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04 . Master thesis

04 . Master thesis

Master 2012 /09 -2014 /09

Milan, Italy



Urban planning and policy design Plotecnico di Milano Milan,Italy grade:100/110

Structural engineering Shomal University

Amol,Iran grade:3.5/4

Bachelor 2007 /09 -2011 /09

Work experience

Site manager & Structural designer

Civil engineering Shomal University

Amol,Iran grade:3.5/4

Behpayeh shomal construction Co

Babolsar,Iran 2018 -2019

Certification & workshop

Fundamentals of GIS course

University of Californi, Davis, August 2022

Project Management

IPMA, 2021/06/13-2021/07/13

Wellbeing and city perception workshop

Polimi, June 2021

Structural damage detection using FRF and DE optimization based method

Tabriz, 2015


• Teamwork

• Creative

• Ability to handle conflict

• Positive attitude

• Patience https://www.linkedin.com/in/kousha-afarin/ ofile kousha.afarin@mail.polimi.it



Persian Native English


Italian Intermediate

• Active listening

• Flexibility

• Exellent attention to detail

• Strong leadership skills and ability to work effectively

Master plan studio

School of Architecture Urban Planning and construction Engineering

MSC in Urban Planning and Policy Design


Patrizia Gabellini and Giulia Fini

Teaching Assistants:

Anna Proskuriakova, Antonela Sborlini, Virginia Vecchi

Team members:

Kousha Afarin, Martina Antonietti, Elisa Esposito, Riyanka George


Pilastro for People is a socialoriented approach, focused toinduce and improve liveability and sustainability in the area.

It takes into consideration the different socioeconomic groups right from students, workers to the inhabitants which reside in the area. It follows a comprehensive approach to create space, to accommodate the different activities during different seasons, which would make these places liveable round the year.

From the genesis of urban planning, the settlement has been seen as a place with physical problems, but not as the spaces where social problems manifest themselves. As the problem in the area is not a physical one, but related to social alignments in the area, the theory of change of these would have a longer time span, as changing the perception is manifested at theindividualistic psychology, which is in the perceived space of the society.

The projects and the processes are chosen, are based on the idea to trigger this action of changing, which would have a higher impact in the immediate time period.

To achieve the entirety of the strategies, the series of actions mentioned have to follow to get the desired outcome of the future. But it is often seen that, when undertaking the actions of change, there are institutional hurdles, process complications, and financial difficulties.

Understanding this, we propose a set of actors that would be responsible for different actions in different phases of the project.

Also as the area is retrofitted with activities that would produce the economic outcome to the area, it is at the community level ( as Pilastro has a very strong sense of community) we can see this change.

Often it is seen that migrants are the problem. But they are the problem because they lack societal knowledge, due to their exclusion from society, which would reduce their already scarce employment opportunities.

Working on the society, this project will be able to include all of the potential users of the area, allowing them a feeling to be part of the community.

Imact of strategies on future practices of use:

Final Outcome and Pilot Projects

Piazza Lipparini and Central Park

This square, followed by the Central Park forms central part of the district, which has high potential to become a liveable square. From the existing flows,it is quite clear that only few stratas of demographics used the space. In order to make it vibrant, we introduce new commercial activities, leisure activities etc. The area around the Piazza Lipparini is pedestrianized totally, so it gives higher sense of freedom for the users to enjoy the space round the year. We improve the existing library to extend it to create outdoor sitting spaces and create pedestrian paths between these spaces. This is followed by creating a new pole of centrality for several recreational activities where the walkway of the Portico starts and moves till the end of the park in the west.

New structure in front of the University

In order to improve the relations and to emphasise the interactions between different users like students, inside and outside residents and workers with the area near University, Meraville Centre and Business Centre, we have proposed a common space for the people to interact. This area would cater an open structure and student residences, which adjoins the new tram way. The market area is of multi-use - as an local market during certain time of the week, as open meeting point during the lunch with few cafeterias, as an event space for the students or workers of the area, or as an cultural space for the different associations in the area to host their events.

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