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ภภManagement Information Systems


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* +" ,- .+/0'ภ+10'1 '2% ภ3 (The Competitive Business Environment)

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"3" N ภ( )

#H )- U Decision Support Systems U Information Resources Management


"3 @ ก ? ก?@ "1- '

Data Processing Organization Theory Operation Research Computer Science Accounting etc. 22/33

& * 1 ' 1 ภ)# ' + ภ&

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) Office Automation Systems (OAS) and Knowledge Work Systems (KWS) Management Information Systems (MIS) 23/33

& * 1 ' ( )

Decision Support Systems (DSS) Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) Executive Support Systems (ESS) 24/33

& * 1 ' ( )


ภ,@% 2)A ภN Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Identifying problems, opportunities and objectives U feasibility report Determining information requirements

U understanding how business functions U complete information on people, goals, data and procedure involved 26/33

ภ,@% 2)A ภN ( )

Analyzing system needs

U system proposal: fund, cost/benefit of alternatives, recommendation


ภ,@% 2)A ภN ( )

Designing the recommended system

U control and backup procedures U input/output layouts U file specifications U processing details: decision trees or tables, data flow diagrams, a system flowchart, names and functions prewritten code routines 28/33

ภ,@% 2)A ภN ( )

Developing and documenting software

U effective documentation for software: how to use, problems U design, code and remove syntactical errors


ภ,@% 2)A ภN ( )

Testing and maintaining the system

U testing process: Program testing with test data: desk checking Link testing with test data Full systems testing with test data Full systems testing with live data U maintenance practice 30/33

ภ,@% 2)A ภN ( )

Implementing and evaluating the system U Setting up an information center (IC) U Training users U Conversion U Evaluation


ภ,@% 2)A ภN ( ) Conversion 5 strategies

Direct Changeover Parallel Conversion Gradual Conversion Modular Prototype Conversion Distributed Conversion 32/33

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