Rockstar Planning (week 2)
Take an index card
NAME: Your name PARTNER: Partner’s name(s) BRAND: Brand you chose TARGET: Short description
i r P
! e z
fact fact fact
fact fact
Target Insight fact
fact fact
insight : an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding
insight : an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding, in a way that opens
up creative possibilities
different briefs treat insights differently
insight strategy line
You look inside. A light comes on.
Homework The current campaign is nearing saturation and in-market results are soft. The client wants to do some creative exploratory. Using your target profile (revised if needed), uncover at least two target insights & compose a strategy line (key message) for each.
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Work on your own SUBMIT via email by MIDNIGHT ON SUNDAY:; A handful of students will be asked to present their thinking in class on Tuesday