Vol 1|Issue 2 | The Ancient Ayurveda | India's First Business 2 Business Ayurveda Magazine | Koryfi

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Vol. 1 | Issue 2 | Aug-Sept 2020 | Price Rs. 100/-


Ancient Ayurveda

India’s First B2B Ayurveda Magazine www.KoryfiGroup.org


Key Role for Healthy Life




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Ancient Ayurveda Bi-Monthly Ayurveda B2B Magazine

Vol. 1 | Issue 2 | Aug-Sep 2020 | Price Rs. 100/-


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Mr. Rushi Dave (M): 88 24 111 930 Email: koryfigroup.india@gmail.com

ASSOCIATE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Dr. Rahul Nishad (M): 8431377322 Email: dr.rahul.nir@gmail.com Ms. Nirja Sharma (M): 635 635 4444 Email: nirja.nirjasharma@gmail.com

GROUP EDITOR: Dr. Sharli Acharya (M): 8469388811

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: • Dr. Prakash Kurmi (MBBS, MD – Medicine) • Dr. Ghanshayam Vyas (Retd. Deputy Director, Ayush Ministry, Rajasthan) • Shri. Harshad D. Parmar (Advocate & Notary, Govt. of India) • Prof. Dr. Ashish Vyas (Gold Medal, Jyo�shacharya and Principal, Shree Brahmanand BBA College) • Vd. Himanshuray Raval, (Ayurved Ratna, Prayag Sanskrit University) • Shri. K. D. Bha� (Senior Reporter) • Dr. Aiswarya K. (Ass. Prof. Dept. of Agadtantra, State Model Govt. Ayurveda College, Gandhinagar)

EXPERT COMMITTEE: • Dr. Amrutkaur Changlani • Smt. Pallavi Gawande • Dr. Nilam Shah • Dr. Ni�n Dobariya • Vd. Surabhi Vaidya • Smt. Pree� R. Bhavsar

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EDITOR'S DESK The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world’s a�en�on towards the immune system, it has proved to be a wake-up call for people all over the world. Not only has it compelled people to re-assess their health choices, but also mark the need for boos�ng immunity. Another trend that has swept the world is the emergence of kitchen science in boos�ng immunity. With so much focus on immunity, it is no secret that it is going to be the buzzword in the post COVID-19 era. While India con�nues to fight a life-and-death ba�le against coronavirus, businesses are leveraging this opportunity to come out with consumer products that helps in boos�ng immunity.

Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist a par�cular infec�on or toxin by the ac�on of specific an�bodies or sensi�zed white blood cells. In simple language, Immunity means a shield within our body who guards us against various viruses and bacteria. Since theCoVID-19, medico person, doctor, government, even also the non-medico person are talking about the immunity boos�ng system. In this issue, we will completely understand the immunity-boos�ng system from the base. What is Immunity, Why it is necessary, and how to boost the immunity of normal person, children, pregnant ladies, aged persons, and also suggest some yoga and home remedies for the same.


The body’s defense force against disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and other organisms that we touch ingest and inhale every day. The need to build natural immunity has become vital during these �mes. The ancient science of Ayurveda offers a diversity of formula�ons, treat ments, and prac�ces to help build immunity. Consumers are increasingly switching to ayurve dic medicines and products in the hope of boos�ng their immunity. Even though the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (Ayush) has issued an advisory recommending possible ayurvedic treatments. Allopathic doctors do say that these products are not proven to cure an infec�on of the virus but can, at best, improve immunity which helps a lot to fight any viral or bacterial infec�on. The Ministry of Ayush has issued a protocol based on advice and inputs provided by 16 leading Ayurveda prac��oners in the country and this has helped in bringing standardiza�on in the products offered as immunity boosters. The protocol contained home-based remedies such as herbal teas to some ayurvedic medicines (nowadays, known as an immunity booster). An ini�a�ve was taken up by the AVP in se�ng up Ayur Shield clinics in associa�on with the Confedera�on of Indian Industries and other prominent players such as Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers Organiza�on of India (AMMOI), Ayurvedic Medical Associa�on of India, etc.

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Chyawanprash, Indukantham Kashayam, Ayush Kwath, Ashwagandha, Giloy, Tulsi, Chukku Kappi (Dry Ginger Kapi) are some of the most fast-moving products as immunity boosters. Research says, apart from the regular expansion in sales, there is an addi�onal 40-45% increase in the Pharmaceu�cal industry. This is the perfect �me for us to expand our Ancient Knowledge of Ayurveda worldwide. A true businessman takes every opportunity even from the worst situa�on. The Ayush Ministry has, however, made it clear that none of these measures should be consid ered as a complete treatment for Covid-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges for the startup ecosystem in India. The Government of India has joined hands with various stakeholders to offer support to startups. We are trying to combat the pandemic by crea�ng an opportunity for entrepreneurs to promote their ayurvedic products and brand for the global market. I believe, Indian medical professionals should abandon their normal prac�ce of wai�ng for Western approval and u�lize the Ayurvedic remedies in a scien�fic manner. This will give them an opportunity to prove the validity of the claims of Ayurvedic prac��oners. It helps the na�on and accords pres�ge to Indian medical professionals.

Rushi Dave Founder and Editor-In-Chief, The Ancient Ayurveda Co-Founder & Managing Editor, The Author’s Journals (A group of Interna�onal Journal) Founder and President, RaktDaata Federa�on Trustee, Janseva Charitable Trust Contact Number: 88244111930 / 635 635 44 44 Websites: h�p://RaktDaata.in/ & h�p://koryfiGroup.org/

08 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020

IMMUNITY: VYADHIKSHAMATVA IS THE KEY ROLE FOR HEALTHY LIFE In Ayurveda immunity is known as Vyadhikshamatva. The word VYADHIKSHAMATVA is made up of two words; Vyadhi (disease) and Kshamatva (suppress or overcome).According to Ayurveda, Vyadhi is a condi�on which come into existence as consequence of non-equilibrium between Doshas (physiological factors i.e., vata,pi�a & kapha), Dhatus (�ssues systems) and Malas (excretory products of body). These factors in their normal status are responsible in maintaining the physical and psychological health. The other word, "Kshamatva" is derived from, "Kshamus sahane" which means to be pa�ent or composed to suppress anger, to keep quite or to resist. Vyadhiksamatva (immunity) is of tremendous importance in the daily wellness of human beings, for preven�on and recovery from diseases. When e�ological factors come in contact with the body they try to produce disease. At the same �me the body tries to resist the disease. This power of the body, which prevents the development of diseases or resists a developed disease, is called Immunity. Therefore Vyadhikshamatwa means the factor which limits the pathogenesis and opposes the strength of disease.

Natural Immunity Boosters Drinking water in various formats can benefit different aspects of your health. You can start by simply drinking enough water, par�cularly if you feel like you might be ge�ng sick. Water helps to carry oxygen to your body cells, which results in properly func�oning systems. It also works in removing toxins from the body, so drinking more of it could help prevent toxins from building up and having a nega�ve impact on your immune system. There are a lot of foods, fruits, and vegetables that can naturally enhance your immune system. One of the easiest ways to improve your immunity is to have a healthy and wholesome diet. Some of the immunity-boos�ng herbs are garlic, black cumin, and licorice. Add these to your diet for a healthier and happy immune system. Various preven�ve measures have been doing the talks to keep the Coronavirus at bay. The new one being Jal Ne�, which is a yoga procedure to clean the nasal cavity. In Jal Ne�, salted lukewarm water is used to remove the conges�on and blockages of nasal as well as respiratory regions. Jal Ne� helps to keep you free from many diseases and also facilitates smooth breathing process through the nostrils. Water is poured into one of the nostrils and then that water comes out easily from the other nostril. Benefits of Jal Ne� : Relieves Sinusi�s Eye Diseases Psycho-spiritual Health Cough and Cold Drowsiness

Vyadhikshamatva, not only we can keep at bay the physical bodily ailments but also definitely prevent various psychosocial discrepancies. So concluding from above, an oja depleted body is breeding ground of various physical and mental diseases. Hence, for a�aining good Vyadhikshamatva, we should use various regimens. - Anushka Sharma


09 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020

PREGNANT?? AND WORRIED ABOUT COVID-19 SPREAD??? It is of no fun being ill, par�cularly when you are expec�ng. Women are said to be more prone to infec�ons while pregnant and you need to take extreme care of yourself because you are not just looking a�er yourself but your baby as well and your immunity is of top concern as is yourchild's. So what happens to you happens to your child, so if your immune system is weak you are making it easier for infec�ons, toxins germs to enter and thrive. Unfortunately, you can't avoid all sources of infec�on and at the moment there is a heightened awareness of infec�ous disease due to the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. Here are a few tips on how to boost your immune system and prevent picking up infections ~ TAKE PROBIOTICS REGULARLY That helps in increasing your immunity as well as your child's. Also, protect your child from asthma and any allergic condi�ons in the long run. Now from where you can get them??? Probio�cs are found naturally in food like KEFIR, YOGHURT, SAUERKRAUT or you can take supplements that are found over the counter in medical stores or in the supermarket as well. ~ EAT WELL AND SATTVIK Pregnancy can cause you to crave a lot of weird food and while it is okay to indulge once in a while but you need to remember that you are ea�ng for two people and your child needs good healthy food and your energy needs will increase in the second and third trimester as your baby will start growing rapidly. Make sure you have enough protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, fruits & veggies and a whole lot that falls under nutri�on that helps boost the immune system during pregnancy. ~ GET PLENTY OF SLEEP Pregnancy can affect your sleep as your body is dealing with a lot right now physically, emo�onally, and psychologically so, give it some good rest. ~ DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Keep yourself hydrated and make sure you intake 8 to 12 glasses of water a day without fail. This will help your body to flush out toxins and counter dehydra�on. STACK UP ON VITAMIN D AND ZINC SUPPLEMENTS A Secret Ayurvedic �p to help your baby's immunity and vitality is to take one spoonful daily of this golden elixir of life each day of pregnancy: add one teaspoon of warm milk with one teaspoon of grass-fed ghee (Desi Ghee)

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~ THINK HYGIENE Make sure to wash your hands o�en and avoid direct contact with anyone who is sick during pregnancy. It usually does not affect the baby but can be serious and lead to complica�ons like preterm labour. ~ STACK UP ON VITAMIN D AND ZINC SUPPLEMENTS A Secret Ayurvedic �p to help your baby's immunity and vitality is to take one spoonful daily of this golden elixir of life each day of pregnancy: add one teaspoon of warm milk with one teaspoon of grass-fed ghee (Desi Ghee) ~ TRY TO EXERCISE AS MUCH YOU CAN As long as your doctor says, it is safe for you to exercise during pregnancy. You should try to get at least 30 minutes of physical ac�vity most days, this is highly beneficial for both you and your baby as well. It can help to keep a tab on your body temperature, regulate blood flow, and help with hormonal balance as well ~ Keep yourself WARM Especially during winters don't get drenched in rain and stay away from much sunlight too.

THE MOST IMPORTANT UNWIND AND DE-STRESS YOURSELF - Surround yourself in a posi�ve environment, *LAUGHING* as a ma�er of fact, can help in boos�ng your immunity too, as surprising as it sounds. - Relaxa�on techniques such as yoga, stretching, deep breathing and massage are all great ways to combat stress and get a be�er night's sleep. Don't forget a strong immune system means a healthy foetus, if the growth of your foetus is not up to the mark and development is slow and Stunned, Blame it on your weak immune system. So, beau�ful expectant moms follow the above points and make sure you take pregnancy in your stride with a smile. This can be a trying �me for you but you have the license to go ahead and pamper yourself with all love and care begin by boos�ng your immunity so that both you and your child have a healthy life

Be Sure, Be Safe and Be Ready for Welcoming your Baby with Good Health, GOOD LUCK - Dr. Divya Aggarwal

BAMS, PG Scholar, MS Obstetrics And Gynecology

11 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020

IMMUNITY AND AGEING: TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN “Ageing can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.” - Clint Eastwood Age was just a number back then, but this COVID ingression changed the whole equa�on for all those youthful oldies! Staying cap�ve in their homes, elderlies of today’s age are ge�ng to grips with paddling their canoes across these hard �mes. But hey, what if aging can be fun again like the good old days when the pandemic was not a thing? Yes, you read it right! Ayurveda can emerge as a ray of hope for everyone who is trying to switch back to normal. Let's get to the bo�om of this to understand how this can be a possible. Ayurveda Perspective on Old Age -

Factors responsible for premature Ageing -

Ayurvedic concepts define ageing as a long-standing process triggering from the degenera�on of Dhatus (cellular elements of the body), resul�ng in a diminished capacity of the body in carrying out normal physiological func�ons. This deteriora�on in health can occur either as a natural process or can be manifested early as a result of aggrava�on of Doshas (bioenergies exis�ng in the form of Vata, Pi�a, and Kapha) in the body, which leads to premature degenera�on of the Dhatus.

In the current scenario, not only the old olds are ge�ng old, but the young olds are popping up as the new olds in the lieu. Ever thought, what could be the probable factors for this? Let us dig into some common lifestyle mistakes causing you to grow old early! 1. Faulty sleep pa�erns, diet-style, and ea�ng habits along with the dependence on junk and processed food has quadrupled over the past few decades, leading to early aging. 2. Addic�on in any way, not just corrupts your body func�ons but degenerates your body at the cellular levels leading to an eventual system shut-down! 3. Lack of physical ac�vi�es, sedentariness, and over-dependence on others not only makes you lethargic but increases your possibility of laying hands on a package full of old age problems. 4. Today's busy work culture and high stress are taking a toll on the health of every class of society. In such a situa�on, premature aging is the greatest to expect!

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Ageing is a complex process that involves mul�ple systems of the body. However, the performance and efficacy of each system are governed by the body's innate defense mechanism or The Immune System. And Ayurvedically, Ojas (the essence of all seven Dhatus of the body) is a common nexus, connec�ng the dots between the two. When a person ages, the quality of Dhatus and Ojas also begins to diminish. Scien�fically, it can be understood from the fact that the produc�on of B and T cells (a variety of fighter cells present in the body) reduces with old age, which is to be blamed for an ill-response against infec�ons.

Life hacks to hack your system Ayurveda's claim to fame lies in the fact that out of eight classical super-special�es, Rasayana and Jara Chikitsa (Rejuvena�ve and Geriatric Care) is a specialty specifically dedicated to the Aging! We are enlis�ng small yet powerful life hacks for elderlies to adopt, which can make their life blissful again amidst the COVID �mes.

1. Food is the key to health – Food plays a vital role in the maintenance of health because Dhatus aren't anything but the outcomes of the food we eat. The right food, if eaten at the right �me and in the right manner, can yield astounding effects on the overall existence! So how should one eat the food? • Plan your meals as per your need and eat at the same �me every day. • Don't eat unless you feel hungry, as there is no harm in fas�ng once in a while. • Keep your breakfast fiber-rich by including lots of seasonal fruits, even if you are diabe�c. Because fruits never harm anyone! • Make lunch as your biggest meal of the day with a balanced diet containing mul�-grain chapa�s, pulses, rice, and veggies. • Fill up your stomachs with either Khichdis, Daliyas, Oats, or other easily diges�ble meals at night.

2. Sleeping early and tight – The be�er you sleep, the be�er your body will respond! Try to sleep early at night to be able to wake up early in the morning. Also, there is no harm for elderlies to sleep during the day�me but just make sure that there is a gap of at least two hours between your previous meals and a quick nap.

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3. Work up your breath – It is necessary to include some Yogic exercises and Pranayam in daily rou�ne. It does not just energize the body but increases our immunity by providing sufficient oxygen necessary for the thriving of each cell living inside us! This season is the right �me to incorporate this 30-minute fitness rou�ne in your morning schedule ● 1 set of Surya Namaskara unless you aren't suffering from aching joints. ● 8-10 minutes of Kapalbha�. ● 8-10 minutes of Nadi Shodhan or Anulom Vilom. ● 5 minutes of Brahmari Pranayama. ● 5 minutes of medita�ng on the sound of Aum.

4. Rasayanas for complete Wellbeing Ayurveda has a complete range of geriatric care in the form of following Rasayanas ● Your food is the utmost Rasayana your body can ever get, so never compromise on healthy ea�ng! ● Single source Rasayanas - They include seasonal fruits, dried fruits (Figs, Raisins, Berries), nuts (Almond, Walnuts, Cashews), and other medicinal herbs like Amla, Giloya, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, ● Shatavari, Mulethi, etc. It is advisable to take one at a �me. Rasayana Formula�ons like Chywanprasha, Brahma Rasayana, Vasa Avleha, Ashwagandharishta, Triphala, Sanshamanadi Va�, etc. are the great op�ons for strengthening the Dhatus and the immune system if taken under the guidance of a Licensed Ayurvedic Prac��oner.

- Dr. Chhavi Rosha, BAMS Founder, Ta�vanyasa-Dhatusamya

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The sudden outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Wuhan (China), in December 2019 had raised the concern of whole world towards the false sense of human achievements over nature. The influenza-like virus never became so dangerous previously. Started from China, within months it spread all over the world and affected almost every country. For preven�on of this disease, the Governments and health agencies all over the globe have focussed on maintaining hygiene, frequent hand wash, and social distancing. There are groups of People called as Corona warriors who are the true warriors in ba�le against corona and works beyond their duty, work hard for the country, for the society and saves lives of other people. Corona warriors: We all heard the literature of Ramayana and the descrip�on of Hanumana and its selfless efforts towards the victory of Shri Rama. He fetched the vaidya for lakshamana treatment and also brought the sanjivani bu� from the Himalaya a�er travelling thousands of kms. Just like hanuman, lord Shri Krishna efforted for the victory of truth. All of these are examples of selfless efforts for others or society. The same efforts were done by the corona warriors beyond their duty for the country as well as for the welfare of the society. They all are the real sankat mochan during the ba�le against Covid-19. First in the list are the health care workers including the doctor, nurses, ward boys, pathologists, technicians,

pharmacists, and sanita�on workers. They all are figh�ng against corona to save the lives of others day in and day out. The second one in the list is Policemen, who came to the frontline for the implementa�on of strict norms of lockdown. The third one is the group of people who are s�ll ignored and no one talk about them during the havoc caused by SARS-COV-2. They are the providers of essen�al services like water, electricity, vegetables, milk, newspaper as well as banking services. Fourth group is the group of people of different organiza�ons and NGOs who came to serve the society as well as feed the migrant labourers during these difficult �mes pu�ng their own life at risk. Raising the immunity of corona warriors is an important area of concern as all these peoples fight for us and protect us from this dangerous virus by making their own life more vulnerable and suscep�ble. So the

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first step is to enhance the immunity of all corona warriors so that the country can fight against these deadly diseases. In the present pandemic, to improve the immunity of individuals, certain recommenda�ons were made by the Ministry of AYUSH which included dietary measures based on Ayurveda as well as some prophylac�c medicines used in general to improve immunity in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathic systems of medicines. Ancient literature describes many promo�ve and preven�ve principles like Dincharya(daily regimen), Ritucharya(seasonal regimen), Prakri�(personalized approach), Achara Rasayana(good conduct) and Sadvri�a(social conduct), etc. Thousands of years back, all these principles were followed by ancient people and scholars which enhance their vyadhi kashamatva or immunity and they lived a healthy and long life. In spite of all these measure certains herbs or medicines are really helpful as immunity booster for these frontline corona warriors. Best Immunity Herbs/ Medicine for Frontline Corona Warriors: ● Sanshamni va�: It is a herbal formula�on prepared from Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia). It is also called amrita due to its so many proper�es like an�-inflammatory, an�pyre�c, immunomodulator, an�-viral, an�-diabe�c, and an�-bacterial which make the herb best against SARS-Cov-2. ● Ashwagandha Churna/Tab: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is the best rasayana(rejuvena�ng herb). It is the best immune modulator as well contains an� inflammatory ac�vi�es. ● Bhunimba Kwath: also called as kalmegha (Andrographis paniculata) is one of the best drug men�oned in classics for fever and cough. Its Kapha pi�a shamaka. Due to its an�pyre�c, an�viral, an� inflammatory and hepatoprotec�ve ac�on, it is the best herb among the several drugs for covid-19. ● Amalaki Churna/ Amla Juice- Amalaki(Emblica officinale ) is the good source of vitamin C which is an�oxidant and important for normal func�oning of immune system.

● Braham Rasayana: It is best rasayana for stress factor in current pandemic. It’s herbal formula�on contains around 45 ingredients and help in enhancement of immunity and give strength and power. ● Amritarishta: It a liquid formula�on used in fever and diges�ve s�mulant. Helpful to lower down the fever. ● Indukantam Kashyam: Liquid formula�on acts on the diges�ve organs and beneficial in abdominal disorders including abdominal spasms, loss of appe�te. It also provides strength and increases immunity. ● Ayush kwath powder/ Tab: It is formula�on launched a�er the guideline issued by the ministry of AYUSH. It contains 4 ingredients sauthi, Dalchini, Tulsi and kalimirch which contribute in enhancement of immunity. ● Honey: Use of honey 1Tps twice a day may be helpful in current pandemic. Honey is tridoshahara as well as an�viral, an�microbial, an�bacterial ac�vity, useful in respiratory disorders, cough, and sore throat.

- Dr. Ankur Kumar Tanwar Director Sambhav Ayurveda Infer�lity Clinic Director of Ayurvedic Herbal Health Care Center

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BOOST YOURSELF WITH HOME REMEDIES 2) Cough (Kasa Roga) ● Roast cardamom seeds and cloves on hea�ng pan �ll they becomes fragrant, crush into fine powder and consume it twice a day with honey. ● Dry pomegranate fruit peels in sunlight and grind into fine powder, consume it twice a day with honey to get rid from repe��ve coughing.

As our globe is dealing with corona pandemic since last 6 months, majority of ayurvedic ● medicines and home remedies have got popularity among lay man in order to ba�le against corona symptoms and to increase immunity as well. So, in this ar�cle I'm men�oning few quick, prac�cal and very useful home remedies of some basic respiratory system disorders. 1) Common cold (Pra�shyaya) ● Cut ginger root into small pieces and roast in cow's pure ghee, chew it 4-5 �mes a day to get rid from running nose. ● Take 1Tsp of fresh ginger juice and add 1/2Tsp of honey to it, consume it once a day. ● Take turmeric powder and carom seeds (ajwain) 10-10gms each, boil into 200ml water un�l becomes half, now add desirable amount of jaggery and drink this decoc�on twice a day. ● Take 5 tulsi leaves, 2 cloves, 1 piece of ginger root, 4 black peppers crush them well and boil in 200 ml water un�l gets half, add desirable amount of jaggery and drink twice a day.

● In case of sore throat take 1Tsp of amla powder and honey thrice a day, it'll leave a great soothing effect in throat region. ● In case of dry coughing, boil 5 long peppers (pippali) in milk, add some unrefined sugar (sarkara) and drink it once a day. ● In case of cough and conges�on in chest, rub lukewarm ghee and rock salt (sindhav) gently over chest region, it'll promote liquidifica�on of congested cough and will help to expel mucus through mouth. 3) Asthama (Shwasa Roga) Asthama is definitely not the disease to get treated only by home remedies, pa�ents need to seek medical advice and proper ayurveda medica�on. But here are some home remedies which promotes immediate and miraculous effects in asthma symptoms: ● Gentle rubbing of Luke warm sesame oil (�la taila) and rock salt (sindhav) over chest region contributes instant comfort by relieving cough conges�on.

● Ins�ll 2-2 drops of cow's pure ghee into both the nostrils to restrict entry of foreign par�cles through nasal airways, this quick remedy is specifically beneficial in case of allergic rhini�s.

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● Add few camphor cubes (karpura) in boiling water and inhale its fumes 2-3 �mes a day, it will help to relieve breathlessness.

● Take lukewarm mixture of 1Tsp of aleovera juice and 1/2Tsp of turmeric powder for pacifica�on of fever.

● Take fresh juices of beetroot, carrot, cabbage and green flat beans (valor papdi), heat a li�le bit and add a pinch of rock salt (sindhav), drink it every day in chronic asthama.

● Consuming 2gms of dried neem leaves powder along with honey or warm water once a day will surely benefit in fever.

● Take fresh juices of ardusi leaves (vasa) and ginger root and consume with honey two �mes a day for be�er results. 4) Fever (Jwara) Although fever is not respiratory disorder but it is commonly associated with common cold and cough so men�oning its remedies over here becomes essen�al and truly useful. ● Langhana (fas�ng) – In case of any basic fever one should take light and easily diges�ble diet in order to promote rest to diges�ve system, langhana therapy will kindle your jatharagni (diges�ve fire) and hence will digest ama (undigested food) which leads to detoxifica�on of body and pacifica�on of fever.

● In case of fever due to hear stroke or exhaus�on, gentle rubbing of bo�legourd peels on foot soles is helpful. ● Prepare mixture of 2gms of roasted cumin seeds powder (jeera) and jaggery and take it 3-4 �mes a day for be�er results in fever. Above men�oned remedies are not specifically wri�en for corona infec�on. One should definitely seek professional medical advice in confirmed corona cases, but these remedies will surely help to get rid from ini�al signs and symptoms of respiratory tract disorders which we face o�enly in our day to day life. - Vd. Prachi Joshi BAMS

19 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020

TURMERIC - THE GOLDEN GODDESS What’s all this hype about?? Golden la�e mix, Immunity kwath, Golden immunity mix - seen an emergence of 100’s of such immunity boos�ng products in the market recently? (All thanks to this pandemic!!) What do all these have in common?? Something which Ayurveda spoke of and propagated 5000 years ago!!!!

Turmeric - (La�n- Curcuma longa) is one of the important dravyas in Ayurveda used in many forms. Be it churnas, Va�s, Kashayas and even in Lepa form.

Due to the current scenario of Covid-19, there has been a rampant release of immunity boosters in the market, formula�ons and products that helps to keep the respiratory health in check, and as a result Turmeric has gained a lot of a�en�on and promo�on for usage. Hence it is important to know what Turmeric does, what Ayurveda says about this wonder herb and how it should be used. Coming to its name, the most common name used for Turmeric in Ayurveda is Haridra, it is also known by many other names like Peeta, Krimighni etc., which are given based on the various ac�ons and proper�es of the herb. The main part of turmeric that stores the most medicinal proper�es is the rhizome - the bulbous structure in the soil which is the underground plant stem. Properties of turmeric according to Ayurveda ● Turmeric is dry in nature and hot. ● It balances Vata, Pi�a & Kapha. ● It can be used in the freshly extracted juice form and the powder form as well.

20 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020

What does Turmeric do?? ● It improves the complexion of the skin. ● It is an immune-modulator, an�-oxidant, an�-inflammatory, an�-cancer. ● Useful in diabetes (when used with neem and amla), Anemia, Liver disorders, Gout, skin condi�ons, wound healing, detoxing, upper respiratory tract infec�ons etc. How should it be used?? Other than the medicinal form as prescribed by a qualified Ayurvedic doctor it can be used as followsInternally 1. Turmeric can be used as a spice in small quan��es 1/2 to 1 gm in everyday cooking. 2. Half a teaspoon of turmeric can be added to a cup of warm milk and consumed once a day during noon or 30 to 40 mins before bed. 3. Can be consumed as tea as well, once a day. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric in 250 ml of boiling water, 2 thin slices of fresh ginger and a�er turning off the heat jaggery can be added for sweetness. Note- Turmeric should be avoided by individuals with bleeding disorders ExternallyHalf teaspoon of Turmeric powder mixed with 1 tablespoon of yogurt can be applied as a face pack which helps improve complexion, heal skin tan and calms the skin. You can also add half a tablespoon of Besan (chickpea flour) to the above mixture. Why do some people complain of excessive heat after consuming turmeric over a period of time??? As I men�oned in the beginning Turmeric is hot in nature, so if a person especially of Pi�a prakru� consumes Turmeric every day in high doses (more than 3 grams a day) over a long period of �me, or consumes more doses in summers one may experience the same. So to counter the same, turmeric can be taken with milk as the coldness of milk will help in balancing the heat.

21 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020

You must have heard from many people and articles that your body does not absorb Turmeric without adding pepper!! Ayurveda does not say so. This is because as per the above concept, pepper helps in be�er absorp�on of curcumin which is “ONE OF” the ac�ve chemical cons�tuents of Turmeric. But turmeric contains a lot of other ac�ve cons�tuents other than curcumin and Ayurveda considers dravyas or herbs as a “WHOLE” and not as an isolated ac�ve cons�tuent. Hence adding pepper with Turmeric for enhancing its absorp�on is not a concept of Ayurveda, but a modern concept where the ac�ve principle curcumin is singled out. Hope this informa�on helps. EMBRACE your HEALTH because that is what EMPOWERS you. - Dr. Kajal NK BAMS

22 | The Ancient Ayurveda | Aug-Sept 2020



Juice / Tea / Tablet / Capsule / Granules Useful in: 1. Pre-diabetes 2. Diabetes induced fatigue 3. Diabetes management 4. Control and prevention of diabetes complications India has become world’s diabetes capital but most alarmingly nearly 30% of our popula�on is pre-diabe�c- that is- on the path to become diabe�c. It is an urgent situa�on and our modern lifestyle of sedentary habits, bad food choices, lack of sleep and persistent stress is to be blamed for this. Diabetes not only robs you of your energy and life but is a significant roadblock to our na�ons’s dreams of achieving the superpower status. Diabetes occurs when body’s controlling capacity can no longer cope up with the sugar load. Lot factors need to be taken care on a daily basis in order to keep the en�re sugar control mechanism intact. These include strict calorie control, regular exercise, good sleep, zero stress, etc. and of course there is a factor of gene�c predisposi�on which is beyond our control. Considering that a mul�tude of factors need to be kept under control, Improva has designed three products that together give complete support to our sugar control mechanism and assists you in fight against diabetes:

Beneficial effects of herbs of Ayurbeat juice • Checks over fa�gue • Purifies Blood • Promotes wound healing • Correct diges�on & metabolism • Tones up efficiency & health of pancrea�c �ssues • Prevent complica�on & corrects minor func�onal abnormali�es of kidney, eyes and nerves • Regulates blood sugar level. • Protects liver and kidney from toxic effects of sugar

Herbs in Ayurbeat -T • Reduce blood sugar • Work on insulin resistance • Probably regenerate beta cells • Enhance glucose uptake by peripheral organs • Improves immunity • Have Strong an�-inflammatory and an�-oxidant compounds • Significantly reduce stress and increase performance output

Ayurbeat -T: Tea, if taken correctly, is also the best way to deliver bioac�ve molecules to the body. Ayurbeat -T is made with aim of replacing your daily tea with the tea that not only controls your sugar but imbibes you with the same freshness that you get from your regular milk tea. Ayurbeat -T is a great combina�on of green tea and Ayurveda

Dose: People at risk of diabetes Ayurbeat-T: One tea-bag morning on empty stomach Prediabe�cs: (post lunch sugar below 200 mg/dl) Ayurbeat-T: One tea-bag morning on empty stomach Ayurbeat juice: 15 ml two �me before lunch and dinner Diabe�cs: (post lunch sugar above 200 mg/dl) with or without complica�ons. Ayurbeat-T: One tea-bag morning and a�ernoon on empty stomach Ayurbeat juice: 30 ml two �mes before lunch and dinner • Please contact for Distributorship 9923590197, ayurcin@rediffmail.com,





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