Kota Kita's Annual Report 2018

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Annual Report

Prepared by: Paulista Surjadi Contributors: Rizqa Hidayani, Nina Asterina, Hasanatun Nisa Thamrin, Barry Beagen Design and layout: Bima Pratama, Fildzah Husna Amalina, Febrian Gerinosky Edited by: In Other Words Collective

CC-BY-NC-SA This work is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0

About This Report Our Annual Report provides an overview of the work of Kota Kita Foundation from January 2018-December 2018. The report covers the work of Kota Kita, organized following the urban sector focuses, details the programs and activities, and illustrates organizational growth, and collaborations and joint work with our partners and collaborators.

2018 Highlights In 2018, we launched a number of exciting initiatives in Semarang, Banjarmasin, and Solo. Some programs were built on our past and ongoing work, while others were new opportunities and partnerships that expanded our horizon. In Semarang, the Netherland Enterprise Agency (RVO) kicked off a nine month, multi-cities Water as Leverage programme in which Kota Kita is playing a local lead role to develop concepts for transformative urban water projects alongside a multidisciplinary consortium. In Banjarmasin, we brought in a learning from the participatory data collection, previously done in Solo (in 2017), to conduct a citywide data collection about disability inclusion. Where as a result, we successfully advocated for a more inclusive political process for persons with disabilities in the 2019 General Election. In Solo, we started a co-design and development process with the bamboo craftsman group of Kampung Ngampon, Mojosongo to improve their socio-economic capacity. Finally, we ended the year on a high note with our annual civil society-led event - the Urban Social Forum. In its sixth year, the forum has evolved into a two-day citizen engagement platform attracting almost 1,000 participants and partner organizations from all over Indonesia.

Using urban resilience as a framework for growth Since our founding, our work has targeted small and medium Indonesian cities in line with our vision to achieve a more resilient urban growth. Our participatory urban mapping methodology in Solo and Banjarmasin, for instance, has helped improve participatory planning and budgeting process by highlighting urban poor populations vulnerable to disasters and impacts of climate change, ultimately informing the governments to channel necessary resources. Through the refinement of our participatory methodologies and our skills in facilitating multi-stakeholder participation, Kota Kita completed a number of diverse projects related to urban resilience. These include conducting climate change vulnerability assessments in 3 cities, building city visioning profiles, and more recently, launching an ongoing co-design and development process with bamboo craftsmen in Kampung Ngampon, Solo, and with the Water as Leverage program in Semarang. We believe that our commitment to cross-sectoral urban issues strengthens our approach to solve challenges in the face of climate change. With holistic approach, we come up with urban resilience strategies to integrate actions aimed at improving social, economic well-being and ecological condition. This involves various actions from different departments, institutions, and communities working together to solve those issues through policies, actions, and projects. In the Water as Leverage program in Semarang, we have taken a step further towards direct advocacy and large-scale project implementation by leading the stakeholder engagement and coalition building process. As the Local Lead, Kota Kita was critical in synthesizing technical, institutional, social and political issues across the large consortium of architects, engineers, hydrologists, government agencies and everyday citizens. We are currently pursuing three concepts to counter the massive land subsidence and flooding compounded by sea-level rise: an integrated nature-based coastal protection, a system of resilient water-secure kampungs and the optimization of water supply for industrial areas in and around the region.

Participatory process to produce fine-grained, fit-to-purpose data is key to advocate for more inclusive urban planning and public service delivery For a long time, our action research and participatory community assessment has been a primary tool in the urban planning process. In 2018, our participatory data collection methodology for disability-inclusive city planning and public service delivery has proven successful in fostering closer links among city stakeholders. In Banjarmasin, this process helped mobilize the skills and expertise of disabled people’s organizations and persons with disabilities (PwDs), ensuring a more inclusive and democratic planning process. Moreover, the resulting fine-grained data and information are essential in designing effective disability-inclusive policies. Most relevantly, it helped update the number of PwDs who eligible voters for the 2019 Indonesia’s General Election are.

Similarly, the mapping of slow lanes and bicycle-friendly routes that we did for the Women on Wheels program in Solo has been integrated into the Solo City Bicycle Map, an information tool targeting the city’s cyclists, everyday citizens, and visiting tourists. The information has also helped the advocacy to revitalize slow lanes in Solo

Thought leadership In 2018, Kota Kita continued to promote ongoing conversations and exchange of knowledge on a national and international scale with a wide range of stakeholders around the understanding of sustainable, just, and inclusive urban development. We are very glad to have shared our experiences from Indonesia at many international events, which include among others the World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur, international participatory budgeting in Sweden, and civic engagement practices in Bangkok. We organized regular workshops, discussions, and initiated engagements with students, artists, and citizens to trigger more creative and innovative ways of thinking about Indonesian cities. In the digital sphere, we have also developed a strategy to turn our channels into a knowledge platform that connects the conversation about challenges and urban solutions to the wider public

Moving Forward Throughout the years, we have been fortunate to partner with diverse organizations, city governments, academic institutions, communities, youth groups, and the private sector committed to inclusive urban planning and development. In 2019, we have much more to look forward to. As part of our commitment to improving resilience, inclusivity, and better governance, we will continue our existing programs and initiatives in three Indonesian cities: Solo, Semarang, and Banjarmasin. We intend to keep refining our methodology and innovations in participatory data collection to support evidence-based planning and development in more Indonesian cities. We are committed to enhancing our research, analysis, and urban design capabilities to develop innovative urban policy initiatives. We strive to improve our communications function to solidify our role as a resource centre for inclusive urban development and bringing the issue to public discourse. Finally, we invite you to read through this report which showcases our programs and initiatives in 2018.

About Kota Kita Kota Kita aims to improve urban lives by encouraging participation and collaboration, influencing urban policies, encouraging open information access, and conducting public and civic education to empower urban citizens to be more active and inspiring a new generation of social activist

Kota Kita focuses on three main urban issues and areas: governance, inclusivity, and resilience. The sectoral grouping of Kota Kita’s activities aims to strengthen our organizational expertise in each sector, while also serving as a framework to better view and manage different initiatives in order to achieve the organization’s ultimate vision and mission. This also enables us to better view the necessary integration across all urban development sectors and agenda, as well as engage with the relevant issues and actors.

2018 Project Summary Project Name

Areas of Work




CO Urban Co-design/ Co-development

Women on Wheels Report Launch

Community facilitation Participatory assessment

Solo, Central Java, Indonesia

A Advocacy

Network building

Vinnova Living Cities City Government of Surakarta Department of Trasportation Cycling communities and initiatives


Kali Pepe Co-Development Initiatives: A baseline study


Urban Co-design/ Co-development Research

Community facilitation Participatory design

Solo, Central Java, Indonesia

CO Urban Co-design/ Co-development

Co-design Ngampon

Community facilitation Participatory design

A Advocacy

Solo, Central Java, Indonesia

Cornell University Summer Internship Program

British Academy University College London Birdcage makers and residents of Kampung Ngampon

Small scale design and architecture Advocacy

OB Urban Observatory

Participatory Data Collection for Disabilityinclusive city

Participatory assessment Advocacy


Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

UNESCO Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia (APEKSI) City Government of Banjarmasin Barenlitbangda Banjarmasin Kaki Kota Banjarmasin CSOs dan DPOs in Banjarmasin

Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

City Government Banjarmasin Barenlitbangda Banjarmasin Kaki Kota Banjarmasin

Advocacy Community-based data collection OB


Urban Observatory

Participatory mapping Community-based data collection


Training and Capacity Building Advocacy

UD Urban Design

Water as Leverage

Community development Mapping and Analysis

UP Urban Planning

Architecture and urban design Stakeholder engagement

Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

RVO One Architecture and Urbanism Deltares Wetlands International Universitas Diponegoro Grobak Hysteria Local City Planning Body of Semarang

Project Name

Areas of Work UP Urban Planning

Strengthening Metropolitan Spatial Planning for Resilient Urban Development: Palembang

Expertise Research and analysis: resilient assessment Spatial planning guideline

Location Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Partner(s) Asian Development Bank

Training and Capacity Building UP

Participatory Research and Visioning Project Towards a Communitybased Development: Karimun Jawa

Urban Planning

The 6th Urban Social Forum

Community development

Karimun Jawa, Central Java, Indonesia

Mapping and Analysis

Network Building Training and Capacity Building Communications Outreach

Solo, Central Java, Indonesia

Pemerintah Kota Surakarta Rumah Banjarsari House of Muara Indonesian CSOs

Governance Co-design initiative with Bamboo Birdcage Craftsmen of Kampung Ngampon Datakota.id

Co-design initiative with Bamboo Birdcage Craftsmen of Kampung CO


Area of work:

Urban Co-design/Development, Advocacy


Participatory design, Community facilitation, Small scale design and architecture, Advocacy


Solo, Central Java, Indonesia


British Academy, University College London, Pengrajin sangkar burung Kampung Ngampon

Co-design initiative with Bamboo Birdcage Craftsmen of Kampung Ngampon, Solo Kampong Ngampon in Mojosongo, Solo City is known for its cluster of small, home-based bamboo birdcage industry. For most of the kampong residents, birdcage making is their main source of income. Their collective craftsmanship is considered exceptional, especially in the distinctive type of bamboo and the unique decorative birdcage patterns. In 2018, Kota Kita held a series of community discussions to explore and examine the potentials and challenges of the neighborhood’s home-based creative industry. This engagement allows us to address some of the most pressing spatial and socio-environmental challenges affecting the production cycle of the birdcages. In an attempt to solve a long-standing dilemma, we explored how Ngampon residents could make the best use of space available for their workshops and compartmentalize them based on functions: work, communal and social interactions, and safe playgrounds for children. Furthermore, they identified the need to have separate rooms to store raw materials and production waste. Based on the information collected, Kota Kita’s plan for 2019 is to initiate and maintain close collaborations with the people of Ngampon, student-designers, as well as professionals in a co-design project aimed at improving the living conditions of the Ngampon craftsmen, which would ultimately contribute to their sustainable livelihood


Public Consultations Problems Prioritisation Ideation Youth Organization - Problem & Solution Masterplanning & Visioning







Datakota.id OB Area of work:

Urban observatory

Expertise: Participatory mapping, Community-based data collection , Advocacy, Training and Capacity Building

Location: Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Partner(s): Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin, Barenlitbangda Kota Banjarmasin, Kaki Kota Banjarmasin

Datakota.id Since 2017, the City Government of Banjarmasin and Kota Kita have been working together to establish and maintain a free and open urban diagnostic platform, Data Kota (www. datakota.id/banjarmasin).The platform consolidates socio-demographic data and features an interactive map that geographically locates different conditions. It also allows users to create and print each of the city’s 52 neighborhood (Kelurahan) profiles in order to produce what is known as a ‘mini-atlas’. As one of the main tools of the project, the Mini Atlas is an infographic product that shows how each neighborhood works and illustrates patterns of social and economic, accessibility, and inclusivity problems and opportunities. In 2018, we had a launching event that was attended by the Mayor of Banjarmasin, Head of the City Planning Agency (Barenlitbangda), and heads or representatives from city departments, as well as members of civil society organizations, academia, and the media. Throughout the year, we also organized a series of meetings with various stakeholders to understand their user experience and explore use cases of the datasets in order to further refine our data collection and visualization process.


Engagements Launching





Government officials

40 CSOs

3 Academics














Launching Volunteer





Media Visit





Promotion to government official and CSO





Government officials


Women CSOs

Promotion to government officials and CSO







2 Media

Resilience Water as Leverage Strengthening Metropolitan Spatial Planning for Resilient Urban Development Karimunjawa: A Participatory Research and Visioning Project towards a Community-based Development

Water as Leverage UP Area of work:

Urban Design, Urban Planning

Expertise: Community Development , Mapping and analysis Architecture/Urban Design, Stakeholder engagement

Location: Semarang, Indonesia

Partner(s): RVO, One Architecture and Urbanism Deltares, Wetlands International Universitas Diponegoro, Grobak Hysteria BAPPEDA Kota Semarang

Water as Leverage As part of the One Resilient consortium, since October of 2018 Kota Kita has been involved in the Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Program in Semarang, Central Java. Designed by the Netherland Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and The Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, the program is implemented in three cities worldwide - Chennai (India), Khulna (Bangladesh), and Semarang (Indonesia) - to develop innovative, bankable, and implementable design proposals in order to tackle the immense climate and water challenges. The One Resilient Team Semarang consists of One Architecture, Kota Kita, Wetlands International Indonesia, Deltares, Grobak Hysteria, Universitas Diponegoro, and the University of Pennsylvania. By the end of 2018, two city-wide workshops and two focus-group discussions were conducted. The team developed initial concept ideas to tackle pressing water problems in Semarang by collaborating closely with city stakeholders, including city departments, civil society organizations, and community representatives. Together, we classified 5 (five) concept ideas into three resilient systems: (a) an optimized water capture and recycle system; (b) an integrated (eco, industrial, logistic) protective coastal zone; and (c) a network of Resilient Kampongs. Moving forward, the two consortia working in Semarang will join forces detailing each of the concepts and further identify benefits (climate, social, and cultural), potential project beneficiaries, and future financing streams. In early 2019, the Mayor of Semarang hosted the “International Seminar on Water as Leverage�, where the two teams jointly presented five strategic program opportunities from upland to coast. The event inaugurated a commitment and partnership between the Government of the Netherlands and the City of Semarang towards developing an integrated approach to water management. To formalize this commitment, an agreement was signed by the Mayor of Semarang, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, and the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs


citywide workshops Kick-off meeting 3-4 September 2018











Initial concept design 27 November 2018




focus group discussions with city stakeholders Problem identification 25 October 2018











Design jam workshop 7 November 2018





Stakeholder Engagements September 2018 - April 2019







Strengthening Metropolitan Spatial Planning for Resilient Urban Development UP Area of work:

Urban Planning

Expertise: Research and analysis: resilient assessment, Spatial planning guideline, Training and capacity building

Location: Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Partner: Asian Development Bank

Strengthening Metropolitan Spatial Planning for Resilient Urban Development Since the end of 2017, Kota Kita, together with experts from Future Cities Laboratory Singapore, University of Indonesia, and PT. Hatfield, has been working under the framework of UCCRTF (Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Funds) in ADB to support the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (MASP) on preparing a new Metropolitan Spatial Planning Framework that integrates resilience principles. Taking Palembang Metropolitan Area as a case study, the team conducted an Urban Resilience Assessment in the region to distil some important lessons regarding inter-regency collaborations in disaster and sharedrisk management. The team also conducted an extensive literature review for international benchmarking on the topics of metropolitan definitions, form and flow, land use management, governance, data sharing and management, and urban resilience. The team worked closely not only with the Ministry but also with the national and city level development and planning agencies in the Metropolitan region. Furthermore, a series of workshops at the metropolitan region was conducted to gather data and facilitate capacitybuilding efforts for local government officials about climate resilience and disaster risk management. The output of this project includes assessment and guidelines, i.e. Urban Resilience Assessment in Palembang Metropolitan Area, a Guidance for Developing Metropolitan Spatial Planning Framework, a Review of the Quality of the Existing Spatial Data, and a Toolkit for Data Sharing and Management for Metropolitan Spatial Planning.


Metropolitan-level workshops Palembang Kick-Off Meeting 17 October 2017







Urban Resilience Assessment (URA) Workshop 19 January 2018









Palembang Dissemination Workshop






Focus group discussions Jakarta Kick-Off Meeting 16 October 2017















Dialogue with MASP 12 March 2018



Dialogue with MASP April 2018




National-level workshops National Consultation Workshop







Stakeholder engagements at the local level

Output 2


21 guidelines

planning tools

Karimunjawa: A Participatory Research and Visioning Project towards a Community-based Development UP Area of work:

Urban Planning


Community Development, Mapping and Analysis


Karimun Jawa, Indonesia

Karimunjawa: A Participatory Research and Visioning Project towards a Community-based Development Karimunjawa is a cluster of islands and atolls north of Central Java and has a latent potential for sustainable tourism-based development. With a relatively untouched natural environment and nascent tourism market, there is an opportunity to develop a more cohesive environmentally sustainable and culturally meaningful development plan to promote both sustainable tourism practices as well as long term community empowerment effort in general. To achieve this, there is a need to understand local context, existing characteristics of the communities, socio-economic activities, values, and—more importantly— aspirations. Since November 2018, Kota Kita has been conducting preliminary research to understand the local context, identify key potentials that set Karimunjawa apart from other tourism destinations in Indonesia and the world, in order to initiate a visioning document for the sustainable development master plan in Karimunjawa. In December 2018, Kota Kita conducted the initial site visit to 5 inhabited islands in Karimunjawa: Karimunjawa, Kemojan, Parang, Nyamuk, and Genting island, to obtain a broad overview of the network of islands. The primary activity was a guided survey to the inhabited and uninhabited islands in order to get a glimpse of the social, political, cultural and environmental dimensions. Kota Kita team conducted interviews and photo documentation of the various sites and established contacts with local community leaders, guided by local facilitators from HPI Karimunjawa - the local chapter of the Indonesian Association of Tour Guides, and Lingkar Desa Jepara - a grassroots coalition focusing on community-based tourism steeped in local knowledge.

05 Preliminary visit to

inhabited islands

Parang Island

Kemujan Island

Karimun Island Nyamuk Island

Genting Island

Inclusivity Participatory Data Collection for Disability-Inclusive City Women on Wheels Report Launch

Participatory Data Collection for Disability-Inclusive City OB


Area of work:

Urban observatory, Advocacy


Participatory Assessment, Community-based Data Collection, Advocacy


Banjarmasin, Indonesia


UNESCO, Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia (APEKSI), Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin, Barenlitbangda Kota Banjarmasin, Kaki Kota Banjarmasin, CSOs dan DPOs Kota Banjarmasin

Participatory Data Collection for Disability-Inclusive City In 2018, UNESCO and Kota Kita collaborated to conduct participatory data collection for disability-inclusive City Profile of Banjarmasin. We used methodology and learnings from the pilot process in 2017 in Solo, Indonesia. The project aimed to respond to the manifest gap in disability data by replicating Kota Kita’s methodology of participatory data collection in Banjarmasin, and through a partnership with other members of the Network of Mayors for Inclusive Cities. The project also aimed at strengthening the relationship between city authorities and citizens with disabilities through a mutually beneficial collaborative process. By November 2018, together with our local partner Kaki Kota Banjarmasin, Kota Kita has concluded the city-wide census, a door-to-door survey at the smallest administrative division level — referred to in Indonesian as “rukun tetangga” (or RT). The process involved 50 volunteers and documented 3,897 persons with disabilities (PwDs) in 1,657 RTs in Banjarmasin. The number was almost twice as much as that from the official government data. Kota Kita also interviewed 17 stakeholders who represented the city government, civil society organization (CSO), and disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) to get more astute information, as well as strengthen and clarify the findings. Field observation was also conducted to document the availability and accessibility of public facilities and infrastructures for persons with disabilities. Kota Kita organized two focus group discussions (FGDs) with PwDs in the highest concentration of disability distribution, Pelambuan, and other relevant stakeholders. In December 2018, approaching the calculation of eligible voters or DPT (Data Pemilih Tetap) by the General Election Commission (referred to in Indonesian as Komisi Pemilihan Umum, or KPU) for the 2019 General Election, Kota Kita’s data helped improve the number PwDs eligible to vote. There were 991 PwDs who were previously registered for the 2019 Indonesian General Election. Having cross-checked their data with ours , KPU held a public discussion “Rapat Pleno DPTHP-2” on December 9, 2018, and determined 3,297 PwDs as final number of eligible voters with disabilities.

3,897 50 17 02

number of PwDs in Banjarmasin

survey was supported by

volunteers Institutions interviewed during the project, including Local Development Agency, Department of Social, Department of Education, Department of Health, teachers of special needs children, rehabilitation centre, health facility, Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports, and Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) including GERKATIN, HWDI, PERTUNI, NPC and SAPDA.

Focus group discussions FGD with PWDs Kelurahan Pelambuan, November 11 2018







Representing persons with physical disability, mental disability, visual disability, aural disability, intellectual disability, and multiple disabilities

FGD with Stakeholders November 12 2018







Government officials (Local Planning Agency; Department of Social; Department of Education; Department of Culture and Tourism; Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning; Department of Cooperatives and Manpower; Department of Youth and Sports; Department of Transportation, Communication and Information; Banjarmasin Barat and Banjarmasin Selatan District; Kuin Selatan, Kuin Cerucuk, Kelayan Selatan, and Kelayan Barat Neighbourhood), General Elections Commission, medical institutions (RSJD Sambang Lihum, RSUD dr H.M Ansari Saleh, Puskesmas Pekauman and Kuin Raya), Rehabilitation centers (Budi Luhur Banjarbaru and Fajar Harapan), and DPOs (GERKATIN, NPC, PPDI, and HWDI).

Women on Wheels Report Launch CO


Area of work:

Urban Co-design/Development, Advocacy


Community Facilitation, Participatory Assessment, Network Building, Advocacy


Solo, Indonesia


Vinnova, Living Cities, City Government of Surakarta, Department of Transportation, Cycling Communities and Initiatives in Surakarta

Women on Wheels Report Launch Following initial phases of the Women on Wheels Project in Indonesia – Feasibility Study, Toolbox Development, and Program Design – Kota Kita has initiated a pilot project in Solo. This pilot, completed in August 2018, consists of a multi-faceted set of actions with the primary purpose to promote cycling for girls and women in Solo. In this pilot, we collaborated with four key population groups and institutions from the city to facilitate and share relevant skills to advocate for and promote a pro-cycling city agenda. These activities include education and raising awareness on the benefits of an alternative mode of transportation; its convenience, health, and environmental advantages. The activities were based on our context-based research and interactions with relevant stakeholders and population groups in previous phases. The learnings from the past three years have been summarized in a report, available for public on Kota Kita’s website.

70 35 587 02 women


WoW Supporters:

Safe Cycling Campaign Kota Kita, in collaboration with the Department of Transportation of Solo, created a Safe Cycling Campaign. We invited 70 women from Solo from women organizations at neighborhood level (PKK Kelurahan) and at city level (PKK Kota Surakarta). This event was held on April 21, 2018, to commemorate Kartini’s Day (Indonesian hero).

Gowes Perempuan Berdaya The event was held on April 22, 2018, as a part of Kartini’s Day celebration. We invited women to cycle around the city and test the bicycle route which was created in 2018. Attended a total of 35+ people including women from neighbourhoods of Solo, government officers, and public in general.

Safe Urban Cycling Videos Urban cycling safety tips for a wider audience Published on YouTube on April 23, 2018, with 587 viewers (by May 10, 2019)..



03 03 years


Activities and Products:

Crowd-sourced Mapping Contest by Using Flocktrackers apps This program allows the general public to report bicycle infrastructure problems in the city through the Flocktracker app. The contest was held for two weeks between 8 – 22 July, 2018

Final Report: Program and Implementation of Women on Wheels Project This report was finalized in September 2018, as the final dissemination of three-year project implementation.

Solo on Wheels Three thematic routes — historic routes, park routes, and craft routes — were created for people to explore the city of Surakarta from specific points of view. In collaboration with Solo Tourism Department, the map will be disseminated to hotels, tourism destinations, and other potential places in the city.

Network Building The 6th Urban Social Forum

The 6th Urban Social Forum Solo, 15-16 December 2018 Expertise:

Network building, Communications, Outreach, Training and Capacity Building


Pemerintah Kota Surakarta, Rumah Banjarsari, House of Muara, Indonesian CSOs

The 6th Urban Social Forum Solo, 15-16 December 2018 The Urban Social Forum is an annual event led by Kota Kita, working closely with civil society organizations from all over Indonesia to create a democratic, open, and free space for urban civil society members to meet and discuss different ways to improve our cities, reaffirming that ‘Another City is Possible!’. A discussion on the opening of the 6th Urban Social Forum focused on citizens who are often overlooked from the city’s life, their initiatives, and collaboration. The plenary speakers included Wahyu Susilo from Migrant Care, Yuli Kusworo, a community architect from ARKOM Yogyakarta, Alissa Wahid from GUSDURIAN, and Roy Thaniago from Remotivi. The two-day forum featured 19 discussion panels and workshops, citizen-led art collaboration, and art performances. 800 participants from cities in Indonesia attended the 6th Urban Social Forum, representing communities, civil society organizations, and universities. Furthermore, this forum facilitated learning and networking among participants and speakers from more than 60 institutions.

846 96


total participants

Online 514 On-site Participants 332 Participants

50 178 16 03 cities




discussion panels


The Urban Social Forum Banjarmasin A session in the International Disability Day Celebration with City Government of Banjarmasin and Network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Banjarmasin, 3 December 2018

What does growth mean for us as a team? In the past year, we have been focusing on organizational self-reflections by exploring ways to enhance our positioning as a robust civil society organization and resource centre in inclusive urban development in Indonesia. More importantly, we have been putting some of those thoughts into action. We started by establishing a leadership team and recruiting a more diverse group of skilful and enthusiastic young urbanists to join our efforts. We have also taken steps to improve our operational and financial capacity and developed a communications strategy and plan to support our vision as a resource centre and connect our works better to the public

Kota Kita Team


Barry Beagen Program Director

Communications Director

Fuad Jamil

Bima Pratama

Rizqa Hidayani


Community Organizer

Hasanatun Nisa Thamrin

Urban Designer

Ririn Setyowati

Urban Planner

Administration Staff

Fildzah Husna

Mukhlis Akbar

Campaign & Advocacy Officer

Data & GIS Officer

Paulista Surjadi

Rian Nugroho

Operations Director

Nina Asterina

Urban Planner

Research Program Manager

Melinda Martinus

Febrian Gerinosky

Research Program Manager


Finance Manager

Junior Urban Designer

Strengthening operational capacity through better human resource management

Kota Kita recruited key Director-level positions to lead the three pillars of the organization: Operations, Program, and Communications.

• Kota Kita reassigned existing employees to fill the middle-management positions. • Improving effectiveness in project management, supported by qualified project managers and staff members, the right tools and technology, and mechanism for collaboration.

The three program-related roles that we recruited in 2018 included: Program Director: Barry Beagen Research Program Manager: Melinda Martinus Data and GIS Specialist: Mukhlis Akbar

Improving financial strength and capacity

• Kota

Kita established better and stronger financial policy and procedures, including

implementation of periodical financial reporting on a monthly basis, and annual and timely financial audit.

• Following the groundwork that we have established, in 2019 we will work to improve financial

management and budgeting geared toward financial resiliency. This includes periodical financial monitoring to accurately evaluate the financial health of the organization and a guide for a business plan that promotes financial resiliency.

Strengthening the communication team and strategy and connect our works better to the public

We established communications plan and strategy that aims to achieve, in two-fold: 1) building and growing Kota Kita’s presence as a leading urban civil society organization and knowledge resource centre; and 2) leveraging valuable insights gained from programs, research, and methodologies to support policy advocacy.

• We recruited a Communications Officer and have worked with more creative support to produce audio visual and textual content.

The new addition to the Communication team: Campaign and Advocacy Officer: Fildzah Husna Amalina

Outreach Kota Kita aims to lead ongoing conversation on practices of inclusive urban planning and development in Indonesia and the region. Our communication strategies focus on making the conversation public, targeting citizens and changemakers - students, governments, civil societies, and city advocates.

Publication | Media | Social Media Statistic | External Relations


Women on Wheels: Program Implementation

Guidance for Developing Metropolitan Spatial Planning Framework

Water as Leverage Research Report - Phase 1

Urban Resilience Assessment in Palembang Metropolitan Area

The 5th Urban Social Forum Event Report

Toolkit for Data Sharing and Management for Metropolitan Spatial Planning

The 6th Urban Social Forum Event Report

Kota Kita & The World Urban Forum 9: Experience & Learnings


02 01 998 6,806 23

media visits: Banjarmasin Post and Duta TV

mini media gathering: Solo-based journalists for The 6th USF

Instagram followers

Facebook followers

news coverages (national dan international)

Social Media Urban Social Forum @urbansocialforum 1200+

Additional followers

Best post performance:






further actions


further actions

Kota Kita @kotakitaorg 998

followers in 5 months

Best post performance:





External Relations

17 06 10

National and international speaking engagements

International event organizing

National event organizing

Speaking Engagement National Name of Event





Urban Social Forum Campus Roadshow: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Urban Social Forum

December 2018

Solo, Indonesia

Public Discussion

Diskusi #12: Ilusi Inklusi

Kolektif Agora

November 2018

Bandung, Indonesia

Public Discussion

Human Rights Festival 2018


November 2018

Wonosobo, Indonesia

Public Discussion

Public Lecture on Flocktracker

Kota Kita

May 2018

Solo, Indonesia


Rembug Warga Festival Kota Gadjah Mada: Plenary


May 2018

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Forum/ conference

Rembug Warga Festival Kota Gadjah Mada: Climate Change Panel


May 2018

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Forum/ conference

UNS Participatory Design: Urban Kampung

Architecture UNS

April 2018

Solo, Indonesia


UNS Participatory Design: Community Public Space Banjarmasin

Architecture UNS

April 2018

Solo, Indonesia










December 2018



International Name of Event


Water as Leverage Phase 1 Workshop

Water as Leverage

Bangkok Forum: Plenary Session

Chulalongkorn University

October 2018

Bangkok, Thailand

Forum/ conference

Bangkok Forum: Youthquake

Chulalongkorn University

October 2018

Bangkok, Thailand

Forum/ conference

SEA Think Tank Forum

Paramadina Public Policy Institute, Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE)

October 2018

Bali, Indonesia


Sweden’s Improving Democracy and Participation Forum

SKL - Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting

May 2018

Stockholm, Sweden

Forum/ conference

British Academy Sustainable Development Project Creative Kampongs End of Project Conference

British Academy

March 2018

London, UK

Forum/ conference

WUF Mutual Learning Session: Engendering PB

World Urban Forum, UN Habitat

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

Think City

GPR2C, Kota Kita

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum

Menkominfo, Australian Embassy

February 2018

Jakarta, Indonesia

Forum/ conference

Event Organizing National Name of Event





The 6th Urban Social Forum

Kota Kita

December 2018


Forum/ conference

The 6th Urban Social Forum x Hari Disabilitas Internasional Banjarmasin: Menuju Banjarmasin Kota Inklusi

Kota Kita, Kaki Kota, City of Banjarmasin

November 2018


Public Discussion

Water as Leverage FGD: Design Jam

Water as Leverage

November 2018

Semarang, Indonesia

Focus Group Discussion

Water as Leverage Workshop: Initial Concept Design

Water as Leverage

November 2018

Semarang, Indonesia


Water as Leverage FGD: Problem Identification

Water as Leverage

October 2018

Semarang, Indonesia

Focus Group Discussion

Water as Leverage Workshop: Kick-off Meeting

Water as Leverage

September 2018

Semarang, Indonesia


Banjarmasin Data Kota Launching with Mayor of Banjarmasin

Kota Kita, Kaki Kota, City of Banjarmasin

May 2018


Forum/ conference

Safe Cycling Campaign

Kota Kita, Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surakarta

April 2018

Solo, Indonesia

Public Event

Gowes Perempuan Berdaya

Kota Kita

April 2018

Solo, Indonesia

Public Event

Jagongan Media Rakyat (JMR): Bersepeda untuk Mewujudkan Transportasi Berkeadilan

Combine Resource Institute

March 2018

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Public Discussion





Feb 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

panels, workshops, and side events

International Name of Event The World Urban Forum

UN Habitat

WUF Pre-event: Moving from what to how: implementing and monitoring the new urban agenda

World Urban Forum, UN Habitat

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

WUF TRAINING EVENT: Participatory Approaches in Urban Planning and Development: Learning from Indonesian Cities

World Urban Forum, UN Habitat

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

WUF SIDE EVENT: Participatory Budgeting in Asian Cities: a pathway towards achieving the new urban agenda

World Urban Forum, UN Habitat

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

WUF NETWORKING EVENT: Connecting the sustainable development goals and the new urban agenda implementation through right to the city initiatives

World Urban Forum, UN Habitat

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

WUF TRAINING EVENT: implementing the right to the city on the ground: theory, tools and real-life examples

World Urban Forum, UN Habitat

February 2018

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Forum/ conference

Financial Financials Revenue



• Revenue 3,920,278,940.00










Revenue Total






Project Grand Contribution

• Income Sales Exchange Rate Sales

• Project Implementation Project Advocacy and Fund Raising













• Operation General Administration Asset Depreciacion Other Expenses

Total Expenses

Our collaborators We are thankful for collaborations with our great supporters, donors, partner institutions, communities, staffs, and interns. We could not have done the works without you!


City partnerships




Institutional Partners


Funding Partners

Kota Kita is keen on forming partnerships and collaboration. in Indonesia, the Asia region, and beyond to work on solutions for more inclusive, socially just, and sustainable cities.

Annual Report

Annual Report


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