Step with us into the future for a moment. In five years’ time, for every mention of a Gucci or Fendi, a Will Smith or Johnny Depp, you will get an equally passionate response for world-class African cultural brands. Why? Because at this point in time the dream to; WearAfrican, SingAfrican, EatAfrican, WatchAfrican, and AllExperience African will be a reality.
Our mandate at taKOSHA! is to navigate you towards the emerging African cultural giants deserving of your attention and patronage. To put a spot light on people and stories from Africa who typically would never receive attention in mainstream media. Towards this end, in our second issue, we share with you the makings of a global African fashion house, whose rise is anchored by a strong and purpose driven woman.
Open these pages and join us as we discover more pioneering African vision bearers sharing our continent’s cultural renaissance with the rest of the world.
Africa is NOW!