They are going to watch a video. Budú sa pozerať na video.
If it’s going to cause Ak ti to spôsobí ťažkosti, any trouble, don’t do it. tak to nerob.
Jane is going to sunbathe. Jana sa bude opaľovať.
I’m going to miss her. Bude sa mi za ňou cnieť.
He is going to swim Hodlá preplávať kanál across the English channel. La Manche.
Is he going to win the race? Vyhrá tie preteky?
I’m going to see him off. Pôjdem ho odprevadiť.
I’m going to save my money to Chcem ušetriť peniaze, aby buy a car. som si mohol kúpiť auto.
When are you going to have a breakfast? Kedy prídete na raňajky?
When is she going to stay at home? Kedy zostane doma?
We’re going to London to Ideme do Londýna na have a holiday. prázdniny.
We’re going to Prague next week. Pôjdeme do Prahy budúci víkend.
Mary and Paul are coming Mária a Paul prídu zajtra for lunch tomorrow. na obed.
12.4. Infinitív po slovesách „go, want to“
Where did you go?
Kam si išiel?
I went to buy some apples. Šiel som kúpiť jablká.
Where did they go?
Kam išli?
They went to visit my Aunt. Oni šli navštíviť moju tetu.
Where did we go?
Kam sme šli?
We went to sunbathe. Išli sme sa opaľovať.
Where did she go?
Kam išla?
She went to play tenis. Ona išla hrať tenis.
Did you go out last night? Išli ste včera večer niekam von?
I went to watch the new movie. Išiel som do kina na nový film.
I want to help you. Chcem vám pomôcť.
Do you want to leave from here? Chcete odtiaľ odísť?
12.5. Infinitív po slovesách „go, want to“
Do you want to go home without us? Chceš ísť domov bez nás?
She wants to tell him about us. Chce mu niečo povedať o nás.
Where do you want to go?
Kam chcete ísť?
I want to go to the cinema. Chcem ísť do kina.
I want to come with you. Chcem ísť s vami.
The woman wants to go with Žena chce ísť s mojou my sister. sestrou.
What time did she go? Kedy išla?
She went at ten o’clock Išla o desiatej, aby to catch the bus. chytila autobus.
Where did they go? Kam šli?
They are going to the pub Išli do reštaurácie niečo to eat something. zjesť.
12.6. Účelový infinitív, „aby…sa niečo stalo“
We are training to win. Trénujeme, aby sme vyhrali. She was sunbathing to get brown. Opaľovala sa, aby zhnedla. I asked him to go home. Požiadal som ho, aby šiel domov.
He studied hard to pass the test. Usilovne študoval, aby zvládol test.
John went outside to Ján išiel von, aby sa get some fresh air. nadýchal čerstvého vzduchu. We got up to leave. Vstali sme, aby sme odišli.
What did you do to prevent Čo si spravil, aby si situácii the situation? zabránil?
He made a fire to get warm. Založil oheň, aby sa ohrial. They questioned him to find out more. Pýtali sa ho, aby sa dozvedeli viac.
Paul stopped to look at Paul sa zastavil, his house. aby si prehliadol svoj dom. The sentence was too long Veta bola príliš dlhá, aby to read. sa dala čítať.
He remembered to buy Nezabudol kúpiť lístok a first-class ticket. do prvej triedy.
Jane climbed the tree Jana vyliezla na strom, aby to rescue her kitten. zachránila svoje mačiatko.
12.7. Účelový infinitív, „aby…sa niečo stalo“
I used an umbrella not Použil som dáždnik, aby to get went. som nezmokol.
She visited the museum to Navštívila múzeum, aby get more information. získala viac informácií.
I regularly play golf to relax. Pravidelne hrám golf, aby som si oddýchol.
Would you like to play here to win? Rád by ste hrali tu, aby ste vyhrali?
He stopped to relax. Zastavil sa, aby si oddýchol.
12.8. Predložky „to, across, along, in, to, at, on, with“
I went to work regularly. Do práce som chodil pravidelne.
He swam across the English channel. Preplával kanál La Manche. I drove along the coast. Išiel som pozdĺž pobrežia.
We walked across the square. Prešli sme cez námestie. The key is in the lock. Kľúč je v zámke.
I went to bed at midnight. O polnoci som šiel do postele.
He put on his parachute. Vzal si na seba padák. She put on her gloves. Vzala si rukavice.
The tennis championship was Tenisový šampionát bol in Prague.
v Prahe.
You are on your own. Si sám.
We are in trouble.
Máme problém.
I must get in touch with Jane. Musím sa spojiť s Janou.
Put the vase into the corner. Tú vázu daj do rohu.
They were amazed at Žasli nad pekným počasím. the beautiful weather.
The vase is standing in the corner. Váza stojí v rohu.
I’m worried about my exam. Obávam sa skúšky.
What’s on TV tonight?
There’s a film on Channel 2.
Are you in trouble?
He shivered with excitement.
Čo dávajú dnes v TV?
Na 2. programe dávajú film.
Máš problém?
Od vzrušenia sa triasol.
They jumped with joy!
Od radosti vyskočili!