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Necklace for the South
Cascina Cascinetta-Ronchetto delle Rane-Gratosoglio- Milan
Landscape and public spaces design
School of Architecture Urban Planning and construction Engineering
MSC in Urban Planning and Policy Design
Professor: Andreas Kipar
Teaching Assistants: Federico Lia
Team members:
Kousha Afarin, Martina Antonietti
Lorenzo Caresana, Luca Fantini, Inessa Mnatsakanyan, Asrin Sanguanwongwan, Juliette Sainlez
Current Situation Of The Area
It is a very complex neighborhood. The different areas into which it is divided present different characteristics of ‹attraction› and functional mix. Public spaces are not well defined, giving to the whole complex an indefinite identity.

Ronchetto delle Rane
Small village located to the side with respect to the main axes of mobility. It hasn’t ‹strong› attractors even though it still has evidence of the typical rural Milanese village which gives it a great cultural identity. It has small and varied activities and has several public spaces such as the park, the churchyard and the huge kitchen gardens.
Is a ducal village, one of the most significant architectural presences in the South Park. Many of the ancient buildings that compose it are in a state of decay. The addition of important metropolitan functions have cracked the identity of the village. There is no type of specific public space.
It is a small village made up of a few buildings including important historical testimonies that enhance its identity. However, all this is is disturbed by a messy area made up of companies and laboratories. Quintosole, far from the main axis of mobility, has some public spaces such as a park, some sports fields and the churchyard.

It is a village full of potential: the dissmission of the railway restores the relationship between the village and the prestigious abbey, the redevelopment of the Vettabbia canal, consolidates the cultural identity of Chiaravalle. Despite its small size and the poor accessibility, Chiaravalle has several activities and some spaces for the community such as the ARCI club and the shared garden.

Population data


Ronchetto delle Rane