Crossing Between Tradition and Modernity (Ukázka, strana 99)

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Negotiating a Mortgage and Wooing a Minister

And in his introductory comments to chapter 37, he notes that Madame Xu is a wise/sagely woman (xian mu). Following this discussion, Mao turns to discuss Zhuge Liang. This pairing is not accidental, and he explicitly equates the wisdom of Madame Xu to that of Zhuge Liang. The second Xu is Lady Xu, the wife of Sun Quan’s younger brother. The circumstances of her own heroic actions are much more threatening to her personally. Instead of a tyrant and a weak son, she loses a husband and faces two disloyal officers, Gui Lan and Dai Yuan, who murdered her husband. Moreover, Gui Lan takes a passionate liking to Lady Xu and offers her the option of himself or death. Lady Xu is able to outwit these two and through a false pretense entices them into an ambush. With their heads firmly planted at the altar, she is able to worship at the altar of her dead husband secure in having obtained proper vengeance. The narrative voice conveys its message through a poem: So able and so chaste – in this world all too rare! – The widow lured two villains into her cunning snare. Vassals base chose treachery, vassals loyal chose death; To this Southland heroine does any man compare? (296)

Mao simply notes, “that by the time Sun Quan had arrived with his troops, this woman had already killed the bandits. In consulting the Book of Changes (Yijing) she is a diviner, and in wielding troops she is a military leader. Such a marvelous woman, I’m afraid, would not even yield to Wolong of Nanyang [Zhuge Liang]” (Jiang 1998: 299). 比及孫權兵到, 女將早已殺賊矣。其卜易則知是女先生, 其用兵則是女將帥。如此奇婦 人, 恐不讓南陽臥龍也。

Mao here establishes the second female Xu as Zhuge Liang’s equal, claiming for her the same heavenly gift that he has (in the role of consulting the Book of Changes). The two Xus are presented as heroines who surpass even the male heroes in valor. That their descriptions are clothed in both military and Confucian values speaks about the texts re-ordering of gender values. Although they are exceptional, it must be noted that there are a number of other women, such as Diaochan, who are equally acclaimed in the novel in their heroic abilities. In examining the central motif of this section, gender issues arise. Liu Bei’s pursuit of Zhuge Liang, which resembles a male suitor for female lover, is the most obvious example. This construction of meaning should however be understood within the context of the tradition: the relation of Ruler to Minister was analogous to that of Husband to Wife. Liu Bei’s pursuit of Zhuge

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