Despite the difficult economic situation:
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The very fact that this rare kinnus of Gedolei Hador took place to begin with testifies to the high regard in which they hold Kupat Ha’ir. It was not really necessary for them to say a single word: it would have been enough to see how the Gedolim, shlit”a, went to the trouble of attending the event. Their very presence there spoke volumes. “Make a meeting,” Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, instructed the gabba’im of Kupat Ha’ir when they asked his advice on what to do. The fundraising appeal was still underway. Thousands of families were pinning their hopes on it but the economic situation all over the world was so bad that the gap between the needs and the contributions was widening daily.
“This kinnus brought me back 80 years in time,” said Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit”a, at the completion of the meeting of Gedolei Hador.
“Eighty years ago,” he went on, “a Knessia Gedolah was held in the capital of Austria and all the gedolei and tzaddikei hador participated. And since then, I do not recall such a ‘feine chabura,’ such a gathering of gedolim and tzaddikim gathered together in one place for one purpose: to demonstrate their fondness of Kupat Ha’ir.” Indeed, although Kupat Ha’ir has been behind many impressive gatherings of tzaddikim, this one puts all the others in the shade.
“Call a meeting and all the Gedolei Hador will attend,” Harav Steinman said, looking into the future with his far-reaching vision. “A meeting for… who? To what end?” The gabba’im felt very uncomfortable at the thought of troubling all the gedolei hador to abandon their busy schedules, leave their homes and attend a meeting. After all, they sacrifice so much for Kupat Ha’ir. They put in so much effort to help out. Their door is open at all times. They give up so much time to daven for contributors. What more could Kupat Ha’ir ask of them? But this question cannot even be asked. The Gedolei Hador impart an altogether different message to Kupat Ha’ir: Kupat Ha’ir is the business of the Gedolei Hador; it is their personal enterprise on behalf of Klal Yisrael. Will they be doing anyone a favor by attending a meeting? They see it as their job, no less.
In 80 Years The staff at Kupat Ha’ir has a hard time digesting that. We are so careful not to trouble the gedolei hador more than necessary, not to take a moment away from their Torah study or responsibilities. How can we ask them to attend yet another meeting? “Call a meeting and I will attend,” Maran, shlit”a, declared. “Tell Harav Wosner, shlit”a, about it, too. Tell the others. The meeting will say everything that needs to be said.”
of contributing to Kupat Ha’ir. When all the gedolei and tzaddikei hador, whom everyone knows have busy schedules, take the time and make the effort to attend a meeting, it sends a clear message to Am Yisrael that despite the difficult economic situation, every Jew must contribute to Kupat Ha’ir.”
A Special Promise e “I promise,” Harav Steinman went on, “that everyone who gives ma’aser and chomesh to Kupat Ha’ir will not be h hurt by the crisis and will merit Hashem’s blessing of Veharikosi Has
“The kinnus itself, the ‘buzz’ it will generate, the pictures… all these will underscore the tremendous importance גדו
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Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz and Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, during a discussion at the conference.
Maranan Verabanan Gedolei Hador, shlit”a, at the conference.
“Kupat Ha’ir is the true unification of all of Klal Yisrael. Jews from all walks of life support it
מ ם של
Armed with the blessing of Harav Steinman, shlit”a, the gabba’im went to see Maran Hagaon Harav Wosner, shlit”a. Harav Wosner agreed immediately, adding, “We need to gather the gedolei and tzaddikei hador, shlit”a, the leadership of Kupat Ha’ir from all sectors of Klal Yisrael, to discuss the situation,” he went on. “After all, Kupat Ha’ir is the tzedakah fund of all of Klal Yisrael: Jews of all backgrounds contribute and Jews of all backgrounds receive.
ד ור
ול גד lachem em brachah ad bli dai. dai Chazal tel tell ll us that with regard to tzedakah, it is permissible to ‘test’ Hashem. One who ho contributes kadin to Kupat Ha’ir, which ch distributes one hundred percent of all funds to the needy, where the gabba’im m are meticulously honest and everything g is done behiddur rav – I personally y guarantee the fulfillment of Hashem’ m’s promise that he and his family will not bee hurt by the economic crises happening now.”
and a Jews Je ews from all walks of life who are needy neeedy receive assistance. Everyone is equal. eq qual. No one Jew receives preference another. That is why the solution over a o needs to come from a gathering of n the gedolei and tzaddikei hador all th a together.” ttogeth
can be in my house,” offered Maran “The kinnus ca Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit”a. But Kupat Ha’ir was concerned that there wouldn’t be enough room for all the attendees. In addition, there was concern about offending Rav Wosner’s family with the presence of video cameras, which disturb him so. Instead, Beis Medrash Chernobyl, located near Harav Wosner’s home, opened its doors to the participants with great joy. Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, agreed immediately to attend. “I think they didn’t take enough pictures,” he said worriedly after the event. “I didn’t see any cameras.” Need we say another word?
In 80 Years The gathering achieved its goal, just as Harav Steinman, shlit”a, had predicted. The excitement was palpable, the atmosphere incomparably regal. The following Gedolei Hador were present: Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit”a; Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a; Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit”a; the Lelover Rebbe, shlit”a; Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a; Maran Hagaon Harav Edelstein, shlit”a; Maran Hagaon Harav Ba’adani, shlit”a; the Chernobyler Rebbe, shlit”a; the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlit”a; and Maran Hagaon Harav Y. Hillel, shlit”a. Some of the Gedolim traveled in to Bnei Brak from Yerushalayim especially to participate in the gathering of gedolei and tzaddikei hador for the benefit of Kupat Ha’ir. They arrived one after the other, each one settling into the first available seat. There was no looking around for the host in order to wish him shalom aleichem or thank you. They themselves were the hosts and they sensed it clearly.
Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit”a, addressing the assembled.
Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, signing and confirming the report.
When was the last time the gedolei hador had met at such a joint event? When had they last gathered with the intention of proving clearly that Kupat Ha’ir was a top priority, that there was nothing more important on their schedules than to attend a meeting to convey that point and give Klal Yisrael the koach to emulate their example? Two wealthy Jews, Torah-observant but very far from the chareidi world, were visiting Bnei Brak at the time. They were invited to “have a peek” and see the grand occasion. Seasoned travelers, these men had seen the entire world. They had visited every possible place on earth and they’d been to more than one famous conference. Still, they stood there watching with riveted attention, Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit”a, signing and confirming the report.
Maranan Verabanan Gedolei Hador, shlit”a, at the conference.
trying but failing to put a name to what they ey were feeling. Their eyes, glued to the regal al majesty before them, could not be satiated. “It was worth being born in order to o see such a scene once in my lifetime,” said one of them, perfectly expressing the feeling experienced by everyone present. The spirit of Hashem was there and whoever was not present at that marvelous event will never be able to understand. The seemingly impossible-to-bring-to-reality idea of bringing all the Gedolei Hador together to one place at the same time, around the same table took shape with the special siyatta dishmaya enjoyed by Kupat Ha’ir. No other event or situation has ever succeeded in such a goal, which is obviously impossible biderech hateva. The wonderful feeling that something special was happening grew steadily stronger as preparations progressed, as more and more cars pulled to a stop outside the beis medrash and the
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Gedolei G edolei Hador stepped out and walked in. The beis medrash was brilliantly illuminated. T be huge sign welcoming the Gedolei Hador The hu was in place. The chairs had been set up in advance and hope was beating in everyone’s advan heart. h But to actually see s the dream turn into reality was an indescribable eexperience.
The Cry of Pain Hagaon Harav Stern, shlit”a, one of Kupat Ha’ir’s rabbanim, described the economic crisis affecting so many families. Where could Kupat Ha’ir find the funds to support the thousands upon thousands of families dependent upon it when the situation was growing steadily worse? Everyone present was aware of the situation, but Rav Stern’s description was so powerful that it was literally painful. A cloud of pain and distress seemed to settle over the faces of the gedolei hador. After Rav Stern’s delivery, everyone present recited
In 80 Years
התפלגות התמיכות בשנת תשס"ח לפי חודשים
a few chapters of Tehillim. The mood was solemn and subdued and indeed, many eyes filled with tears.
The Holy Burden Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit”a, began to speak. At first, his voice was low as he addressed the gedolei hador at the kinnus with him. He quoted pesukim and commentary, his voice rising as he grew more and more passionate. We must give and give again; again and again; even a hundred and a hundred thousand times! Everyone listened attentively, taking in both Harav Wosner’s words and the look on all the Gedolim’s faces. It was obvious that not only Harav Wosner felt this way; the others did, too. Maran Hagaon Harav Steinman, shlit”a, spoke next. He kept his speech short; Harav Wosner, it seems, has already said it all. The purpose of this meeting is not to speak at length; it is to prove a point, to put things in their proper perspective. Kupat Ha’ir is a pressing need right now. It is top priority. It deserves serious consideration. It is in the merit of Kupat Ha’ir that thousands upon thousands of families are saved and thousands upon thousands of tragedies averted. It is thanks to Kupat Ha’ir that homes do not fall apart and children are not thrown into the street. It is a matter of pikuach nefesh!
Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, signing and confirming the report.
The Reports s The Gedolei Hador were then presented with Kupat Ha’ir’s annual fiscal report for 2008. On the last page was a blank line for each of them to sign his name. They are the active directors of the organization; they stand behind it and confirm that all the information contained in the report is accurate. But none of them signs “blindly.” They all examine the report they’ve been given slowly and carefully. They scan the tables and charts and do their calculations. One page shows contributions that come in from Eretz
The Lelover Rebbe, shlit”a, signing and confirming the report.
by month. How many families received monthly support? How much did they receive? How many families received one-time bailouts? How much did they receive?
Yisrael, categorized by month and by type of payment. Which method is most common? Which is most worthwhile? Is there a way to cut costs without affecting incoming contributions? The Gedolei Hador carry Kupat Ha’ir in their hearts and they keep their finger on the pulse the entire time. Confirmation of the report serves also as confirmation of the way Kupat Ha’ir handles its monetary affairs. Now is an excellent time to conduct an inspection. A pie chart sheds light on the comparison between contributions from Eretz Yisrael and those from abroad. There is a considerable gap, with Eretz Yisrael having the upper hand, but that gap is gradually closing. Which countries are participating in the intensifying efforts to raise funds for Kupat Ha’ir? The list is most impressive: the United States, France, England, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and more. The next few pages address the bleak side of the coin: the sad and ominous side, the tearful, tortured side. Monthly support versus one-time stipends, divided
The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlit”a, at the opening of the appeal.
Poverty, disease, serious medical conditions, medical needs, emotional difficulties, children in distress, parents on the verge of a breakdown, broken families, orphans, widows, layoffs and more. And more. And more. And more. It seems no type of tzarah has been spared from our Jewish brethren, may Hashem have mercy. Aside from the tzaros these families are struggling with, they must fight for every breath: for bread on the table, for milk, for helping their children lead normal lives, for a taxi to and from the medical center. On the pages of the report, these families are presented as statistics but anyone with a sharp eye and a sensitive heart sees the chart in terms of blood and tears. On the final page are the blank lines, ready for signatures. The lines appear under the following statement: At the conference of the Gedolei Hador, leaders of Kupat Ha’ir, we hereby confirm Kupat Ha’ir’s report for 5768-2008. The Gedolei Hador all sign their names. A page full of signatures. A page that will ascend
Maran Hagaon Harav Edelstein, shlit”a, at the opening of the appeal.
Maran Hagaon Harav shlit”a, at the o
Heavenward and find favor before the Master of the World.
The Decision At the meeting, the Gedolei Hador signed a new appeal – an appeal to you, our contributors: Despite the difficulty involved – please, contribute more. More than you are accustomed to, more than you can afford, more than you are able. The situation of the families that have fallen is so desperate, so shocking, that if other families only knew what the situation was there would be no need to say a word. “Even though it is impossible – we must give!” “From here the call goes out to strengthen the contributions even more! Give and give again!” Because if Kupat Ha’ir does not receive increased contributions now, the cost of the tragic results will be far steeper than the missing contributions. Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s nearly impossible. Yes, this is a “delusional” appeal. Almost. How can so many families be helped when the situation is growing worse all the time, when contributions are growing smaller, when the number of families requesting help keeps climbing?
n Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, at the opening of the appeal.
In 80 Years The Hador’ firm stance provides Th h Gedolei G d l i H d ’s fi t id a response of a different sort. It says: We are with you. It says: This is our job; you are only helping us. It says: You do everything in your power; the results are in the hands of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. It says: “we and you are partners in an incredible, incomparable effort, the effort to fulfill Hashem’s will, to follow in His path, to emulate Him. We and you are doing this together; we are working hand in hand to help the needy. And although it is difficult, we will continue, we and you together. The Gedolei Hador rose and went their separate ways but the incredible feeling remained. It gripped everyone’s heart at its softest, most vulnerable spot. It strengthened; it provided koach. We and you. The Gedolei Hador and Kupat Ha’ir. Despite the difficulty, we will continue. Despite the difficulty, we will continue. The Gedolei Hador and Kupat Ha’ir.
Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, at the opening of the appeal.
Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit”a, at the opening of the appeal.
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The response of Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a:
“The meeting will say everything it is supposed to! “”The kinnus itself, the ‘buzz’ it will generate, the pictures… all these will underscore the tremendous importance of contributing to Kupat Ha’ir. When all the gedolei and tzaddikei hador, whom everyone knows have busy schedules, take the time and make the effort to attend a meeting, it sends a clear message to Am Yisrael that despite the difficult economic situation, every Jew must contribute to Kupat Ha’ir and to try more and more to give tzedakah..” “I promise,” Harav Steinman went on, “that everyone who gives d chomesh h h to K ’i will ill not b h Kupat H Ha’ir be h hurt b by the ma’’aser and crisis and will merit Hashem’s blessing of Veharikosi lachem brachah ad bli dai. Chazal tell us that with regard to tzedakah, it is permissible to ‘test’ Hashem. One who contributes kadin to Kupat Ha’ir, which distributes one hundred percent of all funds to the needy, where the gabba’im are meticulously honest and everything is done behiddur rav – I personally guarantee the fulfillment of Hashem’s promise that he and his family will not be hurt by the economic crisis happening now.”
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The Response of Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, Shlit”a:
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“ We need to call a meeting of the gedolei and tzaddikei hador, shlit”a, the leaders of Kupat Ha’ir from all sects and backgrounds in our community, to discuss the difficult situation and find additional channels for contributions,” said Harav Wosner, shlit”a. “After all, Kupat Ha’ir is the tzedakah fund of Klal Yisrael, receiving from everyone and giving everyone regardless of his background.
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“Kupat Ha’ir is the true unification of all of Klal Yisrael. Jews from all walks of life support it and Jews from all walks of life who are needy receive assistance. Everyone is equal. Not one Jew receives preference over another. That is why the solution needs to come from a gathering of all the gedolei and tzaddikei hador together.”
Ha ill Ha My Will yW M Been Been Done
An Indisputable Phenomenon
letup. Again and again, another and another, amazing, exciting, illuminating the heart with closeness and love for Hashem.
Yeshuos, yeshuos, yeshuos…There is no longer a need to stop and encourage hesitant people standing on the wayside. There is practically no one left on the “other side of the fence,” who still needs to be convinced with miracles (and yeshuos). Kupat Ha’ir’s yeshuos have long ago become the symbol of a phenomenon that simply cannot be disputed.
The Essence of Ourselves
True, not always do yeshuos occur. It happens that a person seeking a certain yeshuah, big or small, significant or trivial, contributes and makes a request – and is not helped. It happens that people are disappointed. Here and there, you can hear people say, “It didn’t work for me this time.” True. But that doesn’t change the facts. Everyone knows that a contribution to Kupat Ha’ir is an appeal to Hashem, an appeal made in a manner that is good and pleasing in His eyes, an appeal that has tremendous power and comes intertwined with countless zechuyos. Hashem does His will, as He has always done and will continue to do to all His creations. His ways are just. We believe with all our hearts that everything He does is fair and kind. Even when requests are not granted, our faith does not waver, G-d forbid. It is clear to us that He has the right to do as He sees fit and it is clear to us that His will is always for our benefit. Even so, and perhaps because this is so, the yeshuos do continue to stream down from Shamayim. They stream and stream without
The contributions help us draw close to Hashem; they make us pleasing in His eyes. Giving to Kupat Ha’ir presents our request to Hashem enveloped in the fragrant scent of “Amarti vena’asah retzoni,” of, “This is what I ask of you, My children, that you love one another.” A contribution to Kupat Ha’ir presents more than just our request; it presents the essence of our very selves. The Gedolei Hador have turned this feeling into fact with their unequivocal statements. The complete support they give Kupat Ha’ir’s “yeshuos factory” has caused even the most ardent skeptics to raise their hands in despair. When Hakadosh Baruch Hu shows so clearly that even blind men can see what it is He wants from us, how He wants us to envelop our requests to Him – foolish is he who refuses to see it; dimwitted is he who turns his face away and forcefully squeezes his eyes shut. These are terms Chazal use for one who loses what he is given…
The Gift Hashem Has Given This Generation The revelation of the power of Kupat Ha’ir is a wonderfully precious gift given to us by
Has Has e
Hashem. It is a gift that has the power to strengthen our bond with Hashem, to suffuse our hearts with love for Him, to arouse and inspire His mercy for us. Who is so foolish as to leave Hashem’s gift untouched? Here’s an example:
A Terrible Oversight The phone rang stubbornly again and again. Mrs. M. answered it hurriedly. Dinner was not ready yet and the children would soon be home from school and cheder. She had to hang a load of laundry and finish washing the floor. She had no time for phone calls now. Still, she answered the phone. It was her sister on the line – and she was totally hysterical. “Listen to what happened to me,” her sister said, terribly alarmed. “I made a terrible mistake. I don’t know how I didn’t notice. When the person in charge notices, I’m done for!” Mrs. M. knew her sister worked at an army base and that her responsibilities included careful work where accuracy was of utmost importance. She’d been working there for years. That was how she made her living. And now – such a mistake! “Try talking to him,” she suggested. “I can’t; I just can’t,” her sister wailed. “If you only knew what I did! It’s a critical mistake. Critical! If I were him, I’d toss a missile on the employee responsible for such an oversight!” She was going insane from pressure. “Say out loud that you promise to contribute a certain amount of money to Kupat Ha’ir if everything blows over peacefully,” Mrs. M. suggested. That was the best piece of advice she could offer. co “I“I’m telling you what I just did and you’re going on aabout contributions and all that? Honestly! What kkind of sister are you?” Their worlds are very far aapart – but they’re still sisters who love each other deeply. d
“Still, just do it. I’ll pray for you. Only Hashem can help – and He really can! He can help in a way you can’t even fathom!” Mrs. M. was very insistent. She really wanted to help her sister. The sisters hung up the phone. Mrs. M. went back to her laundry feeling terribly distracted. After a moment, she stopped, washed her hands and recited a few chapters of Tehillim with great feeling. She, too, could contribute a little bit for her sister’s sake but she felt her sister ought to be the one to take that step, to lift her eyes Heavenward and ask for Hashem’s assistance. A day passed. Mrs. M. couldn’t think of anything but her sister’s situation but she didn’t dare call. Many unpleasant scenarios played themselves out in her mind. Would her sister be interrogated? Reproached by a senior member of the management? Be fired? What was happening? She jumped to answer the phone that day every time it rang. Finally, her sister was on the line. She sounded unbearably excited. “It worked!” she exclaimed.“I spoke to my supervisor. Like me, he waited tensely to see what they would say at inspection. He couldn’t help me; he, too, is
My Will Has Been Done subordinate to others. They just had the inspection and my supervisor called to say they didn’t notice my mistake. They were literally stricken blind! Such a thing has never happened in the thirty-three years he’s been working here. Now I can fix thee mistake without anyone being the wiser!” Mrs. M. wept for joy along with her sister. “Did you contribute?” she asked, though she was sure she knew the answer. “I promised to, just as you told me,” she replied. “I was so upset that I just did it. I couldn’t think of any other way to help myself! I had no alternative! And it helped!” “Hashem helped,” Mrs. M murmured. “Hashem likes these contributions.” She was filled with gratitude to Hashem for the kindness He’d shown her sister, for the merit of feeling like her Father’s little girl.
I Chose a Method That Stood A Chance “I completed seminary with an outstanding teaching diploma… along with hundreds of other girls. Everyone knows there are very few jobs available. People will do anything to get a foot in a door somewhere. I didn’t know what to do.” S. knew what the procedure was. Interviews with half the world, calling in all the connections you could think of, pleading with relatives to to put p in a good word… and then maybe, maybe landing a sliver of a maay job. job b “I“I realized that I had almost no chances if I went ‘the natural route.’ Summer vacation
was nearly over and I had no prospects. I really didn’t want to begin the year at home, my eears ars glued to the phone in the hope it would ring. I promised that if I found a decent job, I’d contribute my entire first month’s salary to Kupat Ha’ir.”
The rest of the story is easy to guess. S was summoned for another interview with a school supervisor. Before she s could l think about whether the interview had gone well, she was offered a three-month subbing job. She started off the year as a teacher. Before she finished her first job, another long-term subbing job cropped up. Now, half a year later, she looks back and sees that she hasn’t had one idle day since the beginning of the year!
Just A Little Bit of Siyata Dishmaya The N family felt utterly helpless. They were accustomed to selling a certain type of merchandise imported from abroad. Business was quite good. Living expenses and even more, unexpected miscellaneous expenses were covered by the income the business generated. All was good and well until for some reason, s son, sales just stopped. There was no demand. a and. Nothing moved. The N’s tightened their belts and cut their h heir spending. But it was hard – very hard. The debts began to pile up. Once you be begin egin with debts, there is no end in sight. Thee N’s were gripped with fear. How would they co cover over expenses and return debts? The merchandise n ndise was still sitting untouched. “All we need is a little bit of siyata dishmaya y to ya make customers want our merchandise. That’ h s hat’ it and all our problems are over,” Mrs. N said d one day in frustration.
“You’re right,” her husband agreed. “And you know what? There’s a way to access such siyata dishmaya!” He suddenly sounded happy. “We’ll promise our ma’aser money to Kupat Ha’ir. I’m sure that will make things move.” Just a little bit of siyata dishmaya. The customers began coming. Within a short time, the stock was gone. A tidy sum was earned, the debts were paid and there was plenty left over. Without advertisements or specials. Just a little bit of siyata dishmaya…
“Twenty-two kilograms!” the clerk shouted at the first bachur in fury. “Twenty-seven!” he screeched at the second. “Twenty-nine! Twenty n-i-i-n-e!!!” The third bachur nearly toppled over from the shouts. “Move aside, you’re getting in everyone else’s way! Next time you’ll know not to exceed the limit!” They moved aside, embarrassed. “What are you waiting for? Open your suitcases, get rid of the extra weight and get back in line!”
No Need to Add a Word!
“Can we call someone for advice?” one of the bachurim asked helplessly.
In a different part of the world, a group of French bachurim were waiting in line at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. It was erev Rosh Chodesh Elul and they were returning to Eretz Yisrael after having spent bein hazemanim at home. Their hearts and minds were already in the yeshivah atmosphere of Chodesh Elul.
The bachurim left the area and looked at one another helplessly.
“Make it quick,” the clerk replied.
Something was wrong. Many people were leaving the line looking angry and upset. Some grumbled; some shouted. Some went ahead while others drew back.
“What point is there in asking advice?” one bachur asked his friend. “What do you think your mother can tell you over the phone? To wear two suits, one on top of the other? To leave your tallis and tefillin behind? To leave the package she prepared for your aunt in the airport? What’s the point in calling home?”
“What’s going on?’ the bachurim asked.
“You know what?” one bachur suggested. “Let’s contribute to Kupat Ha’ir. “Maybe Hashem will help.”
“The check-in clerk’s a nervous wreck,” they were told. “If you’re a hundred grams over the twentykilogram limit, he shoves you aside.”
The others jumped at the idea, eager to have something to try. Each of them promised a certain sum.
“Eat the apples here,” someone from the front of the line advised the fellow in front of him, who was tense because he knew he was above the limit. “And leave the cola here in France. There’s cola in Eretz Yisrael, too, you know.” Everyone nervously.
The bachurim waited, their hearts pounding. They hadn’t been especially fastidious when packing. What would happen now?
What now? The clerk stepped outside for a moment. “Let’s go, guys,” he said. “My supervisor just stepped out for a few moments. Let’s go, quickly!” They barely had a chance to glance at one another before grabbing their handbags and running for the plane. “Is there anything to add?” they ask at the end of their letter. No, there really is not.
Nothing to add? There’s plenty to add. Heaps of stories, each one unique in its own way. There are different shades, different colors, textures and special effects – but all of them demonstrate Hashem’s incomparable love for His children.
Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit״a, davening on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha׳ir on Erev Yom Kippur.
Every Jew wants to merit having his name written on a kvittel handed in to Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit"a, on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur and to have his name mentioned bakodesh penimah at the home of Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit"a. The scenes in which tens of thousands of people stand in line to receive the blessing of "Leshanah tovah teikaseivu veseichaseimu" from the gedolei and tzaddikei hador, shlit"a, remain etched in the minds of those who have merited being a part of them. Those who cannot be there to on behalf of co receive a personal blessing, due to constraints of time and geography, wish to Kupat Ha'ir wistfully that they could be in more Yom Kip than one place at once.
The tefillah tzaddik
Kupat Ha'ir provides the solution to those longing for this special merit. For the past few years, there has been an easy and convenient way to receive a personal blessing from the gedolei and tzaddikei hador, shlit"a. What could be simpler than contributing to Kupat Ha'ir and submitting the names of one's family members, along with
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the Gedole f o s fi llo
their individual requests, requests via v the th Kupat Ha'ir hotline? Ha'ir that Kupat Ha' ir has merited th hat tthe gedolei hador, shlit"a, are willing to set aside time on Erev Rosh Hash Hashanah hana and Erev Yom Kippur to pray for the thousands contributors that their special requests be answered from On of contributor rs th High.
every Jew, be he In this th his manner, m he from the United th he Un nited States, England, FFrance, rance, Ofakim merit Ofakiim or Rechasim can m O erit the th he blessing b and prayer of Maran Mara M an Hagaon Harav of contributors Aharon Ah haron Leib Steinman, Ha'ir on Erev shlit"a, shlit t"a, M Maran Hagaon Harav Kippur Shmuell Hal Halevi Shmue levi Wosner, shlit"a, Maran Haga Hagaon Harav H Michel Yehuda Nadvorner Lefkowitz, shlit"a, the Na advorner Rebbe, shlit a, the Lelover Rebbe, shlit shlit"a, shlit"a, and the Rebbe of Chernobyl, shlit"a.
llah of the ddikim
In this way, every Jew, either from Yerushalayim, Petach Tikvah, Kiryat Sefer or Beit
edolei Hador on E rev Y om kip ur
Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit״a, davening on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha׳ir on Erev Yom Kippur.
Be Blessed by Hador on Erev The Nadvorner Rebbe, shlit״a, davening on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha׳ir on Erev E ev Yom K Kippur. pur.
Shemesh can receive the personal blessing of Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit"a during the holy moments of Kol Nidrei, a time when everyone seeks more and more merits, more and more prayers, more and more ways to avert Hashem's wrath and be found worthy. In this manner, every contributor is sure that his name was indeed mentioned by Maranan, shlit"a who davened for him and beseeched Hashem that he merit a sweet, good year.
The tefillah tefilla f tzaddik tzadd dik
The Commitment of the Gabba'im The stream of contributors who express an interest in taking advantage of Kupat Ha'ir's offer to submit names to maranan verabanan gedolei hador, shlit'a, before the new year increases daily.
on behalf of co co to Kupat Ha Ha'ir a'ir Yom Kip Kiip
Members of Am Yisrael from all over the world who rely heavily on the gedolei hador, shlit"a, in all matters have long ago recognized the fondness the gedolim feel toward Kupat Ha'ir and its contributors. They sense the special treatment
Te e h
s of th o l l fi
e Gedole
by the Gedolei ev Yom Kippur reserved for those who assist Kupat Ha'ir in their work. The gabba'im of Kupat Ha'ir see carrying out this huge project, which requires extensive logistical planning, as their holy mission. The staff of telephone receptionists is greatly reinforced to handle the huge volume of calls and take down the names and requests to be submitted to maranan verabanan, shlit"a.
On Erev Yom Kippur, at 3:00 sharp, the lists are closed. Names submitted in last-minute frantic phone calls still manage to make their way onto the coveted lists. The names are copied over carefully and messengers are sent to the homes of contributors co of maranan Ha'ir Ha a'ir on Erev verabanan, shlit"a, where Kippur Ki ipp a trusted member of the household awaits them at each address.
lla llah of the ddikim dd dik
That's the way it was in 5765, 5766, 5767 and 5768 and that's the way it will be, G-d willing, in 5769. The gedolei hador, shlit"a, will pray at length on behalf of all contributors that they merit a good, sweet year.
edolei Hador on E rev Y om kip ur
The Lelover Rebbe, shlit״a, davening on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha׳ir on Erev Yom Kippur.
All of Tehillim at the Kosel
Name ame an and nd m mother׳s other׳s nam name: me: _ _____________________ ________ ___________ _ eq quest: _________________________________ Request: ___________________________________ Name and mother׳s name: _____________________ Request: ___________________________________ ••• Name of Contributor_________________________ Address and Phone No. for Verification__________
On the two days preceding Rosh Hashanah, a minyan of talmidei chachamim will go to the Kosel and recite the entire sefer Tehillim, psalm by psalm, on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha׳ir. On the Yom Hadin, at the holiest site in the world from where the Shechinah never budges, each name will be read aloud along with the specific request submitted.
All names submitted by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, 28 Elul, will be davened for by a minyan at the Kosel on both days of Rosh Hashanah. Names received thereafter will be davened for at the Kosel on Yom Kippur.
The Double Tefillah 40 days and 40 nights at the Kosel Hama'aravi
Name and mother׳s name: _____________________ Request: ___________________________________ Name and mother׳s name: _____________________ Request: ___________________________________ ••• Name of Contributor_________________________ Address and Phone No. for Verification__________
By a minyan of outstanding Torah scholars (minimum $ 120 per name) By a minyan of Torah scholars 40 days and 40 nights (minimum $ 250 per name)
The minyan meets at the Kosel plaza every day at 2:00 p.m. and at 4:40 a.m. (ashmores haboker).
Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit"a:
Friday 25 Tishrrei, 5769 5:30 p.m m. Harav Hagaon R' Avraham Deitsch, shlit"a, leader of the chareidi community in Ofakim, is meeting with Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit"a, regarding an urgent communal matter. Suddenly, the meshamesh bakodesh enters the room, his cell phone open. He has an urgent question. In a certain Jewish community abroad, during tefilas geshem on Shemini Atzeres, the shaliach tzibbur made a terrible mistake. Instead of chanting "lebrachah velo leklalah (for blessing, not for a curse)," he said the opposite, Rachmana liztlan. And the entire congregation responded "Amen!" A split second later, the beis knesses was filled with a terrible silence. A black cloud seemed to have descended, enveloping the congregants, who quaked in fear. Was this not an omen, G-d forbid? Did this occurrence not portend impending tragedy? Immediately after Shabbos (Yomtov was on Thursday and Friday), a member of the community called Rav Kanievsky's meshamesh. He related what had happened and asked what his congregation could do to avert the bad decree hanging over their heads. Maran, shlit"a, smiled. "There's no problem," he said firmly. "It's an explicit Gemara in the chapter of Eilu metzios," he said to Rav Deitsch, shlit"a. The Gemara (Bava Metzia: 26) deals with a situation in which a man brings witnesses in his defense and instead they testify against him, later retracting by saying they had really intended to testify in his defense. The Gemara explains that such a case does not fit into the category of "chozer umaggid" since no person brings witnesses to testify against him. In this case, too, Maran, shlit"a, explained, it was obvious that the shaliach tzibbur had not intended to say what he said and there was no problem. But the meshamesh returned later to say in the name of a representative of the community that the members of the congregation could not shake their fear. They sensed a bad decree hanging over their heads. When Maran saw that his words of consolation were not helping and that the community wanted to do something tangible to appease Hashem's wrath, he ruled: "If they want to avert
a bad decree, they should contribute to Kupat Ha'ir."
....... ............................................................................. The sum of ................................... s ............................................................ month On a monthly basis, For ..... ............................................................................. One time donation ....... ...... ............................................................................. Credit card # ................................... .... ............................................................................. Expiration date ............................ ......... ............................................................................. Name ................................................. .......... ............................................................................. Address .......................................... .... ............................................................................. Tel ............................................................... ..... ............................................................................. Signature: ..........................................
............................................... ............................................................................. ........................................................................... Address: .......................................... ........................................................................ City, State & Zip............................ .......................................................................... Phone #:............................................. ... ny Months:......................................... Amount:...................... How ma ....................................................................... Bank Routing #: ............................ ....................................... #:......................................................................... Account ............................................................................ Signature: ...................................
Donations can be sent to: Kupat Hair 4415 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 Shmuel Berenbaum Ztl 1795 East 7th Street Brooklyn, New York 11223
Home of Rabbi
Rabbi Malkiel Kotler Shlita
521 5th Street Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Rabbi Aron Schechter Shlita
Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlita
1248 East 12th Street Brooklyn, New York 11230
1574 43rd Street Brooklyn, New York 11219
Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein Shlita
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita
1608 46th Street Brooklyn, New York 11204
1336 East 21st Street Brooklyn, New York York 11210
Rabbi Don Blumberg Shlita
Rabbi Chaim Schabes Shlita
4 Yale Drive Monsey, NewYork 10952
7 Barrie Drive Spring Valley NY 10977
Rabbi Ephraim E. Shapiro Shlita
Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Shlita
971 NE 172nd Street North Miami Beach FL. 33162
568 Kensington Place Cedarhurst, N.Y. 11516
Pidyon Nefesh and the Blessing of Tzaddikim v n Hara o a g a aran H lit"a: h s , y k Dear M s Kaniev m i a h C uted contrib
est and a'ir n's requ a r a M d Kupat H o t _ _ I fulfi lle _ _ elow. ______ listed b _ e _ s _ o _ h _ t $ __ and for ev Yom myself r o f g on Er h s in e f s s e n le ran's b Pidyon uest Ma of: q e r y b n behalf o I here r u p Kip ____
______ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _____ _ _ _ _ _ :_ _ e _ _ Nam __ ______ _ _ _ : ______ t _ s _ e _ u _ q _ _ Re _ ______ _ _ _ : ______ e _ _ _ _ Nam _ __ t: ____ s e u q e R
All nam mes submitted by 8:00 am m on Erev Yom Kippur will be submitted to Maranan Verabanan, shlit"a on Erev Yom Kippur to be blessed with a good, sweet year.
How do I donate to Kupat Hair? your you donation in the enclosed 1 Send envelope. envelope
Call the 24 2 Hour Tzeddakah Hotline (donation b by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax: 1888 1888-633-2188 8Email: in
your donation to the Rabbonim in 3 Send your area (see list on Envelope).
Send your you donation to: Kupat Hair Ha ai Avenue 4415 14th A Brooklyn, NY 11219
Please make checks payable to: American Friends F of Kupat Ha'ir
Montreal: Rabbi Y. C. Wenger Shlita, 2227 Goyer Avenue, Montreal Quebec H3S 1H1 IIn Send your donation to: Toronto: Rabbi M. M. Lowy Shlita, 240 Carmichael, Toronto Ontario M5M 2x4 Canada Please make checks payable to: Canadian Friends of Kupat Ha'ir
For all information or to receive a pushka call 1-800-233-2188 Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994