A Close-Knit Team

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A Close-Knit Team When John Walker first considered join-

And after the BioSeek acquisition in

ing the company that became iPierian,

February, he immediately brought

part of his due diligence was to reach out

Venuti on board too, as president and

to two old friends whose scientific cre-

chief scientific officer, and ultimately,

dentials matched his business chops.

as his successor. Walker and Venuti

They were Corey Goodman, past presi-

had previously worked together as well,

dent of Pfizer’s Biotherapeutics and Bio-

at Axys Pharmaceuticals prior to its

innovation Center and a member of the

acquisition by Celera, where Walker was

U.S. National Academy of Sciences; and

president and chief executive, and Venuti

Michael C. Venuti, chief executive officer

was senior vice president of research and

of BioSeek Inc, a company using high

preclinical development. Venuti had pre-

throughput biological systems for drug

viously held senior positions at Genen-

discovery, which was acquired by As-

tech and Syntex, and had worked with

terand plc in February 2010.

leading venture capital firms, including

“I hadn’t been intending to run an-

Kleiner Perkins.

Walker’s tenure at American Hospital inoculated him with the company’s institutional values of practical intelli-

other company at that time,” Walker re-

Starting a company with a group

calls. “But the opportunity here was so

that has worked together previously is an

gence, self-motivation and strong inter-

potentially game-changing that I had to

approach that greatly enhances a start-

personal skills. Walker rose through the

consider it. I called Mike and Corey and

up’s chances of success, according to re-

ranks there to become president of the

they both said ‘yes, this is real.’”

search on startups from M.I.T.

American Hospital Corporation, the de-

Walker tapped Goodman to be chairman of iPierian’s board of directors,

Walker’s hand-picked start-up team

And, though he has no formal training in

successor as CEO, holds an A.B. from

science, when he moved to California, it

Dartmouth College, and a Ph.D. in or-

was for the opportunity to run a number

ganic chemistry from M.I.T. Good-

of biotech start-ups on the cutting edge

as a Searle Scholar and earned his B.S. in biology with distinc-

Michael Venuti

cidedly low-tech side of the business;

has impressive credentials. Venuti, his

man attended Stanford University

of new technology. He is not a scientist,” said Robert Ruh of Korn/Ferry International. “But he

tion and honors. He was a

has always enjoyed the company of lead-

National Science Foundation

ing scientists and working with them to

Fellow at the University of

turn the most advanced science into a vi-

California Berkeley and

able business.”

earned his Ph.D. in neurobiol-

At iPierian, that task now falls to

ogy. While Walker attended

Venuti, who said he will welcome Walk-

SUNY and Kellogg, his degrees

er’s continuing presence as a senior ad-

are in business, but it could be said that iPierian’s outgoing chief executive really went to school at the American Hospital Supply Corporation.

Courtesy of iPierian

other health-related companies.

viser. “Under his leadership, the company has emerged as the leader,” in utilizing adult stem cells. This is was evidenced by iPierian’s recently being awarded re-

This now-defunct company, little known

search grants from the California Insti-

a position Walker himself had filled at

outside the industry of health care prod-

tute for Regenerative Medicine and the

Goodman’s previous company, Renovis, a

ucts and services, spawned an unprece-

National Institutes of Health. Winning

developer of innovative therapies for

dented number of current leaders of

grants is one thing; winning in the mar-

pain, prior to its acquisition by Evotec.

biopharmaceuticals, medical device and

ketplace is quite another.

Briefings on Talent & Leadership



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