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dr. Kajal nK

A Glimpse of seAsons

through the path of AyurvedA


Changing seasons has always mesmerized the human mind for centuries from the day of his very existence. With the passage of every season, mankind has absorbed memories & knowledge which time had passed on to him. In every season he saw bio-life changing around him like flowering in spring, leaf shedding in autumn, hibernation of animals in winter etc. Mankind always tried to explore more about Mother Nature so that he can adopt himself to the changes it brought along with her. Man’s curiosity towards knowing cosmic bodies & knowledge of Astronomy gave him the wisdom to divide the time to years, months, and days for his convenience. Man, even divided the year into various seasons based on changes he found around his surroundings like changing weather. Mankind as a whole evolved around this cycle which influenced his diet, clothing, festivals, cultivation, literature which literally influenced his culture.

Ayurveda, ‘Science of Life’ is not just any science which boasts only about treatment but it is a science which guides you to fulfil a healthy life. In the literature of Ayurveda, we get references on Dinacarya (daily regimen), Sadvrtta (good conduct), Rtucarya (Seasonal regimen) which when followed by an individual helps him to lead a healthy life. According to Ayurveda, a year is divided into two periods (Ayana) or solstice depending upon the direction of the movement of sun that is (Uttarayana) Northern solstice and (Dakshinanyana) Southern solstice. Each solstice consists of three seasons namely, Sisira (winter), Vasanta (spring) and Greeshma (summer) in Uttarayana and Varsha (rainy / monsoon), Sarat (autumn) and Hemantha (late autumn) in Dakshinayana. So according to Ayurveda there are six seasons and Acharya’s has advised to follow some strict diet and lifestyle modification according to the changing season by which one can maintain our equilibrium. The Ancient Ayurveda | Nov-Dec 2020 | Page 07 Northern Solstice is the period between mid-January to mid-July when sun and wind are powerful which take away the strength of people, while southern solstice is the period between mid-Julys to mid-January when moon becomes more powerful than sun. When winter (Sisira) sets in, environment will be cold along with cold winds which fall between mid-Januarys to mid-March. In this season strength of the individual declines so he has to feed on the cereals and pulses, wheat flour, new rice and corn, milk

and milk products. Drugs which preparations, excessive sexual in- to mid-November, new season of are sour in taste are advisable in dulgence and excessive exercise Autumn (Sharath) arrives. Peothis period with external oil mas- during summer. ple will attain strength compared sage. One has to avoid exposure to the previous seasons. Wheat, to cold winds, excessive walking green gram, sugar candy, honey as well as late night sleep. As the and bitter leafy vegetables are the time rolls over to spring (Vasanta) preferred diet and have his food ranging from mid-March to mid- only when he feels hungry. PeoMays, flowers starts to blossom ple should avoid fats, oils, curd, and new tender leaves emerge. meat of aquatic animals in their Strength of the individual will be diet and do not indulge in day in medium degree and he must sleep, excessive eating during this feed on easily digestible foods period. As the season cycle just at this period of time. In spring, revolves with passage of time, late cereals like old barley, wheat, autumn (Hemantha) arrives with rice etc. and pulses like lentil and blow of chilled gush of winds in green gram are preferred. Foods the period between mid-Novemwhich are hard to digest like ber to mid-January. Strength of meat, curd, cold drinks should individuals will be at its highest be pro- level in late hibited. It autumn. is advised “spring passes and one remember one’s innocence Cereals to include summer passes and one remember one’s Exuberance and pulses honey in the diet. Apart from Autumn passes and one remember one’s Reverence Winter passes and one remember one’s Perseverance” like new rice, flour prepa this, Day rations, sleeping is green strictly prohibited at this period gram, black gram, sugarcane of time. As the clouds gather and when products are the perfect choice of rain sets in, we step into Mon- Hemantha. Exposures to strong When summer (Greeshma) soon (Varsha) season which cold winds, habit of day sleep are creeps up between mid-May to usually falls between mid-July contra-indicated during this pemid-July, environment is prev- to mid-September. The ponds, riod. alent with intense heat and hot rivers are filled with water and winds. The water bodies will get greenery just spreads thick and The cycle of seasons will contindried up and plants will appear fast. Strength of the persons is as ue till the existence of this planlifeless. The strength of persons low as in summer and hence he et. With the global warming and declines considerably. So, one has to indulge in easily digestible variation in the advent of season must take foods which are easy to foods. Old barley, rice and wheat importance of Rithucharya had digest having qualities of sweet, are the appropriate pick in cereals became a query in this present unctuous& cold potency. Drink- while meat soup and vegetable scenario. Even though Ritus do ing plenty of water and other soups are also advised. Drenching not follow uniformity, to deliquids such as buttermilk, fruit in rain, day sleep, exercise, hard cide the regimen, knowledge on juices, meat soups, milk will help work, sexual indulgence should Ayurveda holds as a pathfinder. to rejuvenate the body. Staying in be prohibited during this period. cool places, wearing light dresses When rain withdraws & black and sleeping at day time are help- clouds disappear with clear skies - dr. sarin T. ful. One must prohibit alcoholic in the months of mid-September

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