FBI Criminal BackGround Check
How Does a FBI Criminal Background Check Affect Me?
By Kosta Aldenberg
Kosta Aldenberg | http://www.PublicRecordsGov.info
FBI Criminal BackGround Check Well it was bound to happen hop on a flight from LAX to JFK only as I’m being processed, I’m halted. Turns out I’m on the no fly list. How does this even happen? I was now basically on a quest to find out my identity and to do a FBI criminal background check. Well in my search for a FBI criminal background check I learned a few things, one is that these types of checks are mistakenly used for a criminal history record check. Basically anything that links a person to any type of record will be recorded down and is basically know as a “rap sheet”, or a list of all your indiscresions. These records that match up to a person’s fingerprint are taken from a variety of sources that include but are not limited to: federal employment, naturalization or military service. One thing that is entirely important to note is that only the subject of the request can request a search, no one else can do such a search. This is nothing like a standard credit check where anyone can run this type of request, you may have noticed that anyone can run a credit check on you if you apply for anything: a cell phone, utilities, buying a house, buying a car even employment opportunities. However, no such people can ever request a FBI criminal background check on you unless it is from you. The reasons that you are allowed to do such a request on yourself is to see if there are any inconsistencies such as an error that you commited an offense when you didn’t so that you can get this taken care of. By taken care I mean you will have to go through many various agency’s to dispute the claim put forth by the request, which is something I had to do. Basically I believe because of a record keeping error my records must have gotten mixed up with someone elses as this person had so many felonies I should be behind bars! The process to negate all these wrongs was just too long to list in this area, but let me tell you, it was not an easy task. Doing a FBI criminal background check on myself was weird enough, now to prove that this person wasn’t me was weirder still. Searching Google for help really didn’t prove to be all that helpful, I did find some Kosta Aldenberg | http://www.PublicRecordsGov.info
FBI Criminal BackGround Check websites of interest that finally were able to help through this long and lengthy process. In the end being on the no fly list was one of the worst experiences of my life, having to take Amtrak back and forth between places is not comfortable, but sacrifices had to be made for national security along with doing a FBI criminal background check on myself. I have some opinions on how the government could do better but I think instead I’ll provide a helpful website that helped me on this matter along with checking out backgrounds http://www.PublicRecordsGov.info
Kosta Aldenberg | http://www.PublicRecordsGov.info
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Kosta Aldenberg | http://www.PublicRecordsGov.info