Bnei Brak
or see pgs. 2-6 f
Matonos L'evyonim of the Gedolei Hador see pgs. 10-11
Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner shlit”a
ב ,"ה אחדשה"ט באהבה ק בל תי מכ ת בו ה נכ צדקה בד אודות מצוות רבתי אשר כב' ממונה על .יו היו תי קר וב לק ופת העיר צדקה המפור יכו,סמת של בני ברק לני לא שר שה יא כו לה מצוה לשמה בלי גרעונות כל ואשרי המחלק לזה.ל ע"ז ב 'עה"ח מצפה לישועת ד edletterabout ivedyouresteem ce re I . ve lo ith w hyouare Greetings ftzedakaofwhic o ah zv it m e al mous thelarge-sc upatHa’ir,thefa K to se o cl am I nconfirmthat incharge.Since n]ofBneiBrak,Ica io at iz an rg [o a satall,and tzedak mawithnofault sh le a zv it m a ly it. itisentire contributes to o h w e h is e at fortun lvation ng Hashem’s sa Signed, awaiti vi Wosner Shmuel Hale
The Story in Full AJewenteredtheofficeofZichronMoshe,alargeandwell-known free-loanorganizationintheU.S.withthefollowingquestion:“I wouldliketodonateasizeablesum-$300,000–toatzedakah thathelpsaniyiminEretzYisroel.Whichtzedakahorganizationis endorsedbythegedoleihador?It’snoteverydayIcontributeasum likethis,soIwanttomakesuremymoneygoestotherightplace” The gabbai of Zichron Moshe was at a loss for what to reply.
Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman shlit”a
All Organizations Are Similar (?) “Thetruthis,”hefinallysaid,“thatalltheorganizationsaremore orlessthesame...atleastontheoutside.Allquoterabbanimthat praisethemlavishly;allhaverecommendationsaplenty;allhave horrorstoriesaboutthecasestheyhelpandmiraclestoriesaboutthe peoplewhosupportthem.Allshowtouchingphotosandimpressive financialreports.Allorganizationshavemanythingsincommon, makingthemprettysimilar.Isthereanyoneorganizationthatstands apart from the rest? To be honest, I don’t know.”
בין המוסדות שאפשר לסמ וך עליהם עומדת קופת הע יר של בני ברק אשר עו סק ים בא מו נה ש לא ע "מ לקבל פרס
t nbetrustedisKupa ca at th ns tio itu st Amongthein tlyandon hichisrunhones w k, ra B ei n B f o Ha’ir is a volunteer bas teinman AharonLeibS
Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a
ThegabbaiofZichronMosheisadiligentmanwhotriestodo hisjobfaithfully.Ifthecontributorwantedanorganizationin EretzYisroelendorsedbythegedoleihador,hewouldverifywith thegedoleihadordirectlyratherthanrelyontheorganizations themselves, which can say whatever they like.
Letters and More Letters Thegabbaisatdownandpennedaletterdetailinghisquestion. Inhisletter,heaskedthegedolimtonameatzedakahorganization thattheytrustedandendorsed.Hethensenttheletterofftovarious gedolei hador.
I am a aran, shlit”a: M sk a to e have I would lik es abroad. I liv o h w a k a forward to an gabbai tzed to y e n o m f o e received a sum distributes funds to th t a y e th n o n m o instituti forward the to e lik d ld n u a o poor. I w on supported at ti a iz n a rg o a k I ask th to a tzeda aran, shlit”a. M I y b d e rs endo stion so that e u q y m to d Maran respon know what to do. may Respectfully, A. F.
קורןפהגתר"חה קעיניירבסקיבני ברק )מ (שליט"א
Kupat Ha’ir Bnei Brak. n Harav Chaim (Maran Hagao
”a) Kaniesky, shlit
Thefirstresponsecame,andthenanother,andanother,and another. The gabbai could not believe what had happened. It was as if the elderly gedolim had made up among themselves what to reply... as if it was a well-known, self-understood fact. As if there was nothing more obvious or simple... What did they say? Amazing!ThegedoleiYisrael,eachfromhisownperspective,allheldthesame response! What does that tell us? What should it tell us?
Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkovitz shlit”a
Another personal aspect: AtKupatHa’ir,thedonationwasreceivedwithexcitementandjoy. Naturally,thegabba’im’sbrainsbeganworkingquickly,already calculatinghowmanyfamilieswouldbehelpedandhowtomakethe mostoutofthemoney.Itisn’teverydayacontributionofthatsize comesin,evenatKupatHa’ir.Amidsttheexcitementandhappiness overthecontribution,thegabba’im’sattentionwassuddenlydivertedto theseletters,attachedtothecontribution,andtheirfeelingsandemotions changed completely. Suddenly,theirhandstrembledandtheireyesgrewdamp.Theirwords stuck in their throat. Itisn’teasytoworkforKupatHa’ir.Youeattzaros,sleepdistress,hear sobsandlistentosighs.Itisn’teasytomeettragedyfacetofaceday afterday;thesqueakingbedspringsandpoundedpillowsofeachofthe volunteersattesttothat.Sometimes,theyfeeltheyhaven’tthestrengthto goonanylonger.Theirsoulscannotbearthepaintheyencounter,the wretchedness and misery, the heartbreak... Theseletters,containingtheresponsesofthegedoleihador,illuminated theirheartswithabrilliantlight.Theyfloodedthegabba’imwith warmthandstrength,rechargingtheirbatterieswithenergy. After all, earning the trust of the gedolei hador is a rare zechus. Thezechusoftherabbanim,ofthegabba’im,ofeveryoneinvolvedin KupatHa’ir’sactivism–andaboveall,thezechusofthethousandsof contributors,the“fuel”uponwhichthisamazingmachineruns!
הנני מכיר את המוסד הגדול שכל א חד מ תע סק בו ל ל "ש ש עזור למשפחות להוציא או תם מה דח קו ת ש סובלים בה והוא המוסד ב שם קופת העיר בני ברק
reeveryone rgeinstitutionwhe la e th ith w ar ili m extricate Iamfa helpfamiliesand to im ay am Sh m dthatis worksl’she hichtheysufferan w m fro y rt ve po e f Bnei Brak. themfromth ed Kupat Ha’ir o am n n o ti u it st in the Lefkovitz Michel Yehuda
Notonly o does doe MaranHagaonHaravChaim Kan nievskyshlit”a, sh Kanievsky acceptcontributionson beh half of Kupat Ku behalf Ha’ir, not only does he instrructthosew instruct whoaskhimwheretocontribute theiirmoneytogiveittoKupatHa’ir;Harav their Kani nievskyconsiders cons Kanievsky KupatHa’irthetzedakah orgaanizationofthe th gedoleihador.Asaresult,he organization willllingtoinvestalotmoretimeandeffortinthe iswilling organ nizationthancouldpossiblybeexpected. organization Thoug ghHaravKanievsky’ Kaniev swillingnesstospendtime Though prayingf gforthecontrib praying forthecontributorstoKupatHa’irduringthe holiest,mostpersonalmomentsoftheyearisalreadywell known,thosewhowitnessthesceneeachtimeneverfailto be amazed. Everyeveningthenamesofallthatday’scontributorsare forwardedtoHaravKanievsky,shlit”a.Thismeansthat Harav Kanievsky has agreed to tack on to his already crowdedscheduleyetanotherundertaking–dailyprayers onbehalfofthecontributorstoKupatHa’ir.Whoeveris familiarwithHaravKanievsky’sextremelytightschedule andwiththewayhezealouslyguardseverysecond–cannot helpbutbeimpressed.Afterall,itmustbethatdaveningfor
Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, davening on behalf of the contributors to Kupat Ha’ir at the kever of the Chazon Ish, zy”a, on his yahrtzeit, 15 Cheshvan 5766.
thecontributorsofKupatHa’ircomesattheexpenseofother things...learning,answeringquestions,seeingcallers.Andif thisisHaravKanievsky,shlit”a’stoppriority,wemusttryto placeourtinyfootstepsinsidehisgiantonesandtrytofollow in his ways. When Harav Kanievsky, shlit”a, visits the gravesites of his ancestors, ztvk”l, he remembers Kupat Ha’ir and its contributors. On15Cheshvan,HaravKanievskyvisitedthegraveofthe ChazonIsh,ashedoeseveryyearontheanniversaryofthe greattzaddik’spassing.Onceagain,hetookalongwithhimthe listofcontributorstoKupatHa’ir,andonceagain,thosepresent shooktheirheadsindisbeliefandmarveledtothemselves.Even atsuchaholytime,whencommuningwithhisrebbetheChazon Ishzy”a,HaravKanievsky,shlit”a,takesalongournames,the namesofthecontributors.Hementionsthemreverently,oneby one,andanabundanceofblessingdescendsfromOnHigh.
Erev Yom Kippur On erev Yom Kippur, the lists were deliveredafteranoperationofincredible scopethatincludedcollectingenvelopes, openingthem,organizingthenamesand sendingthemtothegedolim.Wonderful Jewsspentalldayrunningaround(on avolunteerbasis,ofcourse...they,too, wereseekingmerits),foregoingaproper seudashamafsekesandthemeritof enteringtheholydayinacalmand seriousframeofmind.Theoperation, whichincludedaseaofsmalldetails, ran like a Swiss clock thanks to the unmistakablesiyatadishmayathat accompanieditfrombeginningtoend. HaravKanievskyreceivedthenames, buttherewerethoseatKupatHa’ir who were still uneasy. AfterKolNidrei,RebYitzchakShaul, Rav Kanievsky’s son, was asked to approachhisfatherwiththefollowing question.“Perhapstherearepeoplewho contributedonlybecausetheyknewAbbawouldprayforthem? Whatifsomenamesweremistakenlyomitted?Whocanbe
suretherewerenomistakes?Whenprocessingsuchahugevolumeof contributionsinsuchabriefspaceoftime,youcan’tbesure...” “IespeciallyrecitedafewchaptersofTehillimforthosewhosenames wereinadvertentlyomitted,”HaravKanievskyreplied,restoringa senseofcalm.Quietlyandwithoutfanfare,asishiswont,hebrought downyeshuosbyrecitingTehillimforthecontributorstoKupat Ha’ir. KolNidreiEve,beforethema’arivprayerthatushersintheholiestday oftheyear...canwegraspthegreatnessthesemomentsholdforaman ofsuchgiantstature?Howmuchcanbeaccomplishedduringthese moments... to what degree they can be utilized! ThecontributorstoKupatHa’irdon’tloseout.Theirnames“rise,are heardandremembered” forgoodtidings,salvation, and consolation.
Sukkos OncholhamoedSukkos, HaravKanievskytraveled totheKosel,butbecause it was so crowded, he didn’tleavethevehicle in which he had come. Instead,hepouredout hisprayersinsidethecar. The gabba’im of Kupat Ha’irwerethere,looking disappointedly at the crowdsandholdingthe liststhatapparentlywould not be used this time. Totheiramazement,Kupat Ha’iranditscontributors werenotforgotten.Harav Kanievskysummonedfor the gabba’im of Kupat Ha’ir to enter the car and give him the list
Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, davening for the contributors to Kupat Ha’ir at the Kosel Hama’aravi.
ofcontributors.Thegabba’imhurriedtothelittlecarand entered.HaravKanievskytookthelistsandbeganpraying... Theairofthecarwassoonfilledwithnames,prayers,and personalrequestslargeandsmall.Inthemeantime,theKosel plazathrobbedwithpeopletryingtogetapeek,tomention theirnames,toreceiveabracha.Insidethecar,however, HaravKanievskypatientlyrecitednameaftername,andall thecontributorsmeritedaheartfelt,emotionaltefillaontheir behalf. WhenstandingwithHaravKanievskyoppositetheKosel, facingHashem,youcanonlylookatthebackofthesilently swayingfigure.Whenyou’reinsideacarwithhim,youcan see a lot more. And there was what to see. Despite the uncomfortablefeeling thattheywerepenetrating Harav Kanievsky’s privacy,thegabba’im clearly felt that Harav Kanievskyconsidered a trip to the Kosel withoutdaveningforthe contributorsofKupat Ha’ir an incomplete visit.
Where Are the Lists? But this visit, too, had a “sequel.” On 7 Cheshvan, Harav Kanievsky’sgrandson, HaravR’Aryeh,shlit”a, made a bris for his son inYerushalayim,atthe homeofHaravElyashiv,shlit”a.WhenHaravKanievsky madethedecisiontoattend,KupatHa’irwashopefulthat
Harav Kanievsky would utilize H th theopportunitytodavenforthe co contributors at the Kosel. How However, forvariousreasons,Harav Kaniev intendedtoreturntoBneiBrak Kanievsky immed immediately after the bris. Kupat Ha’ir s th ideawithnosmallmeasureof shelved the dis isappoint disappointment. nroutetoYer En Yerushalayim,HaravKanievsky’sson, R YitzchakShaul, S Reb mentionedtohisfatherthat K Ha’irha Kupat hadrequestedthathedavenforthe ccontributorsat a theKosel.He,too,knewhisfather wasinahurryttoreturnhome.HaravKanievsky w liste ened but said nothing. listened Th Thebris i took ttookplace l onschedule, h Theb bris andwhenitwasoverand HaravKanievskyenteredthecartoreturntoBneiBrak,he suddenlysaid,“Nu,wespokeaboutgoingtotheKosel.Let’s go.” Allthedetails-howKupatHa’irfoundoutwithinminutes thatHaravKanievskywasgoingtotheKosel,afterall,how theyturnedtheworldupsidedowntofaxthenamestotheKosel Police, – all that is unimportant. HaravKanievskyarrivedattheKoselandimmediatelylooked around to see who was holding the lists...the lists! “Whereisthelistofcontributors?”heasked.Takingthemfrom anoutstretchedhand,hemadehiswaytotheKosel,wherehe pouredhissouloutinprayertoourFatherinHeaven.Everyone whohappenedtobeattheKoselatthetimelongedtohavethe same merit. Themomentstickedby,andtheheartsofallthosepresentbeat withantiipation,butonlywhenallthepageswerefinished and every contributor and his orherspecificrequesthadbeen specificallymentioned-onlythen didHaravKanievskylookupand listentotherequestsoftheothers present.
They’re My Messengers! “They’remymessengers,”Harav Kanievskyhassaidonmorethan oneoccasion.“Theydowhatis reallyourobligation.Theytake theburdenoffourshoulders.We are indebted to them.”
K e o h t s el t
The Full Story
Of Hagaon Harav Kanievsky’s Trip to the Kosel as told by his son,
Hagaon Harav Y.S. Kanievsky, shlit”a At first, it was agreed that my father would not travel to the Kosel. For various reasons, it was urgent that we return immediately after the bris. During the trip, I told my father about Kupat Ha’ir’s request that he daven for the contributors at the Kosel Hama’aravi. My father, shlit”a, did not reply. After the bris, my father said, “Nu... we spoke about the Kosel Hama’aravi. Let’s go to the Kosel.” My feeling was that my father considered it obvious that if Kupat Ha’ir had made a request, it should be honored immediately. As soon as we arrived at the Kosel, my father asked me for the list of contributors to Kupat Ha’ir. He concentrated upon them with great intensity and immersed himself in heartfelt prayer. Crowds gathered as my father continued to pray for the contributors. Only later did he accept kvitlach and lists from bystanders.
I can testify that the main part of his tefilla at the Kosel was for the contributors of Kupat Ha’ir to be helped in whatever area they had requested.
Donations can be sent to: Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita 1795 East 7th Street Brooklyn, New York 11223 Rabbi Malkiel Kotler Shlita 521 5th Street Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein Shlita 1608 46th Street Brooklyn, New York 11204 Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita 1662 East 9th Street Brooklyn, New York York 11223 Rabbi Aron Schechter Shlita 1141 East 17th Street Brooklyn, New York 11230
Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon Shlita 637 6th Street Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlita 1619 41st Street Brooklyn, New York 11218
Rabbi Pinchos Breuer Shlita 1167 East 29th Street Brooklyn, New York 11210
Rabbi Don Blumberg Shlita 4 Yale Drive Monsey, NewYork 10952
Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer Shlita 8 Ash Street Monsey, New York 10952
'ir FOR I would like to donate to Kupat Ha DONATIONS Name: Address: BY ty, State & Zip DIRECT BANK Ci Phone #: L A W A R D H WIT How many Months: Amount: Fill in form, sign and send with the enclosed envelope
.......................... .......................................... .......................................... ................... .......................................... .......................................... ........................................ .......................................... ................... .......................................... .......................................... ........................... ...................... ................... .......................................... Account #: .................................... ............................. g #:......................................................
Bank Routin .................... .......................................... Signature: ....................................
'ir I would like to donate to Kupat Ha FOR DONATIONS Theasummonofthly basis, For On BY One time donation CREDIT Credit card # te Expiration da D R A C Name
............. .......................................... .......................................... months ..........................................
Fill in form and send with the enclosed envelope
.................................... .......................................... ....... .......................................... .......................................... .. .......................................... .......................................... ............................ .......................................... .......................................... ... .......................................... .......................................... ...... ...... ...... s es dr Ad ...................... .......................................... Tel ...................................................... ................ .......................................... ..........................................
o n o t a M
הגרמ"ש שפירא ביום הפורים
m i n o y v s L'e
The Hiddurim
The money will be distributed on Purim day, not before. Themoneywillbephysicallydistributed,rather than just credited to an account, so that it can be spent on that same day. The money will be given in cash, not by check, so that it can be spent on that same day. The money that is collected until 3:00 pm will be distributed on Purim so that the needy will be able to use it to purchase their Purim needs. A condition co is made that each contribution con be divided in such a way wa that every evyon receives a significant sig tcontrib contribution, buution,nno bution, nnot otjjust ust st a shaveh peruta.* peruta. e ta * erut
הגראי"ל שטינמן ביום הפורים
הגרמ"י ליפקוביץ ביום הפורים
המקובל רבי דוד אבוחצירא פותח מגבית מתנות לאביונים
האדמו"ר מרחמסטריוקא פותח מגבית מתנות לאביונים
הגרח"פ שיינברג ביום הפורים
האדמו"ר מלעלוב ביום הפורים
of the Ge dole i Ha of Kupat Ha’ir dor All the evyonim have been selected by the rabbanim, shlit”a. Onehundredpercentofthecontributionsare transferred to evyonim. Cash will be distributed on Purim day even on behalf of those who contribute by check or credit card. The money is distributed with extreme discretion and confidentiality, which is the highest form of tzedaka.
הגר"ש וואזנר תורם ביום הפורים
גאב"ד העדה החרדית פותח מגבית מתנות לאביונים
Kupat Ha’ir takes a loan on behalf of those whoo contributewithpostdatedchecksorcreditcards,s,, sothatthemoneycanbedistributedtotheneedyy on Purim day. * In accordance with the ruling of Hagaon Harav Elyashiv, shlit”a, each contribution is divided in such a way that each evyon receives NIS 50. If one has contributed less than that amount, each evyon receives NIS 10. הגר"ח קנייבסקי תורם ביום הפורים
האדמו"ר ממודזיץ ביום הפורים
האדמו"ר מטשרנוביל ביום הפורים
האדמו"ר מבעלזא פותח מגבית מתנות לאביונים
האדמו"ר מנאראל ביום הפורים
Thefourlettersinthisbookletillustratethemassive,“wall-towall,”incomparablesupportofthegedoleihadorforKupatHa’ir. WhatisitaboutKupatHa’irthathasearnedtheunstintingsupport of the giants of our generation?
Therearemanygoodanswerstothisquestion,eachofwhich–on itsown–isenoughtomakeKupatHa’irthe“defaultsetting,”the only possible choice.
TheterribleeconomicsituationinEretzYisraelcombinedwiththe cruelbudgetcutsandimpossiblechokeholdwithwhichtheStateis grippingthoseoflimitedmeans(andmostoftheOrthodoxcommunity fitsthatdescription)meansthatlackhasbecomeasteadyguestin manyhomes.Inmanycases,theoverdraftinthebankisnotcausedby aone-timelargeexpense,soaone-timelargeprovisionofcashwillnot solvetheproblem.Theoverdraftcomesaboutbecausethere’snowayin theworldtosqueezebyonthemeagersalariespaidformostjobsina countrywherethecostoflivingisskyrocketing.Itissimplyimpossible tosupportalargefamilyundersuchcircumstances.Therearenocushy jobswithhugesalariesintheOrthodoxcommunityinIsrael.There areonlyjobsthatrequireintensiveeffortandlonghours-andpaya pittance.Whenamotherhassmallchildrenandcan’tworklonghours –andthisisthesituationinmanyhomes–there’snowaytosupport thefamily.CutsinNationalInsurancestipendshaveturnedmany respectablefamiliesintopotentiallyneedyones.Acrisisintheformof
שלמה רמת שללמ חסידים קריתת ספר ר ת ירולשים כפרר חסידים ביתשמש שמ גניי הדר פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתש ש אשדוד גנ רמת פר ררמ ספר רולשים כפר חסידים קרית פ ירולשים נתיבות ייר אשדוד שד וה אש ש דוד גני הדר פתח תתקוה אשדוד שלמה אשד חסידים ירולשים כפר חסיד יד תיבות נתיבות ביתשמש ננתת פתח פר ררמת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר פת פת קרית ספר ירולשים ירולש ר אשדודד ביתשמש נתיבות תקוה אשדו אשדוד כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשד שד כפ כפ נתיבות גני הדר פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש תתיב גנ שלמה ירולשים כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמת ללמ יר ביתשמש אאשדוד גני הדר פתח תקוה אשדוד מ רמת ספר רמ ננתיבות ירולשים כפר חסידים קריתת ספר אשדוד שד פתחח תקוה אש ש שלמה אשדוד גני הדר פת ש דים קרית חסידים בביתשמש נתיבות כפרר חסיד ירולשים כפ פתחח תקוה הדרר פת סספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גניי הד כפרר חסידים אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשיםם כפ רולשי גניני הדר פתח אשדודד גנ קרית ספר רמת שלמה שדו ירולשים כפר נתיבות תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש בות ב שלמה אשדוד גני הדר קריתת ספר רמת של ידים קקררית חסידיםם חס ד ירולשים ש נתיבות ביתשמש פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמ
Kfar Chasidim
Why Do the G Support K
ד גני הדר פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ד גני הדר פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ביתשמש נתיבות תקוה אשדוד ב תשמש פתחח תקוה גני הדר פת ד גנ נתיבותת בו תיבו תקוה אשדוד בביתשמש ד גני הדר פתח תקוה נתיבות ירולשים כפר חסידים אשדוד בית שמש נתיב ת ירולשים כפר חסיד חסידים קרית ספר רמת שלמה שלמהה ים קרית ספר רמת שלמ דים חסידים חסיד ירולשים כפר חס ירולשים כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמת שלמהה ירולשים כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמת שלפתחח קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר פתחח פתחח קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר ת פתח קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר תתח הדר דדים קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גני דר אשדוד חסידים קרית ספר גני הדר פתח תקוה דדוד חס אשדודד תקוהה אשדדו פתח תקו רמת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר פתח רמ פתחח תקוה אשדוד רמתת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר פת רמ ביתשמש נתיבות אשדודד בי ו ממתת גני הדר פתח תקוה ביתשמש נתיבות אשדוד בי ד גגני הדר פתח תקוה אשד ד אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות אשדוד תקוה אש פתח תקוה ד גגני הדר פתח
d o d h As
Beit Shemesh
anillnessorajoblayoff;adifficultysuchasasickchildorthelossof property – pulls the ground out from under them.
KupatHa’ir’s“nervecenter”isinBneiBrak,butaidisextendedfar beyond.IneverycityandsettlementinEretzYisrael,rabbaniminvolved inthelivesoftheircommunitiesmakelistsofthenamesofthefamilies requiringfinancialassistance.Eachmonth,theserequestsarepresented toKupatHa’ir,whichreviewsthemandprovidesaidaccordingly.More andmorefamiliesbegintofeellifeislivableagain.Thelovingsupport provided by fellow Jews abroad is fuel for a factory.
verycity;everysettlement.ThehugereliefsynonymouswithKupat Ha’irreachesthemostremotespotsinEetzYisrael..Itdoesn’tmatter whereyoulive;itmakesnodifferencehowfarawayyouarefromBnei Brak.KupatHa’irrisestotheoccasionandhelps–asfarasitshand reaches.
KupatHa’irmeetsthefamilies-beautiful,respectablefamiliesthat havefallenupondifficulttimes-atacrossroadsintheirlives.Sometimes thebackgroundismedical,sometimesemotional,sometimessomething else–butitisstillimportantforthemtocontinuebeingawholefamily,a functioningfamily,afamilywhosechildrenseetheirhouseasahome.
Gedolei Hador ירולשים כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד רמת שלמה אשדודHa’ir? ירולשים כפר חסידים קרית ספר Kupat ירולשים כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד
שלמה אשדוד קרית ספר רמת שלמ חסידים רית ירולשים כפר סידדים יד דים קרית ספר רמת שלמה אאשדוד חסידים ירולשים כפר שלמה תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות קרית ספר רמת ש נתיבות ת תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש אשדוד גני הדר פפתח תקוה נתיבות תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתי ת אשדוד גני הדר פפתח ת וה נתיבות גני הדר פפתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתייב ת מש אשדוד גנני אשדדוד חסידים תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים כפר חס ים תקקוו חסידיםם תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים כפר חס י תק חסידיםם תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים כפר חס י תק תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות חסיי סי כפר חס ירולשים פ תק פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים כפרר ח פת ספרר קריתת פ חסידיםם קרי ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים כפרר חסידי בי ספר ר ר חסידים קרית ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים כפר חססידים בביי ספר רמ חסידים קרית ר כפר חסידיים בביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים ר אשדוד דוד ספר רמת שלמה שד רולשים כפר חסידים קרית ס ר ירולשים יר רית סספר רמת שלמה אשדוד דוד רולשים כפר חסידים קרית יירולשים
Petach Tikva
withthechildrenwhohavebeenirreversiblyaffectedbytheongoing neglect.Notalwaysistheresomeoneinthehousecapableofdoing these things.
Theamountoftimeassistanceisprovidedisalsoadetermining factor.
KupatHa’iralwaysconsiderswhatisbestforthefamilyand decisionsaremadeaccordingly.Assistanceisprovidedforaslongas necessary-beiteightmonthsortenortwenty.Ifthesituationrequires andjustifiescontinuedsupport,itwillbeprovidedregardlessofhow muchtimehaspassed.Themainthingisthatthefamilyshouldlive like human beings.
Thesituationisalwayscloselymonitoredandeveryfewmonths, aspecialmeetingtoreviewthevarioussituationsisheld.Nothing continuestoflowtodayjustbecauseitflowedyesterdayandtheday before.Atthesametime,though,supportisnevercutshortbecause “time is up.”
Every soul is an entire world. Every family has a future. Can a price be placed upon a Jewish life? IsthereanythingmorepreciousthanthewelfareofaJewishfamily? Thewhimpersofsmallchildren,theoutcryoftheirmothers,thesigh of their fathers – what do these do in Shamayim? Whatdotheydotous,toourhearts,theheartsoftheirbrethren?
theyneedtorescuethemfromthequicksandpullingthemdown.Intruth, though,thatisrarelythecase.Mostofthetime,ahugeoceanofdebt willswallowupthesupportinnotime,andonemonthdowntheroad, youwouldneverknowithadbeengiven.Inmanycases,there’snoone inthefamilycapableofusingthemoneyintelligently,anditdisappears without leaving a trace...
upatHa’irprovidessteady,continuoussupportforaslongasthe person/familyneedsit.Thesupportismonetary,butitbringsmental andemotionalreliefaswell.Itgivespeoplebacktheirenthusiasmand energytotryanddosomethingtoextricatethemselvesfromtherubbleand striveforabetterlife.That’swhymonthlysupportissoimportant,so revitalizing.NIS2000permonthmakesitpossibleforthemembersof thefamilytolive.There’sfoodtoday.It’llbeokaytomorrowandthenext day,too.There’snoneedtohoardfoodforthenextweek...Steadysupport helpspeoplefeelacertainsenseofsecurityintheirlives;itenablesthem to think about what lies beyond their daily meal.
upat Ha’ir assesses the situation and provides assistance in accordancewithitsfindings.Ifhandingovercashisnotanoption,lest itbegonebeforeitisfelt,thefamilyreceivescouponsredeemableatthe supermarket,acardisopenedintheirnameatthegrocery,vegetableand chickenordersarearranged.Inothercases,acleaningwomanishiredto givethehouseanormalappearanceoranavreichisemployedtolearn
חסידים קרית ספר רמת ש ממה שלמה דים ם כפר ביתשמש ד גני הדר פפתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמ רמת רית ספר רמ פר חסידים קרית כפר ירולשים כפ ת נתיבותת נתי ביתשמש אשדוד אשדוקוה שלמה מה מה קרית ספר רמת י חסידים ם כפר חס דים ביתשמש פתח תקוה אשדוד ש הדר פפתת ד גני הדר כפר חסידים קרית ספר רמתת ירולשיםם כפ לשי ת אשדוד גגני הדר פתח תקוה אשדודד ד קרית ירולשים כפר חסידים ממש נתיבות ת רמת שלמה אשדוד גני הדר פתח תקוהה ירולשים כפר חסידיםם ד ביתשמש נתיבות תקוהה תקו פתח תק הדר פתח ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גני דדר חסידים כפר ס ירולשים כפ ד ביתשמש נתיבות הדר פפתח גני הדדר ספר רמת שלמה אשדוד גני ירולשים כפר אשדוד ביתשמש נתיבות ירולשים גני הדר אשדוד גני ם קרית ספר רמת שלמה שדוד ירולשים יררול נתיבות וות תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש אשדוד שלמה אש חסידים קרית ספר רמת שללמה ההדר פתח תקוה אשדוד ב ת ביתשמש נתיבות ספר רמת שלמה ספר קרית ספ חסידים קררית כפר חססידדים ם כפר ד גני הדר פתח תקוה אשדוד ביתשמש
Kiryat Sefer
Ramat Shlomo
So that my son should live .... Inoneday,twounexpectedlylargecontributionsweremadeto Kupat Ha’ir. ThefirstcamefromaJewwhocalledtoinquirehowmuchitcost tohaveanameforwardedtotherabbanimforablessing. Thetelephoneoperatorexplainedthattherewasnominimum requirementatall.“Ifyoumakeanycontributionatall,wewill forwardthenameyousubmittotherabbanim,”sheexplained. ame... TheJewwaspleased.“Okay,takedownmyson’sname... Here’s my credit card number...” He read the digitstotheoperator,and whensheinquiredhowmuch hewantedtocontribute,her heartnearlystoppedathis response. “50,000shekels,”hesaid, much the way you and I would say “ten dollars.” Laterthatday,ayoungman arrivedattheoffice.Itwas ional. obvious he was excited and extremely emotional. “Hereis$1,000,”hesaid,practicallydancing.“I’lllbeback soonwithanother$800,G-dwilling.”Hisvoicewassofilled pfixinghim withjoythatthegabbaiintheofficecouldnothelp with a questioning look. “Ihadababyboyyesterday,”heexplainedwithnofurther prompting.“Hewasbornsuddenly,athome,andthesituation wasanemergency.Ican’tbegintodescribethepanicthatarose. WecalledHatzalaandMagenDavidAdom,butbythetime theyarrived,thebabywaspracticallyblack.OneoftheHatzala memberslatertoldusthathehadcalledMagenDavidAdomto confirmthechild’sdeath.Hesaiditwascleartohimthatthis wasalostcase;therewasnothingthatcouldbedone.Hekept trying, though.” Tearswelledupinthefather’seyesasherecalledthosedesperate moments.“Theysaidtheywouldtakemywifetothehospitalso shecouldrecuperatefromtheordeal.Therewasnohopeforthe child.Ikeptpleadingwiththemtotryagain,tobreathelifeinto him... “Wespedtothehospital,whereIwastoldthatevenifthey succeededinresuscitatinghim,hewouldsurelybebraindamaged. Idon’tknowwheretheideacamefrom,butIsuddenlyshouted thatifthechildlivedandwashealthy,I’dcontribute$1800to Kupat Ha’ir.
“Theyworkedonhimforalongtime...thechild isokay.Thehospitaltookallsortsoftests,and nothing was damaged.”
Wa Yes
Thefatherlefttoborrowtheremaining$800from friendsandacquaintances,hisfeetskimmingthe ground.Everyoneintheoffice,whohadlistenedtothe storywithbatedbreath,sighedwithrelief.It’schilling tohearastorylikethat,evenifyouknowinadvance that it ends well.
(Inthemeantime,afewmonthshavepassed,andit’sclear that the child is perfectly healthy.)
Tel: 03 - 6189993
For the Fourth Time Theabovestoryisreminiscentofa letterreceivedbyKupatHa’iralong withacontributionmadewithgreat joy and emotion. Theparentshadleftthehouse to prepare for an upcoming closefamilysimcha,leavingthe childrenwitharesponsiblebabysitter. It’sunclearhow–butthebabyfellout ofhiscribandbeganscreaminghysterically. Thebabysittercalledhermother,andthetwotried to calm the baby, with no success. Theparentsreturnedandsucceededincalmingtheirchild. Theyexaminedhimfromallsidesandeverythingseemedto beokay.Lateatnight,themothernoticedthatthechildseemed apathetic.Theyhurriedtothehospital,wherethechildwas subjectedtoabatteryoftests,allofwhichprovedtobein order.Still,thedoctorsagreedwiththeparentsthatthechild did not seem well. Themothertoldthedoctorsthatitseemedtoherthatthechild washavingstomachpains.Moretestswereperformed,and thistime,theproblemwasdiscovered:thechild’sintestines hadtwisted,likeascrunchedupsock.Thesolutionwasto tryandinflatethem.Ifthatdidn’twork,surgery,including removing part of the intestines, would be necessary. Thechildwasimmediatelypreppedfortheinflationprocess.It wasanemergencysituation,andthedistraughtparentsstood outsidetheroomandpouredtheirheartsouttoHashem.The doctormadehisfirstattempt–nothing.Another–nochange. A third – the intestines remained twisted. “Weneedtooperate,thesoonerthebetter,”the
aves ves of shuos
parents were told. Thefathermadeacontributionto KupatHa’irandaskedthedoctor totryonemoretime.Anattemptmade beforeacontributiontoKupatHa’ircannot compare to one made thereafter. Thedoctorwasnotoptimistic.Therewasno point,hefelt,intryingagain,butthefather pleaded with him so...
And the next attempt - the one after the contribution had been made – was successful.
Cell no. 057-3131056
InsteadofRunningto theEmergencyRoom Whatinspirespeopletowastetheirtimeandeffortonrepeated experiments?Perhaps,likeadrowningmanclutchingastraw, they’repreparedtotryanythingbeforearrivingatwhatappears tothemtobethehardestthingofall.Thedifferenceisthatthe “straw,”inthiscase,turnsouttobeanincrediblysturdysupport, athickropeduringmomentsofcrisisandaspeedboatawayfrom tragedy. AJewfromBneiBraksufferingfromintolerablepaininhisears wenttoseeanearspecialist.Thedoctor,agenerallyoptimistic fellow, sent him directly to the emergency room. “Thisisnotthetypeofthingthatcanbetreatedathome,”he said. “Go to Tel Hashomer immediately.” The man returned home feeling terribly confused. “I’msupposedtogiveashiurinYerushalayimtomorrow,”hesaid tohiswife.“Ican’tforgoit...IwouldtakeataxitoTelHashomer, butI’mafraidthey’llhospitalizeme.Youknowwhat?I’llcontribute thetaxifaretoTel Hashomerand back to Kupat Ha’ir. Maybe that will help.” Hecontributed and retired for thenight.Inthe morning,hewas anewman.No hospital,no pain,no
hospitalization. Nothing at all.
Tel: 03-5706734
Subsiding Symptoms Thefamilyofamanwhohadundergonesurgerytwodays earlierpleadedwiththedoctorstodischargehimforShabbos. Whilealongerhospitalizationhadbeenplannedoriginally,it wasphysicallyverydifficulttomakearrangementsforaShabbos in the hospital. Thedoctorsagreedbutwarnedthefamilytokeepaneyeout forcertaindevelopmentsthatmightarise;iftheydid,hewasto return to the hospital immediately. OnShabbosmorning,thefeareddevelopmentsappeared.The motherofthefamilypromisedtocontribute$100toKupat Ha’irimmediatelyonMotzoeiShabbosifeverythingturnedout okay.Thealarmingsymptomsimmediatelysubsided,andthey remained at home. OnMotzoeiShabbos,theyreturnedtothehospital,wherethey wereinformedthateverythingwasinorder.Thewomankepther promise and sent a check for NIS 440 to Kupat Ha’ir. Whenthefamilyreceiveditsnextbankstatement,shewas shockedtodiscoverthatontheverysamepage,inthelistingof transactionscarriedoutonthesameday,NIS440hadbeen withdrawnfromheraccountandNIS440hadbeenrefundedby their health care provider.
Tel: 02-5381320
Miscellaneous Acontributorwrotethatheaccepteduponhimselftocontribute NIS10ifhisfatherfoundabuyerforaMegilasEstherhehad writtenbeforetheupcomingPurim.Fiveminutesafterhemade thepromise,thetelephonecallcamethateventuallyledtothe sale.
Tel: 052-8983249 P.S.relatesthatwhileshealwaysreadandmarveledatthe storiesofyeshuosintheKupatHa’irbrochures,itneveroccurred tohertotrycontributingherself.However,whenherdaughter graduatedseminaryandstillhadn’tfoundajobayearlater,she declaredthatwhenshefoundajob,shewouldcontributeallher ma’aser money to Kupat Ha’ir. Thefollowingday,shewasofferedajobasasubstituteteacher. Interestinglyenough,shehadno“pull”atallintheschoolthat offered her the job.
Y A D M I R U P N O 0 p.m 5:0 til un in e m co at th es m na e th all r fo ay pr ll e Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, wi
You too can merit receiving a personal Bracha Please daven on my behalf for: Hagaon Harav M. Y. Lefkovitz
לזרע של קיימא
Hagaon Harav A. L. Steinman
Healthy children לזיווג הגון
Worthy shidduch לרפואה שלימה
Hagaon Harav C. Kanievsky
Speedy recovery
Ha'admor MiViznitz
Livelihood אחר
non profit org.
Ha'admor MiLelov
Please fill in your Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name Urgent requests are immediately forwarded to the home of the Gedolei Hador
Ha'admor MiNadvorna
Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum 1795 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11223
How do I donate to Kupat Hair? 1
Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.
Send your donation to the Rabbonim in your area (see list on Envelope).
Call the Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax # 718-972-8971
Send your donation to: Hagaon Harav Shmuel Berenbaum shlit"a 1795 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.11223
please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir
24 Hours
For all information 1-800-233-2188
Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994
Y A D M I R U P N O 0 p.m 5:0 til un in e m co at th es m na e th all r fo ay pr ll e Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, wi
You too can merit receiving a personal Bracha Please daven on my behalf for: לזרע של קיימא Hagaon Harav M. Y. Lefkovitz
Healthy children
Hagaon Harav A. L. Steinman
לזיווג הגון
Worthy shidduch לרפואה שלימה
Speedy recovery לפרנסה Hagaon Harav C. Kanievsky
Ha'admor MiViznitz
Other Please fill in your Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name
Urgent requests are immediately forwarded to the home of the Gedolei Hador Ha'admor MiLelov
Ha'admor MiNadvorna
How do I donate to Kupat Hair? 1
Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.
Send your donation to the Rabbonim in your area (see list on Envelope).
Call the Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax # 718-972-8971
Send your donation to: Hagaon Harav Shmuel Berenbaum shlit"a 1795 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11223
please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir
24 Hours
1-866-221-9352 For all information 1-800-233-2188
Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994
Y A D M I R U P N O 0 p.m 5:0 til un in e m co at th es m na e th all r fo ay pr ll e Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, wi
You too can merit receiving a personal Bracha Please daven on my behalf for: לזרע של קיימא Hagaon Harav M. Y. Lefkovitz
Healthy children
Hagaon Harav A. L. Steinman
לזיווג הגון
Worthy shidduch לרפואה שלימה
Speedy recovery לפרנסה Hagaon Harav C. Kanievsky
Ha'admor MiViznitz
Other Please fill in your Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name
Urgent requests are immediately forwarded to the home of the Gedolei Hador Ha'admor MiLelov
Ha'admor MiNadvorna
How do I donate to Kupat Hair? 1
Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.
Call the Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax # 718-972-8971
Send your donation to: Montreal: Rabbi Y.C. Wenger 2227 Goyer Avenue Montreal Quebec H3S 1H1 Toronto: Rabbi M.M. Lowy 240 Carmichael Toronto Ontario M5M 2X4
please make checks payable to: Canadian Friends of Kupat Ha'ir
24 Hours
1-866-221-9352 For all information 1-800-233-2188
Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994
Y A D M I R U P N O 0 p.m 5:0 til un in e m co at th es m na e th all r fo ay pr ll e Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, wi
You too can merit receiving a personal Bracha Please daven on my behalf for: לזרע של קיימא Hagaon Harav M. Y. Lefkovitz
Healthy children
Hagaon Harav A. L. Steinman
לזיווג הגון
Worthy shidduch לרפואה שלימה
Speedy recovery לפרנסה Hagaon Harav C. Kanievsky
Ha'admor MiViznitz
Other Please fill in your Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name
Urgent requests are immediately forwarded to the home of the Gedolei Hador Ha'admor MiLelov
Ha'admor MiNadvorna
How do I donate to Kupat Hair? The Tzedokoh Hot Line 3 phone (donation By Cedit Card)
Send your donation to us in the enclosed pre-paid envelope.
Send your Donation To: Dayan Shulem Friedman shlita, 105 Osbaldeston Rd. London N16 6NP
Tzeddaka hot line
0800-169-6631 Our office in Israel: 9723-671-6994
Please make cheques/vouchers payable to: BRITISH FRIENDS OF KUPAT HA’IR Reg. Ch. No. 1092671
24 hours