full time receptionist. Medical experience preferred. Computer skills required. Apply at 405 S. Oklahoma, Cherokee, OK 73728.


580-596-2575 Town of Helena is taking applications for Part Time Employment with the Potential of Full Time Advancement for City Maintenance. Pay per hour according to experience. Valid driver’s license required. Application must be turned in by December 2nd, 2011 at 4:15 p.m. at the Helena Town Hall, 304 N. Main, Helena, OK.

Cherokee Publishing Co. Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, Thursday, Nov. 10, and Thursday Nov. 17, 2011. 3t INVITATION TO BID EASEMENT #8971 The Commissioners of the Land Office, an agency of the State of Oklahoma, offers for sale by sealed bid, a 20 year easement for a 5.5” saltwater pipeline in the S/2 Section 36-T24NR11WIM, Alfalfa County, subject to all rules and regulations of the Land Office. Appraised value is $17,600.00. Bids less than the appraised price will not be considered. Successful bidder must pay all advertising costs prior to issuance of the easement. Sealed bids must be received in our office by 2:00 pm on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Outside of envelope must be marked “SEALED BID FOR EASEMENT #8971”. Mail to Commissioners of the Land Office, 120 N. Robinson, Suite 1000W, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Proceeds of sale benefit the school children of Oklahoma. Additional information may be obtained from the Real Estate Management Division of the Commissioners of the Land Office by calling (405) 521-4136 or email james.




Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t LEGAL NOTICE The Board of Education of the Burlington School District hereby provides legal notice that the annual election filing period for candidates will open on Monday, December 5, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. and will close Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. or when the Alfalfa County Election board Office closes for business that day. Board member postition on ballot: The voters shall elect a board member for board position No. Two, which has a 5-year term of office.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & of telephonic communication shall be Republican Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. 1t paid by the person or persons requesting BEFORE THE CORPORATION its use. Interested parties who wish to Cherokee COMMISSION OF THE STATE participate by telephone shall contact the OF OKLAHOMA Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to 12p APPLICANT: CONTINENTAL the hearing date, and provide their name RESOURCES, INC. and telephone number. RELIEF SOUGHT: VACATE EXISTING NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all SPACING AND ESTABLISH NEW interested persons may appear and be DRILLING AND SPACING UNITS heard. For information concerning this acLANDS COVERED: SECTION 30, tion, contact Kiley Williams, Jackfork Land, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE Inc., as Agent for Continental Resources, 10 WEST, ALFALFA COUNTY, Inc., 933 East Britton Road, Oklahoma OKLAHOMA City, OK 73114, (405) 840-5999, or David CAUSE CD NO. 201105659 E. Pepper, Attorney, 1600 Bank of OklaNOTICE OF HEARING homa Plaza, 201 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, (405) the Applicant requests that the Commis235-7000. sion vacate Order Nos. 242905, 38202, CORPORATION COMMISSION 270686, and 396434 insofar as they 1st OF OKLAHOMA Wilcox, 2nd Wilcox, Arbuckle, Lower DANA L. MURPHY, CHAIRMAN Simpson, Mississippi Chat, Mississippi BOB ANTHONY, VICE CHAIRMAN Lime, Simpson Dolomite, Viola, Cherokee PATRICE DOUGLAS, COMMISSIONER Sand section of the Basal Pennsylvanian DONE AND PERFORMED this 20th day Sand, Cherokee Group, Misener, Cottage of October, 2011. Grove and Tonkawa common sources of BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: supply underlying Section 30-28N-10W, PEGGY MITCHELL Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. Applicant further SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION requests that the Commission establish a EXHIBIT “A” 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for the AdTHE FOLLOWING RESPONDENT(S), mire, Arbuckle, Cherokee, Cottage Grove, IF LIVING OR IF DECEASED, THEIR Council Grove, Endicott, Misener, MissisUNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, EXECUsippian, Oswego, Tonkawa, Toronto, Viola, TORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESWilcox and Woodford common sources of SORS, TRUSTEES OR ASSIGNS, IMMEDIsupply underlying Section 30-28N-10W, ATE AND REMOTE, OR THE UNKNOWN Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, by establishing SUCCESSORS, TRUSTEES OR ASSIGNS, new spacing. Further, the unit should be IF ANY, OF ANY DISSOLVED CORPORAformed as a governmental section, with the TION, COMPANY OR PARTNERSHIP permitted well to be drilled no closer than OR THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR(S) 1,320 feet to the unit boundary. OF ANY TRUSTEE, CONSERVATOR OR NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this ATTORNEY-IN-FACT: cause be set before an Administrative Law 1. J.E. Madden, Jr., if living, if deceased Judge for the hearing, taking of evidence the Known and Unknown Heirs, Succesand reporting to the Commission. sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN if any 2. Winifred Madden Morris, if living, named natural person is deceased, then if deceased the Known and Unknown the known or unknown heirs, executors, Heirs, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS administrators, trustees, devisees and UNKNOWN assigns, immediate and remote, of such 3. Patrick Madden, if living, if deceased decedent are made respondents to this the Known and Unknown Heirs, SuccesApplication. If any named respondent is sors and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN a corporation which does not continue to 4. Mrs. Benjamin R. Williams formerly have legal existence, then the known or known as Mrs. Lloyd L. Thompson, if livunknown successors, trustees or assigns, ing, if deceased the Known and Unknown if any, of such entity are made respondents Heirs, Successors and Assigns ADDRESS to this Application. UNKNOWN NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 5. W.O. Allen, if living, if deceased the this cause will be heard before an AdminKnown and Unknown Heirs, Successors istrative Law Judge on the initial hearing and Assigns ADDRESS UNKNOWN docket at the Corporation Commission, 1st 6. Known and Unknown Heirs, SucFloor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, cessors and Assigns of Lois M. Murdoch, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 21st day deceased ADDRESS UNKNOWN of November, 2011, and that this notice be 7. William Hendrick, if living, if depublished as required by law and the Rules ceased the Known and Unknown Heirs, of the Commission. Successors and Assigns ADDRESS NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that UNKNOWN the Applicant and interested parties may 8. Dune Resources, Inc. ADDRESS present testimony by telephone. The cost UNKNOWN

Page 14 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

Carrie Bowers seeks Miss Northwestern title Sunday in Alva ALVA – Five Northwestern Oklahoma State University women, including one Cherokee High School graduate, will compete Sunday for the title of Miss Northwestern during the Miss Northwestern and Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant. The pageant will begin at 4 p.m. in Herod Hall Auditorium. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Tickets can be bought before the pageant in several Alva locations including laDEEda, Holder Drug, the Northwestern Foundation Office and Alva Chamber of Commerce. Northwestern students with a valid student ID can get into the pageant for free. Competing this year are Chelsay Adams, Mooreland freshman; Madison Bird, Alva freshman; Carrie Bowers, Cherokee sophomore; Rachel Ruble; Mooreland freshman; and Olivia Yandel, Kiowa (Kan.) freshman. As a nursing major, Bowers’ platform promotes “SelfConfidence and Self-Worth in Young Women.” At Miss Northwestern, she will perform a vocal solo to “So Much

Better” from the Legally Blonde musical. As a current student, Bowers reads to a pre-k class at Washington Elementary School, was the Oklahoma Blood Institute Red Bone Marrow Donor contact and is an advocate for “Build a Brick” for the American Red Cross. For more information, contact Lizabeth Richey (580) 327-8594.


Boom fuels record sales tax collections By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff Alfalfa County's economy – buoyed by an oil and gas boom – continues its record sales tax collection pace. The October distribution of sales tax collections by the Oklahoma Tax Commission shows the county took in $327,592 more this year than in October 2010. The receipts represent taxes collected 60 days earlier in August. Cherokee is also showing huge increases in sales tax receipts from month to month. City Aline Alva Burlington Byron Carmen Cherokee Goltry Helena Jet Nash

Tax Rate .0300 .0425 .0100 .0200 .0300 .0325 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300

Alfalfa Grant Major Woods

.0200 .0125 .0025 .0050

Aline Carmen Cherokee Goltry Helena Jet

.0300 .0300 .0325 .0300 .0300 .0300

Alfalfa Grant Major Woods

.0200 .0125 .0025 .0050

October's receipts from the Tax Commission total $70,331 – $27,843 more than was distributed to the city in October 2010. The only towns in this area to show a decline in receipts were Goltry, Helena, Jet and Medford. Statewide, a disbursement of $124,540,510 in sales tax collections was returned to 508 cities and towns, reflecting an increase of $5,308,041 from the $119,232,469 distributed to 507 cities and towns in October 2010.

CITY SALES TAX Oct. 2011 Tax Rate 1,614 .0100 322,481 .0425 1,980 .0100 583 .0200 6,232 .0300 70,331 .0325 1,539 .0300 10,745 .0300 3,534 .0300 6,047 .0300 COUNTY SALES TAX 484,298 .0200 171,427 .0100 21,101 .0025 106,729 .0050 CITY USE TAX 192 .0100 165 .0300 2,002 .0325 96 .0300 460 .0300 152 .0300 COUNTY USE TAX 21,930 .0200 59,134 .0100 1,015 .0025 5,728 .0050

Oct. 2010 + or 737 +877 283,304 +39,177 808 +1,172 357 +226 4,535 +1,001 42,488 +27,843 2,393 -854 11,172 -427 3,594 -60 2,947 +3,100 156,706 +327,592 84,199 +87,228 15,670 +5,431 80,894 +25,835 57 427 3,083 115 821 315

+135 -262 -1,081 -19 -361 -163

6,453 0 1,011 6,391

+15,477 +0 +4 -663

Chesapeake donates computers to school Chesapeake Energy Corporation recently donated 10 desktop computers to Cherokee Public Schools, to increase the technology available to students using the Cherokee High School computer lab.

The school system is in need of additional equipment due to an increase in student enrollment of almost 50 students this year. Much of the school system’s growth relates to oil and natural gas production in

the area, and the subsequent increase in employment opportunities. “Chesapeake is always proud to partner with schools in the areas where our employees live, work and play,” said David

TESTING NEW computers donated to Cherokee Public Schools by Chesapeake Energy Corporation are (from left standing) Chesapeake Representative James Roller and Cherokee Principal Jeremy Hickman. Sitting are eighth-graders Nicholas Cochran (front) and Kolby Gilley.

Craycraft, Chesapeake district manager. “Supporting and enhancing local children’s educational experiences is important to our company as we consider these students to be the future of our state and our industry.” State Rep. Jeff Hickman, R-Fairview, originally brought the request to Chesapeake after learning about the shortage of technological supplies in his district. Without the donation, students would have had to share computers during computer classes. “Many urban and suburban school districts see property tax revenues grow significantly every year with new homes and businesses being constructed, so they have the resources to provide the types of facilities and technological equipment that it would be nice to have in every school district in Oklahoma,” said Hickman. State Sen. David Myers, also an advocate for Cherokee Public Schools, also thanked the company. “In rural schools, corporate support, like Chesapeake’s computer donation, is even more valuable because without it I don’t know how else these needs would be met,” Myers said. “I appreciate Chesapeake’s consistent engagement in the Cherokee community and their investment in northwest Oklahoma which is creating job opportunities in our area and creating wealth for mineral owners that will be reinvested in our local communities.”

The use tax disbursement of $8,861,299 was distributed between 375 cities and towns.

In county returns, 76 counties shared in a $29,163,503 sales tax disbursement.

Country Kitchen 115 S. Grand, Cherokee

OPENS OCTOBER 17 • 5 a.m. ≈ 8 p.m. • 7 days a week Breakfast & Lunch Buffet

Brenda Durham & Mary Estep

JANITOR/MAINTENANCE/ LAWN CARE PERSON Alfalfa County commissioners are taking applications for a janitor/maintenance/lawn care person. Beginning salary will be dependant on experience and qualifications. Applications may be picked up in the county commissioners’ office on the second floor of the courthouse. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. November 17, 2011. Alfalfa County is an equal employment opportunity employer.

“A Conversation About Compressed Natural Gas”

Alfalfa County Farmers Union Meeting & Dinner Sponsored by American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual

Noon – Saturday, Nov. 12 Registration 11:30 a.m.

Baker Building - 2nd & Grand, Cherokee RSVP to John Patton, Cherokee 596-3321 or 596-2592

Oma Gay Nichols, Helena 852-3731, 883-5969 or 822-5554 Dinner arrangements will be based on response received, PLEASE call by Thursday, Nov. 10. At the conclusion of the county meeting, Patton Agency Local #164 and Nichols Insurance Agency, Helena Local #167 will hold their annual business meetings.

Free Meal Sponsored by Alfalfa County Farm Bureau Fairground Rental Courtesy of Croft Chevrolet


for meal to Cherokee Main Street 580-596-6111

12 Noon ~ Tuesday, November 8 Alfalfa County Fairgrounds Come have lunch and learn about Compressed Natural Gas. How does it work? Can it benefit your family and farm? Presented by Cherokee Main Street

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