July 2014

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July 2014 Tamuz-AV 5774


Naftali Fraenkel Gilad Shaar

Eyal Yifrach

Amitim Fellows Connecting Jewish People

Giving a Voice Brighter futures for our children

Rio Connection Jews & Israelis of The world Cup


Brothers keeper Operation photos

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ko·sher OC News at hand for Jews of the land

Featured 08. Yizkor Remembering Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frankel and Gilad Shaar

40. Special Request

Kosher OC is here to give the Orange County Jewish community news when it happens, here and around the world.

Local man in need of support

We combine the best of modern media and dedicated journalism to give you timely and interesting stories about the movers and shakers of the community and the great events they hold. We also talk about Jewish trends and trendmakers in Israel and throughout the globe with interesting ideas about celebrating holidays and celebrating each other.

Women’s Philanthropy president

Join us for a window into the worl of Judaism, and let us have your insight and input.

JCC’s annual Celebration Ball

It is our pelasure to serve this wonderful community.

Local 14. Meet Lori Schwartz

39. Club de Paris Israel’s place is alongside the worlds strongest countries

World 42. Tikkun Olam Nepali Mike taking a bite out of poverty

Food 44. Thirst Quenchers Healthy smoothies for summer

18. Meet Ann Miller Lion of Judah Conference nominee


20. Connecting Jewish People 45. Brainiacs Merage JCC and Amitim Fellows

47. Calendar

22. Buddy Bench Tarbut’s social bench project

24. Giving a Voice 28. Graduating Class of 2014 Hebrew Academy’s 37th ceremony

30. Just One Shabbat The Shabbos Project comes to OC

Please send news releases, photos, videos, ideas and thoughts to: info@kosher.com www.kosher.com PO Box 7054 Newport Beach, CA 92658

Sports 34. World Cup Hebrews Players with a connection 35. Tel Aviv to NBA David Blatt joins the big league

Israel 36. In Photos

20. Connecting Jewish People

Operation Brothers Keeper

38. Natural Gas Boom Israel’s $30B deal


July 2014 | Kosher OC

The Merage Jewish Community Center has been invited to help launch a global Jewish leadership network, Amitim Fellows.


President Peres’ eulogy for Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frankel and Gilad Shaar




Giving a Voice, Brighter Futures for our Children

Just One Shabbat

Operation Brothers Keeper Photos

Members and friends of the Merage Jewish Community Center celebrated June 1 at the JCC’s annual Celebration Ball.

The Shabbos Project, a global Jewish unity event, is coming to Orange County and to over 150 cities worldwide on October 24-25, 2014.

Cusapit quo inci num ut providuci ra soluptia

Kosher OC | July 2014


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‫כור‬ Naftali Fraenkel

16 years old, was the second eldest of seven children, also holding American citizenship. He loved to play basketball and also played the guitar. Naftali was a responsible and poised young boy. He was a gifted student, with a talent for school and academia. Naftali was on his way home from school - and was kidnapped by the Hamas terror organization before he could reach his family.


July 2014 | Kosher OC

Gilad Shaar

16 years old, was very close to his siblings. He loved to read, listen to music, study hard and spend time with his grandparents. He volunteered to help others, served as a youth counselor and worked with children. He was much loved by his peers and teachers. He would always help around the house and loved to bake, surprising his sisters with a new cake or muffin.


In the past two weeks, Jews around the world cried out in one united voice: bring back our boys. With heavy hearts and broken spirits, we know today that Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach will never come back. Kosher OC wishes to express, on behalf of the Jewish community here in Orange County and across the United States, our


agony, our horror and our deepest regret that three innocent boys on their way home from school were murdered in a senseless act of terror. These boys were our boys. These families are our families. This loss is our loss. As a community, we should send an outpouring of love and sympathy to the families of Naftali, Gilad and Eyal, letting them know that across the ocean there are thousands of their brothers and sisters aching along with them.

Eyal Yifrach

19, was the eldest of seven siblings. He chose to complete his last year of high school in a city with a low socio-economic status, through a program targeted at developing such towns. His family described him as a vital, energetic, sportsloving boy. He was a youth counselor, who loved to travel and play tennis. While Gilad Shalit was in captivity, kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization, Eyal made sure to send Facebook message to raise awareness to the fact that Gilad had not seen his parents for five years.

Kosher OC | July 2014



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July 2014 | Kosher OC

Welcome to Orange County Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade

Kosher OC | July 2014




July 2014 | Kosher OC


Meet Lori Schwartz Women’s Philanthropy of Jewish Federation & Family Services installed its new officers on June 11 in Irvine.

The new president, Lori Schwartz,

throughout Orange County. Her

received a B.A. in political science

continued participation in the pro-

from UCLA and a J.D. from Golden

gram led her to develop the School

Gate School of Law. She worked in

Supply Program, which supplies

commercial law and then joined

pencils to the students, and the

McDonnell Douglas in Long Beach

OneBook Project, which supplies

to negotiate contracts for the com-

new, grade-level books at the end

pany’s commercial airliners. She

of the year. Schwartz was co-vice

retired after 10 years to raise her

president of Reading Partners for

two children.

four years, and, along with her covice president Marci Parejo, was a

Schwartz and her husband, Bert

2011 One OC Spirit of Volunteerism

White, are members of Congrega-

Honoree for their work with Read-

tion Shir Ha-Ma’alot. During their

ing Partners.

24 years as members, she has been on the board of trustees, volun-

Weekly, since 2009, Schwartz has

teered for many events, helped

assisted knitters in making afghans

start a knitting group and is always

and preemie blankets as part of

baking her award winning choco-

Women’s Philanthropy’s Mitzvah

late chip cookies.

Maven Knitting Circle. For the last two years, Schwartz held the posi-

In the spring of 2005, Schwartz

tion of Executive Vice President,

started her relationship with Wom-

Women’s Philanthropy. Her other

en’s Philanthropy by participat-

interests include ceramics, making

ing in the pilot project of Reading

beaded jewelry, reading and wine

Partners, a literacy program that


places volunteers in K-3 classrooms

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Kosher OC | July 2014



A Woman’s Investment Inspired by the Jewish traditions of tzedakah and tikkun olam, Women’s Philanthropy is dedicated to strengthening the Jewish people here at home, in Israel, and around the world.


July 2014 | Kosher OC


Kosher OC | July 2014



Meet Ann Miller When people in various organizations in the Orange County Jewish community have wanted to get things done, they have tapped Ann Miller on the shoulder.

What they got was a creative ap-

the Spirit of Israel, a campaign

proach to the task at hand, a hands-

established by The Jewish Agency;

on effort to make it happen and an

or Keren Heyesod, representing

enthusiastic attitude that motivated

and supporting Jewish communities

and engaged others.

beyond North America and Israel.

For those reasons and more,

Miller, who said that it is “an honor

Ann Miller has been nominated

to be recognized for giving back

by Jewish Federation & Family

to the community,” has been a

Services Orange County to receive

supporter of Women’ Philanthropy

the Kipnis-Wilson-Friedland Award

since 1998 and joined the board of

at the International Lion of Judah

directors in 2006. Since then, she

Conference in September in New

has served as president and ex-

York. This distinction, named for

ecutive vice president of Women’s

Lion of Judah founders Norma

Philanthropy, vice president of the

Kipnis-Wilson and Toby Friedland

organization’s Reading Partners

z”l, honors the most inspiring

program and, currently, co-chair

women in Jewish communities.

for its Women’s Voices luncheon, as well as co-chair of financial

Award recipients, each chosen

resource development for Jewish

by their local Jewish federation,

Federation & Family Services.

embody the values of the Lion of Judah, the name given to those

She was a longtime member of the

women dedicated to Jewish philan-

board of directors at Temple Beth

thropy though the UJA Federation

Sholom and has been active in

Campaign of UJC and the Jewish

Heritage Pointe. Her accolades in-

Federations of North America;

clude Legacy of Leadership Award


July 2014 | Kosher OC

 kosheroc.com/go/auyl4 http://


“I like being part of the community, having a voice, reaching out to other women and helping them, it’s about being able to give”

from JFFS, Congregant of the Year

own special footprint. “Mine was

Award from Temple Beth Sholom

showing compassion, being there

and Orange County Spirit of Volun-

for people and making sure every-

teerism Award.

one was welcomed. I was proud to reach out and touch everyone and

She is proudest of being president

take things from my heart and be a

of Women’s Philanthropy where,

leader,” she concluded.

as she said, each woman leaves her

Kosher OC | July 2014



Connecting Jewish People The Merage Jewish Community Center has been invited to help launch a global Jewish leadership network, Amitim Fellows. Coordinated by JCC Global,

The purpose of the

almost 30 JCCs from

program is to identify

all over the world have

inspiring leaders and in-

committed to developing

novative organizations that

joint global “programs of

embrace concepts of Jewish


peoplehood and play a pivotal role in translating

Meeting participants face-to-face, with the purpose of identifying inspiring leaders of tomorrow.

these concepts into action in their communities. The Merage JCC will partner with three or more Jewish organizations to develop

Amitim Fellows measures of success


Executive Directors and Lay Leaders of participating JCCs will embrace the Jewish Peoplehood agenda and serve as agents of change in their institutions.



A grand total of at least 5000 worldwide Jews will be engaged in meaningful worldwide partnership programs.

July 2014 | Kosher OC


A worldwide network of Jewish leaders will communicate on a regular basis, share best practices, discuss issues pertaining to the Jewish world and will support worldwide Jewish partnerships.


“I am so thrilled and honored to be part of this amazing program on behalf of the Merage JCC and our community.”

plan a reality, all JCC global

a program that provides opportunities for their respective

Bernstein and Stark are among

affiliate organizations have

communities to build and expe-

60 fellows participating in

joined hands. The main funding

rience international ties.

Amitim. Meeting face-to-face

for this program comes from

for the first time June 15 to 19 at

JCC Global and from a generous

Dan Bernstein, Merage JCC

the Balint JCC in Budapest, Hun-

grant allocated by the Commis-

president & CEO, and Wendy

gary, they are getting to know

sion on the Jewish People of

Stark, Merage JCC board

each other, studying together a

UJA Federation of New York

vice-chair, are participating as

Jewish peoplehood curriculum

through its partner, the Jewish

Amitim Fellows, in the three-

with esteemed scholars, brain-

Agency for Israel. In addition

year program. According to

storming new ideas and begin-

JDC and participating JCCs are

Stark, “There are many potential

ning to explore and develop

also supporting the program.

benefits in finding common

partnerships. Each JCC will

ground and a common agenda

participate in a global project

among Jews who live far apart

with representatives from at

from one another – among them,

least three different countries.

the continued existence of the

Participants come from Canada,

Jewish people as a thriving,

England, France, Hungary,

collective entity. I am so thrilled

Israel, Mexico, Moldova, Poland,

and honored to be part of this

Romania, Ukraine, USA and

amazing program on behalf of


“There are benefits finding common ground and a common agenda among Jews who live far apart”

the Merage JCC and our community.”

In order to make this ambitious  kosheroc.com/go/w00tu http://

Kosher OC | July 2014



Emphasizing Inclusiveness

Buddy Bench The buddy bench painted by Tarbut V’Torah students reminds students about playing with fairness, teamwork, kindness and sensitivity. When Amanda Margolis, lower

“If children saw someone sit-

school counselor at Tarbut

ting on the buddy bench, they

V’Torah (TVT) Community Day

would need to go over and talk

School in Irvine, received an

to that person,” Margolis said.

article about a child in Penn-

“It would be a great lesson in

sylvania who created a buddy


bench for children to sit on during recess if they felt lonely, she

Margolis was trying to come

knew she had a winning project

up with a leadership program

on her hands.

for fourth graders. It was a way that they could see who


July 2014 | Kosher OC

 kosheroc.com/go/5215x http://

Local was playing by themselves and

teamwork, kindness and sensi-

encourage people to play with

tivity and is a way of ensuring


the continuous building of empathy. This is a long-term solu-

With the help of art teacher

tion to everyone’s battle against

Helaine Yeskel, Margolis and

bullying and is a proactive

the students chose circle paint-

approach to the development of

ing for the bench to ensure

social skills in all children.”

inclusiveness. “Everyone has a different color, so no one’s work

According to buddybench.org, a

stands out,” Margolis explained.

website to provide people with

“It’s a good lesson about team-

information and news about the


buddy bench concept all over the country, TVT has the only

According to Gail Freeman, low-

one painted by students. Mar-

er school principal, “The bench

golis said that the TVT buddy

was painted with the theme of

bench was “created by students

circles depicting the inclusive-

with concepts of fairness and

ness that we expect when chil-

kindness. They took ownership

dren play on the playground.

of the idea, and it was so unit-

The buddy bench is a constant

ing for all of us.”

reminder to our students about playing with fairness,

Margolis concluded, “The students become like a family, and we encourage the students

29.5 “

to take care of each other. Going from the home family to the school family, everyone

11.5 “

feels deeply cared for and included.”

60 “


Will Champlin Top three contender in last year’s “The Voice” season, joined the JCC festivities


July 2014 | Kosher OC


Giving aVoice

BRIGHTER FUTURES for our children

Members and friends of the Merage Jewish Community Center celebrated June 1 at the JCC’s annual Celebration Ball. Chaired by Adrienne Matros and

Levine told him, “You have a really

Wendy Stark, the Celebration Ball

incredible voice, bro — like really

honored the outstanding achieve-

good. I can’t think of one thing about

ments of CHOC Children’s Hos-

that performance that wasn’t incred-

pital of Orange County; the JCC’s


Preschool Expansion, and its chairs, Jay Witzling and Scott Cross; and

Ball honorees exemplify the Merage

JCC’s own artiste extraordinaire,

JCC’s mission to enrich Jewish

Lynne Kaplan. More than 270 people

identities and create a vibrant Jew-

attended and $170,000 was raised

ish community in Orange County.

for Merage JCC scholarships for its

Celebration Ball co-chair Adrienne

children and youth.

Matros said, “Children are the heart of our community. Our Celebration

Will Champlin, from last year’s

Ball honorees inspire, invigorate and

“The Voice.” joined the festivities.

allow the Merage JCC to accomplish

Champlin was a top three contender

more for our children every day.”

in last year’s “The Voice” season. At his auditions, three of the four Voice

Merage JCC’s early education pro-

coaches turned around to try to get

gram encompasses Jewish values

him on their team. Blake Shelton

while offering unparalleled educa-

took desperate measures, declaring,

tion, excellent programming and a

“Will – I love you,’ following Will’s

nurturing environment. Scott Cross

stirring version of Gavin DeGraw’s

and Jay Witzling chaired the JCC

“Not Over You.” On television, Adam

Preschool Expansion, overseeing an

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Kosher OC | July 2014



8,000-square-foot addition, including

gers University, a master’s degree

three new expansive, well-equipped

in engineering from Princeton Uni-

playgrounds, five state-of-the art

versity and a master’s in business

classrooms, the first dedicated pre-

administration from UCI. He is also a

school library in Orange County, and

retired captain, US Army.

a robust parenting center. Scott Cross started SC Homes, a cusScott and Jay’s knowledge were

tom builder in Newport Beach. Scott

invaluable in building a vibrant

was the youngest builder featured on

education center. Jay Witzling is a

“Extreme Home Makeover” and was

former VP of The Boeing Company in

selected by Professional Remod-

charge of the Delta Rocket Program.

eler Magazine as a “40 Under 40.”

He was with The Boeing Company

Recently, Orange County Business

and McDonnell Douglas for 35 years.

Journal picked SC Homes as one of

He received a bachelor’s degree in

Orange County’s fastest growing

mechanical engineering from Rut-

private companies. CHOC Children’s Hospital, a leading health provider in Orange County, nurtures, advances and protects the health and welfare of children. The Merage JCC and CHOC share values relating to respect, good sportsmanship, health, physical fitness and the well-being of youth. CHOC has been a strong supporter of Merage JCC programs and

Ladies hard at work The committee who put together the JCC Annual Celebration Ball


July 2014 | Kosher OC


the JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest.

ed. Lynne creates a warm, nurturing environment that fosters creativity

Lynne Kaplan is the Merage JCC’s

and allows our son to interact with

own artist extraordinaire. A teacher

peers in a positive way.”

and volunteer, Japlan’s dedication and commitment to our children

All proceeds from the JCC Celebra-

reaches no bounds. Through her

tion Ball support scholarships to

teaching and guidance, she nurtures

children, ensuring brighter futures

200 children each week, helping each

for all. In the past 10 years, The

to develop an extraordinary level of

Merage JCC has given more than $2

creativity and confidence. With the

million in scholarships to kids in

enthusiasm unique to mothers, one

our community to attend preschool,

mom said, “My child absolutely loves

camp, Maccabi Games and after

interacting with Lynne. Her class

school programming.

and her connection to our son has been so much more than we expect-

Dan Bernstein Presidents and CEO of Merage JCC

Kosher OC | July 2014


Local High school graduates Baila Kracoff, Mattie Chein and Mindy Lew enjoy the moment

Gra 28

July 2014 | Kosher OC


Tracy Stoutenborough Hebrew Academy Teacher of the Year

Hebrew Academy held the 2014 gradu-

The Hebrew Academy, a WASC-accredited

ation exercises for its high school and

school that has twice been awarded the

middle school students on Tuesday

state’s academic blue ribbon, aims to

evening, June 17. This marked the 37th

“provide a nurturing, yet challenging

graduation at the school.

environment that encourages all students to reach their full potential in order to

Parents and friends were impressed with

act as self-confident, responsible citizens

the depth of the senior student speeches

with a strong connection to their Judaism

at the event and the warm feeling they

and community.”

expressed for the school. All graduates will be attending higher education institu-

The Hebrew Academy is a preschool

tions, local and abroad, for the coming

through grade 12 Jewish community day



Hebrew Academy 37th

aduation High school graduates were Baila Kracoff of Long Beach (who won the Journalism Award), Mattie Chein of Brooklyn, New York (who won the Judaics Award) and Mindy Lew of New Orleans, Louisiana (who won the Pincipal’s Award). Tracy Stoutenborough, a resident of Huntington Beach, was honored as teacher of the year. Rabbi Yossi Rapoport, Judaica assistant principal, and Dr, Megan Carlson, principal and assistant head of school, congratulate graduate Baila Kracoff.  kosheroc.com/go/vpgxa http://

Kosher OC | July 2014



ONE Shabbat Just

Over 30,000 Jews – roughly half the entire Jewish population of South Africa — turned out, the vast majority keeping Shabbat for the first time.


The Shabbos Project, a global Jewish unity event, is coming to Orange County and to over 150 cities worldwide on October 24-25, 2014.

July 2014 | Kosher OC

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More than 3,000 women and girls gathered in 2013 to make their own challot at the Great Street Challah Bake

First organized last year in

been overwhelming!” Over

South Africa, Chief Rabbi

30,000 Jews – roughly half

Warren Goldstein of Johan-

the entire Jewish population

nesburg called it “an urban

of South Africa — turned

legend”. Citing the unex-

out, the vast majority keep-

pected outpouring of Jews

ing Shabbat for the first

who wanted to experience


the beauty and spiritual fulfillment of a community

Many participants had

Shabbat, Rabbi Warren

these kind of responses

said, “I am by nature an

about their experience:

optimist, but the breadth and depth of the support

“We have never kept

and participation caught me

Shabbos before, and it all

off guard. The response has

sounded quite daunting

Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein of Johannesburg calls the Shabbos Project “an urban legend” with over 30,000 Jews in South Africa in attendance.

Kosher OC | July 2014


KEEPING IT TOGETHER Save the date: October 24-25 2014

but we wanted to take on a

opportunity to experience

challenge of this nature and

Shabbos which is some-

try to encourage whoever

thing we would never have

we could to come along for

tried to do.”

the ride. What a moment in our lives! Will be remem-

Shabbat is a uniquely Jew-

bered forever.”

ish heritage. It offers muchneeded spiritual renewal

“We have never kept

and a profound experience

Shabbos before, and it all

of Jewish unity, both within

sounded quite daunting

the family as well as within

but we wanted to take on a

the local and global Jewish

challenge of this nature and

communities. Mark your

try to encourage whoever

calendars for October

we could to come along for

24th-25th, 2014, and stay

the ride. What a moment in

tuned for details, due out in

our lives! Will be remem-


bered forever.” The Shabbos Project is look“The most profound part

ing for volunteer organiz-

for my husband and I was

ers. For more information,

the sense of unity and

congregations and inter-

togetherness we felt as a

ested individuals should

family. The sense of peace I

contact James Dasteel at

experienced from the min-


ute I woke until Saturday night was like being away for the weekend. I can see how powerful the impact of Shabbos is for a family. Thank you for this incredible initiative. It gave us the


July 2014 | Kosher OC

Kosher OC | July 2014



Brazil World Cup players Jewish and Israeli connections


Though the Israeli national team fell well short of qualifying for this year’s games, fans looking for players with Jewish or Israeli connections are in luck. Jose Pekerman (Coach, Argentina) An Argentine Jew, Pekerman was born in Villa Dominguez, one of the main centers of Jewish immigration in Argentina; his grandparents emigrated from Ukraine.

Kyle Beckerman (Midfielder, United States) Although he is not a regular starter, expect him yo play as the US faces a grueling schedule and bench players will likely be called upon to play. Plays for MLS Real Salt Lake.

Mario Balotelli (Forward, Italy) a key player in Italy’s victory over England last Saturday, was adopted and raised by a Jewish family. His adoptive mother is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. At the Eurochampionship 2012, Balotelli dedicated the two goals he scored in Italy’s 2-1 semifinals victory over Germany to his Jewish mother.

Austin Ajide (Goalkeeper, Nigeria) Plays for Hapoel Be’ersheva of the Israeli premier league

Juwon Oshaniwa (Defender, Nigeria) Plays for Ashdod of the Israeli premier league


July 2014 | Kosher OC

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David Blatt to Cavaliers Maccabi Tel Aviv’s David Blatt agrees on coaching contract with Cleveland Cavaliers European Basketball coach

Turkey over a 20-year career.

David Blatt, who has spear-

He coached the Russian

headed Maccabi Tel Aviv’s

national team to the bronze

win of the Euroleague cham-

medal at the Summer Olym-

pionship over Real Madrid

pics in London.

this season, has accepted a head-coaching job by the

“I’m not leaving Maccabi for

Cleveland Cavaliers Friday,

a bigger contract. I’m not nec-

reported the Associated

essarily leaving for a better


place. I’m leaving to follow my dream,” Blatt had said

The 55-year-old Blatt hails

after announcing his resigna-

from Massachusetts and has

tion from coaching Maccabi

played at Princeton under

Tel Aviv earlier this month,

Hall of Fame coach Pete

reported the Jerusalem Post.

Carill. Other than coaching Maccabi Tel Aviv, Blatt also


coached in Greece, Russia and

David Blatt career highlights • 4× Israeli League Coach of the Year (1996, 2002, 2011, 2014) • 6× Israeli Cup Champion (2002, 2003, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) • 5× Israeli League Champion (2002, 2003, 2011, 2012, 2014) • FIBA EuroChallenge Champion (2005) • Russian Super League Coach of the Year (2005) • Italian League Champion (2006) • Italian Cup Champion (2007) • Adriatic League Champion (2012) • Euroleague champion (2014)

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Kosher OC | July 2014



Brothers Keeper Israel Defense Forces


IL’s $30B Gas Deal Israel’s Leviathan strikes $30 billion gas deal with U.K.’s BG Group


Partners in Israel’s Leviathan natural gas field have signed a non-binding letter of intent to supply the U.K.’s BG Group with an estimated $30 billion worth of natural gas for its facility in Idku, Egypt. The preliminary agreement, announced Sunday, comes after supply agreements signed with Jordan and other local countries, making Israel a major local exporter of natural gas. Once the deal is signed and authorized, the natural gas will be sold directly to BG’s Egyptian facility, which has the necessary infrastructure to liquefy it. BG will receive the gas via a special outlet that will be installed adjacent to the Leviathan field. An underwater pipe will connect the outlet to the BG liquefaction facility in Idku. The draft terms of the deal call for Israel to supply 7 billion cubic meters of natural gas over the course of 15 years.


July 2014 | Kosher OC

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Club de Paris Israel becomes 20th member of Paris Club of creditor nations

Israel’s Finance Minister Yair Lapid


Israel on June 24th was ac-

the organization can cancel

cepted into the Paris Club of

or restructure country debts

creditor nations, a group of

rather than allow a government

countries that negotiates deals

to default.

to help poor countries with large debts. The group also

The announcement that Israel

includes the U.S.

has joined the organization “shows Israel’s economic might

The informal 20-country or-

and presents additional proof

ganization was created in 1956

that Israel’s place is alongside

and has worked out loan deals

the strongest countries,” said

for 90 countries. The group has

Israeli Finance Minister Yair

come to 429 debt agreements

Lapid, reported The Associated

totaling about 573 billion euros


($781 billion). In some cases,

 kosheroc.com/go/06t8h http://

Kosher OC | July 2014



Special Request Dr. Jeffrey Podlas is a loving husband of 38 years and father of three grown daughters. Originally from South Africa and now a resident of Irvine for 27+ years, Jeff is an OBGYN and has delivered over 5,000 babies in his career, many of whom you know personally. His family is asking for your help. He was diagnosed with kidney failure due to Nephrotic Syndrome, and has been on dialysis since March 2011. He is in need of a kidney transplant, and he is of O negative blood type. Whether you can help by spreading the word or by getting tested as a match yourself, the Podlas family is extremely grateful for your support. Potential donors can contact Virginia at Scripps Health in San Diego, CA for more information: corniel.virginia@scrippshealth.org (858) 554-4356. Thank you from us all!


July 2014 | Kosher OC

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Kosher OC | July 2014



Nepali Mike

is Taking a Bite out of Poverty Where there is a need, there is a nice Jewish guy from Orange County to fill it – even in Nepal.

Mike Rosenkranz believes in acting globally and thinking locally. In trying to stop the cycle of poverty and illiteracy in Siraha, Nepal, through the Karjanha Village Development Committee, he is looking to Orange County residents to make a difference. Karjanha lies in the Terai region of Nepal not too far from the border of India and the State of Bihar, he explained. To a large extent this is a very traditional village. The women all wear saris, the men seem to be very much in control, people use oxen to plow and ride bicycles (and motorcycles) to get around, there


July 2014 | Kosher OC

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World are goats galore and agriculture is

“I know that we can make a dif-

the main source of employment.

ference in this one village of 7,000 people,” Mike Rosenkranz said. “I

“This is a poor village, literacy is be-

have been tasked with working on

low 50 percent and unemployment is

creating a model which can be repli-

above 50 percent,” Rosenkranz said.

cated throughout Nepal. I’ll be work-

“All schools that I’ve seen, includ-

ing collaboratively with the hospital

ing the so called private schools, are

staff and community members on

lacking. There are zillions of kids

education, health and livelihoods.

crammed into small spaces with

Local resources are what will really

inadequate supplies.”

make a difference, and I intend on using whatever is available and have

Rosenkranz has helped teachers to

started reaching out. You can make

be creative with local resources. He

a huge difference by helping us to

obtained crayons, coloring books,

make a difference!”

chalk, erasers, English posters and language and story books. He then got 1600 story books from Orange County, thanks to his father, Norm, Cathay Pacific Airlines, Applied Medical Services and local libraries. At the same time he has made arrangements for pen pals for the chil-

Karjanha Village

dren, donations of old but working computers, movie CDs and software. “There are less than 10 computers in

For more information or to make

the entire village,” he said. “You name

donations, please contact:

it; we could use it.” Norm Rosenkranz Now he is looking to local companies

 (949) 380-0171

and dentists to donate dental prod-

 (213) 255-8301 (cell)

ucts. His father, Norm Rosenkranz, is

 norsim@myway.com

coordinating the effort from Orange County. As the local OC collection

Mike Rosenkranz

point for the dental supplies, he will

 (949) 380-0171

accumulate the products, have them

 +977-980-108-2797 (Nepal)

boxed and delivered to a carrier and

 Michael.rosenkrantz

get them shipped to Kathmandu,

 mikerlakers@yahoo.com

Nepal. Mike Rosenkranz will then make arrangements for delivery to the village in Karjanha.

Kosher OC | July 2014



Summer Smoothies

Thirst Quenchers

Tropical Smoothie


How to Prepare

1 ripe papaya, peeled, seeded, and chopped

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend

1/2 fresh pineapple, peeled and chopped, plu extra to decorate 2/3 cup milk 1 1/4 cups plain yogurt


July 2014 | Kosher OC

until smooth. Pour into glasses, decorate with chopped pineapple, and serve. Serves 2

Raspberry Strawberr & y



1/3 cup raspberries 1/2 cup strawberries, hulled 1 cup plain yogurt 1 cup milk 1 tsp almond extract (optional) 2-3 tbsp honey, to taste

How to Prepare Put the raspberries, strawberries, yogurt, milk, and almod extract, if using, into a blender and blend until smooth and combined. Pour the smoothie into chilled glasses, stir in honey to taste, and serve. Serves 2

y r r Be hie


Ingredients 1 1/2 cups blueberries 2/3 cup cranberry juice 2/3 cup plain yogurt

How to Prepare Put the blueberries and cranberry juice into a blender and process for 1-2 minutes, until smooth. Add the yogurt and blend briefly to combine. Taste and add honey, if you like. Blend briefly again until thoroughly combined. Pour into chilled glasses and serve. Serves 2

Kosher OC | July 2014


brainiac Do you have what it takes to become a brainiac? Wake up your brain and give these a try. If you think you know the answer or just feel sorry for the Post Office in this age of e-mail and you want to give them something to do, send your answer to Kosher Brainiacs, PO Box 7054, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Or, if you prefer, you can e-mail us your answer from the Kosher OC web site http://kosheroc.com/brainiac. Winners will have a chance to be inscribed in the glorious hall of brainiacs.

A Tale of Two Towns Two people live in nearby towns. One day, they both leave their towns at the same time and walk along the road between the two towns to each others town. They pass each other at Noon and continue to their destinations, with one of them arriving at 4pm and the other arriving at 9pm. At what time did they begin their walk?


July 2014 | Kosher OC

ďƒŚ kosheroc.com/brainiac http://


The Power of Dreams My uncle Henry got a new Honda Accord last year. He is a creature of very regular habit. Each week, he drives the exact same number of miles, and fills up at the same gas station each Wednesday, after the fuel gauge’s idiot light goes on, indicating that his 16 gallon fuel tank is almost empty. He takes careful note of the number of miles shown on the odometer, and also the number on the trip odometer which he resets each time. He computes the average mpg and notes with great satisfaction that his mileage is holding constant at a little under 19 mpg. After doing this week in and week out for 52 weeks, he noticed with great interest that between the 6 digits on the odometer and the 4 digits on the trip odometer (including the tenth-of-a-mile digit) all ten of the digits 0,1,2,...9 each appeared exactly once. The following week, he noticed with even greater amazement that, again, all ten of the digits 0,1,2,...9 each appeared exactly once. The question is, to the nearest eighth of a mile, how many miles does Henry drive each week?

Kosher OC | July 2014


ďƒŚ kosheroc.com/events http://

July - 2014 S






































Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach


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